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Name: Wahyu Saputra

Nim: 1600004029

Chapter I
The Effectiveness of E-Learning to improve reading skill for senior high school
A. Background
The change from the focus on teaching to be more focused on learning is a
manifestation of the progress of information and communication technology in the world of
education. The teaching trend that used to place teachers as the only active communicator
using information and communication technology in the teaching and learning process has now
undergone major changes; teachers (educators / instructors) and students (learners) have been
placed in a position that is equally active in using technology and media in the learning process.
ICT as an extraordinary media of information has become a positive progress for the
world of education. Sadiman and friends (2009: 7) concluded that media is everything that can
be used to channel messages from senders to recipients so that they can stimulate students'
thoughts, feelings, concerns and interests and attention in such a way that the learning process
occurs. The use of ICT in this case can certainly be directed to support the learning process of
students. Various advantages in the application of instructional technology such as; use E-
Learning can be assumed as one of the factors driving the development of the learning process
in non-formal educational institutions.
Several schools in Indonesia have implemented e-learning, around 2768 schools are one
example of a Santa Maria Yogyakarta school. Use of the E-learning has been used as one of the
interesting learning methodologies for its students. With such learning methods, students are
placed in a learning series where they actively seek and obtain extensive information and
learning materials in various media formats both text, images, videos, or films using the E-
Learning as media
Now, as acknowledged by former Minister of Education and Culture Anies Baswedan,
citing UNESCO data, the percentage of Indonesian reading interest is only 0.01 percent. From
the presentation it was understood that from 1,000 people only one was used to reading. Other
data states, based on a survey, Indonesia ranks 60th out of 61 countries. Indonesia is only a
higher level than Botswana, a poor country in Africa. Research in the field of literacy conducted
by Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, Conn., United States, places five
countries in the best positions, namely Finland, Norway, Iceland, Denmark and Sweden. (The
Jakarta Post, March 12, 2016).
From the survey above, it can be concluded that the reading rate of students is still low, with E-
Learning can increase students who like to read.
From using E-Learning students can access various kinds of information anywhere, from
various kinds of information students are motivated to learn to read. From E-Learning students
can get ideas and can react with interesting things.
B. Identification of problems
Based on the description in the background, the following problems can be identified:
1. The importance of the process of learning with E-Learning.
2. Increase students seeking information.
3. Motivate students to read.

C. Focus of research
Because of the complex background of the problem faced, while the ability and time of
the study are limited, it is necessary to give a limit so that the scope of the problems in this
study becomes clear. This research focuses on the lack of interest in reading to students and
increasing interest in learning to read through E-Learning.

D. Formulation of the problem

Based on the identification of the problem and limiting the problem above, the
formulation in the problem proposed in this study:
1. Can e-learning support learning processes?
2. How do students respond to e-learning?

E. Research purposes
The goals to be achieved in the study to find out:
1. E-Learning Ability in the teaching and learning process.
2. E-Learning increases the ability read.
Chapter II

A. Concept E-learning
Definition of e-learning
a. Basic perception of e-learning
The development of computer systems through networks is increasingly increase.
Internet is a public network. Its existence very necessary both as a medium of information and
communication done freely. One of the uses of the internet is on the distance learning system
through learning electronic or better known as E-Learning.
b. Understanding E-learning
E-learning is composed of two parts, namely 'e' which is stands for 'electronica' and
'learning' which means 'learning'. So e-learning means learning using services assistance with
electronic devices. So in its implementation, e-learning uses audio, video or computer devices
or a combination of the three In other words e-learning is learning in practice is supported by
services technology such as telephone, audio, videotape, satellite transmission or computer.
(Tafiardi, 2005) In line with that, Onno W. Purbo (in Amin, 2004) explains that the term "e" in e-
learning are all technologies used to support the business -teaching business through internet
electronic technology. Internet, satellite,audio / video tape, interactive tv, and CD-ROM are
some of electronic media used. Teaching may be delivered at the same time (synchronously) or
at the same time different (asynchronously).

B. Benefits of E-learning
E-learning facilitates interaction between students with material / subject matter.
Learners can share information or opinions regarding various matters relating lessons or
learners' personal development needs. Besides that, the teacher can place learning materials
and assignments that must be done by students in a certain place inside web to be accessed by
students. As needed, the teacher can also provide opportunities to students to access certain
learning materials and exam questions which can only be accessed by students once and inside
certain range of time (Website Kudos, 2002, in Siahaan).

C. E-Learning Function
There are at least 3 (three) electronic learning functions towards classroom learning
activities (classroom instruction), i.e.(in siahaan, 2002):
1. Supplements
It is said to function as a supplement, if students have the freedom to choose, whether
to use the material electronic learning or not. In this case, nothing obligation / necessity for
students to access material electronic learning. Even though it is optional, students those who
use it will certainly have additional knowledgeor insight.
2. Complement
It is said to function as a complement, if the e-material learning is programmed to
complement the learning material received by students in the classroom (Lewis, 2002). As a
complement means material e-learning is programmed to become enrichment material
(enrichment) or remedial for students in following conventional learning activities. as an
enrichment, if students can quickly master / understand student material delivered by the
teacher face to face given the opportunity to access e-material learning that is specifically
developed for them .The goal in order to further strengthen the level of mastery of students
the plaque material presented by the teacher in class.As a remedial, if students experience
difficulties in understanding the lesson material delivered by the teacher face to face in class.
The goal is to make students more and more
3. Substitution (substitute)
The purpose of e-learning is as a substitute for conventional classes is so that students
can flexibly manage activities lectures according to time and other daily activities. There is 3
alternative models of learning activities that can be followed learners:
1) Fully face to face (conventional),
2) Some face-to-face and some through the internet, or maybe
3) Fully through the internet

D. E-learning Learn Model

In implementing learning, there is a model for implementing e-learning that can be
used, namely:
a. Selective Model
This selective model is used if the number of computers in the school very limited (for
example there is only one computer unit). In the this model, the teacher must choose one tool
or media available which is felt right to deliver lesson material. If the teacher finds quality e-
LEARNING material from the internet, then the teacher is forced to only show material the
lesson is for students as demonstration material only. If there is more than one computer in the
school / class, then students must be given the opportunity to gain direct experience.
b. Sequential Model
This model is used if the number of computers is in school / class limited (for example,
only two or three computers). the students in small groups taking turns using a computer to
find the resources needed. Student use e-learning materials as ingredients or for looking for
new information.
c. Static Station Model
This model is used if the number of computers is in school / class limited, as in the
sequential model. In the this model, the teacher has several different learning resources to
achieve the same learning goals. E-learning material used by one or two groups of students to
reach predetermined learning goals. Another group of students use other learning resources to
achieve goals the same learning.
d. Laboratory Model
This model is used if a number of computers are available on schools / laboratories
equipped with internet networks, where students can use it more freely (one student one
computer). In this case, e-learning material can used as an independent learning material
Every e-learning model that can be used in learning above each has strength and weaknesses -
The choice depends on telecommunications infrastructure and equipment available at school.
Whatever the effort learning with this e-learning approach needs to be tried in order to
overcome the problems faced in the future.

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