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Who’s Who in the Odyssey

Gods and Goddesses [Roman names are given in brackets]

Apollo: Son of Zeus and Leto; favors the Trojans.
Ares [Mars]: Son of Zeus; favors the Trojans.
Athena [Minerva]: Daughter of Zeus; favors Greeks.
Hades Son of Kronos; ruler of the underworld of the dead.
Hephaestos [Vulcan]: Son of Zeus and Hera; favors the Greeks.
Hermes [Mercury]: Son of Zeus; favors the Trojans. Messenger of the gods.
Persephone [Proserpina]: Daughter of Demeter [Ceres] and queen of the underworld.
Poseidon [Neptune]: Son of Kronos; king of the sea; favors the Trojans.
Zeus [Jupiter, Jove]: Son of Kronos [Saturn]; king of the gods and ruler of the sky;
arbiter of human destiny. Favored the Greeks just a bit!!)
Lesser Divinities
Aeolos: Son of Hippotas; keeper of the winds.
Kalypso: Daughter of Atlas; island nymph on Ogygia.
Kirke: Daughter of the Sun; goddess of the wild; enchantress.
Eidothea: Daughter of Proteus, sea-nymph.
Proteus: Old man of the sea, one of the gods deposed by Zeus.

Family and Household of Odysseus Elpenor: Youngest sailor with Odysseus.

Eumaios: Son of Ctesius; keeper of Odysseus’ swine.
Eurykleia: Daughter of Ops; old nurse of Odysseus and Telemachus.
Eurylokhos: Husband of Odysseus’ sister; sailor with Odysseus.
Eurynome: Head maid and housekeeper.
Laertes: Son of Arceisius; aged father of Odysseus.
Medon: Herald.
Melantho: Daughter of Dolius; favored maid of Penelope.
Menlanthris: Son of Dolius; keeper of the goats.
Mentor: Friend and steward of Odysseus.
Odysseus [Ulysses]: Son of Laertes; king of Ithaca.
Phemios: Son of Terpes, minstrel in the house.
Philoetius: Keeper of the cattle.
Telemakhos: Son of Odysseus and Penelope.

Men of Ithaca and Suitors for the Hand of Penelope

Aegyptius: Aged lord in Ithaka.
Agelaus: Son of Damastor; suitor from Ithaka.
Amphimedon: Son of Menanus; suitor from Ithaka.
Amphinomus: Son of Nisus; suitor from Dulichium.
Antinoos: Son of Eupeithes; leader of the suitors.
Eupeithes: Lord in Ithaka.
Eurymakhos: Son of Polybus; suitor from Ithaka.
Halitherses: Son of Mastor; seer and prophet.
Irus: Town beggar.
Leiocritus: Son of Evenor; suitor from Ithaca.
Leiodes: Son of Oenops; soothsayer for the suitors.
Noemon: Son of Phromius; ship owner.
Piraeus: Son of Clytius; trusty friend of Telemachus.

Persons Met by Telemakhos on his trip to the Mainland

Helen: Daughter of Zeus and Leda; wife of Menelaos, brought back from Troy.
Menelaos: Son of Atreus; king of Sparta, returned from Troy.
Nestor: Son of Neleus; aged king of Pylos, returned from Troy.
Pisistratus: Son of Nestor.
Theoclymenus: Son of Polypheides; fugitive seer from Argos, received by Telemakhos.

Dwellers in the Land of Phaiakians

Alkinoos: Son of Nausithous; king of the Phaiakians in Scheria.
Arete: Daughter of Rhexenor; wife of Alcinous and queen of the Phaiacians.
Demodokos: Blind bard at Alcinous’ court.
Euryalus: Son of Naubolus; Phaeacian noble.
Laodamas: Eldest son of Alcinous and Arete.
Nausikaa: Youngest daughter of Alcinous and Arete.

Monsters and Other Inhuman Beings

Antiphates: King of the cannibal Laestrygonians. Kharybdis: A whirlpool which draws
vessels to their doom. Polyphemos: Son of Poseidon; giant Kykiops and ogre.
Skylla: Daughter of Crataiis; six-headed monster and man eater. Two Sirens: Fatal
beguilers of men with their singing.

Spirits of the Dead in the House of Hades

Akhilles: Son of Peleus; hero of the Iliad.
Agamemnon: Son of Atreus; king of the Greeks at Troy.
Ajax: Greater Ajax; son of Telamon, killed at Troy.
Antikleia: Daughter of Autolycus; wife of Laertes and mother of Odysseus.
Epicaste: Also called Jocasta; mother and wife of Oedipus, king of Thebes. New
Arrivals: Spirits of Elpenor and of the suitors.
Patroclos: Son of Menoetius; comrade of Achilles.
Shade of Heracles [Hercules]:
Son of Zues; heroic laborer for mankind.
Sisyphos: Spirit tormented in punishment.
Tantalos: Spirit tormented in punishment.
Teiresias: Blind prophet of Thebes.
Tityus: Spirit tormented in punishment.

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