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Li THUYET TIENG ANH - TOPIC - HO TU (GIA DiNH TU) - WORD FORMS A- MOT SO CACH THANH LAP LOAIT IE DANH TU: 1) Tién t5: super-/under-/sur-/sub-/over- + N-—> N supermarket siéu thi underachievement dat dudi mite surface bé mat superman siéu nhan subway tiudiénngam — overexpenditure chi tiu qua 16: 2 a) V + -ion/-tion/-ation/-ition/-sion —> N . . addition sy thém vio production san xudt conservation sy bao tn repetition sy lip lai permission sy cho phép pollution suo nhiém b) V + -ment/-ance/-ence/-age/-ing/- N employment vigc lim attendance su cO mat —_ difference su khdc nhau marriage sy két hon swimming vige boi l6i_—_ arrival sy dén ©) V + -er/-or/-ant/-ce/ —> N driver tai xé actor dign vign nam accountant ké todn employee ngudi lim thué interviewee ngudi durge phéng van applicant ngudi xin vige 4) N+ -ist/-an/-ian/-ess —> N physicist nha vat ly American ngudiMy librarian thi ther actress nit dign vién musician nhac st scientist nha khoa hoc ©) Adj + -y/-ity/-ness/-ism/-dom/ -ship —-> N difficulty. khé khan responsibility trich nhigm happiness st hanh phic capitalism chiinghia tu bin freedom sy ty do friendship tinh ban 3) THE + ADJ —> NOUN the poor, the blind, the deaf, the old, the sick, the the unemployed, the disabled, the dead, the young, IL BONG TU: 1) Tién ti a) dis-/mis-/re-/over-/under-/out-+V—>Vo disagree khong dingy misunderstand hiéunhim redo im lai overcook nau qué chin —_undersell ban ré hon outweigh nang hon b) en- + N/V/Adj —-> V. enable lam cho ci thé endanger gay nguyhiém enrich lam giau 2) Hau tb: ‘AdjiN + -ize/-en/-ate/-fy -—> V industrialize Céng nghi¢p hoa widen lim rong ra originate bat nguén. beautify Lim dep lighten. 1am nhe di modemize hign dai hoa WI. TINH TU: 1) Tién t6: un-/in-/im-/ir-/il-/dis- + Adj --> Adj unlucky kiéng may inexact khdng chinh xd impossible khdng thé irregular khéng c6 qui tic illogical khéng hgp ly dishonest khong trung thye 2) Hau té: a) N+ -ly/-like/-less/-ish/-y/-ful/-al/-ie/ —> Adj daily hing ngay childlike nhur con nit treeless khOng c6 edy selfish ich ky rainy ¢6 mura peaceful hoa binh -1- agricultural néng nghigp scientifie khoa hoc successful thanh céng b) VIN + -ive/-able/-ible —> Adj attractive hdp dan acceptable céthéchdpnhan defensible 6 thé bao vi catable c6 thé Jin duge e ning dng comprchensible c6 thé higu IV- TRANG TU? Phan lin: Adj + -ly —-> Adv Slowly mét cich chm chap carefully mét cich cin than safely mét cdch an tan B- MQT SO CAU TRUC NHAN DIEN LOAI TU THUONG GAP: 1 a/ an/ the/ this/ that. my/ her! his.../Mary’s + (adj) +N many/ some? a lot of... Ex: She is a beautiful girl. 2. Danh tir chi sy do lwong, tudi tae + (adj) Ex: This table is two meters long He's twenty years old. 3. V (MAKE, KEEP, FIND...) + 0 ADJ Ex: We should keep our room clean. 4, Linking verbs (be, become, feel, look, taste, sound, smell, seem, get, appear...) + ADJ Ex: It becomes hot today. h (something, someone, anything, anybody, everything, nobody...) + Ex: Do you have anything important to tell me? 6. ADV + ADJ Ex: Your story is very interesting. 7. Hinh thire hign tai phan tir (-ING): Dién ta nhan thire cba nguiti néi vé nguai/viée gi a6. Ex: That film is interesting. (B@ phim 6 hay.) (Nguai xem nhan thay b9 phim hay.) Hinh thite qua khir phan tir (-ED): Dién ta cam gide cia ngudsi noi do ngudi/viée gi dé dem lai. Ex: J am confused about the question. (T6i bj boi réi vé cdu hoi.) (Cau hoi lam ti bdi ri.) 8. Trang tir thé cdch b nghia cho d9ng tir Ex: She drives carefully LUU ¥: - Fast (nhanh), carly (s6m), late (tré), hard (cham chi) vira a tinh tir vira 1A trang tir. Ex: Jack is a very fast nner, Jack can mun very fast. = Phin bigt: late (tré) lately (gdn day) (= recently) hard (chim chi) hardly (hau nhw khéng) - M6t sé tinh tir tain cing LY: friendly (than thign), lovely (dé thwong), lively (sing d$ng), ... ~ Trang tir tin sudt ding truée dong tir thudng, sau BE, trg dong tir va modals Ex: She doesn’t often go with him, He can seldom find time for reading. Exercise: Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Your new dress makes you more. . (beauty) 2. You should do these exercises (quick) 3. The industrial will lead to the country's prosperity. (develop) 4. Some large cities have had measures to minimize air (pollute) s. 6. Iwill come to the party because I accept the . (invite) The of the Hollywood actor, Jimmy Halton, was announced last night. (die) -2- 7. This company offered a lot of jobs. (attract) 8. We often go to the theater at weekends for . (entertain) 9. He is a famous. (act) 10. You must . - the answer you choose. (dark) 11. We have a lot of . in Icarning English. (difficult) 12. I felt very . when I was a member of our school team. (excite) 13. He speaks English . (fluency) 14, We are very proud of our. . (friend) 15. He does exercise every moming, so he is very. (health) 16. Her parents’ sesosssssssssees Makes her very sad. (il) 17. News on TV is very (inform) 18. What is his ... (nation) 19. Everybody loves .. beauty. (nature) 20. It is cloudy and today. (rain) Multiple choice 1. He has been very interested in doing research on since he was at high school. a. biology b. biological c. biologist 4. biologically 2. You are old enough to take for what you have done. a. responsible b. responsibility _c. responsibly 4. irresponsible 3. Many Vietnamese people their lives for the revolutionary cause of the nation a. sacrifice ». sacrificed c. sacrificial 4. sacrificially 4. Theyhad a candielit dinner last night and she accepted his proposal of marria; a. romance ’. romantic c. romantically d. romanticize 5. She sentmea letter thanking me for my invitation, a. polite b. politely ¢. politeness 4. impoliteness 6. Asan , Mr, Pike is very worried about the increasing of juvenile delinquency. a. educate b. edueation ¢. educator 4. edueative 7. He was the only that was offered the job. a. apply b. application . applicant 4. applying 8. Many people have objected to the use of animals in experiments. a. science b. scientist c. scientific d. scientifically 9. is increasing, which results from economic crisis. a. Employment b. Unemployment. Employ 4. Unemployed 10. ! Thave heard of your success in the new project. a. Congratulate b. Congratulating ¢, Congratulation d, Congratulations 1. A/an species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct. a. dangerous , endanger c.endangered —d, endangerment 12, Almost half of turtles and tortoises are known to be threatened with a. extinet ». extinetion c. extinetive d.extinetly 13. Theyare going to the pool to 1.8 meter. a. deep b. depth c. deepen 4d. deeply 14, The referee had no hesitation in awarding the visiting team a : a. penalty . penalize c. penal 4. penalization 15. The referee's is the most important in any sport competition.

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