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International Journal of Behavioral Development © 2000 The International Society for the

2000, 24 (3), 257–266 Study of Behavioural Development 01650254.html

The impact of longitudinal studies on understanding

development from young adulthood to old age
K. Warner Schaie
Pennsylvania State University, USA

This essay considers progress in understanding adult development in the study of behaviour during
the 20th century. It describes the inuence of methodological advances including paradigmatic shifts
from cross-sectional to longitudinal studies, advances in measurement, the impact of conŽrmatory
factor analysis, and consideration of age as the dependent variable. A theoretical framework for
understanding adult cognitive development is presented. Different types of longitudinal studies, the
issue of structural invariance across age, sources of individual differences and the impact of cohort
differences are discussed. Finally projections are made for future research.

The purpose of this essay is to consider how our understanding The Žrst half of the 20th century
of adult development in the study of behaviour has progressed
over the course of the 20th century. When I agreed to The Želd of adult development and ageing developed quite
undertake this task I began to think on how my own views of slowly during the Žrst half of the 20th century. A comprehen-
adult development had developed over the past 50 years, and I sive overview of early gerontology can be found in Cowdry’s
therefore tried to identify those critical factors that contributed Problems of Aging (1939). This volume was quite light on
to my current understanding of the inuences that affect adult psychological content and even Birren’s monumental Hand-
development. It became clear to me very quickly that these book of Aging and the Individual published in 1959, still
conceptions had largely been shaped by being engaged conŽned psychological ageing to no more than about half of
throughout my career in the pursuit of a set of large-scale this single volume account.
longitudinal studies. These studies were designed to system- An early seminal inuence for the psychology of ageing was
atically identify the inuences that differentiate between the a quasi-autobiographical account of the last part of his life by
lucky individuals who age successfully (cf. Rowe & Kahn, one of the founders of American developmental psychology.
1987) and those who are exposed to a variety of hazards likely G. Stanley Hall (1922). But attention to the psychological
to lead to early decline and low levels of functioning in the Žnal development of adults was also fostered by the need of the
part of their lives (cf. Schaie, 1989, 1996b,c). This thinking led military during World War I to classify and assign large
me to organise the essay largely in terms of what we have numbers of young and middle-aged draftees to emerging
learned from longitudinal studies, primarily those of cognition speciality roles. This need led to an extension of the mental
and personality. testing movement begun by the work of Binet and Simon
Over the course of the 20th century many relevant lessons (1905) with children, to the construction of tests suitable for
learned from the social and biological sciences have required adults (Yerkes, 1921). The availability of assessment instru-
behavioural sciences to become less parochial and more ments such as the Army Alpha test led to an interest in age-
comfortable in considering the convergence of scientiŽc comparative studies (e.g., Jones & Conrad, 1933; Miles,
Žndings from adjacent disciplines. To commence this some- 1931). Emergence of the Želd of clinical psychology incurred
what personal account of the recent history of the develop- further development of tests speciŽcally tailored for work with
mental psychology of ageing I will therefore provide a adults (Wechsler, 1939) and continued the interest in studying
theoretical framework that represents my recognition (and all adult age differences. An active research programme on human
that I have learned from colleagues in interdisciplinary settings) ageing was begun under the direction of Nathan Shock at the
that behavioural change can only be understood (and predicted National Institutes of Health (USA) with psychological
for that matter) by examining behavioural change in the research being initiated by James Birren in 1947. About the
context of societal change (cf. Riley, Foner, & Riley, 1999). same time, the NufŽeld Unit for Research on Ageing was
The model also gives due recognition to lasting heritable established at the University of Cambridge (Welford, 1951).
inuences (cf. Schaie, Plomin, Willis, Gruber-Baldini, & Research on ageing also began during the 1950s at the
Dutta, 1992), as well as to the obvious age-related changes University of Bonn in Germany (Schmitz-Scherzer &Thomae,
in the efŽciency of the physiological infrastructure (Cristofalo, 1983). The Division on Adult Development and Aging of the
Tresini, Francis, & Volker, 1999). American Psychological Association was founded in 1945. But

Correspondence should be addressed to Dr K. Warner Schaie,

Pennsylvania State University, 105 Henderson South, University Park,
PA 16802, USA

formal recognition of ageing as a major research Želd probably 1963). Since studies of adult development require the test of
occurred only when the National Institute on Aging was hypotheses about directional changes, difference scores have
established in 1975. always played an important role. Fortunately, it was soon
Because I intend to limit my essay to the inuence of recognised that a major problem occurs in two-point studies,
longitudinal work on understanding adult development, I will leading to the advocation of multiple occasion studies
deal primarily with work that occurred in the second half of the (Nesselroade, Stigler, & Baltes, 1980; Rogosa, Brandt, &
20th century. More detailed accounts of the psychological Zimowsky, 1982; Willett, 1989) and of growth curve modelling
aspects of adult development during the Žrst half of the 20th (see later).
century can be found in Birren (1961), Birren and Birren A third paradigmatic shift was facilitated by the introduc-
(1990), Birren and Schroots (in press), Jones (1959), and tion of formal methods of conŽrmatory factor analysis and
Riegel (1977). structural equations modelling. Earlier methods of exploratory
factor analysis have always been utilised in studies of adult
development to determine latent constructs from observed
The inuence of methodological advances variables. But, even more important, has been the use of factor
analysis for the purpose of determining whether psychological
I would be remiss if I were not to call attention to the inuence constructs change across samples of different ages or within the
of methodological advances in shaping our understanding of same samples over time (cf. Reinert, 1970). Early approaches
adult development (cf. Schaie, 1988, 1992). These advances to the study of multiple groups can be found in the writings of
have resulted in several paradigmatic shifts that have markedly Thurstone (1947), Guttman (1952), and in work in the Cattell
changed the face of research on adult developments. The laboratory (e.g., Cattell & Cattell, 1955). However, it was not
advances I will discuss here include Žrst the shift from the until the advent of high speed computers that algorithms could
dominance of cross-sectional data collections to the recogni- be developed that were applicable to more than a minimal
tion of the importance of longitudinal designs. Second, there number of variables (Jöreskog, 1971; Sörbom & Jöreskog,
have been signiŽcant advances in the measurement of change, 1978). ConŽrmatory factor analysis makes it possible to assess
so essential to studies of development and ageing. Third, there systematically the invariance (stability) of the regression of the
has been a change from data-driven exploratory factor analysis latent constructs, which are of primary interest to science,
to hypothesis-testing conŽrmatory factor analysis that has been upon the observed variables. In studies of adult development,
particularly relevant to the study of developmental phenom- such invariance is a singular prerequisite for the comparison of
ena. Fourth, there has been a conceptual shift of treating age as individuals and groups over long periods of time, or the
the dependent rather than the independent variable, and Žnally comparison of groups of different individuals who differ in
there have been increasing efforts to study development by salient characteristics. ConŽrmatory factor analysis, for exam-
means of growth curves. ple, can be used to test hypotheses about the differentiation
The paradigmatic shift from cross-sectional studies of age and dedifferentiation of psychological domains across the adult
differences in the study of human development to longitudinal lifespan (Baltes & Lindenberger, 1997; Reinert, 1970; Schaie,
ones was extremely important. This shift, of course, included Maitland, Willis, & Intrieri, 1998).
the understanding of the fact that the elicitation of antecedent- A fourth important methodological development involved
consequent relationships in the study of development clearly the paradigmatic shift of considering chronological age as a
requires following the same individuals over time (Mason, dependent rather than an independent variable. First intro-
Mason, Winsborough, & Poole, 1973; Ryder, 1965; Schaie, duced conceptually by Wohlwill (1973), behavioural scientists
1965, 1977). This understanding was precipitated to some soon began to realise that the study of age or duration time as a
extent by the follow-up of members of longitudinal studies that dependent variable could be operationalised via methods of
began in early childhood or late adolescence when they reached survival or event-time analysis (Allison, 1984; Schaie, 1989;
early adulthood or middle age (e.g., The Berkeley Growth and Singer & Willett, 1991). This approach is important in both
Guidance studies, Barley & Oden, 1955; Eichorn, Clausen, cognitive and health psychology, because the prediction of
Haan, Honzik, & Mussen, 1981; or the Iowa State ROTC morbidity and mortality by means of earlier behavioural
follow-up studies, Owens, 1953, 1966). Failure to replicate the characteristics requires not only the deŽnition of end-points
decline in function from young adulthood into middle age but also the timing (respectively age) at which such end-points
inferred from cross-sectional data (e.g., Jones &Conrad, 1933) are most likely to occur (e.g., Bosworth, Schaie, Willis, &
necessitated coming to grips with the contrasting inferences to Siegler, 1999).
be drawn from cross-sectional and longitudinal data. As longitudinal studies have been conducted for longer
The second methodological advance that resulted in a periods of time with multiple measurements, it is now possible
major impact on the study of adult development actually to apply powerful methods of growth curve modelling (LGM)
occurred in the Želd of measurement; speciŽcally following that allow separating patterns of individual change over time
some heated debates and increasing sophistication in the from the group averages that had previously represented the
understanding of the measurement of change. This debate primary focus of inquiry. These methods also allow incorpor-
began early on with the recognition that measurement ating covariates and predictors of different forms of develop-
imperfections (i.e., deviations of observed scores from true ment. Multivariate growth curve methods were Žrst introduced
scores) were likely to cumulate in gain (or loss) scores by Tucker (1958). Again, intensive development required the
comparing multiple measurements of the same individuals advent of more powerful computational resources, leading to
(Thorndike, 1924). This issue was further developed by Lord modern methods of multilevel modelling (Bryk &Raudenbush,
(1956), and the debate became more heated in the 1960s when 1987; Rogosa & Willett, 1985; Rudinger & Rietz, in press;
many developmentalists despaired at being able to assess Willett & Sayer, 1994). LGM models are of particular interest
change adequately (cf. Cronbach & Furby, 1970; Harris, in the study of adult development, because differences in

genetic predisposition and environmental exposure may result inuences as well as early environmental inuences typically
in ageing patterns that differ markedly for subsets of the experienced within the home of the biological parents.
population as well as for groups of individuals with either very Although some of the behaviour genetic literature suggests
favourable or unfavourable life experiences. that much of the early environmental variance is nonshared
(e.g., Plomin & Daniels, 1987), there is recent retrospective
evidence that there may indeed be some early shared
environmental inuences on later cognitive performance
A theoretical framework for understanding adult (Schaie & Zuo, 2000). Both genetic and early environmental
cognitive development factors are thought to inuence midlife cognitive functioning.
The early environmental inuences will, of course, also exert
An understanding of development from early adulthood to old inuences in midlife social status (Nguyen, 2000). By contrast,
age must include embedding what we know about develop- virtually no correlations have been found between retrospective
ment within the context of changing environmental inuences accounts of family environment in the family of origin, and
and changes in individuals’ physiological infrastructure. Figure environment in the current family (Schaie & Willis, 1995).
1 displays a schematic of how these inuences might operate However, the current family environment does seem to
over the adult life course in the case of cognition. The inuence midlife cognitive performance. Genetic factors are
schematic contains two end-points: Žrst we are concerned with also likely to be implicated in the rate of cognitive decline in
the lifelong inuences that affect the level of late life cognitive adulthood. Thus far the best-studied gene in this context is the
functioning. But a secondary end-point is represented by the Apo-E gene, one of whose alleles is thought to be a risk factor
status of the cortex at life’s end that would describe the for Alzheimer’s disease. Apo-E status is therefore added as a
infrastructure relevant to the maintenance of cognitive factor; the expression of the gene is probably not at issue prior
functioning that can only be determined post-mortem. In this to midlife.
conceptual path model, rectangles are used to identify those We are now ready to specify the causal inuences that
individual indicators that are observed directly, whereas ovals determine level of cognitive function in late life as well as
are used to indicate the latent constructs which would be cortical status at autopsy. The direct inuences to be
inferred from measurement models for sets of observed implicated in addition to genes whose expression is turned
variables. on in late life, most likely originate in midlife. They include
The astute reader will immediately argue that the arrows in level of cognitive functioning in midlife, midlife lifestyles, and
Figure 1, other than those directed towards the end-points, the incidence and severity of chronic disease. But there are
that represent the interplay of the various causal inuences may indirect inuences attributable to the effects of midlife
be too simplistic. Indeed, we could have posited several cognitive function and lifestyles on chronic disease, as well as
reciprocal relationships. However, I have tried to keep the shared family inuences on midlife cognition and of social
model as simple as possible, because I intend to use it primarily status on midlife lifestyles.
for its heuristic value, rather than Žtting the model to speciŽc Although some of these paths represent concurrent ob-
sets of data. However, I would like to indicate that all of the servations that would allow alternative paths (respectively,
causal paths speciŽed in the model were suggested by empirical reciprocal causal paths), most of the paths speciŽed by the
investigations in my own laboratory or the work of other model represent antecedent-consequent relationships which
cognitive developmentalists. require longitudinal data for their estimation and under-
Let me now try to explicate some of the attributes of the standing. I will therefore now turn to what has been learned
heuristic model. The initial bases for adult cognitive function- about adult cognitive development through longitudinal
ing must, of course, be attributed to both heritable (genetic) studies.

Figure 1. A conceptual model for influences affecting late life psychological functioning in the sample case of cognition.

Longitudinal studies of adult development The Seattle Longitudinal Study

I soon became convinced that the cross-sectional versus
From the very beginning of empirical inquiry on development
longitudinal issue needed to be confronted directly by
beyond adolescence substantive concerns were limited primar-
following a structured cross-sectional sample over most of
ily to the areas of intellectual development and personality
the adult lifespan. I therefore designed a study that converted
traits. Investigators interested in the age-related aspects of
my original cross-sectional study into a series of short-term
learning and memory largely adopted the paradigms popular in
longitudinal studies of mental abilities each extending over a
early experimental child psychology and thus limited them-
simultaneous seven-year period (Schaie &Strother, 1968). My
selves to age-comparative studies of young and old adults. Only
replicated cross-sectional Žndings were quite similar to the
recently, have we seen an interest in this area in studies that
original Žndings, but the longitudinal data showed later ages of
would investigate the developmental mechanisms by use of
peak performance, maintenance of average functions on most
longitudinal paradigms (see Salthouse, 1999).
abilities until the sixties, and only modest decline through the
Cross-sectional studies predominated until the late 1930s
seventies. Further extensions of these studies (with some
and clouded our understanding of adult development due to
longitudinal data over as long as 42 years) over the past several
the confusion of age-related development with secular changes
decades, have consistently replicated these Žndings, with
expressed as cohort effects. For example, successive studies of
dramatic declines not experienced until the eighties are
adult age differences in intelligence reported asymptotic peak
reached (Schaie, 1983, 1996b; Schaie &Hertzog, 1986; Schaie
performance to occur at ever later ages. Thus, Terman (1916)
& Lavouvie-Vief, 1974). I will come back to other matters
in his standardisation of the Stanford–Binet thought that
learned from this study later on, but Žrst must dwell a bit on
intelligence peaked at age 16, and Yerkes’ (1921) estimate of
other longitudinal approaches to the study of ageing.
World War I soldiers was even lower at age 13. By 1939,
Wechsler’s standardisation sample peaked between 18 and 24
years, similar to the top ages found by Jones and Conrad Lifespan oriented studies
The early work on adult development was pretty much
oriented within the context of a lifespan development frame-
Types of longitudinal studies work (cf. Baltes, 1987, 1997), but the burgeoning Želd of
geropsychology soon divided into at least two rather different
The initial longitudinal studies that informed our under- orientations. Some of us remained committed to the notion
standing of adult development were of two types. First, there that an understanding of the ageing process required the
were studies that began with a focus on early childhood and careful charting of human development at least across the
child-rearing practices, but whose participants were followed entire adult lifespan, if not beginning our enquiries in child-
into adulthood. Aprime example of such a study is the follow- hood. This orientation, which I share, holds that what is of
up of the Berkeley Growth and Guidance studies (Bayley & primary interest is the understanding of the mechanisms that
Oden, 1955; Eichorn et al., 1981). A second group of studies contribute to the behavioural differences between youth and
traced participants who had been assessed as young adults as old age within a process that extends across the lifespan. Most
part of their college experience and were reassessed in midlife of the studies mentioned earlier illustrate this type of approach.
or later. One example of such studies is Owens (1953, 1966)
follow-up of persons in their Žfties who had Žrst been assessed
as ROTC members during World War I. Studies originating in late life
The second orientation, sometimes labelled the ‘‘clinker
method’’ (after the residue that remains when charcoal is
Contrast between cross-sectional and longitudinal produced), considers the characteristics of the elderly to be of
studies primary interest, and would investigate the ageing process only
The earlier cross-sectional studies (e.g., Jones & Conrad, from that period of life when a categorical transformation, such
1933) placed peak performance in intelligence and other as leaving the world of work, or family dissolution due to death
positive psychological attributes in late adolescence or early of a spouse has begun. Representative longitudinal studies of
young adulthood with linear decline occurring thereafter. By the second orientations therefore began at an advanced age.
contrast, the longitudinal follow-up studies suggested that Several of these types of studies began during the 1960s and
psychological growth continued generally into early midlife 1970s when the subjects were in their sixties.
and for some variables (notably the verbal abilities) at least into Perhaps the most prominent of studies begun in late life has
the Žfties. My own early work (Schaie, 1958) with cross- been the Duke Longitudinal Study (Palmore, Busse, Maddox,
sectional data on mental abilities and rigidity-exibility in Nowlin, &Siegler, 1985). But many others can be found in the
adults over the age range from the twenties to the sixties literature conducted in a variety of industrial societies (e.g.,
suggested that, although peak performance now occurred in Canada: Hultsch, Hertzog, Dixon, & Small, 1998; Germany:
the twenties and thirties, linear decline still prevailed there- Schmitz-Scherzer & Thomae, 1983; Rott, 1993; Israel:
after. I vividly remember a conversation with Harold Jones in Shanan, 1993; Sweden: Svensson, Dehlin, Hagberg, &
1959 or so, trying to understand the differences between the Samuelsson, 1993; United Kingdom: Rabbitt, 1993). Other
cross-sectional and longitudinal Žndings. His suggestion was more recent studies have focused on following those in very
that we were dealing with noncomparable samples and late life (e.g., Baltes & Mayer, 1999; Poon, Sweeney, Clayton,
different measurement variables as well as the attrition effects & Merriam, 1992).
in longitudinal studies. These were all points well taken, but I These studies generally Žnd smaller decrements than would
felt that there was something more fundamental at stake. be suggested by cross-sectional data, only small average decline

in the sixties, with increasingly steep decrements for each represented by psychological constructs, others must clearly be
successive age decade. There is also a strong suggestion that sought in the physiological infrastructure underlying effective
decline accelerates as a precursor of eventual death (Berg, behaviour, as well as the sociodemographic factors that will
1996; Bosworth et al., 1999). But most importantly, all of the either beneŽt or constrain individual development. The
studies call attention to vast individual differences in rate of development impact of all of these inuences can, of course,
change occurring for individuals of all levels of early only be assessed by means of longitudinal data.
psychological functioning and socioeconomic status. Thus, Not all individuals decline in lock-step. Although linear or
although the frequency of individuals who show some decline quadratic forms of decline may be detectable for large groups,
increases at a near logarithmic rate once the sixties are passed, individual decline appears to occur far more frequently in a
there are still rare individuals to be found even in their mid stair-step fashion. Individuals will have unfavourable experi-
eighties who function exceedingly well. What many of these ences, to which they respond with a modest decline in
studies also suggest is that there may be an individualised cognitive functioning, and then tend to stabilise for some
pattern of developmental trajectories (cf. Magnusson, 1998). time, perhaps repeating this pattern several times prior to their
For example, in the case of mental abilities, most individuals demise.
by the time they reach the sixties will have experienced a
signiŽcant drop in one of their abilities, but that ability will be
speciŽc to the individual (Schaie, 1989). Indeed, it is only from
Genetic inuences
the longitudinal study of adult development that it is possible Certainly, genetic endowment will account for a substantial
to enquire into possible mechanisms and/or causes of these vast portion of individual differences. For example, evidence of
individual differences in developmental progressions through heritability of adult intelligence has been provided from both
adulthood. twin studies (e.g., Finkel, Pedersen, McGue, & McClearn,
1995) and family studies (e.g., Schaie et al., 1992). Similarly,
genetic variance has been identiŽed for a variety of personality
Structural invariance of constructs across age traits as well as their stability in adulthood (e.g., Pedersen &
Reynolds, 1998). Nevertheless, in most populations sampled,
One of the bothersome problems in studies of adult develop- heritability explains on average at most 25% of cognitive
ment has been the ever-present question whether we are not abilities and less in the realm of personality. Hence, there are
comparing apples and oranges when we do age-comparative many other important sources of individual differences in
work. The experimental ageing literature is replete with studies psychological ageing that have been implicated.
that compare college studies with senior volunteers. Fashion-
able also have been the so-called Brinley plots, in which mean
performance of young adults and older persons across tasks of
Chronic disease
varying difŽculty have been charted in order to obtain ratios The onset of intellectual decline seems to be markedly affected
that deŽne the extent of the disadvantage of the older group by the presence or absence of several chronic diseases. Most
(e.g., Cerella, 1990). All this work is based on the assumption reliably identiŽed as such inuences thus far are cardiovascular
that the constructs studied (and technically the regression of disease, diabetes, neoplasms, and arthritis. All of these diseases
the constructs on the marker variables used to measure them) are risk factors for the occurrence of early cognitive decline, as
remain invariant across the different groups or, in longitudinal is a low level of overall health. Persons functioning at high
studies, within groups (cf. Meredith, 1993). cognitive levels are also more likely to seek earlier and more
The advent of conŽrmatory factor analysis has made a competent medical intervention in the disabling conditions of
formal test of structural invariance across age practicable, and late life, and they are more likely to comply more effectively
there have been a number of recent studies that have applied with preventive and ameliorative regimens that tend to stabilise
these methodologies to problems in adult development. The their psychological infrastructure. They are also less likely to
limited literature thus far available gives some reassurance, but engage in high risk lifestyles and to respond more readily to
also grounds for caution. Although good invariance has been professional advice that maximises their chances for survival
demonstrated across much of midlife, there are signiŽcant and reduction of morbidity (e.g., Bosworth & Schaie, 1999).
structural differences between young and old adults, as well as
between elderly men and women (e.g., Maitland, Intrieri,
Schaie, &Willis, 2000; Schaie et al., 1998). However, there are
Environmental circumstances
selected marker variables that seem to be remarkably stable Other candidates of circumstances that might account for
across the entire age range, which therefore deserve special individual differences in cognitive ageing, for example, have
attention. These marker variables include unspeeded measures been all those aspects of the environment that are likely to
of vocabulary (ETS Advanced Vocabulary), as well as selected enhance intellectual stimulation (cf. Schaie & O’Hanlon,
markers of inductive reasoning (PMA Letter Series), spatial 1990). Considerable evidence suggests that the onset of
orientation (STAMAT Object Rotations), and numeric ability intellectual decline is postponed for individuals who live in
(ETS Subtraction and Multiplication). favourable environmental circumstances, as would be the case
for those persons characterised by a high socioeconomic status.
These circumstances include above-average education, his-
Sources of individual differences tories of occupational pursuits that involve high complexity
and low routine, and the maintenance of intact families.
The differences in individual trajectories and patterns of Likewise, risk of cognitive decline is lower for persons with
decline invite investigations of potential causes of unfavourable substantial involvement in activities typically available in
or successful ageing. Although some of these inuences can be complex and intellectually stimulating environments. Such

activities include extensive reading, travel, attendance at lasting effects (cf., Willis &Nesselroade, 1990; Willis &Schaie,
cultural events, pursuit of continuing education activities, 1994).
and participation in clubs and professional associations
(Arbuckle, Gold, Andres, & Schwartzman, 1992; Gribbin,
Schaie, & Parham, 1980).
Intact families, our most important individual support The impact of generational differences
system, also reduce risk of cognitive decline. In addition, it
has been found that cognitive decline is less severe for those One of the major contributions made by developmentalists
married to a spouse with high cognitive status, with the lower- interested in adulthood has been the attention given to
functioning spouse at the beginning of a marriage tending to generational (or cohort) differences in psychological character-
increase his/her levels vis-à-vis the higher-functioning spouse istics, including shifts in the rate of developmental change
(Gruber-Baldini, Schaie, & Willis, 1995). across successive cohorts. What is at issue here is that we
cannot be certain that once we have explicated developmental
mechanism and life course trajectories that these will stay put.
Psychological characteristics As Riley (Riley et al., 1999) vividly portrays, changing societies
change the life course of individuals, who in turn during their
Cognitive styles. Associated also with differential intellectual
lives modify the formative nature of society. The cohort issue
ageing have been individual differences in the cognitive style of
has long been of central concern in sociology and demography.
rigidity-exibility. It can now be concluded that an individual’s
In developmental psychology, cohort was Žrst seen as a
self-report of a exible personality style at midlife, as well as
confound that created unwelcome discrepancies between
exible performance on objective measures of motor-cognitive
cross-sectional and longitudinal Žndings. Hence, initial con-
perseveration tasks, is predictive of a reduction in the risk of
cerns with attempts to control for what were perceived to be
cognitive decline. It seems that the availability of a more
‘‘experimental artefacts’’.
exible response style is useful when one must cope with the
Cohort variance in studies of infancy and childhood may
vicissitudes of advanced age.
indeed be no more than a minor disturbance unlikely to
overshadow or hide universal developmental laws. By contrast,
Perceptual and response speed. Ageing effects on many cogni-
cohort variance often assumes a substantively meaningful role
tive abilities tend to be confounded with the perceptual and
in the study of adult development. Individual differences in
response speed required to process the tasks used to measure
adulthood, prior to advanced old age, are largely moderated by
these abilities. Thus, individuals who remain at high levels of
environmental context (see earlier). We therefore need to
perceptual speed are also at an advantage with respect to the
understand how successive cohorts differ from one another
maintenance of such other abilities.
(Schaie, 1996a; Willis, 1989). Examples of major contexts that
differ dramatically for successive generations are level of
Life satisfaction. Finally, those individuals who rate them-
educational attainment, adoption of healthy lifestyles with
selves as being satisŽed with their accomplishments in midlife
respect to exercise and diet, and major advances in health care
or early old age seem to be at an advantage when assessed at a
that contribute to the extension of life and functionality. The
later age. Also, individuals who overestimate the rate of their
increase in societal support during early old age has resulted in
cognitive decline might well be engaging in self-fulŽlling
compensatory behaviours that optimise selective psychological
prophecies if they reduce their active participation in life to
functions (cf. Baltes & Carstensen, 1996). The increased
compensate for decline that is perceived by the individual but
functionality, however, also expands demands by society on
has not actually occurred.
the individual’s development.
An example of this interplay can be seen in the current
discussions on delaying eligibility for social security payments
Developmental interventions in the United States. It is argued that individuals both live
longer and remain functional to later ages than in the past.
Once we understand some of the factors that inuence Facing the developmental psychologist, is the question as to
individual differences in adult development, we are then what assumptions need to be made to buttress these conten-
challenged as scientists to attempt obtaining experimental tions. I would argue that two assumptions are required. First, it
control by means of targeted interventions. Although investi- is necessary to show that older individuals function at higher
gators in child development might be interested in accelerating levels today than in earlier eras, and second, evidence is needed
normal development of children’s competencies, adult devel- that the rate of declining competence has slowed for successive
opmentalists’ primary goal is to postpone functional decline or cohorts. Figure 2 shows some relevant data from the Seattle
compensate for cohort differences (see later). Longitudinal Study bearing on these questions.
An essential feature of the design of interventions with older What should be noted in Figure 2 is the pattern of increased
adults is the need to determine whether the individual has levels of performance on two important dimensions of
declined from a previously attained higher level or whether he/ cognitive competence (Inductive Reasoning and Spatial
she is simply functioning at a low level that represents that Ability) for successive cohorts over the age range from 60 to
person’s developmental asymptote. If longitudinal data are 74. This, of course, is the age span during which most
available, it becomes possible to determine not only whether an individuals could typically be expected to retire, and the data
intervention has resulted in improved levels of function, but support the assumption that performance over this age range
also to determine whether remediation or new learning has has indeed risen. On the other hand, there is little support for
occurred. And, again, only longitudinal studies can inform us the second assumption of changes in rates of ageing. The data
whether or not developmental interventions have had long- suggest that the rate of change from age 60 to age 74 has not

Figure 2. Changes in level and rate of ageing across five cohorts for the mental abilities of Inductive Reasoning and Spatial

changed markedly over what represents an almost 30-year Recent theorising on losses and gains in advanced old age
period of time. (cf. Baltes, 1997), suggests that we have been successful in
identifying and introducing behavioural and environmental
compensations for the increasing physiological frailness all of
Future implications us can expect as we age; these seem to work well in early old
age. We have been far less successful in dealing with the needs
The study of adult psychological development is increasingly of the very old, where the compensatory methods that may
informed by relevant neighbouring disciplines that investigate work well at retirement no longer sufŽce. Some would argue
the genetic basis, physiological infrastructure, and societal that the only solution here is to Žnd ways to enhance the
context of the developing individual. Hence, I would predict spiritual experience and psychological accommodation of the
that the study, over the life course, of single psychological very old to the reality of end-of-life losses. Nevertheless, my
variables that was common in the Žrst two-thirds of the 20th inveterate optimism would argue that even here other
century will be largely displaced by multivariate multidisci- possibilities for successful interventions may still lie ahead.
plinary efforts. Indeed, most of the more recent longitudinal Hence, studies of the very old, including investigation of
studies of adults already display these characteristics (e.g., behavioural and environmental prostheses, would seem to be
Baltes & Mayer, 1999). Cross-sectional investigations will part of the need for a strong applied psychology of adult
continue to have a role as exploratory pilot studies or as the development, one that will Žnd ways to enhance the quality of
Žrst stages of prospective longitudinal studies. Given the our existence towards the very end of human existence.
willingness of public agencies to invest in more comprehensive Manuscript received March 2000
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