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Project Task – 01:

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA): Working Life Case

Following is the schedule for issue and submission date.

Issue date: Tuesday, 21th September, 2010

Presentation: Tuesday, 05th October, 2010
Report Submission date: Sunday, 10th October, 2010

One of the most important tasks as a SOA designer can be to keep up with current events and
happenings in the field. You have an opportunity to study, investigate and learn current
happenings in this task and also to share your gained knowledge with your colleagues. This task
has three (3) parts:

1. Research a working life SOA case

2. Present the SOA case to the Class

3. Write a short report on your findings

The task is also a part of your main project and it gives you an opportunity to start a secondary
study for the project work.

1) Research a working life SOA case

There are a number of technology journals, websites and other academic literature in the field of
cutting-edge technology. Some are well respected reference books, e-journal sites, such as
published magazines ACM portal or Emerald Insight, while others are blogs and other less-
professional websites. Any combination of these sources is good for researching the topics and
events occurring throughout the IT industry and particularly on Service Oriented Architecture.
Your task is to find out a working life case where a company or organization has used SOA. You
can focus on the design principle, difficulties faced by the organization without SOA, how they
ended up implementing SOA, how they designed services for SOA, what were the technical and
non-technical difficulties encountered and also advantages and disadvantages in using SOA.

2) Present the SOA case to the class

Sharing information to your peers can be vital to your success with any organization and sharing
information is always good thing. Your team will prepare a presentation and share it with the whole
class. Your team will have 10 minutes each (recommendation of minimum 8 slides) to present the
SOA case. You can use PPT / PDF or any other visual aid to share your know-how.

3) Project Task Report

To conclude this project task, the group work should write up a small report covering the group’s
findings. The report can be 2 – 8(main content) pages long including title page, content page,
indexes. It must be well- written and well-cited. At the end of the report, there should be a section
listing what was the work share of each member in the group (i.e., what is your work and what is
your team members’ work?).

Issued by Antonius Camara & Paresh Rathod

Project Task – 01:

Information sources:
1) ACM Portal -
2) Emerald Insight -
3) Science Direct -
4) Laurea Nelli Information Portal
5) Library – Reference Books, journals, magazines, Laurea Nelli Information Portal, company
white papers
6) Any academic and well recognized literature

Please observe the guidance and rules regarding cheating and plagiarism. These notes are
highlighted on the study-unit’s evaluation criteria document presented earlier to the class
and available at the study-unit’s Optima workplace.

Issued by Antonius Camara & Paresh Rathod

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