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The Metatronic Keys:

Light Body Transition to Crystalline


Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light ! Masters,

there are certain lifetimes that are more highlighted within your vast sojourns, certain vectors
in space-time that offer succinct quantum leaps. Within these are crucial crossroads of
decision that define you. This is one of those lifetimes. Energy and time are moving fast, much
is happening on your Earth as you prepare for the continuing Crystalline Phases of the
Cosmic Trigger and the Crystalline Transition of Earth and Humanity. Indeed the heralded
Ascension draws yet closer.

And so we speak of a very important transition that is ushered into place thru the phases of
the heralded Cosmic Triggers that are taking place on each Equinox and Triple Date Portals
through the 12-12-12. These are truly tantamount events in the Crystalline Transition of the
planet, and indeed a benchmark for humanity.

Masters, the Mer-Ka-Bah of gender application and electro-magnetism is being up-shifted as

the world moves into the unified Crystalline Field. The electromagnetic grid is reduced in
function as the Earth transforms into Crystalline Energy through the mechanisms of the 144-
Crystalline Grid. The Crystalline Age is upon you, and indeed the Crystalline Light Body is
the natural transition.

We tell you that the Mer-Ka-Bah that has served as the Star Tetrahedron Vehicle to higher
dimension for the past 12,000 year cycle is now being transposed into greater capacity. Indeed
it is evolving into progressive expansive mode to the Crystalline MerKiVa System. As such the
gender -polarity Mer-Ka-Bah is incapable of truly optimally functioning above the 3rd
dimension, and the natural transition to Crystalline Mer-Ki-Va is required to function in
kindred alignment with the 144-Crystalline Grid, at the level of the 5th dimension.

Understand then that it is the energy of the Earth in the Ascension in parity with the 144-
Crystalline Grid that is enabling the crystalline energy expansion of the Earth into greater
dimensional reach. And take note Masters, the energy from 5d to 12d that is accessible to you
is only the beginning. For the aspect you term zero field is the aspect of crystalline dimension.
In this context it is frequencially non polar and non gendered.

It expands into energy dimensions that indeed exist within you, but have been
dormant,inaccessible to the masses of humanity, yet these crystalline dimensions are your true
impeccable origin, and you exist in higher form within them.

The transition into Mer-Ki-Vic Tri-System is geometric, and yet non polar in gender and
magnetic terms, and as such is an element of that termed the Metatronic Keys. And while this
may seem paradoxical to you, geometries shift as they move into higher dimensions, different
physics apply as dimensions rise above the gravitational-electric polarity of 3d. We tell you in
even higher realms there is formless geometry ! Does that confuse you? Even so, it is quite
true Dear Ones.

Crystalline Light Body

The three levels of Crystalline Light Body termed the Mer-Ki-Vic System are:

Level One : Mer-Ki-Va - 8 pointed star tetrahedron

Level Two: Mer-Ka-Va - 12 point stellated dodecahedron
Level Three: Mer-Ka-Na - 20 Point stellated icosahedron.
The emergence of the Crystalline MerKiVa System has been in waiting, and with the 9-9-9
Crystal Activation ushering in of the initial phase of the Crystalline Energy Transformation of
the Earth, many of you are awakening to your sacred unity potentials.

The Cosmic Trigger-Crystalline Phase

Phase ll of the Cosmic Trigger, occurred on the March Equinox of 2010, and staged another
important release of the crystalline transformation. Crystalline Activations will continue to
occur on each Equinox and the remaining Triple Date Portals through the 12-12-
12...December 12, 2012.

Masters, , your human mind in duality was designed to assist you to gather and
processinformation and to discern truth, but the wisdom that carries you into the higher
Crystalline Realm dwells beyond the reach of the electromagnetic dualities of gendered
frequency Mer-Ka-Bah.

Therefore please understand that the establishment of the new Crystalline Mer-Ki-Va,Mer-
Ka-Va and Mer-Ka-Na assist in expediting light body in a homogenous requisite to expand
into the Crystalline Energy of the Ascension. Indeed the higher realms of the celestial
dimensions made available thru the Ascension lie in Unified Divine Consciousness in
Crystalline Field.

As such, access to these Crystalline Dimension, your dimensions of 5 through 12, require
integral crystalline light. Accordingly the old model of the magnetic grid polarity-gendered
Mer-Ka-Bah is upshifting in order to carry the far greater frequency of crystalline coherent

The 8-Point (Star Tetrahedron) Crystalline MerKiVa stage is initially accessible on the
crystalline phase of the Cosmic Trigger, occurring on the March Equinox of 2010. In essence
the previous format of Mer-Ka-Bah is evolved thru intent and focus into the Crystalline
MerKiVa. It forms into a different format of the star tetrahedron that is non gendered/non-
polar and rotates uniformly in an anti clockwise spin. The 12 Point Crystalline MerKaVa
becomes fully available on the 10-10-10.

In 2011 the MerKaNa becomes available as the 20 point star, and in 2012, the Mer-Ka-Ra the
exalted 24 point star of Kristos Ascension is available. But understand, the majority of seekers
, through focus, can achieve Mer-Ka-Na, but the final stage of Mer-Ka-Ra is Kristos-Avatar
level, and it is achieved only byn the most advanced, far less often. It is the last step.

Now, the processes and mechanics of the Tri-Level Mer-Ka-Na system transformation will be
made available through the teachings of the 'Metatronic Keys', but may also be achieved
individually through focus and deep intent by meditation and understanding that the base
point of all Crystalline Light Bodies in the Mer-Ka-Na Tri-System is an intact, optiomnally
functional Auric Field maintaining the 13-20-33 circuitry.

Question to Metatron:
You have said the Mer-Ki-Va, Mer-Ka-Va and Mer-Ka-Na are not fully accessible until
certain 'grid alignment' dates occur. Can you expand on this? Does this mean we are unable to
develop these light bodies before hand?
AA Metatron:
Indeed, the timing for development into initial stages is appropriate and desirable in the
NOW. The Level One Mer-Ki-Va is the first stage for all, and while it was not 100%
functional until the Cosmic Trigger of 2010 (March 20, 2010) it was indeed available for initial
staging and installation before the 2010 VernalEquinox (March Equinox) , and this was so
from the 9-9-9. Just as your 144-Crystalline Grid does not achieve full power until the 12-12-
12, yet is still functioning, your Mer-Ki-Va did not achieve full power until March 20, 2010.,
and Mer-Ka-Va in October of 2010, the 10-10-10.

Question to Metatron:
What do you mean by 'full-power"?

AA Metatron:
Exactly that, 100% functionality. . The coded crystalline energies that were released in phase
ll of the Cosmic Trigger were required to dislodge, discharge and disseminate within the 144
Grid in order to fully synergize the planet and humanity into synergistic crysto-geometric
harmony in unique non polarity access. It is well to begin the installation of each phase well in
advance of its full potential.

Full powering of Level One occurred on March 20, 2010, full powering of Level Two became
available on the 10-10-10 and full powering of the Mer-Ka-Na, Level 3 on March 20, 2011. Yet
understand that full powering is still dependent on each person's 'Light-Quotient', and ability
to master, achieve and sustain the optimal 13-20-33 ratio of Auric Circuitry.

Each new matrix, each new geometry will occur in layers through dimensional openings that
will occur through the rapidly expanding portals of the Ascension. Each requires effort and
work to establish. The inertia of your planet is rapidly increasing as the 144-Crystalline Grid
nears total energy activation and completion.

As such there are very significant changes in the function, geometry and mechanism in the
upshift to Crystalline MerKiVa and the initial function of these will be given to you in this
assay. What each seeker must do is in aspect the intentional development and willful evolution
of the expansive human spirit in integration with the Crystalline Zero Point Field. It is in
essence a unification of physical duality into etheric coherence. It combines the frontal mind
into the crystalline nature of the super subconscious or God Mind in a purposed
bioengineered process of Impeccable Wholeness.

Merging the Male / Female into Sacred Oneness

The previous version of the (gendered-polarity) Mer-Ka-Bah had components of 'male' and
'female' energy fields within its two tetrahedrons that rotated in opposing motion. These were
appropriate to your level of consciousness to initially enter into this field.

The Crystalline nature of the Upshift then is in a more unified aspect within the genderless
zero field of non-magnetic polarity. This then is crystalline in nature becoming sacred

Dear Ones, most forms of life in duality on your planet have the polarity of gender, in one
form or another. As such gender is a form of creative expression within duality employed by
Spirit to enable polar duality experience. In this manner of gender polarity, life force in
duality seeks its compliment, and there is myriad purpose in this. And while gender does not
express spirit, spirit expresses through gender whilst in polarity. Spirit is the active force
employed by All That Is, but it is in Oneness in the higher realms above duality. And while
most forms of all life in duality are in one form or another of gender matrix, the crystalline
aspect of the Mineral Kingdom is not. Indeed that that is in perfect unity is Crystalline, and so
the Celestial Kingdoms are in Crystalline Oneness.

Neither the Ascended Masters, Celestial Beings nor the Angelic Realm truly encompasses
what would be in your linear-duality terms, actual gender. However, such celestial energies
powerfully influence your thoughts and emotions with attributes that in humanities linear-
field of polarity, is oft interpreted and identified as being of a specific gender.

Accordingly your human male-female/passive-aggressive textural forms affect your linear

perception, and a predisposed gender disposition is triggered in your view. This in why you
assign certain polarity-gender attributes to an otherwise androgynous being that are in the
higher realms of the Unified Crystalline Field of Divine Oneness. But in TRUTH, the
Archangels you perceive as having gender are in fact non gendered, neither male or female,
rather are they in the indivisible state of Sacred Unity, Divine Oneness. It is again, your
limited perception in linear duality that views Angelic Beings as male or female.

Now we will add the caveat, that many of what you humans perceive your 'guardian-angels'
are souls of family members and dear ones who have passed over. They work with youin
highest intent, in pure love and guardianship. Often these guardians do appear and speak to
you in a familiar gendered format. But while they are in a realm above your linear aspect,
they are not in the higher realms of the Crystalline Oneness. And though they appear to you
as an angel, grandmother, grandfather, brother or sister, in actuality they are in an integral
field of androgyny.

Crystalline Frequency Begins on the 5th Dimension

The Crystalline Mer-Ki-Va, Mer-Ka-Va and Mer-Ka-Na are above frequencial polarity
magnetics and as such beyond & without the limitations of gendered polarity. Mer-Ka-Na
System Light Body functions in the Sacred Crystal Field of Unified Oneness. The Crystalline
Light Body initiates from the level of the fifth dimension, and that aspect is quintessential to
comprehend. So understand that the gendered Mer-Ka-Bah does still function to the level of
the third dimension, and most of humanity will remain in this phase for the next few decades.
But those advanced souls that seek
to rise into full functionality into the Crystalline Dimensions of 5d through 12d, must do so in
Crystalline Light Body. There is a clear logic in this. It is indeed the 144 Crystalline Grid that
makes this possible and indeed defines the geometrics of the Crystalline Light Body. Consider
the 144-Crystalline Grid as 'Windows 2012', a new 'server' that offers many new options to
the user...but you need to be in like format ( Crystalline Matrix) to truly access this new
program , and that like-matrix is the Mer-Ka-Na you see. The Earth and Humanity are
moving beyond the magnetics and the magnetic grid is dimenishing as the 144-Crystalline
Grid stretches into great and greater amplification. In basic terms, the Crystalline Light body
allows you to carry the greater energy of the expanded dimensionality of New Earth. The
Ascension, at its core, is the Crystalline Transition.

In the ongoing dawn of the Crystalline Ascension, it is requisite that you fully comprehend
The ongoing crystalline integration will dissolve old belief structures and offer you new
possibilities, which in turn will accelerate your multidimensional consciousness beyond any
boundaries you may perceive today.

Merging with the Twin Flame

In order to move higher in the 3 Levels of MerKiVa, you must merge with your other half,
your 'twin flame'. This means if you are female, you must merge with your complimentary
male aspect, and if you are male, discover and merge into sacred harmonic balance with your
female aspect. In higher aspect, Dear Ones, you are neither and both. That statement may
seem a paradox, but it is not. Sexuality as you think of it in biological duality does not exist in
higher realms, but those emotional attributes that you assign a gender label to in duality, do
exist in higher realms, but such attributes as nurturing and strength are without gendered
labels in the quantum crystal resonance of the celestial dimensions.

This is why many advanced souls are drawn to the balance of the 'Divine Feminine' with the
"Divine Masculine", and both within, in order to achieve internal integral 'Soul-Arc' balance.
This is why many of you are in lifetimes in which the old paradigm of the once and forever
'Soul-Mate' no longer serves.

Edge-lines of sexual polarity are becoming blended in this process for many. Divine Solitude is
the path chosen for many master souls who seek to blend internally with the other half of self.
In zero field, Masters, you do not require a partner, rather a unification of the androgynous
self, well above polarity aspects of gender. This is your true and truer nature above polarity,
and within it you merge further on higher level yet, into the Divinity of what may be termed
Group Consciousness, flowing into the supreme All-That-Is.

Dear Ones, there are infinite probabilities, timelines, and paths that have created what you
term the Ascension, and enabled the present return to the Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na. Yes, we
said return. We tell you that the Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na is not new; indeed it is how you
arrived here.

Aeons ago, much longer ago than humanity realizes you came here to undertake a specific
path of evolution, by means of the 4th level of the Crystalline matrix or Mer-Ka-Ra. As you
took on dense duality, the crystalline matrix was replaced by electromagnetic polarity, and
coherent light became fractured and fragmented. The coming Ascension is returning mankind
to the gateway of crystalline coherent light. But the path has not been a direct one, because
your consciousness has needed a variety of experiences in order to expand, and these you have
garnered from all aspects of your multidimensional SELF.

Neither your present Earth nor Humankind were ready or able to move into Crystalline
Consciousness until now. Not only was your frequency not yet within the same band of
compatibility but it could also be said that you both had your hands full, so to speak.

Dear Ones, the Ascension for the Earth is pre- required for mankind's Ascension. And so
understand that the Earth will indeed Ascend before mankind, in order for mankind to
Ascend into Crystalline nature. And so the Ascension of 2012 is largely planetary. It is only the
beginning for humanity, the true Mass-Illumination of Humanity is as yet 2 to 3 centuries
away. Indeed many of you will chose to return in Mer-Ka-Ra for that event.

And we tell you this; the Ascension opens the portals of expanding your dimensional access.
But it will be another two centuries before the collective consciousness of Mankind and
frequency on your planet will be able to fully support, fully live the resonance and thus
project the complete light quotient required to sustain your full participation in the
multidimensional Earth and Omniverse in conscious awareness within simultaneous time.
And both now and until then, humanity will not ascend in mass, rather individually one heart,
one mind at a time. It has always been so, albeit great and greater will be the opportunities
and numbers.

The 11-11-11 Activates Crystalline Metamorphisis

The 999 ushered in the Crystalline Field that enables both the Earth and mankind to move
consciousness into the Unified Crystalline Field. The Cosmic Trigger and 10-10-10 further
advanced the cause of Crystalline Consciousness via Mer-Ka-Na, you see.

The 11-11-11 will code and reprogram the Crystalline Energies anchored within and on the
planet through the Crystal Vortex. It is a major transition, a metamorpisis. This completes on
the 12-12-12, as all of the Master Crystals are awakened.

The 11-11-11 and 12-12-12 are the final 2 activations of the pentagonal aspects representing
the final completions of the 144-Grid, the double-penta dodecahedron. And your light bodies
in Mer-Ka-Na are aligned to this process through light induction.

In your Divine Mer-Ki-Va, Mer-Ka-Va and Mer-Ka-Na you are indeed fully conscious across
the infinite dimensional corridors of the Cosmos and within these vast crystalline corridors
wisdom reveals itself and emerges as multi-dimensional layers of Truth when the soul achieves
sufficient quotient of Crystalline Light. Your Divine Self, your over-soul is not disturbed by
the infinite vastness of space, or by the fact that a universes can exist in the Cosmos vacuum
as easily as in an atom or molecule. Space like time is an illusion. Your mind does not
comprehend this within duality, but your 5th dimensional consciousness does as you begin
entry into the Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na.

As an example, consider the metamorphisis of the butterfly. The caterpillar wraps itself in a
silk cocoon and transforms into a liquid gel to morph into the splendid form of the butterfly.
That very cocoon is the polartity-gendered Mer-Ka-Bah that enabled its first stage of
evolutionary metamorphisis. But the butterfly, once emerged cannot return to it, indeed it has
risen above and its beautiful gossamer wings are its Mer-Ka-Na that allows it to ascend and
fly above the trees into sparking air, no longer confined to the ground. Dear Ones, you can
never return to energies of lesser awareness. You may for a time slip and fall, but the greater
awareness is retained and is the very divine impetus that urges you into requisite wings of
renewed flight and forward progression.

Mastering Tri-System Mer-Ka-Na Leads to Mer-Ka-Ra Completion

The Crystalline Transformation is requisite for all who seek to the ability to carry the
expanded light energy that is being showered upon the expanding energy of the Earth. Mer-
Ka-Na occurs in 3 primary stages and evolves into a final 4th formation that is called Mer-Ka-
Ra. Yet truly Mer-Ka-Ra is above the Tri-System and is the final Avatar level that each soul
will ultimately achieve when fully completing the Earth-Cycle. Thus few in humanity carry
this level, as it is the level of final completion. When it is achieved, you have graduated from
the University of Earth, you see, and you return home But understand it is achieved through
Mastery of Tri-System Mer-Ka-Na...and Mer-Ka-Na has at its basis, an optimally maintained
Auric Field in 13-20-33 circuitry.

The 8-Point Crystalline Mer-Ki-Va -Star Tetrahedron (anti-clockwise rotation)
- This stage quickly transforms into the true Mer-Ka-Va, the 12 point star, the stellated
The 12-Point Crystalline Mer-Ka-Va -Stellated Dodecahedron
(clockwise rotation)
The 20-Point Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na - Stellated Icosahedron
(dual inner rotation with double infinity flows)

Understand that Mer-Ka-Na is the ultimate goal in the Mer-Ka-Na system. The intricate
details and mechanics of this shift will be made available in Metatronic Keys teaching and
offered to all, for there are other attributes of rotation to be understood and installed.

There is indeed a fourth level, that called Mer-Ka-Ra, that is rarely present on the Earth, it is
the 24 Point Mer-Ka-Ra of Exalted Kristos Light, that of the Kristos Avatar. Those referred to
as 2nd stage 'Walks-In' have access to this geometric matrix. But in most cases the 4th Level is
not used on the Earth-Plane, rather it is the vehicle home.

Masters, many changes have occurred over the past few years on your Earth, but the changes
that will occur from 2009-2012 are logarithmic. Indeed the up shifts of 2010 alone are greater
than the sum of all transitions since 2001. 2011 and 2012 offer infinitely more.

The Cosmic Trigger of 2011

Each Equinox through 2012 now serves as the doorway to planetary transition.

In March of 2009, the initial phase of the Cosmic Trigger occurred in the release of coded
electro-magnetics across your planet. This was the most potent surge of energy on your planet
since the Golden Age of Atlantis. But this was only the beginning. The 999 brought the
activation of 5 of the 9 Atlantean Master Crystals and the 144 Grid launched into 75%

The March Equinox of 2010 was the release of extraordinary stored and coded crystalline
energies, to bring in the crystalline component of the Cosmic Trigger. And the 10-10-10
further activated the grid into 84% function. The 11-11-11 achieves 92% and the 12-12-12
achieves full function.

In March of 2011. The 12 Point Star is further empowered, and the Earth will literally pulse
on the day of the equinox with the Crystalline Flash.

Dear Ones, the energy of the Earth is vaulting into hyper phase, and you will not be able to
maintain this energy without the transmutation into the Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na System. The
'rebooting' into the Mer-Ka-Na System enables a much expanded field, with exponentially
greater capacity to hold Coherent-Crystalline Light. Without this your previous 'auric body'
will fissure into etheric short-circuit and throw you into imbalance.
This short-circuitry is in essence the shedding of the 'old-skin'. One which you have outgrown
and no longer serves you. So understand that your transition into MerKiVa is quite
important. You will not be able to hold the energy-light required to experience the Crystalline
Ascension without the new Crystalline Light body. The quickening and inbtensity of life itself
will be overwhelming to you without the transition into a more complex & capable format.

Orbs Are Metatronic Crystalline Codes

The quickening of the crystalline energy is evidenced by the appearance of what you term
'orbs'. Indeed these have created quite a stir in the 'New Age' of metaphysics. We tell you
these orbs are tangible evidence to those of you who see them and photograph them on your
digital technology cameras. Orbs are one very real aspect of the emerging crystalline field on
the earth. Those of you that choose to evolve into Crystalline MerKaNa will indeed begin
attracting and generating orbs as you achieve the Integrity of Sacred Oneness.

These are affirmation of increased and increasing ability to perceive energies of higher
dimension within the coherent light of the Divine Self.

You see, crystalline orbs are geometric emanations of Metatronic coherent light. They are
codes and communications that are the demonstrative underpinnings of revelations.
Revelations that reveal that the overlaying veils that have separated your from the
'Impeccable Gestalt' of Creator God are evaporating.

There are several types of orbs. Some are for humanity in mass, others for individuals. All
orbs are of Metatronic origin and carry a coded geometric imprint of unique purpose. The
ones that are charged masses of swirling energy, are (*among other utilities) etheric energy
telegrams. They are then the artists & authors of your true Crop Circles. Others are intended
for the individual as you grow into Mer-Ki-Vic, Mer-Ka-Vic and Mer-Ka-Nic Consciousness.
These orbs can and do manifest specifically to interact with you as you seek to shed the old
fragmented aspects of polarity and develop your coherent crystalline nature.

The geometrics and crystalline orbs helix in a pattern that assists you in reprocessing and
upshifting 12-strand DNA, 6-Strand RNA and the 3 sacred glands. You see crystallization is
also required for the pineal, pituitary and thymus. These also are super imposed with the
geometrics of the individual level of your Mer-Ki-Va, Mer-Ka-Na and Mer-Ka-Na and rotate
in sync within and without them in matter/antimatter flux. These activate a double wave of
the infinity pattern within.

As we have told you, the world remakes itself now . All is quickening, time is accelerating and
energies become more intense as the Ascension draws nigh. So as time reshapes itself it will
also reshape the experience of mankind, of visible and invisible forces of nature and that of
the face of the Earth itself.

The Crystal Frequency is that of impeaccability and it requires you each to take your power
and walk in intnegrity. become Impeccable. Align your actions to highest goals. Prioritize !
Examine your path..and plan your journey consciously. . You can no longer sit complacently
on the fence. Determine the missing pieces of your puzzle. Assemby is required!
This is indeed the Crystalline Transormation, and its time is here. Imperious is the transition
within and without of Crystalline Tri-Level Mer-Ka-Na. Indeed the goal of which is the
exalted Level Three Mer-Ka-Na. Without it the quickening energy cannot truly be optimized
or completely sustained. This is both a challenge and a gift, a gift that opens the veil and
allows infinitely more light into your integral consciousness.

Integrity is driven by the first cause of creative expansion and growth into fulfillment.

The acquisition of Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na is vastly facilitated by organized study, yet can be
achieved in solitude by the individual thru diligent intent, focused will and practice. Indeed
the Hermetic Masters did not attend the scholastic Universities to acquire access to Universal
Mind, but few have the opportunity in the caves of the Masters in today's rapid-paced world.

Indeed the Ascension is but a step before you. The Equinoxes, Solstices, Triple Date Stargates
and Eclipses are the most potent of events afore December 2012. These remaining dates are
exponential in their magnified energies, relative to comparative occurrences the years prior.
Well to gather and amplify the energies in group, where possible. Truly the sum is greater
than the parts.

The Metatronic Keys are the sacred science of crystalline consciousness, which indeed is the
fabric of Cosmic Mastery. It is imbedded and coded within each of you. Seek within and
without, seek and you will find, that is an indelible Law. Intent and action are the rule! And
Dear Ones, we say again, this information is within each of you that truly seek it.

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.

And so it is.


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pdf by ramsiel – blue ray – love-wisdom

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