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FE 340 FALl.

2009 LEC A2
Problem Set #1
Solutions will be posted on the web page.

1. The circuit shown represents the equivalent circuit of a certain type of amplifier, as we’ll see
later in the course.
(a) Using standard linear circuit analysis techniques, determine the voltage gain A=v,,/v
(h) The amplifier is used to drive a speaker, which can be represented by a resistive load R .
Replace the amp! ifer circuit by its Thevenin equivalent and use the simplified circuit to
write an expression for the voltage delivered to the speaker.

2. Problem 3.4 in S/S. parts (h), (i), and (j): Assuming ideal diodes and that v’,. is a sinusoid
with peak 10 V, sketch the output voltage and label the peak positive and negative values
for each case.
lkfl 1)
1k12 %%A, p


(i) (j)

3. Problem 3.19 in S/S: A diode for which the forward voltage drop is 0.7 V at 1.0 mA and for
which n=l is operated at 0.5 V forward voltage. What is the value of the current?
4. Problem 3.24 in S/S: A junction diode is operated in a circuit in which it is supplied with a
constant current I. What is the effect on the forward voltage of the diode if an identical diode
is connected in parallel? Assume nl.
5. Problem 3.26 in S/S: For the circuit shown below left, both diodes are identical and conduct
10 mA at 0.7 V and 100 mA at 0,8 V. Find the value of R for which the labeled 17=80 mV.


I) J) lID

6. Problem 3.33 in S/S: Use the iterative-analysis procedure (see example 3.4, p. 154 s/s and/or
example from class) to determine the diode current and voltage in the circuit of Fig. 3.10
(above). Assume VDD=l V, R=l kQ, and diode parameters Is=10’ A and n=1.
7. Problem 3.48 in S/S: For the circuits shown and using the constant voltage drop model (‘0.7
V’ model) for the diodes, find the values of the labeled I and V.
f5V S U

(cc) 5k1)
( lHkll

iJ 1),
1 13,

I)) ku


8. Review Example 3.8 from p. 169 of 5/S (see below). In part (c), they make the assumption
that connecting a load resistor that draws I mA will reduce the Zener current by 1 mA. Is
this exactly true? Using the Zener model parameters given, calculate the so-called load
regulation more exactly (i.e. analyze the circuit using the Zener diode equivalent circuit for
the case that the load is drawing 1 mA). State the percentage difference in your answer
versus theirs.

The 6.8—V ,ener ,lrcde n the citcuit cit Fig 3 25(a) a specified to base V, = 6.6 V at 1, 5 irA,
20)2. aud I,, = 2 mA The tappls cihage Vrc nominally 0 V hut can va by ±1 V
(h) Futr a ±1-V change in V’, the change in ,nrtt
tot voltage can he found frcrm
((0 a Vt t--,’

05 kit
= ± I a —--— ±38 5 tiiV
5011 a 20

Line regalairnrit 38.5 mV/V

tel When a lurad resistance R that drauvs a load curretit!, = I mA is curnnecied, the zener current
will drerease hy I mA. The cotrespondittg change in fetter vurltage can be found from

IF,, = 7

I = 20x—l = —2OmV
Thus the load regulation is

FIGURE 3.23 Ia) Circuit Ocr Es.imptc S hr The circuit c trh the utter diode reptoue,i a Oh its Load regulation o ..1l = —20 mV(mA
eqoiualent circuit rreidet
Id) When a load resistance of 2 klh is ecennected. the lurad current will be apprtrxutuiately
6.8 V/2 kId = 3.4 niA. Thus the chaitge in /enrr current will he hJ, —34 tirA, and ilte etrire.
(at Find V,, us tb no load and us oh C’ at its trontinal value.
spuruding change in eener voltage liruiput sirltage) will thus be
h) Fittd the change in Cc reso tine frottt the TI-V change in V’ Nate that IAV,,/lVy usually
expressed iii mVV. is krtirtitt as line regulation. .SVg rI!,
let Fiird the change iii C,, resulting front connecting a triad restsiance 6, that draws actirreut ! = = 21)n --34 = —68 ,ttV
1 mA. and hence find the load regulation rlVg/AI,l iii roV tttA
This calctilattttn. hctwever. is approximate, because ii rteglects the change in the current!. A more
dr Fittd the cltange itt C,, ,shett R = 2 012.
accurate esuntate of .5)’,, c,tt, he obtained by analyeittg the circuri to l’ig, 3.23(ht. The result of
let Fittd rIte caIne ref C, tuhen 6, II 5 812. such utu atialysis is ±V,, a --7)) tttV,
(ft Wltat is the nttittttttont value of 6, for sulttch tlte dtode still irper,ites tnt the hreakdi,rutt region? ret An R, cf 11.5 kId wutuld dean- a lirad citrrerii ,rf 68/115 = 13.6 ittA, This is nint pnrssihle, because
the entrent I supplied tltrooglr R is only 6.4 iotA tfcrr U” = II) Vt. Fherefcrre, the zetier trust he eat off.
So’ution If this is indeed the case. tlreu U,, is cleterntrtied by the virltage dir ider fctritted by 6, and!? (Fig. 3.23a).
First ,ve trust cleterrinirte the, ,iltrerrf the parcinteier 8,, cr1 rIte ferrer diircle ttrnrctcl Substituting
F,” (r,8 V. 1, 5 0,0. itt,) r 211)2 itt Eq. (3101 ields 8,,, 6 7 V. Figure 3 27th) shttws the V = V
circitit tu rib the /etter clitrile relrl.rced cc- rtlt its titodel, R+R

(a) OViilt icr Icrad cirutteciecl, the carretti through the getter ts grseri hr l1l—----- 5V
(1.5 + 05
C’ 1’.
I =1= Since ilus voltage is lower than tIne breakdown ctrliage urf the zenei. the dinide rs indeed no longer
operating in the hreakdcrsu-ni region.
0-- 6.7
6,38 isA If I Fur the zener to he at the edge urf the breakdown regurn. I, = :, 11.2 iotA utud I’, ‘ U,,
(1 5 ± (1.02
6.7 V. lit this pirtut the lurssesm (ssutrst-c,tse( crirreni supplied through 6 is 9 6.71/11.5 4.6 irA.
Thus, and thus the load catrent is 4.6—11.2 1,4 nttA. The eutrrespcuitding vutlrte ri 6, is
Cii = 0,, + I,i.
.5 kId
= 6.7 ‘- 6 35 a 11112 = 6.83 V

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