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Origin of Human Bipedalism:

The Knuckle-Walking Hypothesis Revisited
Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801
Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G3, Canada
Department of Anatomy, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine, Old Westbury, New York 11568

KEY WORDS human evolution; hominin origins; functional anatomy; locomotor behavior;
bipedalism; wrist

ABSTRACT Some of the most long-standing questions arboreal climbing. Future fossil discoveries, and a clear
in paleoanthropology concern how and why human bipe- understanding of anthropoid locomotor anatomy, are re-
dalism evolved. Over the last century, many hypotheses quired to ultimately test these hypotheses. If knuckle-
have been offered on the mode of locomotion from which walking was an important component of the behavioral
bipedalism originated. Candidate ancestral adaptations repertoire of the prebipedal human ancestor, then we can
include monkey-like arboreal or terrestrial quadrupedal- reject scenarios on the origin of bipedalism that rely on a
ism, gibbon- or orangutan-like (or other forms of) climbing strictly arboreal ancestor. Moreover, paleoenvironmental
and suspension, and knuckle-walking. This paper reviews data associated with the earliest hominins, and their close
the history of these hypotheses, outlines their predictions, relatives, contradict hypotheses that place the agents of
and assesses them in light of current phylogenetic, com-
selection for bipedality in open savanna habitats. Existing
parative anatomical, and fossil evidence. The functional
hypotheses must explain why bipedalism would evolve
significance of characteristics of the shoulder and arm,
elbow, wrist, and hand shared by African apes and hu- from an ancestor that was already partly terrestrial.
mans, including their fossil relatives, most strongly sup- Many food acquisition and carrying hypotheses remain
ports the knuckle-walking hypothesis, which reconstructs tenable in light of current evidence. Yrbk Phys Anthropol
the ancestor as being adapted to knuckle-walking and 44:70 –105, 2001. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


A Century of Models ................................................................................................................................................. 71

Major Hypotheses and Predictions .......................................................................................................................... 74
Arboreal quadruped ancestor ............................................................................................................................... 75
Terrestrial quadruped ancestor ............................................................................................................................ 75
Hylobatian ancestor .............................................................................................................................................. 76
Climbing (antipronograde) ancestor ..................................................................................................................... 76
Knuckle-walking ancestor ..................................................................................................................................... 76
Implications of Phylogeny ........................................................................................................................................ 77
Current Evidence ...................................................................................................................................................... 79
Arboreal quadruped ancestor ............................................................................................................................... 79
Terrestrial quadruped ancestor ............................................................................................................................ 80
Hylobatian ancestor .............................................................................................................................................. 81
Climbing (antipronograde) ancestor ..................................................................................................................... 81
Knuckle-walking ancestor ..................................................................................................................................... 83
Shoulder .............................................................................................................................................................. 83
Elbow .................................................................................................................................................................. 84
Radiocarpal joints .............................................................................................................................................. 84
Midcarpal joints ................................................................................................................................................. 88
Carpometacarpal joints ..................................................................................................................................... 93
Metacarpophalangeal joints .............................................................................................................................. 94
Middle phalanx and proximal interphalangeal joints ..................................................................................... 95
Summary and recent fossil evidence .................................................................................................................... 95
Implications for Scenarios on the Origin of Bipedalism ........................................................................................ 97


DOI 10.1002/ajpa.10019
Richmond et al.] ORIGIN OF BIPEDALISM 71
Reconstruction of the last common ancestor of Pan and Homo ........................................................................ 97
Paleoenvironments ................................................................................................................................................ 97
Scenarios that can be rejected .............................................................................................................................. 98
Tenable scenarios .................................................................................................................................................. 99
Areas of Future Research ....................................................................................................................................... 100
Conclusions .............................................................................................................................................................. 100
Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................................................... 101
Literature Cited ...................................................................................................................................................... 101

“From the abundance and diversity of the game it might have ing hypotheses in the context of current evidence,
appeared that every known species of bird and beast and reptile with comments on their implications for the origin of
had sought here a refuge wherein they might take their last stand
against the encroaching multitudes of men that had steadily bipedalism. We also discuss assumptions that un-
spread themselves over the surface of the earth, wresting the derlie the reconstruction of the last common ances-
hunting grounds from the lower orders, from the moment that the tor (LCA) of Pan and Homo, especially the use of
first ape shed his hair and ceased to walk upon his knuckles.” parsimony to predict features present in the Pan/
—Tarzan the Terrible, by Edgar Rice Burroughs. New York:
Grosset & Dunlap, 1921.
Homo LCA and the commonly held expectation that
at least some ancestral (i.e., primitive) traits will be
retained in descendents. Finally, we identify exam-
One of the oldest questions in paleoanthropology, ples of how the identification of “adaptations” (i.e.,
and one that continues to intrigue us within our products of natural selection) may be complicated, in
discipline and in the public, concerns how and why some cases, by the epigenetic responses of bone to
the earliest members of the human family began to biomechanical activity during ontogeny. These as-
walk on two legs. Most paleoanthropologists agree sumptions, and the ways that researchers have tried
that bipedalism is the key adaptation of the homi- to address the problem of what kind of creature gave
nin1 clade (Dart, 1925), but there is less agreement rise to the earliest bipeds, are best understood in
about the nature of the transition to bipedality. Nu- their historical context.
merous hypotheses have been offered regarding the
selective agents underlying the origin of bipedalism A CENTURY OF MODELS
(Rose, 1991, and references therein). Many of these Well over a century ago, Huxley (1863) concluded
hypotheses are dependent on the form of positional on the basis of comparative anatomy that African
behavior from which bipedalism evolved. Identifying apes are humans’ closest living relatives. This con-
this ancestral form of locomotion has, therefore, clusion was shared by some of his contemporaries,
been one of the central problems in the debate con- including Darwin (1871) and Haeckel (1874). These
cerning hominin origins. As recently as 1986, Day authors did not speak directly to the problem of the
(1986) stated that “we really have no clear idea of antecedents of the earliest members of the human
what form of locomotion, in what creature, preceded, lineage, but rather were understandably focused on
or was immediately pre-adaptive for, upright pos- the more fundamental argument that humans share
ture and bipedal gait.” Indeed, the debate will not be a close relationship with extant apes.
entirely settled without direct fossil evidence of both Keith (1903, 1923) was the first to offer an explicit
the earliest biped and its ancestor (and agreement hypothesis of the locomotor behaviors preceding bi-
on the taxonomic and phyletic positions of these pedalism. Like Huxley and others before him, he
fossils). However, evidence from phylogeny, the com- was impressed by the anatomical similarities be-
parative anatomy of extant anthropoids, and the tween humans and apes. Using an implicitly phylo-
morphology of the earliest known hominins cur- genetic framework, Keith (1923) argued that early
rently make some hypotheses more likely than oth- human bipedalism was preceded by a large-bodied
ers. Moreover, it is only with a detailed understand- orthograde “troglodytian” climbing mode of locomo-
ing of anthropoid locomotor anatomy that we will be tion (Fig. 1), which itself evolved from a hylobatid-
able to reliably interpret the relevant fossils once like brachiating ancestor. Keith was quickly joined
they are recovered. by ardent proponents, notably Gregory (1916, 1927)
In this paper, we briefly review the history of and Morton (1926). Gregory (1927, p. 3) found in
thought on the mode of positional behavior preced- human anatomy “a veritable museum of relics of a
ing bipedalism, compare relevant aspects of anthro- former arboreal condition.” Interestingly, Gregory
poid forelimb functional anatomy, and assess exist- (1927) noted that humans most closely resemble
chimpanzees and gorillas in many respects, but at
the time the terrestrial adaptations of the African
Grant sponsor: Henry Luce Foundation; Grant sponsor: University apes were not well-understood.
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Grant sponsor: Alexander von Hum- A contemporary advocate of an arboreal ancestry,
bolt Stiftung Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg; Grant sponsor:
Morton (1926) argued that bipedalism evolved from
a small-bodied, brachiating, hylobatid-like ancestor
Hominin is used here to indicate modern humans and taxa that are (Fig. 1). Although the model of Morton (1926) dif-
more closely related to modern humans to chimpanzees. fered in important ways from the large-bodied “tro-

Fig. 1. Hypotheses on the form of locomotion that preceded bipedalism include hylobatian and climbing (antipronograde) arboreal
models, as well as terrestrial models, including digitigrade and knuckle-walking hypotheses. Most researchers favor some rendition
of large-bodied climbing, or knuckle-walking models.

glodytian” models favored by Keith and Gregory, Gros Clark (1940) argued that, although humans
these authors did not debate over the differences and apes originated from a common ancestral stock,
(Tuttle, 1974), probably because their models were the ancestor had only an incipiently apelike skele-
broadly similar compared to contemporary compet- ton. It may have been his influence that led Keith
ing theories (see below). Schultz (1930) also advo- (1940), the architect of the “brachiationist” model, to
cated an arboreal ape model, but one that was not as abandon it in favor of a more generalized arboreal
derived as hylobatids or extant great apes. model (Tuttle, 1974).
The “brachiationist” hypothesis was opposed by Wood Jones (1916) championed one of the most
vociferous critics, including Boule (1912), Osborn extreme views in arguing for a very ancient split
(1927), Wood Jones (1916), and later Le Gros Clark between humans and other primates. So early in
(1940) and Straus (1949). Although they varied in primate evolution did humans diverge, Wood Jones
the details of their views, these authors all believed (1964, p. 223–224) argued, that “right from that
humans to be more distantly related to apes and, dawn period in which the Therapsida of the Triassic
thus, argued that humans and apes arose indepen- gave birth to the ancestors of the Mammals, the
dently from a more primitive primate. For example, fore-limb of the mammalian stock from which Man
in an open debate with Gregory (1927) over ape- sprang has been spared from the servile function of
human relationships, Osborn (1927) contended that merely supporting the body weight in quadrupedal
humans evolved from an early, albeit rather vaguely progression.” In the view of Wood Jones (1929), the
defined ancestor shared with apes. Similarly, Le ancient split of the human lineage resulted in bipe-
Richmond et al.] ORIGIN OF BIPEDALISM 73
dalism evolving from an arboreal and perhaps even sons. Adolf Schultz, one of the most accomplished
vertical clinging ancestor. The hypothesis of Wood and knowledgeable comparative primate anatomists
Jones (1929) is a stark example of the influence that of the 20th century, was extremely critical of the
phylogenetic hypotheses held over the debate about conclusion of Weinert (1932) and the reasoning be-
the origins of bipedalism. hind it. Schultz (1936) criticized the categorical de-
Straus (1949) more explicitly argued that humans scriptions by of Weinert (1932) of great ape and
originated from an above-branch monkey-like ances- human anatomy that failed to take into account
tor. This view stemmed in part from his belief that normal ranges of variation and patterns of growth
humans diverged early from an anthropoid stock. and development. For example, Schultz (1936) re-
Straus (1949) focused on similarities in hand anat- sponded to the assertion of of Weinert (1932) that
omy shared between humans and cercopithecoids, only African apes and humans have a fused os cen-
and the ways in which human hand anatomy is trale (see below) by pointing out that the os centrale
distinct from that of modern apes. is occasionally fused in Pongo and Hylobates, and
In the 1960s, phylogeny continued to played a occasionally unfused in Pan. Schultz (1936) pre-
critical role in these debates. With the advent of sented a compelling anatomical case for a great ape
molecular systematics (Goodman, 1963; Sarich and clade to the exclusion of humans. The comparative
Wilson, 1967), it became clear that humans share a anatomical study of Schultz (1936) may be one of the
close relationship with the African apes (vindicating reasons that the knuckle-walking hypothesis has
earlier anatomists such as Huxley, Keith, Gregory, not enjoyed as much support as other hypotheses
and others). Washburn (1967) was quick to incorpo- over the last few decades.
rate this phylogenetic information into the model of With the phylogenetic relationships of extant
hominin ancestry by proposing a knuckle-walking hominoids essentially resolved today, and with a
stage between large-bodied orthograde arboreality growing fossil record, the debate about the origins
and hominin bipedality (Fig. 1). Aside from phyloge- of bipedalism was influenced heavily, in the last
netic evidence, however, Washburn (1967) pre- decades of the 20th century, by studies in biome-
sented very few data to support a knuckle-walking chanics. Most researchers abandoned ideas of a
hypothesis. The only anatomical evidence offered by small-bodied hominin predecessor, including the
Washburn (1967) was the relative absence of hair on hylobatid-like brachiation hypothesis. It is impor-
the middle phalanges of humans and African apes. tant to note that the meaning of “brachiation”
However, Tuttle (1974) noted that, in humans, depi- changed during this debate. When referring to a
litation is more prevalent in the toes than in the “brachiating” ancestor, early workers generally
fingers, but this does not suggest that human ances- meant locomotion involving the hands placed in pos-
tors once practiced a form of “pedal knuckle-walk- tures above the body, or “hand-over-hand suspen-
ing.” sory locomotion” (Lewis, 1989, p. 86). Indeed, Tuttle
So why did Tuttle (1974), who identified knuckle- (1969a, p. 953) noted that of the extant great apes,
walking bone, muscle, and ligament specializations, “the chimpanzee is generally considered by brachia-
not advocate a knuckle-walking ancestor? Tuttle tionists the form that most closely resembles the
(1974) was not convinced by existing arguments that prototypic large-bodied ape near the base of hominid
modern human hands retained any evidence of a phylogeny,” but with the critical difference that no
knuckle-walking heritage. At the time, Tuttle (1975) terrestriality, including knuckle-walking, is in-
favored a phylogeny in which humans diverged prior cluded in the “brachiationist” model. Today, the
to an orangutan/African ape clade, thus making a term “brachiation” typically refers specifically to the
knuckle-walking ancestor of all great apes and hu- pendulum-like, sometimes ricochetal, arm-swinging
mans very unlikely. Furthermore, the best early locomotion practiced by extant hylobatids (Hunt et
hominin fossil hand evidence at the time, the bones al., 1996).
from several individuals collectively known as OH7, The focus has shifted instead to whether bipedal-
lacked any clear signs of knuckle-walking adapta- ism was preceded by exclusively or nearly exclu-
tions (Tuttle, 1969a). However, Tuttle (1969a) noted sively climbing and suspensory behaviors (Tuttle,
that the relevant metacarpal and radius morphology 1969a, 1974; Stern, 1975), including vertical climb-
was not preserved. The subsequent discovery that ing (Prost, 1980; Fleagle et al., 1981; Stern and
metacarpal heads of Australopithecus lacked knuckle- Susman, 1981; Ishida et al., 1985; Senut, 1988), in a
walking structures, while many aspects of the skel- large-bodied ape, or whether the ancestral condition
eton point to arboreal climbing adaptations, seemed included a significant terrestrial (Gebo, 1996; Sar-
to confirm this view (Tuttle, 1981). miento, 1998), possibly knuckle-walking component
Molecular systematists were not the first to sug- (Washburn, 1967; Corruccini, 1978; Shea and In-
gest an especially close relationship between chim- ouye, 1993; Begun, 1993a, 1994, in press; Richmond
panzees and humans. Weinert (1932) suggested that and Strait, 2000, 2001d). Arguments for suspensory/
humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor, climbing ancestors (Fig. 1) grew out of a better un-
with gorillas, orangutans, and gibbons more dis- derstanding of the biomechanics involved in these
tantly related. It appears that Weinert (1932) may locomotor strategies, and the striking biomechanical
have been correct, but perhaps for the wrong rea- similarities between climbing and bipedalism (e.g.,
Fleagle et al., 1981). In addition, these hypotheses knuckle-walking adaptations should persist in A.
are supported by the many apelike arboreal traits afarensis despite the fact that this species almost
present in early hominin fossils (e.g., Tuttle, 1981; certainly did not knuckle-walk.
Stern and Susman, 1983; Senut and Tardieu, 1985; “Retentions” do indeed occur on many biological
Hunt, 1998). levels (e.g., molecular, developmental, or structur-
Advocates of a terrestrial ancestor (Fig. 1), on the al). The fact that descendents resemble their ances-
other hand, cite numerous terrestrial traits shared tors is a basic consequence of the historical nature of
between hominins and African apes to the exclusion biological evolution (Williams, 1992). Adaptations
of Asian apes (Sarmiento, 1994, 1988; Gebo, 1992, can significantly alter ancestral morphologies, but
1996). A few researchers have suggested that palmi- natural selection can only act on “available” anatom-
grade terrestriality preceded bipedalism (Delmas, ical structures. Some adaptations may be retained
1972; Hotton et al., 1984). Others argue that traits because their usefulness in ancestral taxa may per-
specific to knuckle-walking are shared between Af- sist in descendent taxa (e.g., bipedalism in Homo
rican apes and extant humans (Corruccini, 1978; erectus and Homo sapiens). Some morphology may
Corruccini and McHenry, 2001; Begun, 1993a, 1994) be “retained” and exapted for new purposes. Other
or African apes and fossil hominins (Richmond and aspects of morphology may be retained for no appar-
Strait, 2000; Corruccini and McHenry, 2001), and ent reason (often referred to as phylogenetic “lag”).
therefore indicate that the common ancestor of Af- Modern humans retain morphology (such as a glob-
rican apes and humans was a knuckle-walker. At ular humeral head, laterally facing scapula, and
present, there are numerous hypotheses but no con- broad chest) from apelike ancestors. Although these
sensus regarding what mode of locomotion preceded features are associated with climbing and suspen-
hominin bipedalism. How can we test these various sion in anthropoids, modern humans do not employ
hypotheses? these characteristics in the functional roles for
Fossil evidence of this transition will be of the which these traits evolved.
utmost importance in ultimately identifying the lo- One of the questions that is typically not ad-
comotor mode preceding bipedalism. However, it is dressed concerns how much phylogenetic “lag” is
also critical that we sufficiently understand func- reasonable, or how long we should expect descen-
tional anatomy of anthropoid locomotion so that we
dent taxa to retain adaptations to ancestral locomo-
can reliably interpret the locomotor behavior of
tor behaviors that were abandoned in the descen-
these fossils. Below, we review the current evidence
dents. Most researchers would expect the earliest
that bears on the debate over this ancestral locomo-
bipeds to retain some aspects of the locomotor adap-
tor mode. The phylogeny of great apes and humans,
tations of their immediate nonbipedal ancestors.
in combination with the functional anatomy that
modern humans and fossil hominins share with ex- Some researchers are open to the possibility that
tant primates, allows us to reject some hypotheses, such retentions, although perhaps altered, may be
and address the merits and deficiencies of others. present in Australopithecus, or even modern hu-
mans, millions of years after the origins of bipedal-
MAJOR HYPOTHESES AND PREDICTIONS ism (Corruccini, 1978; Corruccini and McHenry,
Of the many hypotheses discussed over the last 2001; Tuttle, 1981; McHenry, 1984; Latimer, 1991;
century, a handful of them have been seriously con- Begun, 1993a; Shea and Inouye, 1993; Gebo, 1996;
sidered over the last couple of decades. The expec- Ward et al., 1999a; Richmond and Strait, 2000).
tations of each hypothesis will be briefly outlined These authors reason that, because natural selec-
below, and then considered in light of current evi- tion acts on existing morphology, traces of former
dence. Many anatomical features match predictions adaptations can persist in descendents. Thus, there
of more than one hypothesis, and not all modes of is no clear “time limit” on the retention of ancestral
positional behavior are mutually exclusive of one traits (e.g., pentadactyly). It should be noted that
another. However, each hypothesis has some unique this issue is not the same as the debate over the
predictions. functional significance of primitive retentions, such
The logical bases for the predictions of the various as whether or not the “arboreal” traits retained in
models are not often made explicit. Arguments over Australopithecus are indicative of arboreal locomo-
most models, including those outlined below, include tion (e.g., Stern and Susman, 1983; Tuttle, 1981;
the explicit or implicit assumption that hominins Latimer, 1991; Richmond, 1999). In other words, a
retain unmodified or little-modified skeletal locomo- key aspect about the debate over the origin of bipe-
tor adaptations of their prebipedal ancestors. For dalism is the persistence of primitive retentions, not
example, a number of authors have noted that the their biological role.
hypothesis of a knuckle-walking ancestor is weak- The major hypotheses on the forms of locomo-
ened by the absence of knuckle-walking features in tion preceding bipedalism, and their predictions,
the metacarpals of Australopithecus afarensis (also are outlined below. In each case, a particular mode
known as Praeanthropus afarensis; Strait et al., of locomotion is not viewed as being the only po-
1997; Groves, 1999) (see “Current Evidence,” below); sitional behavior practiced by the ancestor of
the underlying expectation is that metacarpal hominin bipeds; rather, it is viewed as being an
Richmond et al.] ORIGIN OF BIPEDALISM 75
important component of a locomotor repertoire and knuckle-walking. What distinguishes these
(Rose, 1991). from one another is different usage of the hands.
Digitigrade primates support their weight on their
Arboreal quadruped ancestor fingers and metacarpal heads, while palmigrade pri-
mates use the entire hand, including the digits and
The arboreal quadruped hypothesis posits that
palm (Hunt et al., 1996). Fist-walking involves
bipedalism evolved from an ancestor adapted to
weight support in the backs of the proximal phalan-
above-branch, pronograde (relatively level trunk)
ges, and knuckle-walking entails weight support on
quadrupedalism, much like that observed in most
the backs of the middle phalanges (see “Knuckle-
living anthropoids. During above-branch locomo-
walking ancestor,” below, for more details).
tion, the limbs are held under (ventral to) the prono-
Some recent advocates (Sarmiento, 1988, 1994;
grade body, and typically move in a parasagittal
Gebo, 1992, 1996) present arguments that humans
plane. The elbow and knee are generally flexed, ar-
evolved from an ancestor adapted to some form of
guably to bring the body mass closer to the support.
terrestrial quadrupedalism. These authors see evi-
The shoulder and hip undergo greater parasagittal
dence of terrestrial weight support in the skeleton of
excursions than observed during terrestrial locomo-
fossil hominins, and in the muscles, ligaments, and
tion in order to accommodate a compliant substrate
skeletons of extant African apes and humans. How-
(Schmitt, 1994). However, the shoulder and hip
ever, these researchers believe that the evidence
show relatively little mobility, especially in ab-
does not strongly support one mode of terrestrial
ducted postures, and aspects of their morphology
quadrupedalism over another (although Gebo (1992,
(e.g., large humeral tubercles that project superior
1996) leans towards a knuckle-walking ancestor
to the head) reflect this lack of mobility (Fleagle,
based on parsimony).
1998). The hands and feet typically have digit
The general form of the terrestrial quadruped hy-
lengths intermediate between those of terrestrial
pothesis predicts that hominins, especially early
monkeys and suspensory/climbing apes. Many of
taxa, exhibit adaptations to pronograde weight sup-
them also have long, divergent first digits to enable
port and stability in the hands and feet (and, to a
effective grasping of smaller substrates. Arboreal
lesser extent, other anatomical regions). Such adap-
quadrupeds generally range from small to medium
tations include carpal and tarsal morphology that
body size. Above-branch quadrupedalism is more
reduces the stresses of weight support by increasing
problematic for large-bodied primates because their
joint areas over which forces act, or orienting joint
size relative to the size of typical branches creates
surfaces to better resist proximodistally directed
difficulties in balance, and may exceed the strength
forces. The terrestrial quadruped hypothesis also
of the support (however, some primitive fossil homi-
predicts moderate to high phalangeal robusticity,
noids appear to have been pronograde arboreal
and moderate to low levels of phalangeal curvature.
quadrupeds, despite large size). The limbs of arbo-
Of the hypotheses on specific forms of terrestrial
real quadrupeds are subequal in length (the hind-
quadrupedalism, the knuckle-walking hypothesis
limb is typically a bit longer) and are not long rela-
has received the most attention and support, even
tive to body mass compared to other primates
from those (e.g., Gebo, 1996) who more cautiously
(Jungers, 1985).
argue for a “terrestrial quadrupedal” ancestor. The
The arboreal quadruped hypothesis therefore pre-
knuckle-walking hypothesis is considered sepa-
dicts that the ancestor of bipeds would have most of
rately below. Other terrestrial possibilities include
the characteristics outlined above. This hypothesis
digitigrade and palmigrade terrestriality (Delmas,
would be supported if the earliest bipeds retain some
1972; Hotton et al., 1984; Sarmiento, 1988). These
of these characteristics as well, such as small-me-
forms of locomotion are very similar to arboreal
dium body mass, short limbs relative to body size,
pronogrady in that the limbs move in parasagittal
intermediate finger and toe lengths combined with
planes about a long, narrow, and deep trunk, and
relatively long first digits, a narrow rib cage with an
the hip, shoulder, and wrist joints are designed for
anteriorly facing scapula, characteristics of the
stability and permit relatively restricted ranges of
shoulder and wrist associated with stability (vs. mo-
movement, especially in abduction (ulnar deviation
bility), and an elbow reflecting past adaptations for
is restricted in the wrist). However, digitigrade ter-
flexed postures. Forelimb traits would be more likely
restrial quadrupeds differ from their arboreal cous-
to be retained in a transition to bipedalism involving
ins in having longer limbs, with elongation espe-
considerable hindlimb modifications.
cially pronounced in the distal long bones. However,
Terrestrial quadruped ancestor the limbs undergo smaller excursions during stride
(Schmitt, 1994). The long bone shafts have distinc-
The terrestrial quadruped hypothesis encom- tive shapes, such as pronounced anterior humeral
passes several more specific hypotheses. In its gen- curvature (Pilbeam et al., 1990), and the forelimb
eral form, this hypothesis simply argues that bipe- joints have many adaptations for stability, often at
dalism evolved from an ancestor adapted to some the expense of mobility. The metacarpals and meta-
form of terrestrial quadrupedal locomotion. The lat- tarsals are elongated, but the fingers and toes are
ter includes digitigrady, palmigrady, fist-walking, short and straight. There is little mechanical restric-
tion on body mass, but few terrestrial quadrupeds Climbing (antipronograde) ancestor
are small.
Predictions of a terrestrial palmigrade or digiti- The climbing hypothesis argues that bipedalism
grade hypothesis, then, include an ancestor that has evolved from an ancestor that was primarily
many of the traits outlined above. The hypothesis adapted for arboreal locomotion that involves con-
would be supported if the earliest bipeds displayed siderable fore- and hindlimb mobility, suspensory
some of these characteristic traits, such as anteri- postures, and use of multiple supports and, often,
orly convex humeri, elbow joints designed for stabil- vertical supports. The climbing hypothesis explicitly
ity, especially against forces acting medially on the argues that there was no significant terrestrial com-
hands (Schmitt, 1994), and wrist and pedal adapta- ponent, including knuckle-walking, to the locomotor
tions to terrestrial weight support (Sarmiento, 1994, repertoire of the ancestor of the earliest hominin
1998, 2000; Gebo, 1996). Sarmiento (1988) leaves bipeds (Napier, 1964; Tuttle, 1975; Stern, 1975;
open the possibility that the African ape and human Prost, 1980; Hunt, 1996). In this hypothesis, arbo-
LCA could have been (or recently evolved from) a real locomotion is contrasted against forms of ter-
digitigrade, palmigrade, or fist-walking quadruped restrial quadrupedalism, and the more stereotypical
that had an otherwise great-apelike skeleton. A fist- limb movements of pronograde above-branch qua-
walking hypothesis would be very difficult to test, as drupedalism that are commonly practiced by many
there are no known adaptations to this behavior, monkeys. Thus, the term “antipronograde” was
although it is practiced regularly only by extant coined (Stern, 1975) in an attempt to better describe
orangutans, probably as a means of terrestrial the body posture, often ⬎45° from horizontal, used
travel with very long, curved fingers. In any digiti- by great apes (especially the orangutan) while mov-
grade or palmigrade hypothesis, the most critical ing in trees. The less cumbersome term “climbing”
support would be short, straight fingers and toes, will be used here to indicate these kinds of vertical
and adaptations for metacarpophalangeal hyperex- climbing and orthograde clambering behaviors, de-
tension, in the ancestor of the first bipeds and its scribed in more detail in Hunt et al. (1996).
early descendents. During vertical climbing and suspension, all four
limbs are used to grasp supports. Many of the major
Hylobatian ancestor joints, including the hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, and
The hylobatian model is not quite what its name wrist, are highly mobile to permit a wide range of
implies, because the model posits that the ancestor cheiridial and limb positions (Stern, 1975; Hunt,
of the first bipeds practiced very little brachiation 1991). Therefore, the climbing hypothesis is sup-
(arm-swinging), the most common locomotor behav- ported if the earliest bipeds its ancestor, and, to a
ior of modern hylobatids (Fleagle, 1976). Although lesser extent, modern humans retain characteristics
Morton (1926) first advocated a hylobatian model, associated with climbing behaviors, including high
the main architect of its current formulation is intermembral and brachial proportions, elongated
Tuttle (1974, 1975, 1981). In his hylobatian model and curved fingers and toes, and traits associated
(Tuttle, 1974, 1975, 1981), the ancestor of bipeds with mobility in the wrist, shoulder, and hindlimb
was a small-bodied (9 –13.5 kg) climber and arboreal joints. It also predicts a relatively large body mass
biped with the following characteristics: relatively (in the range of great apes), and features indicating
long, extensible hindlimbs like those of lesser apes; any form of terrestrial quadrupedalism will be ab-
intermediate lumbar spine length (not reduced like sent.
those of great apes) that enabled lateral flexion of
Knuckle-walking ancestor
the back; a relatively low center of gravity; broad,
coronally oriented iliac blades; broad thorax with The knuckle-walking hypothesis argues that
laterally facing scapulae; mobile shoulder and wrist knuckle-walking was a significant component of the
joints; long forelimbs, but not as long as those of locomotor repertoire of the ancestor of the first bi-
extant hylobatids; long, curved fingers; and well- peds. The hypothesis predicts that the Pan/Homo
developed thumbs and first toes. Arboreal bipedal- LCA possessed adaptations to knuckle-walking. The
ism, in the form of bipedal postures during foraging retention of some vestiges of former knuckle-walking
and bouts of bipedal travel, is viewed as a transition adaptations in hominins, especially in the earliest bi-
from which terrestrial bipedalism evolved. The abil- peds, would provide support for this hypothesis.
ity to laterally flex the lower spine and low center of Anatomical adaptations for knuckle-walking are
gravity are viewed as important features that en- concentrated in the forelimb because of its unique
abled early terrestrial bipeds to walk with more locomotor role. During knuckle-walking, African
extended hip and knee joints (relative to their hypo- apes bear their weight on the backs of their middle
thetical arboreal ancestors). phalanges (middle segments of their fingers), which
The hylobatian model is, in many ways, like the involves strongly flexed proximal interphalangeal
climbing model (see below). The hylobatian model is joints, and extended metacarpophalangeal joints
distinct in predicting a relatively small body mass (Tuttle, 1967). Cineradiographic experiments (Jen-
and long hindlimbs, a longer lumbar region, and an kins and Fleagle, 1975) and preliminary data from
emphasis on arboreal bipedalism. ongoing kinematic experiments show that the wrist
Richmond et al.] ORIGIN OF BIPEDALISM 77
maintains a slightly extended posture throughout
the late support phase of knuckle-walking. The el-
bow also generally remains extended (Tuttle and
Basmajian, 1974). Therefore, the knuckle-walking
hypothesis would be supported by the presence in
humans, and especially in the Pan/Homo LCA and
its early bipedal descendents, of features related to
stereotypical compressive weight-bearing, and sta-
bility in extended elbow, wrist, and metacarpopha-
langeal postures. It also predicts an ancestor with a
body mass similar to that of extant African apes,
limb proportions that are not as specialized as those
of Asian apes, an apelike trunk (broad thorax with a
laterally facing scapula), and manual digits inter-
mediate in length between those of Asian apes and
digitigrade cercopithecoids.
It is important to note that proponents of the
knuckle-walking hypothesis do not argue that
knuckle-walking was the only locomotor behavior
practiced by this ancestor. Knuckle-walking is seen
by many as a compromise adaptation that allows an
arboreal ape to travel terrestrially while retaining
features advantageous for climbing (Tuttle, 1974).
The knuckle-walking hypothesis predicts that the
locomotor behavior of the ancestor of the first bipeds
would be best characterized as a repertoire consist-
ing of terrestrial knuckle-walking, arboreal climb-
ing, and occasional suspensory activities. Thus, the
possession of climbing traits in the LCA, and the
retention of climbing features in early hominins,
would be fully consistent with the knuckle-walking
Phylogeny has played, and continues to play, an Fig. 2. Among African apes and humans, chimpanzees are
important role in reconstructions of the evolutionary either most closely related to (A) humans, to (C) gorillas, or (B)
equally to both. Most studies, particularly those based on molec-
history of human locomotion. The relations between ular data, favor a Pan/Homo clade (A) or a trichotomy (B).
humans and our closest relatives allow us to define
possible scenarios about the origins of knuckle-walk-
ing and bipedalism, and to determine whether some 2001). From a molecular perspective, the strongest
scenarios are more likely than others. Most re- opposing arguments to the Pan/Homo clade have
searchers today consider one of three phylogenetic been those favoring a trichotomy (Fig. 2B), in which
hypotheses to correctly describe relations among Af- the bifurcations are too close to resolve with any
rican apes and humans. Humans and chimps are certainty (Marks, 1995; Rogers and Commuzzie,
either most closely related to one another (Fig. 2A), 1995; Green and Djian, 1995). This alternative holds
or chimps, humans, and gorillas all derive from a essentially the same predictions as a Pan/Homo
trichotomous branching event at the base of the clade for the origins of bipedalism and knuckle-
African ape and human clade (Fig. 2B), or else chim- walking. Therefore, for the purposes of this paper,
panzees and gorillas form a clade with humans as the Pan/Homo clade (Fig. 2A) will be treated as the
the sister taxon (Fig. 2C). Although morphological working hypothesis.
studies (e.g., Martin, 1985, 1986; Andrews and Mar- The significance of phylogeny to the debate over
tin, 1987) have traditionally favored an African ape the origin of bipedalism is based on the use of par-
clade (Fig. 2C), the majority of molecular analyses simony to reconstruct the pattern of character evo-
(Ruvolo, 1994, 1995; Begun, 1999; Satta et al., 2000), lution implied by each phylogenetic hypothesis. Al-
and more comprehensive morphological analyses though parsimony is most often used to reconstruct
(Groves, 1986; Begun, 1992, 1994; Shoshani et al., phylogeny, it can be used to reconstruct character-
1996; Gibbs et al., 2000), favor a chimpanzee-human istics present in the internal nodes of any given
clade (Fig. 2A). Fossil hominoid anatomy is consis- cladogram (Maddison and Maddison, 1992; Lock-
tent with this hypothesis (Begun, 1992; White et al., wood and Fleagle, 1999). The implications of phylog-
1994; Richmond and Strait, 2000; Wood and Rich- eny for reconstructing the ancestral mode of locomo-
mond, 2000; Senut et al., 2001; Haile-Selassie, tion depend, in this case, upon whether knuckle-

Fig. 3. Character evolution of knuckle-walking and bipedalism in the African ape and human (AAH) phylogeny most widely
regarded as correct. A: If locomotor behavior is treated as a character, then the most parsimonious solution is one in which
knuckle-walking as a behavior (bold) evolved once at the base of the AAH clade, and bipedalism as a behavior (hatched) evolved from
a knuckle-walking ancestor. B–D: Anatomical traits related to knuckle-walking (bold) and bipedalism (hatched) are shown. If any
knuckle-walking anatomical traits (bold) are retained in members of the hominin clade, then the most parsimonious scenario (B)
involves two steps. In this scenario (B), knuckle-walking traits evolved at the base of the AAH clade from an unknown mode of
locomotion (simple line), and bipedal traits (hatched line) evolved at the base of the hominin clade. If no knuckle-walking traits are
retained in members of the hominin clade, then two alternatives (C and D) are equally parsimonious, each involving three steps. In
scenario C, knuckle-walking traits evolved 1) once in the gorilla lineage and 2) independently in the chimpanzee lineage, and 3) bipedal
traits evolved in the hominin clade. In scenario D, 1) knuckle-walking traits evolved at the base of the AAH clade, 2) bipedalism evolved
in hominins, and 3) knuckle-walking traits were lost (open bar). Therefore, a key question is whether or not knuckle-walking
characteristics are present in hominins. Note that the most likely alternative phylogeny, that of an unresolved trichotomy, holds
essentially the same predictions for character evolution as is the case for a Pan/Homo clade.

walking is treated at the level of behavior, or at the the same evolutionary step. This may be a reason-
level of anatomical character states. For example, if able assumption, given that both are modes of ter-
one treats locomotor behavior itself as a character restrial locomotion. Although extant knuckle-walk-
(Fig. 3A), in which knuckle-walking and bipedalism ers can and do use bipedal postures and, on occasion,
are character states, then it is most parsimonious move bipedally (Doran, 1993; Hunt, 1994), they are
for knuckle-walking to have evolved once at the base not committed to bipedality to the extent that they
of the African ape and human clade. This relies on have anatomical adaptations specific to this behav-
the important assumption that adaptations to these ior. A hominin with bipedal specializations would be
two behaviors are mutually exclusive, i.e., that loss poorly suited for significant levels of knuckle-walk-
of knuckle-walking and gain of bipedalism represent ing as a means of terrestrial travel. Therefore, the
Richmond et al.] ORIGIN OF BIPEDALISM 79
taxon at a particular node might reasonably be con- African apes and humans, as well as the LCA of
sidered as adapted to one or the other. chimps and humans (Fig. 3B). Such a result would
However, cladistic analyses in human evolution represent strong evidence that humans evolved from
are based on anatomical characteristics (Fig. 3B–D). knuckle-walking ancestors. Obviously, less parsimo-
The implications of phylogeny with respect to the nious interpretations are possible, but they require
origin of bipedalism depend critically on the distri- considerable qualifications. For example, if knuckle-
bution of knuckle-walking features across taxa. Any walking features are present in chimps, gorillas, and
feature that is shared by chimpanzees, gorillas, and at least some members of the human lineage, then a
humans is inferred to have been present in the last hypothesis in which hominins are not descended
common ancestor of all three taxa (e.g., Gebo, 1996). from knuckle-walkers would require that knuckle-
Thus, if members of the hominin clade retain any walking features evolved once in gorillas, again in
knuckle-walking characteristics (Fig. 3B), parsi- chimpanzees, and yet a third time in a nonknuckle-
mony strongly favors a scenario in which bipedalism walking ape that was evolving or had evolved fea-
evolved from a knuckle-walking ancestor. tures related to bipedalism. The latter scenario
On the other hand, if humans or early hominins would be extremely unlikely.
lack knuckle-walking features altogether, then Some researchers, however, remain skeptical that
there are two equally parsimonious interpretations knuckle-walking features are present in humans or
of the evolution of knuckle-walking and bipedalism fossil hominins (e.g., Stern and Susman, 1983; Ward
in a phylogeny with the Pan/Homo clade (Fig. 3B,C). et al., 1999a; Dainton, 2001; Lovejoy et al., 2001;
Both scenarios involve three steps. In one scenario Senut, 2001; Tuttle, 2001). Most of the disagreement
(Fig. 3C), knuckle-walking traits (e.g., dorsal ridge stems from a lack of consensus over what character-
on metacarpal head) evolved independently in the 1) istics are knuckle-walking adaptations. Therefore, it
chimpanzee and 2) gorilla lineages, and 3) hominins is critical that we fully understand how knuckle-
evolve bipedal traits from a nonknuckle-walking an- walking works, and the osteological and other ana-
cestor. In the alternative scenario (Fig. 3D), 1) tomical adaptations to this form of locomotion. In
knuckle-walking features (e.g., dorsal ridge on “Knuckle-walking ancestor,” below, we consider an-
metacarpal head) evolve once in the LCA of African atomical features hypothesized to be related to
apes and humans, 2) bipedal features evolve in the knuckle-walking, and discuss the extent to which
human lineage, and 3) knuckle-walking features these anatomical regions in humans and fossil homi-
(e.g., dorsal ridge on metacarpal head) are lost at nins are consistent with a knuckle-walking heritage.
some point in the human lineage. In this alternative Just as parsimony can reconstruct the pattern by
scenario, hominins evolved from a knuckle-walking which knuckle-walking features evolved, so too can
ancestor. One might argue that the loss of knuckle- it be applied to any aspect of ape locomotor anatomy.
walking anatomical traits is linked with the evolu- In this way, it might be possible to infer whether the
tion of bipedalism. However, it is not likely that LCA of chimpanzees and humans possessed ana-
many knuckle-walking features (largely in the fore- tomical features related to arboreal quadrupedal-
limb) are linked to bipedal features (largely in the ism, terrestrial palmigrady or digitigrady, climbing,
hindlimb) in a manner that requires one to be lost or suspension. The fossil and comparative anatomi-
for the other to be gained. Therefore, the loss of cal evidence for these locomotor modes is examined
knuckle-walking features must be considered as a below.
step separate from the evolution of bipedal fea-
A key question, therefore, is whether knuckle- Five major hypotheses are evaluated below in the
walking features are present in hominins. Some re- context of current evidence from comparative pri-
searchers have claimed that features functionally mate anatomy, biomechanics, and fossil hominin
related to knuckle walking are present in modern anatomy. The functional anatomy of fossil hominins
humans (Marzke, 1971; Corruccini, 1978; Begun, is important to this debate, because most research-
1993b, 1994, in press) and some fossil hominins ers expect that the earliest hominins retain some
(Richmond and Strait, 2000, 2001c,d; Corruccini and evidence of recent ancestral adaptations (see “Major
McHenry, 2001). If true, then according to parsi- Hypotheses,” above).
mony, those features would be present in the LCA of
Arboreal quadruped ancestor
2 The arboreal quadruped hypothesis was best ar-
Knuckle-walking features that have been noted as absent in Aus-
tralopithecus (e.g., dorsal ridge on metacarpal head), and thus might ticulated by Straus (1949), but does not enjoy wide
be considered “lost” in this scenario, are not suitable characters for support today. Much of its support came from com-
cladistic analyses for a variety of reasons. Metacarpal head knuckle- parative functional anatomy in the context of a phy-
walking features are often not present in African apes (Susman and logenetic hypothesis in which humans and apes di-
Creel, 1979; Shea and Inouye, 1993; Inouye, 1994b), and their expres-
sion may be influenced by body mass and epigenetic factors during
verged very early from each other, out of a
growth (Inouye, 1994b; Richmond and Strait, 2000; Lovejoy et al., generalized anthropoid stock. The strongest evi-
2001). dence of Straus (1949) came from the anatomical
similarities in the hands of modern humans and atelines contact the substrate with their heels, but
arboreal quadrupeds (e.g., macaques). They both lack the purported “heel-strike” adaptations (Mel-
have finger lengths that are short compared with drum, 1993; Schmitt and Larson, 1995). Gebo (1992,
those of apes, combined with relatively long thumbs. 1996) argued that heel-strike should be considered
Moreover, Straus (1949) saw what he considered to different from heel contact, and believes that the
be possible evidence in early human ontogeny of the “heel-strike” of orangutans is functionally different
expression of ancestral locomotion in the form of (e.g., employing more inverted foot postures) from
palmigrade crawling. He noted that African apes that observed in African apes and humans. The
cannot fully extend their fingers and wrists. How- functional significance and morphology of heel-
ever, like human infants, young African apes must strike in anthropoids deserve more attention, but if
learn how to walk like adults. Infant chimpanzees the pedal morphology of African apes and humans is
walk on palmigrade hands before learning to knuck- homologous and related to heel-strike, then these
le-walk in their first years of postnatal life (Doran, features provide support for a terrestrial phase in
1997). the LCA of African apes and humans. Other terres-
Probably the strongest evidence for an arboreal trial features shared by African apes and hominins
pronograde ancestor is the fact that most fossil include a flat talar body, short talar neck, an origin
hominoids were adapted for some form of arboreal of the flexor digitorum brevis from a well-developed
quadrupedalism, although often combined with evi- plantar aponeurosis, a well-developed transverse
dence of climbing behaviors in a repertoire not quite head of adductor hallucis, and shorter, less curved
like that of any living primate (Rose, 1983). Jenkins phalanges and metatarsals (Sarmiento, 1994; Gebo,
and Fleagle (1975) noted that many of the quadru- 1996).
pedal weight-support adaptations in African ape Many of the forelimb features (including those of
wrist structure (see “Knuckle-walking ancestor,” be- the elbow, and some of those of the wrist and meta-
low) could be primitive retentions from a pronograde carpals; see “Knuckle-walking ancestor,” below) re-
ancestor rather than secondarily derived from a lated to pronograde weight support are also consis-
more antipronograde ancestor. Few would disagree tent with other forms of terrestriality, including
with the notion that arboreal pronograde locomotion palmigrade and digitigrade terrestriality. Semidig-
was the predominant mode of locomotion in some itigrade adaptations have been described in the fos-
(earlier hominoid or anthropoid) part of human an- sil hominoid Equatorius (Kenyapithecus) from
cestry (Rose, 1993). Maboko Island (McCrossin and Benefit, 1997). Al-
The morphology of early hominins offers little sup- though it has also been suggested that this hominoid
port for the hypothesis that bipedalism evolved from possesses knuckle-walking adaptations (McCrossin
an ancestor adapted to arboreal (pronograde) qua- et al., 1998), the evidence from the metacarpal head
drupedalism. Early hominin body mass is fairly and fragmentary distal radius so far presented is
large compared to the expectations of the hypothe- distinct from that in African apes. It would be un-
sis. Upper limb length is also long relative to expec- likely that the knuckle-walking morphology ob-
tations. Modern human and fossil hominin hand served in African apes could have evolved from an
proportions are somewhat consistent with this hy- otherwise quite cercopithecoid-like semiterrestrial
pothesis, but many other anatomical characteristics skeleton (McCrossin and Benefit, 1997). It is far
are not, including the mobile shoulder joint, broad more likely that knuckle-walking evolved from an
thorax, deeply set vertebral column, aspects of the arboreal ancestor as a solution for terrestrial travel
elbow, and many aspects of the wrist, such as the while maintaining functional competence in climb-
reduced ulnar styloid (Sarmiento, 1988). ing (Tuttle, 1975). Equatorius (Kenyapithecus) ap-
Terrestrial quadruped ancestor pears to be too distantly related to African apes, and
its skeleton is too primitive, to make a very good
Gebo (1992, 1996) and Sarmiento (1988, 1994) model for the LCA of African apes and humans
most recently argued that African apes (especially (McCrossin and Benefit, 1997; Begun et al., 1997;
gorillas), humans, and fossil hominins share homol- Ward et al., 1999b; but see McCrossin et al., 1998).
ogous pedal features indicative of a common terres- Hypotheses of a digitigrade or palmigrade terres-
trial ancestor. These terrestrial features do not dis- trial ancestor gain little support from the functional
criminate, however, between the various forms of anatomy of fossil hominins. Metacarpal proportions
terrestrial locomotion. These terrestrial traits in- do not match the expectations of the hypothesis (e.g.,
clude potential adaptations to heel-strike planti- hominin metacarpals are short relative to predic-
grady present in extant African apes and humans, tions). Early fossil hominin finger proportions and
such as a laterally rotated calcaneus, dorsally ele- thumb length are compatible with a recent digiti-
vated distal calcaneus with a broad proximal heel, grade or palmigrade ancestor, but early hominin
elevated navicular position with a large plantar lig- manual and pedal phalanges display a level of cur-
amentous region, and a reorientation of subtalar vature suggesting that these hominins, and their
and transverse tarsal joints (Gebo, 1992, 1996). recent ancestors, used their hands and feet in arbo-
However, orangutans also exhibits a “heel-strike” at real settings (Tuttle, 1981; Susman et al., 1984). The
the end of swing phase, and hylobatids and some early hominin trunk is broad and shallow, with an
Richmond et al.] ORIGIN OF BIPEDALISM 81
anteriorly placed vertebral column, and the shoul- sources of evidence: climbing/suspensory features
der joint faces laterally and displays considerable retained in modern humans and shared with great
mobility (e.g., globular humeral head projecting apes, a variety of biomechanical similarities be-
superiorly above the tubercles), all features that tween human bipedalism and vertical climbing in
contrast with the morphology and mechanical expec- great apes, and numerous climbing features re-
tations of modern digitigrade and palmigrade quad- tained in early hominin fossils.
rupeds. There is little doubt that many aspects of modern
human skeletal form, particularly in the trunk and
Hylobatian ancestor upper limb, are products of an climbing arboreal
heritage. For example, humans share with great
One of the strengths of the hylobatian hypothesis
apes a vertebral column that is ventrally situated to
is the straightforward mechanism for a transition to
move it closer to the center of gravity in upright
bipedality. In the rendition by Tuttle (1974, 1975,
postures (Schultz, 1961). The broad, shallow shape
1981), arboreal bipedal postures and locomotion
of the rib cage positions the scapula on the back of
were important components of the hylobatian ances-
the rib cage so that the shoulder faces laterally,
tor’s positional repertoire, and therefore already had
thereby allowing greater mobility of the shoulder
some adaptations for bipedality, thus making for an
(Schultz, 1961). Humans also share with great apes
easy transition to terrestrial bipedality.
a globular humeral head that projects above the
However, the hylobatian model is not well-sup-
tubercles, again enhancing mobility. Although hu-
ported by current evidence from the earliest homi-
mans make use of shoulder mobility in a wide vari-
nins. Most of the evidence in support of the hyloba-
ety of contexts, it is unlikely that humans evolved
tian model involves early hominin features related
these characteristics in parallel with African apes,
to climbing that also support the climbing model,
especially given their presence in early hominins
such as a broad thorax, curved fingers, and mobile
(see below; there is, however, debate over whether
should and wrist joints (see “Climbing ancestor,”
these traits were present in the LCA of great apes;
below). Apart from features related to climbing, few
Pilbeam et al., 1990; Ward, 1997; Larson, 1998;
traits present in early hominins can be argued to
Richmond and Whalen, 2001). Rather, these traits
support the hylobatian model. These include rela-
and many others (Schultz, 1936; Aiello and Dean,
tively long hindlimbs and lumbar regions in Austra-
1990) are the remains of an orthograde climbing
lopithecus compared to those of great apes (Robin-
son, 1972; Jungers, 1982). However, these bipedal
A second, powerful argument for climbing as an
adaptations are to be expected in early bipeds such
important part of the LCA’s locomotor repertoire
as Australopithecus (Aiello and Dean, 1990),
comes from the biomechanical similarities between
whether or not the ancestor of bipeds fits the hylo-
vertical climbing and bipedalism (Prost, 1980;
batian model. The presence of bipedal features in
Fleagle et al., 1981; Stern and Susman, 1981; Ishida
bipedal hominins tells us little about the ancestor of
et al., 1985; Senut, 1988). For example, during ver-
tical climbing, chimpanzees extend and medially ro-
The hylobatian model, as distinct from the climb-
tate the thigh in ways comparable to those observed
ing model, is most strongly weakened by the body
in human bipedalism (Fleagle et al., 1981). Electro-
sizes of early hominins, all of which are well above
myographic experiments in nonhuman primates
9 –13.5 kg (Jungers, 1988; McHenry, 1992; White et
have shown that bipedal walking and vertical climb-
al., 1994; Senut et al., 2001; Haile-Selassie, 2001). It
ing involve muscle recruitment patterns more simi-
is very unlikely that the ancestor of the earliest
lar to each other, and to human bipedality, than to
bipeds was considerably smaller (9 –13.5 kg) than
quadrupedal behaviors. When species adapted to
the apparent body masses of early hominins. This
climbing, such as chimpanzees and orangutans,
would require dramatic and very rapid body mass
walk bipedally, they use a ground force pattern more
increases. Furthermore, in a phylogeny with a Pan/
similar to that of humans than to the bipedalism of
Homo clade (or a trichotomy), such a small body
other nonhuman primates. When walking bipedally,
mass in the LCA would require independent and
they also use some muscles, such as the gluteus
substantial body mass increases in all three African
medius, for the same functional role as when the
ape/human lineages. With a body mass closer to that
muscles are used in human walking (Stern and Sus-
of extant Pan, far fewer arboreal supports would be
man, 1981). This and other evidence suggest that
available to the ancestor of bipeds for arboreal pos-
vertical climbing adaptations may be “preadaptive”
tures and, especially, locomotion. At present, there
to bipedalism.
is little evidence to support the hylobatian model in
Advocates of the climbing hypothesis find consid-
ways making it distinct from a climbing model.
erable support in the early hominin skeleton, which
Climbing (antipronograde) ancestor exhibits many apelike arboreal climbing character-
istics, and many others that are “intermediate” in
Arguably the most popular hypothesis during the form between a great ape and modern human con-
last several decades has been the climbing hypoth- dition. Of the many apelike arboreal traits of the
esis. Its broad acceptance derives from three main early hominin skeleton (reviewed in McHenry, 1991;
Stern, 2000), some of the more widely discussed that the absence of the metacarpal features in homi-
features include curved fingers and toes, pronounced nins does not rule out a knuckle-walking ancestry,
ridges for the insertion of forearm flexor muscles because these features are often not present in ex-
(e.g., flexor digitorum superficialis), upper limbs tant knuckle-walkers (Susman and Creel, 1979;
with well-developed muscle scars, and aspects of the Shea and Inouye, 1993; Inouye, 1994b), and because
shapes of the metatarsal heads related to mobility. these taxa postdate the origins of bipedalism by a
Similarly, many aspects of the early hominin skel- substantial period of time in which traces of ances-
eton are “intermediate” in form between the modern tral adaptations may disappear (Stern and Susman,
human condition and that of some or all of the great 1983). The presence of the metacarpal head traits
apes, such as relative lengths of the femur, pisiform, may be size-related, as they are best expressed in
hamulus, and fingers and toes, and the relative sizes gorillas, but are quite variable in common chimpan-
of the femoral head, lumbar and sacral centra, and zees and bonobos. The possibility also remains that,
sacro-iliac joints (Jungers, 1982; Stern and Susman, in addition to size-related influences, this metacar-
1983; Latimer, 1991; McHenry, 1991; Ruff, 1998). pophalangeal joint morphology may be epigeneti-
“Intermediate” traits such as these are widely inter- cally influenced by activity during growth (Rich-
preted to be the adaptive mark of bipedality recently mond and Strait, 2000; Lovejoy et al., 2001).
evolved from an ancestor adapted for arboreal climb- Throughout ontogeny and adulthood, chimpanzees
ing (e.g., Stern and Susman, 1983; Latimer, 1991). and bonobos are more active in arboreal environ-
Whether or not these characteristics are evidence of ments and spend less time knuckle-walking than do
“current use” in arboreal settings (e.g., Tuttle, 1981; gorillas (Doran, 1997). The difference in magnitude
Jungers, 1982; Stern and Susman, 1983; Latimer and frequency of loading may influence the expres-
and Lovejoy, 1990; Duncan et al., 1994; Hunt, 1998; sion of metacarpophalangeal knuckle-walking fea-
Ward et al., 1999a; Richmond, 1999), most research- tures. This hypothesis has not yet been tested, but if
ers agree that they are primitive features retained supported, it would indicate that the absence of
from an ancestor adapted to climbing and suspen- these features in early hominins only means that
sory postures. these hominin individuals did not knuckle-walk dur-
Not all researchers agree, however, on whether a ing growth (Richmond and Strait, 2000).
purely arboreal climbing mode of locomotion charac- Evidence from humeral shaft shape has also been
terized the immediate ancestor of bipeds, or oc- cited in support of a climbing hypothesis and against
curred in an earlier ancestor (e.g., Gebo, 1996). For a knuckle-walking ancestor. Compared to prono-
example, knuckle-walking is often viewed as a “com- grade monkeys, apes have a humeral head that is
promise” adaptation for terrestriality that allows for rotated medially relative to the distal end. A medi-
the retention of important climbing features, such as ally facing humeral head is associated with a later-
long, curved fingers (Tuttle, 1974); in this scenario, ally facing glenoid fossa positioned on the back of a
knuckle-walking is thought to have evolved from an broad, shallow rib cage (Larson, 1996). The medial
ancestor adapted to climbing and suspensory behav- orientation of the humeral head in hominoids and
iors. Most of the climbing and “intermediate” adap- Ateles gives the shaft a “twisted” shape that is
tations, including those discussed above, are fully known as humeral “torsion,” in a strictly morpholog-
compatible with some terrestrial adaptations, such ical sense (i.e., not referring to a strain pattern). In
as knuckle-walking or fist-walking, as practiced by contrast, the humerus in most nonhuman primates
modern great apes when traveling on the ground. faces posteriorly, to articulate with a ventrally fac-
Therefore, much of the evidence for an antiprono- ing scapula on the side of a deep, narrow thorax
grade climbing ancestor, including the evidence sug- (Larson, 1996). African apes have unusually high
gesting that vertical climbing is preadaptive for bi- levels of humeral torsion, because the forelimb must
pedalism, does not refute a terrestrial fist- or be used in a parasagittal plane and articulate with a
knuckle-walking component to the ancestral locomo- laterally facing scapula (Larson, 1988). Humans
tor repertoire. have African-apelike levels of humeral torsion that,
A few sources of evidence have been used both to in themselves, would suggest a knuckle-walking
support a climbing hypothesis and argue against a heritage (Begun, in press). However, Larson (1996)
knuckle-walking (or other terrestrial) hypothesis. finds a knuckle-walking ancestor unlikely based on
This evidence generally involves cases in which torsion estimates from fragmentary fossil hominin
early hominins lack purported knuckle-walking fea- humeri that more closely resemble orangutan hu-
tures and more closely resemble the orangutan con- meri. Larson (1996) argues that the high levels of
dition. For example, many advocates of the climbing torsion in modern humans more likely evolved inde-
hypothesis have not favored a knuckle-walking an- pendently in association with forelimb use in manip-
cestor in large part because of the absence of knuck- ulation and tool-related behaviors.
le-walking characteristics in the metacarpals of A. Unfortunately, the known early hominin humeri
afarensis (Bush et al., 1982; Tuttle, 1981; Stern and are fragmentary, and questions remain as to the
Susman, 1983; Ward et al., 1999a), A. africanus accuracy with which torsion can be determined from
(Ricklan, 1988), and H. (A.) habilis (Susman and the preserved morphology (Begun, in press). For
Stern, 1979). However, it is generally acknowledged example, multiple regressions predict very similar
Richmond et al.] ORIGIN OF BIPEDALISM 83
torsion values for African ape and orangutan hu- Knuckle-walking ancestor
meri, despite the fact that the actual values for
One of the few points of agreement among re-
African ape humeri are much higher than those of
searchers is that the retention of knuckle-walking
orangutan humeri (Larson, 1996). Therefore, the
features in modern humans or early hominins would
fossil hominin humeri may be more African-apelike,
provide strong evidence of a knuckle-walking ances-
or more orangutan-like, than their torsion estimates
tor (see “Major Hypotheses,” above) (e.g., Corruccini,
suggest. In addition, 2 of the 3 specimens have suf-
1978; Corruccini and McHenry, 2001; Tuttle, 1981;
fered damage that could influence the estimates. As Stern and Susman, 1983; McHenry, 1984; Begun,
Larson (1996) notes, discoveries of more complete 1993a; Shea and Inouye, 1993; Ward et al., 1999a;
early hominin humeri will address these problems. Richmond and Strait, 2000). Some researchers have
Even if lower torsion in early hominins is con- argued that knuckle-walking retentions do exist in
firmed, evidence suggesting that torsion may be sen- the forelimbs of humans and fossil hominins (Cor-
sitive to use during growth further complicates the ruccini, 1978; Corruccini and McHenry, 2001; Be-
significance of early hominin humeral torsion. Cap- gun, 1993a; Richmond and Strait, 2000).
tive, predominately quadrupedal orangutans have Indeed, African apes and hominins share many
substantially higher torsion than their wild counter- forelimb characteristics that may be functionally re-
parts, a difference attributable to locomotor behav- lated to knuckle-walking, and yet are retained in
ioral differences during growth (Sarmiento, 1985). humans because they are compatible with bipedal-
Thus, lower torsion in early hominins may be con- ism and the functions required of a hominin upper
sistent with the hypothesis that hominins evolved limb. Most of these features are functionally related
from a knuckle-walking ancestor, in that high tor- to each other and involve two functional goals. The
sion would not develop in early bipeds that no longer first involves stabilizing the wrist both transversely
used their limbs in knuckle-walking postures and and in a slightly extended posture (by close-packing
probably used their upper limbs for climbing. in extended positions and by reducing the potential
Fossil evidence of the distal radial joint surface for joint translation through bone fusion, the devel-
proportions has also called into question the homol- opment of more complex joint surfaces, and the pres-
ogy of a trait shared between humans and African ence of more strongly developed wrist flexor power
apes (Heinrich et al., 1993). African ape and human arms). The second involves reducing stress from ver-
radii, like the radii of nonhominoid monkeys, have tically directed compressive loads (through enlarged
large scaphoid joint surfaces relative to lunate joint and repositioned articular surfaces and more robust
surfaces, a feature related to pronograde weight bones).
support (Jenkins and Fleagle, 1975). In contrast, The terrestrial traits (see “Terrestrial quadrupe-
Asian apes have relatively large lunate joint sur- dal ancestor,” above) of the feet shared by African
faces, arguably an adaptation for stress across the apes and humans also add support to the knuckle-
wrist joint when the wrist is held in adducted (ulnar- walking hypothesis (Sarmiento, 1988, 1994; Gebo,
deviated) postures like those often used in climbing 1992, 1996). Although these traits cannot be linked
(Heinrich et al., 1993). Early hominin radii attrib- specifically with knuckle-walking, they provide evi-
uted to A. anamensis and A. afarensis have rela- dence of either a shared terrestrial ancestry or in-
tively wide lunate joint surfaces like those of oran- dependent evolution of terrestriality in all three lin-
gutans (Heinrich et al., 1993), offering some support eages (Figs. 3C). If the terrestrial traits are
for the climbing hypothesis. homologous, it is far more parsimonious to recon-
In summary, the climbing hypothesis is strongly struct the LCA as a knuckle-walker than as a fist-
supported by the biomechanical similarities be- walker, or as a digitigrade or palmigrade quadruped
tween vertical climbing and human bipedalism, the (Gebo, 1996).
retention in humans and early hominins of a long
list of primitive arboreal features, and traits “inter- Shoulder. As discussed above, humeral torsion is
mediate” between great ape and human conditions. greater in African apes than in other anthropoids,
owing to parasagittal use of the forelimbs during
Although a few early hominin features (such as the
knuckle-walking in combination with a trunk de-
lack of metacarpal head tori, possibly lower humeral
signed to support a laterally facing scapula (Larson,
torsion, and Asian-apelike radiocarpal joint propor-
1988). Modern humans also have a high degree of
tions) argue (albeit not strongly) against a knuckle-
humeral torsion, but this feature may not be homol-
walking hypothesis, the vast majority of the features
ogous in African apes and humans (Larson, 1996). If
supporting a climbing hypothesis are also consistent
it is homologous, and early hominins have a degree
with the knuckle-walking hypothesis. Indeed, most
of humeral torsion greater than that seen in the
researchers believe that knuckle-walking evolved
Asian apes, humeral torsion would provide good ev-
from a climbing ancestor as a means for an ape to idence of a shared terrestrial, probably knuckle-
travel terrestrially while maintaining climbing ad- walking (given phylogeny), ancestor of African apes
aptations (Tuttle, 1974). and humans (Begun, in press).
Other humeral features observed in fossil homi- to a somewhat more radial orientation in Asian
nins, such as a globular humeral head that projects apes. The shape of the scaphoid bone also reflects
above the tubercles, and a relatively straight shaft, this extension-limiting mechanism (Jenkins and
are associated with climbing and suspension. How- Fleagle, 1975). In African apes, the scaphoid has a
ever, the presence of these traits in African apes relatively pronounced concavity on the dorsal sur-
indicates that they are fully consistent with a face that contacts the scaphoid notch on the distal
knuckle-walking ancestor. radius (Tuttle, 1967). Obviously, the midcarpal
joint, as well as ligaments and perhaps muscle ten-
Elbow. Tuttle and Basmajian (1974) noted that sion, must also be involved in order to successfully
the elbow is typically extended during knuckle- limit wrist extension (Lovejoy et al., 2001; Richmond
walking. They suggest that stability in extended and Strait, 2001a). The contributions of these struc-
postures may be particularly important to resist tures do not diminish the importance of carpal joint
torque (Tuttle and Basmajian, 1974). Although it is structure in providing stability (Hamrick, 1996). As
not as well-developed as in terrestrial cercopithe- noted by Jenkins and Fleagle (1975, p. 221), “There
coids, African ape distal humeri have steep lateral is little reason to assume that only one morphologi-
margins of the olecranon fossa with proximally ex- cal feature is principally responsible; rather, this
tended joint surfaces. Schmitt (1994) showed that, limited excursion is probably reflected in many as-
when walking on the ground, the anthropoid fore- pects of wrist morphology.” Thus, African ape distal
limb experiences a medially oriented ground reac- radii have distally projecting dorsal margins, a
tion force that would result in medial bending of the broad and dorsally oriented scaphoid notch, and rel-
ulna about the elbow joint. Strain experiments on atively coplanar scapho-lunate joint surfaces
the macaque ulna confirm a medially compressive (Tuttle, 1967; Jenkins and Fleagle, 1975; Corruccini,
bending regime (Demes et al., 1998). Medial bending 1978; Richmond and Strait, 2000).
engages the lateral wall of the olecranon process Nonhominoid anthropoid terrestrial quadrupeds
with the lateral wall of the olecranon fossa. The (e.g., Papio, Erythrocebus) have similar mechanisms
development of these joint surfaces is especially pro- that limit radiocarpal joint extension, but these
nounced in terrestrially adapted cercopithecoids mechanisms differ from those in African apes in
(Ciochon, 1993; Richmond et al., 1998). The lateral permitting a much greater range of extension before
margin of the olecranon fossa in humans is not as reaching a close-packed position. The radii of ba-
steep in the humeri of African apes. All of the known boons and patas monkeys exhibit projecting dorsal
early hominin humeri lack steep lateral margins. processes, along with very large and deep scaphoid
However, some humeri (e.g., TM 1517) have features notches (Fig. 5). Thus, in these terrestrial anthro-
related to strong elbow extension, such as extension poids, the scaphoid rotates much farther before the
of the distal margin of the capitulum onto the pos- concave portion of the dorsal surface contacts the
terior aspect of the humerus (Aiello and Dean, deep scaphoid notch on the dorsal radius and pre-
1990). vents further mobility (Whitehead, 1993). This mor-
phology is consistent with observations on positional
Radiocarpal joints. The wrist is also adapted for behavior. During terrestrial locomotion, patas mon-
stability in weight support, particularly in a slightly keys extend their wrists to a greater extent than is
extended wrist posture. Passive manipulation of observed in African apes (Richmond, 1998). Al-
wrist joints in anesthetized and cadaver anthropoids though baboons maintain a neutral wrist position
indicates that gorilla and chimpanzee wrists have throughout the support phase of terrestrial locomo-
restricted ranges of extension compared to wrists of tion, they use more extended wrist postures while
Pongo, Hylobates, Papio, Erythrocebus, and Cebus traveling on arboreal supports (Schmitt, 1994). In
(Tuttle, 1969b, unpublished data). Several osteolog- contrast to the morphology in these anthropoids and
ical mechanisms contribute to the limitation of wrist in African apes, the radii of Asian apes are generally
extension. In African apes, the dorsal margin of the characterized by a dorsal ridge that does not project
distal radius projects distally (Fig. 4), buttressing as far distally (Fig. 5), a more acute relationship
the scaphoid as it rotates during extension (Tuttle, between the scaphoid and lunate articular surfaces,
1967; Jenkins and Fleagle, 1975; Corruccini, 1978; and a relatively small scaphoid notch. Human radii
Richmond and Strait, 2000). When the rotating are derived in having very weakly projecting dorsal
proximo-dorsal surface of the scaphoid contacts the ridges (Fig. 5) and greater mobility in wrist exten-
distal radial joint surface, and when other joints, sion (Heinrich et al., 1993).
such as the scaphoid-capitate joint, achieve a “close- Richmond and Strait (2000) observed this knuckle-
packed” position, little to no further extension is walking morphology in distal radii attributed to two
possible (Fig. 4) (Jenkins and Fleagle, 1975). of the earliest hominins. Like Pan troglodytes and
The scaphoid notch along the dorsal ridge of the Gorilla gorilla, the radii of these early hominin spe-
radius is relatively large, possibly to reduce stress cies exhibited distally projecting dorsal ridges, rela-
by increasing the area over which weight-bearing tively coplanar scaphoid and lunate articular sur-
forces are distributed (Richmond and Strait, 2000). faces, and large, dorsally oriented scaphoid notches
The scaphoid notch is also oriented dorsally relative (Fig. 5). When these features are measured, and the
Richmond et al.] ORIGIN OF BIPEDALISM 85

Fig. 4. Radiograph of cadaver chimpanzee wrist, in flexed (left) and fully extended (right) postures, as would be used during the
swing (left) and support (right) phases of knuckle-walking. In the extended wrist, the dorsal surface of the scaphoid achieves a
close-packed position of stability with the projecting dorsal margin of the distal radius. Similarly, the capitate and hamate rotate
relative to the proximal carpal row until a close-packed position is reached, after which further movement is not possible without
disengaging the articular surfaces. R, distal end of dorsal radius; S, scaphoid, dorsal margin; C, capitate, dorsal margin; P, pisiform.

linear metrics size-standardized by maximum radial closely than other taxa in these knuckle-walking
breadth, a canonical variates analysis (CVA) of traits.
these features shows considerable, albeit not com- One could argue that there are appropriates mea-
plete, discrimination of African apes from other taxa sures of distal radius size other than the maximum
(Richmond and Strait, 2000). The CVA and Mahal- radial breadth used in Richmond and Strait (2000).
anobis D2 distances and approximate significance The analysis was performed again here, using radio-
from respective F-tests (Richmond and Strait, 2000, carpal articular area as a measure of distal radius
2001c) show that the radii attributed to A. anamen- size (Fig. 6). Projected area was measured by digi-
sis and A. afarensis resemble African apes more tizing the outline of the combined scaphoid-lunate

Fig. 5. Anthropoid distal radii in palmar view, as illustrated by Tuttle (1967), who first identified knuckle-walking specializations
in the radiocarpal joints. Note the distal projection (arrows) of the dorsal margin in Gorilla, Pan, and the radii attributed to A.
anamensis (KNM-ER 20419) and A. afarensis (AL288-1). These taxa also have a scaphoid notch size and scaphoid-lunate facet angle
(SLA; reflecting the degree to which the radiocarpal surface is a flat plane or scaphoid and lunate surfaces are angled relative to each
other) that is intermediate between the conditions in pronograde quadrupedal anthropoids (large notch and SLA) and the suspensory
Asian apes (small notch and SLA). The digitigrade terrestrial quadrupeds (Papio and Erythrocebus) have distally projecting dorsal
processes (open arrows) that are invaded by very large scaphoid notches that permit a greater degree of wrist extension before
achieving a very stable configuration. Note the more humanlike morphology of the more recent hominin radii SKX 3602 (P. robustus)
and especially Stw 46 (A. africanus).

articular surfaces from a view perpendicular to the Other features of the radioulnar and radiocarpal
distal joint surface. Radiocarpal areas were collected joints shared by African apes and humans include a
from the same calibrated distal-view video images in large ulnar head and a well-formed articular disc
which the scaphoid notch angle (SNA) measure- (Sarmiento, 1988). Both of these features are related
ments were collected (Richmond and Strait, 2000). to the use of the forelimb to transmit compressive
The results from this CVA (Fig. 6) are not very stress from the ulna to the ulnar carpal row (tri-
different from the original CVA (Richmond and quetrum) while preventing the ulnar styloid process
Strait, 2000). This CVA (Fig. 6), and the respective from articulating directly with the triquetrum and
Mahalanobis D2 distances (Table 1) and F-test ap- pisiform, as it does in most primates other than
proximate significance values between group cen- great apes and humans (Beard et al., 1986; Sar-
troids (Table 2), show that fossil radii attributed to miento, 1988). This arrangement allows for effective
A. anamensis (KNM-ER 20419) and A. afarensis (AL weight-bearing, while retaining a wide range of pro-
288-1) most closely resemble the African apes in nation and supination, and mobility in wrist adduc-
morphology functionally related to knuckle-walking. tion.
These hominin radii are significantly different from The elongated pisiform of nonhuman primates in-
all extant taxa except Pan and Gorilla (Table 2). creases the moment arm for the flexor carpi ulnaris
Later hominins, however, appear more humanlike muscle (Lewis, 1989). Although the latter is almost
in their wrist morphology. The radius of the robust certainly important during climbing, the fact that
australopithecine Paranthropus robustus (SKX African apes have more elongated pisiforms than
3602) appears more humanlike (e.g., it is not signif- those of orangutans (Sarmiento, 1985) suggests that
icantly different from Homo; Table 2), but is some- it plays a role in forelimb propulsion, and perhaps
what intermediate (Fig. 6). The radius attributed to limiting wrist extension, in African apes during
A. africanus (Stw 46) closely resembles those of hu- knuckle-walking, especially at high speeds. Terres-
mans in these features. Therefore, it appears these trial functionality is further supported by the obser-
later hominins, especially A. africanus, may have vation that some captive orangutans (likely to have
exhibited a more humanlike (greater) range of wrist practiced much more terrestriality) have more elon-
extension. It is not clear why greater wrist extension gated and palmarly directed pisiforms like those of
appears in later hominins (including modern hu- African apes (Sarmiento, 1985).
mans), but it may arguably be related to tool use Dainton and Macho (1999) recently documented
(Ambrose, 2001), such as throwing and hammering differences in the later stages of ontogeny of the
activities (Marzke, 1971). ulnar carpal region, and interpret these develop-
Richmond et al.] ORIGIN OF BIPEDALISM 87

Fig. 6. Bivariate plot of group canonical score means (x) and 95% density ellipses. The analysis is based on the same methods and
variables used in Richmond and Strait (2000), with the exception that radiocarpal articular area, rather than maximum radial breadth
(MRB), was used to standardize for size (the ulnarmost portion of the dorsal articular margin of KNM-ER 20419 was reconstructed
as passing through the center of the slight erosion; minimum and maximum possible areas resulted in very similar measurements, as
when compensating for missing (if any) articular margin from the lateral edge of the scaphoid surface). The earliest hominin taxa A.
anamensis (KNM-ER 20419) and A. afarensis (AL 288-1) exhibit the knuckle-walking morphology, whereas Paranthropus robustus
(SKX 3602) and especially A. africanus (Stw 46) resemble modern humans.

TABLE 1. Mahalanobis D2 distances between group centroids

Taxon A. anamensis A. afarensis A. africanus P. robustus Pan Gorilla Homo Pongo Hylobates P. heseloni Alouatta Papio

A. afarensis 1.13 0.00

A. africanus 19.35 17.38 0.00
P. robustus 7.82 7.05 2.84 0.00
Pan 2.29 5.88 24.70 11.24 0.00
Gorilla 1.51 3.78 28.02 13.25 1.88 0.00
Homo 15.96 12.99 .96 2.08 21.75 24.50 0.00
Pongo 16.17 11.83 30.54 21.95 24.10 24.75 21.95 0.00
Hylobates 18.65 11.38 41.02 28.61 30.23 22.00 31.52 13.56 0.00
P. heseloni 42.95 38.19 7.76 15.45 50.17 51.54 10.49 59.85 59.29 0.00
Alouatta 42.29 43.20 8.19 15.46 42.40 50.94 13.20 64.80 82.52 9.82 0.00
Papio 27.10 28.71 9.22 9.44 24.91 30.50 12.19 56.75 63.47 11.83 5.48 0.00
Erythrocebus 37.92 43.36 25.37 22.57 28.31 39.52 28.17 70.85 88.54 34.27 14.42 6.80

mental differences as evidence that knuckle-walk- adult structures in different species are identical,
ing is not homologous in the two African-ape genera. and phylogenetically homologous (i.e., present in
However, there is no reason to expect every aspect of their LCA), developmental differences can exist
forelimb morphology and ontogeny to be identical in (Raff, 1996). Natural selection can act on early
Pan and Gorilla for knuckle-walking to be homolo- stages of growth without apparent changes in the
gous. Brachiation and suspension are almost cer- adult structures (Raff, 1996).
tainly homologous in siamangs and lar gibbons, and More likely causes of the differences in African-
yet the relative growth of their locomotor skeletons ape carpal development include general growth dif-
are substantially different (Jungers and Cole, 1992). ference in body mass (Leigh and Shea, 1996) and the
Australopithecines and modern humans have fun- kinematic differences in knuckle-walking between
damental differences in adult lower limb design, and the African apes (Inouye, 1994a; Dainton and Ma-
grew very differently, in terms of rate, duration, and cho, 1999). Kinematic differences in knuckle-walk-
pattern within the skeleton (Bromage, 1987; Dean et ing may be related to specialization in gorillas for
al., 1993; Tardieu, 1999). Does this mean that bipe- knuckle-walking at large body size as adults and/or,
dalism is not homologous in australopithecines and as Inouye (1994b) notes, differences in locomotor
modern humans? Most importantly, even when repertoire such as a greater emphasis on arboreality
TABLE 2. P-values based on F-tests indicating approximate significance of Mahalanobis D distances between centroids
Taxon Pan Gorilla Homo Pongo Hylobates Alouatta Papio Erythrocebus
A. anamensis 0.73 0.85 0.01** 0.01** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00**
A. afarensis 0.26 0.49 0.02* 0.03* 0.04* 0.00** 0.00** 0.00**
A. africanus 0.00** 0.00** 0.93 0.00** 0.00** 0.12 0.08 0.00**
P. robustus 0.04* 0.02* 0.75 0.00** 0.00** 0.01* 0.08 0.01**
Pan 0.02* 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00**
Gorilla 0.02* 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00**
Homo 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00**
Pongo 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00**
Hylobates 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00**
P. heseloni 0.00** 0.00** 0.05 0.00** 0.00** 0.07 0.03* 0.00**
Alouatta 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00**
Papio 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** 0.02*

* P ⬍ 0.05.
** P ⬍ 0.01.

in chimpanzees. Finally, differences in carpal metrically distinct relative to other anthropoids

growth need not be a consequence of carpal function: (Richmond and Strait, 2001b).
many of the differences could be a product of the These data are consistent with earlier work dem-
complex interactions of timing and rate of limb and onstrating the morphometric differences between
body mass growth in the two genera. African apes and humans on the one hand, and
Asian apes and macaques on the other (Corruccini,
Midcarpal joints. Like the radiocarpal joint, the 1978; Corruccini and McHenry, 2001). Importantly,
midcarpal joint of African apes is designed to limit Corruccini (1978) found that extant humans most
wrist extension beyond a certain range of move- closely resemble African apes in these respects,
ment. As the distal carpal row rotates during exten- thereby providing support for the knuckle-walking
sion, the proximo-dorsal joint surfaces of the capi- hypothesis. Some of the more influential features in
tate and hamate achieve a close-packed position
his analysis include a long (proximodistal) ridge on
with the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum (Fig. 4).
the capitate head separating the lunate and scaph-
In African apes, the morphology of the midcarpal
oid facets, a sharp angle between the medial and
joint surfaces provides stability in slightly extended
distal surfaces of the lunate, a short triquetral facet,
postures, and is well-suited to withstand the rela-
a relatively short (proximodistal) distal ulnar facet
tively stereotypical compressive stresses of quadru-
pedal weight support (Tuttle, 1967; Jenkins and on the radius that is obtusely angled relative to the
Fleagle, 1975; Sarmiento, 1988; Begun, in press). distal carpal surface, and a fused os centrale (Cor-
Features related to the resistance of compressive ruccini, 1978). Corruccini (1978) contends that all of
stresses in African apes are similar in many ways to these traits have been functionally related to knuck-
the morphology of pronograde cercopithecoid wrists le-walking. The functional significance of some of
(Jenkins and Fleagle, 1975). African apes have a these features (e.g., long lunate-scaphoid ridge on
relatively broad midcarpal joint. The midcarpal joint the capitate head) is not entirely clear, but others
surfaces of the capitate and hamate are broad, and (e.g., fused os centrale) have received more attention
include large, proximally oriented surfaces that ar- and are arguably adaptations for weight transmis-
ticulate with the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum sion or close-packing carpal geometry (Tuttle, 1967;
(Fig. 7). In contrast, Asian-ape midcarpal joints are Jenkins and Fleagle, 1975).
better described as “ball and socket” joints (Jenkins The capitate facet of the scaphoid (centrale por-
and Fleagle, 1975), in which the capitate and tion) dominates the midcarpal joint in African apes
hamate are mediolaterally narrow and have exten- and humans, whereas the centrale, lunate, and tri-
sive joint surfaces facing radially and ulnarly, re- quetrum contribute more equally to the socket of the
spectively (Fig. 7). The dorsal joint surfaces of Afri- midcarpal joint in other anthropoids. The difference
can-ape capitates and hamates are concavo-convex, is due mostly to proximal expansion of the scaph-
often with pronounced ridges along the dorsal mar- oid’s capitate facet in African apes and humans. The
gins that act, along with other structures, to limit centrale portion of the scaphoid in African apes and
further movement of the proximal carpal row during humans also wedges itself between the tightly
extension. In this manner, the flat to concave shapes bound trapezoid and capitate in extension, offering
of the dorsal surfaces of the capitate are analogous stability to the wrist in this position (Figs. 7, 8).
to the extension-limiting mechanisms of the meta- Of all the wrist bone similarities between African
carpal heads (see below). Preliminary attempts at apes and humans, the fusion of the os centrale to the
quantifying these features suggest that African-ape scaphoid has received the most commentary (e.g.,
capitates are short and broad, have broad articular Weinert, 1932; Schultz, 1936; Marzke, 1971; Jen-
heads and concave scaphoid facets, and are morpho- kins and Fleagle, 1975; Lewis, 1974, 1985; Sar-
Richmond et al.] ORIGIN OF BIPEDALISM 89

Fig. 7. Dorsal views of wrists of chimpanzee (top) and gibbon (bottom) cadavers. Note breadth of the chimpanzee midcarpal joint
compared to the narrower, ball-and-socket shape in the gibbon. African apes, as seen in the chimpanzee here, have flat to concave
dorsal joint surfaces of the capitate and hamate (dorsal margins indicated by arrows), often with prounced ridges that help limit
further extension (see extended wrist posture, right). In gibbons, the dorsal portions of the capitate and hamate joint surfaces are more
rounded, and lack these buttressing structures (arrows, flexed and neutral wrist postures, left and right, respectively). R, distal end
of radius; S, scaphoid; L, lunate; t, triquetrum; Oc, os centrale; T, trapezoid; C, capitate; H, hamate.

miento, 1988; Begun, 1992, 1994; Tuttle, 1992; Pongo, Hylobates, and cercopithecids, the scaphoid
Gebo, 1996; Schwartz and Yamada, 1998; Richmond is excluded from articulation with the capitate, and
and Strait, 2000). The os centrale or the centrale therefore does not contribute to the midcarpal joint
portion of the scaphoid in anthropoids articulates (Fig. 7, 8). In these taxa, the os centrale articulates
distally principally with the capitate disto-medially with the capitate medially and supports the trape-
and the trapezoid disto-laterally (Fig. 7, 8). In most zoid disto-laterally.

Fig. 8. Dorsal views of some catarrhine left wrists in extended midcarpal postures, scaled to maximum carpal breadth. Top row
from left, Homo and Pan. Bottom row from left, Pongo and Papio. Note dorsal beak (arrow) on the Pongo scaphoid, representing a fused
os centrale in this individual. Os centrale fusion in Pan and Homo does not produce such a beak, instead reinforcing the joints between
the scaphoid, and the capitate and trapezoid distally. Note also the irregular joint surfaces of the carpo-metacarpal joints (especially
the joint between the trapezoid and second metacarpal, indicated by open arrow) in Homo and Pan and their more continuous contours
in Pongo. See Figure 7 for abbreviations and text for discussion.

The trapezoid, which supports the second meta- metacarpal medially, and transmits forces coming
carpal, is firmly attached to the trapezium, which from both these directions, i.e., grips and other loads
supports the first metacarpal. Therefore, the os cen- between the thumb and the ring-middle fingers.
trale is essentially functionally wedged between the Strong ligaments are sufficient to respond to shear
first and second metacarpals laterally and the third stress at the scaphoid-centrale joint in most pri-
Richmond et al.] ORIGIN OF BIPEDALISM 91
mates, which have unfused scaphoids and centrales.
However, in African apes and humans it appears as
if shear across the scaphoid-centrale joint due to
loading, especially along the third and second meta-
carpals, has selected for fusion of these bones. With
the fusion of the centrale to the scaphoid there is a
solid bony wedge directly connecting the radius to
the second and third metacarpals via the incisure of
the capitate, into which the centrale portion of the
scaphoid fits, and the second metacarpal, via the
Knuckle-walkers load their hands and wrists in
compression, and experience compressive and shear
stresses between the bones of their wrists as their
intermediate phalanges strike the ground, first with
their fourth digits, and then rolling onto their third
and second digits. The trapezoid facet of the scaph-
oid in African apes and humans (the centrale por-
tion) is oriented normal to the long axis of the second
metacarpal, suggesting a reorientation in response
to compression along the axis of this bone (Fig. 8).
The trapezoid, to which the second metacarpal pri-
marily attaches, is also highly modified in African
apes and humans compared to Asian apes (see be-
low). During knuckle-walking, African apes often
contact the ground first with their fourth or fifth
middle phalanges (Wunderlich and Jungers, 1998).
As weight is transferred from the ulnar digits to the
radial digits, compression along the metacarpals Fig. 9. Schematic drawings of dorsal views of left wrists of an
would lead to shear stresses between the carpals in indriid (Indri), Pongo (with a fused os centrale), and Pan, drawn
to comparable carpal breadths. Dotted lines represent dorsal
the distal row. Shear stress between these carpals, superpositioning of bones. Arrows point to joint surface between
and between the carpals and the metacarpals, in the scaphoid and the trapezoid. See Figure 7 for abbreviations
knuckle-walkers may account for other changes in and text for discussion.
the joints between these bones that are discussed
below. With regard to the proximal carpals, fusion of Some indriids have also fused the os centrale to
the os centrale to the scaphoid in knuckle-walkers is the scaphoid (Schwartz and Yamada, 1998; Hamrick
probably related to shear across the joint in an ex- et al., 2000) (Fig. 9). These authors note that be-
tended wrist loaded in compression with rolling cause the fusion of the os centrale is not universal in
from the fourth to the second ray. indriids, and even varies within one indriid taxon (2
Schultz (1936) and others noted that hylobatids of 9 Paleopropithecus described by Hamrick et al.
and Pongo occasionally fuse their os centrales to (2000) did not fuse these bones), the early fusion of
their scaphoids but only relatively late in ontogeny, the os centrale has no clear functional significance
well after normal loading in adult locomotion (Fig. or locomotor distribution. However, it is unlikely
8). In contrast, African apes and humans nearly that fusion of these bones simply occurs randomly in
always fuse these bones before they are loaded, in primates. If that were the case, one would expect it
most cases in utero or perinatally. Fusion of these to have a broader distribution than in only two
bones in African apes and humans is therefore an clades of primates, indriids, and the African ape and
aspect of their developmental programming, and is human clade. Paleopropithecus is unusual in having
not an epigenetic response to loading. Instances of a relatively high frequency of each condition (fused
nonfusion are in fact rare. While Schultz (1936) was and unfused), although the small sample size makes
correct in noting the significance of the difference in the significance of this finding unclear. All other
timing of fusion of the centrale and scaphoid in primates that commonly fuse the centrale rarely
African apes vs. humans, this difference (humans have this element unfused (Avahi, Indri, Lepilemur,
tend to fuse the bones earlier) is probably less im- Babakotia, Pan, Gorilla, and Homo). While
portant than the fact that other hominoids do not Schwartz and Yamada (1998) dismissed the differ-
fuse these bones until they load them, and then only ence in timing of fusion between African and Asian
rarely. The fact that Asian hominoids occasionally apes, and implied that there is no real difference in
fuse these bones under different circumstances is frequency, fusion is much more rare in Asian apes
not an indication that early fusion of these bones in and confined to older individuals (Schultz, 1936, and
African apes and humans is not homologous. personal observations). In most indriids, os centrale

Fig. 10. Dorsal views of left wrists of Macrotherium, Pongo, and Pan, showing a number of convergent features. Arrows indicate
fused os centrale, and open arrows denote the trapezoid keel. See Figure 7 for abbreviations and text for discussion. View of
Macrotherium modified from Zapfe (1979).

fusion to the scaphoid is associated with a radial ancestry is not a good explanation for indriid fore-
orientation of the facet for the trapezoid, which may limb morphology.
be a response to compression along the long axis of There are reasonable explanations for fusion of
the first metacarpal, which is large in these vertical the os centrale in primates that generate high levels
climbers and leapers (Fig. 9). It is not known, to our of shear stress between the scaphoid and the cen-
knowledge, at what point in ontogeny this fusion trale, whether proximo-distally (African apes and
occurs, but the fact that it is not reported to vary in humans) or transversely (most indriids), but the
the indriids that have this condition suggests that it more interesting questions may concern why it is
is probably a feature that appears early. It may well variable in Paleopropithecus and why it does not
be a similar response to that seen in African apes occur in indriids (e.g., Propithecus) that otherwise
and humans, in which the fused os centrale stabi- have similar hands to those that have a fused os
lizes the trapezoid along the long axis of the second centrale. We also do not know why the os centrale on
metacarpal. In indriids, the fused os centrale reori- occasion fuses in Pongo and Hylobates with age (but
ents the trapezoid facet radially, probably in re- see below). These questions and others that relate to
sponse to transverse shear, such as might be gener- the ontogeny of the carpus in indriids require fur-
ated by a powerful, strongly divergent pollex ther study. However, the premise that fusion of ad-
opposing the other metacarpals in a powerful grasp. jacent carpal bones related to elevated shear is to be
Paleopropithecus may sometimes lack this feature expected in mammals is illustrated below in the
because the articular surface for the trapezoid is example of a nonprimate that has converged on the
small (Hamrick et al., 2000). This in turn may relate African ape pattern anatomically, functionally, and
to the presence of a number of wrist and hand spe- behaviorally.
cializations associated with the development of The example of convergence is another mammal
hook-like hands in these primates, and the possible that retains most of the primitive elements of mam-
reduced relative importance of pollical grips. malian forelimbs, and has a hand that is modified
Therefore, stabilization of the radial-side carpals into a hook-like appendage with features for terres-
in order to maintain a very powerful grip generated trial quadrupedalism. It is found in the morphology
by a large and highly divergent pollex, as seen in of chalicotheres, an unusual family of extinct peris-
some indriids, may be another reason to fuse the os sodactyls. Zapfe (1979), in his exceptional mono-
centrale to the scaphoid in primates. In fact, it has graph on Chalicotherium grande (now attributed by
been argued that fusion of the os centrale to the many to Macrotherium grande), illustrates the com-
scaphoid serves this function in humans (Marzke, plete carpus, articulated manus, and articulated
1971). However, the absence of other indriid fore- skeleton. The parallels to the skeletal morphology of
limb characters in African apes and humans, and African apes and humans are striking (Fig. 10).
the absence of a large pollex in African apes, sug- There are, of course, many dramatic differences
gests that the indriid model does not effectively ac- between the hands of chalicotheres and hominoids
count for the suite of features seen in African apes, related to differences in evolutionary history and
just as the absence of African ape and human char- functional anatomy. Like other “hook-handed”
acters in indriids suggests that a knuckle-walking mammals (e.g., South American tree sloths, order
Richmond et al.] ORIGIN OF BIPEDALISM 93
Xenartha), Macrotherium has long metacarpals, 1979). Perhaps the most striking convergence be-
very short proximal phalanges, and greatly enlarged tween African ape/human wrists and those of chali-
and elongated terminal phalanges. Xenartha are su- cotheres is the fusion of the os centrale to the scaph-
perficially similar to African apes and distinct from oid, represented by a prominent dorsal process (Fig.
Macrotherium in having elongated intermediate 10). Interestingly, when Pongo fuses the os centrale
phalanges, but in the case of the South American to the scaphoid, a very similar morphology results,
taxa, unlike hominoids, the intermediate phalanges with a prominent, pointed process positioned dor-
are as long as or longer than the metacarpals. In sally over the capitate (Fig. 10). Other basic similar-
both nonprimate groups, it is the terminal phalan- ities to hominoids in the skeleton of Macrotherium
ges that bear the bulk of body mass, in contrast to include a semierect vertebral column, reduced num-
African apes in which it is the proximal and espe- ber of lumbar vertebrae, broad ilium, long forelimbs,
cially the intermediate phalanges. Other critical dif- short hindlimbs (intermembral index ⫽ 141), re-
ferences from African apes include the fact that Ma- duced brachial index (83), increased range of elbow
crotherium had only three hand digits (rays 2– 4), as extension, supination set at the wrist, and short,
in Bradypus (the three-toed sloth; Choloepus, the stout metacarpals (compared to forelimb long bones,
two-toed sloth has also lost the fourth ray), and a but not compared to the phalanges) (Zapfe, 1979).
further reduction or fusion of carpal bones (Macroth- The distal carpals have also undergone consider-
erium lacks a trapezium, and in Choloepus it is able changes related to knuckle-walking in the com-
fused to the first metacarpal; Mendel, 1985). How- mon ancestor of African apes and humans. The cap-
ever, Macrotherium, which appears to have loaded itate is the most obviously modified bone, with a
its forelimb in a flexed digitigrade posture similar to broad, short head, strongly developed waisting be-
that of African apes (Zapfe, 1979), has a number of tween the head and distal portion of the bone, and a
surprising similarities to African apes not found in complex joint surface for the third metacarpal. Dor-
the highly suspensory sloths. sally, the nonarticular surface of the capitate in
The wrist of Macrotherium retains the same bones African apes and humans is expanded, such that the
with roughly similar morphology as found in African lunate cannot rotate dorsally on the capitate to the
apes and humans (except the trapezium, not sur- same extent as is possible in Asian apes or even in
prising given that chalicotheres had no thumbs). digitigrade monkeys like baboons, which also must
Among the more detailed similarities to African place a premium on limiting extension at the mid-
apes and humans are the comparatively large scaph- carpal joint (Fig. 8). The head of the capitate, which
oid, the distally projected and robust hamate ham- forms most of the ball of the ball-and-socket midcar-
ulus, the distal orientation of the facets of the prox- pal joint in African apes and humans, is broad trans-
imal carpals for the distal carpals, and the irregular versely and, in African apes and fossil humans, sep-
morphology of the facets of the distal carpals for the arated from the distal portion by a deep notch,
metacarpals (Fig. 10). In dorsal view, a deep facet on contributing to a waisted morphology (Bush et al.,
the capitate articulates dorso-laterally with the cen- 1982; McHenry, 1983; Ward et al., 1999a) (Fig. 8).
trale portion of the scaphoid, a mechanism very sim- The centrale portion of the scaphoid fits into the
ilar to that seen in African apes and humans to embrasure formed by the capitate notch medially
restrict excessive extension at the midcarpal joint. and the trapezoid laterally, and is close-packed in
The “jagged” morphology of the carpo-metacarpal dorsiflexion (extension) (Lewis, 1989). This configu-
joint is also obvious in dorsal view, including such ration contributes to limiting extension at the mid-
detailed similarities to African apes and humans as carpal joint in African apes and humans. As with the
the strongly keeled trapezoid deeply notched second hamate and the trapezoid, the capitate’s metacarpal
metacarpal and the strongly divergent facets for the articular surface is more complex than in Asian apes
third metacarpal on the capitate (see below). The and other catarrhines (see below). McHenry (1983)
hamate receives the base of the third and fourth stresses the chimpanzee-like morphology of austra-
metacarpal in this perissodactyl that lacks the fifth lopithecine capitates, and this is supported by newer
digit, but is otherwise functionally similar to the material described in Ward et al. (1999a,b).
African ape and human hamate, with divergent fac- McHenry (1983) interprets australopithecine chim-
ets for the fourth and fifth metacarpals. The capitate panzee-like capitate characters to be retained prim-
is not waisted mediolaterally as in African apes and itive characters, and at least one of these features, a
fossil humans. African apes and fossil humans have waisted capitate neck, is functionally consistent
transversely very broad capitate heads, probably to with knuckle-walking. Ward et al. (1999a,b) also
maintain joint congruence in wide ranges of prona- describe a “keel” on the capitate head that may
tion and supination. Macrotherium had much less correspond to the lengthy lunate-scaphoid ridge that
mobility in the wrist, as is typical of ungulates, and Corruccini (1978) considered to be a knuckle-walk-
lacked a transversely broad capitate, but achieved ing adaptation.
the same stabilizing effect with proximodistal waist-
ing (the capitate of Macrotherium has deep notches Carpometacarpal joints. African ape and hu-
proximally and distally providing a structural link man distal carpal bones have modified distal artic-
between the lunate and third metacarpal; Zapfe, ular surfaces for the bases of the metacarpals. The
trapezoid is a relatively large bone in African apes are offset relative to one another, contributes to the
and humans (Sarmiento, 1985). In addition to hav- irregularity of the carpometacarpal articulations
ing a proximally oriented proximal surface for the (Marzke et al., 1994).
centrale portion of the scaphoid, the trapezoid in
African apes and humans has a strongly keeled dis- Metacarpophalangeal joints. Some of the clear-
tal articular surface that fits tightly into a deep est adaptations for knuckle-walking appear in the
notch on the base of the second metacarpal (Fig. 8). metacarpophalangeal joints (Tuttle, 1967; Jenkins
This notch-keel morphology is further reinforced by and Fleagle, 1975; Susman, 1979). The metacarpal
the facet on the trapezium that articulates medially head is expanded dorsally to permit extension of the
with the enlarged lateral tubercle of the second proximal phalanx until the phalanx contacts a dor-
metacarpal. Pongo has a flatter distal trapezoid joint sal ridge that prevents further extension and thus
surface that is continuous with a relatively large, stabilizes the joint (Fig. 11). The metacarpal head is
concave facet for the second metacarpal on the tra- also wider dorsally than palmarly, a mechanism
pezium, which together match the broad, trans- that acts to tighten collateral ligaments during ex-
versely convex joint surface of the orangutan second tension (Susman, 1979). Recent research reports an-
metacarpal (Fig. 8). While hylobatids and other an- other probable character in this metacarpal head
thropoids have a more restrictive trapezoidal-second complex. In knuckle-walkers, the dorsal half of the
metacarpal joint than orangs, none have the com- metacarpal head has a larger radius of curvature
plex keel-notch pattern seen in African apes and (i.e., is flatter) than the ventral half (Zylstra, 1998,
humans. 1999), indicating that the dorsal half is adapted for
This theme is continued medially. The large facet stability relative to the palmar half (Hamrick, 1996).
for the third metacarpal on the capitate is keeled Together, these features show that the African ape
along the dorsal half of the joint surface in African metacarpal head is functionally differentiated into
apes and fossil humans, while it is broadly rounded regions emphasizing mobility during flexed finger
in Pongo and other anthropoids (Fig. 8). McHenry postures, and stability in hyperextended postures.
(1983) described a distal cupping morphology of this Although it has been noted by many researchers
surface, which is probably related to the keeling that early hominin metacarpals lack some of these
described here, and he attributed this morphology to features (Bush et al., 1982; Tuttle, 1981; Stern and
a mechanism to stabilize the wrist in knuckle-walk- Susman, 1983; Ricklan, 1988; Susman and Stern,
ing postures (see below). He also noted that “cup- 1979; Ward et al., 1999a), these authors acknowl-
ping” does not occur in the australopithecines he edge that the absence of these features does not
examined (A. afarensis and A. africanus), though it refute the knuckle-walking hypothesis, because
does appear to have been present in other specimens these features are often not present in extant knuck-
of Australopithecus (Ward et al., 1999a,b). While le-walkers (Susman, 1979, #109; Shea and Inouye,
there are other important differences in the capitate 1993, #2244; Inouye, 1994a,b, #8140). Furthermore,
distal articular surfaces between fossil humans and early hominins were not knuckle-walking, so it is
African apes (Bush et al., 1982; Marzke, 1983; not surprising that they lack some of the features of
McHenry, 1983; Marzke et al., 1992; Ward et al., their knuckle-walking ancestors (Begun, 1993a).
1999a), they all share this keeled morphology, which Although less frequently discussed, most metacar-
is lost in later humans. The distal articular surface pophalangeal features are also problematic because
of the hamate is also keeled in African apes and they are not specific to knuckle-walking anthropoids
fossil humans, separating to some degree the facets (McCrossin and Benefit, 1997). Some metacarpal
for the fourth and fifth metacarpal bases, which characteristics also occur in terrestrial digitigrade
are thus somewhat divergent (Bush et al., 1982; anthropoids, such as large individuals of Mandrillus
Marzke, 1983; Ward et al., 1999a). Pongo and other and Papio (Fig. 11). The dorsal ridge, the expanded
anthropoids have more smoothly concave joint sur- and flattened dorsal articular surface, and the dor-
faces, with less or no distinction between the meta- sally widened metacarpal head are adaptations for
carpal joint surfaces (Fig. 8). stability in extended metacarpophalangeal joints, a
A keeled articular surface for the metacarpal posture employed both by knuckle-walkers and dig-
bases in African apes and fossil humans, and a cor- itigrade terrestrial anthropoids such as baboons and
responding series of notches on the metacarpals, patas monkeys. Therefore, if these features are
contribute to a transversely “jagged” carpo-metacar- found in early hominins, they would provide evi-
pal joint that is probably related to resistance to dence of a terrestrial ancestor, but these traits alone
movement at these joints, such as would be gener- would not resolve digitigrady from knuckle-walking.
ated during the stance phase of knuckle-walking as In fact, many of the features related to compressive
body mass transfers across the carpo-metacarpal weight-bearing and the limitation of metacarpopha-
joints (Marzke, 1983; Marzke et al., 1994; McHenry, langeal and wrist extension could, theoretically, be
1983). The high incidence in African apes and hu- useful adaptations in a digitigrade quadruped (Sar-
mans of type III fourth carpometacarpal joints, in miento, 1988). The recent report of African-apelike
which the fourth metacarpal lacks contact with the features of the metacarpal head and radius of Equa-
capitate and the third and fourth metacarpal bases torius (Kenyapithecus) from Maboko Island (Mc-
Richmond et al.] ORIGIN OF BIPEDALISM 95

Fig. 11. Distal views of fourth metacarpal heads of Papio (left) and Gorilla (right). Note dorsal ridge (top) on both specimens. The
dorsal ridge (arrows) helps to limit further extension of the metacarpophalangeal joint, and to transmit stresses in an extended joint

Crossin et al., 1998), in an otherwise cercopithecoid- knowledge, no analyses have been undertaken to
like semiterrestrial skeleton (McCrossin and examine these features.
Benefit, 1997), supports this idea. However, the Af- The middle phalanges are more strongly flexed
rican-apelike affinities of these postcranial fossils during knuckle-walking than during other forms of
have yet to be established. Furthermore, there is hand use. The range of flexion is potentially limited
little evidence to suggest that the LCA of African by joint capsular structures, tension along the ex-
apes and humans evolved from a digitigrade terres- tensor hood, and the point at which the base of the
trial ancestor (see above). If the extension-limiting middle phalanx contacts the palmar surface of the
and dorsal stability features are found in future proximal phalangeal shaft just proximal to the
hominin metacarpals, or their immediate ancestors, trochlea. The trochleae of chimpanzee and gorilla
phylogenetic context would make knuckle-walking a proximal phalanges tend to be very deep palmo-
far more likely interpretation. The total morpholog- dorsally relative to shaft depth, and this is consis-
ical pattern can clearly distinguish knuckle-walking tent with a high degree of flexion at the proximal
from other forms of terrestriality. interphalangeal joints. This morphology could be
useful in discriminating knuckle-walking from other
Middle phalanx and proximal interphalangeal forms of hand use, but requires confirmation with
joints. By definition, “knuckle-walking” involves a kinematic data on hand use, comparative data on
unique role of the middle and proximal phalanges in joint ranges of motion, and morphometric data on a
weight support. It is a surprise, then, that no clear broad sample of anthropoid phalanges.
knuckle-walking adaptations are known in these
bones. One potential adaptation in this region is Summary and recent fossil evidence
middle phalanx elongation to provide a large area of
support both to increase stability and reduce the In summary, the comparative anatomy of extant
stresses placed on the middle phalanges (Begun, anthropoids and fossil hominins suggests that hu-
1993a, 1994). African apes and humans have long mans evolved from a knuckle-walking ancestor.
middle phalanges, relative to proximal phalanx Pedal features suggest a terrestrial ancestor. Upper
length, as compared to orangutans (Begun, 1994), limb and trunk features are consistent with some
but it is possible that orangutans are the specialized form of climbing, whereas other upper limb features
ones in having long proximal phalanges. One would are consistent with terrestriality and, in a variety of
also expect the dorsal surface of the middle phalanx ways, knuckle-walking (Table 3). The terrestrial fea-
shaft to be fairly straight, to distribute weight-bear- tures are inconsistent with a purely arboreal ances-
ing forces evenly across the bone surface. To our tor, either a quadruped or climber (including a hy-
TABLE 3. Anatomical traits thought to be functionally related to terrestriality, or specifically to knuckle-walking, in African apes,
and distribution of these traits in hominins1
Presence in
Traits Description hominins
Shoulder and arm
T High humeral head torsion MH (not EH?)
T Extension of distal margin of capitulum onto posterior EH
aspect of humerus
KW Distal projection of dorsal radius (related to “volar slant”) EH
T Coplanar scaphoid-lunate surfaces EH
KW* Intermediate to large, dorsally oriented scaphoid notch All
T Large ulnar head All
T Well-formed triangular articular disc MH (all?)
T Elongate, rod-like (and palmarly oriented) pisiform EH
KW* Fused os centrale All
KW Enlarged trapezoid MH (all?)
KW Trapezoid facet of scaphoid oriented normal to second MH (all?)
metacarpal long axis
T Broad proximal- and midcarpal joints MH (all?)
KW Dorsal ridges on capitate, hamate None?
KW Waisted capitate neck EH
KW?, T? Long proximodistal ridge on capitate head separating MH (all?)
lunate and scaphoid facets
KW Large hamate spiral facet MH (all?)
KW “Keeled” metacarpophalangeal joints (e.g., with trapezoid) MH/variable
KW Type III fourth carpometacarpal joint MH/variable
Metacarpals and phalanges
T Dorsal ridge on metacarpal head None
T Dorsal expansion of metacarpal head None
T?, KW? Metacarpal head wider dorsally than palmarly None
KW? Relatively long middle phalanges MH (all?)
T, terrestrial trait; KW, knuckle-walking trait; KW*, KW in context of other traits; MH, modern humans; EH, early hominins; all,
all hominins. “All?” indicates that fossil evidence is absent or poorly known.

lobatian climber). The climbing features are mens are not distinguishable from extant chimpan-
inconsistent with a palmigrade or digitigrade terres- zees and gorillas in this feature (Duncan et al.,
trial ancestor. Collectively, virtually all features are 1994). Therefore, in the absence of quantitative com-
consistent with a knuckle-walking ancestor. Knuckle- parisons or other fossil evidence, evidence for bipe-
walkers retain obvious anatomical specializations dality is not conclusive.
related to suspensory positional behavior in both Published details of the forelimb remains of Ar-
their forelimbs and hindlimbs, and all knuckle- dipithecus, including a well-developed lateral troch-
walkers are adept climbers as well. Compelling ev- lear ridge on the distal humerus and a chimpanzee-
idence from biomechanical studies as to the pre- like strong angulation of the distal radius (White et
adaptive nature of vertical climbing to bipedal al., 1994), are consistent with the knuckle-walking
walking (Prost, 1980; Stern and Susman, 1981; hypothesis. The lack of suspensory/climbing special-
Fleagle et al., 1981; Senut, 1988) is fully consistent izations more extreme than those of African apes
with an African-apelike ancestor that both knuckle- (e.g., like those of Asian apes) does not support a
walked terrestrially and climbed trees. hypothesis of a suspensory/climbing LCA that did
Recent fossil discoveries from the late Miocene not also practice terrestrial behaviors. For example,
and earliest Pliocene promise to help test these hy- curvature of the manual and pedal phalanges of
potheses. White et al. (1994) mention a few charac- Ardipithecus most closely resembles the condition in
teristics (e.g., foramen magnum position) that might some A. afarensis and chimpanzee individuals
indicate bipedalism in Ardipithecus, but they ac- (Haile-Selassie, 2001).
knowledge that more conclusive evidence requires Relevant forelimb remains from which to discern
the discovery and analysis of relevant postcranial knuckle-walking adaptations are also lacking for the
remains. Likewise, the recently described fossils at- earliest putative hominin, Orrorin tugenensis (Se-
tributed to a newly erected subspecies of Ardipithe- nut et al., 2001). Therefore, Orrorin is currently
cus, Ar. ramidus kadabba (Haile-Selassie, 2001), are silent on the locomotor mode of the Pan/Homo LCA.
not conclusive on the topic of bipedalism. The 5.5– However, the available information regarding the
5.77-My-old fragmentary fossils appear to belong to Orrorin femora does not provide indisputable evi-
early hominins, based primarily on canine morphol- dence of bipedalism. The femoral morphology (e.g.,
ogy. Although the 5.2-My-old proximal foot phalanx head breadth relative to shaft breadth) is consistent
(AME-VP-1/71) is reported to have a dorsally canted with both Australopithecus and Pan. The “intertro-
proximal joint surface similar to that in Hadar spec- chanteric groove” apparently refers to the groove for
imens (Haile-Selassie, 2001), many Hadar speci- the tendon of the obturator externus muscle. If so,
Richmond et al.] ORIGIN OF BIPEDALISM 97
this groove, or similar smoothed areas, are found in These characteristics would have been combined
primates with short ischia that extend their hips, with a locomotor skeleton adapted for climbing, sus-
which includes obligate bipeds, as well as other pri- pension, and knuckle-walking. Early hominins (es-
mates for which bipedalism is a relatively minor pecially those older than 4.2 Ma) are found in
component of the locomotor repertoire (Stern and wooded habitats (Pickford and Senut, 2001; Wolde-
Susman, 1991). Nothing about the morphology of Gabriel et al., 2001), suggesting that the LCA inhab-
Orrorin rules out knuckle-walking, climbing, or bi- ited similar environments as well. There is no evi-
pedalism. dence that the LCA had tool-making and -using
capabilities that were any greater than those seen in
The most fundamental implication of having a
Most hypotheses of bipedal origins involve scenar-
knuckle-walking ancestor is that hypotheses pur-
ios in which bipedalism is seen as an adaptation, at
porting to explain the origin of bipedalism must
least in part, to environmental conditions. The rate
explain why it would be advantageous for an already
and extent to which a global cooling and drying
terrestrial ancestor to stand upright on two legs.
event occurred in the late Miocene are a matter of
Thus, hypotheses in which bipedalism was simply a
debate (Kingston et al., 1994; Cerling et al., 1997).
consequence of a shift from arboreal to terrestrial
However, there is evidence (e.g., in airborne dust
travel would not hold. Instead, the selective agents
records) of substantially cooler and drier intervals in
for bipedalism must offered significant advantages
eastern Africa between 5–7 Ma (deMenocal and Blo-
over knuckle-walking.
emendal, 1995). Such climatic intervals would in-
Below, we consider existing scenarios on the ori-
volve expansion of open environments. In near-
gins of bipedalism in light of current information.
equatorial areas of Africa, forests would fragment
Based on current paleoenvironmental evidence,
during these intervals, producing mosaics of dense
what we know about the earliest hominins, and re-
forest, closed and open woodlands, and grasslands.
constructions of the LCA, some scenarios can be
It is during these times that populations of the Pan/
rejected while others remain tenable.
Homo LCA are most likely to have become frag-
Reconstruction of the last common ancestor mented and isolated, conditions favorable to niche
of Pan and Homo diversification and speciation (Brain, 1981).
Between 3.5– 8 My, sites in eastern and southern
Current evidence suggests that the body mass of Africa were home to environments that ranged from
the LCA of chimpanzees and humans more closely relatively closed forests (e.g., Tugen Hills, Kanam,
resembled that of Pan than those of hylobatids or Middle Awash, and Sterkfontein) to savanna mosaic
gorillas. The high (near gorilla) levels of sexual di- habitats (e.g., Lothogam, Kanapoi, and Laetoli). The
morphism in all early hominins for which sufficient range of environments recorded during the late Mio-
data are available, including Australopithecus cene in eastern Africa leaves open a wide range of
(McHenry, 1986; Lockwood et al., 1996; Lockwood, potential habitats for the earliest hominins. The key
1999; Ward et al., 2001) and Paranthropus (Silver- questions concern what habitats were favored by the
man et al., 2001), imply that strong sexual dimor- LCA, and by the earliest bipeds. Answers to these
phism in body size characterized the LCA. However, questions will require that paleoenvironmental data
these taxa appeared millions of years after the LCA, correspond precisely with hominin fossils, especially
so the reconstruction of the LCA as highly sexually in light of environmental variability over time in
dimorphic must await confirmation from earlier eastern Africa (Potts, 1998).
taxa. There is not yet enough information to deter- Current paleoenvironmental evidence suggests
mine whether or not canine dimorphism was as pro- that the earliest bipeds, and perhaps the LCA, are
nounced, but the reduced size of all hominin canines typically found in habitats that were wooded to at
and all the moderate dimorphism of Pan and Astra- least some degree. Data over the past couple of de-
lopithecus canines suggests that it may have been cades show that Australopithecus fossils are found
somewhere in the range between Pan and Australo- in a variety of paleoenvironments, making it un-
pithecus. If the inference of strong body size dimor- likely that a move to open grassland habitats was
phism in the LCA is correct, then social groups were critical to the origin of bipedal gait (Hill, 1987; King-
likely to have been polygynous, with high levels of ston et al., 1994; Potts, 1998, and references there-
male-male competition. The molar morphology of in). The strongest support for the idea that bipedal-
the earliest hominins resembles that of Pan in many ism originated in wooded environments comes from
respects, implying a similar, fairly frugivorous diet. the paleoenvironmental data accompanying recent
A gorilla-like emphasis on folivory is unlikely. Aside fossil discoveries of Orrorin, Ardipithecus at 4.4 Ma,
from not having enamel as thick as the “hyperthick” and what has been attributed to an early form of
enamel of Paranthropus, the degree of enamel thick- Ardipithecus over 5 My old (WoldeGabriel et al.,
ness in the LCA remains a topic of debate (White et 1994, 2001; Pickford and Senut, 2001). However, at
al., 1994; Senut et al., 2001; Haile-Selassie, 2001). present, these discoveries offer only a few data
points, and evidence for bipedality is not conclusive, if the current patterns of finding early hominins in
precluding any broad conclusions about the paleoen- more wooded paleoenvironments are confirmed. For
vironments preferred by the earliest bipeds. example, the available paleoenvironmental data
Although the phylogenetic status of Orrorin tu- contradict the hypothesis that bipedality arose as an
genensis is not yet certain, its anatomy suggests that adaptation to long-distance travel to scavenge from
it lies close to the LCA (Senut et al., 2001). Depend- migrating ungulate populations (Sinclair et al.,
ing on whether it is an early member of the hominin 1986). Other hypotheses involving foraging in open,
clade, panin clade, a sister taxon to the LCA, or the grassy environments are similarly weakened or are
LCA itself, the fact that it is found in a context with no longer tenable (e.g., Jolly, 1970). If the earliest
signs of open woodland and more densely wooded hominins were not often in very open habitats, then
areas may support the idea that wooded environ- sun exposure also could not have been the major
ments were important in early human origins. selective factor for the origin of bipedalism (Wheel-
Additional evidence of the importance of woodland er, 1991).
habitats to very early hominins comes from the However, not all “savanna” hypotheses can be re-
western margin of the Middle Awash, where homi- jected. In a regional context in which open areas
nins are found in wooded environments, and are were spreading, bipedalism may have been an effec-
scarce in otherwise fossiliferous sediments from tive means of moving through patches of open ter-
more open environments (WoldeGabriel et al., rain while maintaining a forest or woodland life
2001). The precise relevance of the paleonvironmen- (Rodman and McHenry, 1980; Isbell and Young,
tal information depends on whether or not this 1996). Similarly, one could argue that a locomotor
hominin is in fact adapted to bipedalism. The earli- repertoire of bipedalism and climbing provided a
est undisputed biped, A. anamensis (Leakey et al., versatile locomotor strategy that accommodated set-
1995; Ward et al., 2001), is found in a wider range of tings with many or very few trees; such a strategy
habitats. Micro- and macrofauna at Kanapoi indi- would be useful in times of environmental variabil-
cate dry, possibly open, bushland or woodland con- ity (Potts, 1998). These hypotheses, however, should
ditions, although gallery forests at Kanapoi and Al- now also explain the advantage of bipedalism over
lia Bay would have accompanied the rivers knuckle-walking in achieving these goals. Rodman
responsible for the deposits (Leakey et al., 1995;
and McHenry (1980) pointed out that human bipe-
Wynn, 2000). Thus, early members of the genus
dality is more efficient than chimpanzee knuckle-
Australopithecus typically inhabited environments
walking, but further research is needed to assess
with or near tree cover, but were not restricted to
whether or not the earliest bipeds would have en-
woodlands, as may have been the case for Ardipithe-
joyed energetic efficiency or economy over knuckle-
cus (WoldeGabriel et al., 2001).
walking (Steudel, 1996).
Scenarios that can be rejected Of course, the paleoenvironmental data associ-
Evidence that bipedalism evolved from a knuckle- ated with the earliest hominins do not preclude open
walking ancestor allows us to reject scenarios that habitats from playing an important role in the later
rely on a strictly arboreal ancestor. These include evolution of bipedalism. Australopithecus fossils are
scenarios in which bipedalism arose from an ances- often found in paleoenvironmental contexts that are
tor with forelimbs that were poorly suited to bear more open (if not savanna) than those so far de-
compressive weight support (Reynolds, 1985), and scribed for Ardipithecus and Orrorin. Indeed, it is
models in which terrestrial bipedality was the ter- likely that the process of increasing commitment to
restrial elaboration of arboreal bipedality (Tuttle, bipedality involved an extended and complex open-
1975, 1981). A knuckle-walking ancestor, along with ing of habitats, rather than a single, abrupt transi-
other data, allow us to reject the hypothesis that tion from dense forest to open savanna (Rose, 1991).
bipedality evolved as an adaptation to ambush pre- If the earliest hominins exhibit more primitive
dation in arboreal environments (Eickhoff, 1988). forms of bipedalism than that of Australopithecus,
Essentially, a knuckle-walking ancestor precludes then the differences in paleoenvironments favored
all hypotheses that posit a purely arboreal ancestor by these taxa may have played a role in bipedal
(Napier, 1964; Tuttle, 1975; Stern, 1975; Prost, refinements of Australopithecus. Much later, early
1980; Hunt, 1996). members of the genus Homo became associated with
The fact that the earliest hominins are not typi- open grasslands. By 1.5 Ma, the Nariokotome skel-
cally found in open grassland environments contra- eton provides clear evidence that H. ergaster was
dicts long-standing “savanna” hypotheses that place adapted to a hot, arid climate and long-distance
the agents of selection for bipedality on open grass- bipedal travel (Ruff and Walker, 1993). Thermoreg-
lands (these hypotheses have been questioned by ulatory advantages and locomotor efficiency, for ex-
researchers, such as Washburn (1967), since at least ample, may not have been key to the origin of bipe-
the late 1960s). There are many savanna-based hy- dality, but bipedality, along with slender body form
potheses on the origin of bipedalism (Rose, 1991). and larger body mass, may have offered these ad-
Those that rely on the earliest hominins primarily vantages in later periods of human evolution (Car-
inhabiting or feeding in grasslands may be rejected rier, 1984; Wheeler, 1993).
Richmond et al.] ORIGIN OF BIPEDALISM 99
Levels of sexual dimorphism in early hominins species, as do chimpanzees (Remis, 1997). These
also bear on a number of bipedal origin scenarios. folivorous adaptations allow them to subsist entirely
Although fossil evidence of the earliest hominins is on pith, herbaceous plants, and fibrous fruits when
still sparse, the fact that high levels of size dimor- the preferred fleshy fruits are in low supply (Remis,
phism characterize Australopithecus, Paranthropus, 1997, and references therein). Although chimpan-
and early Homo is not consistent with monogamy in zees also use these fibrous foods, they rely more
these hominins. It also suggests that the earliest heavily on fruit as part of their diet. In times of fruit
bipeds did not have monogamous social groups scarcity, chimpanzee groups fragment into smaller
(Foley and Lee, 1989), contradicting an important foraging parties to decrease daily travel distance
foundation for some hypotheses, such as the well- (and its associated costs) and minimize intragroup
known and elaborate male provisioning hypothesis competition for food resources (Tutin et al., 1991). In
of Lovejoy (1981). light of their reliance on fruits, it is possible that the
Tenable scenarios long premaxillae and broad upper lateral incisors of
chimpanzees (synapomorphies shared with homi-
Most existing scenarios explaining the origin of nins) are related to effectiveness in food processing
bipedalism cannot be rejected in light of the anatom- (Ungar, 1994).
ical, social, and paleoenvironmental conditions dis- Hominin bipedalism is also likely to be an adap-
cussed above. Indeed, many scenarios are difficult or tation to some aspect of food acquisition, a point
impossible to test. While untestable hypotheses are made by Jolly (1970) in his landmark paper on the
not particularly useful, we are left with the unsat- “seed-eater” model. Eighty percent of chimpanzee
isfying possibility that one or more of them may bipedalism (the majority of which is postural) occurs
actually be correct. It is beyond the scope of this during feeding (Hunt, 1994). Food acquisition is also
discussion to review the multitude of remaining hy- the context in which baboons most frequently prac-
potheses, many of which are outlined in Rose (1991). tice bipedalism (again, mostly postural) (Rose, 1976;
Instead, we will discuss how the origin of bipedalism Wrangham, 1980). Chimpanzees are most often bi-
might be understood in the context of the diversifi- pedal when feeding on small fruits from small, open-
cation of African apes and humans from their com- forest trees (Hunt, 1994, 1996). The habitats recon-
mon ancestors. structed for the earliest hominins are consistent
Modern primates live in complex environments, with the hypothesis of Hunt (1994, 1996). The ad-
with considerable spatial and temporal variability. vantages of bipedal standing to chimpanzees include
The same was almost certainly true for the earliest a higher reach into short trees, thereby bringing
hominins. Indeed, paleoenvironmental data point to more fruit within reach, and the ability to continu-
varied, but generally wooded habitats for the earli- ously gather fruit with both hands (Hunt, 1994).
est hominins and their close relatives. The wood- Since gathering, not consuming, is typically the
lands of the Middle Awash hominin fossil sites show slowest step, using both hands to gather food confers
that trees were spaced apart widely enough to allow a real advantage to having free hands during bipe-
sufficient sunlight through for grass to grow under dal posture.
the canopy. Isotope data indicate that grass consti- Fossil and paleoenvironmental evidence shows
tuted 20 – 45% of the biomass at hominin sites that frugivory and relatively open woodlands were
(WoldeGabriel et al., 2001). A large-bodied primate important components of early hominin paleobiol-
in an environment with discontinuous canopy cover ogy. A greater emphasis on foraging in these con-
would have no choice but to travel at least part of the texts, or heavy reliance on these food sources during
time on the ground, especially in light of the larger low resource availability, may have led to increased
day ranges of large-bodied primates. postural and/or locomotor bipedality within the lo-
Temporal variability in environments and habitat comotor repertoire (Rose, 1991). This, in turn, could
fragmentation associated with periods of cooling and have led to bipedal adaptations in the earliest homi-
drying produce mosaics of dense forest, woodlands, nins (Wrangham, 1980; Rose, 1984, 1991; Hunt,
and grasslands (Potts, 1996, 1998). These factors are 1994, 1996).
favorable to niche diversification in isolated popula- Carrying hypotheses also have some merit, but
tions. Within this ecological context, some apes there must be clear advantages associated with car-
maintained a forest-oriented adaptation, while oth- rying. Carrying infants (Etkin, 1954; Iwamoto,
ers may have begun to exploit forest margins and 1985) is unlikely to have been important, since there
grassy woodlands. Some unique aspects of gorilla is no indication of infant altriciality in the earliest
and chimpanzee morphology and behavior may be hominins, and their infants probably clung to their
related to the use of fall-back resources, which they mother’s hair, as is the case for most other primates
can exploit during times of the year when other (although African-ape mothers assist their infants
preferred resources are in low supply (Terborgh, in the first month or two). Most food items are not
1983). Gorillas have a folivorous dentition and gas- worth carrying because gathering is more time-con-
trointestinal tract, coupled with large body mass, suming that ingestion (Hunt, 1994). Furthermore,
even though many of them (especially lowland goril- for most food items (e.g., small fruits), it is difficult
las) consume up to as much fruit, and as many fruit to manually transport more than a few at a time.
Foods worth carrying are those that are very energy- tive agents favoring bipedalism, data on extant pri-
rich or fulfill a particular nutritional need, and that mates in diverse ecological settings are needed to
could be carried in large quantities (e.g., nuts or provide a framework within which to interpret the
fruits attached to a stalk, meat) (Hewes, 1961; Gar- fossil record. Information on how African ape loco-
ber, personal communication). If such a food source motor, feeding, social grouping, and other behaviors
occurs in widely spaced patches, then it may become respond to various ecological conditions (e.g., rela-
beneficial to carry the food while foraging in other tively closed vs. open habitats, variation in seasonal
locations, rather than returning the source in the availability of resources) will be particularly useful
near future. Provisioning could also play a role in in this respect.
this scenario, which would have social and reproduc- It is also critical that we understand the biome-
tive advantages for the provisioning individual chanics and functional anatomy involved in knuck-
(Lovejoy, 1981). Foods that require extensive pro- le-walking, climbing, bipedalism, and other forms of
cessing (e.g., some nuts) may also be worth trans- locomotion so that reliable interpretations of fossils
porting to a processing location. Conversely, pro- are possible. Researchers do not fully understand
cessing tools (e.g., rocks) may be carried to food how the anthropoid hand and wrist are used (e.g., in
sources (Washburn, 1967; Boesch-Aschermann and terms of kinematics or muscle activity) during loco-
Boesch, 1994). Hypotheses invoking hand use in motion, and how anthropoid skeletal anatomy re-
tool-related activities (e.g., digging, throwing) also lates to in vivo function. Existing studies do not
remain viable (Marzke et al., 1988). agree with each other on interpretations of hand and
Many food acquisition and carrying hypotheses wrist function and morphology (e.g., Tuttle, 1967;
remain tenable in light of current evidence. They Jenkins and Fleagle, 1975; Lewis, 1989), and many
offer advantages to bipedalism in an ape already hypotheses about functional anatomy remain un-
adapted to terrestriality. Note that for these hypoth- tested. Integrating studies of morphology with those
eses to be tenable, they must demonstrate that the of in vivo function, following the early study by Jen-
benefits of bipedal food acquisition or carrying must kins and Fleagle (1975), promise to greatly improve
outweigh the costs of adopting a novel locomotor our understanding of carpal functional anatomy and
mode. Importantly, because knuckle-walking is an its significance in human evolutionary history.
inefficient form of terrestrial locomotion (Taylor and Further research is also warranted on the biome-
Rowntree, 1973), the transition from knuckle-walk- chanics of bipedal postures and locomotion in the
ing to bipedalism as a more dominant part of a African apes. Given the generally apelike skeleton of
locomotor repertoire would be less costly than it the earliest hominins (McHenry, 1984; White et al.,
would be from other forms of locomotion. 1994), research into the commonalities of bipedal
AREAS OF FUTURE RESEARCH biomechanics among great apes will provide insight
into the benefits, costs, and mechanics of bipedalism
New fossil discoveries of the earliest hominins, the in the earliest hominin bipeds. Understanding the
LCA, and the detailed environmental contexts in biomechanical bases underlying the differences in
which they occur are the only means to ultimately bipedality between the great apes will also be valu-
test the knuckle-walking and climbing hypotheses, able in refining our abilities to make predictions
given that the LCA undoubtedly continued to exploit from skeletal form.
arboreal environments. Even after the recovery of Lastly, more research is needed on the genetic and
these fossils, major hurdles will remain in reliably epigenetic bases of skeletal morphology. Research-
identifying the LCA and basal panins and hominins ers disagree on how they expect ancestral morphol-
(see, for example, the conflicting interpretations of ogy to be expressed in descendent taxa and, when
Senut et al., 2001, and Haile-Selassie, 2001). Fossil primitive retentions occur, how best to interpret
taxa near the base of the African ape and human them. For example, Australopithecus metacarpals
clade may differ by only a few subtle anatomical lack knuckle-walking features, but the variability in
characteristics (Wood and Richmond, 2000). these features in African apes may be influenced by
Paleoenvironmental data of the LCA and the ear- activity during growth. If so, one would not expect
liest bipeds will be crucial in testing hypotheses on these traits to persist in nonknuckle-walking de-
the selective agents for the origin of bipedalism. It is scendents. A better understanding of the influence
particularly important that paleoenvironmental of activity on morphology during development will
data be precisely linked with the loci in which the provide a stronger basis from which to make predic-
hominin fossils were buried. A paleolandscape ap- tions about morphological change in human evolu-
proach will be most informative, by providing an tion.
indication of the spatial and temporal variability of
paleoenvironments, where hominins occur within
this context (and where they do not occur), and how The weight of current evidence suggests that hu-
hominin habitat preferences changed over time. mans evolved from an ancestor adapted to knuckle-
Just as detailed data on the paleoenvironmental walking and climbing. This evidence includes terres-
contexts of the LCA and the earliest bipeds will be trial features in the hands and feet, climbing
critical for testing hypotheses on the potential selec- features throughout the skeleton, and knuckle-
Richmond et al.] ORIGIN OF BIPEDALISM 101
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