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R e v i e w

Adipocytokines and the Metabolic Complications

of Obesity

Neda Rasouli and Philip A. Kern

The Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System (N.R.), and the Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, University of
Arkansas for Medical Sciences (N.R., P.A.K.), Little Rock, Arkansas 72205

Context: Adipose tissue is increasingly recognized as an active endocrine organ with many secre-
tory products and part of the innate immune system. With obesity, macrophages infiltrate adipose
tissue, and numerous adipocytokines are released by both macrophages and adipocytes. Adipo-
cytokines play important roles in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and associated metabolic
complications such as dyslipidemia, hypertension, and premature heart disease.

Evidence Acquisition: Published literature was analyzed with the intent of addressing the role of
the major adipose secretory proteins in human obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes.

Evidence Synthesis: This review analyzes the characteristics of different adipocytokines, including
leptin, adiponectin, pro-inflammatory cytokines, resistin, retinol binding protein 4, visfatin, and
others, and their roles in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance.

Conclusions: Inflamed fat in obesity secretes an array of proteins implicated in the impairment of
insulin signaling. Further studies are needed to understand the triggers that initiate inflammation
in adipose tissue and the role of each adipokine in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. (J Clin
Endocrinol Metab 93: S64 –S73, 2008)

M any recent epidemiological studies have documented the

rapid increase in the prevalence of obesity. According to
data from the Center for Disease Control Behavioral Risk Factor
atosis, and sleep apnea can also be included in the metabolic
complications of obesity (6).
This paper is intended to provide an overview of the patho-
Surveillance System, 22 states in the United States have an obesity genesis of the metabolic complications of obesity, with particular
[body mass index (BMI) ⬎30 kg/m2] prevalence of over 30% in emphasis on the role of inflammation and adipose tissue-derived
2006, whereas only 10 yr earlier, no state had an obesity proteins. There are many adipokines, and space limitations do
prevalence of more than 20%. Along with the increase in not permit a thorough discussion of all of them. Therefore, this
obesity is a parallel increase in the prevalence of type 2 dia- review will discuss a number of the major adipokines, and will
betes, impaired glucose tolerance (1, 2), and other complica- focus on adipokines related to inflammation, and in particular
tions of obesity, such as hypertension, sleep apnea, and ar- adipokines that have been the subject of studies in humans, and
thritis. Whether or not the obesity epidemic leads to an where there are clinical implications for obesity and insulin
increase in the incidence of new obesity related malignancies resistance.
remains to be determined (3, 4). A recent study suggested that
future life expectancy may decrease for the first time due to the
increase in obesity (5).
The metabolic complications of obesity, often referred to as Obesity Is Associated with Inflammation
the metabolic syndrome, consist of insulin resistance, often cul-
minating in ␤-cell failure, impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 The role of adipose tissue in metabolic syndrome has continued
diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and premature heart dis- to evolve with the description of numerous secretory products
ease. Abdominal obesity, ectopic lipid accumulation, hepatic ste- from adipocytes. These “adipokines” are important determi-

0021-972X/08/$15.00/0 Abbreviations: AMPK, AMP-activated protein kinase; BMI, body mass index; ER, endo-
Printed in U.S.A. plasmic reticulum; Glut4, glucose transporter 4; HMM, high-molecular mass; MCP, mono-
cyte chemoattractant protein; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1; PPAR, peroxisome
Copyright © 2008 by The Endocrine Society proliferator activated receptor; RBP4, retinol binding protein 4; STAT3, signal transducer
doi: 10.1210/jc.2008-1613 Received July 25, 2008. Accepted September 15, 2008. and activator of transcription-3; TSP, thrombospondin; TZD, thiazolidinedione.

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nants of insulin resistance, either through a traditional (circu- cyte expansion is limited, either due to impaired adipocyte de-
lating) hormonal effect, or through local effects on the adipocyte. velopment, decreased lipid synthesis, or matrix factors that pre-
In the mid-1990s, the expression of TNF␣ by adipose tissue vent cell enlargement. One example of limited adipocyte
of obese rodents and humans was first described (7, 8). Subse- development is lipodystrophy. Humans and rodents with ex-
quently, other adipose tissue-derived proteins were described, and treme forms of lipodystrophy have little or no adipose tissue and
many of these adipokines have been implicated in the pathogenesis extreme ectopic fat deposition, leading to lipotoxicity and insulin
of the chronic inflammation and insulin resistance associated with resistance (24). However, lesser degrees of lipodystrophy occur
obesity. In addition to the production of pro-inflammatory cyto- in patients with HIV lipodystrophy, who demonstrate features of
kines that promote metabolic complications, adipose tissue is the the metabolic syndrome. The adipose tissue of HIV-infected pa-
sole source of adiponectin, which is antiinflammatory and associ- tients demonstrated increased inflammation and lower levels of
ated with protection from atherosclerosis (9, 10). expression of lipin-␤ (25–28). Lipin is a phosphatidate phospha-
The study of adipose tissue inflammation was considerably tase involved in lipid synthesis, and animals with lipin deficiency
impacted by the demonstration of resident macrophages in ad- are lipodystrophic (29, 30). In addition, lower levels of adipose
ipose tissue (11, 12). The adipose tissue of obese rodents and lipin expression are found in non-HIV infected subjects with
humans contains increased numbers of macrophages, and once insulin resistance, and peroxisome proliferator activated recep-
activated, macrophages secrete a host of cytokines such as tor (PPAR)-␥ agonists increase the expression of the ␤-isoform of
TNF␣, IL-6, and IL-1 (13), and the adipose tissue resident mac- lipin (31). Other genes involved in adipocyte differentiation or
rophages were responsible for the expression of most of the tissue lipogenesis may also be associated with adipose tissue inflam-
TNF␣ and IL-6. The expression of macrophage markers in hu- mation. Therefore, the association of obesity with insulin resis-
man adipose tissue was high in subjects with obesity and insulin tance and inflammation is well established. The concept of lim-
resistance, and was also correlated with the expression of TNF␣ ited adipocyte expansion, leading to inflammation and many of
and IL-6 (12, 14). the metabolic consequences of obesity, is somewhat counterin-
There are a number of possible mechanisms underlying the tuitive, but enjoys some support in the literature. This concept
infiltration of macrophages into adipose tissue. One possibility clearly needs further development and clarification with future
is the elaboration of chemokines by adipocytes, which would research.
then attract resident macrophages. Adipocytes express low levels
of monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, and increased
expression is found in obese subjects (14). From an evolutionary Adipokines Expressed by Adipocytes
perspective, adipose macrophages may have represented an im-
portant part of the host defense against injury or infection. On Leptin
the other hand, recent studies have suggested that macrophages Leptin (Greek, leptos, thin), is a 167-amino acid hormone
infiltrate adipose tissue as part of a scavenger function in re- secreted largely by adipose tissue that controls food intake and
sponse to adipocyte necrosis. Careful immunohistological stud- energy expenditure (32). Circulating levels of leptin parallel fat
ies of mouse and human adipose tissue demonstrated that most cell stores, increasing with overfeeding and decreasing with star-
of the macrophages in adipose tissue of obese mice were sur- vation. The absence of leptin or a mutation in leptin receptor
rounding dead adipocytes and formed a syncytium, often re- genes induces a massive hyperphagia and obesity in animal mod-
ferred to as a “crown-like structure” (15). With the rapid devel- els (33), and humans (34, 35), however, the prevalence of these
opment of obesity in both diet and genetically obese rodent mutations in obese humans is rare.
models, the number of crown-like structures in adipose tissue The effects of leptin are mediated by receptors, mainly located
increases rapidly, and the macrophage burden surrounding ne- in the central nervous system, and in other tissues, including
crotic adipocytes becomes considerable (16). adipocytes and endothelial cells. Leptin receptor belongs to the
If adipocyte necrosis is indeed the initiating event in the pro- class I family of cytokine receptors, and it engages both the signal
cess of macrophage infiltration, there are a number of possible transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3) pathway
causes. Hypoxia has been proposed to be an inciting etiology of and the insulin receptor substrate phosphoinositide-3 kinase
necrosis (17). With obesity and progressive adipocyte enlarge- pathway, among others (36). It has been shown that STAT3 is
ment, the blood supply to adipocytes may be reduced (18), and essential for mediating food intake, liver glucose production, and
the induction of adipocyte hypoxia in vitro results in the expres- gonadotropin secretion (36), however, the control of adipose
sion of a number of inflammatory cytokines (19 –21). Indeed, an tissue metabolism by leptin is STAT3 independent (37). Re-
increased prevalence of insulin resistance in patients with sleep cently, Buettner et al. (37) showed that the infusion of leptin in
apnea independent of obesity has been reported, which is per- hypothalamus led to the suppression of lipogenesis in adipose
haps due to intermittent hypoxia, inflammation, and oxidative tissue through activation of the phosphoinositide-3 kinase path-
stress (22). way, sympathic nervous system, and the engagement of adipose
Another body of thought suggests that unbridled adipocyte tissue endocannabinoid system.
expansion and triglyceride accumulation in adipose tissue are Other potential physiological roles for leptin have been de-
ultimately a benign phenomenon, and perhaps even beneficial to scribed. Leptin modulates the T-cell immune response, stimu-
relieve lipotoxicity in liver, skeletal muscle, and other ectopic lates proliferation of T-helper cells, and increases production of
sites (23). Adipose tissue inflammation may occur when adipo- pro-inflammatory cytokines by regulating different immune cells
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(38, 39). Leptin is also important in regulating the reproductive function (60). More recent studies have shown that the HMW
system and the onset of puberty, and leptin deficiency is associ- oligomer is inversely associated with the risk for diabetes inde-
ated with hypogonadism (40). pendent of total adiponectin (61), and the HMW oligomer is
The increased risk of cardiovascular disease with obesity responsible for the association of adiponectin with traits of met-
makes adipokines, including leptin, an attractive instigator of abolic syndrome (62, 63).
atherosclerosis. In a large prospective study, leptin was indepen- Adiponectin inserts its effects through two transmembrane
dently associated with an increased risk of coronary artery dis- receptors (AdipoR1 and AdipoR2) that are ubiquitously ex-
ease (41). However, the question whether leptin directly causes pressed. AdipoR1 is predominantly expressed in skeletal muscle
atherosclerosis in obese individuals is still unresolved. In in vitro with a preference for binding to globular adiponectin, whereas
or animal studies, different atherogenic properties, including in- AdipoR2 is most abundant in the liver with a preference for
creased oxidative stress, impairment of vasorelaxation, and in- binding to full-length adiponectin (64). Adiponectin improves
creased thrombosis, have been described for leptin (42, 43). insulin sensitivity by increasing energy expenditure and fatty acid
oxidation through activation of AMP-activated protein kinase
Potential use of leptin as a drug (AMPK), and by increasing the expression of PPAR␣ target genes
Treatment with recombinant human leptin reverses hy- such as CD36, acyl-coenzyme oxidase, and uncoupling protein
perphagia, obesity, hypogonadism, and impaired T-cell-medi- 2 (60). Alternatively, adiponectin may lead to an improved met-
ated immunity associated with congenital leptin deficiency (44, abolic profile by the expansion of sc adipose tissue with de-
45). In addition, leptin replacement is a very promising thera- creased levels of macrophage infiltration (23), similar to the ac-
peutic approach for the management of the complications of tions of PPAR␥ agonists. Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) are known
lipodystrophy (46). In contrast, leptin treatment for the reversal to increase circulating levels of adiponectin, mostly the HMW
of typical obesity and obesity related metabolic disorders has not form, by 2- to 3-fold (65– 67), and improve insulin resistance by
proven to be successful (47). Obese individuals, for unknown diversion of fat from ectopic sites to sc adipose tissue (68). In-
reasons, become resistant to the satiety and weight-reducing ef- terestingly, insulin-sensitizing effects of TZDs are significantly
fect of leptin. A recent study reported a synergistic effect for diminished in the absence of adiponectin (54), suggesting an
weight loss with leptin and amylin coadministration in diet-in- important role of adiponectin in reduction of lipotoxicity and
duced obese rats by restoring hypothalamic sensitivity to leptin inflammation associated with obesity.
(48). If confirmed in clinical research studies, the restoration of Adiponectin has also had vasculoprotective effects mediated
leptin sensitivity might change the neurohormonal approaches via an increase in endothelial nitric oxide production, or mod-
to obesity pharmacotherapy. ulation of expression of adhesion molecules and scavenger re-
ceptors (60, 69).
Adiponectin In addition to peripheral actions, it has been suggested that
Adiponectin is a 30-kDa protein secreted from adipocytes (9), adiponectin has central effects in the regulation of energy ho-
and its circulating levels are decreased in obesity induced insulin meostasis (70). Adiponectin was present in cerebrospinal fluid
resistance (49, 50). Paradoxically, in rare cases of severe insulin largely in the form of trimer and hexamer, in contrast to the
resistance with proximal defect in insulin action, elevated levels distribution of adiponectin in serum, which consists of higher
of adiponectin have been reported (51). Mice lacking adiponec- molecular masses (71). It has been proposed that adiponectin
tin have reduced insulin sensitivity (52–54); in contrast, adi- increases food intake by enhancing hypothalamic AMPK activity
ponectin overexpression in ob/ob mice, confers dramatic meta- in fasting conditions (72).
bolic improvements (23).
Once adiponectin is synthesized, it undergoes several post- Resistin
translational modifications, including hydroxylation and glyco- Resistin is a 12-kDa peptide that was originally discovered as
sylation (55), and some of these modifications are necessary for a result of examining differential gene expression of mouse ad-
its bioactivity (56). Circulating adiponectin is found in several ipose tissue after TZD treatment (73). Resistin is part of a gene
different isoforms, including trimer, low-molecular weight family of “Resistin-like molecules,” and is increased along with
(-hexamers), and high-molecular weight (HMW) (18mers) PPAR␥ during the differentiation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes (74).
forms (57, 58). Different adiponectin oligomers hold distinct Resistin was decreased by TZD treatment of mice and was in-
biological functions. Most insulin-sensitizing effects of adi- creased in insulin-resistant mice. Furthermore, treatment with
ponectin have been linked to the HMW isoform, whereas the antiresistin antibody improved insulin sensitivity and glucose
central effects of adiponectin have been contributed to hexamer transport in mice and mouse adipocytes, respectively (73). Ad-
and trimer isoforms (55). ditional studies in mice suggest that an important site of action
The distribution of adiponectin oligomers in the circulation is of resistin is on hepatic glucose production (75). Although these
primarily controlled at the level of secretion from adipocytes. data in mice are exciting, the role of resistin in human insulin
Molecular chaperones in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), in- resistance is less clear. Resistin is expressed by adipocytes in mice
cluding ER protein of 44 kDa and ER oxidoreductase 1-L␣, play but is expressed by the macrophages of humans (76). A number
an important role in the secretion of adiponectin (55, 63). of studies have examined plasma resistin levels or adipose resistin
Several studies have linked hypoadiponectinemia to diabetes expression, and have found variable associations with insulin
(50), hypertension (59), atherosclerosis, and endothelial dys- resistance (77– 80). A recent large study involving the Framing-
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ham offspring cohort found a significant relationship between tissue, from which the name visfatin was derived (107). Injection
insulin resistance and resistin, however, this relationship was of visfatin in mice lowered blood glucose, and mice with a mu-
considerably weaker than the relationship with adiponectin, and tation in visfatin had higher glucose levels.
was lost after adjustment for BMI (81). Resistin decreases after Although these initial studies were promising, subsequent
TZD treatment of humans, although resistin was also decreased studies of visfatin in humans have generally not confirmed the
by metformin treatment (65, 82). Therefore, resistin is clearly an initial study, which was, in part, retracted (108). A subsequent
important adipokine that likely plays a role in the development study did not confirm the insulin mimetic action of visfatin but
of insulin resistance; however, it appears to be quantitatively less instead demonstrated that visfatin has nicotinamide adenine
important in humans than other adipokines. dinucleotide (NAD) biosynthetic activity, which is essential for
B-cell function (109). In human studies, a positive correlation
Retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) between visceral adipose tissue visfatin gene expression and BMI
One interesting rodent model of insulin resistance is the ad- was noted, along with a negative correlation between BMI and
ipose tissue-specific glucose transporter 4 (Glut4) knockout sc fat visfatin (110, 111), suggesting that visfatin regulation in
mouse (83), in which the defect in adipose tissue glucose trans- these different depots is different, and adipose depot ratios are
port yielded peripheral insulin resistance, apparently due to a highly dependent on the obesity of the subjects. No difference in
circulating factor. RBP4 was identified as a highly expressed visfatin expression between fat depots of humans was noted
circulating adipokine in this model and caused insulin resistance (110, 111), and visfatin was expressed predominantly by non-
when overexpressed or injected into mice (84). Since that time, macrophage cells in the adipose tissue stroma (111). Plasma vis-
a number of human studies have been performed that examined fatin was positively associated with BMI in one study (110), but
RBP4 protein levels in circulation and/or its gene expression in not in others (111, 112). Variable results were obtained regard-
adipose tissue in subjects with varying degrees of obesity, insulin ing the relationship between visfatin and diabetes or insulin re-
resistance, or type 2 diabetes. Some papers demonstrated a pos- sistance (111–114), and visfatin was not responsive to PPAR␥
itive association between RBP4 and insulin resistance or obesity agonists and was not correlated with macrophage markers (111).
(84 –94), sometimes with strikingly strong correlations, whereas Therefore, there are a number of inconsistencies among the dif-
others have not found such a relationship (95–100). One study ferent studies of visfatin, and the role of this adipokine in obesity
found no relationship between RBP4 and insulin sensitivity in and insulin resistance is not clear.
older subjects, but a weak relationship in young subjects, sug-
gesting an age-related difference (101). Another study found no
significant relationship between RBP4 and insulin sensitivity, Inflammatory Cytokines Produced by
but RBP4 was associated with adipose tissue macrophage mark- Macrophages
ers, suggesting a possible role of RBP4 in inflammation (95). The
response to TZDs has been examined in fewer studies, and again Obesity is characterized by increased fat mass frequently asso-
the response was inconsistent. If RBP4 is associated with insulin ciated with chronic inflammation. Yet, the mechanisms trigger-
resistance, one would expect a decrease after treatment with rosi- ing the inflammatory pathway in obesity are to be determined,
or pioglitazone. Such a response was found in Glut4 knockout and discussed previously. An increased number of macrophages
mice (84) and in some human studies (90, 91, 102, 103). How- resident in human adipose tissue has been reported in obesity
ever, in other studies, human subjects treated with TZDs dem- (14) that may contribute to the inflammatory process by secret-
onstrated no change or an increase in RBP4 mRNA (94, 95), and ing pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF␣, IL6, and MCP-1.
the addition of pioglitazone to adipocytes in vitro also resulted In addition to increased infiltration of macrophages in adipose
in increased RBP4 mRNA (95). RBP4 circulates bound to tran- tissue, obesity is associated with changes in the phenotype of
sthyretin, which decreases RBP4 renal clearance, and transthy- macrophages from alternatively activated toward a more clas-
retin plasma levels were increased 4-fold in ob/ob mice compared sical and pro-inflammatory cell (115) as the source of pro-in-
with lean mice or diet-induced obese mice (104). Although flammatory mediators. Inactivation of the nuclear factor-␬B
RBP4-transthyretin binding may be important physiologically, pathway, which induces inflammatory mediators, has led to the
this area needs further study. Thus, the data are currently con- protection against insulin resistance (116).
flicting on the role of RBP4 in insulin resistance and the meta-
bolic complications of obesity. Because of the association with TNF␣
Glut4, RBP4 is presumed to play a role in fuel sensing in the Of the pro-inflammatory cytokines, TNF␣ is well described
adipocyte, but in other respects, a possible mechanism for caus- to disturb insulin signaling. Mice lacking TNF␣ or TNF␣ recep-
ing insulin resistance is not clear. tors are resistant to the development of obesity induced insulin
resistance (117, 118). In adipose tissue, TNF␣ is mostly secreted
Visfatin by macrophages in the stromal vascular fraction. Circulating
Visfatin is expressed in many cells and tissues, and was pre- TNF␣ and adipose tissue TNF␣ gene expression are increased in
viously identified as a protein involved in B-cell maturation insulin resistance (119), and acute infusion of TNF␣ inhibited
(pre-B colony enhancing factor) (105, 106). More recently, vis- insulin-induced glucose uptake in healthy subjects (120). Neu-
fatin was described to be a highly expressed protein with insulin- tralization of TNF␣ in rodents has improved insulin resistance
like functions, and was predominantly found in visceral adipose (7), whereas attempts to neutralize TNF␣ in humans to improve
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PPARγ cyte chemotaxis, and the lack of

agonists Atherosclerosis osteopontin in mice caused improved in-
sulin sensitivity and decreased macro-
PAI-1 Fibrosis
phage infiltration into adipose tissue (134).
TSP1 TGFβ Impairs insulin
activation action
TNFα Procoagulation
insulin Adipokines Involved with
High glucose
Angiotensin II Thrombospondin (TSP) and
FIG. 1. Role of TSP1, TGF-␤, and PAI-1 in adipose tissue. TSP1 is expressed by adipose tissue, and activates Plasminogen Activator
TGF-␤, which in turn activates PAI-1, which is a procoagulant. TGF-␤ is also activated by high glucose and
Inhibitor 1 (PAI-1)
angiotensin II. TSP1 expression is inhibited by PPAR␥ agonists, which may explain some of the beneficial
effects of these drugs.
PAI-1 is elevated in subjects with meta-
insulin resistance have generally not been successful (121), al- bolic complications of obesity, and is ex-
though more recent studies have shown slight improvement in pressed in the stromal fraction of adipose tissue, including en-
insulin resistance with TNF␣ inhibition (122–124). Limited ef- dothelial cells (135–139). PAI-1 inhibits both tissue-type
fects of TNF␣ blockade on insulin resistance could be explained plasminogen activator and urokinase-type plasminogen activa-
by the paracrine actions of TNF␣. Further investigations on the tor through its serine protease inhibitor function, and this inhi-
mechanisms involved in TNF␣ overexpression associated with bition of fibrinolysis may contribute to a pro-thrombotic state
obesity and molecular signals underlying TNF␣-induced meta- (140).
bolic dysregulation are warranted. PAI-1 gene expression is controlled by TGF-␤, which com-
bines with phosphorylated SMAD and binds to the PAI-1 pro-
moter (141). Another important link in PAI-1 activation was the
IL-6 recent demonstration of TSP1 expression in adipocytes (142).
IL-6 is another cytokine similar to TNF␣ that is overex- TSP1 is expressed by many tissues, and has many different ac-
pressed in the adipose tissue of obesity (119). The role of IL-6 in tivities, including inhibition of angiogenesis, cell proliferation,
metabolic changes associated with obesity is unclear. There are and wound healing (143, 144). TSP1 is a major activator of
some reports of IL-6 causing impaired insulin signaling in the TGF-␤ (145), and PAI-1 activation by TSP1 has been described
liver and adipocytes by inducing ubiquitin-mediated degrada-
(146) (Fig. 1).
tion of insulin receptor substrate through suppressor of cytokine
A recent study demonstrated TSP1 expression largely by adi-
signaling (SOCS) 1 and 3 (125, 126). However, effects of IL-6 on
pocytes compared with the stromal vascular fraction of adipose
insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle is controversial (126). Ex-
tissue, suggesting that TSP1 is a true adipokine (142). TSP1 ex-
ercise that is associated with increased insulin action in skeletal
pression was increased in obese, insulin-resistant subjects, was
muscle increases circulating IL-6 levels dramatically (127), sug-
associated with plasma PAI-1 levels, and was positively associ-
gesting possible antiinflammatory roles for IL-6 in skeletal mus-
ated with adipose tissue macrophage markers. In addition, TSP1
cle. The data on the increased onset of obesity and diabetes in
expression was decreased by treatment of subjects or adipocytes
mice lacking IL-6 are conflicting (128, 129).
with the PPAR␥ agonist, pioglitazone. TSP1 has chemotactic
properties (143) that provide a link between TSP1 and macroph-
MCPs age-mediated adipocyte inflammation. In addition, adipocyte-
As discussed previously, infiltration of macrophages into ad- macrophage coculture experiments demonstrated TSP1 gene
ipose tissue is an important contributor of the increased inflam- and protein up-regulation by both cells, suggesting a feed-for-
matory process in obesity. Adipocytes secrete various chemoat- ward inflammatory mechanism in adipose tissue (142). TSP1
tractants that draw monocytes from circulation into adipose may be an important component of inflammation and coagula-
tissue. MCP-1, also known as chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 tion in the metabolic complications of obesity.
(CCL-2), is one the chemoattractants that plays an important
role in the recruitment of macrophages. Moreover, obesity is
associated with increased plasma levels of MCP-1 and overex- Summary
pression in adipose tissue (14, 130). Mice lacking MCP-1 recep-
tor (CCR-2) have decreased adipose tissue macrophage infiltra- Adipose tissue was once recognized simply as an inert storage
tion and improved metabolic function (12). Similarly, it has been organ, but now is appreciated increasingly as an endocrine organ
demonstrated that mice lacking MCP-1 have reduced adipose and part of an innate immune system. Factors secreted from
tissue macrophage infiltration (131), however, a more recent adipose tissue contribute considerably to the regulation of me-
study did not confirm this finding (132). This suggests that there tabolism and inflammatory responses. The adipose tissue of in-
are other candidates that might play a role in the recruitment of sulin-sensitive humans secretes adiponectin abundantly, which is
macrophages into the adipose tissue, such as macrophage in- associated with a favorable metabolic condition. However, with
flammatory protein-1␣ (11) or osteopontin (133, 134). Os- adiposity, adiponectin secretion decreases significantly, and
teopontin is an extracellular matrix protein that promotes mono- multiple adipocyte-derived factors induce activation and infil-
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visfatin leptin RBP4



Lean/healthy fat

Expandable fat
Obese/Inflamed fat ↓FFA
FFA ↑↑adiponectin

β oxidation
Ectopic lipid

FIG. 2. Changes in adipose tissue, liver, and muscle with obesity and insulin resistance. The adipose tissue of lean subjects contains few macrophages, and secretes
relatively high levels of adiponectin, and low levels of inflammatory cytokines. ␤-Oxidation of lipids in muscle is high, and there is little ectopic fat in the muscle and
liver. With obesity and insulin resistance, adipose tissue contains many macrophages, and the tissue secretes high levels of many adipokines, and low levels of
adiponectin. This adipose tissue may be limited in its lipid storage capacity, and this feature, along with the pro-inflammatory state, promotes ectopic lipid
accumulation. The adipose tissue in some subjects can be characterized as expandable, meaning the tissue can accommodate more lipid. This may result from
treatment with a TZD. Such adipose tissue may be less inflamed, and because this adipose tissue can accumulate more lipid, there is less ectopic fat.

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Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Philip A. Kern,
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