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Numerical investigation of a centrifugal

pump running in reverse mode
J Fernández1 , R Barrio2∗ , E Blanco2 , J L Parrondo2 , and A Marcos1
Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, Energética y de los Materiales, Universidad de Extremadura, Extremadura, Spain
Departamento de Energía, Universidad de Oviedo, Asturias, Spain

The manuscript was received on 6 February 2009 and was accepted after revision for publication on 16 October 2009.
DOI: 10.1243/09576509JPE757

Abstract: This article reports a work on the three-dimensional flow simulation in a centrifugal
pump operating in reverse mode. The simulations were carried out with the commercial code
Fluent using unsteady flow calculations together with a sliding mesh technique. Hence, it was
possible to account for the effect of blade–tongue interactions on the local flow. The numerical
predictions were compared with the experimentally determined performance characteristics and
also with the static pressure distribution obtained around the periphery of the impeller. Once val-
idated, the numerical model was used to investigate the global flow. Additionally, the total radial
force (steady and unsteady components) on the impeller for a number of flowrates was estimated.
It was found that the unsteady radial force (peak to peak) varied between 24 and 54.3 per cent of
the steady value within the considered flow interval. The maximum force amplitude was reached
when the trailing edge of one blade (pressure side) was located 3◦ downstream of the tongue tip.

Keywords: pump-turbine, computational fluid dynamics simulations, unsteady flow, rotor–

stator interaction, radial load

1 INTRODUCTION then the theoretical head as a function of the geomet-

ric parameters and the flowrate can be expressed as
Vaneless centrifugal pumps can extract energy from a follows
flow of water to supply power to a generator [1, 2], thus u22 u1 v1m u2 v2m
operating as hydraulic turbines. For this purpose, both Hth = − + +
the impeller and the flow of fluid must reverse its usual g g tgα1 g tgβ2
direction. The output is regulated by varying the mag- The real height H (see Fig. 1(b)) can be obtained
nitude of flowrate, which, in turn, causes a change of from the previous expression if hydraulic losses are
the inlet and outlet velocity triangles (see Fig. 1(a)). introduced.
The velocity v1 becomes v1 if flowrate is increased When operating in design conditions (i.e. at pump
and, additionally, the direction of w1 is modified, thus nominal flowrate), the stream of flow matches the
increasing the impact losses at the inlet of the impeller. geometry of the impeller blades and the volute. This
Also, the velocity w2 becomes w2 at the impeller out- causes an optimum impeller–volute coupling [3–5]

let. In consequence, the tangential component v2u is and reduces the flow instabilities to a minimum. How-
increased and gives rise to the so-called post-rotation. ever, when running at the same flowrate in reverse
If the following tangential velocity components are mode (i.e. the fluid flows from the impeller periph-
substituted into Euler’s equation ery to the eye), it is observed that the fluid stream does
not naturally match the geometry of either the blades
v1m v2m
v1u = , v2u = u2 − or the volute. This change in coupling conditions is
tgα1 tgβ2 caused, among other factors, by the slip at the impeller
periphery and also by the expansion/contraction of
the fluid in the bound between the impeller and the
∗ Corresponding author: Departamento de Energía, Universidad de
volute. In addition, good incidence conditions cannot
Oviedo, Gijón, Asturias, Spain. be maintained at the inlet of the impeller when chang-
email: ing the flowrate (as it is done in hydraulic turbines) due

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considered, it is known that the unsteady nature of the

flow generates an unsteady interaction with the volute
that affects the performance of the turbomachine
[7–10]. This interaction also brings about pressure pul-
sations that propagate through the hydraulic circuit
and generate unsteady loads on the mechanical parts
[9, 10], thus constituting one of the major sources of
vibration and hydraulic noise [11].
Some of the specific problems involved when mod-
elling centrifugal turbomachinery are as follows.
1. The geometry is typically quite complex. Hence, it
is convenient to use unstructured meshes due to
their better adaptation to the domain boundaries.
2. Cascade simulations are invalid since the energy
is mainly transferred by the effect of the centrifu-
Fig. 1 (a) Velocity triangles and (b) theoretical (Hth ) and gal forces within the impeller. Thus, centrifugal and
real (H ) characteristic in a centripetal turbine Coriolis forces must be included in the equations of
the elements in rotating motion.
to the lack of stationary guide vanes. This causes a shift 3. The periodic interaction between the impeller and
of the point of maximum efficiency towards a higher the volute requires a non-stationary solution pro-
flowrate than that corresponding to pump mode (the cedure to calculate the time derivatives of the
ratio is about 1.47 for the pump considered in the equations. Also, the simulation of this dynamic
investigation, as can be seen in Fig. 2). The shape of interaction was found to require a moving or
the efficiency curve typically rises steeply before the deforming mesh coupled with the unsteady calcu-
point of maximum efficiency and then declines slowly lations (quasi-unsteady simulations fail to account
(see Fig. 2). Hence, it is recommended for the working for some of the time derivatives).
flowrate to be equal or greater than the value at that The present investigation is a complement of the
point. In consequence, the operating flowrate of the previous experiments reported in reference [6] for a
reverse-running pump will be always greater than the centrifugal pump running in reverse mode. A numer-
pump design flowrate [6], and thus the expected radial ical model of this pump was developed to carry
unbalance (both steady and unsteady) can be much out full 3D unsteady flow calculations with the code
higher than that in design conditions. Fluent [12]. The dependence of the numerical pre-
The use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) pro- dictions with respect to grid and time step size was
grams constitutes nowadays a very useful tool for the investigated. The model was subsequently validated
design and analysis of turbomachinery. The numer- with the previously collected experimental data of
ical analysis of centrifugal turbomachines usually global performance characteristics and static pres-
implies full 3D flow simulations. This type of simula- sure distribution around the periphery of the impeller.
tion should include turbulent effects, secondary flows, Once validated, the model was used to investigate the
unsteady phenomena, etc., since the geometry of the global flow and also to estimate the total radial force
machine is usually quite complex. Particularly, if the (steady and unsteady components) on the impeller as
motion of an impeller inside an asymmetrical volute is a function of flowrate.



A conventional single-suction and volute-type cen-

trifugal pump was use for the investigation. This pump
uses impeller trimmings as a means to adjust the
magnitude of flowrate. The test impeller (a medium
size of the impeller series) is 200 mm in outer diame-
ter with seven backward blades of logarithmic profile
and an eye diameter of 105 mm. The minimum radial
gap between the impeller and the tongue is 17 per
Fig. 2 Performance characteristics of a conventional cent of the impeller outer radius. The nominal per-
centrifugal pump working in pump (P) and formance values of the pump running at 1750 r/min
turbine (T) modes are 0.018 m3 /s for flowrate and 17 m for total head.

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Fig. 3 Impeller and casing of the test pump

The non-dimensional specific speed is ns = 0.53 (more

information can be found in reference [6]). Figure 3
presents two pictures of the test pump showing the
geometry of the impeller and the casing.
The CFD code Fluent [12] was used to solve the flow
equations. Figure 4 shows two images of the unstruc-
tured surface mesh. A general view of the pump geom-
etry is presented in Fig. 4(a), which also shows small
pipe portions at the inlet and outlet of the machine.
A detail of the impeller blades can be observed in
Fig. 4(b). The mesh was specially refined near the criti-
cal zones of the pump, such as the leading and trailing
edges of the blades and the volute tongue, as can be
seen in Fig. 4. This restricted the maximum cell skew
to 0.86.
The boundary conditions imposed were a uniform
velocity distribution at the inlet and a constant static
pressure at the outlet. Second-order discretizations
were used for the convection terms and central dif-
ference schemes for the diffusion terms. The time-
dependent term was second order and implicit. The
pressure–velocity coupling was established by means
of the SIMPLE algorithm. Turbulence was simulated by
means of the standard k-epsilon model together with Fig. 4 (a) Global view of the surface mesh and (b) detail
standard wall functions to calculate boundary layer of the impeller blades
variables. The average y+ magnitude at the impeller
surfaces, supposed as adiabatic walls, was about 180.
The sliding mesh technique [12] was used to impose In particular, the ratio between the sum of the residu-
the relative motion between the impeller and the als and the sum of the fluxes for a given variable in all
volute. This technique uses an interpolation routine the cells had to be less than 10−5 (five orders of magni-
to exchange data of the cells on both sides. tude). About 5–7 impeller revolutions were required to
Steady-state calculations were carried out first by achieve unsteady convergence, i.e. the flow variables
means of a frozen-rotor interface (i.e. for a given angu- became periodic when considering one full revolution.
lar position of the impeller). The resulting velocity The dependence of the numerical predictions with
and pressure fields were used as initial conditions for respect to grid and time step size was investigated
the unsteady calculations once steady convergence before carrying out the bulk of the simulations. For
was achieved. The time step size for the calculations this purpose, the size of the grid was varied between
was 2.45 × 10−4 s, which corresponded to a total of 250 000 and 500 000 cells. Additionally, the number of
140 time steps per impeller revolution. The average time steps in each blade passage was varied between
courant number was CFL = 1.8. The number of iter- 10 and 35 (i.e. the time step size varied between
ations in each time step was adjusted to reduce the 4.9 × 10−4 and 1.4 × 10−4 s). The results of the grid and
magnitude of the residuals below an acceptable level. time dependence tests are presented in Fig. 5. This

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Fig. 5 Results of the grid and time step independence

Fig. 6 Performance characteristics of the test pump
working in reverse mode at 1750 r/min. Lines:
experimental data; icons: numerical predictions
figure shows the magnitude of the outlet static pres-
sure (chosen as the reference variable) for the different
time steps (bottom x-axis and left y-axis) and grid sizes set-up and measurement procedure can be found in
(top x-axis and right y-axis) considered in the investi- reference [6].
gation. The pressure is presented normalized by the As can be seen in Fig. 6, there is, in general, good
magnitude obtained with either the minimum time agreement between the numerical predictions and the
step size or the finest grid. experimental data. The trend of the characteristics is
As can be seen in Fig. 5, the outlet static pressure appropriately captured by the model and, additionally,
does not change significantly with grid size: the vari- it is observed that the prediction of head and power is
ation is lower than 1.1 per cent for the smallest grid quite close to the experimental values for all the test
size of those tested (about 250 000 cells). The grid size flowrates. This is particularly evident for head, where a
used for the calculations (about 300 000 cells) shows a maximum relative error of about 9 per cent is obtained
variation lower than 0.7 per cent. It is also observed in for the highest flowrate.
Fig. 5 that the change in p* with time step size is even The provided power was numerically estimated by
less significant: the pressure variation remains below 1 means of a full integration of the instantaneous pres-
per cent. This variation is lower than 0.3 per cent when sure and shear stress distribution on the blade walls to
considering the time step size used for the calculations obtain the generated torque. It is noted in Fig. 6 that
(i.e. 20 time steps per blade passage). the model tends to overestimate the power, showing
The dependence of the numerical predictions with typical values of the relative error of about 10 per cent.
respect to the turbulence model was additionally This can be partially explained considering that the
investigated. In particular, the change in the out- numerical model does not contain the front and back
let static pressure when performing the simulations walls of the casing (see Fig. 4(a)). Hence, the volumet-
with the following turbulence models was studied: ric and disc friction losses were not included in the
k-epsilon standard, k-epsilon RNG, and RSM. The simulations. The numerical calculations of the gener-
results of this investigation showed pressure variations ated power cause an overestimation of the efficiency
below 3 per cent. and, additionally, an underestimation of the nominal
flowrate. Thus, it is observed in Fig. 6 that the exper-
imental tests show a rate condition of about 95 m3 /h;
3 EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION in contrast, the numerical model predicts a nominal
flowrate of 80 m3 /h. As flowrate is increased the gap
The numerical simulations were carried out for the between the two curves is decreased, showing a rela-
pump operating in reverse mode at 1750 r/min. Five tive error of about 10 per cent at the highest flowrate.
flowrates were considered for the investigation: 50, The non-dimensional average static pressure
65, 80, 100, and 120 m3 /h. Figure 6 shows a compar- around the impeller periphery is presented in Fig. 7
ison between the experimentally determined perfor- for three of the test flowrates. The numerical predic-
mance characteristics (solid lines) and the predictions tion at each angular position (icons) was obtained after
obtained with the numerical model (icons). The head, averaging over a full impeller revolution (the angular
power, and efficiency curves were calculated by aver- position ϕ is measured counter clockwise from the tip
aging over one full impeller revolution (i.e. 140 sam- of the tongue). The uncertainty of the experimental
ples). The experimental uncertainty was estimated to data (solid lines) was estimated to be <1.5 per cent.
be less than 1.06 per cent for flowrate, 2.38 per cent The static pressure is shown in this figure normalized
for head, 0.86 per cent for power, and 2.75 per cent by the dynamic pressure associated with the tangential
for efficiency. Additional details of the experimental velocity at the impeller periphery u1 .

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Fig. 7 Angular distribution around the impeller periph-

ery of the non-dimensional average static pres-
sure for three of the test flowrates. Lines:
experimental data; icons: numerical predictions

As seen in Fig. 7, there is quite a good agreement

between the numerical predictions and the experi-
mental data. It is observed that the maximum relative
error seems to increase with flowrate despite keeping
below reasonably values. The maximum magnitude
of this error is about 2.3 per cent at 65 m3 /h (Q65 )
while reaching a value of 4.3 per cent at 80 m3 /h
(Q80 ). At 100 m3 /h (Q100 ), the relative error increases
to 4.7 per cent. Additionally, it can be noted in Fig. 7
that the magnitude of the average static pressure
increases continuously with flowrate, and also that
the values reached are about two times greater than
those previously obtained when operating in pump
mode [13].
The angular distribution of the average static pres-
sure represents an estimation of the expected radial Fig. 8 Contour map of the instantaneous static pres-
unbalance. The volute of centrifugal pumps is usu- sure (kPa) obtained at impeller mid-span for the
ally designed to experience a minimum radial thrust flowrates of (a) 50 m3 /h and (b) 80 m3 /h
when operating at pump nominal flowrate [3]. Hence,
radial unbalance will be always present when work-
ing in reverse mode since the operating flow is always machine is increased (see Fig. 6) as expected for a cen-
greater than the rated flow of the pump. Nonethe- trifugal turbine. Additionally, it is observed in Fig. 8
less, its average magnitude is expected to be relatively that the pressure distribution around the impeller for
low due to the greater uniformity of the static pres- both flowrates is quite uniform (as previously seen
sure, as observed in Fig. 7. The estimation of the total in Fig. 7). Only a small pressure drop is noticeable
radial load (steady and unsteady components) on the at the region located between the tongue and the
impeller as a function of flowrate will be the topic of impeller exit (which is more evident at Q80 flowrate).
following sections. This pressure variation is experienced by the blades
when they pass by the tongue tip, thus giving rise
to an unsteady load on the impeller, as discussed in
The velocity distribution at a region located near
A contour map of the instantaneous static pressure the eye of the impeller is presented in Fig. 9 for the
obtained at impeller mid-span (the XY plane of Fig. 4) previous flowrates. The vectors shown in this figure
is presented in Fig. 8 for two of the test flowrates. As are the sum of the axial and radial components of
seen, the static pressure diminishes from the outer to the absolute velocity on the YZ plane (see Fig. 4). As
the inner sections of the impeller due to the trans- observed, there is a good guidance of the flow through
mission of energy from the fluid to blades. When the passageways at 80 m3 /h flowrate, showing stream-
the flowrate is increased from 50 to 80 m3 /h, a more lines that follow the geometry of the impeller walls.
pronounced pressure variation along the volute is It is also noted that the flow distribution through the
observed, along with a pressure rise at the periphery impeller eye is quite uniform, which causes the dis-
of the impeller. In consequence, the head through the charge of the fluid mainly in the axial direction. In

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378 J Fernández, R Barrio, E Blanco, J L Parrondo, and A Marcos

Fig. 10 Spatial evolution of the non-dimensional tan-

gential velocity at several points along the duct
radius for the test flowrates

Fig. 9 Velocity distribution (on the YZ plane) at a region distribution along the duct radius. The tangential
located near the eye of the impeller for the velocity reaches minimum values that are about −0.25
flowrates of (a) 50 m3 /h and (b) 80 m3 /h on average near the point of maximum efficiency (i.e.
at Q80 flowrate). This point of operations also shows a
spatial distribution of this velocity that is the most uni-
contrast, it can be seen that the flow pattern through form among the test flowrates. Additionally, it is seen
the passageways and the eye region is less uniform in Fig. 10 that the magnitude of the tangential veloc-
at 50 m3 /h flowrate. The modification of the flow pat- ity is increased as flowrate is decreased. Thus, it can
tern is caused by the presence of a region of fluid be observed that the tangential component reaches
that reverses direction. This fluid region is located a magnitude of −0.4 at Q65 flowrate. If flowrate is
ahead of the impeller at the inner section of the decreased further down to Q50 , a maximum magnitude
duct, showing a small velocity magnitude in the YZ of −0.45 is obtained. It must be taken into account that
plane as observed in Fig. 9(a). It was found, however, the machine rotates in the clockwise direction when
that this re-circulating bulk of fluid develops a tan- working in reverse mode. In consequence, according
gential component in the XY plane of comparatively to the reference system of Fig. 4, it can be noted that
high magnitude, which induces a motion in the same the rotation vector is opposite to the Z -axis. Hence, the
direction as the impeller. negative magnitude of the tangential velocity shown in
The induced tangential velocity at the exit of the Fig. 10 means that the fluid rotates in the same direc-
impeller is closely related to the velocity triangles tion as the impeller (as expected for flowrates below
of Fig. 1. As this figure shows, the fluid only leaves the rated one, see Fig. 1).
the impeller with no noticeable rotation (i.e. v2u = 0) The tangential velocity is also increased (in this case
when α2 = 0◦ . In contrast, the flow develops a motion towards positive magnitudes) if flowrate rises above
in the tangential direction if flowrate deviates from nominal conditions. Thus, it is observed in Fig. 10
rated conditions. This tangential component of the that the tangential component reaches a magnitude of
velocity can induce a rotation either in the same direc- about 0.25 at Q100 flowrate. This magnitude increases
tion as the impeller (low flowrates) or in the opposite to 0.6 if the Q120 flowrate is considered. The positive
direction (high flowrates). magnitude of the tangential velocity for these high
The presence of fluid rotation at the exit of the flowrates indicates that the fluid rotates in an oppo-
impeller was investigated. The results of the investiga- site direction to that of the impeller (as expected from

tion are presented in Fig. 10 as a function of flowrate. vector v2u in Fig. 1).
This figure shows the magnitude of the tangential The results of Fig. 10 show other interesting effects
velocity obtained at several test points along the duct of the flow: the displacement along the duct radius
radius located 5 cm downstream of the impeller eye. of the point where a maximum tangential velocity
The tangential velocity vu is shown normalized by is obtained. Hence, it is observed that this point is
the tangential velocity at impeller outlet u2 ; the radial located at r/rDUCT ∼ 0.2 at Q50 flowrate, whereas it
coordinate r is normalized by the duct radius. is seen at ∼0.45 for the Q65 flowrate. If the flowrate
It is noted in Fig. 10 that the absolute velocity devel- increases to Q80 , it can be noted that the point moves
ops a tangential component at the exit of the impeller closer to the duct wall and is located at r/rDUCT ∼0.75,
for all the test flowrates. It is also observed that this where it is also observed for Q100 flowrate. If the
tangential component shows a non-uniform spatial flowrate is increased further, the trend seems to

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reverse, showing that the point of maximum tangen- magnitude of the force pulsation (roughly estimated
tial velocity displaces back to the inner sections of the as the length of the major axis of the ellipse) increases
duct. This can be observed at Q120 flowrate: the maxi- with flowrate. The analysis of the numerical predic-
mum magnitude of the tangential velocity is obtained tions also revealed that the force vector rotates in the
at r/rDUCT ∼ 0.6. same direction as the impeller (clockwise direction, as
indicated in the figure).
The average value of the radial force and also the
estimation of its maximum and minimum amplitudes
are presented in Fig. 12 for the test flowrates. Addition-
The degree of similarity between the numerical results ally, this figure shows the magnitude of the average
and the available experimental data, and the numeri- radial force obtained from static pressure measure-
cal prediction of the global flow shown in the previous ments around the impeller (see reference [6] for more
sections, was considered to be adequate to validate details). As observed in Fig. 12, the average force
the model. In consequence, the numerical model was fAVE increases almost linearly with flowrate (regres-
used to predict the total radial force acting on the sion coefficient R 2 = 0.998), showing a constant slope
impeller. of 0.81 N/(m3 /h). The magnitude of the pulsation is
The magnitude of this force was estimated by storing also increased with flowrate (as previously observed
the unsteady flow computations during one blade pas- in Fig. 11), thus representing an important dynamic
sage period (i.e. 20 time steps) for each test flowrate. load on the impeller. The relative pulsation (peak to
The radial force was computed at each time instant peak) is about 24 per cent of the average value at Q50
by means of a full integration of the instantaneous flowrate (φ = 0.0091), whereas it reaches a magnitude
pressure and shear stress distribution on the impeller of 37.6 per cent at Q65 flowrate (φ = 0.012). If flowrate
surfaces. The results of this procedure are shown in is increased to Q80 (φ = 0.015), the pulsation rises to
Fig. 11 (non-dimensional X -force versus Y -force) for 46.7 per cent of the average value, whereas it reaches
all the test flowrates. a magnitude of about 53 per cent at the Q100 flowrate
As can be seen in Fig. 11, the average magnitude of (φ = 0.019). The pulsation is about 54.3 per cent of
the radial force increases continuously with flowrate the average value at the highest flowrate considered in
in accordance with the results presented in reference the present investigation (Q120 , φ = 0.023).
[6]. It is also noted that the force vector follows an ellip- The results of Fig. 11 show that the average radial
tical trace that stretches along the Y -axis (this is more load on the impeller is expected to be lower in reverse
noticeable at the higher flowrates), thus indicating mode due to the bigger pressure uniformity at its
that the force mainly pulsates in the vertical direc- periphery (the estimation of the radial load in pump
tion. Additionally, it can be observed in Fig. 11 that the mode can be found in reference [6]). The relative pul-
sation of the radial force (and thus the dynamic load),
however, was found to be higher when working as
a turbine. Finally, it can be observed in Fig. 11 that
there is a notorious gap between the numerical predic-
tions of the average load and the experimental results.
This can be partially explained considering that the

Fig. 12 Non-dimensional amplitude of: average (fAVE ),

Fig. 11 Time evolution of the non-dimensional radial minimum (fMIN ), and maximum (fMAX ) radial
force vector (X -force versus Y -force) during one forces as a function of flowrate and experimental
blade passage period for the test flowrates estimation from static pressure measurements

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380 J Fernández, R Barrio, E Blanco, J L Parrondo, and A Marcos

Fig. 13 Relative blade to tongue position and location of the radial force vector at the time instant
of (a) maximum and (b) minimum radial forces

experimental calculation of the radial force was car- to estimate the total radial force on the impeller under
ried out only from the integration of the average static different operating conditions.
pressure around the impeller. In contrast, the numer- The comparison between the numerical predic-
ical estimation accounted for the pressure and shear tions and the previously collected experimental data
stress distribution on all the impeller surfaces (only showed, in general, good agreement between them. A
excluding the effect of the disc friction), and hence a maximum relative error of 9 per cent was obtained for
higher radial force is to be expected. the total head and about 5 per cent for the average
The relative blade to tongue position at the time static pressure around the periphery of the impeller.
instants of the maximum and minimum radial forces It was found that the model overestimated the magni-
(and also the position of the force vector) is presented tude of the efficiency and the generated power. This
in Fig. 13. As observed in the figure, the force vector was partially explained considering that the lateral
is always located at the third quadrant, showing lit- space between the impeller and the casing walls is
tle differences between low and high flowrates (only not included in the model, which cancelled the volu-
about 5–6◦ ). The maximum magnitude of the radial metric and disc friction losses during the simulations.
force (Fig. 13(a)) is obtained when the trailing edge The numerical calculations also showed the existence
of one blade (pressure side) is almost aligned with of a tangential velocity component at the exit of the
the tip of the tongue (specifically, when it is located impeller for all the test flowrates. This component
3◦ downstream). On the contrary, the minimum force induced a fluid rotation in the same direction as the
magnitude (Fig. 13(b)) is reached when the tip of the impeller for low flowrates and in the opposite direction
tongue is located halfway between two blades (specif- for high flowrates.
ically, when the trailing edge of the nearest blade is The total radial force (steady and unsteady com-
18◦ upstream of the tongue tip). As previously seen, ponents) on the impeller during one blade passage
the static pressure reached low values near the tongue period was estimated by means of a full integra-
region at this time instant (see Fig. 8). Additionally, it tion of the instantaneous pressure and shear stress
is noted in Fig. 13 that the force argument shows little distribution on the impeller surfaces. It was found
variation between the time instants of the maximum that the average component varied almost linearly
and minimum radial forces. Hence, although the radial with flowrate, showing a constant slope of about
force can experience a notorious pulsation in magni- 0.81 N/(m3 /h), and also that the force vector rotated
tude, it can be concluded that its point of application in the same direction as the impeller during the blade
does not change significantly during the blade passage passage period. The locus of the vector followed a
period. quasi-elliptical trace with an increasing magnitude as
flowrate was increased. It was found that the relative
pulsation of the radial force varied between 24 per cent
6 CONCLUSIONS and 54.3 per cent of the average value within the flow
interval considered. Additionally, it was observed that
The performance of a conventional centrifugal pump the maximum force amplitude was obtained when the
working as a centripetal turbine was numerically trailing edge of one of the blades (pressure side) was
investigated using the CFD code Fluent. The main located 3◦ downstream of the tip of the tongue.
objective of the investigation was exploring the As a final conclusion it can be said that although
application of the commercial code to predict its previous investigations by the authors revealed that
global performance characteristics and, additionally, the average radial force in reverse mode is usually

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Numerical investigation of a centrifugal pump running in reverse mode 381

lower than that in pump mode, the results of the 11 Dong, R., Chu, S., and Katz, J. Effect of modification
present work show that the unsteady effects due to to tongue and impeller geometry on unsteady flow,
blade–tongue interaction can be of great importance, pressure fluctuations and noise in a centrifugal pump.
especially at high flowrates, and thus should not be ASME J. Turbomach., 1997, 119(N3), 506–515.
12 Fluent Inc. User’s guide, 2006 (10 Cavendish Court,
ignored if a pump operates as a centripetal turbine.
Lebanon, NH03766).
13 Parrondo, J. L., González, J., and Fernández, J. The
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT effect of the operating point on the pressure fluctua-
tions at the blade passage frequency in the volute of a
centrifugal pump. ASME J. Fluids Eng., 2002, 124(N3),
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial sup-
port of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain)
under project DPI-2006-15638-C02-02 entitled ‘Dis-
eño de bombas centrífugas para la minimización
de perturbaciones fluido-dinámicas por interacción
rotor-estator’. The authors also express their appre-
ciation to the reviewers, whose comments were very Notation
helpful in guiding the preparation of the final version b width (m)
of the article. This investigation was presented at the d diameter (m)
ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, g gravity (m/s2 )
2009, 2–6 August, Vail, Colorado, USA. f radial force amplitude (N)
H , Hth head and theoretical head (m)
© Authors 2010 ns = ωQ 0.5 /(gH )0.75 specific speed
p, pT static pressure and
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JPE757 Proc. IMechE Vol. 224 Part A: J. Power and Energy

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