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Motor Control Theories -

Insights for therapists
Patricia Bate
For a hypothetical example of direct application by a
therapist of theory about movement production,
Key Words consider the fact that the scapula rotates upwards
during gleno-humeral flexion. Knowledge of this fact
Motor control theory, rehabilitation, movement re-training, brain
injury. may lead a therapist to look for this movement
component in a patient’s performance, and/or to
Summary focus on specific training of scapular movement
Several approaches to treatment are described for the rehabili- while practising reaching.
tation of movement following brain injury. It is likely that therapists’
choices of treatment approach and methods of application are On a more abstract level, consider the work of a
influenced by their assumptions about how movements are therapist who assumes that movements emerge
produced. The present paper offers therapists an opportunity to from interactions of the mechanical characteristics
clarify and update their understanding of recent developments of a patient with the environment. Such a therapist
in the scientific field of motor control theory. Some hierarchal,
neural network and dynamic models of movement production are
may use anti-gravity positions and common objects
described, and some assumptions about movement production more often in rehabilitation than a therapist who
and learning commonly applied in rehabilitation following brain believes that movements are controlled by motor
injury are placed within this theoretical context. programmes stored in the cerebral cortex. The first
therapist may request a seated patient to reach for
a cup; the second may ask a patient to lie on his or
her side and perform shoulder flexion movements.

The scientific field describing movement produc-

tion is known as ‘motor control theory’. It is
different from the field known as ‘motor learning’
because it is centred on the concept of movement
production, rather than that of acquiring move-
ment skills. However, motor control theories often
support predictions about how skills are acquired,
and motor skill learning theories often incorpo-
rate assumptions about how movements are
Introduction controlled.
It is likely that therapists are influenced in their Within the field of motor control, models of
work by their assumptions about how movements movement production are developed from
are produced (Horak, 1991; Shumway-Cook and theory and then tested and modified. Some of
Woollacott, 1995). This paper provides therapists these models are based primarily o n inform-
with an opportunity t o clarify and update these ation flow in computers, some are based on
assumptions and to increase their understanding theory of physiology and anatomy, some on
of recent developments in the scientific field of theory of human behaviour and some on physics.
theories of movement production. Some current Because of their diverse origins, motor control
models of movement production are described, theories may appear very different from each
and common assumptions about it are placed other.
within a theoretical context. Implications of these
assumptions for rehabilitation of movement Classification of Motor
following brain injury are discussed. Control Theories
The material under discussion is complex. Key Motor control theories may be classified in various
points are listed as notes after each major section ways, the allocation of each theory t o a group
and illustrative examples and exploratory being dependent on the classification criteria. The
sections are given in boxes. The first examples structure of the present classification reflects sets
comprise illustrations of ways in which assump- of common assumptions, allows assumptions
tions about motor production may influence the central to the field of clinical neurology to be high-
practice of rehabilitation. lighted, and permits research-based discussion

Physiotherapy, August 1997, vol 83,no 8


of some more complex and recent material. Alter- to disruption of higher level control, and the idea
native classifications are presented by Reed that movements controlled by lower levels of the
(19821, Horak (19911, Abernethy and Swallow nervous system occur in stereotyped patterns
(1992) and Shumway-Cook and Woollacott (1995). (Horak, 1991). These models fail to explain the
experimental finding that some complex functions
For the purposes of this paper motor control
such as the gait cycle are driven from a spinal
theories were initially categorised into one of
two broad groups. Theories in the information
processing category explain motor control in terms The hierarchal models emphasise control of
of information flow in the nervous system of the movement by knowledge accumiilated through
organism. Sensory information flows in from experience (Marteniuk et al, 1988) and by inten-
outside, t o be used and stored, and movement tion (Proteau et a l , 1987) and they assume
commands flow outward; there is also extensive internal structure changes with learning. These
information flow between these two systems. assumptions appear to be held by most therapists,
These theories are based on anatomy and who expect that patients will remember some
physiology and information flow in computers, aspects of a movement practised the previous
and the behaviour of animals and humans in session.
laboratory experiments. In contrast, the action
The Generalised Motor Programme
category includes theories which are less reliant
on storage of information and central represen- The concept of the motor programme was dev-
tation of movements, and place greater emphasis eloped from studies of performances of simple
on the role of the environment in movement motor tasks, to explain how high levels of the
generation. Some of these theories are based on nervous system can store representations of a
the assumption that movements are an emergent large number of movements. A generalised motor
property of the dynamics of the physical system programme (GMP) is a rule for producing a proto-
comprising the organism and its environment. type movement; it can be viewed as a set of
commands that is capable of carrying out move-
The present is a n interesting time to examine ments without the use of feedback. The rule is
motor control theories, because a shift of para- general; values of various parameters have to be
digm may be occurring within the motor control specified for a specific movement t o be produced
field (Abernethy and Swallow, 1992). The infor- (Summers, 1981).
mation processing models of motor control have
dominated the field for the last three decades,
but some interpretations of the experimental For example: think of playing tennis. The sight of
evidence supporting these models are now being the other player lining up a shot which will bring the
questioned. Support for models of motor control ball to your forehand side may activate a GMP for
forehand strokes; but the precise force and timing
based on physical principles is growing rapidly
values may have to be specified further if your
(Gentner, 1987; Heuer, 1988). racquet is to contact the ball.
Information Processing Models
Models of motor control falling within the infor- Evidence for the Use of GMPs
mation processing category may be further
1.One of the strongest pieces of evidence for the
classified as hierarchal or neural network models
(Horak, 1991). existence of GMPs is the motor equivalence
phenomenon. It is argued that for this phenom-
Hierarchal Models enon (the production of a functional movement
such as writing, by different body parts) to exist,
One of the assumptions of models categorised as there must be a common set of instructions for
‘hierarchal’ is that the organisation of the nervous which the body part to be used is a n additional
system is ‘top down’ (Horak, 1991). Arguing that specification.
the parts of the brain of more recent phylogenetic
development are more important, supporters
of this view consider that adaptive control of
An apparent application of the notion of the GMP is
complex movements is performed by the cortex,
seen in therapists’ assumptions that rehearsal of a
and the more automatic control of simpler func- skill using one body part may lead subsequently to
tions occurs at lower levels of the nervous system. more co-ordinated performance of the same skill
This point of view has developed from decades by another part. While it is not known if this effect
of debate over whether the peripheral o r more occurs in brain injured people, therapists sometimes
central parts of the nervous system control move- ask for a required movement to be first performed
ment (Reed, 1982). Clinical implications of this by the opposite limb.
view include the concept of release of reflexes due I

Physiotherapy, August 1997, vol 83, no 8


2. It has also been proposed that identification of the poor performance therapists should include
aspects of movement which do not change with the possibility that the patient may no longer
changing task conditions would support the exis- have access to a GMP for the movement. Unfor-
tence of abstract motor programmes coded in such tunately hierarchal models offer no prediction
terms (Schmidt, 1988; Magill, 1989). This would of how development of another GMP should be
be potentially useful in rehabilitation because attempted.
knowledge of the ‘language’in which movement is
Much of the empirical literature describes the
controlled may lead to more efficient design of
improvements in outcomes of motor tasks which
motor retraining programmes. However, exten-
occur with practice as continuous functions
sive experimentation has yielded conflicting
(Newell, 1991), supporting the predictions of
findings. It has been proposed that some findings
hierarchal models of motor control. However,
of invariances in temporal parameters of move-
learning in brain damaged subjects has been
ment across different conditions (eg Shapiro et al,
shown to comprise irregular increments in task
1981) are effects of experimental design rather
outcome rather than smooth progressions (for
than real phenomena (Burgess-Limerick et al,
example: Neilson and McCaughey, 1982; Bate
and Matyas, 1992). This difference may be
due t o the fact that while the tasks practised by
Producing Novel Movements Using the GMP
the normal subjects were already well learned
One of the main advances made by the concept (Newell et al, 1989), the task performances
of a GMP was in its capacity t o explain production of brain injured subjects may have been at
of novel variations of movements (Summers, a n earlier stage of learning. Alternatively, the
1981). One of the experimental paradigms on irregular progress of brain damaged subjects
which this model is based was pointing to a small may indicate that their learning in rehabilita-
target. Using this task as a n example, such a tion does not occur in the manner predicted
novel variation could be produced by setting the by hierarchal models of motor control.
target a different distance from the subject. Thus,
if you have a GMP for the task of touching a call-
button, then you can touch such a button 35 cm in Schema Theory
front of you even if none of the call buttons you Schema theory (Schmidt, 1975),while developed
ever previously pressed were exactly that distance primarily t o describe motor learning, has many
away. This type of novelty, the scaling of a pre- features characteristic of hierarchal theories of
existing movement pattern, is the only type of motor control. The model states that a GMP initi-
new movement which can be explained by the ates a movement, and that feedback from the
concept of a GMP. movement is compared with a generalised sensory
representation to allow corrections and learning.
Without this assumption a therapist might
consider it necessary to guide a brain injured Learning with Schema Theory
patient through practice of every variation of
every task he or she may ever need to perform. Unlike earlier models, schema theory predicts
that variability in task conditions will enhance
However, the GMP concept cannot explain the learning. That is, the GMP will become more
development of new movement forms (that is accurate if variations on the movement are
acquisition of new GMPs). performed, rather as the predictions of a math-
ematical relationship become more reliable
Consider the first time you did a handstand. Did if more points are added t o the data set. This
standing on your hands require a new GMP? If it did, prediction has been supported in a study of
then your performance could not be easily explained stroke patients learning a pursuit tracking task
by this model. (Bate et al, 1992).
[There is another possibility:a GMP for that task could This model also predicts that we do not learn from
have existed in your central nervous system, geneti-
passive movements. Assuming this to be true,
cally coded, never to be activated until that day.
Perhaps you had to practise to find the appropriate
therapists are challenged to create situations in
values for the timing and force parameters of this which action is demanded from a paralysed limb.
pre-existing, never-used GMP.] Finally, schema theory predicts that learning
requires active processing of feedback; in infor-
This limitation of hierarchal control theory mation theory terms this means it requires
offers insight in relation to the management of attention. Consonant with this model of learning,
brain injured patients who are unable to perform movement rehabilitation places heavy emphasis
a particular task, or who perform it very poorly. on patients’ attention t o feedback (Carr et a l ,
In considering the many factors contributing t o 1987; Bobath, 1990).

Physiotherapy,August 1997, vol83, no 8


are controlled by neural nets (Abbs et a l , 1978).

Notes These models assume that the parameter encoded
1. The assumption that the cortex controls complex by the controlling system is achievement of the
movements and lower centres control more auto- functional goal rather than control of movement
matic, simpler movements is probably wrong.
components. A therapist working under this
2. Hierarchal control theories assume that move- assumption ensures that movement retraining is
ments are controlled by knowledge accumulated conducted in the context of achievement of func-
through experience, and that internal structure tion.
changes with learning; these assumptions appear
consistent with the practice of rehabilitation. The complex fast communications possible within
3. The concept of a GMP appears to explain posi- a neural network would allow computationally
tive transfer of a skill to performance by an untrained demanding methods of motor control such as
part of the body. those that require extensive calculations during
4. The prediction of hierarchal motor control theo- movement performance. There is strong support
ries that improvement is a continuous progression for the operation of this type of control in human
maysnot reflect the pattern of changes occurring movement, and several such models offer intuitive
during rehabilitation following brain injury. appeal when considered from a rehabilitation
5. Schema theory predicts that practice of variations frame of reference, because they support some
of a movement will improve performance. assumptions inherent in rehabilitation practice.
6. Schema theory predicts that we do not learn from Hogan (1984) has presented a mathematical
passive movements; therapists create situations model describing the organisation of voluntary
affording active movements. movements so that the smoothest trajectory
7. Schema theory predicts that learning requires possible is achieved: that is, the rate of change of
attention to feedback; this prediction is consistent acceleration is minimised. The model has been
with practice in rehabilitation. shown accurately to predict position and velocity
profiles of multi-joint movements (Flash and
Neural Network Models Hogan, 19821, and thus has some demonstrated
validity as a control mechanism for human move-
In these models of motor control, simple process- ment. The key assumption of the model, that
ing units consisting of neurones and their ex- movement is controlled to be as smooth as
tensive systems of interconnecting dendrites possible, is consonant with the high value often
are linked t o form nets. These networks take on placed on smoothness of movement in rehabilita-
activation levels and send excitatory and tion following brain injury.
inhibitory signals. Communication within and
between the nets is far more extensive than is Three other models requiring the extensive
assumed in hierarchal models, and at all levels computation capacity existing in a neural net-
and in all directions within the central nervous work reflect characteristics of movements often
system, rather than predominantly in inward or encouraged in rehabilitation. Investigating
outward directions as in the hierarchal models. the movements of subjects instructed t o move
Goal directed actions are believed t o emerge comfortably, Cruse and colleagues (1993) derived
from transmissions between overlapping neural a mathematical model in which the character-
networks which serve particular functions. istics of comfortable movements could be
reproduced using a minimum cost principle
The possibility that movement is supported by requiring that joint movement be equally distrib-
neural networks is suggested by the findings of uted among the available joints. This model thus
recent investigations of the speech system (Abbs supports the assumptions t h a t a ‘comfortable’
et al, 19841, the eye-head-hand system (Carnahan movement is one of minimal energy requirement,
and Marteniuk, 1991) and the prehension system and that all available joints are involved when a
(Cole and Abbs, 1986). These studies have shown ‘comfortable’movement is produced.
that when one component of the system is unex-
pectedly perturbed, interpretable speech or Also along the lines of minimum effort, Hirayama
accurate touch is still achieved because of very and colleagues (1993) successfully tested a model
rapid modifications of the movements of many in which the initial feedforward command was
components. Such control of a multi-movement based on a minimum torque criterion, and Uno
system requires extensive ongoing communica- and colleagues (1989) developed a model of
tion by feedback and feedforward processes. It is motor control based on the principle of minimum
argued t h a t because this type of extensive muscle tension change. These models support the
communication is characteristic of neural nets, assumptions that movements are generated
but does not feature in hierarchal models, it is which use the minimum force or muscle tension
more likely that complex functional movements necessary t o achieve the movement goal. These

Physiotherapy,August 1997, vol83, no 8


assumptions also appear to be reflected in prac- Also interesting in terms of rehabilitation is

tice of rehabilitation with brain injured patients. the concept of coding information within each
subsystem. It may be that task practice increases
Transformation of Information the accuracy with which points are located within
The neural network models require that informa- a co-ordinate system. Investigating possible
tion is transmitted between neural nets which co-ordinate systems for a target-directed arm
serve particular functions. It is proposed that movement, Soechting (1982) demonstrated that
information is encoded in different frames of the arm movements were performed within a
reference within each net; and that the informa- frame of reference centred at the shoulder, rela-
tion must be transformed so that the meaning is tive t o absolute vertical and horizontal planes.
retained, for each transmission between nets. This finding offers clues for potentially useful
imagery in re-training. If the co-ordinate systems
Consider a linguistic analogy: it is thought that of particular motor functions are known, it may
communication within each subsystem of the neural be effective to use these systems in movement
network is in a different language. In order for sub- instructions.
systems to talk to each other, the information must
be translated.
Alternatively, consider the transformationswhich may
8. The multi-movement model of motor control
be required in processing informationfor a person
assumes that the goal encoded by the controlling
reaching to an object. Knowledge of the position of
system is achievement of the function rather than
the object relative to the gaze, the orientation of the
control of contributing movement components.
eyes relative to the head, the head to the trunk and
the arm to the trunk are necessary to determine the 9. Neural network models assume that motor control
position of the hand relative to the object. Each of is computationally demanding.
these pieces of information may be stored as co-ordi- 10. Some neural network models assume move-
nates in a different sensory co-ordinate subsystem, ments are controlled in terms of smoothness of
t h u s four transformations would be required in trajectory, or minimisation of force, energy require-
processing this perceptual information. ments or muscle tension, or in terms of distribution of
Further, because of the nature of our receptors, movement through all available joints.
perceptual information is probably coded in kinematic 11. Rehabilitation may be effective through
terms as spatio-temporal patterns. However, many increasing the accuracy with which information is
motor control models suggest that movements are encoded within subsystems of the neural net, or the
controlled dynamically; that is, they propose that the accuracy of transformations of information between
language of motor control includes force in addition subsystems.
to space and time information. If this is so, production
of the movement of reaching for an object would
involve additional transformations. A s well as the
transformations between extrinsic and intrinsic Action Theories
kinematic co-ordinates described in the preceding
paragraph, transformations between kinematics Action theories (Reed, 1982) apply a more macro-
and dynamics and between dynamics and muscle scopic lens t o the topic of movement production
activation would be necessary (Soechting,1989). than the information processing approach. They
also accent different aspects of movement produc-
The concept of transformation of information tion, and as yet have not clearly addressed the
between frames of reference or co-ordinate concept of learning. Functional actions are viewed
systems is interesting when considered in relation broadly as emerging from the relationship
to rehabilitation for brain injured patients. It between the organism and the environment.
offers the possibility that movement re-training is Rather than assuming two sequential processes
effective by increasing the accuracy of these trans- within the organism, one in which movement
formations. Perhaps when movements are a little results from activation of a pre-existing motor
awkward or halting or innaccurate this is due t o programme and another in which movement is
imprecision in transformation of information modified upon receipt of feedback of perceived
between subsystems. Rehabilitation may offer changes, as in hierarchal models, action theories
opportunity for re-calibration or fine-tuning identify the mutualism of the relationship
between subsystems. Bingham (1988) has between the organism and the environment as
proposed a definition of learning which is the source of movement. The emphasis upon the
congruent with this possibility. He suggested integrative nature of the movement production
that learning is the selection or discovery of process extends to the assumption that in this
constraints that minimise the computations process perception and movement are so entwined
necessary t o transform information between that it is not valid to consider either in isolation.
frames of reference. Instead, they are considered t o operate together

Physiotherapy, August 1997, vol83, no 8


in an arena commonly known as the ‘perceptuo- ated in real time from interaction between the
motor workspace (perceptuo-motor field)’ (Newell organism and the environment, predict that novel
et al, 1989). movements would arise if the environment, the
organism, or their interaction was altered. Thus,
Field-orientedTheory of Perception some action theories predict t h a t people could
An understanding of the integral nature of the effectively handle a joystick if their environment
relationship between perception and movement suddenly included an unconscious pilot, even if
emphasised in action theories can be gained by they had not done so before.
interpreting actions in terms of Gibson’s (1979)
field-oriented theory of perception. The environment is given more importance in this
model than in traditional forms of rehabilitation. The
This theory emphasises the complex role of the implication for rehabilitation following brain injury is
optic flow field in movement production. The optic that therapists could change the environment in such
flow field is the pattern of stimuli on the retina a way that the interaction of the patient with the
produced by the interaction between the organism environment generates the required movement.
and the environment. This optic flow field is In addition to changing the patients’ cognitive envir-
onment by giving specific instructions, or altering their
controlled by movement, and it also provides
biomechanical environment by applying a mod-
information for both perceiving and action.
ality such as ultrasound or stretching, their external
environment could be modified so that it facilitates
Imagine a horse running fast on an open plain. As it better performance.
runs, the long grass in front of it appears to the horse
to move closer, and then to flow past on each side. Action theories such as the field-oriented theory
The horse sees the grass stems on either side of perception (Gibson, 1979), which emphasise the
moving backwards very fast, and the mountains role of perception in motor control, do not clearly
moving more slowly. The horse swerves in the direc- address the issue of learning. It is interesting
tion of a tree, and the tree appears to it to move in the to speculate what effects movement training
opposite direction, towards the centre of the field of may have in terms of this model. Presumably
view, and to move closer. In this example the optic finer discrimination of sensory stimuli, and finer
flow field has provided information about speed and
tuning of motor mechanisms, could lead t o gener-
direction of running. Also, change in the speed and
direction of running caused concomitant change in
ation of more finely co-ordinated movements.
the position and movement of the stimuli impinging However, the way in which such increases in
on the retina. That is, movement changed the optic capacity of the organism would occur is not spec-
flow field, and the optic flow field provided information ified in many action models.
controlling both perception and action.
Dynamic Emphasis in Action Theories
Consider that you are landing an aeroplane in a
computer simulation. You hold a joystick, and are Emphasising the importance of interaction
watching a moving graphical display of the view from between the organism and the environment in
the pilot’s seat. This includes ground features such movement production Kugler et al (1980) eluci-
as bushes and grass around the landing strip, the dated a constraint perspective of motor control
edges of the landing strip, and lines painted across which was based on the work of Feldman (1986),
the strip every 20 metres. You have no other infor- Polit and Bizzi (1978) and Bernstein (1967). This
mation. You watch the relative positions and changes model explains the use of constraints in move-
in position of these visual stimuli and use this infor- ment production in terms of physics and biology;
mation to control the height, pitch, yaw and roll of the we obey the laws of mechanics, acting like springs
plane through the joystick. That is, the optic flow field and pendulums and more complex systems in
changed the movement of your arm, and hence the
interacting with the environment. In contrast to
aeroplane. In this example also, while movement
changed the optic flow field, the optic flow field neural network theories, which support a large
provided information controlling both perception amount of information processing occurring
and action. in parallel systems, one of the effects of control
based on dynamic principles is minimisation
of the computational load on the nervous system.
Following publication of Gibson’s theory, it was For each task some of the dynamic properties
proposed that the organising role of optic flow in of the human action system are assembled,
movement production may be extended to other temporarily, into a ‘low-dimensionaldeterministic
modalities (Newell et al, 1989). That is, in the machine that is used to achieve the goals’ of the
language of action models, not only the visuo- task (Bingham, 1988, page 240). The term ‘low-
motor field, but more broadly, the perceptuo- dimensional’ here refers to the small number of
motor field, may organise movement. variables which would have t o be controlled by
Action theories, in which movements are gener- computational processes.

Physiotherapy, August 1997, vol 83,no 8


effective; that is, by re-setting the resting

Picture yourself returning from the supermarket with 1engtWtensionratios of muscle. This could lead t o
a bag of groceries. You put them on a low bench in changes in resting posture, sensations of greater
the kitchen. Among assorted items is a large plastic ease of movement, and availability of a broader
container of juice with a handle formed from the body range of movement combinations.
of the container. You reach out with your right hand
and hook two fingers around the handle of the juice
container as you turn toward the refrigerator. You Control of
let the container drop to the full length of your arm, it Complex Movement
swings out a little away from your body dragging your Newel1 et aZ(1989) have pointed out that co-ordi-
arm through a curvilinear path to the refrigerator. nation of complex movements has not been
Toward the end of its arc the container gains just extensively studied. Most motor control models
sufficient height to graze the edge of the lowest shelf.
You add a little shove and it slides to rest. explain performance and learning of simple,
bidirectional, well learned movements; for
Notice the effortlessness of the way in which the example, schema theory, and the equilibrium
juice was transported. What sort of mechanical point hypothesis (Feldman, 1986).
system (ie temporary low-dimensionaldeterministic
machine) did your arm become? What principles of Knowledge about the control of complex func-
physics were exploited? Perhaps the muscles of the tional tasks such as locomotion or balance, which
arm were constrained to act like a pendulum, the continue cyclically over time, may be particularly
falling mass of the bottle providing momentum for relevant in the rehabilitation of movement
the swing u p to the refrigerator shelf at the far end following brain injury, in which such functions are
of its arc.
important goals. This control can be modelled as
pattern formation in dynamical systems (Turvey,
A Dynamic Perspective of Learning
While action models make few specific predictions Dynamic systems are systems in which behav-
about learning, Bernstein (19671, the father of iours evolve in time. Using gait as the system t o
dynamic theory, stated that learning is developing be illustrated: as the limbs start moving, kine-
groupings of muscles set to have the particular matic and kinetic measures of gait can be seen to
pass through some variations and then to settle
properties which will enable them t o interact
mechanically with the forces of the environment into repeating patterns which can be described
in such a way that the task is performed mechan- by cadence and speed. The mechanics of the
ically except for minor tuning. It appears that organism and the environment, the goals and
rehabilitation could provide extensive opport- energy supply of the organism, and its perceptual
unities t o experience movement in various feedforward and feedback subsystems, define
environments, while also experiencing a demand these regions of stable equilibrium. As the system
for reduction of the energy used in moving. These tends t o return to regions of stable equilibrium,
circumstances may lead t o development of the a regular walking pattern will emerge.
properties referred to by Bernstein (1967). Another example of a region of stable equilibrium,
o r a constraint, which may operate in the
perceptuo-motor workspace of a dynamical
Equilibrium Point Hypothesis system, is provided in the Equilibrium Point
This can be considered t o be one of the more Hypothesis. In this model of motor control, set
simple dynamic models, although there are ratios of stiffness around a joint represent a state
several current versions of this model and they to which the system will tend to return - ie t o
appear to be growing in complexity. Simply repre- which it will be attracted. This type of constraint
sented, it is assumed that the muscles moving a is termed a ‘point attractor’. Another type of
body segment can be represented by springs constraint is the stable limit cycle attractor. Oper-
whose resting length can be set at some value. ation of this type of attractor underpins the easy
Motor programmes dictate relative lengths and way in which a seated person can rhythmically
stiffnesses of muscles, the values of which define swing a leg from the knee. Metabolic energy is
positions of the end of the limb in space (Polit and injected periodically into the system, potentially
Bizzi, 1978; Feldman, 1986; Hogan et aZ, 1987). increasing the kinetic energy; the energy is dissi-
I t is possible t o imagine ratios of muscle stiff- pated as heat in such a way that the velocity
ness set up in such a way that the arm will swing and position of the limb cycle regularly in time.
like a simple pendulum, coming to rest at the set
equilibrium point. Particular functions, such as gait, are identified
with particular kinematic patterns. These are
Examination of the model predicts a mechanism assembled by the generation of particular dynam-
by which movement rehabilitation may be ical attractor states in the perceptuo-motor

Physiotherapy, August 1997, vol83, no 8


work-space specific t o that function. The form

of a movement pattern or co-ordinative mode Notes
is identified with the stable equilibrium regions 12. Action theories assume that the relationship
in the perceptuo-motor workspace. between the organism and the environment is the
origin of movement.
Dynamic systems may also be characterised by
their capacity to change state. When values of a 13. Gibson's (1 979) theory assumes that the optic
particular variable are changed and reach a crit- flow field controls, and is controlled by, movement.
ical level, a new region of stable equilibrium is 14. Dynamical models assume that the human action
generated (Shumway-Cookand Woollacott, 1995). system is assembled temporarily into mechanical
The gait system appears to show such behaviour; systems suitable for performing particular tasks by
if the speed of walking increases, a t a certain exploiting the laws of physics.
speed the form of the movement pattern changes 15. The equilibrium point hypothesis predicts that
and it becomes running. postures and movement styles are determined by
IengthAension relationships in muscles.
These models hold an important implication for
16. Interpreting motor control in terms of dissipative
rehabilitation in relation t o the passive compo- dynamic systems, it is assumed that the perceptuo-
nents of a patient's biomechanics. Normal lengths motor system generates particular combinations and
and stiffness ratios of soft tissue must be achieved values of variables (eg particular constraints) that
before the movement may settle t o a region of makes it tend to move in a particular way for a partic-
stable equilibrium close to normal. ular function. Learning is assumed to be exploration
for optimal variables and settings, and improvements
Learning of Complex Movements in task outcomes may not be continuous.
A dynamic perspective of control can describe
learning of both simple and complex move-
ments. The learner can be seen as exploring Conclusion
the perceptuo-motor workspace for attractors, The disparate and apparently conflicting nature
and mapping the annihilation and creation of of the various models of motor control is probably
these properties as they evolve as a function a function of their diverse sources of origin, of
of motion through space and time (Newel1et al, different levels of observation, and of great versa-
1989). tility in modes of action of the human organism.
This description of the learning process appears The range of motor control methods utilised in
to match the structure for movement development various situations may be very great; it is con-
offered in the form of creative dance and aware- ceivable that one person could demonstrate
ness through movement (Feldenkrais, 1980) characteristics of equilibrium point control to a
lessons. In these situations constraints such physiologist measuring activity in the brachialis
as unusual skeletal configurations, unusual muscle in response to stretch, and also display the
movement goals, and proximity t o the floor physics of a dissipative dynamic system to a
are introduced, and students are encouraged physicist observing running at different speeds
t o explore this workspace. The exploration is on a treadmill.
sometimes conducted in a rhythmic fashion. While a paradigm which incorporates all aspects
Considering the dynamic perspective in relation of movement has not yet emerged in the field of
t o the generation of novel movements, i t seems motor control, the current models offer extensive
likely that the type of exploration described could challenge and scope to therapists. Because
lead to discovery of new movement solutions we are likely t o apply our assumptions about
or forms. The model could thus be applicable in motor control in our work, either explicitly or
rehabilitation in any case where a patient is even without being aware that we are doing so,
viewed as requiring new movement patterns. it is important that we remain informed of the
sources and limitations of these assumptions,
The dynamic models do not predict continuous and thus of the situations in which they are
improvements in task performance. They predict likely t o be valid. We can also use the field of
that regular measures of performance conducted motor control as a source for new directions in
over a practice period will demonstrate irregular rehabilitation of movement.
increments in skill as new movement forms are
generated and explored. This model of learning This review of the information processing and
may match the process of motor skill acqui- action models of motor control has identified
sition following brain damage better than the aspects of the theories of movement production
predictions of continuous improvement during that appear t o have potential t o explain some of
learning made from hierarchal information the practices in rehabilitation following brain
processing models. injury. It has also identified issues worthy of

Physiotherapy, August 1997, vol 83,no 8


further discussion by therapists. Some of the Heuer, H (1988). 'Testing the invariance of relative timing:
Comment on Gentner (1987). Psychological Review, 95,
predictions of the theories reviewed are empiri- 552-557.
cally testable within the rehabilitation paradigm,
Hirayama, M, Jordan, M I and Kawato, M (1993). 'The cascade
offering opportunity for sound research within neural network model and a speed-accuracy trade-off of arm
our field. movement', Journal of Motor Behavior, 25, 3, 162-1 74.
Hogan, N (1984). 'An organising principle for a class of volun-
tary movements', Journal of Neuroscience, 4, 2745-54.
Author and Address for Correspondence Hogan, N, Bizzi, E, Mussa-lvaldi, F and Flash, T (1987). 'Control-
Patricia Bate MAppSci BAppSc(Phty) MAPA is a senior lecturer ling multijoint motor behaviour', Exercise and Sports Science
in the School of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Reviews, 15, 153-190.
La Trobe University, Plenty Road, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia.
Horak, F (1 991). 'Assumptions underlying motor control for
neurologic rehabilitation', in: Contemporary Management
This article was received on October 10, 1996, and accepted on
of Motor Control Problems, Proceedings, 11 Step Conference,
December 2, 1996.
Foundation for Physical Therapy, New York.
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