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DNN Documents Module
Min DNN Version: 4.6.0
Release Notes: Version 04.01.00
22 October 2007 04.00.00 Anthony Glenwright Created release notes for v.04.
29 July 208 04.01.00 Mitchel Sellers Created release notes for V 04.01.0
What's New - 04.01.00
DOC-7710 - Added compatiable versions information to prevent installation on ver
sions prior to DNN 4.6.0
DOC-7491 - Added code to ensure that the module will expand to fit the container
DOC-7490 - Modified Alt text on down arrow to read the proper text of "Move Up"
DOC-7544 - Corrected typo in Owner column header
DOC-7202 - Modified header styling to ensure that foreign language headers are n
ot wrapped to multiple lines
DOC-7200 - Modified module settings control to ensure that if no categories are
selected, category list is not displayed
DOC-7201 - Resolved issue that was causing the default sort order to not fire

What's New - 04.00.00

1. DOC-4448 Display "View" Rights warning for documents
Added code to display a red border & message when a document is added that is vi
sible to
administrators only (by virtue of file manager permissions), similar to the way
the core
highlights modules that are visible to admins only.
2. DOC-5244 Add "default" folder for documents module
Add a new setting to the settings page so that users can set a default folder fo
r each
documents module instance.
3. DOC-1466 Show Download Count
Added a download count column.
4. DOC-4447 Add the ability to select any "list" for document categories
Added a new setting to the settings page to allow users to select any user-defin
ed list
as the document categories list (previously, the list had to be called "document
5. DOC-3606 Add reverse sort to row sorting options
Enhanced sorting options to provide descending sort.
6. FB-220 Documents - deleting linked file returns error on edit document (bug
Added a check to determine whether the file exists while loading data in the doc
uments editor.
If it does not exist, a warning is presented to the user.
7. FB-148 Import Contents returns error and displays a duplicate entry in Impor
t file list (bug fix)
Fixed bug: Import XML reader was grabbing data from the first document in the l
ist only thus creating
duplicate entries. Changed the import processor to read correct xml nodes for e
ach document.
8. DNN-039 Error exporting content when default settings screen not updated (bu
g fix)
Added code to check for existing settings data.
9. DOC-4716 Import & File Access (bug fix)
Added a check when setting url from import XML to insure internal Files are impo
rted correctly.
10. DOC-5491 Allow user sorting of the documents listing
Added a configurable option to allow users to have clickable "sort" headings for
the document list to
allow the user to sort the list in any manner, asc and desc by specific columns.
If this option is
disabled (this is the default) all sorting will be done following the current pr
11. DOC-5245 Alter file size display to display in MB if the file is more than 1
MB in size
Altered size display to show file size for files > 1MB in MB with two decimal pl
aces (instead of bytes)

What's New - 03.01.06

1. Fixed bug: CSS classes for headers, items was incorrect.
The header and item css classes was (wrongly) based on original visiblity/order
of columns, rather than user settings), so that the wrong css class would be
set (i.e. "SizeCell" instead of "OwnerCell", if the order was changed). Fixed.
2. Updated source package so it installs as a "normal" PA.
The source package contained the "extra" source code files on top of the regular
PA. Changed so the source package contained all files, and installs as a
regular PA.
3. Added "ForceDownload" parameter to LinkClick call for the "Download" link, s
that when "Download" is clicked, the "Open/Save" dialog is displayed.
4. Altered options page so that LocalizeDataGrid is not called on Postback,
previous code was displaying missing resource messages on non-English sites afte
What's New - 03.01.05
1. Fixed bug: Open in new window was ignored
In order to support secure storage in DNN 3.3, the code that generates the downl
links for documents was reworked in version 3.1.2. The changes made did not
correctly account for the "Open in new window" option for documents. Added code
to correctly set the "target" attribute for download links (in the title and
download link columns).
What's New - 03.01.04
1. Added code to support medium trust for settings page
Added code to store viewstate as a custom-prepared string, so module settings wo
properly in medium trust. In 3.1.3, viewstate was serialized using intrinsic
.NET binary serialization, which throws a refelection permission error in medium
trust. Added the functions SaveSortColumnSettings, RetrieveSortColumnSettings,
SaveDisplayColumnSettings and RetrieveDisplayColumnSettings to store string
representations of the arraylists that hold user settings so that the problem do
not occur.
2. Fixed bug: "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values."
In the code that sets the download link url, when the "download link column" was
selected, but the documents settings page was configured with one or more invisi
columns before the download link column, a "Specified argument was out of the
range of valid values." would occur. Adjusted code to return the correct column
What's New - 03.01.03
1. Fixed Caching bug
In version 3.1.2, internal caching code was added to improve performance because
the documents module is not compatible with DNN core module caching (the core
caching code does not cache modules "per user", and the documents module display
only those documents where the current user has access to the underlying file).
new caching code did not correctly refresh after documents were added to the mod
The caching code has been modified to:
a) Only cache the documents list for anonymous (not logged in) users;
b) Refresh the cache after changes.
The documents module is not compatible with DNN module caching unless all docume
being shown are available for all users. DNN caches a single copy of module con
once for all users, so if an administrator sets a "cache time" of anything other
zero, the "wrong" copy of the cached documents module can be shown.

What's New - 03.01.02

1. New Fields and existing field name change
2. Display column selection (visibility), column ordering
3. Sort order
4. CSS styling enhancements
5. Show title as link
6. Use document categories list
7. Secure storage

1. New Fields
We've added several new fields to the documents module:
CreatedByUserID: Previous versions of the documents module had a field
(field change) named "CreatedByUser", which was a nvarchar(100), but
stored the User ID of the user who last modified the
document record. This field has been renamed to
"CreatedByUserID", which is now of type "int". The
upgrade script populates the new field with values from
the old "CreatedByUser" field before removing the old
field, and the purpose of the field now matches it's
name - that is, it stores the User Id of the user who
created the document record, and not the User Id of the
user who last edited the document record.
CreatedDate: Stores the date the document record was created. This
(field change) is not a new field, but like the "CreatedByUser" field,
it's purpose has changed to match it's name - CreatedDate
now stores the date the document record was created, not
the date it was last modified.
OwnedByUserID: Stores the User Id of the user who "owns" the document
(new) record. This field defaults to the logged on user when
a new document record is created, but can be changed
in the Edit documents page.
ModifiedByUserID: Stores the User Id of the user who last modified the
(new) document record.
ModifiedDate: Stores the date/time the document record was last changed.
SortOrderIndex: Allows "manual" sorting of documents (see section 3).
(new) This field contains a manually-entered number from 0-999,
which can be used to sort the documents list.
Description: Allows entry of an extended description of the document,
(new) which can be displayed in the document module's output.

2. Display column selection (visibility), column ordering

The new documents module contains a "Documents settings" section on the
settings page which allows admins to choose which fields are visible, as
well as control the order in which they are displayed.
3. Sort order
In the new "Documents settings" section, admins can select one or more
fields to sort by. If no sort fields are selected, the module displays
documents ordered by Title. To manually define the sort order, admins
can select "Sort Index" as the sort order, and enter numeric values in
each document's "Sort Index" field.
4. CSS styling enhancements
The documents module renders an "outside" DIV tag with a CLASS attribute
of "DNN_Documents". Each header cell has a CLASS attribute of [Name]Header,
where [Name] is the column name - for example "TitleHeader", "SizeHeader",
"CategoryHeader". Each data cell has a CLASS attribute of [Name]Item, for
example "TitleItem", "SizeItem", "CategoryItem". This allows skin developers
to control the CSS style of individual columns. For example, use the
following CSS to render the size column in red:
.DNN_Documents .SizeItem {color: red}
"Default" class names were assigned for the DataGrid - CssClass="Normal"
amd HeaderStyle-CssClass="SubHead" so that if no additional CSS elements
are defined, the module renders using the same CSS styles as in previous
In addition, the "CellPadding" attribute has been removed from the DataGrid
control used to render the output, and replaced with a CSS-driven value in
module.css - .DNN_Documents TD { padding: 4px; }. This is so end users can
control the padding between items using CSS file in their skins or
containers. Also, a GridLines="None" attribute was added to the DataGrid,
because when it was omitted, gridlines were drawn when rendering in Firefox,
Netscape Navigator and other browsers.
5. Show title as link
A new "Show title as link" option has been added to the Documents Settings
section of the Settings page. This option controls whether the Title is
rendered as a hyperlink, or as regular text.
6. Use document categories list
A new "Use Document Categories List" option has been added to the Documents
Settings section of the Settings page. This option controls whether the
document "Category" field is a free-form text entry field, or if it is a
drop-down list. The list is maintained in the Host "Lists" page.
To create the "Document Categories" list, log in as Host, navigate to the
Lists page and click "Add List". Set "Parent List" to "None Specified",
leave "Parent Entry" blank, and enter "Document Categories" as the
"Entry Name". Enter the first value you want for the list i.e. "Downloads"
for both the entry text and entry value fields. If you want to be able
to control the sort order of your document categories, click "Enable Sort
Order". Click save to create the list and the first entry. Once you have
created the list, you can add items by clicking "Add Entry".
7. Secure Storage
The documents module implements the new core secure storage feature. File
security can be controlled in the File Manager page in DNN. Only those files
that the current user has access to will be shown by the documents module.
For more information, suggestions, questions and support, visit the documents
module project page at

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