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ELSETIER Journalof Non-CrystallineSolids 196(1996)346-35 1

Apatite-mullite glass-ceramics
A. Clifford, R. Hill *
Department ofMuteria1 Science and Technology, University oflimerick, Linrerick, Ire/ad


Two series of glasses based on (2 - x)%0,. xP,O, . Al,O, . CaO . yCaF, were studied. The values of s and y were
varied from 0 to 1. The nucleation and crystallisation processesthat occurred in these glasseswere measured. Glasses in
which x= 0.5 and y was greater than 0.5 crystallised to fluorapatite and mullite. Crystallisation occurred by a bulk
nucleation mechanism involving prior amorphous phase separation. The glass with x = OS and y =I 0.5 was converted to a
ceramic to give a material consisting of elongated fluorapatite crystals that had high fracture toughness.

1. Introduction the apatite-wollastonite, AW system [3], which can

not be cast to shape and is processed by a sintering
There is considerable interest in apatite-based ma- route. It is often stated that the apatite is fluorapatite
terials for dental and medical applications [ll. Most (FAP), but the glasses studied are very deficient in
research has been directed towards the development fluorine with respect to the fluorapatite stoichiometry
of hydroxyapatite (HA) based materials produced by [3]. It is likely, therefore, that the apatite formed is a
a sintering route. However, there are problems en- mixed fluoro-, hydroxy-, or oxy-apatite. The AW
countered on sintering HA, notably arising from system has a marked surface nucleation of both the
degradation at high temperature [2]. All the sintered apatite and wollastonite phases [3,4], and this is one
HA materials lack sufficient strength and toughness of the reasons why materials based on this system
[2]. Furthermore, sintering is not an attractive route are produced by a sintering route.
for the production of the complex shapes required Recently Hill et al. [5] developed a readily castable
for substitute bone parts, or dental ceramics. glass-ceramic from the SiO,-Al,0 ,-P,O,-CaO-
Glass-ceramics represents an alterative production CaF, system as a result of research undertaken on
route for apatite-based materials offering the ability ionomer glasses [6-81. Dimitrova-Lukacs et al. [9]
to cast components in the glassy state directly to the have demonstrated that one of the compositions stud-
required shape. However, the most extensively stud- ied by Hill et al. when converted to a ceramic gives a
ied glass-ceramic for potential use as a biomaterial is material with high fracture toughness and high
strength. The high fracture toughness is thought [5,9]
to arise from the microstructure (Fig. l>, which
consists of interlocking apatite and mullite crystals.
* Correspondingauthor. Tel: +353-61 202 626. Telefax: The apatite crystals can have an aspect ratio greater
+353-61 338 172.E-mail: than 50 and, during fracture, these needle-like crys-

0022-3093/96/S15.000 1996ElsevierScienceB.V. All rights reserved

SSDI 0022-3093(95)0061 t-7
A. Clijj?ord, R. Hill/Journal ofNon-Crystalline Solids 196 (19961346-351 347

tals are pulled out giving rise to a high fracture mately 500 g of glass, then mixed for 2 h in a ball
toughness 191. mill. The resulting mixture was transferred to a
Jana and co-workers [ IO,1 l] and King et al. [12] mullite crucible and vacuum dried prior to firing.
have similarly investigated the crystallisation of The crucible and charge were heated in an electric
ionomer glasses but the compositions they studied furnace at a temperature between 1350 and 1550°C
are prone to loss of fluorine during melting, and no depending on composition. After this period, the
data are available on their nucleation behaviour or glass melt was shock quenched by pouring directly
their suitability for forming monolithic glass- into demineralised water. The glass frit produced
ceramics. Furthermore, these studies are directed was then ground in a vibratory mill and sieved to
towards use of partially crystalline glass powders for produce powder for subsequent analysis. Monolithic
use in polyalkenoate(ionomer) cement formation. The glass samples were produced by casting directly into
glass compositions studied by King et al. [12] con- graphite moulds.
tain less than 1% fluorine by weight after firing, Two series of glasses were prepared based on the
compared with an intended fluorine content of 5%. following generic composition: (2 - x)SiO, . xP,Oj
Jana and co-workers [lo,1 l] unfortunately do not . Al,O, . CaO . y&F, In the first series of glasses,
give detailed compositional information on the termed the A series, y was fixed at one and x was
glasses they studied. varied from zero to one, while in the second series,
termed the B series, x was kept constant at 0.5 and
y was varied from zero to one. All these composi-
2. Experimental procedures tions contain a basic oxide in the form of CaO,
which has previously been shown [7] to suppress the
2.1. Preparation of the glasses loss of volatile silicon tetrafluoride from fluoro-
alumino-silicate glass during melting. In all these
The glass components silica (SiO,), alumina glasses, there is also sufficient calcium to charge
(Al,O,), phosphorous pentoxide(P,O,), calcium car- balance the aluminium atoms present and enable
bonate (CaCO,) and calcium fluoride (CaF,) were them to occupy up a fourfold co-ordination state
weighed in the appropriate ratios to give approxi- within the glass network.

Fig. I. Elongated FAP crystal exposed in a fracture surface.

348 A. CliSford, R. Hill/Journul of Non-Crystalline Solids 196 (1996) 346-351


I 1 I I 1 I 1 1
600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950
Ramp temperature fnC)

Fig. 2. A DTA trace for the glass with x = 0.5 and y = I. Note the sharp glass transition temperature, rg, and the cxothcrm temperatures
corresponding to crystallization.

2.2. Properties of the samples where ? is the heating rate, E is the activation
energy R is the gas constant and II and 172are
numerical constants depending on the crystallisation
The samples produced were measured by differen- mechanism.
tial thermal analysis (DTA) using a Stanton Redcroft
One of the deficiencies of this method is that it
DTA 673-4. to obtain values for the glass transition
requires prior knowledge of the crystallisation mech-
temperature, T:, and peak crystallisation tempera-
anism. For example, n = 3, vz = 4 is the case for
tures, Tp. The crucibles used were matched pairs
bulk nucleation and an increasing number of nuclei,
made of platinum-rhodium alloy. Alumina was used
while n = m = 3 is used for bulk crystallisation from
as the reference material. Runs were performed at a
a constant number of nuclei. Combined DTA/TGA
heating rate of 10°C min-’ unless otherwise stated.
(Stanton Redcroft DTA/TGA 1600) was used to
The tendency of the glasses to undergo surface nu-
study weight changes accompanying crystallisation
cleation was assessed by performing DSC runs using
three particle sizes; frit, 150 to 45 km and < 45
X-ray powder diffraction was performed using a
km. diffractometer (Phillips PW 1710) using Cu (KU)
Activation energies for crystallisation were deter-
radiation on glass samples heat treated at 10°C min- ’
mined based on the method of Matusita [13]. The
to the temperatures to corresponding to the relevant
basis of the method is the relationship between heat-
Tp, and Tp2. Scanning electron microscopy (Cam-
ing rate and exothermic peak temperature, Tp,
bridge Stereoscan 90) was carried out on fractured
and polished surfaces after sputter coating with pal-
In f”/Tl = - (mE/RT,) = constant, ladium gold alloy.
A. Cliflard, R. Hill/Journul ofNon-Crysrulline Solids 196 (1996) 346-351 349

Table 1
Thermal analysis data for the (2 - x)SiO, . xP,O, . Al,O, . CaO . yCaF, glasses studied
Series x Y Ca:P Tg, (“Cl Tg2 (“C) Tp, (“C) Tp2 (“C) T P3
A 0.00 1.00 642 707 876
A 0.25 1.00 4.00 631 713 172 834
A 0.50 1.oo 2.00 621 723 814
A 0.75 1.00 1.33 662 758 826 878 103
A 1.00 I .oo 1.00 669 751 818 860 101
B 0.50 1.oo 2.00 621 723 814
B 0.50 0.75 1.75 640 761 943
B 0.50 0.50 1.50 668 815 987
B 0.50 0.25 1.25 117 834 107
B 0.50 0 1.0 819 922 109

The estimated error on the DTA data is rt 3°C.

Indentation fracture toughness measurements were etry of 1.67 crystallised to a large volume fraction of
performed on cast samples using the method and apatite and was the basis of the B series of glass
formulae described by Anstis et al. [ 141. The Young’s compositions in Table 1.
modulus was assumed to be 120 GPa. The DTA results for the B series of glasses are
also given in Table 1. The glass transition tempera-
ture falls significantly with the value of y from
3. Results 8 19°C at y = 0 to 621°C at y = 1, which is consis-
tent with calcium disrupting the glass network to
X-ray diffraction was used to confirm that the form non-bridging oxygens and, in addition, fluorine
glasses produced were completely amorphous. Fig. 2 replacing bridging oxygens with non-bridging fluo-
is a typical DTA trace showing the glass transition rines. All these glasses exhibited two crystallisation
temperature, q, and first and second peak crystalli- exotherms, except the glass with y = 0 containing no
sation temperatures, Tr, and Tp2. The glass transition fluorine, which exhibited one. X-ray powder diffrac-
temperatures and peak crystallisation temperatures tion showed the first crystallisation peak was always
for the A series glasses are given in Table 1. FAP. Glasses with y > 0.5 crystallised to mullite
All these glasses were found to crystallise to (2Si0,.3Al,O,) as the second phase, while glasses
apatite and mullite except the glass with x = 0 con- with x < 0.5 crystallised largely to anorthite. The
taining no phosphate which crystallised to fluorite glass with y = 0 crystallised to only anorthite. Acti-
(CaF,) and anorthite (CaAl,Si,Oa) and the glass vation energies for crystallisation were determined
with x = 1 which crystallised to apatite and an alu- on selected glasses by the Matusita technique 1131,
minium phosphate, berlinite. The glass with x= 0.5 the results are given below in Table 2.
had a Ca:P ratio of 2.0 close to the apatite stoichiom- The activation energy for the crystallisation of the

Table 2
Activation energies for crystallization
x Y Q-p I Phase EJp, Phase Assumed n Assumed m
(M mol- ‘) (kJ mol- ‘)
0.0 1.0 391 Fluorite 634 Anorthite 3 3
0.5 1.0 512 FAP Mullite 3 3
0.5 0.75 332 FAP Mullite 3 3
0.5 0.5 720 FAP Mullite 4 3
350 A. Clij)brd, R. Hill/Journal ofNon-Crystalline Solids 196 (1996) 346-351

Table 3 From the results of series A, there was no obvious

Indentation fracture toughness values obtained for the glass with influence of glass composition and calcium to phos-
x = 0.5 and y = 0.5
phate ratio on either the crystallisation temperatures
Heat KIC or crystalline phase formed. Both phosphate and
treatment (MPa rn’,‘) E 5)
fluorine are known to cause amorphous phase sepa-
None 0.78 0.11 ration in glasses, and all the glasses of the A series
Nucleated 1.40 0.09
0.5 h at 923°C 1.96 0.05 underwent amorphous phase separation, either during
I .O h at 923°C 3.37 0.21 quenching, as evidenced by a second glass transition
temperature, Tg2, or on subsequent heat treatment
SD, standard deviation. prior to crystallisation. It is likely that the composi-
tion of the phase separated phases is more important
than the initial glass composition as regards the
fluorite is low compared to that for anorthite for the subsequent crystallisation behaviour.
glass with x = 0 and y = 1. Neither fluorine nor The B series of glasses exhibited an increasing
calcium forms part the glass network, and crystallisa- tendency towards surface nucleation as y was de-
tion to fluorite will not involve breakage of the creased, evidenced by a shift in the peak crystallisa-
strong aluminium-oxygen-silicon bonds of the glass tion temperatures to higher temperatures with in-
network, consequently, crystallisation of fluorite will creasing particle size. Glasses in the B series with
occur readily with a low activation energy. y = 1 and 0.75 exhibited no shift in their penk crys-
The glass with y = 0.5 was readily castable and tallisation temperatures with particle size. All of the
was selected for a preliminary investigation of its B series glasses were found to undergo amorphous
fracture toughness before and after ceramming treat- phase separation prior to crystallisation. In the case
ments. The fracture toughness of the glass was mea- of the glasses with y = 1 and 0.75, this led to bulk
sured in the cast state, following the nucleation crystal nucleation. Is the thought that bulk crystal
treatment and with a nucleation treatment followed nucleation is aided by the fact that the apatite formed
by 0.5 and 1.0 h at 923°C corresponding to the is fluorapatite and that the fluorine packs more read-
crystallisation of FAP but below the onset tempera- ily into the apatite lattice than either a hydroxyl
ture for the crystallisation of mullite. The results group or an oxygen atom [ 151.
obtained are given in Table 3. The fracture toughness The first peak crystallisation temperature, corre-
increases significantly following the nucleation treat- sponding to that of FAP, reduces as y is increased. It
ment but increases dramatically following the crystal was thought that the peak crystallisation temperature
growth hold. might go through a minimum at the apatite stoi-
The microstructure of the samples cerammed at chiometry of 1.67, but there was no evidence of this.
923°C differed in the length of the apatite needles It is thought that, since these compositions undergo
produced, with the longer heat treatment time giving APS prior to crystallisation, the composition of the
rise to a crystal with a higher length to diameter glass phase after phase separation is more important
aspect ratio. than the initial composition of the glass. Jana and
Hdeland [lo] and Wood and Hill [6,8] have demon-
strated that similar compositions undergo amorphous
4. Discussion phase separation to give a calcium phosphate rich
phase, which subsequently crystallises to FAP and an
Early infrared spectrum results show an absence aluminium silicon rich phase.
of hydroxyl groups and this, coupled with the high The phosphate-containin g glasses that crystallised
proportion of fluorine present, suggests that he ap- to FAP exhibited an activation energy for crystallisa-
atite phase is fluorapatite (FAP) in both the A and B tion that was very dependent on the composition of
series. This was later confirmed via X-ray diffraction the glass. The activation energies obtained for crys-
analysis and specific heat treatments which showed tallisation of the mullite phase were always very low,
the apatite phase to be fluorapatite in all cases. and the activation energy plots were never very
A. Clifford, R. Hill/Journal ofNon-Crystalline Solids 196 (1996) 346-351 351

linear. Subsequent combined DTA/TGA showed that References

these glasses underwent a sharp weight loss accom-
panying the crystallisation of mullite. The weight El3 R.D. Rawlings, Clinical Mater. 14 (1993) 155.
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trafluoride from the silicon and fluorine rich glass its, Vol. 2, ed. G. Heimke (German Ceramic Society,
which is left after crystallisation of FAP and mullite. Cologne, 1990) p. 57.
131 T. Kokubo, S. Ito and S. Sal&a, J. Mater. Sci 21 (1986) 535.
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thought to be due to the elongated nature of the FAF’ J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 5 (1986) 1309.
crystals and the fact that they undergo a pull-out El R.G. Hill, M. Pate1 and D.J. Wood, in: Bioceramics, Vol. 4,
process during failure giving rise to a large work of ed. W. Bonfield, G.W. Hastings and K.E. Tanner (Butter-
fracture. worth-Heinemann, London, 1991) p. 79.
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[71 R.G. Hill, C. Goat and D.J. Wood, J. Am. Ceram. Sot. 75
(1992) 778.
5. Conclusions [81 D. Wood and R.G. Hill, Clinical Mater. 7 (1991) 301.
[91 M. Dimitrova-Lukacs and L. Gillemot, in: Third Euroceram-
Glasses with intermediate phosphate contents and its, Vol 3, ed. P. Duran and J.F. Femandez (Faenza Editrice
Iberica, Spain, 1993) 179.
high fluorine contents bulk nucleated via prior amor-
DOI C. Jana and W. Hoeland, Silicat. Indust. 56 (1991) 215.
phous phase separation. Both the fluorine and the [ill P. Hartmann, C. Jana and M. Braun, Glass Tech. Berlin
phosphate content of the glass are important in ob- Glass Sci. Technol., in press.
taining bulk nucleation of the FAP phase. The cal- L12.1H.W. King, E.A. Payzant, D.W. Jones and AS. Rizkalla, J.
cium:phosphate ratio of the glass did not have a Can. Ceram Sot. 62 (1993) 248.
[131 K. Matusita, S. Sal&a and Y. Matsui, J. Mater. Sci. 10
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