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The role of calcium

chloride in concrete
The king of accelerators is not yet dethroned for occasional crimes

Editor’s Note: ly in water. Its behavior with most Setting time

Bernard Erlin and William G. Hime, Er- ingredients of concrete and under a So many factors (brand of ce-
lin-Hime Associates, Northbrook, Illi- wide variety of conditions has been ment, water-cement ratio, other ad-
nois wrote the sections of this article studied and reported over a long
that pertain to corrosion as well as the mixtures employed and type of mix)
information that appears in the box. span of years, and its effects have affect setting time that it is impossi-
The remainder was prepared by the been generally understood though ble to give specific data on how
staff of Concrete Construction. in recent years increasing evidence much this will be shortened with
has accumulated that calcium chlo- the use of calcium chloride. Yet it
ride or other source of chloride ions can be said in general that if a given
hen the manufacturers can cause serious problems in con-

concrete under constant ambient
of an admixture inves- c re t e. This article attempts to put conditions at about 70 degrees F(1)+
tigated the usage of findings in this area in perspective required 3 hours to develop initial
their recently devel- even though, as in many areas of set, the addition of 2 percent calci-
oped accelerator they were sur- concrete technology, there are wide um chloride would typically reduce
prised to find that it was being used divergencies of opinion this time to 1 hour. Similarly, if an-
most in Arizona and Fl o ri d a — t h e Calcium chloride changes the other concrete achieved final set in
two hottest states in the country. rate of hydration. By changing 6 hours under the same conditions
The investigators, like many others, something this fundamental calci- the addition of the same amount of
had tended to associate accelera- um chloride is bound to have far- calcium chloride could develop fi-
tors uniquely with winter concret- reaching effects in both the plastic nal set in about 2 hours. At lower
ing but this is far from being their and hardened states. Its effect on temperatures the effect of calcium
only use. In addition to cold weath- rate of set and compressive strength chloride is even more pronounced.
er applications accelerators are development are understandably The early compressive strength of a
used to increase rapidity of form paramount in the minds of users given mix is not likely to be in-
t u rn over, as well as the rate of de- who employ it primarily to affect creased in proportion to the accel-
velopment of handling strength in these pro p e rt i e s. But users should eration of setting time by the use of
precasting operations. also be aware of the effects calcium calcium chloride.
Although acceleration can be ac- chloride has on other major charac- Calcium chloride accelerates
complished by increasing concrete teristics of concrete. slow-setting portland cements
temperature, this procedure is sel- more efficiently than faster-setting
dom practical or economical under Workability cements and thus narrows the gap
field conditions. Instead, accelera- Although calcium chloride in between setting times of va ri o u s
tion is characteristically accom- amounts of 2 percent * or more im- brands of cement.
plished by use of additional cement proves workability slightly it does Rate of settlement
or a high early strength cement, or a not plasticize concrete much even
chemical admixture, or some com- at large dosages. In the usual 1 to 2 By speeding initial set calcium
bination of these. Calcium chloride percent range it typically reduces chloride reduces settlement (or
is the admixture most likely to be the water needed for a given slump bleeding) in the plastic condition.
used, or an admixture in which cal- only about 1 percent. It is best to as- The addition of 2 percent calcium
cium chloride is a major ingredient. sume that calcium chloride has no chloride can cut initial settlement
Calcium chloride offers many ad- significant effect on workability and in half (Figure 1). This effect can be
used to advantage in filling hori-
vantages that make it popular as a water demand.
zontal holes or under hori zo n t a l
concrete accelerator. It causes a
substantial increase in early * In this article all discussions of percentage
strengths and it speeds rate of set. It quantities of calcium chloride refer to percent cal-
cium chloride dihydrate (flake) by weight of port- + Numbers in parentheses are references to the
is readily available. It dissolves easi- land cement. (See discussion in box.) metric equivalents listed with this article.
HOW MUCH IS term “calcium chloride.” Chemical Because of differences in de-
TWO PERCENT? dictionaries define this to be CaCI2 gree of purity, actual chloride con-
. 2H20, the dihydrate of calcium tents of commercial calcium chlo-
Although calcium chloride has chloride, which is commonly called ride might be lower than indicated
been used in concrete for several “flake” and is the type used in by these calculations but not
decades it is surprising that many ready mixed concrete and by most enough to change the calculations
statements about its concentra- researchers. But calcium chloride much. ASTM D 98, “Standard
tion in concrete are either ambigu- is sometimes interpreted to mean Specification for Calcium Chlo-
ous or erroneous. Phrases such the anhydrous salt, CaCI2. ride,” requires that Type I (regular
as “two percent in concrete” still The commonly imposed 2 per- flake calcium chloride) have a min-
appear occasionally in such widely cent limit could designate differ- imum calcium chloride content of
read publications as Concrete ent amounts of active ingredient, 77.0 percent and Type II (concen-
Construction and the ACI Journal. depending on which salt is meant. trated—as distinguished from reg-
Fortunately, the industry under- A calculation based on chemical ular — flake, pellet or other granu-
stands that what is meant is “2 composition shows that 2 percent lar calcium chloride) have a
percent by weight of cement,” but of dihydrate is equivalent to only minimum of 94.0 percent.
it is reasonable to assume that er- 1.51 percent of anhydrous calci- It is time for specific language
rors have sometimes been made um chloride. If, on the other hand, in publications and specifications.
in the amounts used because of it were found that 2 percent of the We suggest that the phrase “per-
this carelessness in language. anhydrous salt could be tolerated, cent calcium chloride dihydrate
then 2.65 percent could be per- (flake calcium chloride) by weight
Which salt is the real calcium mitted if dihydrate, or flake, calci- of portland cement” be used
chloride? um chloride were used. The 1.51 whenever reference is made to
There is a further ambiguity, of and 2.65 could be rounded to 1.5 amounts for concretes.
more general significance, in the and 2.75 percent, respectively.

Compressive strength
Calcium chloride substantially in-
creases early compressive strengths
and sometimes causes modest in-
creases as late as several years after
placement. Occasionally, howe ve r, Figure 1. Calcium chloride
concrete with calcium chloride be- reduces the settlement of
gins to exhibit a lessening in rate of concrete. These data were
c o m p re s s i ve strength gain when obtained on mixes made with
compared with ordinary concrete at Type II cement at a water-
an age as early as 7 days. This can re- cement ratio of 0.51.
sult in a lower compressive strength
than with ordinary concrete at 28
days to 3 months. It does not mean
there has been a re t ro g ression in
strength but only a tapering off of
strength gain.
Figure 2 illustrates acceleration provided greater resistance to crack- Corrosion
improvements in strength up to 28 ing during freezing. When corrosion of steel occurs in
days for mixes made with four types Calcium chloride is more effec- concrete, chloride is almost always
of cement mixed and moist cured at tive in increasing compressive present. Thus, it is regrettable that
70 degrees F.(1) Cement contents strength at 1 to 3 days in rich mixes in discussing the role of calcium
were approximately 545 pounds(2) than in lean ones. At later ages the chloride in corrosion in concrete
per cubic yard and the water-ce- increases, in psi, are about the same ACI committees and others fre-
ment ratio 0.55. Calcium chloride for various cement contents. quently quote the classic review of
content was 2 percent. Shideler + as a primary re f e re n c e.
Concrete containing calcium Other properties Although this review is extensive it
chloride, if subjected to freezing 1 to Many other properties of con- does not provide data that reflect
3 days after hardening, ultimately crete are affected to various degrees the tremendous effect of chloride
develops higher strength than plain by calcium chloride. A general guide on corrosion of steel in concrete;
concrete undergoing the same is provided in Table I. Further details
treatment. This is because the may be found in the classic paper by ++ J.J. Shideler, “Calcium Chloride in Concrete,”
greater early strength buildup has Shideler. + ACI Journal, March 1952, pages 537-560.
vents (or slows) corrosion. Unless
large amounts of chloride are pre-
sent, the basicity factor usually wins
out, at least during the re l a t i ve l y
short haul of 20 to 30 years. Howev-
er, concrete slowly carbonates upon
exposure to air (inward from the
surfaces) and this carbonation de-
stroys the basicity of concrete. The
prognosis is bleak when that basici-
ty is lowered and water and oxygen
penetrate to the level of the steel.
The results can be disastrous if chlo-
rides are present.
Fortunately the carbonation of
concrete proceeds at a slow rate.
Howe ve r, past experience may be
misleading in suggesting that long-
time corrosion is not a problem.
Figure 2. Calcium chloride increases the compressive strength up to ages of New results imply that exposed re-
28 days or more for concretes made with all types of portland cement. Data inforced concrete made with chlo-
shown here represent mixes made with four types using about 545 pounds
ride admixtures may eventually be
of cement per cubic yard (323 kilograms per cubic metre) at a water-cement
ratio of 0.55. subject to failure. In fact, such an
epoch may have begun.
Our work involves post-mortem
studies of distressed concretes and
we are often asked to diagnose
causes of corrosion. The studies
How calcium chloride affects various other properties of concrete
include direct evaluation of the
Property Approximate change concrete by petrographic methods
Heat of hydration at 1 day 30 percent increasea such as interpretative microscopy,
Tensile strength at 28 days Slight decrease other instrumental methods, and
chemical analyses. We feel that the
Flexural strength at 7 days 10 percent increaseb
p re vention of potential failures
Flexural strength at 28 days 0 to 15 percent decreaseb
requires publicity of present and
Volume change 0 to 15 percent increase
past failures. We believe that the
Watertightness Improved at early age; no improvement later following examples from our expe-
Cavitation Surface loss reduced by half rience illustrate the more important
Efflorescence Appearance hastened factors involved.
Sulfate resistance Aggravatedc
Alkali-silica reaction Increased up to 100 percentd Variable concentration a factor
Discoloration Trowel burns in flatwork, or mottled effecte in corrosion
One factor that has not been
a After about 11⁄2 days it decreases
widely publicized but merits major
b Depending on curing conditions, amount of calcium chloride, and the brand, type and amount of
cement used emphasis is that the chloride con-
c But not with Type V cement and adequate air content centration often varies in different
d But little effect if proper precautions taken to use pozzolan and low-alkali cement portions of a reinforced concrete
e Depending on material selection, proportioning, mixing, placing, finishing, curing. Mottled effect s t ru c t u re. An illustration of the ef-
develops in concrete that is not moist cured, producing light spots on dark background with ce-
ment of low alkali content or dark spots on light background with cement of high alkali content. fect of such a variation in causing
the corrosion of concrete columns is
given in Example 3 below. The prac-
tice of varying the calcium chloride
rather it concludes that chlorides We now know that chloride great- content of concrete of a single struc-
have a minimal effect. Unfortunate- ly increases the likelihood of corro- ture because of changes in ambient
ly, published research information sion. We also know that, under con- t e m p e ra t u res (daily, weekly or
at the time of his review did not pro- ditions where moisture penetrates monthly) can be dangerous and
vide a complete understanding of to the steel, only the chemical basic- should not be permitted when con-
mechanisms of corrosion. ity of portland cement paste pre- tinuity of steel exists.
Six case histories of corrosion TABLE II. General comparison of effects of inorganic and organic materi-
als sometimes used to accelerate setting time or strength development
Example 1. Precast reinforced
beams Material Effect of
acceleration of Strength
Exposure: Ceiling elements setting time development

Chloride content: 1.6 percent**

After 4 years of service, cracks oc- Sodium or potassium Rapid
curred over and in line with rein-
forcing steel near bottom corners of
Ammonium Less rapid than
beams. Concrete cover over the steel sodium or potassium
was nominally 3⁄4 inch.(3) Spalling of Magnesium hydroxy
the concrete cover and severe corro- (hydromagnesite) Accelerates a
sion of the steel were prominent. Sodium or potassium Rapid
Primary causes: Chloride, inade- CHLORIDES
quate concrete cover over steel, car- Aluminum Considerable
bonation. Barium Slight
Magnesium Considerable
Sodium Small, variable b
Example 2. Precast pre- Strontium Slight
stressed concrete beams
Sodium or potassium Some
Exposure: Floor slab elements in an
area of prolonged high humidity NITRITES
Chloride content: 0.8 percent Sodium Slight Decreases

After 10 years of service loss of Sodium or potassium Rapid
concrete cover over the steel
and corrosion of the steel were THIOSULFATES
prominent. Concrete cover over the Calcium Better than Sodium Decreases
steel was from 3⁄8 to 1⁄2 inch. (4) Sodium Some Less decrease
than calcium
Primary causes: Chloride, grossly
inadequate concrete cover over the TRIETHANOLAMINE
steel, carbonation. 0.025 percent by
weight cement Appreciable Increases early
strength. Decreases
or does not affect
Example 3. Cast-in-place 28-day strength
reinforced columns of a 0.06 percent by
multistory building weight cement Retards c Retards

Exposure: Outside columns directly CALCIUM FORMATE Less efficient than Increases 7-day and
exposed to Midwest ambient condi- calcium chloride 28-day strengths but
tions not as much as calcium chloride

FORMALDEHYDE Mild In amounts of 0.07

Chloride content of individual
percent or more,
columns: Variable from 1.5 percent markedly reduces
to essentially no chloride, the higher 28-day strength
chloride being in the bottom eleva-
tions of the columns

a Magnesium carbonate, however, retards

After three years of service crack-
ing over and in line with reinforcing b Depending on the brand or type of cement
steel was prominent in only the c Hence, beware of overdosage
chloride-containing portions of the
columns. Cover over the steel in in many areas and moderately cor- the active ingredient for reducing
s e ve ral instances was 1 inch(5) and roded in others. The locations of water have the common character-
in other instances 31⁄2 inches.(6) s e ve rest deterioration were associ- istic that they retard concrete set as
ated with areas where the mortar well, many formulations of water re-
Primary causes: Differential chlo- had not intimately contacted the ducing admixtures incorporate cal-
ride content, concentration cells. steel. cium chloride to counteract set re-
tardation. Manufacturers of such
Example 4. Precast thin rein- Primary causes: Chloride, oxygen products are naturally interested in
forced roofing planks concentration cells, carbonation. finding a nonchloride accelerator to
render their normal water reducing
Exposure: High ceiling of a manu- admixtures suitable for all types of
facturing building Summary comments on concrete applications.
corrosion Some of the many materials that
Chloride content: 0.5 percent The examples above summarize have been studied for their acceler-
only the highlights of several situa- ation of setting time and strength
Cover over steel: 3⁄8 to 1⁄2 inch(4) tions. The investigations included gain are listed in Table II. Such prod-
site surveys and detailed laboratory ucts as triethanolamine and calci-
After fifty years of service the con- studies of the quality and composi- um formate have perhaps been
crete cover over the reinforcing steel tion of each concrete, alterations in used more extensively as accelera-
suddenly began to span as a result the original concrete during its ex- tors than others, but so far none of
of the corrosion of the steel. Primary posure, and manifestations of the these appears to have had suffi-
causes: Old age, carbonation, chlo- corrosion. The use of analytical data ciently attractive properties to de-
ride, inadequate concrete cover over for evaluating and interpreting the velop a large market. (In addition to
steel. factors contributing to deterioration the effect on setting time and
is mandatory if suitable and effec- strength, cost, solubility, develop-
Example 5. Cast-in-place rein- tive refurbishing is to be done. ment of disagreeable odors, effect
forced concrete columns and Our studies on corrosion of steel on durability, and safety in use are
floor slabs in concrete have pointedly revealed: factors that may affect their value.)
Usually the use of such special ac-
• More than 99 percent of corrosion
celerators is practically limited to
Exposure: Interior and exterior con- problems are chloride related.
ditions, the latter in a mild, non- such applications as pre s t re s s e d
freezing, high humidity area • A prominent relationship exists concrete where acceleration is
between corrosion and the needed but where the presence of
Chloride content: 6 percent amount of concrete cover. chloride ions must be minimized or
eliminated. Nonchloride accelera-
• An increasingly apparent factor tors are also being used (sometimes
After less than one year of service, which is being recognized and will blended with calcium chloride) in
extensive cracking over and in line become more prominent is old age some water-reducing admixtures to
with the steel, spalling of the con- (particularly where cover over steel counteract their retarding tenden-
crete cover over the steel, severe is thin) because of carbonation cies.
corrosion of the steel, and droplets and attendant pH reduction of
of hydrochloric acid having a pH of At this stage, howe ve r, when con-
concrete flanking the steel.
2.2 were prominent. sideration is given to all the pluses
• Effective renovation of damaged and minuses, for the great majority
Primary cause: Grossly high chlo- s t ru c t u res must be based upon a of concrete construction where its
ride content. knowledge of the specific factors use is allowable the most practical
causing the corrosion. accelerator for concrete is calcium
chloride, warts and all.
Example 6. Interior steel door Other accelerators
jambs filled with portland It has been known for many years Metric equivalents
cement mortar and inset in that a number of materials other (1) 21 degrees C
concrete than calcium chloride catalyze ce- (2) 323 kilograms per cubic meter
ment hydration. Yet for one reason (3) 19 millimetres
Exposure: Inside doorways of a or another most have failed to pro- (4) 10 to 13 millimetres
building (5) 25 millimetres
vide the combination of advantages
(6) 90 millimetres
that has kept calcium chloride in the
Chloride content: 1.4 percent forefront for decades.
Manufacturers of water-reducing PUBLICATION #C760057
Within 1 year after construction admixtures have long studied this Copyright © 1976, The Aberdeen Group
the steel jambs were eaten through subject. Since all materials used as All rights reserved

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