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For seven weeks and 49 straight days, we are gifted a glorious opportunity to come together to receive Divine
Intervention during the greatest concentrated period of loveand joyous celebration upon the Earth.

"Seven Sacred Weeks" is a radiation governed by a mighty Divine Dispensation and granted to the Earth from the
spiritual office and being referred to as the "Great Divine Director". The consciousness of the Great Divine Director is
part of the intervening cosmic light rays descending as the Will of God. Merged with universal cosmic cycles, this blue
ray consciousness propels direction as part of the Divine Plan for Earth's evolution. This mighty cosmic being has been an
integral training forcefield for many Ascended Masters and currently works very closely with Saint Germain to bring in
our new Golden Age.

Divine Purpose: This intervention creates a window between the human world and the Ascended Octave. It is a portal in
the fabric of time in which the great cosmic signature of some of the primary Divine Guardians of our race enter deeply
into our consciousness. Through the power of our attention, we may receive their gifts of support, activity of the Sacred
Fire, record of their own ascension and their all enveloping magnetic love.

They are here to teach us how to communicate with the greater aspect of our true self and to expand the activity of the
Sacred Fire in our body. The Sacred Fire is used to liberate ourselves from the human consciousness and to pierce the
veils of limited human perception, especially the false belief of good versus evil. This will continue to allow the
consciousness of the Higher Mental Body, the illumined Christ Mind to integrate as part of our new blueprint.

For 49 days during the energy filled holiday season and our passage into 2011, may we acknowledge and receive this
immense gift by placing daily focus upon the designated Ascended Being of the day. We are invoking their Divine
Signature and radiation to pour in, through and around ourselves, our loved ones, our groups, communities, cities,
nations and world.

When we put our body to sleep, we may also ask our Higher Mental Body to take us to the Temple of Light of the
Ascended Master in focus, to receive their great blessings and bring this gift back into our physical being to support our
mission activity upon the Earth.



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Thursday November 25 Day 01 Beloved Goddess of Purity

Friday November 26 Day 02 Beloved Goddess of Justice

Saturday November 27 Day 03 Beloved Goddess of Harmony

Sunday November 28 Day 04 Beloved Kuthumi

Monday November 29 Day 05 Beloved Goddess of Peace

Tuesday November 30 Day 06 Beloved Goddess of Liberty

Wednesday December 1 Day 07 Beloved SerapisBey

Thursday December 2 Day 08 Beloved Leto

Friday December 3 Day 09 Beloved El Morya

Saturday December 4 Day 10 Beloved Quan Yin

Sunday December 5 Day 11 Beloved Leonora of Venus

Monday December 6 Day 12 Beloved Goddess of Venus

Tuesday December 7 Day 13 Beloved Sanat Kumara

Wednesday December 8 Day 14 Beloved Lord MahaChohan

Thursday December 9 Day 15 Lady Master Nada

Friday December 10 Day 16 Archangel Michael

Saturday December 11 Day 17 Archangel Jophiel

Sunday December 12 Day 18 Archangel Chamuel

Monday December 13 Day 19 Archangel Gabriel

Tuesday December 14 Day 20 Archangel Raphael

Wednesday December 15 Day 21 Archangel Uriel

Thursday December 16 Day 22 Archangel Zadkiel

Friday December 17 Day 23 Mighty Virgo

Saturday December 18 Day 24 Beloved Aries

Sunday December 19 Day 25 Mighty Helios

Monday December 20 Day 26 Mighty Vesta

Tuesday December 21 Day 27 Beloved Maitreya

Wednesday December 22 Day 28 Beloved Akasha

Thursday December 23 Day 29 Beloved Asun

Friday December 24 Day 30 Beloved Chananda

Saturday December 25 Day 31 Mighty Hilarion

Sunday December 26 Day 32 Beloved Mary Magdalene

Monday December 27 Day 33 Beloved Charity

Tuesday December 28 Day 34 Beloved God Tabor

December 29 Day 35 Beloved God Himalaya

Thursday December 30 Day 36 Beloved God Meru

Friday December 31 Day 37 Beloved Great Cosmic Angel

Saturday January 1 Day 38 Beloved Jesus Emanuel

Sunday January 2 Day 39 Beloved Melchizedek

Monday January 3 Day 40 Beloved Goddess of Light

Tuesday January 4 Day 41 Beloved Victory

Wednesday January 5 Day 42 Beloved Goddess of Music

Thursday January 6 Day 43 Beloved Seven Mighty Elohim

Friday January 7 Day 44 Beloved Mother Mary

Saturday January 8 Day 45 Beloved Great Divine Director

Sunday January 9 Day 46 Beloved Archangel Metatron

Monday January 10 Day 47 Beloved Rose

Tuesday January 11 Day 48 Beloved Saint Germain

Wednesday January 12 Day 49 Beloved Queen of Light

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