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Prelude to 1492 and Global Expansion, Aztec and Incan Empires.

– In 1492 a whole series of empires come together such as the Aztecs,

Incas, etc
– Incan Empire was based in the perubian highlands, which is pretty much
Peru today.
– The area where the Aztec and Incan Empires resided was full of sedentary
ppl, which means they would do well for years to come. Unlike the
nonsedentary people which consisted mostly of hunters, etc.

3 things the Mexica demanded to be a part of their union

-Recognition that mexica was superior and the citizens had to worship the
mexica gods, they

could still worship their own gods as well.

-Pay tribute to the Mexica

-Provide warriors that would be sacrificed.

- If altepetl didn’t supply, their would be problems for that altepetl.

Reasons to contribute to Mexica,

-The fear of not contributing could possibly lead to the Mexica attacking the

-Altepetls would receive contributions from the Mexica

-Altepetls would receive protection by the Mexica


- An Aztec Empire Altepetl

– Consisted of about 200,000 people

– Had a great market
– Contain great religious centers

Aztec Empire

- Aztec Empire was based where Mexico city is today.

-Mexica, dominated the Mexican central valley, which was the center of many

- Had Altepetls which were city state units, the Mexica would receive
contributes from all the altepeltls except Tenochtitlan, most contributions
consisted of food such as corn, fuits, vegetables, meat, feathers, certain kind of
metals would be drafted for work all the time, as well as foot soldiers.

- The had a long distance trade system.

-Calpulli- a local parish that would organize more at a local level. There were
many types of

Calpulli, some consisted of all farmers or all traders some speak different

-Aztec Hierarchy consisted of Nobility (Highest class), priests, warriors,

traders then

commoners(lowest class).

Incan empire

-In the Andes Mountain

- Produced a lot of potatoes, they had a huge storage system for food

-Increadible Masonry, could build walls that were earthquake resistant and
made them without


-Also known for having a massive road system

-Built major cities over 9000 feet

-Fairly extensive trading system

- Similar to the Aztecs by having Ayllus contributing.

Ayllu- Incan version of the Altepetl, they had a Kuroka which was the head of the
Ayllu. Usually the

Kuroka would become head of the Ayllu with Ayni(I’ll scratch ur back if u
scratch mine). Kuroka puts on huge parties for other Kurokas, they have
connections to many other Ayllu, they receive

contributes and then they contribute to the Incan Empire.

When the Spanish Invade,

– They go through the heart of Aztec and Caribbean Empires

– They see an opportunity to spread catholism
– Happy to see they were wealthy empires.

Seeming Paradox, Why would the Spaniards fall relatively quickly and become the
centers of Spanish power in the Americas? Why would many other areas not come
to be dominated by the Spaniards?

-The Aztec and Incan empires are top heavy they depend on a power
structure on top.

-The Spaniards were able to replace the power on top, so basically they were
able to replace the

Heads of authorities.

-However, the Spaniards could not replace the economic activity that made
the empire so

Powerful to begin with.

The Incan and Aztec empires were similar because

-They had small ruling elite.

-Many different political and social groups integrated into empires.
-Creation of mass surplus of wealth.
-Sometimes tense and fractious, rebellions and violence fairly common

The initial period of conquest was the cortex for Spanish and Portuguese expansion.

In 711, we have the moors which were mostly muslim, they established the Spanish
caliphate (in

spain), The Kingdom of costile starts to kick the moons out of the liberian
peninsula the

Spaniards call this the reconquest.

The Spanish Caliphate was very tolerant of other religions. They demanded loyalty
and tribute from its

Subjects. One could be/practice their religion while being under the Spanish

In 1492, all that is left of the Spanish caliphate is the kingdom of Grandad and that
is when you have

Fierce battle situation.

– Ongoing process of cultural mixing and change
– Different societies blend and merge
– Each society and everyone is transformed in the process.
– Groups often deny the processes of transculturation in efforts to create
“pure” societies.

Isabella and Ferdinad Finalize the kicking out the moors, they build up a systems of
Corregidor’s, they

Revive several things build up the government, the also make the
Corregidor’s stronger, they

Revive the Inquisition. There is a demand that everyone is Spanish origin

and practice

Christianity, called Limpieza de sangre.

Corregidor’s- nobles that made sure people were paying taxes, practice Christianity,
and were loyal to

Isabella and Fernniad.

The Three great estates, based off of warfare

-Nobility, they need to know how to read, great pride in swordsmanship, have
married another

noble, they have slaves, they have a lot of kids. Head of a large
household. They live in

cities but own country land, where people work for the noble. Some
people can buy

nobility titles or get a nobility title by leading a military group, look

down upon trade.

-Commanders- 90% of the population, can own land but very little. Many
work for the nobles as

farmers/housemaids, Ones that were literate could work as artisans.

Don’t take part in


– Churces run the schools at the time, they run hospitals, have much
property, they marry people, provide moral compass, debates such as
kicking the muslims out or letting them stay takes place inside the church.
People have loyalty to their towns, these areas are called “patria chica”

Spain in 1492

-movement of religious zeal

-intolerance of other religions and peoples.

- Conquest of Granada, had made a number of new nobles who are interested
in the further


-A consolidation empire

-Military, political anc economic experience with conquest.

-Hierachial Social order

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