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Composites Science and Technology 68 (2008) 3123–3127

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A micro–macro combined approach using FEM for modelling of machining

of FRP composites: Cutting forces analysis
Ali Mkaddem *, Ibrahim Demirci, Mohamed El Mansori
LMPF-EA4106, CER/ENSAM, rue Saint Dominique B.P. 508, 51006 Châlons-en-Champagne, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Experimental investigation of machining is cost prohibitive. The number of parameters to control, the
Received 6 September 2007 exhaustive material characterisation and the time consuming procedure to determine the mechanical
Received in revised form 8 July 2008 responses like cutting forces restricts experimental studies. In this context, finite element analysis can
Accepted 14 July 2008
be a feasible tool for studying the various responses in machining. This paper presents an attempt to
Available online 23 July 2008
investigate orthogonal Machining of Unidirectional Glass Fibres Reinforced Plastics (UD-GFRP) using
Finite Element (FE) simulation. The simulation uses the Tsai-Hill theory to characterise failure in plane
stress conditions and orthotropic behaviour. The model incorporates adaptive mesh technique and den-
A. Polymer-matrix composites
sity. The material is modelled as an Equivalent Orthotropic Homogeneous Material (EOHM). A simulation
C. Cutting forces scheme entailing fibre orientation, depth of cut and tool rake angle is constructed for investigating the
D. Machining cutting and thrust force developed during machining. The numerical results are compared to [Nayak D,
Bhatnagar N, Mahajan P. Machining studies of UD-FRP composites – part 1: effect of geometrical and pro-
cess parameters, Mach Sci Technol 2005;9:481–501; Nayak D, Bhatnagar N, Mahajan P. Machining stud-
ies of UD-FRP composites – part 2: finite element analysis, Mach Sci Technol 2005;9:503–528.].
Comparison indicates that the model provides satisfactory prediction of the cutting forces. The relations
between material properties, tool geometry and process parameters are discussed.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction investigate the cutting forces. They found that the cutting forces
are dependent on many parameters. Other experimental studies
The recent developments of low-cost manufacturing process for [6,11–14] showed that fibre orientation and tool geometry are
producing net-shape and more resistant components have opened among the main significant parameters that influence cutting
new opportunity for the use of fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) forces in FRP machining. FE simulation of FRP machining offers a
materials. Their exciting potentiality resides in their smaller good opportunity to face the technical difficulties and the high cost
weight-to-strength ratio compared to conventional single-phase of experimental studies. FE simulations can accommodate, numer-
materials and favourable directional properties. FRP materials have ically, many phenomena within the same model, and also they can
attracted much attention due to their excellent mechanical and give insights on the mechanisms of the material removal itself.
thermal resistance. However, many obstacles complicate the man- Two types of models can be distinguished: (i) macro mechanical
ufacturing of parts from these materials in spite of their interesting models [13,15–17] in which the composite material is generally
properties in aeronautic and automotive sectors [1–8]. In particu- modelled as an Equivalent Orthotropic Homogeneous Material
lar, anisotropy, non-homogeneity, fibre orientation and nature and, (ii) micro mechanical models [8,15,18,19] in which the fibres
are the main causes of difficulty in obtaining net-shape compo- are distinguished from the matrix and needs complex modelling of
nents [2,4,5]. The machining of FRP differs from that of metals in the fibre-matrix interface. In general, micro-mechanical models of-
many ways, whence numerous analytical and experimental inves- fer better estimations of cutting forces than macro-mechanical
tigations have been conducted to understand this process. Experi- models. The structural of unidirectional composite material has
mental investigations are very expensive, however, and time periodic microstructure properties that vary in repetitive patterns
consuming. Analytical methods offer good estimation of results throughout the material. The use of EOHM allows for reasonable
such as cutting forces [1,3,6,7], yet sometimes they are very com- prediction of the equivalent global properties of the work material,
plex and ignore many phenomena, e.g. wear, surface finish quality, e.g. cutting forces. On the other hand, macro-mechanical models
chip properties, etc. Koplev et al. [9,10] are among the first to are restricted to the prediction of global responses which are gen-
erally approximate in nature. Micro-scale analysis globally provide
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 3 26699135; fax: +33 3 26699176. better accuracy of results than macro-scale ones but their develop-
E-mail address: (A. Mkaddem). ment requires many approximations and sometimes becomes

0266-3538/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3124 A. Mkaddem et al. / Composites Science and Technology 68 (2008) 3123–3127

complex due to the number of variables and hypothesis to con- E3; the shear modulus G12, G13, G23; the Poisson ratio m12, m13, m23.
sider. The ideal solution would thus seem to develop a combined Thus, the stress–strain compliance is given by the following
micro–macro model. This would offer in a same time better accu- equation:
racy of global responses and a capability to analyse the micro- 8 9 2 38 9
r11 >
D1111 D1122 D1133 0 0 0 >
e11 >
mechanical mechanisms such as chip formation and local damage. > > 7 > >
This paper is, therefore, an attempt to present a sample of a com-
r22 >
6 1122 D2222 D2233 0 0 0 7> >
e22 >
> >
= 6 7<> >
bined micro–macro model. The model incorporates adaptive mesh
< r33 6 D1133 D2233 D3333 0 0 0 7 e33 =
6 0
technique and density to analyse FRP machining. The proposed >
> r >
12 >
> 6 0 0 D1212 0 0 7 7>> e12 >
> >
> 6 7>> >
model has the advantage of the compromise between the micro- >
> 4 0
r13 > 0 0 0 D1313 0 5 >
> e13 >
scale (use of adaptive mesh) and macro-scale (use of EOHM) : ; : ;
r23 0 0 0 0 0 D2323 e23
approaches for achieving a good agreement with the reality of
cutting. In this work, special focus was made on discussing the ð1Þ
sensitivity of cutting forces to fibre orientation, tool rake angle For the orthotropic material, the Dijkl components of the above ma-
and depth of cut. trix were given as:

 Dkkkkðk¼1;2;3Þ ¼ Ek ð1  mij mji Þði–j–kÞ w
2. Numerical modelling 

 Dkkllðk¼1;2;l¼2;3;k<lÞ ¼ Ek ðmlk þ mik mlk Þði–j–kÞ w ð2Þ

2.1. Hypothesis  Dklklðk¼1;2;l¼2;3;k<lÞ ¼ Gkl

where w ¼ 1=ð1  m12 m21  m23 m32  m31 m13  2m21 m32 m13 Þ is a con-
The work material is considered orthotropic with one
stant. The plane stress state imposes r33 ¼ 0, which reduces the
homogeneous equivalent phase. The simulation is based on a dy-
materials stiffness matrix in the analysis as required. Table 2 reca-
namic-explicit analysis including density effect and adaptive mesh.
pitulates the mechanical characteristics used for simulation (see
The friction at the interface between the tool and work material is
Fig. 1).
assumed a fibres orientation dependent parameter and modelled
using Coulomb criterion. The principle of slave-master pair
surfaces is considered. The stress-based criterion of Tsai-Hill is 3. Results and discussions
retained for simulating the failure in such a manner that
r2 r2 r2 3.1. Cutting ratio
IF ¼ X112  r11Xr2 22 þ Y222 þ S12
2 < 1 where X is the stress limit in
the 1st-direction, and Y and Yc stress limit in the 2nd-direction, S
the in-plane shear strength in the X–Y plane and rijði¼1;2; j¼1;2Þ is Fig. 2a illustrates the fracture modes and Fig. 2b shows the evo-
the stress tensor components. lution of cutting ratio R versus the fibres orientation. This parame-
ter is defined by R ¼ lc =dc , where lc and dc are, respectively, the chip
2.2. Meshed model length and the cut distance covered by the tool. It is worth to note
that chip dimension varies with the fibres orientation in such a
The specimen was constructed with the same dimensions given manner that cutting ratio decreases when h increases. Numerous
by Nayak et al. [14,15] and Bhatnagar et al. [13]. The mesh is con- observations have been performed in literature, e.g. Koplev et al.
structed using specimen partition zones and plane stress elements [9,10] for characterising the formed chip during machining. The
with three and four nodes. The model is fixed on the bottom side whole of studies found that GFRP chips are generally discontinuous
whereas the tool is constrained in the 2nd-direction and lowered with geometry depending on fibres orientations. When the orien-
to move against the work material in the 1st-direction, under an tation h increases, the number of fibres subjected to cutting under
imposed speed of 0.5 m min1 and a predefined depth of cut. the rake angle of the tool increases and cut transversally. This im-
The full scale model includes a combination of CPS4 and CPS3 plies that cutting becomes increasingly hard and lead to small
bilinear element types which agreed with the failure criterion re- chips. This can be explained by the fact that in this configuration,
tained for simulation. Table 1 gives the machining parameters the tool edge reaches the interface between the fibre and matrix
and tool characteristics. more rapidly than in the case of less orientation. Thus, once the
interface is reached, the damage propagates all the way of the fibre
2.3. Material properties

The work material is composed of UD-GFRP composite. The Table 2

hypothesis of EOHM is considered. The elastic properties of the Mechanical properties retained for the EOHM model
material in tension are assumed different to the properties in com- Elastic modulus (GPa)
pression. Linear elasticity in an orthotropic material is easily de- E1 48.0
fined by giving the properties associated with the three E2 12.0
material’s principal directions: the modulus of elasticity E1, E2, E3 12.0
Shear modulus (GPa)
G12 6.0
G13 6.0
Table 1 G23 5.0
Geometry and process parameters Poisson ratio
m12 0.19
UD-GFRP m13 0.19
Fibres orientation (°) 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 m23 0.26
Tool geometry: rigid body Tension, compression properties (MPa)
Rake angle c (°) 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 Xt 550
Relief angle a (°) 6 Xc 400
Edge radius r (mm) 0.05 Yt 30
Process parameter Yc 64
Depth of cut ap (mm) 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4 S 12.5
A. Mkaddem et al. / Composites Science and Technology 68 (2008) 3123–3127 3125

Fig. 1. Meshed model with partition zones and tool.

a b 1.1
1 Cutting ratio
Fracture mode: θ = 90° 0.9
Cutting ratio R


Trim plane 0.6

0.4 ap lc
Fracture mode: θ = 0° 0.3
0.1 dc
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fibres orientation (°)

Fig. 2. Cutting ratio vs. fibres orientation (c = 10° and ap = 0.2 mm).

contour within the matrix and then, failure occurs immediately those obtained experimentally. Fig. 3a illustrates the evolution of
afterwards. cutting force, recorded at the start of machining, versus the fibres
At the period of machining of an unidirectional FRP composite orientation. It can be noted that the proposed model lead to better
with low fibres orientation, e.g. h  0 , chips generally formed with values of Fc than those predicted by the model of Nayak et al.
a thickness close to the depth of cut (Fig. 2a) and sheared along to [14,15]. Referring to the experimental curve, the mean error re-
the trim plane after being slightly deformed. In this case fracture corded for the present model is about 6% whereas it reaches 17%
occurs far to the tool noise and the chip is produced with a length for the model of Nayak et al. [14,15].
relatively important. When the tool contacts the specimen, it cre- Introducing the density of the material has an important role in
ates a fracture in mode I that propagates along the trim plane for quantifying the macroscopic responses during machining. This is
positive rake angle. The dimension of the chip is influenced by because the reaction of the material against the tool advance de-
the propagation of the opening until fracture. Formation of chip pends on the material resistance. As obtained experimentally and
depends on the depth of cut. In this orientation, the chip is being through simulations [15], the cutting force increases with the in-
deformed under the action of the tool as a beam charged in a com- crease of fibre orientation. Moreover, when the angle h increases,
pound constraint of bending and compression and the break will the number of fibres which are likely to be cut increases. Conse-
initiate when the compression stress limit of the fibres is reached. quently, the action developed by the material for resisting to the
The difference between the matrix and fibre resistance leads to a tool action increases as well. This explains the evolution of the cut-
local and rapid instability on the active zone of machining. This re- ting force with fibre orientation. The force at 90° is about 2.65
sults in fibre failure. The advance of the tool causes, at a critical times higher than the force at 0° for the proposed model. Experi-
moment, rupture perpendicular to the direction of the fibres. The mentally, we note that the obtained ratio is about 2.73.
process described reproduces in a cyclic manner until termination Fig. 3b shows the thrust force values obtained by the proposed
of machining. model and plotted in the same graphic with the results of [15].
Experimental results show an increase of the thrust force until
3.2. Cutting force – thrust force an orientation of 45° after which, the force falls slightly for reach-
ing its minimum at 90° orientation. The typical evolution of exper-
3.2.1. Influence of the fibres orientation iment seems to be in good concordance with the proposed model
This section presents the results of both cutting component and contrary to the model of [15] which predicts a continuous increas-
thrust component of the force obtained by simulation compared to ing force even if the orientation of fibres exceeds 45°. In addition, a
3126 A. Mkaddem et al. / Composites Science and Technology 68 (2008) 3123–3127

using the developed model in order to investigate the sensitivity

a 80 of the cutting forces to the depth of cut. Fig. 4 gives the evolution
70 γ of both cutting and thrust forces versus the depth of cut at 75° of
fibres orientation. It is worth noting that except for ap = 0.1 mm,
Cutting force Fc (N/mm)

60 Fc cutting force remains higher than thrust one. The forces seems to
α increase markedly with the depth of cut which is essentially due
50 to the cutting power required for separation of the chip which
Ft increases with the volume of material to remove. For high depth
of cut, the volume of fibres in the material to be cut is eventually
30 more important than for less depth of cut. Then, the material
develops higher reaction force face to the tool which leads to the
20 Proposed model increase of cutting power and consequently, the increase of the
Nayak et al. model [15] cutting forces. The cutting force (Fc) and the thrust force (Ft) be-
10 come, respectively, 3.3 and 2.3 times higher when the depth
Experiment [15]
of cut passes from 0.2 to 0.4 mm. When studying the sensitivity
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
of responses to the depth of cut variation for a rake tool angle of
5°, Bhatnagar et al. [13] have proved that cutting force increases
Fibres orientation (°) by a maximum of 1.8 times when the depth of cut varies from
0.1 to 0.3 mm, using a macro-mechanical model and material with
b 80 high strength limits, at 75° fibre orientation. It has been also indi-
Proposed model cated by Nayak et al. [15] that thrust force and cutting force are
70 Nayak et al. Model [15] very close at low depth of cut which is in good agreement with
Thrust force Ft (N/mm)

Experiment [15] experimental findings as suggested by the authors. Obviously,

the model may be enlarged for studying the force-depth of cut
50 dependence for all fibre orientations. This deals with an attempt
to show which parameter has the most influence on the final prop-
40 erty of machined components. It can thus be summarised that the
model using EOHM (macro-approach) and adaptive meshing tech-
nique (micro-approach) is able to predict the principal cutting
force with good degree of accuracy.

10 3.2.3. Influence of the rake angle of the tool

The analysis of forces versus the rake angle of the tool showed a
0 notable variation of cutting and thrust components. Fig. 5 gives the
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 two associated curves. Although the plots vary in a similar manner,
Fibres orientation (°) Ft and Fc seem to be inversely proportional to the rake angle (con-
trary to their variations versus the depth of cut). When the rake an-
Fig. 3. Measured and predicted values of (a). Cutting force Fc and, (b). Thrust force Ft gle increases, the surface of contact between the tool rake face and
(c = 10° and ap = 0.2mm).
the volume of material to be cut, decreases, so, the force developed
at the contact surface decreases. Consequently, the force diagram
changes in such a manner that the mechanical actions generated
marked error has to be noted between the Nayak et al. model and by the tool movement are reduced. The difference between the
experiment for orientation less than 45°. Referring to the experi- cutting force and thrust one is more marked for rake angles bellow
ment, the mean error reaches 44% for Nayak et al. model whereas 20°. Beyond this value, the maximum variation which is observed
it is only of 26% for the presented model. Al though the error at 30° rake angle did not exceed 36% whereas it reached 62% at 10°
remains relatively high, the proposed model has lead to a marked
reduce of the prediction inaccuracy and offers better fitting of
the experiment particularly for fibres orientation greater than 160
45°. The fall of the force, observed beyond 45°, can be explained Cutting force Fc
by the bouncing back effect which takes place as a consequence 140
Thrust force Ft
of the bending developed in particular in the fibres when they
are quasi parallel to the tool direction. In this case of small orien- 120
tations, cutting takes place in two steps: a bending of fibres start-
Force (N/mm)

ing when the tool touches the material simultaneously with
opening mode (mode I) and crushing that reached subsequently
and conduct to a failure with combined modes (mode I + mode
II). When h > 45 , the mode I being reached hardly contrary to 60
the mode II that occurred easily and starts as soon as the tool
comes into contact with the specimen, which releases the material 40
and explain coherently, in a hand, the fall of the thrust force and, in
an other hand, the continuous rise of the cutting force.
3.2.2. Influence of the depth of cut 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45
In addition to the fibre orientation, the mechanical and geomet-
Depth of cut (mm)
rical quality of work-pieces depends on machining parameters
such as depth of cut and tool geometry. Runs were performed Fig. 4. Cutting force Fc and thrust force Ft vs. the depth of cut (c = 10° and h = 75).
A. Mkaddem et al. / Composites Science and Technology 68 (2008) 3123–3127 3127

160  The developed model yields better prediction of cutting and

Cutting force Fc thrust forces under variable fibre orientation. Globally, the pre-
140 diction of the two components of the force, cutting and thrust,
Thrust force Ft
satisfactory agree with previously published data.
 The model confirms the sensitivity of cutting forces to the depth
Force (N/mm)

of cut as has been reported previously by experimental findings

of other authors. The cutting force as well as thrust force
80 increases with the increase of material volume to be removed
under the action of the tool.
60  The analysis of the results showed also that the rake angle of the
tool markedly influenced the force components. Both compo-
nents are observed to decrease when the rake angle of the tool

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