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Surface Water Pollution in Three Urban Territories

of Nepal, India, and Bangladesh
SUNIL KUMAR KARN* 20 –30 mg/liter and total coliform are as high as 104–105
HIDEKI HARADA MPN/100 ml. Per capita pollution load discharge of urban ar-
Department of Environmental Systems Engineering eas has been estimated to be about 31, 19, and 25 gBOD/
Nagaoka University of Technology capita/day in Bagmati, Yamuna, and the rivers of Dhaka, re-
1603-1, Kamitomioka machi spectively. Regression analysis reveals pollution loads steadily
Nagaoka City, 940-2188, Japan increasing nearly in step with the trend in urbanization. The
dissolved oxygen (DO) level of the Bagmati and Buriganga
ABSTRACT / In South Asian countries such as Nepal, India, rivers is declining at an average annual rate of nearly 0.3 mg/
and Bangladesh, pollution of rivers is more severe and critical liter/year. Unplanned urbanization and industrialization occur-
near urban stretches due to huge amounts of pollution load ring in these cities may be largely responsible for this grave
discharged by urban activities. The Bagmati River in the Kath- situation. Inadequate sewerage, on-site sanitation, and waste-
mandu valley, the Yamuna River at Delhi, and peripheral rivers water treatment facilities in one hand, and lack of effective
(mainly Buriganga River) of Dhaka suffer from severe pollution pollution control measures and their strict enforcement on the
these days. The observed dry season average of biochemical other are the major causes of rampant discharge of pollutants
oxygen demand (BOD) in all these rivers is in the range of in the aquatic systems.

For several decades, developing countries have been effective implementation of necessary pollution control
leading the world in the pace of urbanization. During measures are leading to worsening of the situation. The
1990 –1995, the average annual urbanization rate in main objectives of this article are to present the current
developing countries, including South Asian, were over status and trend in surface water pollution and to iden-
3.4% compared to only 0.7% in developed countries tify the major sources and causes of pollution in the
(UN 1996). While urbanization is often an integral part urban territories in the context of three South Asian
of development, rapid and unplanned growth may re- urban areas, namely; Dhaka in Bangladesh, Delhi in
sult in a wide impact on natural resources and the India, and Kathmandu valley in Nepal.
environment. In the water sector, it can cause two types
of impacts: high demand for fresh water and serious
Data and Methods
pollution of the available water resources. Water pollu-
tion and freshwater depletion are currently viewed as This paper is mainly based on the analysis of second-
the top environmental problem in Asian region (ADB ary data and information collected from various agen-
1997). The United Nations estimates that economic cies, primarily from concerned governmental agencies
cost of environmental deterioration due to water pol- and their publications and from the studies by nongov-
lution is very severe in the Asia–Pacific region in terms ernmental organizations. Since this study required of a
of restoring the quality of life and installing controls lot of data and information, the authors visited to all of
(UN 1998). In the context of the South Asian region, these countries for detailed data collection and thus
specifically in Nepal, India, and Bangladesh, pollution also saw for themselves the pollution of surface waters
of surface waters has become more severe and critical in the region. Major data sources on water quality used
near the urban areas due to high pollution loads dis- in this analysis are as follows. The data for the periods
charged within short stretches of rivers from urban 1992–1995 and 1997–1998 of Bagmati River are from
activities. Failure to provide adequate urban sanitary the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM)
infrastructures to keep pace with the current rate of and Ministry of Population and Environment (MOPE),
urbanization and a lack of formulation of plans and respectively, in Nepal. The data for the period 1984 –
1995 and 1996 –1998 of Yamuna River were obtained
KEY WORDS: South Asia; Water pollution; Urbanization; Wastewater
from Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and
treatment; Sewerage; Sanitation National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD), re-
spectively, in India. The data on the rivers around
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Dhaka for the period 1980 –1998 [including data be-

Environmental Management Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 483– 496 © 2001 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
484 S. K. Karn and H. Harada

Figure 1. River and drainage system in Kathmandu valley.

longing to the Department of Environment (DOE)] Study Area Description

were obtained from the Fourth Dhaka Water Supply
Project (FDWSP) of the Dhaka Water Supply And Sew- Water Resources
erage Authority (DWASA) in Bangladesh. As the data The entire territory of Kathmandu valley is fed and
came from several sources, they differed in their fre- drained exclusively by the Bagmati River, which origi-
quency of observation. For instance, data obtained nates at the northern boundary of the Kathmandu
from DHM and NRCD were on a mean monthly basis, Valley mountains and then flows southwards across the
whereas DOE data was on seasonal (dry and wet sea- Kathmandu valley urban areas. Besides many small
son) basis; from CPCB was average annual data. Thus, catchment drains, Bishnumati, Dhobi khola, Mana-
since the seasonal or annual data were already in con- hara, and Hanumante are some of the tributaries of the
solidated form, they have been reproduced in many Bagmati in the valley, and they flow across the different
cases as is, while monthly data may have been converted parts of urban areas (Figure 1). The Bagmati is the
into seasonal or annual. As this paper is mainly aimed at principal source of municipal water in the valley, pro-
presenting the status and trend of pollution, some rel- viding almost 92% and 60% of wet and dry season water
evant statistical analyses such as correlation and regres- supply, respectively; of other uses include irrigation and
sion methods have been employed in order to illustrate industrial (CBS 1998). Due to monsoon-type rainfall
some phenomena. In other cases, an attempt has been and the small catchment in the valley (545 km2 at
made to present the situation mainly by using factual Chovar), discharge of the Bagmati becomes very low, as
data or values after descriptive statistical analysis. low as 2 m3/sec, in dry season (refer to the hydrograph
Water Pollution in Nepal, India, and Bangladesh 485

of the Bagmati in Figure 9 below). Water use of the into one of the peripheral rivers. The rivers in Dhaka
Bagmati has been estimated to be 66%, for irrigation, have been primarily used for communication pur-
31% for water supply, and 3% for industrial use (MHPP poses, but also serve domestic, industrial, and recre-
1994). The Bagmati also has great religious and cul- ational uses. For the municipal water supply sector,
tural importance for Hindus. From its origin to the however, its share has remained at only about 2% of
point where it leaves the valley, the Bagmati traverses total supply. The water treatment plant at Chandan-
some 35 km distance, of which nearly 20 km falls within ighat is the only such system; it produces 17 million
the densely populated urban areas. liters per day (MLD) of drinking water drawn from
The state of Delhi, sprawling over an area of about the Buriganga River.
1483 km2, is situated on the west bank of the Yamuna
river, the largest tributary of the Ganges in India. Urbanization and Industrialization
Nearly 22 km of the Yamuna between Wazirabad to All three cities have always drawn people due to their
Okhla lies within the well-urbanized area of Delhi. Of a strategic location, historical importance, better lifestyle,
total 1367-km length of the Yamuna, the middle 736-km and ample opportunities in employment, commerce
portion between Tajewala to Etawah is heavily utilized and industry, education, and politics. In recent de-
for irrigation, municipal water supply, and other uses cades, however, urbanization in Delhi and Dhaka seems
[7560, 335, and 163 million cubic meters (MCM) per to have been triggered after independence of their
year, respectively]. In Delhi itself, about 275 MCM/yr respective countries, i.e., since 1950 and 1970s, respec-
water is abstracted for the municipal water supply by tively. In the Kathmandu valley, urbanization started
Wazirabad and Chandrawal waterworks and 1500 later, in the 1980s. During 1981–1991, Kathmandu val-
MCM/yr for irrigation through the Agra canal at Okhla ley, Delhi, and Dhaka had annual growth rates of
(CPCB 1996 cited in CSE 1997). In total, the Yamuna 6.15%, 3.92% and 7.11%, respectively, and the present
contributes 68% of the total municipal water supply of populations of Delhi (urban), Greater Dhaka Metro-
Delhi (WWF-India 1995). The Yamuna is also regarded politan area, and Kathmandu valley urban (municipal-
as one of the sacred rivers in India, where people ities of Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur cities) are
perform many ritual and religious activities, including estimated at 1, 12.6, and 10 million, respectively, and
bathing. Due to monsoon rainfall in the region, dis- average annual growth rates are 3.96%, 4.54%, and
charge of Yamuna also varies seasonally and dry 4.39%, respectively (Figure 4).
weather flow falls down to 20 m3/sec (refer to flow Not only the population but also industrial and com-
hydrograph in Figure 8 below). There are about 18 mercial activities have expanded tremendously in these
drainage channels, however, emptying into the Yamuna cities. The total number of industrial units in Delhi has
within Delhi stretch, carrying drainage and municipal increased from 8000 in 1950 to nearly 93,000 in 1993–
wastewater from around Delhi (Figure 2). 1994 (MUAE 1996). More than half (2174 of 4271) of
Dhaka is located on the upper alluvial deposits all manufacturing establishments in Nepal are concen-
upstream of the confluence of two major rivers, the trated in the Kathmandu valley (Devkota and Neupane
Brahmaputra and Meghana, in Bangladesh. The 1994). Likewise, about 11,790 (44.5%) industries of
Greater Dhaka urban area is surrounded by a chain 26446 in Bangladesh were present in Dhaka by 1992
of rivers—Turag, Buriganga and Dhaleshwori in the (BBS 1997).
west and southwest, Balu and Lakhya in the east, and
Tongi Khal (a drainage channel) in the north con-
State of Surface Water Pollution
necting River Balu and Turag (Figure 3). These riv-
ers are mainly fed by local catchment rainfalls but The data reveal widespread pollution of aquatic re-
also receive spills from the Brahmaputra and sources in all these cities as indicated by the presence of
Meghana rivers, especially in the wet season. Mean pollutants ranging from organic and pathogenic con-
monthly discharge in the Turag varies from 300 to tamination to heavy metals and pesticides. Our empha-
400 m3/sec in the dry season to around 700 –900 sis is mainly on organic and pathogenic (total and fecal
m3/sec in the wet season. Flow in the Lakhya River, coliforms) pollution and less on heavy metals.
however, remains higher than in Turag, ranging
from about 400 m3/sec in the dry to 2000 m3/sec Water Quality Profile of Urban Rivers
during the wet periods (DWASA 1997). Within the The data as published by the Department of Hydrol-
urban area, there also exists about 20 drainage chan- ogy and Meteorology of Nepal for the period 1992–
nels (locally named as khals) that carry all the drain- 1995 (monthly data) of the Bagmati river had several
age and wastewater of the urban areas and discharge missing values and therefore, the pollution profile of
486 S. K. Karn and H. Harada

Figure 2. Yamuna River and drainage from

Delhi urban area.

the river is viewed as an aggregate of all three years of 106 to 6.2 ⫻ 106 MPN/100 ml, respectively, in the same
data. As the Bagmati traverses a 13-km urbanized seg- segment. Recent pollution levels however, is much
ment in the valley between Gokarna and Sundarighat, higher than before. The 1998 data reveal average an-
mean biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) has in- nual chemical oxygen demand (COD), BOD, and DO
creased from 3.8 mg/liter (standard deviation, SD, ⫾ at Sundarighat to be 136 ⫾ 80, 43 ⫾ 27, and 2.3 ⫾ 2.2
1.7) to 30 ⫾ (16.8) mg/liter and dissolved oxygen mg/liter, respectively (MOPE 1998, NESS 1998).
(DO) fell from 7.7 ⫾ 1.4 to 1.7 ⫾ 1.8 mg/liter (Figure In Yamuna River, as of 1997, average annual BOD at
5). Since the DHM data contained no information on Palla (U/S of Delhi) and Okhla (D/S of Delhi) was to
coliform concentrations, it was obtained from a study 1.3 ⫾ 0.5 mg/liter and 17 ⫾ 20 mg/liter, respectively.
by the Ministry of Housing and Physical Planning, Ne- In the same reach; DO declined from 7.4 ⫾ 1.6 mg/
pal. As shown in the Figure 5, the average of dry and liter to 1.2 ⫾ 1.4 mg/liter (Figure 6). Total coliform is
wet season data revealed increases in total and fecal increased from 6 ⫻ 103 ⫾ 1.1 ⫻ 104 MPN/100 ml at
coliform from 1.0 ⫻ 104 to 8.75 ⫻ 103 and from 6.4 ⫻ Palla to 7.84 ⫻ 105 ⫾ 1.1 ⫻ 106 MPN/100 ml at Okhla
Water Pollution in Nepal, India, and Bangladesh 487

Figure 3. River and drainage system

around greater Dhaka.

Figure 4. Population and its growth

rates in Kathmandu valley, Delhi and
Dhaka (projected values for 2000 and
2010). Data source: CBS (1998), BBS
(1994), CSE (1999).

Barrage. Higher standard deviations at both Bagmati ml, respectively as of February 1998 (Figure 7A). How-
and Yamuna are due to effects of drastic seasonal vari- ever, DO has been severely affected in Buriganga, the
ations in the river flow and consequent impact on water segment from Mirpur in Turag to the confluence of the
quality parameters; these are discussed in later sections. Buriganga with Dhaleswori. In this segment, DO drops
In Dhaka, BOD and fecal coliform in all rivers on the from 6 mg/liter to almost zero, i.e., completely de-
western side, i.e., Turag, Buriganga, and Dhaleswori, pleted. The situation is similar in the rivers on the
are in the range 20 –30 mg/liter and 104–105 MPN/100 eastern side, i.e., Lakhya and Balu (Figure 7B). The
488 S. K. Karn and H. Harada

Figure 5. Average annual water quality profile of Bagmati in

Kathmandu valley during 1992–1995. Data source: DHM
(1996) (BOD and DO) and MHPP (1994) (T-coli).

Figure 7. (A) Dry season water quality of south-western rivers

of Dhaka (as of February 1998). Data source: DWASA (1998).
(B) Dry season water quality of eastern rivers of Dhaka (as of
February 1998). Data source: DWASA (1998).

Figure 6. Water quality of Yamuna in Delhi stretch as of 1997

(Wazirabad as of 1995). Data source: NRCD (1999) and CPCB

BOD in the Balu near the outfall of Norai Khal is,

however, exceptionally high, i.e., 235 mg/liter in dry
season. Figure 8. Mean monthly flow and water quality of Yamuna at
Okhla, Delhi, 1998 (flow as of 1993–1994). Data source:
Seasonal Variation Pattern in Water Quality NRCD (1999) and CWC (1994 cited in Kazmi, 1996).
Monsoon-type rainfall in the region results in
highly variable rivers discharge between monsoon mati River. On the other hand, BOD increased to 90
(June–September, very high flow) and dry months mg/liter in Bagmati and 45 mg/liter in the Yamuna
(October–May, reduced flow). As pollution discharge in February. Despite the monsoon season and all
into the rivers never diminishes, the dry months possible dilution, the minimum BOD in Bagmati re-
appear critically polluted in the absence of sufficient mains not less than 10 mg/liter, which means pollu-
dilution of pollutants. Monthly variation profiles of tion load has exceeded the assimilative capacity of
water quality in the Bagmati and Yamuna clearly the River.
reveal this state and depict the gravest situation of
pollution in the dry months when there is minimum Inland Water Quality Standards and Compliance
discharge into the River. As presented in Figures 8 Reviewing existing water quality standards in the
and 9, DO is completely depleted in January–Febru- three countries, it is found that the Yamuna River at
ary in the Yamuna and in March–May in the Bagmati, Delhi requires BOD of 3 mg/liter or less, DO 4 mg/
and DO be less than 4 mg/liter prevails for at least liter or more, and total coliform 5000 MPN/100 ml or
four months in the Yamuna and six months in Bag- less (CPCB 1998). In Bangladesh, similarly, the Envi-
Water Pollution in Nepal, India, and Bangladesh 489

Figure 10. Annual trend in BOD of Bagmati, Yamuna and

Figure 9. Mean monthly flow and water quality of Bagmati at Buriganga River. Data source for Bagmati: Pradhananga and
Sundarighat (as of 1998). Data source: MOPE (1998) and others (1987), DHM (1996), WECS (1997), and NESS (1998);
NESS (1998). for Yamuna: CPCB (1990a– c, 1993, 1995), Anon. (1994), and
NRCD (1999); for Buriganga: DWASA (1998).

ronmental Protection Rules of 1997 prescribe different

standards based on best use of specific water resources,
but the rivers or their segments have not been classified
yet for the applicable standards. If we assume the rivers
around Dhaka are to be a source for drinking water
after conventional treatment, it will require BOD to be
3 mg/liter or less, DO 6 mg/liter or more, and total
coliform 5000 MPN/100 ml or less (Syed 1998). In
Nepal, however, no water quality standards have been
prescribed yet, although environmental protection acts
and subsequent rules have come into effect since 1997.
Figure 11. Annual trend in DO of Bagmati, Yamuna and
Comparing these standards to the actual water qualities Buriganga River. Data source for Bagmati: Pradhananga and
in the rivers as presented in Figures 4 –9, readily reveals others (1987), DHM (1996), WECS (1997), and NESS (1998);
that there is no compliance at all except in a few wet for Yamuna: CPCB (1990a– c, 1993, 1995), Anon. (1994), and
months. Overall, average annual BOD is found at least NRCD (1999); for Buriganga: DWASA (1998).
five times higher than standards in the rivers of Dhaka
and Delhi and as much as 15 times higher in the
relationship (in this case negative relationship) existed.
Bagmati if the standards for Nepal were on the same
The details of the result are presented in Table 1. The
scale as in India and Bangladesh. The typical COD to
results show the past trend in the annual increase in
BOD ratio has remained about 5 in Yamuna and 4 in
BOD is 12.4, 1.03, and 0.455 mg/liter year and the
Bagmati River, which indicates substantial amounts of
decrease in DO is 0.36, 0.276, and 0.02 mg/liter year in
inorganic and nonbiodegradable components from in-
the Bagmati, Buriganga, and Yamuna, respectively. The
dustrial sources.
value obtained for BOD increase rate in Bagmati seems
much higher than others for which some tolerance can
Trend in Pollution and Pollution Loads be given due to the data used in analysis, which was
taken from various sources. Overall, however, it is clear
Trends in Pollution Levels that the water quality deterioration rate in the Bagmati
Typical trends in annual average BOD and DO at is rapid and most severe among all rivers.
Bagmati, Yamuna and Buriganga (the data presented
for Bagmati and Buriganga are dry season averages Pollution Load Discharged into Rivers
only) are presented in Figures 10 and 11. Noticeably, Except for a few rough estimates, no detailed study has
BOD has increased with time in all of the rivers and DO been carried out on the assessment of total pollution load
has fallen. In order to estimate the trend in annual into the Bagmati yet. We, therefore, estimated the total
pollution (in terms of concentration) increase, we per- BOD load of the Bagmati at Sundarighat by the wet
formed regression analysis of the available data. As the method, i.e., based on the mean monthly flow and BOD
data for different years were obtained from several concentration data for the years 1993 and 1998, and
sources, correlation coefficients between BOD and DO found it to be 20.5 and 26.6 tons BOD/day, respectively.
were examined in each case in order to verify if a true Two other findings were also noted. Firstly, the rate of
490 S. K. Karn and H. Harada

Table 1. Trend in BOD and DO of Bagmati, Yamuna, and Buriganga rivers after regression analysis
Annual Annual Linear
increase in decrease in Correlation
BOD, mg/ DO, mg/l/ Coefficient of
River Locations l/year year BOD and DO
Bagmati (dry season during 1993–1998) Gaurighat 11.91 ⫺0.48 ⫺0.77
Thapathali 15.4 ⫺0.63 ⫺0.9
Sundarighat 9.9 0.028 0.43
Average 12.4 ⫺0.36
Buriganga (dry season during 1980–1998) Hazaribagh 0.678 ⫺0.142 ⫺0.65
Chandanighat 1.235 ⫺0.238 ⫺0.52
D/S of Pagla STP 1.188 ⫺0.45 ⫺0.78
Average 1.033 ⫺0.276
Yamuna (annual average during 1980–1996) Okhla 0.455 ⫺0.019 ⫺0.42

Table 2. Estimated pollution load of Bagmati River at Sundarighat

Unit 1993 1998 % increase
Average daily BOD load tons BOD/day 20.51 26.63 29.8
Urban populationa millions 0.66 0.84 27.2
Per capita BOD equivalent g/person/day 31.08 31.71
Population is projected based on 1991 census data (CBS 1997).

increase of BOD load into the river is almost the same as

the rate of rise in urban population of the valley. In this
five year period, specifically, pollution load has increased
by nearly 30% as compared to 27% rise in the urban
population (Table 2). Per capita BOD discharge is ob-
served to be nearly constant, i.e., about 31 g BOD/per-
son/day. Secondly, the total pollution load in the river
also greatly varies over the months of a year marked by low
levels in dry months and high levels in wet months (Figure Figure 12. Monthly variation in BOD load of Bagmati at
12). The relatively low pollution load in the dry months Sundarighat, 1998. Data source for flow: CBS (1998), and for
BOD: MOPE (1998) and NESS (1998).
may be due to incomplete flushing of pollution loads
because the discharge of the river is less. The high pollu-
tion load in the wet season can be attributed to the same rate as that of urbanization in Delhi. In the 20-
flushing out of all accumulated organic matter, including year interval of 1977–1997, the pollution load on the
the runoff from all over the catchment, i.e., urban, rural, Yamuna has increased by 109%, i.e., increased from 96
agricultural, and forest areas. Thus the peak BOD load in to 201 tons BOD/day and wastewater generation and
Bagmati seems to be about three times higher than in the urban population increased by 131% and 122%, respec-
dry season. tively (Table 3).
In the Yamuna, the total BOD load discharged by In Dhaka; although past data were not available,
Delhi has been estimated to 193 tons/day as of 1996 recent studies carried out by the Fourth Dhaka Water
(MOEF 1998). Using available data, regression analysis Supply Project present estimated total pollution loads
was performed on 15 years of BOD loading (1982 to on all of its peripheral rivers as 230 tonsBOD/day
1996) of the Yamuna River at Delhi. This reveals an (DWASA 1998). This brings the per capita BOD dis-
annual increase in BOD load of 5.25 tons/day (Figure charge to 25 g BOD/person/day.
13). In terms of per capita BOD discharge, it is again
found to be in the range 18 –22 g BOD/person/day
Industrial Pollution Load and Heavy Metals
throughout the entire period, except a small declining
trend is observed after 1995. This also signifies that In general, industries contribute 14%–17% (16% in
pollution load on the Yamuna is increasing at nearly Kathmandu valley, 17% in Dhaka, and 14% in Delhi) of
Water Pollution in Nepal, India, and Bangladesh 491

clusters in Dhaka, Hazaribagh (mainly tanneries) and

Tejgaon (textiles and chemicals) are among major pol-
lution load contributors and also are responsible for
discharging huge amounts of heavy metals. In 1998, the
total discharges of chromium, lead, and zinc to the
peripheral rivers of Dhaka were estimated to be 794,
119, and 2427 kg/day, respectively (DWASA 1998).
More than 90% of all chromium is considered to be
discharged only from Hazaribagh, which houses more
Figure 13. Annual trend in pollution (BOD) load in Yamuna than 160 tanneries. Thus, despite reasonably high river
due to Delhi. Data source: MOEF, Govt. of Delhi state (1998). flows in Dhaka, concentrations of heavy metals, specif-
ically chromium and lead, have reached the alarmingly
critical level of 0.05 mg/liter (Bangladesh standard)
the pollution load into the river systems (Table 4). (Figure 14).
There are 45 major industries (24 medium and 21
large) in Delhi, which contribute to 120 MLD of waste-
Causes of Pollution and Some Critical Issues
water (i.e., almost 40% of the industrial component)
while other 93,000 small-scale industries discharges to Two major causes can be viewed as primarily respon-
200 MLD into the Yamuna. Three coal-based thermal sible for this state of water pollution in these countries.
power plants are among the big polluters, as they pro- The first is the unrestricted discharge of raw or partially
duces 5600 tons of fly ash to be treated before disposal. treated wastewater (both of domestic or industrial ori-
Walia and Mehra (1998) have reported on the increase gin), including the pollution-rich urban runoff. This
of heavy metals—typically chromium (from 17 to 34 can be attributed to inadequate urban sanitary infra-
␮g/liter) and lead (from 213 to 254 ␮g/liter)—in the structure, i.e., sewerage, proper on-site sanitation mea-
Yamuna due to the effluents from fly ash treatment sures, wastewater treatment facilities, and effective solid
ponds of the Indraprastha power plant. Some other waste management. The second is the lack of adequate
major polluters in Delhi are the fertilizer, food process- regulatory pollution control measures and their strict
ing, textiles, and insecticide industries among large and enforcement in real practice. The subsequent discus-
medium size industries and about 8000 –10,000 electro- sions will be mainly concentrated on these two aspects.
plating industries on a small scale.
In the Kathmandu valley, the industrial pollution Status of Sewerage and Wastewater Treatment
load was estimated at 3.15 tons BOD/day in 1994; of Facilities
the sector distribution is: 31% from carpet, 25% from All three cities possess mixed type urban sewerage
vegetable oil, 15% from dairy, 15% from brewery and and drainage systems, consisting of zones with both
distilleries, 4% from textile, and 10% from others sewerage and stormwater drainage facilities (separate
(Devkota and Neupane 1994). Recently, the number of or combined), regions served by stormwater drains
carpet industries has fallen sharply due to shrinking only, and regions without any sewer or designed storm-
international markets. Nearly 1214 industries, of a total water drains. Some houses also have on-site sanitation
2174 in the valley, have been identified as water pollut- with septic tanks or privies, but clear and detailed sta-
ing in Kathmandu valley and some 60 of them are tistics are lacking on each type of sanitation method
major polluters (Devkota and Neupane 1994, IUCN and coverage in all these countries; thus often such
1991). The concentrations of heavy metals such as chro- data are described only vaguely or in terms of rough
mium, lead, cadmium, and nickel at two sites in the estimations only. Incompleteness in such statistics is
Bagmati (Thapathali and Sundarighat) in 1998 were mainly attributed to the difficulty in taking account
observed to be 0.01, 0.01– 0.02, 0.001– 0.002, and 0.01 of floating or unregistered populations, unautho-
mg/liter, respectively (NESS 1998). Thus, overall, rized sewer connections, illegal pollution discharges,
heavy metals in the Bagmati are still within tolerable poor record keeping, etc. Due to various approaches
limits. in estimation, results from various sources and stud-
In Bangladesh Department of Environment, had ies can be contradictory. Based on available informa-
identified 450 major water polluting industries in tion, an overview on present sanitation status and
Dhaka by 1997, including 183 tanneries; 129 textiles; 38 practices is presented in Table 5. As can be easily
engineering; 32 pharmaceuticals; and 32 chemicals identified, two sources quote different values for sew-
(Gain 1998). Among several small to large industrial erage coverage in Delhi (40% or 75%). Based upon
492 S. K. Karn and H. Harada

Table 3. Change in pollution scenario of Yamuna at Delhi over two decades

1977 1997 % increase
Wastewater generation (MLD) 960 2220 131
Sewage Treatment Plants Capacity (MLD) 450 1270 182
BOD load into Yamuna River (tons/day)a 96.1 201.2 109
Population of Delhi (millions) 4.844 10.743 122
Per capita equivalent in BOD load, g BOD/person/day 19.83 18.73 ⫺5.5
Ratio of wastewater treated, (%) 47 57 10
Calculated overall BOD Concentration in wastewater (mg/liter) 188 211 12
Projection is based on linear regression analysis.

Table 4. Share of industrial pollution load into the rivers

Total Industrial
City Parameter Unit load sector %
Kathmandu(a) BOD tons/day 19.5 3.15 16.1
Wastewater MLD 87 5.75 6.6
Dhaka(b) BOD tons/day 230 40 17.4
Delhi(c) Wastewater MLD 2220 320 14.4
(a) Devkota (1994); (b) DWASA (1998); (c) MOEF, Govt. of Delhi, India (1998).

mandu, 1.1 MLD for Lalitpur, and about 1 MLD for

Bhaktapur cities), but the plants at Kathmandu and
Lalitpur have remained shut down for many years
(NWSC 1993). Some reports mention that the treat-
ment plant in Kathmandu was built but never came into
operation due lack of proper conveyance systems; pres-
ently almost all the sewage of the valley is being directly
discharged into the Bagmati or its tributaries. In Dhaka,
there is a sewage treatment plant at Pagla, but its ca-
pacity is only 96 MLD, less than 12% of the present
estimated demand (Table 6). In Delhi, however, exist-
ing six STPs with a total installed capacity of 1270 MLD
seem capable of treating some 57% of total wastewater
generated in Delhi.
All structures, including commercial and indus-
Figure 14. Heavy metals in the rivers of Dhaka, 1998. Data
trial complexes, that are not connected to the sewer
source: DWASA (1998).
or have no on-site sanitation discharge their waste-
water into the stormwater drains (legally or illegally)
the existing high pollution load and scenario, we or natural ditches, turning them into open sewers
consider that 75% population coverage is a highly and creating prone to public health hazards. The
optimistic estimation. In the case of Dhaka and Kath- typical water quality of such drains and their pollu-
mandu valley, it is found that only 44% and 25% of tion load are presented in Table 7. As is observed,
houses are connected to sewerage, respectively. In Najafgarh drain is carrying almost 50% of total pol-
terms of solid waste generation and collection, it is lution load of Delhi. The drain coming from the
observed that nearly 30% in Kathmandu valley and Hazaribagh tannery area with outfall into the Burig-
45% in Dhaka remains uncollected, i.e., somehow anga River (via sluice gate no. 7) in Dhaka contains
become a part of urban runoff. concentrations of chromium and lead of up to 19.4
Regarding wastewater treatment, three sewage treat- and 0.151 mg/liter, respectively, which is much
ment plants (STPs) with a total design capacity of about higher than the allowable Bangladesh standard of
19 MLD (nearly 20% of present demand) have been 0.05 mg/liter for both elements. Another drain, Dho-
constructed in Kathmandu valley (17 MLD for Kath- lai khal, remains the major polluter of the Buriganga
Water Pollution in Nepal, India, and Bangladesh 493

Table 5. Sewerage and sanitary facilities in Kathmandu, Delhi, and Dhaka

Sewerage service (%) Stormwater On-site Solid waste management
drain only sanitation
Area Population (% (% Generation Collection
covered Householdsa covered population) population) (tons/day) (tons/day)
Kathmandu 25 19a–25b 25b 25b 300c 165–210c
Delhi 40 75d 5000e
Dhaka 38f 44 35f 25 3370g 1400–1800g
WRI 1999 (as of ‘93).
a, NWSC (1998); b, WECS (1997); c, UNCHS (1998); d, CPCB (1997a) (as of 94); e, MOEF, (1998); f, Planning Commission (1998); g, Ahmad

Table 6. Wastewater generation and treatment in Kathmandu Valley, Delhi and Dhaka
Existing Sewage Treatment Plants
Wastewater generation Total capacity treatment
MLD N Type (MLD) Present condition (%)
Kathmandu 104 3 Oxidation 19 Non-functional 0
Delhi 2220b 6 ASP and 1270 Working 57
Dhaka 870a 1 Oxidation 96 Working at low efficiency 11
Assuming 80% of total water consumption.
MOEF, Government of Delhi, India (1998).

Table 7. Water quality and pollution load on selected storm water drains
BOD BOD load Cr Pb
Name of drains (mg/liter) (tons/day) (mg/liter) (mg/liter)
Delhi(a)a Najafgarh 367 81
Civil Mill 304 14
Sen Nursing home 330 14
Dhaka(b) Dholai Khal (discharge into Buriganga) 323 30 0.092 0.14
Norai Khal (discharge into Balu River) 150 75 0.025 0.066
Sluice no. 7 (discharge into Turag River) 466 24 19.4 0.151
Kathmandu(c) Tukucha (discharge into Bagmati River) 312
Average of all sewer outfalls 280
Source: a, CSE, 97 (as of CPCB) and WWF-India (1995); (b) DWASA (1998); c, DHM (1996) and WECS (1997).

River, carrying most of the pollution load of the cised under the respective environmental protection
Dhaka core region. Similarly, Tukucha drain in Kath- acts (EPAs) of these countries are viewed as: enforce-
mandu is the biggest pollution carrier from around ment of environmental quality standards including
the inner city zone, and it discharging to the Bag- ambient water quality standards, general effluent and
mati. industry-based effluent standards; provision of environ-
mental impact assessment (EIA) for development
Pollution Control Measures and Their Enforcement projects and industries; and siting or environmental
Water pollution control policy and management in certification systems for new industries. Two issues still
all these countries, so far, has been mainly based on need attention: the inadequacy of present legal mea-
command and control approaches, i.e., through laws, sures for total pollution control and the failure to ef-
regulations, and fixed standards. Table 8 presents the fectively implement existing regulations.
details on relevant laws, standards, and agencies. In Inadequate regulatory measures. This state of affairs is
general, some major pollution control tools as exer- more pronounced in the case of Nepal as it does not yet
494 S. K. Karn and H. Harada

Table 8. Water pollution control laws and institutions in Nepal, India, and Bangladesha
Nepal India Bangladesh
Primary law EPA 1995 and EPR 1997 Water (pollution control and EPA 1995 and EPR
prevention) Act, 1974 1997
EPA 1986 and EPR 1986
Standards on Industrial effluent standards Inland surface water standard Inland surface water
water standards
General effluent (industry) Sewage discharge
standards standards
Industry-specific effluent General effluent
standards (industry)
effluent standards
Law executing and Ministry of Industry State pollution control board Department of
concerned (SPCB) or pollution Environment
Institutions control committee (PCC)
of states
Ministry of Population and Central pollution control
Environment board (CPCB)
Ministry of Environment and
Forest (MOEF)
EPA: Environmental Protection Act; EPR: Environmental Protection Rules.

have any ambient water quality standards (objectives) could have been minimized, to far extent, if the imple-
or detailed sets of effluent standards. The only standard mentation of existing standards were effective and
existing in Nepal is the tolerance limits for industrial strict. Despite the regulatory measures and standards
effluents discharged into inland surface waters (MOI, that are in effect, CPCB reports that 23 of 45 major
1990), but this does not include the effluents dis- industries (medium to large) in Delhi still do not pos-
charged onto land or into public sewers. In fact waste- sess effluent treatment plants that can comply with the
water from all industries, even from those in industrial prescribed effluent standards (CPCB 1997b). In the
estates, is being discharged into the public sewers or case of small-scale industries, only 10,000 (11%) of
nearby land. Thus, it appears there is virtually, no con- about 93,000 industries are operating in the 28 ap-
trol over water polluters in Nepal. In India, the major proved industrial sites of Delhi (Anon. 1994). Most of
setback is observed in pollution control of municipal these industries are discharging to the Najafgarh drain-
sewage (domestic and commercial sources). Effluent age basin or elsewhere without any treatment. In
standards, as prescribed in EPR of 1986, deal exclu- Dhaka, except for Shyampur, most of the large indus-
sively with effluents from industries, processes, or op- trial zones (clusters) are not part of the public sewerage
erations (CPCB 1992). However, more than 85% of network. Hazaribagh Tanneries discharge their waste to
wastewater discharged to the Yamuna is municipal sew- the wetlands nearby and Tejgaon industrial estate to
age (domestic or commercial origin); thus this part Beganbari khal. The very high BOD and heavy metals
needs more emphasis, and existing EPA or EPR of 1986 in all drainages of Dhaka, especially nearby the indus-
seems silent in this aspect. Without enforceable man- trial zones, such as sluice 7, which receives effluents
dates or standards, either on the part of homeowners or from Hazaribagh (Table 7), reflects possible violation
sewage management authorities, improvement may not of standards. As per DOE, the total number of water
be achieved soon. In Dhaka, however, EPR of 1997 polluting industries in Bangladesh increased from 903
prescribes some sewage discharge standards (Schedule in 1986 to 1176 in 1997 and 472 of them were in Dhaka
9, EPR, 1997), but does not clearly mention who (indi- (Gain 1998), but as the environmental standards have
vidual homeowner or public sewage treatment plant been enforced since only 1997 in Bangladesh, the real
operating authority) should follow this. If that is for impact is yet to be observed.
sewage treatment plant authority then again the situa-
tion will be like in India as large portion of urban
settlement doesn’t have access to sewerage system.
Noncompliance with standards. This has been particu- The Bagmati River in Kathmandu valley, the
larly dealt in light of industrial pollution control that Yamuna at Delhi, and surface water resources around
Water Pollution in Nepal, India, and Bangladesh 495

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