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5 Steps to...

Connecting with Your Angels!

By Rev. Nina B. Roe
Updated: November 2009
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”
Helen Keller

Why a book about angel communication?

It is my belief that if everyone tapped into their intuitive sense and made decisions from the
heart, the world would be a peaceful and harmonious place…absent of war, poverty and
neglect. Everyone would feel empowered to be the most they can be. I want you to feel
empowered and that is exactly why I wrote this book!

A beautiful and gentle way to tap into your intuitive sense is by working with the angels. I
want you to learn how to access your divinely given intuition, trust it and use it to guide you
through your daily life choices. Whether the decisions you have before you are large or small,
your intuition is your closest ally. Your intuition is your mechanism for communication with
the angels. I call this angelic intuition.

In this book, I outline a step by step program for you to reclaim your intuition and your
ability to hear your divine guidance from the angels. Through accessing your angelic
intuition, you will begin to feel the brilliant wisdom of the angels. My goal with this process is
for you to receive consistent messages coming from the angelic realm that feel so good and so
right that you begin to trust making decisions and leading your life from this place of pure

You may wonder if you will ever be able to get to such a point and I’ll be honest, some of you
will and some of you will only be able to go so far. Everyone is capable of communicating
with the angels – how quickly and easily the communication comes though depends on your
willingness to let go of your ego and surrender to the will of the divine.

In the beginning for me, following the angels’ guidance felt like jumping off a cliff with the
prospect of hard sharp objects waiting for me below. But then I realized that there is a strong
ever-present hand that is always ready to gently catch me and take me wherever I need to go.
The cliff is no longer a scary image for me, but rather a jumping-off point that is truly
liberating – like learning how to fly! I know that I am so loved by my Creator and the angels
that I am always supported. I know this to be true for you too, but you have to take your own
journey to believe it for yourself.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

This book is an answer to my prayer for a simple solution for people who want to learn how
to connect with their angels, who are asking for help, but who aren’t ready to jump into a
class. It illustrates an easy to follow process that if you make the commitment, you will
greatly deepen your relationship with the angels.

How this book works

This book outlines five steps for connecting with your angels. With patience, determination
and a healthy dose of trust, you can learn to have dialogue with them almost as easily as you
can talk to your friends…maybe even more easily! And if you struggle to trust, just make the
commitment to go through the motions and see what happens. I believe you’ll be pleasantly

Please note that I use the terms God, Creator, and Spirit interchangeably. With each
occurrence, I am referring to the one all-loving power that governs us all and guides us
through each moment. Also, note that this book is exclusively based on the guidance I have
received from my angels. I trust that this information is what you need, although I
understand that it may vary from teachings of other experts in this area of study. I may
disagree with these other viewpoints, but I do not judge them as wrong because I believe that
multiple opinions are important for our complicated and integrated modern world. Each
teaching has a purpose that is an essential part of the divine whole.

Each step is outlined in detail on the following pages. It is advisable that you read this book
through to understand all five steps before you begin your new journey with the angels. Then
proceed step by step following the instructions as closely as you can. You may find that
keeping a journal as you go through the book may be helpful. Take your time, go at your own
pace and watch the magic of your life be unveiled!

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Who are the angels?
The angels are an aspect of your highest self. They are a part of you. They are with you all the
time and are an integral part of who you are. They are not separate from your being. I have
come to believe that the wings represent the unencumbered, and free from fear, part of you,
part of me, part of all of us. The part of us that consists of only love and nothing else… Quite
simply, the angels are a pure source of loving energy, devoid of fear and ego.

Your angels are always with you. When you invoke them, you are simply setting the intention
of communicating directly with the highest source of love and knowledge and setting aside
the ego which holds fear. It is as if you are making a phone call to heaven and have a direct
line to the angelic realm. This direct line allows you to push aside your fears and doubts and
receive the deepest level of support you can possibly get.

The various angels and archangels represent areas of expertise of your highest self. For
example, your Archangel Raphael is the part of you that has access to infinite wisdom about
health and healing. Your Archangel Michael is the part of you that is a leader and strives to
eliminate fear from the world. Your Archangel Uriel is the part of you that knows what it
takes to bring about peace - in a relationship, at work, in your family and in the world.

Some view the angels as separate from humans. That is a belief that I have come to find
stems from a hesitance to embrace the true power that we possess within. The truth is you
possess great power when you allow yourself to be one with your Creator and the angels.
Somewhere inside your core, you know this. This concept may be counter to what you have
been taught, but on some level, the belief that you are one with the Divine resonates strongly
and speaks to you. You are awakening to your truth!

People often ask me about guardian angels. This category of angel may be a deceased loved-
one, an animal or other spirit energy. I have even had clients whose guardian angel was a
loving body of water or sacred piece of land. What my angels share with me is that guardian
angels are here to help you survive day to day and to advise on a smaller scale. Yes, they are
always good and may give wise advice, but their energies are less consistent. Because of this,
it is not their job to advise on a grander, life-purpose level.

My strong recommendation is that you set the intention of working only with the archangels
as you begin this process. The archangels are of the most powerful, clean and loving energies
available and are here specifically to guide and direct you with important life choices. This is
their job. Especially when you are first beginning angel communication, it is important that
you maintain the intention of working only with the archangels to ensure that they are able to
teach you everything you need to know about your angelic intuition.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

What is angel communication?
Using an analogy to illustrate a point, you can think of the angels as balloons that are
attached to you permanently, anchored to your heart, and holding infinite knowledge and
wisdom. Taking it another step, if “Connecting with Your Angels” were a game, the object
would be to deflate all the balloons and allow the air from within them to surround you
completely so that you are one with the energy of the angels.

This comparison may seem silly, but allow me to explain further as the angels insist this
provides a good visual… To start the process, you need to first believe that the angel balloons
are there. Just pretend for a moment that they are. Then realize that they’ve been around you
all your life. Second, cozy up next to the angel balloons to hear, see, touch and feel them.
Third, begin to identify the communication that is leaking out of the opening as you are
whispering your prayers and questions. Your mechanism for communicating is your love-
based angelic intuition.

Your angelic intuition is your ability to access the angels’ messages and is characterized by
clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance. Your intuition is also
characterized by a sense the angels call clairbeing which is your oneness with God. You will
learn more about how your individual intuition works in Step Two: Trust What You Already

Intuition comes from the Latin word root meaning “in to you.” Think about this. Intuition is
your ability to literally reach your energy into that of others and assess and evaluate. It is
your ability to sense things in your environment in a way that is vastly deeper than using
sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste alone. It is your ability to know in your heart what feels
healthy and what does not. There are five core ways that your intuitive sense communicates
with you:
· Visually with your eyes, dreams and your third sight
· Audibly through things you hear from others, sounds around you or things you hear in
your head
· Sensually with feelings that you experience
· With the inner knowing you hold in your heart and your gut
· By surrendering to the Divine Oneness of Life

Intuition that involves reaching into other energy fields in a non-loving manner is fear-based
intuition and is not a means of communing with the angels. This may be considered intuition,
but it is not going to give you the loving messages that are the hallmark of connecting with
your angels.

You may not feel you are able to access the angels at this time because they are contained
within the confines of the balloons we’ve talked about. However, once you learn how to
deflate the angel balloons, you can communicate with any of the archangels you choose.

By allowing yourself this spiritual connection, you will gain access to loving and healing
advice that is unparalleled. I can’t tell you how many times the angels have bailed me out or
provided insight that I otherwise would not have seen.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Why angel reading?
Angels bring loving and healing messages to all those who will listen. The angels hold infinite
wisdom about all you wish to learn and never ever say anything that is harsh or unloving;
even difficult-to-hear messages are stated with love and compassion.

Reason #1 - By learning how to listen to the angels messages, you will clear away the
confusion and chaos that inhibits you from knowing what choices are healthy and will bring
you absolute happiness. And which ones will not bring you what you really want...and

Reason #2 - By following the guidance of your angels, you will experience love on such a deep
and profound level that your life will be changed for the better, forever. You will learn to
consistently see yourself and others through the eyes of love.

Reason #3 - By trusting the messages you receive from your angels, you will learn to trust
your own inner voice. You will discover your most empowered you! Your sharpened intuition
will become your greatest asset. You will understand situations that you haven't been able to

Reason #4 - By learning to hear the angels and follow their guidance, your life can become as
wonderful as you can possibly imagine - how BIG can YOU IMAGINE?!!!
My vision is that as the world population connects more completely with their divine
intuition, the world will achieve global peace.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Overview of the 5 steps
There are five steps to making communication with the angels a reality. They are:

Step One: Commit to believe.

This step is simple. All you need to do is say YES!

Step Two: Trust what you already know.

You have been hearing the angels’ messages all along. This step focuses on identifying
how you’ve been doing this with your personal clair (or intuitive) senses and beginning
to trust what you receive.

Step Three: Communicate with gratitude and faith.

Here you will begin to ask the angels with deliberate intention. You will learn how to
ask for guidance and practice it everyday.

Step Four: Listen.

Any message that comes to you from anywhere that is defined by pure love
is a message from the angels. This step will help you learn how to identify what it
means to hear messages of love.

Step Five: Practice every day!

That’s right, all you have to do is keep working at it!

So it’s really quite simple! As you take each step and follow them one by one, your life will
begin to open up to new possibilities that you haven’t seen before. You will realize that life is
richer and more rewarding and that you have access to loving insight and wisdom that you
didn’t before. Let’s face it, who couldn’t use a little more of that!

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Step One – Commit to believe!

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

My personal journey of opening to the angels

For many people, believing that angels actually exist is the most challenging step to take. And
taking it even further by entertaining the notion that these magnificent winged beings can
help us in our daily lives is a huge leap of faith. I understand this feeling very well, because I
have not always consciously believed in the angels. In fact, it is a rather recent evolution that
occurred in my early 40’s.

I did not always know I have intuition. Clairvoyance is my weakest clair sense; I do not “see”
spirits. Because I primarily know, feel and hear the angels, they have never been “in my face.”
I was able to ignore any signs of awareness that they existed for most of my adult years. My
belief in the trials and tribulations of everyday life without help from God and the angels was
entrenched in my being. I believed that life comes with its challenges and I just needed to
breathe and endure. I believed that struggle was simply a part of life.

It took some time for me to learn how to tap into my ability to communicate with the angels
and allow it to flourish into an existence that has been life changing. I am also not someone
who has communed regularly with the angels since I was a child, as many well-known
metaphysical teachers have. I do have one event that I remember. I was 4 or 5 years old, and I
recall twisting and turning to look at my back in the mirror in my bedroom to see little wings
that were reflected at me, flapping playfully. I felt like a cat spinning around chasing a tail
trying to get a better view of these feathery attachments on my posterior side that were only
visible in the looking glass.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Other than this one occasion, I did not consciously experience any Divine encounters until I
was in my late 30’s. I heard a voice very clearly guiding me to leave my corporate job saying
that it was “poisonous” for me. My workplace hadn’t always been that way, but it had become
more and more caustic, and it was time to move on. I drank more than I should (a common
method for tuning out the intuitive sense), worked too hard and much of the time ignored
what my intuition was trying to tell me. The angels gently altered my course by speaking
through my 5 year old son who said (and I quote), “Mommy, you’re never around!” These
simple words woke me up and abruptly nudged me to listen. I quit my job within the month.

In my new role as a stay-at-home parent, I had more time to explore my passions. One of
these journeys was learning about the truth of intuition: what it is, how it works and how to
trust it. I worked with a healer who taught me about spiritual guidance and the ability to
access my own source of power. Once I opened my eyes and heart to the possibility of using
intuition in my daily life, the floodgates opened. I realized there is a whole world of Divine
and pure wisdom, advice and knowledge that I now know I could not live without. It’s like
having access to a 24-hour database of knowledge that is never wrong and is always loving.

Everyday is filled with joy and surprises as I follow the guidance from my angels. They help
me at the grocery store, reminding me of what I need to buy and what food choices are
healthy for my family. They help me decide what books to read and what clothes to wear.
They help me parent my children and give me advice in those “Oh my God, what do I do with
my teenager now?” moments. The angels help in business, with family and friend situations.
Their abilities are limitless. And now, I understand, are mine.

If ever I doubt the angels’ advice or choose to take a path they don’t recommend, I invariably
regret it. The angels’ favorite response when I exclaim after the fact “You were right!” (yes,
I’m still human and sometimes, albeit rarely, I doubt my guidance!), they answer, “We always
are!” And it’s true. Without exception!

You may wonder, “so is she losing her sense of self by working so closely with the angels?”
And my reply is a resounding NO! Because the angels truly are an aspect of our higher selves,
I am really tapping more deeply into who I am. I know myself now better than I ever have.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

How can I convince you to believe?
What can I say that will help you to believe in angel communication? The fact is, nothing.
Believing is a step you must take yourself. For many it is a leap of faith that there are unseen
and loving forces all around us. If we connect with these beings, then we have access to a
whole new world of growth, wonder and enlightenment. So here are the possibilities to

Approach #1
I could describe some of the amazing experiences I have had. I could tell you about the many
synchronicities that happen everyday making my life feel like a fantasy from a children’s

I could tell you about how whenever my beloved husband and I go out for dinner, we leave
our destination up to the angels. They always choose a place that is far more delightful than
what we alone would choose. One time on vacation in the Caribbean, we were guided all over
the main city of the island where we were renting a house. Just as we were feeling frustrated
and beginning to doubt their intentions, we were led to a tucked away restaurant at the top of
a hill overlooking the harbor for the most romantic dinner I can remember! Oh, and they had
one table for two on an open air terrace with the best view in the restaurant.

I could tell you about the morning our black lab Cali awoke and was unable to get off the
couch. She appeared to have an acute and severe case of Lyme’s disease. Knowing that I
needed to act quickly, I asked the angels for help and they told me to give her a certain
homeopathic remedy called Ledum. They also told me to give her antibiotic herbs. Within
hours, she was able to go outside to pee. By the end of the day, she was walking and by the
next day, she was running down the street. Coincidence or luck? I don’t think so. At my next
homeopathy class, I learned that Ledum is a remedy known for treating Lyme’s disease!

I could tell you about the time the angels insisted we make reservations on a certain flight for
our family to St. Thomas from Boston. This flight had a “connection” through New York City
that required us not only to change planes, but change airports too!! I phoned the airline to
politely and emphatically complain, but got no response and only became irritated. The
angels insisted our trip would be perfect, but my ego resisted. When we arrived at the airport,
my husband (who has much more patience than I do!) explained our situation to the check-in
attendant who made an exception and switched our reservation to take the last four seats
available on a direct flight! They hadn’t allowed it before because of weight restrictions, but
turned out we had a back row of a 757 all to ourselves My ego sulked but my spirit soared,
and the angels prevailed reminding me with their gentle “We told you so!”

I could tell you about the time our son’s cat was missing for over a week. On the afternoon of
the eighth day, the angels told me she was about to return. We’d already lost one cat that
summer to busy traffic and I was thinking Cheetah had followed a similar fate. That night,
after their message had been very clear, she returned on our front door steps.

And there are the infinite numbers of times that just the right thing shows up at just the right

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Challenge with Approach #1
Though I could go on and on, you may still be skeptical and ultimately only believe
that these magical experiences are only attainable by me and other “more gifted”
people. You may not believe this lifestyle of following your heart and your inner
Divine voice to be possible for you.

Approach #2
I could do research and provide case studies to illustrate more people whose lives have been
transformed once they began to strengthen their relationship with the angels.

I have students whose lives have opened to what truly makes them happy. They have learned
to make choices that truly inspire and empower them like never before. Some have finally left
their unfulfilling jobs to pursue their heart’s desires – and are succeeding! Some have
followed their guidance to change their personal relationships and they are – yes, succeeding!

I could tell you about how my daughter lost her plane ticket when she was traveling alone
back from Japan. In a fit of hysterical tears, she went up to the ticket counter and as she told
her story to the attendant, a man came up to her, ticket in hand and said, “is this yours? You
dropped it on the ground back there.” And then he disappeared never to be seen again.

I could refer you to research people who follow their Divine guidance and live lives of
abundance and love, like Wayne Dyer, Carolyn Myss, James Twyman, Neale Donald Walsh
and Doreen Virtue (and I could go on and on).

Challenge with Approach #2

Again, you still might not believe it to be possible for yourself.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Approach #3
The angels in their infinite wisdom are suggesting that the most effective way for you to start
working with them is simply for you to try. And the only way I can really emphasize this
approach is to provide a no-can-lose incentive. From my heart to yours, here is my offer…

If, after 4 months of

following the complete
guidance in this book, you
do not feel absolutely
certain that you have
received messages from
your angels and deepened
your relationship with
them, I will give you not
one, but two decks of angel
oracle cards…for FREE!

Here’s why I believe in this approach. It’s not my word that’s at stake. It’s the power of the
angels. And I am so secure in my relationship with the angels and in the unsurpassed abilities
that they possess that I know that you will experience them in safe and loving ways.

All you have to do is try! Ready? Set? Go!!!


1. Commit
Dedicate the next 120 days to transforming your life by improving your communication with
the angels. Just say YES! Print the form on the following page entitled “My Promise to My
Angel Self,” fill it out and post it someplace you can see it everyday.

Why is this important? Because sometimes we can block our own path to spiritual growth. By
making your commitment in writing, when you’re having a tough day, you can see the
promise you’ve made to your personal empowerment and you will feel stronger and more
compelled to follow through.

2. “Daily Workout”
It is also important that you work towards cleansing any negative thoughts that may work
against your strengthened connection. Print out the form on the following page entitled “My
Angel Guidance Manifesto” and say it out loud with emotion everyday!

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

My Promise to My Angel Self

I, _____________, promise I will complete the process outlined in

this ebook, “5-Steps to Connecting with Your Angels,” to the best
of my ability.

I know that I will get out of it what I put into it, so I will try very

I know that I am fully capable of deepening my connection with the

angels or I would not have been drawn to this program.

I trust that I will be completely supported by the angels throughout

my journey, and I welcome this experience with an open and inspired

Signed ___________________ Date___________

My Angel
Guidance Manifesto

I say YES!

I say YES to believing that there is a powerful spiritual force

known as the angels!

I say YES to taking positive and powerful steps to manifest a life

that I love!

I say YES to making a difference not just in my life, but in my

family’s and in the world around me!

I say YES to imagining that my dreams CAN come true!

I say YES to striving to better my life by deepening my

connection with the angels!

I say YES to discovering the hidden desires that lie within me!

I say YES to committing myself fully and completely to this 5-

step process so that I can learn how to lead a life of more
consistent joy, love and abundance!

I say YES!

Step Two – Trust what you already know

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”
Henry David Thoreau

If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions, you are already receiving messages
from your angels.

1. Have you ever had a “gut” feeling about something?

2. Have you ever just known that something was going to happen?
3. Have you ever heard, felt, or seen a presence that felt loving and also unexplainable?
4. Have you ever prayed for an outcome that initially felt impossible, but your prayer was

So did you? Did you answer yes? I bet you did!

Once you’ve opened the door to believing that the angels exist, trusting the messages you
receive from them is the next step. This is not always easy to do and for many is the hardest
part of the process. Even if you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it may be likely that
you often let your mind talk you out of listening to these messages. With angel
communication, you will learn how to trust your heart.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Your intuitive senses
You have five intuitive, otherwise known as clair senses. These senses are your mechanism
for tuning into your angelic intuition and identifying messages from your angels and the rest
of the spirit realm. Just like your senses of smell, sight, taste, hearing, and touch are your
senses for tuning into the Earth realm, your intuition connects you with the angels. It is your
virtual “phone line” to Heaven.

Your clairs are senses you were born with and are a true gift from the Divine. By
understanding which are your strongest clairs, you will know which is your most reliable
“phone line” to the angels. Just like some of us need glasses or hearing aids, not everyone has
the same level of clairvoyance or clairaudience (and as you may remember, clairvoyance is
not my strongest clair).

Four of these intuitive senses are what the angels call your primary clairs. These are
clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance. They are your primary clairs,
because they are the core mechanism for receiving messages from your angels with sensory
inputs both from outside and inside of your body.

The angels tell me that everybody has all of the primary clair senses and at least two of them
are quite pronounced. By knowing which of yours are strongest, you will quickly learn to trust
your intuition on a new level. The homework assignment at the end of this chapter will help
you with this understanding.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe


This is your ability to visually “see” beyond the physical plane.

Many people believe that clairvoyance is limited to seeing angels, spirits, auras and/or other
energies. But it also includes the ability to see patterns and messages that exist in the world
that you see with your eyes, e.g. repeating numbers (11,44, etc.), shapes, animals in nature
that you see with frequency, or other visible signs from above.

Another aspect of clairvoyance is what you experience in your dreams and other
visualizations in meditation or guided journeys while your eyes are closed.

And finally, clairvoyance includes visions you may see with what’s called your third eye, or
mind’s eye. This happens if you are able to “see” an image, despite what your eyes are actually
focused on. Often times when I am working with a client, the angels will show me an image to
help me understand the message they are giving me. I am still looking at my client, but the
image also comes into my head, similar to a memory or daydream.

Examples of clairvoyance:
· You keep looking at the clock when it’s 11 after the hour.
· When you look at people you see colors around them.
· For the 2nd time this week, a fox crosses your path. In many cultures, different animals
represent different things.
· Everywhere you look, you see certain numbers. Master numbers are very common
forms of angel messages. These are 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 and 99.
· You open a book to a page that has just the message you needed to see.
· While you are daydreaming, an image of your next house pops into your head showing
you what you need to tell your realtor to look for. (“I just know it has a red door and a
maple tree in the front yard! I’ve seen it in my head!”)
· Suddenly everywhere you look, you see books about how to self-publish. Maybe there’s
a book you need to be writing!
· You’re in the grocery store and a box of cookies falls off the shelf and smashes the
cookies into little pieces. The message may be that you need to reduce the amount of
sugar you’re eating.
· You see spirits either boldly or as a shadow.
· You wake from a dream and you don’t necessarily remember all the details, but there
are a few things that stand out vividly that you know must mean something.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe


This is your ability to hear the voices of the angels. Sometimes the voice will sound different
from yours, but many times this voice will sound like your own. Don’t worry if this doesn’t
make sense right now. Over time, you will recognize and understand that angelic voices are
coming from a place of such pure love that it feels different from the voice of your ego which
tends to hold doubting or fearful thoughts.

Some people do hear the angels in a voice that is different from their own. Again, if what you
hear is coming from a place of pure love, you know it is angelic.

Clairaudience also includes hearing messages through other people. This is one of the angels’
favorite ways to get through to people who are resisting their advice.

Or clairaudience can be sounds, like music, that you hear at just the right time, or repeatedly.

Examples of clairaudience:
· There’s a voice in your head that keeps telling you to take a break, you’re working too
· It seems every time you turn on the radio, you hear the song “Calling All Angels”
· For the third time this week you hear someone nearby mention the need to drink more
· You keep hearing people talk about going to the beach. Maybe you need to be near the
· There’s a voice in your head that is telling you it’s okay to trust your intuition.
· Whenever you think of your mother, you hear a sparrow chirp outside your window.
· Just when your best friend is telling you something really important, a car drives by
and honks its horn as if to add an exclamation point.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe


This is your ability to feel energy. For example, when you walk into a room or when you meet
someone, you can immediately sense whether the energy feels good or bad. This is often
associated with empathy. Clairsentience is also expressed if you hold something close to your
heart you will often notice some sort of bodily reaction. (Try this…it’s really cool!)

When the clairsentient sense is activated, some people will feel a sensation in their stomach
and others in their chest. Some feel a tingling or a chill when they get that “connection.”
Some even sense through emotions and physical sensations what people around them are
feeling. Do you notice that when you’re with someone who has a sore throat that suddenly
your own throat gets scratchy? Or if your child’s ankle is twisted, your own becomes achy? Or
if you’re around someone who’s sad, you suddenly feel sad even if you don’t know them?

Examples of clairsentience:
· You hug a baby, you feel blissfully peaceful and your whole body relaxes.
· As you walk into a large store or mall, your breath becomes constricted.
· You are about to meet your ex-husband to discuss the issue of child support, your
stomach gets tight and uncomfortable.
· Your friend calls and asks you to go for a walk in the woods, and your whole body
heaves a sigh of happy relaxation.
· Every time you’re around someone who’s sick, you feel it too.
· When you hear a song you love, a smile automatically comes to your face and your
heart says, “yay!”
· Someone gives you a piece of advice, and you feel a pronounced tingling in your body,
like the chills.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe


This is your ability to simply know what the angels and Spirit are communicating. This is a
strong gut feeling that you just can’t ignore. The angels say this is equivalent to faith.

Claircognizance is a deep sense of knowing. Just as birds know when it’s time to fly south for
the winter, it’s your sense of what needs to happen and/or what you know is going to happen.
It is your ability to assess another person’s energy and know whether it is safe for you to be
with them…or not. It’s that sense that creeps forward and when you ignore it, causes you to
say “I knew I should have____! I just knew it!”

Examples of claircognizance:
· You know your mother is going to call you five seconds before the phone rings…and
it’s her.
· Someone asks you to go to a rock concert and you love the band, but something
doesn’t sit right with you in your core. You know it is not a good idea.
· You’re dating a guy who has all the qualities you’ve been looking for. He’s Mr. Right, is
madly in love with you and all your friends love him. Your parents love him. But, you
just know it won’t work. Committing to a life with him doesn’t resonate with your soul.
He’s really not Mr. Right.
· On the other hand…you’re with a guy who doesn’t fit your list of all the “right”
characteristics. Yet, you know in your core he’s your soul mate and you are deeply in
love. You know your future together is very bright, regardless of appearances and
judgments from family or friends.
· You are driving home from work and just know there is a book you need to buy that
will have something important for you to read over the weekend.
· You want to go on vacation with some friends, but every time you try to plan it
something happens. After three attempts, you recognize that this is not meant to be.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Clairbeing – your holistic sense

Clairbeing is your holistic intuitive sense. It is your ability to know you are one with your
outer reality and surrender to the flow of the now. Clairbeing is your ability to look someone
in the eye and know they are just as divine as anyone else, despite the outer appearance. It is
your ability to know, without question, that everyone is a child of God and the angels.
Clairbeing is your ability to look at all of life, plant, mineral or animal, and experience the
sacredness of existence and to hold that in your heart. It is your ability to love without
judgment or separation.

I can imagine what you might be thinking! “I am so far away from being able to do this! My
husband/daughter/mother is driving me crazy, and there is no way I can think of them as
divine! If I have to be so perfect in order to communicate with my angels, then I might as well
just give up now!”

First of all, you do have the clairbeing sense, just as you have all four of the primary senses.
You simply may be feeling stressed from having a tough day, or are at a different point in the
cycle of awareness. Just know in your heart, because I know in mine, that all of your intuitive
senses are perfect as they are right now! You DO NOT need to have more developed senses to
communicate with the angels. What you do need is a routine, practice and determination to
build your faith. That is the core purpose of this course.

Clairbeing is different from the other clairsenses because it does not focus on a single sensory
input. Clairaudience is what you “hear,” clairsentience is what you feel, etc. Clairbeing is the
surrendering to the flow of the energies that are all around you. It is the loss of attachment to
any fear that the ego holds. By embracing your clairbeing, any boundary between who you are
and the world around you disappears.

Think of clairbeing as a leaf floating on a river. When the leaf floats, it moves with the current
of the water. It goes up when the water moves up and down when the water moves down. It
turns left and right and is completely one with the water in the river. Only when the leaf hits a
branch or a rock does it pull away from the moving water and wait until the flow determines
its time to catch the current again.

Clairbeing is a new term for many, but it is one that the angels insist is highly important. We
live in a world of great separation…from each other, from ourselves, and from our Creator
and the angels. It is with surrendering to the flow of the loving energies of the present
moment that intuition is expanded to heights that are now unimaginable for most people.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Examples of clairbeing:
· In meditation, you lose your sense of self and feel peaceful in the energy that is all
around you.
· When you are walking in the woods and you allow your mind to drift into distant
thoughts and forget your worries.
· You look up at the sky and watch the clouds transform from one shape to another and
all you are thinking about is the beauty of what you see.
· Your cat is sleeping quietly on the bed and you curl up next to her imitating her
graceful and tranquil energy. You drift off to sleep, grateful for this perfect example of

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe


1. Continue your Daily Workout by saying the “My Angel Guidance Manifesto”
out loud everyday!

2. Exercise to identify your primary clair senses

The easiest method for learning where your intuition is strongest is to focus on how you
process life. For each of the following scenarios, circle the answer that most fits how you
process the moment.

· Take a significant situation that has occurred within the past week and answer the
following questions. When you think about this event, do you:
a) See it again in your mind’s eye? Is your memory a vivid image?
b) Recall what you or other people said? Or do you remember any dominant sounds?
c) Remember how you felt at the time? What were your emotions or bodily sensations?
d) Did you have a knowing for how things were going to turn out? Did you have faith that
everything would turn out alright?

· Take a significant situation that has occurred within the past month and answer the same
questions. When you think about this event, do you:
a) See it again in your mind’s eye? Is your memory a vivid image?
b) Recall what you or other people said? Or do you remember any dominant sounds?
c) Remember how you felt at the time? What were your emotions or bodily sensations?
d) Did you have a knowing for how things were going to turn out? Did you have faith that
everything would turn out alright?

· Take a significant situation that occurred a year ago and answer the same questions.
When you think about this event, do you:
a) See it again in your mind’s eye? Is your memory a vivid image?
b) Recall what you or other people said? Or do you remember any dominant sounds?
c) Remember how you felt at the time? What were your emotions or bodily sensations?
d) Did you have a knowing for how things were going to turn out? Did you have faith that
everything would turn out alright?

· Take a significant situation that occurred when you were a teenager and answer the same
questions. When you think about this event, do you:
a) See it again in your mind’s eye? Is your memory a vivid image?
b) Recall what you or other people said? Or do you remember any dominant sounds?
c) Remember how you felt at the time? What were your emotions or bodily sensations?
d) Did you have a knowing for how things were going to turn out? Did you have faith that
everything would turn out alright?

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

· Take a significant situation that occurred when you were a small child and answer the
same questions. When you think about this event, do you:
a) See it again in your mind’s eye? Is your memory a vivid image?
b) Recall what you or other people said? Or do you remember any dominant sounds?
c) Remember how you felt at the time? What were your emotions or bodily sensations?
d) Did you have a knowing for how things were going to turn out? Did you have faith that
everything would turn out alright?

If the majority of your answers are:

(a) – then you are predominantly clairvoyant
(b) - then you are predominantly clairaudient
(c) - then you are predominantly clairsentient
(d) – then you are predominantly claircognizant

It is not uncommon to have two primary clair senses, so don’t be surprised if your answers
span more than one option. If you feel uncertain of your answers, then repeat this exercise on
another day with different life events. By the second or third attempt, you should be quite
certain where your strengths lie.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

3. Exercise to assess your level of clairbeing
To determine your level of clairbeing, it is important to gently determine how you conduct
your day and the choices that you currently are making. For each of the following scenarios,
circle the answer that most fits your choices.

· How often are you able to completely let go and allow yourself to meditate, daydream,
yoga, go for a walk in nature or have unstructured time for yourself?
a) 30-60 minutes a day
b) Few minutes to 30 minutes a day
c) Not everyday, but once in a while.
d) I don’t believe I’m able to do this yet.

· When was the last time you took a moment or two to honor the natural world and
watched a butterfly float in the breeze, or a hawk circling overhead or the sun set into the
dusky horizon?
a) Today
b) Within the last week
c) Within the last month
d) I don’t remember.

· How often are you conscious of what you are eating and honoring where it comes from
(e.g., eating a hamburger and thinking about the cow it came from with gratitude)?
a) Today
b) Within the last week
c) Within the last month
d) I don’t remember.

· When was the last time you paused and took some deep cleansing breaths to release your
worries and feel the nourishment of fresh air?
a) Today
b) Within the last week
c) Within the last month
d) I don’t remember.

· Do you have a regular routine practice to help you release stress from your life? If so, how
frequently do you follow it?
a) Once a day
b) 2-5 times a week
c) Few times a month
d) I don’t currently have a regular de-stressing routine.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

If 3-5 of your answers are (a) or (b), then congratulations! You are ahead of the pack!!

If 1-2 of your answers are (a) or (b), then you are heading in the right direction and have good
intentions. Just try to bump it up and set your intention to achieve more (a)’s and (b)’s.

If none of your answers are in the (a) or (b) range, then do not fret! You are not alone! With a
little focus and intention, step by step you will get to a point where you have a wellness
routine as part of your regular lifestyle. You may think, “There’s no way I can add any more to
my life!” But I assure you that you can. It’s just a matter of finding the right method and
structure that will work for you.

Why is this so important? Because if you are not able to let go of the stresses of modern
society and allow yourself to relax and begin to feel at peace with the world around you, it is
going to be much more challenging to connect with your angels. Additionally, how you spend
your time will likely be less productive. Even if you’re feeling the need to get things done,
when you spin your wheels you are not working in alignment with your soul. You may still
move forward, but your level of resistance to the messages from your angels will be much

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Step Three – Communicate…
with gratitude and faith

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.”

Any conversation with your angels starts with you! That’s right, the angels already have lots
of answers for you, and you began the dialogue without even knowing it. Every time you ask
for something in your head or out loud, the angels respond. Every time you pray or send out
any message to the universe, the angels answer you back.

“Huh?” you may be wondering.

If you want to buy a new car, change jobs, or find your soul mate, your angels are working
behind the scenes to make what is in your best interest happen for you. They operate in union
with the Law of Attraction, except that they understand exactly what will help you most.

For example, you want a new car. You set your mind on a little red convertible and you fall in
love with one you test drove at a dealership. It’s a little more than you think you can afford,
but you are certain that this is the car for you and you wonder if you can stretch your
paycheck to make it work. It seems like every where you go, you see a car exactly like it. It’s
all you can think about. Maybe you’ve even seen the hit movie “The Secret” and you’re doing
everything in your power to attract this car into your life.

Meanwhile, the angels are doing their work. They want what is best for you. They know you
love the car. Of course they don’t want to disappoint you, but they also know that in less than
a few months, you will be meeting your future husband who has two young children. You will
be very happy in this new marriage, but you will need to help transport his lovely daughters

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

to school a few days a week. Long story short, this car is not suitable for carting kids around
and therefore not a good idea for you at this time. And so it doesn’t happen.

Or the reverse can happen and you suddenly are offered some part time work you hadn’t
expected and have extra money to buy the car easily. Who do you think helped you find the
extra work?!

While manifesting an abundance of your soul’s desires with the angels is very achievable,
there is a process called “ask, believe and co-create.” With asking, you must be very clear and
be aligned with your path of service. With believing, you must know that you deserve
abundance and that what you desire can be fulfilled. With co-creating, you must be able to
hear the messages from the angels who are lovingly guiding you towards your answers and
then make choices that feel right in your heart. Deliberate manifestation with the angels is a
more advanced topic than what this book includes, but is an excellent direction to pursue,
once you are comfortable with your angel connection.

Angel communication and wealth

The angels want only what is best for you. They do not wish you to live in a state of lack, nor
do they want you to be stuck in survival mode. They wish to guide you towards a state of
healing so that you release your fears and inhibitions that block your most abundant self -
abundance in love, health, and wealth. They want you to live your life purpose.

Many hold the belief that living a life of prosperity means taking resources away from
someone else; that these resources are limited and there’s only a certain amount to go
around. Some people believe they don’t deserve to live a life of happiness and abundance. In
fact, they believe lack is their “life sentence”. Both of these beliefs couldn’t be further from the
truth and, ultimately, are very limiting from true potential.

By working with the angels, you can shift your consciousness to understand that:
a) There is enough for everyone! It is only your belief that is limited.
b) You deserve the best as you live in harmony with your soul!
As you heal your inner being, you allow the goodness that has been patiently waiting to enter
your reality.

If you feel you are not capable of achieving financial abundance at this time, then work with
the Angel of Abundance and the Angel of Healing to help illuminate what needs to be healed.

Please also refer to The ABCs of Abundance with the Angels 30-day eCourse [Click
ecourse/ ] for more instruction on this topic.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Angel communication and health
On the subject of health, the role of the angels can get a little sticky for some people. While
they are always there to help us with our healing, the truth is there are times the angels guide
us into more challenging situations for the sake of learning positive and life changing lessons
that in the end bring deeper healing.

Everything in life has a purpose. Everything in life has a gift. Every challenge, every trauma,
every pain is teaching you how to love on a deeper level. It is showing you the need to learn
forgiveness. When, as humans, we don’t learn how to forgive and we hold a heavy heart we
create the space for sickness, anxiety and depression to set in. An inability to forgive is like
carrying a suitcase full of bricks.

For many people who become critically ill, a cycle of deep healing begins with their diagnosis.
Self-examination is triggered by the thought of, “How did I get to this place? How did I allow
myself to become so ill?” Medical intervention helps support the patient through the process,
but this inner journeying into the inner thoughts and feelings that led up to the illness
frequently results in life changing forgiveness. Not always on a conscious level, but on a sub-
conscious level, harsh thoughts are released.

So, sometimes people get sick as an answer to their prayer for change. Sometimes, deep in
the heart, a person longs to forgive their mother for abusive treatment as a child, but they
don’t know how to go about it. The anger is eating away at their being and they pray for relief.
They want to feel better, but they don’t know how. And so they become ill. They get sick and
are forced to review life and make some serious decisions. A spiritual part of them that has
lain dormant comes alive and shows them the way to healing through forgiveness. And, after
so many years, they are able to suddenly see their mother with loving and compassionate
eyes, because finally when they feel their own life is threatened, they release their anger and
their heart fills with gratitude. Often times this is the turning point in their physical healing
as well.

Of course, this is not always the case. Sometimes the healing is not so obvious or complete. In
these situations, the angels are manifesting other changes for the health of the soul. As hard
as it is for us humans to understand, sometimes it is in the soul’s best interest to move on to
the next plane of life. Even at a young age, sometimes a soul needs to heal through the peace
of transition and go on to do other work in the heavens.

There are many belief systems about life after death and the truth is, most of us will never
really know what happens when our bodies die. But what I do know to be true is that the
angels watch over us in body and out of body. They are present and working in the best
interest of our souls. All of the time.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Angel communication and relationships
One of the most common questions that is asked in angel reading is “when will I meet my
soul mate?” And it’s a fair question! As said before, the angels never want you to experience
lack. The important concept to understand, however, is that the angels define lack differently
than most humans. Lack through the angels’ eyes is looking upon yourself and seeing less
than love and abundance. It is nothing more.

When relationships become a core focus of your communication with the angels, there is
usually healing that needs to take place. The angels will answer the prayer for matching a
person with their partner, but usually not until the necessary healing has taken place. Just
being with another person does not make anyone complete. What makes you complete - and
therefore in a state of fullness not lack - is loving yourself and feeling content within your
own being, not necessarily within the structure of a relationship.

If you ask relationship questions, you will receive what you need to know at that time to bring
you to a place of greater inner peace and love. If you stay close to your angelic guidance, this
will eventually lead to where you want it to go, but it isn’t always the most direct route.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

So how do I communicate with my angels?
Easily! The only thing you need to be mindful of is the purity of your intention when you are
asking for the angels’ guidance. Before you ask the angels’ advice, take a deep breath, center
yourself in gratitude and set your mind on speaking from your heart…and listening from your
heart. It’s really that simple.

Which angels you communicate with is also straightforward. Remember that it is

recommended that you communicate solely with the archangels who are the highest source of
angelic guidance. That said, you may refer to them by common name, such as Archangel
Michael, Archangel Raphael, etc… Or, if you can’t think of the appropriate name, just call
upon the archangel of cooking, or relationships, or fashion, or parenting, or career
counseling! Whatever your need, the archangels have guidance to share. They do not concern
themselves with labels and names. Again, just ask from your heart and with respect and you
are sure to receive wonderful advice!

If you are striving to learn information that is not completely grounded in love and respect,
you will not receive consistent or all-loving messages. Remember, what you put out, you get
back. This is most apt to occur around emotionally charged topics. If you need guidance for
an emotional situation, start with some deep breathing or meditation. If that doesn’t seem to
do the trick, then perhaps another opinion would help. I still seek guidance through others
when the need arises. We are human and it’s important to be gentle with ourselves!

Angel card reading

One of my favorite tools for communicating with the angels is with oracle cards. These are
inspirational cards that are picked either one at a time or in groups for the purpose of gaining
insight into a situation. There are an unlimited number of ways that cards can be picked and
used. The only rule is that you choose your cards with a pure and loving intention and that
you follow a process that feels right in your heart.

Sample questions with a good intention to ask with a grateful heart…

· “Please tell me if this relationship is healthy for me.”
· “Do you know if I will be happy on this career path for very long?”
· “Is eating meat everyday healthy for me?”
· “Would I benefit from changing my exercise routine?”
· “How can I manifest more financial stability?”
· “Will I be meeting my soul mate soon?”
· “What steps can I take to be happier in life?”
· “Will my child be happy in her school next year?”

Sample questions that are not healthy…

· “What lottery numbers should I play tonight?”
· “Is he really sleeping with her?”
· “How can I get back at him for doing that to me?”
· “I’m really angry that God let me take this job in the first place. When do you think
He’ll help me change careers? Grrrrrr!”

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Using a new deck of cards
Before using a new deck of cards, hold them to your heart and bless them as follows:

“I ask the angels to bless these cards, which are a tool for communicating with you, the
ascended masters and God/Spirit/Creator in a more complete way. I ask that these cards
give me the clear and loving messages that are in my highest interest. I ask that the energy
of these cards be grounded only in love, clarity and compassion.”

Picking one card

1. Choose the deck that feels best to you
2. Hold the cards in your hands and shuffle them while saying out loud or in your
a) “Angels, please show me what I need to know today about [whatever situation
you would like help with]”
b) OR more generally, “Angels, please show me anything I need to know at this
time. Thank you!”
3. Fan the cards out on a flat surface and run your non-writing hand (left hand for
most of us righties) over the cards
4. Choose the one that you feel most strongly pulled to
5. You can also just pick one from the bunch without fanning them out as a group

Once you have selected your card:

· Look at the card and pay attention to:
o Not only the words in the card, but what you first notice in the illustration as well
as the wording. The words are sometimes superfluous to the message.
o What emotions did you feel immediately? Did it make you feel sad? Or glad?
o Did the card remind you of something or someone?
o Did you suddenly feel a sensation somewhere in your body?
o Notice everything!
· You may know why you chose this card immediately. Or, it may not be clear until later.
It is not typical, but sometimes the message in the card may not clear for a while. In
this case, simply make a mental note and see if it comes clear later in the week. Over
time, you will understand.
· You may struggle to trust the message that you are receiving and that’s okay. Don’t
judge yourself. Simply allow the message to come to you, write it in your journal and
see what happens. As the truth of the message reveals itself, you will feel assured of the
presence and power of your angels.

Picking multiple cards

This is accomplished the same way you pick one card, except that you do it multiple times.
The order and position of the cards hold additional meaning. The number of cards you select
is determined by what is called a “card spread.” Each position in a card spread has a different
meaning and adds depth to your interpretation of the card. You will learn what this means as
you practice. (See sample spreads below.)

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

3-card Past/Present/Future Spread

A common multiple card spread is the 3-card. The position of the card gives deeper meaning
to the message. Select three cards and place them in the following order.

Past Present Future

(card #1) (card #2) (card #3)

The card in this The card in this The card in this

position sheds position sheds position sheds
light on the light on the light on the
history of the present state of future state of
situation. the situation. the situation.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

4-card Direction Spread

This spread is wonderful for insight on life purpose or future direction. As with the 3-card
spread, the position of the card gives deeper meaning to the message. Select four cards and
place them in the following order.

(card #4)

The north in ancient

cultures is associated
with the element of earth.
The card in this position
represents what you are
grounded in, what makes
you feel stable and at
West home. It gives insight
(card #3) (card #1)
into the qualities that are
The west in ancient at your core. The east in ancient
cultures is associated cultures is associated
with the element of with the element of air.
water. The card in this The card in this position
position represents represents the intellectual
change and South and intuitive aspect. It
transformation. It also (card #2) can also be associated
can give insight into with dreams and lofty
emotions and/or the The south in ancient ideas.
subconscious. cultures is associated
with the element of fire.
The card in this position
represents passion and
love. It can give insight
into current/future state
of your life purpose.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Sacred Cross Spread

This spread is wonderful for insight on a particular situation, especially with regards to how
you can best respond. As with the 3 and 4 card spreads, the position of the card gives deeper
meaning to the message. Select six cards and place them in the following order.

Highest Outcome
(card #6)

Gives insight on the best

possible outcome of the

Future Challenges/ Past

(card #2) Obstacles (card #1)
(card #5) Sheds light on how the
Reveals insight on what
the future holds. Often Shows you what to watch past affects the
this card will show you for. It is with awareness of situation. Shows what
what you can expect these things that you can has already been
and/or what you should overcome them. accomplished, or what
focus on. gifts are brought

Highest Self
(card #4)

Provides insight on how

your Divine abilities shape
or affect the outcome.

(card #3)

Highlights the qualities or

events that are at the base
of the situation.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe


1. Continue your Daily Workout by saying the “My Angel Guidance Manifesto”
out loud everyday!

2. Enhance your Daily Workout with this additional step.

Begin a practice of picking an angel oracle card every morning. Pay attention to what you
notice right away. Revisit the card at the end of the day and see if you gain further insight.

You can purchase angel cards:

· at our online store [Click on: ],
· find them at most bookstores,
· or use our Ask the Angels online card picking tool.
[Click on: ]

3. Gratitude exercise
For the next week, pause three times a day for a moment of gratitude. Deepen your breath as
you mentally list all the things that have happened in your day for which you are grateful. I
have a friend with a clock that chimes each hour. She uses it as a reminder to experience
gratitude. Whenever it sounds off, she counts her blessings!

Before you begin the week, take note of how you feel about life. Once a week has passed, take
note again. How have things changed for you? This is a wonderful exercise to weave into your
everyday life.

4. Pick additional cards - optional

As you are inspired, pick cards for other reasons. If you are looking for insight into a
relationship, a situation at work or whether or not you should go to the Caribbean or skiing
for your winter vacation, pick a card. The angels always have your best interest at heart and
know exactly what will match your intentions.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Step Four – Listen

Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions.

Albert Einstein

Traditional prayer is defined as “the act of communicating to a deity…”

In our present society, prayer is often taught as the practice of reciting something that is
already written. It is an act of speaking either out loud or silently to God and the angels
without much expectation of a direct or immediate response. Prayer is truly a two-way,
interactive form of communication.

Some belief systems have a foundational value that it is wrong to attempt to listen to
messages from God and the angels directly. I hold no judgment, for each of us was born to
experience different ideas, yet I can’t help but wonder if God and the angels made us, why
wouldn’t they want us to be able to hear them?

Prayer is no different from dialogue with the angels. When you say, “I pray to the angels that
[fill in the blank],” your angels are on the other side of the table replying “Yes, I am listening
and here is my advice.” The question is, are you able to hear the answer?

The element of prayer that needs to be emphasized here is the art of listening. If you ask for
help from the angels, then you need to be able to recognize the response… And there is
always a response. This is defined by the Law of Attraction. What you put out to the Universe
always comes back to you – no exceptions. If you don’t learn how to hear the messages from
the angels, then it is no different from talking to your husband, child or friend and not
hearing any response.

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Pause for a moment and imagine a conversation on the phone with your best friend. You keep
talking, but the line has gone dead. You may have just asked her for advice with buying a new
house, but you never heard her answer. Not very helpful! And what if your friend was trying
to tell you that the school system in the area is fabulous or that the water quality may have
issues and you can’t hear her comments? It’s challenging for you to then make an informed
decision. Asking without being able to hear the reply is simply not an effective or constructive
form of communication.

Communicating with the angels is no different. Once you ask a question, or say a prayer, you
must listen for the response… and then hold gratitude in your heart when you receive it! And
your angels have so much wisdom and guidance to share with you!!

How do I learn to listen?

You can strengthen your ability to learn, by taking steps towards more completely trusting
what your loving intuition is already telling you. Chances are, no matter where you are on
your spiritual path, trust is the toughest aspect of angel communication to master.

We’ve already discussed your clair senses and how they are all aspects of your intuitive sense.
So now your task is to pay attention to these messages and strive to trust them.
· When something really doesn’t feel right, don’t do it!
· If you keep hearing people talk about drinking more water, then drink more water!
· If you keep seeing grasshoppers everywhere, then research what grasshoppers
represent. In many earth-based cultures, including Native American, animals
symbolize different characteristics.
· If a book falls off the shelf in the store, you pick it up and it feels really good, then read
· If you really want a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food, go ahead and eat it but then
see how your tummy talks! What is your body telling you? (I know, maybe eat a ½ pint
next time, right?!)
· If it just doesn’t feel right to be in your workplace anymore, then begin to listen to your
intuition for ways that you can move on and feel comfortable with it.

Whatever steps you take to trust your intuition, follow the outcome of your efforts. Notice
how the results turn out. Over time, you will realize that following your angelic guidance
always brings you to places that feel right and good in your soul.

If you would like structure in learning angel communication basics and steps for trusting
your guidance, I suggest The 123s of Angel Communication 30-day eCourse filled with
lessons and daily exercises to help you weave angel communication into your everyday life.
[Click on:
ecourse/ ]

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe


Once you’ve identified your strongest intuitive senses from Step Two: Trust What You
Already Know, it’s important to strengthen that muscle. It’s no different from lifting weights.
You must do this everyday!!!

1. Continue your Daily Workout:

· Say the “My Angel Guidance Manifesto” out loud everyday!
· Pick an angel oracle card

2. Exercise to strengthen your primary clair senses

Today is your day to start a journal. Make it fun and go to the store and buy a new one that
really inspires you. This is your new beginning!

For the next 30 days, you will be exercising your intuitive muscles and strengthening your
clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance (we will be addressing
clairbeing separately).

Each day, write down 1-3 angel experiences that you have for each of your clairsenses. It
doesn’t matter whether you understand the underlying message yet, just begin to notice. You
may know an experience is a message because you have that strong sense that it is. Initially,
that may be all you know! Just take note and wait for clarity. For example, if you see a deer
cross in front of your car and you know in your heart that this is a message and must mean
something, then write it down. Most of the time, the message will become clear within a short
period of time. Here are some pointers and things to look for…

Begin to notice the kinds of visions or patterns that you are seeing. Also notice certain
animals that you might see repeatedly, dreams you are having or numbers you keep
seeing. Anything you notice with your eyes or your third eye and feels significant is
your clairvoyant sense.

Begin to listen to the messages you hear and pay attention to the advice you are
receiving. Listen not only to what you hear with your own inner voice, but also the
words of those around you. Often times, the angels will speak through other people –
especially if it’s a message we may be rejecting ourselves. Notice songs that might
come on the radio and draw your attention or other sounds that seem significant.

Begin to listen to how you feel about situations. Does going to a movie with your friend
on Saturday night feel good? Or does it feel slightly wrong? Does going to the movies
with your friend at all feel good? Or maybe it’s going to a movie on a certain Saturday
night that doesn’t feel right. Pay attention to your feelings about choices that you are
making. Do you get a tingly feeling when you talk about certain subjects? Or do you get
a knot in your stomach? Your angels speak to you through your body through your
feeling sense.
Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Begin to listen to your gut. What do you already know in your core about relationships
that are troubling you, or a work situation that is challenging? Even if you are
currently unable to see that change may be necessary, just allow what you know deep
down to come to the surface. You don’t need to take any action today, tomorrow or
even this year. Just allow it to float to your conscious awareness and write it down.

3. Exercise to strengthen your clairbeing sense

The exercise for clairbeing is slightly different because it operates by using different impulses.
Clairbeing is more about surrendering to the will of the angels and communicating with them
solely on their terms, versus on terms that are more familiar to us like the four other primary

To build your clairbeing muscle, your assignment is to do one of the following things every
day for 30 days and write in your journal about your experience. It’s fine if you’d like to mix it
up and meditate one day and go for a walk the next.

Here are some options:

a) Do a guided meditation of your choice.
b) Meditate for at 5-15 minutes. If this is challenging for you, it may be that you just need
to try it for a few days. Or, start out more slowly with 5 minutes/day for a week and
then increase it to 10 minutes/day for the second week and then work up to 15
c) Walk alone in nature (or as close as you can come to it) for at least 20 minutes. Try not
to think about things you need to do or get done, but rather let the thoughts come to
you from the angels. This is not a time to make a mental grocery list. Just set the
intention of using this time to receive from the angels and allow your thoughts to

For homework items #2 and #3: Because life happens, if you are unable to do either of these
exercises some days, forgive yourself. Do your best to make it part of your daily routine. If
you miss several days, you may need to start over. A healthy guideline is that if you are not
able to do these exercises 23 out of 30 days, then you will need to begin again.

I give you this advice because I have certainly had days and periods in my life where daily
meditation seems impossible. Invariably, however, you will get out of this experience what
you put into it. Whenever I fall away from my ritual of prayer, something happens to remind
me how important a habitual practice it really is.

Keep your intention focused and know that you are doing the best you can! If you are
struggling and feeling you just can’t handle it, perhaps it’s time for a class [Click on:] or for some guidance from an’s
experienced and talented Angelic Life CoachÒ
[Click on: ]

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Step Five – Practice every day!

Every artist was first an amateur.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do you already know how to eat? Of course you do! But when you decide to go on a diet, you
make a commitment to change what you eat. You may allow yourself to indulge in a dish of
raspberry sorbet or a chocolate cookie from time to time, but otherwise, you are dedicated to
doing what is necessary to lose those extra pounds. Only with focus and dedication do your
eating habits stay healthy.

Communicating with the angels is a practice. It is as natural for you as eating, but it takes
effort to make it a regular part of your life. As part of this program, you must exercise your
Angelic Intuition everyday.

Now that you have finished with Step Four, you can practice on a more in depth level. When
you have a question for the angels, try exploring with multiple card spreads. Experiment with
friends. Spend time with like-minded people and explore your spirituality!

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

Readings for friends and family
First off, let me just say that while readings for family members can be lots of fun and very
insightful, they can also be the hardest type of reading to do. If you are holding any opinions
about what they should or shouldn’t do about something, then that will affect the clarity of
your messages, unless you are very clear about your intention.

For example, let’s say your spouse wants to ask the angels if they should change jobs. You
happen to know that the new job they are considering involves much more traveling and they
will be around the home less. When you are receiving the messages from the angels, unless
you get very clear about pushing your own thoughts out of the way, you can influence the
messages you receive. As with readings for yourself, simply set the intention that only the
messages of the highest good are allowed to flow through you…and you will do a perfect job!

In terms of protocol, there are certain steps that are a good idea to adopt when doing a
reading for someone else and are outlined as follows.

1. Ask your partner what their intention is for the reading and be sure to listen carefully
to their answer.
2. Explain that you will answer their questions and that your intention with these
messages is that they be delivered with love.
3. Also explain that the angels may try to get other messages through that aren’t part of
their intention.
4. As you are shuffling your cards, silently ask the angels to help you be complete, clear
and loving in your message and to release any influence of the ego-self.
5. Continue your reading for your partner just as you would for yourself
and finish with a loving blessing for your partner, yourself and the angels.

Have fun with your gifts and share them with your friends. The angels have lots to say to you
and your loved ones!

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe


It is said that it takes 40 days to change our belief systems. You have already established a
healthy practice for over a month. So for the next month, take what you have learned and
deliberately begin to weave what you can into your daily life.

1.Continue your Daily Workout:

· Say the “My Angel Guidance Manifesto” out loud everyday
· Pick an angel oracle card

2.Do what you can to incorporate the clairbeing habits you have begun into your
everyday life. The angels believe that this is the most important clairsense to exercise. They
believe this for two reasons. First, it carries a thread through all of your intuitive sense and
ultimately leads you to living a more peaceful existence. Second, clairbeing is how you can
most impact the world around you. Like the Butterfly Effect, your peace and well-being is
contagious and can impact everyone around and even all over the world. As each of us moves
closer to this state of compassion, our world heals. It’s a ripple effect!

3. Begin a practice of doing multi-card spreads on a regular basis. I like to do a

spread at the beginning of each week to give me a sense of what to focus on and what to
expect. It’s a wonderful way to ground and set your priorities.

4. Experiment with the guidance you receive. Track the outcome when you follow
your angels’ advice and when you don’t. What happens? Start with the small decisions and go
from there! And have fun!!

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe


Oracle Cards
Angels, Gods and Goddesses, by Toni Carmine Salerno
Wisdom Oracle, by Toni Carmine Salerno
Archangel Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue
Ascended Masters Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue
Saints and Angels, by Doreen Virtue
Magical Messages from Your Fairies, by Doreen Virtue
Self-Care Cards, by Cheryl Richardson

Archangels and Ascended Masters, by Doreen Virtue
Ask and It Is Given, by Ester and Jerry Hicks
You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay
Living a Life of Joy, by John Randolph Price
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life Purpose, by Eckhart Tolle

The 123s of Angel Communication – a 30 day eCourse that includes daily lessons and
exercises with structure to help you build a daily practice of angel communication.
[Click on:
ecourse/ ]

The ABCs of Abundance with the Angels – a 43-day eCourse designed to help you
break through your challenges with creating a life you love. Learn the techniques to create a
life with an abundance of love, health and wealth!
[Click on:
day-ecourse/ ]

Angel Communication Specialist Training Program – an 8-week teleclass/webcast focused on
helping you to develop your relationship with your angels and learn to trust their guidance on
a daily basis. Includes certification and AT initial website posting for those inspired to persue
angel card reading as a profession.
[Click on: ]

Angelic Life CoachÒ Training Program – a 6-month teleclass program that provides complete
life coach training. Includes modules on angel communication, advanced angel
communication, coaching, and creating and sustaining abundance.
[Click on: ]

Angel Reading
For a personal angel reading, view [Click on: ]

Angelic Life CoachingÒ

For personal one on one coaching to help you through those rough times or even the little
bumpy times, visit our growing list of talented certified Angelic Life CoachesÒ
[Click on: ] .

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe

My Blessing for You
May you experience life with wonder and an open heart.
May you see the gift in every moment that comes into your life.
May you be steeped in gratitude for the abundance you already have.
May you feel unlimited in the choices you are capable of making.
May you always choose from a place of Love.
May you connect and trust the guidance you receive from your angels.
May you always know Love in a deep and profound way.
May you always know Grace, Peace and Harmony.
May you realize you ARE Love.

Blessings of Love, Joy and Abundance,

Rev. Nina Roe

Copyright ©2009 Rev. Nina Roe


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