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W ritte n by D anie lLam b SERVER - Part 1

Th is guide w il
lbe gin at th e ve ry s tart, ins tal
lation, and tak e you th rough al lth e s te ps to e ve ntual
ly h aving your ow n ful
ly w ork ing
Ubuntu s e rve r w h ich could be us e d in your h om e or for a bus ine s s of any s ize .

e w il
ls tart by s upport of m os t m ode rn h ardw are
dow nl oading Ubuntu and it w il lal s o s upport th e ne w e s t
7.10 from Raid s ys te m s and Gigabit ne tw ork
h ttp://w w w /ge tubuntu/ cards w h ich curre ntl y 6.06 LTS (Long
dow nl oad and s e l e ct Te rm Support) doe s not, h ow e ve r
for w ith ve rs ion 8.04 LTS th is s h oul d be
'Standard pe rs onalcom pute r' and re -as s e s s e d.
ch os e th e m os t appropriate m irror
for you from th e drop dow n m e nu. Afte r dow nl oading Ubuntu 7.10
Se rve r you ne e d to w rite th e im age
to CD us ing your favorite CD burning
program , if you are on w indow s you
Ch oos e 'Ins tal
lto th e h ard
can l ook at us ing Infrare corde r w h ich
dis k '.
can be dow nl oade d from
h ttp://infrare corde r.s ource forge .ne t/. Th e ins tallation w il lnow s tart.
Firs t you w illh ave to ch oos e your
O nce you h ave w ritte n th e im age
language , th e n s e l e ct your
to CD pl ace your Ubuntu Se rve r CD
location. Ne xt ch oos e a k e yboard
into your drive and boot from it,
layout, you w il lne e d to pre s s a
e ns ure th at your s ys te m is s e t to
fe w k e ys s o th e ins tall
e r can
I am ch oos ing Ubuntu 7.10 boot from CD . You w il lth e n s e e th is
de te ct your k e yboard l ayout
(Guts y Gibbon) for various s cre e n (above righ t).
bas e d on th e k e ys you pre s s e d,
re as ons but th e m ain re as on is

or you can m anual ly ch os e w h at O pe nSSH , print and SAM BA
k e yboard you h ave . s e rve rs . Se l
e ct th e diffe re nt
s e rve rs us ing th e s pace k e y th e n
Th e ins tal l
e r ch e ck s th e continue .
ins tallation CD , your h ardw are ,
and configure s th e ne tw ork w ith
D H CP if it is conne cte d to th e
ne tw ork , or you can configure th is
m anual ly.

Now e nte r th e 'h os tnam e '. M y

s ys te m is called
's e rve r.dom ain.local ', s o I e nte r
's e rve r'. W h e n you are re ady, h it 'Ye s ' to
'W rite th e ch ange s to dis k s ?' Now
your partitions w il lbe cre ate d and
form atte d.
Th e GRUB boot l
oade r w il
Se tup th e s ys te m cl
ock . Norm al
ly be ins tal
le d.
UTC is a s afe ch oice .
Th e ins tal lation is now
Ne xt cre ate a ne w us e r, I us e th e finis h e d. Re m ove your CD from
nam e 'Adm inis trator' w ith th e us e r th e drive and h it 'Continue ' to
nam e 'adm inis trator'. D on't us e th e re boot th e s ys te m .
us e r nam e 'adm in' as th at is a
s ys te m nam e in Ubuntu.

Now you w il lne e d to partition Th e bas e s ys te m w il

lnow be Th at is th e firs t part of th e
your dis k , l
e t th e s e tup cre ate th e ins tal
le d. Ubuntu s e rve r ins tal l
e d. Ne xt
partitions (s w ap and root) is s ue , w e w il lcove r update s ,
autom atical ly unl e s s you are Now w e ge t th e option of w h at ins tal ling th e Xubuntu de s k top
confide nt on doing th is m anual l
y. e xtra s oftw are ge ts ins tal
le d, w e are and al s o th e w e bm in ins tal
going to ch oos e D NS, m ail , LAM P,

W ritte n by D anie lLam b SERVER - Part 2
Now th e Ubuntu s e rve r ins tal
lation is com pl
e te w e w il
lins tal lXfce de s k top, W e bm in and al
s o s oftw are update s from th e com m and
ine as w e l
las w ith th e update m anage r w h ich w illbe buil t into th e Xubuntu de s k top.

fte r re booting th e PC afte r com m and as root. Add a h as h (# ) in Afte r th e update s are finis h e d,
th e ins tall
,l ogin us ing your front of th e CD e ntry and re m ove th e re s tart your m ach ine . Log in and
ch os e n us e r nam e and h as h e s from th e front of th e oth e r run th e s am e com m and jus t in
pas s w ord. e ntrie s . Afte r com pl
e ting th is s te p cas e th e re are any oth e r update s
pre s s CTRL+ X th e n pre s s 'Y' or type th at w e re m is s e d, al th ough apt
Th e firs t ite m to be addre s s e d is 'ye s ' to s ave ch ange s . is unl ik e l
y to m is s any. Afte r th is
configuring of th e s ource s . W e w il l is finis h e d, w e is s ue w h at w il
re m ove th e CD re pos itory (w h ich our l as t com m and for th is th is
autom atical ly ge ts adde d to th e is s ue :
s ource s ) and add w e b bas e d Afte r com pl
e ting th is , type :
s ource s . sudo apt-get install
sudo apt-get update xubuntu-desktop
To do th is w e w il lus e nano, m y
pe rs onalfavorite , if you h ave a Th is w il
lupdate th e apt s ource s Ans w e r 'ye s ' to: 'D o you w ant
pre fe rre d te xt e ditor ple as e us e and apt w il lth e n k now w h at s oftw are to continue '. Go and re ad th e
th at. Type into th e com m and l ine : it can ge t. Now type :

sudo nano sudo apt-get upgrade

To ins tal lth e late s t update s to your
You w il lne e d to s uppl
y th e s ys te m . Th is m ay tak e a littl
e w h il
pas s w ord you s e t as your us e r de pe nding on h ow m any update s are
pas s w ord as you are running a ne e de d for your s ys te m , you m igh t
w ant to put th e k e ttl e on now .
re s t of th is is s ue , and h ave a nice
cup of te a.
FullCircl e is
Afte r th is h as com pl
e te d, re boot
ook ing for
proof- re ade rs .
your m ach ine . O nce th e m ach ine
h as s tarte d up you w illbe
pre s e nte d w ith th e login
s cre e n. Can you s pare a
fe w days e ach m onth to
Log in us ing your pre vious l y
proof- re ad articl e s for us ?
ch os e n us e r nam e and pas s w ord
and you w il lbe pre s e nte d w ith th e If you can, pl e as e e m ail:
Xubuntu de s k top, you now ne e d ch oos e to ope n w ith and ronnie @ fullcircle m agazine .org
to run th e update s by righ t click O K. Th e 'Pack age Ins tal le r' w ill for m ore de tails.
click ing on th e orange icon in th e th e n ope n and you can s im pl y cl ick
top righ t h and corne r and cl ick 'Ins tallPack age '. Th e pack age or join our IRC ch anne l
'Ins tallallupdate s ', th e n s uppl y m anage r w il lals o ins tal
lallth e
your pas s w ord to al l
ow th e ne e de d de pe nde ncie s for W e bm in. log on to irc.fre e node .ne t and
update s to run. Al te rnative ly, you join # full
circl e m agazine
can pre s s Ctrl + Al
t+ F2 and l ogin O nce W e bm in h as ins tal
le d, go to: O r, you can vis it via our
us ing your us e r nam e and h ttps ://l
ocalh os t:10000 and l og in w e bIRC clie nt at
pas s w ord again and run th e us ing your us e r nam e and pas s w ord. irc.full
circle m agazine .org
update s from th e com m and l ine .
W e al s o h ave a forum at:
Afte r th is is finis h e d re s tart your h ttp://ubuntuforum s .org/forum
m ach ine . O nce l ogge d in, ope n , dis p?f=270
Fire fox and brow s e to
h ttp://w w w .w e bm /(above
righ t) and in th e m e nu on th e l e ft,
click 'D e bian Pack age '.

W h e n th e .de b fil
e h as finis h e d w w w .ful
e m agazine .org
dow nl oading, righ t cl ick on it and

W ritte n by D anie lLam b SERVER - Part 3

e now h ave a w ork ing
s e rve r w ith th e bas e
s ys te m , Sam ba, SSH ,
Xubuntu de s k top and W e bm in al l
ins tal
le d;w e w il lnow ins tal l
D H CP, and configure D H CP and
Sam ba.

W e 'l
ls tart off w ith D H CP.

Log into W e bm in by going to

h ttps ://l
h os t:10000
Now to configure Sam ba fil
Go to “ Se rve rs ” , th e n “ D H CP” . s h are s .
Cl ick on "Add a ne w s ubne t", and
fillin th e de s cription of th e O nce cre ate d, cl ick th e ne w icon Firs t of al l, cre ate a fol de r on
s ubne t. For ne tw ork addre s s , us e th at w as jus t cre ate d (w ith th e your s e rve r. I w oul d norm al ly
th e s am e IP as th e inte rnal ne tw ork addre s s you ch oos e unde r cre ate one w ith in a s tandard
addre s s , but us e 0 as th e e nding it). Scrol ldow n to th e bottom , and us e r's h om e fol de r, s o th e
octe t;for e xam pl e , if your inte rnal cl ick "Edit Cl ie nt O ptions ". Fillin th e dire ctory l is ting w oul d be
NIC is 19, th e n us e Subne t m as k w ith th e s ubne t;th e /H om e //s h are -nam e . Le t's s tart
19 for your ne tw ork D e faul t route rs and D NS s e rve rs w ith by cal ling one “ Sh are d” ;brow s e
addre s s . For addre s s range s , us e your inte rnalIP;and th e Broadcas t to th e m ain H om e fol de r, and
th e range of addre s s e s to be addre s s w ith th e inte rnalIP - but w ith th e n dow n to th e fol de r nam e d
as s igne d by D H CP. For ne tm as k , 255 at th e e nd. Cl ick "Save "th e n w ith your e xis ting us e rnam e ;
us e th e s am e as your s ubne t; s tart th e s e rve r. righ t cl ick , and ch oos e “ Cre ate
m os t are Cl ick Fol de r” . Nam e th e ne w fol de r
"Cre ate ". “ Sh are d” , and e ns ure th at th e

pe rm is s ions of th e ne w fol
de r Now cl ick on Fil
e pe rm is s ions ,
allow re ad and w rite acce s s by al
l and ch ange th e Ne w Unix fil e
us e rs - as s h ow n be l
ow . m ode to 777 and th e Ne w Unix
dire ctory m ode to 777. Cl ick
"Save ".

Re s tart Sam ba, and you

s h oul d now be abl e to w rite to
your s h are .
Sam ba w il lnow h ave a s h are d
folde r th at you can brow s e to.
H ow e ve r, you w illnot be abl e to
acce s s it untilyou cl ick on th e s h are ,
se le ct Se curity and Acce s s control ,
ch ange th e s h are to W ritabl e , e nable
Gue s t acce s s , and th e n cl
ick "Save ".



Now go back to W e bm in, go to w h e re w e dis cus s th e birth of ,
“ Se rve rs ” , and th e n “ Sam ba h ow w e m anage d to ove r com e s om e of our bigge s t h urdl e s in
W indow s Fil e s h aring” . Se le ct cre ating and organizing FCM and s om e ge e k y dow nl oad s tats .
“ Cre ate a ne w fil e Sh are ” ;nam e
th e fil
e s h are “ Sh are d” and s e l e ct - Th e GIM P. include s cre ating a ne w
th e dire ctory you w is h to s h are . im age , dpi and th e m os t im portant tools ne e de d for our
future GIM P s e s s ions .
Fil lin a Sh are Com m e nt if you
w is h , and click “ Cre ate ” .
W ritte n by D anie lLam b
SERVER - Part 4

ow th at w e h ave Sam ba, Brow s e to , th e n , and
D H CP and W e bm in . Firs t w e w il lcre ate our . Cl
ick on
ins tal
le d and w ork ing, w e PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol ) ;s e l
e ct for
w il ls e t up a VPN s e rve r to accounts , s o cl ick on ;
m onitor th e various running ;add a ne w us e r cal l
ed , ch ange to th e
s e rvice s . w ith a pas s w ord of ;th e n fre q ue ncy for ch e ck ing th e
click and cl ick . s e rve r - e ve ry 5 m inute s is a
O ur firs t s te p is s e tting up a W ith in th e inde x of th at m odul e , cl
ick good tim e fram e , jus t in cas e
VPN (VirtualPrivate Ne tw ork ) on ;fil lin th e th e re are any probl e m s or any
us ing (Point-to-Point box s e rvice faul ts . Se t to
Tunne l ling Protocol ) provide d by w ith th e cl ie nt e nd IP 0 s o th at it runs e xactl y e ve ry 5
th e poptop te am . Th is can al s o be addre s s ;and fil lin m inute s . M ak e s ure al lth e h ours
configure d by . To s tart w ith th e IP and days are s e l e cte d - to s e le ct
off, w e w illne e d to ins tal lth e addre s s e s to be as s igne d to th e m ore th an one , us e th e 'Ctrl 'k ey
PPTP s e rve r, as fol low s : clie nt m ach ine com ing in via th e w h ile you s e l e ct th e m .
VPN. Cl ick . Th e n, ope n
sudo apt-get install pptpd
;ch ange Ch ange to

(or us e your pack age m anage r to ;ch ange

to ; or -
and s e arch for poptop or pptp) w h ich e ve r you fe e lis m ore
ch ange
to ; appropriate to your s ys te m .
W h e n prom pte d, h it e nte r, and
dis abl e and ;and Ch ange to
apt-ge t w illins tall and al l
th e re s t can s tay on de faul t. Click , and fil
its de pe nde ncie s .
, and cl ick . your e m ailaddre s s . Cl ick .
Now , activate W e bm in by going You can al s o ch ange
to: W e w il lnow s e t up m onitoring for to an SM TP s e rve r w h ich
th e s ys te m . W ith in , go to doe s n't re q uire auth e ntication,
h ttps ://l
h os t:10000
oth e rw is e s e l
e ct l
ocalh os t, us ing You can al s o ch e ck your s ys te m
'Pos tfix' or 'Se ndm ail ' - w e w illbe logs by cl ick ing on and going
s e tting up Pos tfix in future is s ue s . to (be low ) - in th e re you
can cl ick on a l og file and cl ick
Se e m y s e tup be l
ow : .

ow ns and runs
and is bas e d in
Pe rth , Scotland. H e is also
W ith in th e and invol ve d in a num be r of ope n
s ource proje cts s uch as
page s , you can add various
m onitoring options from th e drop and .
dow n l is t, you can al s o de l
e te
H e is al
s o a com m itte d Le e ds
th e m by tick ing th e adjace nt radio-
Unite d fan.
box and cl ick ing D e l
e te .


w w w w w w .k w w w w w w

Written by Daniel Lamb
SERVER - Part 5

ow, before we do much backup of directory'; you will now be Now choose a suitable name
more with the server, we greeted with the page shown below for your backup, and fill it in as
are going to configure right. 'Backup Label'. If you wish to
backups -- so all files and data are omit any files or directories
protected. We will use the In the 'Directories to backup', you (within your selected backup
webmin module to configure tar can fill in multiple directories, with directories) supply them. Choose
backups; you can use tar backups each directory having its own line. In your compression options from
to save to tape, or to any other the 'Backup to' box, choose the Compress Archive -- 'Yes with
form of removable media. Under mount point, and the name of the gzip' is recommended. In the
the System menu in webmin, you backup to create; ie, if it is a tape boxes 'Command to run before
should have Filesystem, Backup -- drive, it might be:
or, with the new webmin 1.410,
you might need to look under /dev/st0/<nameofback
Unused Modules to find it. To add up>.tar.gz
a new backup, fill in the box with
(only if using tar and
a directory, or, to browse your
compression -- which is
drive, click on the '...' button
an option further down
(shown below).
the page).

You could also

Tick the tar format if you wish choose to backup to a
the backup to be in that remote location using
compressed format, otherwise it RSH, SSH or FTP. In
will just be a direct dump without that case, choose
compression. After filling in the (rather than file or tape
directory box, click on 'Add a new device), and fill in your
FTP/RSH/SSH details.

backup' and 'Command to run We will now install Postfix (email with IMAP.
after backup', add any required server) and Dovecot (IMAP and POP3
commands. server). We must drop to the I would suggest you now set
command line, and type: up an MX record pointing to your
You should now set up a backup IP address, and change your
schedule (shown below). To do so, sudo apt-get install postfix router to forward SMTP (port 25)
select 'Enabled, at times chosen dovecot-common dovecot-imapd traffic, through your router, to
below'. To have yourself (or your server IP address. This will
someone else) informed when Answer the questions as follows: allow us to use postfix to collect
backup is running, insert a valid and deliver email directly via
Internet Site
email address into 'Email SMTP.
scheduled output to'. A simple NONE
approach is to select 'Simple
schedule', choose 'Daily, at
midnight', and click 'Create'.,
We now have an automatically,
scheduled daily backup to save,
your most important data and localhost

owns and runs
and is based in
Perth, Scotland. He is also
involved in a number of open
+ source projects such as
all and .
He is also a committed Leeds
You now have Postfix United fan.
and Dovecot installed --

Written by Daniel Lamb
SERVER - Part 6

ow we can start setting up
email on our server. I
suggest using IMAP and
SMTP for sending and receiving
email. You should have installed
Postfix and Dovecot. You still need
to install fetchmail - which will
collect any email not received by
SMTP. To collect emails by SMTP,
you need to set up an MX record
(read more about this here
_records_for_incoming_smtp_email Authentication And Encryption", put
sudo apt-get install
_traffic.htm) with the provider of a tick in the box to "Allow
your domain name - it forwards connections from same network",
emails to your home IP address. and "Allow connections from this Now, open up "Fetchmail Mail
You need to forward SMTP through system" under the heading "SMTP retrieval" (Fig.1 above) in
the firewall on your router to the relaying restrictions". In the Dovecot Webmin, and click on "..." and
IP address of your server - to do IMAP/POP3 server menu, click on "Add Fetchmail server for user".
this, refer to your user manual for Mail Files, and change the radio
button option under Mail file location Fill in the box for "Server
your router/firewall.
to “Inbox in ~/Maildir, folders in name", add a username and
The only changes you will need password (which will be supplied
to make in the Postfix by your ISP or your web site
configuration is under Local If you have any other email that provider), and choose which
Delivery: change "Home-relative needs to be picked up via POP3, you local users you want the email to
pathname of user mailbox file" to should now install fetchmail by be distributed to.
Maildir, and under "SMTP typing:

One item which should have
been configured previously is
DNS - to set this up, click on Bind
DNS in Webmin. Click on "Create
master zone". Enter the domain
into the "Domain name /
network" box. For the master
server, type in the domain name
as well. Enter a suitable email
address in the appropriate box.
Type in the IP address of the
server (the external IP address
provided by your ISP) and finally,
click "Create".

Add any users who are

permitted to access the system -
these are users who can access
email, samba shares and so on.
You can now install
(right), which will allow you to owns and runs
view webmail and also connect to and is based in
Perth, Scotland. He is also
shared calendars and shared
involved in a number of open
contacts. To install , source projects such as
open a console and type: ,
and .
sudo apt-get install
We will deal with configuring He is also a committed Leeds
for next month. United fan.

Written by Daniel Lamb
SERVER - Part 7

e are now going to install The script will run through some pre- This should be setup via mysql
eGroupware onto your installation tests. Some of the items server settings within webmin.
server. This will give us a will pass and some will have
Choose a username and
groupware server which can warnings.
password for the 'Configuration
function like Exchange by
Click the 'continue to the Header User'. This is the account you'll
connecting an email client such
Admin' link at the bottom to use to manage the
as Thunderbird to it via IMAP, and
continue. You should now be on the configuration. For this example,
connecting Sunbird to the
setup page. The 'Server Root' and we'll use the same username
calendaring service via icalsrv.
'Include Root' should be correct. You and password as the header
First of all, we will need to copy
can leave the admin user set to manager.
icalsrv into the eGroupware
'admin' and create a password. This
installation folder. To do this, use Click the 'Write config' button
will be the account you use to login
these commands: to create the header file. You
to the header manager. Change
should get a screen saying that
wget 'Persistent Connections' to 'False'.
your header file was created.
http://downloads.sourceforge. Scroll down to the database
net/egroupware/eGroupWare- information section, and enter the You should now be on the information for the database you eGroupware login page for the
9&big_mirror=1 created in step #1. In this example, control panel. Enter the admin
we'll use the following information: information into the
and now cp eGroupWare- - Stays the same. Setup/Config fields to login to
1.4.004/icalsrv the setup control panel.
- Stays the same.
/usr/share/egroupware -r Click the 'Login' button to
Now we can access the continue. You should now be on
installer. In this example, we'll the setup screen for your
point to: eGroupware. It will tell you that
the database is working but you

Click the 'Save' button to save
don't have any tables installed. these settings. You should now be
back at the eGroupware setup page.
Click the 'Install' button to Click the 'Back to user login' link at
create the core tables. The script the top left of the screen. If you get
will create the core tables. If you an error message saying that the
don't receive any error messages, lock function failed, create a support
then it was successful. ticket on the help page with the
Click the 'Re-check My name of your database, and lock
Installation' button to continue. access will be granted to your
The setup page will refresh and database. Refresh the page once lock
you'll see that all of the stages access has been granted. You should
have been complete. now be at the login page. Enter the
information you created for your
Click on the 'Click here to setup admin account.
1 admin account and 3 demo
accounts' link to continue. Enter
the information you would like to
have for your admin account.
Check the 'Create demo accounts'
checkbox to create the demo

owns and runs

and is based in
Perth, Scotland. He is also
Click the 'Login' button to login to involved in a number of open
your eGroupware. You should now be source projects such as
at the admin control panel for your ,
and .
eGroupware management system.
eGroupware is now installed. He is also a committed Leeds
United fan.

Written by Daniel Lamb
SERVER - Part 8

e are now going to add defaults should be fine for anyone to Ensure the user has
users to eGroupware and use. There are also preferences for permissions to use the ical
give them permissions to which any users can set themselves. server. You can do this via the
various items. Again, the defaults are fine, but you User Accounts tab from the
might choose to change them Admin menu, then click on the
To add a user, log into your
depending on the use you have user you wish to have
eGroupware install with the admin
planned for them. permissions for this, or do it via
user you created before. Browse
the groups menu. My user is
to Admin, click on Admin, and fill A request I received from Philipp
called manager, so if I type in:
in the boxes as you wish, I Hohn was how to connect
suggest putting a tick in the box and to http://server/egroupware/icalsrv.p
"Never Expires". You can also give eGroupwares ical server. To get a list hp/manager/list.html
the users different permissions. of calendars (below), go to the URL:
You may want some to be able to I get a number of calendars
view only emails, whereas you http://servername/egroupware/icalsrv showing up. I want to use the
may wish to give full control to .php/username/list.html main-events calendar, so in
others. After adding a user, , under the calendar
remember to click "Add". option (as long as you have
lightening installed, there are
You now want to add a group. loads of guides how to do this on
You can use the default group for the Web), I would simply right
everyone, or use the Admin group click and select New Calendar,
if you wish. choose 'On The Network' then
enter the URL:
You will see under Admin a
large number of options
depending on what you want to alsrv.php/manager/events.ics
do. Go through the different
options there, although the Click 'Next' then choose your

preferred name for the calendar. mv doc_download.html run which depends on java so we
When prompted, enter the need to install java and set it so
username and password for the tomcat knows it’s the default
account. apt-get install unzip java environment. Do this by
unzip typing:
We are now going to install
You will now have a new folder apt-get install sun-java6-
. Some of you may not use called Quotero_Bundle_0.6. We want bin
it, but in a business environment to move that file to update-java-alternatives -s
it is invaluable. /usr/share/Quotero. To do this, use java-6-sun
this command:
Now you can start Quotero
mv Quotero_Bundle_0.6/ with this command:
/usr/share/Quotero -r
As Quotero uses sh files you need ./usr/share/Quotero/Quotero.
to make them executable. Again, to sh
do this for all the files type in the
following commands: Now browse to the URL for
To do this we are going to drop Quotero to continue the install:
chmod +x
to the command line again and /usr/share/Quotero/quotero_tomc http://servername:8080/Quotero
enter the following command to at/bin/ Deploy
download it.
chmod +x All the default settings are fine
wget /usr/share/Quotero/ except for changing the Database type to HSQL, leave
ads/doc_download.html chmod +x the default Database Username,
/usr/share/Quotero/quotero_tomc Password and Name as it is. Fill
As it is automatically at/bin/
downloaded as an HTML file we in the SMTP username and
need to rename it to a zip file and chmod +x password. Then click Validate. It
extract it. To do this, we type in /usr/share/Quotero/quotero_tomc will now carry out the install for
the following commands: at/bin/ you. Once it has come up with
the message 'Enjoy, click on
Quotero uses Tomcat Apache to Let’s go Quotero...'

You can now log in using the the various users you have created.
URL: By clicking on the button you can
add a new folder by clicking on New
folder, and call it what you wish, and
add relevant permissions. You can
and the username "admin" and now upload documents by clicking on
password "admin". To add users, the button next to the folder name
click on Administration, expand and select Import Document. The
domains, then HQUOTERO, click Document will now be in the folder.
on users. You can add new users You can now check out this
here using the button Add. Under document, open it just to view it or owns and runs
Special Roles you can add various start a workflow involving the and is based in
document (as well as a number of Perth, Scotland. He is also
users with different permissions
involved in a number of open
for different tasks. other options) or any others you add.
source projects such as
You can check out a document then ,
Under Quotero Server v0.6, check it back in again, which will and .
click on this button and choose mean only one person can use it at a
New workspace, name it whatever He is also a committed Leeds
time. This is very powerful software United fan.
you wish and add permissions for and can save businesses a lot of time.

full circle magazine

on, and IRC on the server, channel: #fullcirclemagazine

keep up to date with our adventures via

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