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Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 1154–1165

A public fragile watermarking scheme for 3D model authentication

Chang-Min Chou a,b,∗ , Din-Chang Tseng a
a Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Central University, No. 300, Jungda Road, Jhongli City, Taoyuan, 320, Taiwan
b Department of Electronic Engineering, Ching Yun University, No. 229, Cheng-Shing Road, Jhongli City, Taoyuan, 320, Taiwan

Received 14 October 2005; accepted 29 June 2006


A public fragile watermarking scheme based on the sensitivity of vertex geometry is proposed for 3D model authentication. In the 3D fragile
watermarking embedding, slightly perturbing the positions of a subset of vertices is usually needed to keep them in some predefined relationship
with their neighboring vertices. Two problems frequently arise in the embedding stage: the causality problem and the convergence problem. The
causality problem arises while the neighboring relationship of a former processed vertex is influenced by the perturbing of its latter processed
neighboring vertices. The convergence problem means that the original model has been heavily distorted before some vertices reach the predefined
relationship. In this paper, we propose a multi-function vertex embedding method and an adjusting-vertex method to overcome these two problems.
The proposed method does not need the original model and watermarks for authentication; moreover, the key for extracting watermarks is relatively
smaller than that of previous works. For some artistic or technical models, sometimes it is very important to control the distortion ratio caused
by watermark embedding. Our method can control the average distortion by the keys used in watermark embedding. Experimental and analytic
results on various kinds of 3D models show the effectiveness of the scheme.
c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: 3D authentication; Digital signature; Fragile watermarking; Tamper detection

1. Introduction and watermarking techniques is that the former attaches a small

piece of information (the digital signature) transmitted with
With the explosive growth of the Internet and the the original documents whereas the latter embeds invisible
development of digital content designing and processing information (the watermarks) in the original media.
techniques, many valuable materials can be represented in Encryption techniques can be symmetric or asymmetric [1].
digital form for exhibition and access via the Internet. Due Generally speaking, asymmetric methods have better security
to the characteristic of easy duplication and modification of but are very computationally expensive when compared with
digital content, it is necessary to develop a variety of digital symmetric methods. A compensation scheme is to encrypt
signature or watermarking techniques for various protection the digital contents by a symmetric method and then encrypt
purposes such as model authentication and ownership claiming. the “symmetric key” by an asymmetric method. A typical
Digital signatures are designed for the receiver of electronic digital signature scheme extracts a “message digest” from the
documents to verify the identity of the sender and to original document and then encrypts the message digest by
check the originality of the documents. The watermarking an asymmetric method. The message digest can represent the
schemes are usually designed for the sender to check the original document in such a way that two different message
copyright ownership (robust watermarking) or for the receiver digests will be generated for two different documents even if
to verify the authentication of the received media (fragile they have only one bit of difference. The encrypted message
watermarking). The main difference between digital signature digest is attached to the original document and transmitted to
the receiver. Although all data types can be treated as binary
data files and encrypted by digital signature schemes, directly
∗ Corresponding author at: Institute of Computer Science and Information
applying digital signatures for large multimedia data sets is
Engineering, National Central University, No. 300, Junda Road, Jhongli City,
Taoyuan, 320, Taiwan. Tel.: +886 3 4227151x35202; fax: +886 3 4222681. still costly and computationally expensive [1,2]. Instead of
E-mail address: (C.-M. Chou). using digital signatures for all kinds of electronic documents,

c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

0010-4485/$ - see front matter
C.-M. Chou, D.-C. Tseng / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 1154–1165 1155

Table 1 them in some predefined relationship with their neighboring

A comparison of fragile watermarking and digital signature as applied to 3D vertices. Two problems frequently arise in the embedding
stage: the causality problem and the convergence problem. The
Functions Digital Fragile watermarking causality problem arises when the neighboring relationship of
signature a former processed vertex is influenced by the perturbing of its
Verify the identity of the sender Yes No later processed neighboring vertices. The convergence problem
Check the integrity of the Yes Yes means that the original model has been heavily distorted before
Locate the changed regions No Yes some vertices reach the predefined relationship. In this paper,
Implementation cost High Low we propose a multi-function vertex embedding method and
Computation speed Slow Fast an adjusting-vertex method to overcome these two problems.
Application fields General Particular
The proposed method does not need the original model and
watermarks for authentication; moreover, the key for extracting
researchers develop various watermarking schemes for various watermarks is relatively smaller than that of previous works.
multimedia data types such as video, audio, images, and For some artistic or technical models, sometimes it is very
3D models. Watermarks can be invisibly/inaudibly embedded important to control the distortion ratio caused by watermark
in these media by altering some of their lower significant embedding. Our method can control the average distortion by
bits. Watermarking schemes usually don’t need any complex the keys used in watermark embedding.
computation (at most a FFT or wavelet transform [3] is used); The remaining sections of this paper are organized as
thus they can be performed in a fast and low cost way compared follows. A brief review of the robust and fragile 3D
with digital signature schemes. watermarking schemes is given in Section 2, where the
According to the application purpose, watermarking causality and convergence problems are also discussed. The
techniques can be classified into robust and fragile schemes. proposed watermarking embedding scheme is described in
Robust watermarking is usually designed for ownership Section 3; moreover, we illustrate how to examine the
claiming while fragile watermarking is used for digital content originality of the received 3D model and how to locate the
authentication and verification. The design goal of robust changed regions by the proposed method. We discuss the
watermarking is to make the embedded watermarks remain control of the distortion caused by the watermark embedding
detectable after being attacked. In contrast, the requirements in Section 4. In this section, a variant scheme which attaches
of fragile watermarking are to detect the slightest unauthorized a “watermark digest” with the original model instead of
modifications and locate the changed regions. According to the embedding watermarks in the original model is presented.
extraction strategies of watermarks, watermarking schemes can Finally, experimental results and concluding summaries are
be classified into the private and the public approach. A private provided in Section 5.
watermarking scheme needs the original model and watermark
to extract the embedded watermarks while a public (or so-called 2. Previous work and problems
blind) scheme can extract watermarks in the absence of the
original model and watermark. On the other hand, a “semi- Watermarking techniques for still images have been
public” watermarking scheme does not need the original model widely studied and investigated in recent years. On the
in the watermark extraction stage, but the original watermark other hand, watermarking for 3D models gets relatively
is necessary for comparing with the extracted watermark. less notice. Initially, Ohbuchi et al. [4–6] proposed a
The word “public” used in watermarking schemes is different large variety of techniques for embedding data into 3D
from that represented in cryptography schemes. All fragile polygonal models. Benedens and Busch [7,8] embedded
watermarking schemes are public, since it makes no sense private watermarks by altering 3D object with a normal
to use a private fragile watermark. Possible applications of distribution. Their watermarking systems achieved robustness
public fragile watermarking include demonstrating that digital against randomization of vertices, mesh altering (re-meshing),
material has not been changed (or has been changed) in and polygon simplification operations. Praun et al. [9] proposed
an official situation (e.g., in a court) and to confirm the a sophisticated robust mesh watermarking scheme. They first
received digital material has not been changed at the receiver constructed a set of scalar basis functions over the mesh vertices
end. The functions of the 3D fragile watermarking scheme using multi-resolution analysis [10] and then perturbed vertices
are similar to that of a digital signature. Both schemes can along the direction of the surface normal weighted by the basis
check the originality of the received 3D models. Digital functions. Their watermarking scheme is resistant to common
signatures can verify the identity of the sender while the 3D mesh attacks such as translation, rotation, scaling, cropping,
fragile watermarking can locate the changed regions. Moreover, smoothing, simplification, and re-sampling operations. These
for 3D models, the 3D fragile watermarking is superior to above researches concentrated on 3D robust watermarking
the digital signature scheme in its easy implementation and techniques.
faster computation. A comparison of these two schemes is Yeo and Yeung are the pioneers for discussing 3D fragile
summarized in Table 1. watermarking [11]. They computed two indices for every
In 3D fragile watermark embedding, slightly perturbing the vertex: the location index and the value index. For each vertex
positions of a subset of vertices is usually needed to keep v, the location index is calculated by a hash function according
1156 C.-M. Chou, D.-C. Tseng / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 1154–1165

to the coordinates of it and its neighboring vertices, while the

value index is calculated by another hash function based on
its coordinates. Then they slightly perturbed every vertex to
make these two indices equal. Unauthorized modifications will
be detected in the watermark extraction phase by checking the
difference between these two indices. The scheme is both public
and fragile, but there are two disadvantages:
(i) The causality problem: The location index of a former
processed vertex will be changed by the perturbing of
later processed neighboring vertices. As one example,
illustrated in Fig. 1, suppose we process vertices in the Fig. 1. An example of the causality problem.
order v0 , v1 , v2 , . . . , vn , we first process and perturb v0
to make its value index (calculated from its coordinates)
being equal to its location index (calculated from the
coordinates of it and its neighboring vertices). However,
the location index of v0 will be changed when we process
and perturb v1 to adjust its value index. The same situation
occurred when the following vertices are processed. To
avoid the causality problem, we need to perturb vertices
in a predefined order (v0 , v1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) and constrain the
calculation of the location index for each vertex only to
involve the vertices that have been processed. For example,
in Fig. 1, the calculation of the location index of v0 should Fig. 2. An example of the convergence problem.
only involve itself. The calculation of the location index
of v1 should only involve v0 and v1 . The calculation of Lin et al. [13] proposed a scheme similar to Yeo and Yeung’s
the location index of v2 can only involve v0 , v1 and v2 , method [11]. Their method eliminates the causality problem by
and so on. This constraint can avoid the causality problem. applying two different hash functions on the vertex coordinates,
A drawback of this constraint is that the capability for
without considering the neighboring vertices of a vertex. In the
detecting modification will be ruined if the predefined
embedding stage, they slightly perturbed every vertex making
traverse order has been changed or became untraceable. For
these two hash function values equal; however, the convergence
example, a simple model simplification (vertex decimation)
problem still occurs in this scheme. To avoid heavy distortion
or vertex re-numbering operation may totally disable the
due to vertex perturbing, they set a threshold and simply skip
capability of the scheme.
(ii) The convergence problem: In the vertex perturbing stage, the vertices that could not meet the requirement under the
it requires perturbing the vertices of the whole model to threshold. This causes some embedding “holes” which cause
make the value index and the location index of every vertex false-alarms in the watermark detection stage.
equal. In practice, some vertices may need to be perturbed Wu and Cheung [14] proposed a fragile watermarking
more and more to satisfy the requirement as in the example scheme for authenticating 3D mesh models. The watermark
illustrated in Fig. 2. In the figure, v0 has to be perturbed to a embedded by the method is invariant to translation, rotation,
position that heavily distorts the original structure to make and uniform scaling, but is sensitive to other operations.
its two indices equal. It is possible that the requirement The main idea of the method is to keep the ratio between
is met only when the model has been heavily distorted or the distance from the mesh center to each surface face
the requirement can never be met. Another disadvantage and a quantization step remaining the same after the model
coming from the convergence problem is that the user can is translated, rotated, or uniformly scaled. There are two
not control the distortion induced by the perturbing process. major drawbacks in this scheme. Firstly, it is a semi-public
Fornaro and Sanna [12] proposed a public key approach watermarking scheme since the original watermark is needed
for authentication of Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) in the decoding stage to authenticate the watermarked model.
models. They computed watermarks from a model followed In fragile watermarking, a pure public watermarking scheme is
by a watermark encryption operation and then attached the preferred since we don’t want to pay extra cost for encrypting
encrypted watermarks to the solids or comments of the CSG the original watermark. Secondly, it fails in locating the
models. The advantage of the method is that no modification changed regions since the center position of the mesh will be
on the original 3D model is needed and this characteristic changed once any vertex has been changed. In our opinion, the
is sometimes very important to some “artistic” or “technical” ability of locating the changed region is important for fragile
models. The drawback of this scheme is that it can only tell watermarking. However, their concept of invariant geometry
if a model has been modified, but can not locate the modified transformation is worth further study since the transformation
regions. To locate modifications is an important issue in 3D does not affect the integrity of the mesh. No other paper
fragile watermarking. discussing the topic has been published as yet.
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Fig. 3. An overview of our watermark embedding and extraction schemes.

3. The proposed watermarking scheme this predefined relationship, we set it and all its neighboring
vertices as suspicious vertices.
In the proposed watermarking scheme, two major methods,
the multi-function vertex embedding method and the adjusting- 3.1. The watermark embedding scheme
vertex method, are proposed for 3D model authentication. An
overview of our watermark embedding and extraction schemes Given a mesh M(V, C), where V is the vertex set and
is illustrated in Fig. 3. C is the connectivity relationship on M, a watermark W =
The multi-function vertex embedding method means that the (w1 , w2 , . . . , wn ) is embedded by inducing each wi with a
three coordinates of a mark vertex are assigned and embedded small displacement in a subset of V . A vertex v is noted as
with different functions of watermark in the watermark v(x1 , x2 , x3 ) or v 0 (x10 , x20 , x30 ) before or after embedding (or
embedding stage. At first, we select a set of mark vertices from say marking), respectively. The approach for embedding wi in
the original mesh model. The union of the selected vertices and vertex v is as follows:
their neighboring vertices should cover the whole model. Then (i) The three coordinates of vertex v(x1 , x2 , x3 ) are defined
we modulate the x1 coordinate of each vertex to indicate if it with different functions: x1 is used to indicate if v is a
is a mark vertex. For mark vertices, we embed wi and h(wi ) mark vertex (i.e., v is a watermark embedded vertex), x2
into their x2 and x3 coordinates respectively. The embedding is used for embedding watermark wi , and x3 is used for
needs to ensure all mark vertices satisfy the relationship of embedding h(wi ), where h is a predefined hash function
h i = h(wi ) after watermark embedding, and this relationship and is used for checking modification.
will be used for the authentication check in the extraction stage. (ii) For each vertex, its x1 value is divided by a factor k w to
In the watermark extraction stage, we examine a mesh model generate an integer. If v is a mark vertex, the integer must
by first checking the x1 coordinate of every vertex to see if be odd; otherwise, x1 is changed to x1 + k w . If v is a
it is a mark vertex. Then for each mark vertex, we extract non-mark vertex, the integer must be even; otherwise, x1
the possible embedded information w 0 and h 0 from its x2 and is changed to x1 + k w . That is,
x3 coordinates respectively and examine if it can satisfy the jx k
relationship h(w0 ) = h 0 . For any mark vertex that can not hold m= w
mod 2 (1)
1158 C.-M. Chou, D.-C. Tseng / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 1154–1165

and them in some predefined relationship with their neighboring

x1 , if (m = 1 and v is a mark vertex) or vertices. The convergence problem arises when the original

x10 = (m = 0 and v is not a mark vertex). (2) model has been heavily distorted before some vertices reach
x1 + k w , otherwise. the predefined relationship. The use of the “adjusting vertex”

method guarantees that there is no endless perturbing while
(iii) For a mark vertex v, its barycenters of x2 and x3
embedding watermarks; thus there is no convergence problem
coordinates, x2c and x3c , are calculated by averaging the
in the proposed method. The detailed watermark embedding
coordinates of its neighboring vertices,
procedure is given in Algorithm 1.
1 X
x cj = x j , j = 2, 3, (3)
|N (v)| N (v) Algorithm 1 (The Watermark Embedding Algorithm).
where N (v) is the set of v’s neighboring vertices and
|N (v)| is the size of N (v). In this paper, we use the for each vertex vi in the mesh model
“barycenters” of a vertex to represent the vertex features { vi .mark = False
calculated by Eq. (3). vi .mark eligible = True
(iv) For a mark vertex v, its x j coordinate is slightly moved vi .adjusting eligible = True
toward x cj to the new locations x ej such that |x ej − x cj | are }
divisible by k j , j = 2, 3, respectively, set v1 as the active vertex, vact
while (vact ! = NULL)
e x j − (|x j − x cj | mod k j ), if x j > x cj ; { if vact is a mark eligible vertex and there is at least one
xj = q (4)
x j + (|x j − x cj | mod k j ), otherwise. eligible adjusting vertex among vact ’s neighboring
q vertices then
(v) Finally, we employ k j and k dj to embed watermark wi and { randomly select one eligible adjusting vertex v j from
hash function value h i in x ej , vact ’s neighboring vertices as its adjusting vertex
vact .mark = True
x + d j , if x j > x cj
x j = ej , j = 2, 3, (5) vact .mark eligible = False
x j − d j , otherwise vact .adjusting eligible = False
k v j .mark eligible = False
where d2 = w , d3 = 3d h i , h i = h(wi ), 0 < wi < k2d ,
k2d i k3 for each vact ’s neighboring vertex vi
0 < hi < k3d , wi , h i , k2d , k3d ∈ N ,
and h is a predefined vi .adjusting eligible = False
hash function. The embedding perturbs x ej toward the calculate the x2 and x3 coordinate barycenters of vact
original value x j with a small displacement d j which is using Eq. (3)
always less than k j , j = 2, 3. embed watermarks to vact ’s x2 and x3 coordinates
using Eqs. (4) and (5)
k w , k j , k dj , and h will serve as the keys in the watermark
extraction stage. elseif vact is surrounded by all adjusting vertices then
The causality problem and the convergence problem arise { set vact as an isolated vertex
in the embedding stage when we embed watermarks through vact .mark = True
the whole model. It is obvious that the barycenters (x2 and }
x3 coordinates) of a former processed vertex will be changed set the next vertex as the active vertex, vact (Traverse the
when any of its neighboring vertices was selected to be a whole model)
mark vertex too and need to be perturbed. We propose an }
“adjusting vertex” method to overcome the causality problem. set v1 as the active vertex, vact
The function of the adjusting vertex is to keep the barycenters while (vact ! = NULL)
of the mark vertex unchanged. For each chosen mark vertex, { modulate vact ’s x1 coordinate according to its mark flag
we randomly assign an adjusting vertex from its neighboring using Eqs. (1) and (2)
vertices. In other words, a vertex is qualified to be a mark vertex if vact is a mark vertex then
as long as it can find an adjusting vertex among its neighboring make compensation perturbation on vact ’s adjusting
vertices. Any mark vertex can’t be taken as an adjusting vertex using Eq. (6)
vertex and vice versa. To avoid the causality problem, the set the next vertex as the active vertex, vact (Traverse the
neighboring vertices of the previously selected mark vertices whole model)
can’t be taken as adjusting vertices for later mark vertices. This }
constraint eliminates the causality problem but may leave a for each isolated vertex vi in the mesh model
few isolated vertices, which is a vertex wholly surrounded by { calculate the x2 and x3 coordinate barycenters of vi
adjusting vertices. The isolated vertices will be treated as mark using Eq. (3)
embed watermarks to vi ’s x2 and x3 coordinates using
vertices and be perturbed after all adjusting vertices having
Eqs. (4) and (5)
been modulated. Most 3D fragile watermarking embedding
schemes perturb the positions of a subset of vertices to keep
C.-M. Chou, D.-C. Tseng / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 1154–1165 1159

Three flags are used in the algorithm to indicate the state adjusting vertices and other non-mark vertices. If vi is
of each vertex in the mesh model: the “mark” flag indicates surrounded by all adjusting vertices, it is an isolated vertex and
if a vertex is a mark vertex or a non-mark vertex, the will be set as a mark vertex; otherwise, vi can pick a non-mark
“mark eligible” flag indicates if a vertex is eligible to be a mark vertex from its neighboring vertices to be its adjusting vertex,
vertex, and the “adjusting eligible” flag indicates if a vertex is and it will be set as a mark vertex. In both cases, vi can be set
eligible to be an adjusting vertex. Initially, all vertices are set as a mark vertex; thus, there is no such non-covered vertex vi .
to be non-mark, mark eligible, and adjusting eligible vertices.
Then we set v1 as the active vertex and traverse the whole model 3.2. The watermark extraction scheme and tamper detection
starting from v1 to select a set of mark vertices. Any traversal
In the watermark extraction stage, k w , k j , k dj , and h serve
algorithm works fine in this scheme as long as it can visit every
vertex exactly once. In our experiments, a simple breadth-first as the keys for malicious change detection. The detailed
search (BFS) algorithm is used for the mesh vertex traversal. A watermark extraction procedure is given in Algorithm 2.
vertex is set to be a mark vertex if it is a mark eligible vertex
and there is at least one eligible adjusting vertex among its Algorithm 2 (The Watermark Extraction Algorithm).
neighboring vertices. We randomly select one eligible adjusting
vertex from its neighboring vertices as its adjusting vertex set all vertices in the mesh model as non-suspicious vertices
and then modify the related flags: set the active vertex as set v1 as the active vertex, vact
a mark, non-mark eligible, and non-adjusting eligible vertex. while (vact ! = NULL)
The selected adjusting vertex is set as a non-mark eligible { Check vact ’s x1 coordinate to see if it is a mark vertex
vertex, and all active vertex’s neighboring vertices are set as if vact is a mark vertex then
non-adjusting eligible vertices. For each selected mark vertex, { calculate the x2 and x3 coordinate barycenters of
the barycenters of their x2 and x3 coordinates are calculated vact using Eq. (3)
using Eq. (3). Then we slightly perturb their x2 and x3 extract w 0 and h 0 from vact ’s x2 and x3 coordinates
coordinates to embed watermarks by using Eqs. (4) and (5). using Eq. (7)
A vertex that is surrounded by all adjusting vertices (i.e., an if h(w 0 )! = h 0 then
isolated vertex) is set to be a mark vertex. An isolated vertex’s set vact and all its neighboring vertices as
mark eligible and adjusting eligible flags are not modified suspicious vertices
since these two flags won’t be checked anymore if a vertex }
is surrounded by all adjusting vertices. Without adjusting set the next vertex as the active vertex, vact (Traverse the
vertices, the isolated vertices are watermarked after all their whole model)
neighboring adjusting vertices have been perturbed to prevent }
their barycenters from being changed. Therefore, the isolated
vertices are not watermarked at this stage. The selection of mark Initially, all vertices of the mesh model are set to be non-
vertices will keep going till the end of mesh traversal. suspicious vertices. Then we set v1 as an active vertex and
After the mark vertices have been selected, we traverse the traverse the whole model starting from v1 to examine the model.
mesh model again with the same order as the selection of the We check if a vertex is a mark vertex by applying its x1
mark vertices. During this iteration, we first modulate the x1 coordinate and k w to Eq. (1). For each mark vertex, we first
coordinate of each vertex according to its mark flag using Eqs. calculate its x2 and x3 barycenters using Eq. (3), and then apply
(1) and (2). The x1 coordinate will be used to indicate if a vertex q
its x2 and x3 coordinates, the barycenters, and k j , k dj to extract
is a mark vertex in the watermark extraction stage. Then we the watermarks using the following equations,
make compensation perturbations on adjusting vertices,
 d
q k2
x a0 a
j = xj − (x 0j − x j ), j = 2, 3, (6) 

 w 0
= (|x c
2 − x 0
2 | mod k 2 ) q
N (mv)
 k2
where x2a and x3a are the second and third coordinates of the kd
h 0 = (|x3c − x30 | mod k3q ) 3q .

adjusting vertex for a mark vertex v; N (mv) is the set of all v’s k3
neighboring mark vertices and adjusting vertices of previous
Vertices that have not been changed will satisfy the
mark vertices. Lastly, we embed watermarks into all isolated
relationship, h(w0 ) = h 0 . On the other hand, a vertex that
vertices using the same technique as we applied for other mark
does not satisfy the above relationship indicates that at least
vertices. The union of all mark vertices and their neighboring
one of its neighboring vertices or the vertex itself (or both) has
vertices cover the whole model; thus we can detect any change
been changed. Thus, for any mark vertex that can not satisfy
on the model. A brief proof of the coverage completeness is
this relationship, we’ll set it and all its neighboring vertices
given below.
as suspicious vertices. There is no way for a forger to modify
Proof of coverage completeness: The union of all mark a model and keeping the relationship unchanged without the
vertices and their neighboring vertices cover the whole model. keys. Fig. 4 shows how our scheme detects modifications
Proof. Assume there is a non-mark vertex vi which is not and locates the suspicious modified regions. In Fig. 4(a), v
covered by any mark vertex; that is, it is surrounded by is a vertex that has been changed, and wi , i = 0–5, are
1160 C.-M. Chou, D.-C. Tseng / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 1154–1165

Fig. 4. A mesh with one vertex changed. (a) v is a vertex that has been changed
and wi , i = 0–5, are mark vertices. (b) Two mark vertices, w1 and w4 , have
detected the change. (c) These two mark vertices and their neighboring vertices
are set to be suspicious vertices (linked by dashed lines). (d) Parts of suspicious
vertices are released by the undetected mark vertices (changed from gray to
non-gray nodes). In this figure, black nodes denote the mark vertices, white
nodes denote the non-mark vertices, and gray nodes denote the suspicious

mark vertices. In Fig. 4(b), two mark vertices, w1 and w4 ,

have detected the change, whereas other four mark vertices
don’t. Fig. 4(c) shows that these two mark vertices and their
neighboring vertices are set to be suspicious vertices (linked by
dashed lines, shown as gray nodes). Then parts of suspicious Fig. 5. The distortion control analysis. (a) The chart of k q versus the average
vertices are released by the undetected mark vertices (changed model distortion with various k w s. (b) The chart of k w versus the average model
distortion with various k q s.
from gray to non-gray nodes), as shown in Fig. 4(d). Lastly, we
can induce the possible modified vertices: v and/or w1 .
watermark embedding depends on the x1 , x2 , and x3
quantization steps: k w , k2 , and k3 . Key value k w controls
q q
4. Distortion control
the quantization step of x1 coordinate and key values k2 and
In 3D models, the distance between two surfaces X and Y q
k3 control the quantization steps of x2 and x3 coordinates,
can be defined as an L 2 measurement [15], respectively. The setting of these three key values depends on
s Z the desired average distortion. Fig. 5 shows how the average
1 distortion d(M, M 0 ) is relative to these three parameters in the
d(X, Y ) = d(x, Y )2 dx, (8)
area(X ) x∈X Venus model. Fig. 5(a) is the chart of k q versus the average
where d(x, Y ) is the Euclidean distance from a point x on model distortion with various k w s; Fig. 5(b) is the chart of k w
X to the closest point on Y . We modify the definition of the versus the average model distortion with various k q s. For the
q q
L 2 measurement to d(M, M 0 ) for representing the average simplicity of discussion, we set k2 = k3 = k q for both charts
distortion of all vertices in a model: in Fig. 5. From these two charts, we can see that the less k w
and k q are, the less the distortion is. Thus the average distortion
1 X caused by the watermark embedding process can be controlled
d(M, M 0 ) = |vi − vi0 |, (9) by setting appropriate k w and k q s. For example, suppose we
|M| i=1
want to control the average distortion under 10−3 , we may
where M and M 0 are the original and marked models, reasonably set the key values of k w to be 10−3 and both k q s
respectively. In our scheme, the distortion induced by to be 10−3.5 by observing the curves in Fig. 5(a) and (b).
C.-M. Chou, D.-C. Tseng / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 1154–1165 1161

Fig. 6. The steps of the “watermark digest” method.

For some artistic or technical models, it is sometimes

very important not to make any modification on the original
mesh models. We propose a variant scheme to satisfy this
requirement. In the variant scheme, a watermark digest (WD)
is calculated from the original model and then attached to the
original model for transmission. The WD consists of two parts
of information: w m and w p . The w m part records the indices
of the mark vertices while the w p part records the required
perturbing displacements of all mark vertices. The receiver
can perturb the received model according to the WD record
and then check the originality of the received model by the
method described in Section 3. This scheme is simple and the
original model need not be modified. To ensure security, the WD
needs to be encrypted. In other words, the WD plays the same
role as the “message digest” in the digital signature scheme.
Users can treat this method as a simple scheme for extracting
message digests from 3D models. Fig. 6 illustrates the idea of
this alternative method.

5. Experimental results and conclusions

We evaluated the proposed watermarking scheme on a set

of 3D models with various unauthorized attacks. Table 2 lists
the models used in our experiments. In these models, about Fig. 7. One example of 3D fragile watermarking. (a) The original Venus model.
38%–45% of vertices were chosen to be mark vertices. The key (b) The marked Venus model. (c) The marked Venus model changed by various
values have to be carefully chosen since they directly influence attacks simultaneously, where ‘A’ denotes the region of invisible noise added,
‘B’ denotes the region of an extra vertex added, and ‘C’ denotes the region of
the average distortion of the marked models. The settings of k2d
some vertices deleted. (d) The detection results: the marked areas represent the
and k3d depend on the range of embedded integer watermarks, suspicious regions.
wi , and the hash function of wi , h(wi ), respectively. According
to Eq. (5), k2d has to be set greater than all wi and k3d has to be set relate to the quantization steps of x2 and x3 coordinates, thus the
greater than all h(wi ). For example, if the selected set of integer smaller the key values are, the smaller the average distortion
watermarks is in the range [0, n] and the hash function of this is. Key values k d s, which relate to the watermarks embedded
watermark set is in the range [0, m], we may set k2d = n + 1 and within each quantization step of x2 and x3 coordinates, have
k3d = m + 1. The setting of key values k w and k q s depends on no certain relationship to the average distortion. Table 3 lists
the desired average distortion. Key values k w and k q s directly several experimental results of various models to illustrate the
1162 C.-M. Chou, D.-C. Tseng / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 1154–1165

Table 2
The list of models used in our experiments

Model name Number of vertices/faces Number of mark vertices Model

Apple 891/1704 343

Beethoven 2655/5028 1 022

Blade 24 998/49 992 10 320

Dinosaur 14 070/28 136 6 213

Horse 48 485/96 966 20 241

Pulley 25 482/50 964 10 402

Rocker-arm 10 044/20 088 4 142

Triceratops 2832/5660 1 132

Venus 8268/16 532 3 175

relationship between the setting of key values and the average Fig. 7(b) shows the same view of the marked model. These two
distortion. The precision level is 10−4 for the original Venus models are visually identical. Fig. 7(c) shows a marked Venus
model, and is 10−6 for all other original models in Table 3. model that has been illegally changed by various operations:
As shown in Table 3, smaller key values will produce smaller noising, vertex adding, and vertex deleting simultaneously.
average distortion, but will increase the precision requirement The regions labeled ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ denote the regions
of the marked model. Extra precision requirement will cause a
of invisible noise added, an extra vertex added, and some
size overload of the marked model. Users should determine the
vertices deleted, respectively. The proposed scheme locates
trade-off between a small average distortion and a small-sized
overload. these changed regions by setting all regions that can not hold
Fig. 7 illustrates how a Venus model is watermarked and the predefined neighborhood relationship as suspicious regions.
the detected changes by our scheme. Fig. 7(a) shows the Fig. 7(d) shows the detected suspicious regions with marks. In
original Venus model. The Venus model has 8268 vertices and this experiment, we tried to control the average distortion within
16 532 faces; 3175 vertices were chosen to embed watermarks. 10−4 . By observing the charts of Fig. 5, we set k w = 10−4
C.-M. Chou, D.-C. Tseng / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 1154–1165 1163

Table 3
The average distortion of various models with different settings of key values

q q
Model/Precision level of original k2 k3 k2d k3d Hash function Average distortion/Precision requirement of marked model
0.01 0.01 0.01 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.019382/10−5
0.001 0.01 0.01 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.018326/10−6
0.01 0.001 0.001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.003973/10−6
0.001 0.001 0.001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.002088/10−6
0.0001 0.001 0.001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.001982/10−7
Blade/10−6 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.000383/10−7
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.000192/10−7
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 250 500 h(wi ) = 2wi 0.000193/10−7
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 500 250 h(wi ) = 0.5wi 0.000215/10−7
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 500 500 h(wi ) = wi 0.000213/10−7
0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.000019/10−8

0.01 0.01 0.01 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.013444/10−5

0.001 0.01 0.01 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.012352/10−6
0.01 0.001 0.001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.003285/10−6
0.001 0.001 0.001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.001330/10−6
0.0001 0.001 0.001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.001222/10−7
Pulley/10−6 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.000332/10−7
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.000136/10−7
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 250 500 h(wi ) = 2wi 0.000146/10−7
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 500 250 h(wi ) = 0.5wi 0.000146/10−7
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 500 500 h(wi ) = wi 0.000155/10−7
0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.000014/10−8

0.01 0.01 0.01 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.014812/10−5

0.001 0.01 0.01 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.013800/10−6
0.01 0.001 0.001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.003286/10−6
0.001 0.001 0.001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.001266/10−6
0.0001 0.001 0.001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.001153/10−7
Rocker-arm/10−6 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.000323/10−7
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.000121/10−7
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 250 500 h(wi ) = 2wi 0.000130/10−7
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 500 250 h(wi ) = 0.5wi 0.000134/10−7
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 500 500 h(wi ) = wi 0.000143/10−7
0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.000013/10−8

0.01 0.01 0.01 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.013823/10−5

0.01 0.001 0.001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.003250/10−6
0.001 0.001 0.001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.001343/10−6
0.0001 0.001 0.001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.001222/10−7
Venus/10−4 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.000326/10−7
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 250 250 h(wi ) = wi 0.000125/10−7
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 250 500 h(wi ) = 2wi 0.000134/10−7
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 500 250 h(wi ) = 0.5wi 0.000132/10−7
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 500 500 h(wi ) = wi 0.000141/10−7

and k j = 10−5 , j = 2, 3, to achieve the requirement. As a Pulley keep flat while the average distortion is around 10−3 ,
result, the average distortion of the marked Venus model was and become rugged while the average distortion is around 10−2 .
10−4.5 . The value of k dj was set to 256; thus all watermarks were Fig. 8(c) shows that the surface of the marked model Rocker-
integers randomly generated in the range [0, 255]. A simple arm stays flat when the average distortion is around 10−4 , and
hash function h(x) = x was used for the change detection. becomes rugged when the average distortion is around 10−3 .
For engineering/technical models with flat surfaces, distor- The precision levels of these three original models are all 10−6 .
tion control of the watermark effect on the flat surfaces is the According to Table 3, if we want to keep these marked surfaces
most important issue. Our scheme can control the watermark flat, the precision level requirements of marked models Blade,
effect with proper key value setting. Fig. 8 shows the marked Pulley and Rocker-arm are 10−6 , 10−6 and 10−7 , respectively.
results of three engineering models with different key value set- Users can set the key values according to their requirements of
q q
tings. We set k2 = k3 = k q for all models in Fig. 8. Fig. 8(a) precision level and visual effect of marked models. However,
and (b) show that the surfaces of marked models Blade and for conservative users who do not want to make any change on
1164 C.-M. Chou, D.-C. Tseng / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 1154–1165

Fig. 8. The marked results of three engineering models with different key value settings in front and back views. (a) The Blade model with various levels of
distortion. (b) The Pulley model with various-level distortions. (c) The Rocker-arm model with various-level distortions.

the original models, we recommend they choose the alternative to the kind of change that has been added on the marked model.
watermark digest method instead of the direct watermark em- Fig. 9(a) shows a marked Dinosaur model. The Dinosaur
bedding scheme. model has 14 070 vertices and 28 136 faces. 6213 vertices
Our scheme is superior in that the average distortion of the were chosen to embed watermarks. Fig. 9(b) shows a marked
marked models is under control by the user while the other Dinosaur model changed by cutting the end of its tail. Fig. 9(c)
schemes may suffer from the distortion problem due to the shows the cutting plane and vertices on the cutting plane.
convergence problem. In addition, a relatively small key is The mark vertices (black nodes) detected a modification since
needed for watermark extraction in our watermarking scheme. their neighboring relations were changed. Fig. 9(d) shows these
In Yeo and Yeung’s work [11], three lookup tables each with detected mark vertices setting themselves and their neighboring
256 binary entries (256×3 = 768 bits) and two predefined hash vertices as suspicious vertices (turn to gray nodes). As a
functions are needed to extract watermarks while the proposed result, these detected suspicious vertices roughly form a circle.
q q
scheme needs only three floating-point numbers (k2 , k3 , and Two possible attacks are most likely to produce this situation:
w d d
k ), two integers (k2 and k3 ) and a predefined hash function cropping and vertex decimation. Thus, we may reasonably
for watermark extraction (32 × 3 + 16 × 2 = 128 bits). In both suspect that a part of the Dinosaur model has been cut from
schemes, the key size is independent of the size of the 3D mesh this circle (the cutting plane) or a part of vertices around this
model. Moreover, our scheme can detect the changed regions circle has been decimated.
and give a reasonable guess of unauthorized modifications. We The main contributions of the proposed scheme are
think the ability of locating unauthorized modifications is an summarized as follows: (i) The causality problem has been
important issue in 3D fragile watermarking. overcome using the adjusting vertex method so that the traverse
Fig. 9 shows an example of how our watermarking scheme order is not needed in the watermark extraction stage. (ii)
detects unauthorized modification and gives a reasonable guess The adjusting vertex method eliminates the possible problem
C.-M. Chou, D.-C. Tseng / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 1154–1165 1165


The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their

valuable comments and suggestions which improved the
readability and quality of this paper. The Blade model was
provided courtesy of IMATI-GE/CNR by the AIM@SHAPE
Shape Repository. The Pulley model was provided courtesy of
INRIA by the AIM@SHAPE Shape Repository.


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