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Local JANUARY 14, 2011

Incorporating peace and justice into the curriculum

BY CAROL BAASS SOWA Another issue of our times is
TODAY’S CATHOLIC health care, with many suffer-
ing due to insufficient health
SAN ANTONIO • Victor Valen- coverage. He noted the issue has
zuela, national religion consul- gotten politicized to the point,
tant for bilingual resources for however, that people are saying,
William H. Sadlier, Inc. and in “Don’t vote for this person — he
ministry for 20 years, including believes in health care,” which is
classroom teaching and youth the opposite of what we should
ministry, brought some help- be thinking if we are practicing
ful thoughts on incorporating Catholic justice.
peace and justice into curricula He brought up the use of con-
to those attending the archdio- structivism in teaching young
cese’s October Catholic Forma- people — the theory behind it be-
tion and Leadership Conference. projects enabling them to meet sues and candidates at election tion are needed to discern how ing that young people construct
Catholic schools today are and work with others and gain time. Advocacy is another very the root of the hunger problem their own knowledge through
very much into justice and critical thinking skills in the important concept in justice, can be fixed. the process of doing service,
justice education, he said, and process that helps them see speaking for those who have no He used the current drug vio- which can have a transforming
have made that a hallmark of beyond themselves. voice. Here he related that a cur- lence in Mexico as an example effect on them. This happened
our Catholic identity. While He observed that there is a rent example is gay and lesbian here, saying, “The Mexican drug to a former “A” student of his
this is good, he pointed out that difference between service and students in our schools, whom violence is all about the United who was due to graduate but had
teachers need to clarify what justice. Service learning is what we need to be voice for though States,” as we are their biggest not completed her service hours
exactly Catholic social teach- so many schools are now doing, we may personally be uncom- drug market and are supplying and told him she did not see the
ing is, understand how Catholic with students having to go out fortable with this issue. the guns they use. “This is what point in doing so.
justice has a different meaning and put in so many hours on There are two “shoes” to social action does to us,” he said. Valenzuela finally convinced
than other types of justice, and various helpful projects. This Catholic justice, he said — direct “It helps us ask the big ques- her to volunteer at a nearby
plan practical ways to introduce is primarily direct service. service and social action. Direct tions.” One small thing we can skilled nursing facility. She was
this into their classes. “Justice formation,” he said, service is immediate, such as do is help someone here with an familiar with the Holocaust
Baptism, he related, is one of “is having a sensibility about feeding someone who is hungry addiction problem, either by per- through one of her classes
our most underrated sacraments justice that we need to be doing on the street. Social action in- sonal support or volunteering and happened to make the
and “is really what gives us the in our world and how we are a volves asking ourselves why this with a program such as Catholic acquaintance at the facility of a
rights and responsibilities of part of that.” person is hungry and what can Charities provides. “If I’ve just 90-year-old Holocaust survivor.
who we are as Catholics and There are seven comprehen- be done about it. taken one person off drugs, I’ve She later told Valenzuela how
Christians.” Sometimes people sive themes of Catholic social Canned food drives at school helped the Mexican drug war,” the two of them had cried and
see the rights, but they don’t see teaching, he said, listing: Life sometimes miss the mark, he he said. prayed together over the lady’s
the responsibilities that come and Dignity of the Human Per- noted, with students thinking The death penalty is another stories, telling him it was the
with that, and he suggested son; Call to Family, Community that by contributing cans to help significant issue that is often most transformative experience
bringing one’s baptismal certifi- and Participation; Rights and their class win a competition misinterpreted and has taken she had ever had. “We’ve got to
cate to class, not saying anything Responsibilities; Option for the they have done something for a back seat in the church to the give them these experiences,”
about it at first, and then letting Poor and Vulnerable; Dignity of justice, when that is only half of anti-abortion issue. He recalled Valenzuela told his audience.
the students’ curiosity take over Work and the Rights of Workers; the concept. Prayer and reflec- doing a beautiful prayer about A good paradigm to use in
and turn this into a teaching Solidarity; and Care for God’s the death penalty at a school setting up a class project, he
moment. Creation. They involve conver- assembly in his teaching days, said, is “See-Judge-Act.” The
Discipleship is also a key sion or spiritual growth, are which enraged one of the “seeing” part is educating our-
point, he explained, as we are done communally as the body of ‘When we’re talking teachers who angrily told him selves about an issue that needs
modeling Jesus, but sometimes Christ and are ongoing. the person they were praying rectifying. In the “judging” part,
our catechesis and religious edu- Justice is about conversion, about social action, for was a pedophile and child we ask what our faith tells us
cation and formation goes astray Valenzuela explained, because rapist. Valenzuela pointed out regarding that issue, and “act-
from teaching who Christ is,
which is missing the main point.
it is not about our affect on the
persons being helped, but what
we need to talk about to the teacher that as Catholics
we believe in redemption and
ing” involves doing something
about it.
“If you are doing religious edu-
cation, if you are doing cateche-
it is giving to us. “That is why,”
he said, “Catholic Social Justice
issues that are uncom- forgiveness. “Otherwise,” he
said, “that kind of nullifies the
Regarding learning activities,
social networks such as Face-
sis and you’re not putting Christ
at the center of every single
or doing service in a Catholic
sense involves a lot of prayer
fortable to us, that we whole resurrection thing. When
we’re talking about
book, Twitter and MySpace, he
noted, are now doing a lot in the
lesson,” he said, “then that’s
wrong.” Every opportunity we
and reflection, a very important
component of a justice pro- don’t understand.’ social action,
we need to
social justice area and he en-
couraged seeing if your school
have to talk about our faith, we gram. talk about allows having, for example, a
should be talking about Christ, He noted Blessed Mother issues that Facebook page for the class in
because that is what is central to Teresa of Calcutta’s Sisters of Victor are uncom- which an issue can be explored
our church. Charity spend half their day Valenzuela fortable to and advocated. Activism and
Children look to super heroes in prayer for this reason and Religion consultant for us, that we community organization are
and celebrities to model them- that he had come to a personal bilingual resources for don’t under- another facet. “We need to teach
selves after, he said, noting, realization about the meaning William H. Sadlier, Inc. stand.” about non-violent institutional
“The power of celebrity in this of prayer when his mother had change and people power,” Va-
country is phenomenal, and yet to have major surgery. When he lenzuela said, telling of a class
Christ doesn’t get that same bill- told her he would pray for her, of his who amassed pamphlets,
ing many of the times.” This, he he realized he did not expect made posters and protested at
believes, is because we confuse God was going to miraculously lunchtime to bring awareness
who Christ is for kids. Jesus cure her, but that prayer was of an issue. Videos and even
modeled not only discipleship, rather an asking God to help YouTube can also be of help
but justice, and this can be seen him understand what he needed here.
in the stories in Scripture. “Am I to be doing in this situation to He encouraged being cross-
my brother’s keeper?” he asked. be the most supportive of his curricular with your plans, in-
“Well, yes we are.” mother. Prayer is important corporating other disciplines in
We need knowledge of our regarding justice in that it helps your service and justice project,
local, national and international us clarify more deeply how we as well as having students do
community, with one of the big- need to serve those we are serv- written reflections and presenta-
gest concepts right now being ing, bringing about solidarity tions on their topic, which causes
globalization, something that is with them. them to learn more about it.
sometimes hard for even adults Justice also in- Valenzuela concluded with
to grasp. He named Catholic volves a lot a relevant prayer by César
Relief Services (CRS) as an or- of gaining Chávez, saying he was “a
ganization that is doing much to knowledge person, to me, that’s a saint in
teach this concept, with lesson and study- terms of the work he did for
plans being given on their site, ing, he justice and for the rights of said, such others.” The prayer’s final line
Justice helps in social and as educat- read, “Help us love even those
emotional formation, he related, ing oneself who hate us, so we can change
with students’ service or justice on the is- the world.”

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