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You'll go out of your way to help a stranger, and to

do almost anything for a friend despite the personal

cost. You need to be loved, appreciated, and accepted
by others. You'll reveal your faults so others
understand you more. You are easily heartbroken, but
not the type to be betrayed. You always get revenge.
Red souls either find you annoying, or befriend you.
White souls open up to you easily. Yellow souls may
disappoint you, valuing fun more than friendship.
Other blue souls will care for you.


Master Bios ~ Days 22-37

With Summary of their Sacred Fire Love to Earth and Humanity

Ascended Masters were actual beings who incarnated upon the Earth as
human souls. They raised their consciousness into the pure oneness with God
and their physical body became immortal, divine light. They were able to "step
through" from the physical plane to a lighter dimension of life, either taking their
body with them or going through the transition of the death experience. The
Ascended Masters serve humanity from a higher dimension and many of them
are merging their consciousness with ours in which to assist our own ascension
from duality. There are a number of etheric Ascended Master "retreats" on Earth
from which they focus their sacred fire activity, the most known retreat and grand
City of Light being Shambhala over the Gobi Desert.

22. Archangel Zadkiel:

Zadkiel and Amethyst, are the Archangel and Archeia of the Violet Ray and are the
intelligence within the Violet Flame. They guard the powers of invocation and all activity
of the Violet Fire. Their service to life is to consume and transmute negative conditions
and can greatly assist to dissolve painful memories, grief and sadness. Zadkiel and
Amethyst help us secure our individual freedom so that we, in turn, can free others. Call
upon the flames of these Archangels for your soul’s freedom and to intensify the power
of tolerance, compassion, mercy and forgiveness. They serve Earth from the Temple of
Purification in the etheric realm over the Island of Cuba. You can ask the violet flame
angels to take your soul there while you sleep at night.

23. Virgo:
Virgo, along with her complement, Pelleur, are Cosmic Beings who provided the
substance of Earth when it was originally formed and to this day direct the Earth
element and all elemental activity of the gnomes. It is their role to purify and raise
all Earth based structures into light substance. They greatly assist in the balance
and stabilization of Earth changes including the monitoring of inner Earth activity,
gaseous belts, tectonic plate movement and the shifting of the poles. May we
give great gratitude to the Earth Elementals and make our calls for continuing
ease and grace of Earth changes during the on-going cleansing activities under
the direction of Virgo and Pelleur. We can call their cosmic rays into areas of
vulnerability such as earthquake fault lines, volcanoes and other certain
anomalies where there could be release of pressure during Earth’s movements
of expansion.
24. Aries:
Aries and Thor are the Cosmic Beings who created the atmosphere of Earth.
They direct the Air Element and activity of the sylphs, intelligent air spirits who
keep the air purified to allow humans to live upon Earth's surface. During Earth’s
ascension, it is their role to purify the atmosphere including all pollution and
misqualifed thought forms released by the minds of Humanity. Sylphs can whirl
so fast that they can develop hurricane strength winds and cyclonic storms. We
may call upon them to purify all toxicity from the atmosphere. Because of their
connection to air, which is associated with the mental aspect, we may invoke
assistance for illumination and inspiration. The blessings from the Ascended
Ones come to us on the Air Element as well as the blessings we send out to

25. Helios:
The illumined consciousness and solar forcefield termed, "Helios and Vesta",
sustains and regulates our entire Solar System including our physical Sun and
Earth's evolution. It is their Casual Body, love and Sacred Fire activity that the
Earth and our entire Solar System is formed. All life on Earth comes from our
Sun which is substance drawn from the Great Central Sun, qualified by Helios
and Vesta. All that the Ascended Masters do for us and our planet is done in
cooperation with the Sun’s energy and the outpouring of the fire element to
Earth. The qualities of Helios and Vesta are Divine Illumination and Truth. We
may invoke their assistance into situations requiring Divine Truth, especially into
the divisive energies of opposition in our world. They will give us the maximum
expansion possible of our energy bodies so that we may be empowered into
greater levels of service on our planet.

26. Vesta:
The illumined consciousness and solar forcefield termed, "Helios and Vesta",
sustains and regulates our entire Solar System including our physical Sun and
Earth's evolution. It is their Casual Body, love and Sacred Fire activity that the
Earth and our entire Solar System is formed. All life on Earth comes from our
Sun which is substance drawn from the Great Central Sun, qualified by Helios
and Vesta. All that the Ascended Masters do for us and our planet is done in
cooperation with the Sun’s energy and the outpouring of the fire element to
Earth. The qualities of Helios and Vesta are Divine Illumination and Truth. We
may invoke their assistance into situations requiring Divine Truth, especially into
the divisive energies of opposition in our world. They will give us the maximum
expansion possible of our energy bodies so that we may be empowered into
greater levels of service on our planet.

27. Lord Maitreya:

Maitreya’s consciousness is one that represents a Planetary Buddha and Cosmic
Christ to Humanity. Maitreya lived as Krishna, one of the great avatars of
Hinduism, who brought forth the Bhagavad-Gita, one of the most profound
teachings ever gifted to Earth. He is known as “The Great Initiator”. He served as
the initiator of Jesus the Christ in which he helped to manifest the God Flame
through his physical form. Maitreya’s Cosmic Light serves as initiation for all of us
so that we may be so purified that our own I AM Presence will again take full
command and expression. Make invocation to Maitreya for your own initiations
into Christ Consciousness. We may also call to Lord Maitreya’s flames to help
us create a new civilization based on global cooperation, economic and social
justice to assist the millions of people who are suffering from states of starvation,
poverty, homelessness, illiteracy and lack of medical care.

28. Akasha:
From the Great Central Sun, Akasha is the governing authority of the Rose Pink
Ray to the Earth. She and her Divine Complement, Asun, are of the Seraphim
Angelic Order. Their mission to Earth is part of a Divine Intervention to insure the
ascension of our planet and all choosing Humanity. Akasha for all ages and in all
civilizations has been a sacred forcefield of the tremendous magnetic influence of
the Mother’s Presence. This solar influence fills all inter-stellar space in the
Universe out of which every object, planet and sun is formed in a state of
Universal Perfection. You may call to Akasha’s Rose Pink Flames for the Love,
Will and Grace of the Infinite I AM Presence to fill your every electron and life
activity. Through invocation, Akasha and Asun will come to assist you in
resurrecting your human in the glorious expression of the I AM Presence.

29. Asun:
Asun represents the Gold Flames of Illumination from the Great Central Sun. He
and his Divine Complement, Akasha, are of the Seraphim Order. Their mission to
Earth is part of a Divine Intervention to insure the ascension of our beloved
planet and all choosing Humanity. They graced the Earth some 37,000 thousand
years ago while in physical embodiment and gave rise to a great civilization of
light in the area known today as Delphi, Greece. Call to Asun’s Sacred Fire for
educational understandings, Divine Truth and practical application of this Truth to
assure a stable and safe journey through the upcoming ascension gateways.
Through invocation, Akasha and Asun will come to assist you in resurrecting
your human in the glorious expression of the I AM Presence.

30. Chananda:
Together with Saint Germain, the Ascended Master Chananda’s activity of light is
helping to usher in the new system of God-governance for our Golden Age and
its proper implementation throughout the world. He is also focused on
transforming racial, ethnic and religious divisions and strife upon the planet. His
home is the Palace of Light/Cave of Light in the Himalayas of India which is also
the etheric retreat of the Great Divine Director, the great Initiator on the Path of
the Ascension. They are conducting many activities there to prepare and
accelerate candidates for the Ascension. Call to Chananda for personal support
in your transformation… and to also bring great light and integrity into these
important areas of the world shift.
31. Hilarion:
Beloved Hilarion’s activity is inspired through the emerald green sacred fire of
truth, science, vision and prosperity. He works with souls to help them gain
mastery in the third-eye chakra and green-ray qualities, including healing and the
science of holding the immaculate concept. He sponsors teachers of truth as well
as those practicing the healing arts, scientists and engineers in all fields,
musicians, and those specializing in computer and space technology. He is
concerned with helping atheists, agnostics, sceptics and others who, often
through no fault of their own, have become disillusioned with life and religion and
have no outer knowledge of the path of individual Christhood. Hilarion helps
prepare souls to receive the Holy Spirit’s gift of healing. His etheric retreat is
called the Temple of Truth and is located over the island of Crete in Greece.

32. Mary Magdalene:

Mary Magdalene is a new Ascended Master known for her time with Jesus 2000
years ago. Today, she comes as part of the great outpouring of Light to Earth,
serving from on the pink ray of Divine Love and Healing Grace. Focusing with her
Divine Complement, Jesus Emanuel, Mary Magdalene comes to activate the
Christ Code in each of us so that we may become the living flame of God upon
the Earth and way showers to all Humanity. She brings tremendous energy of
Divine Feminine empowerment to the lives of all men and women to help open
hearts to receive the fullness of the Mother’s Love. She radiates the Flame of
Hope to all who desire to overcome the temptations of the world.
33. Goddess of Charity:
With a divine quality of infinite mercy, this great Cosmic Goddess radiates the
electronic pattern and pink rays of Divine Love, as the main cohesive action in
our transformation upon the Earth. Working alongside the qualities of Faith and
Hope, she helps to balance the 3-fold flames of the heart and bring forth the
quality of the Christ Principle within. Love is the key to our ascension and charity
is the consequence of love and the practical application of love in our lives.
Charity amplifies the feeling of forgiveness through a state of gratitude which
allows us to love unconditionally. Love can be seen as the consequence of
charity. Call to the goddess of Charity to help you to fully receive and to really
feel the Love of God in your being and the world.

34. God Tabor: The ascended master Lord Tabor, “God of the Mountains”,
governs the mountain ranges of North and Central America and oversees the
forces of nature and all elemental activity. His etheric retreat is in the Rocky
Mountains of the United States of America which is said to constantly release the
great seven rays of God into the world. There is specific focus upon the radiation
of the emerging Christ consciousness codes into the planetary Crystalline Grid.
We may call upon Lord Tabor to bring about a great release in the power,
intelligence and activity of the Elemental Kingdom.

35. God Himalaya:

God Himalaya serves from the Temple of the Blue Lotus in the heart of the
Himalayan mountain ranges and is the guardian of the Masculine Ray to the
Earth. He governs the energy of the holy Himalayas, a most sacred place of
great illumination and God Power in which many spiritual adepts take their
deepest initiations. He is a Master of Masters, demanding the absolute and
unwavering Will of God in all activity of life. His students have been Lord
Gautama (the Buddha), Lord Maitreya, Jesus, El Morya, Kuthumi and thousands
of others. He teaches us to become one with the 3-Fold Flame, to receive the
ideations of Divine Mind through his radiation and teachings, although never a
word is spoken. Those who master the art of telepathy may receive his swift
flowing currents of illumination. Ask to go to his Himalaya retreat during sleep.
His sacred fire radiance is described as Golden Snow.

36. God Meru:

God Meru and the Goddess Aramu are the authority of the Andes Mountains of
South America and guardians of the Feminine Ray to the Earth. Many of us know
Lord Meru as one of the great teachers of Lemuria and who, before the demise
of the land of MU, brought many of the sacred scrolls along with the Golden Sun
Disc to South America. Their action is illumination and serve from the Temple of
Illumination located over Lake Titicaca on the Peru-Bolivia border. There are
many classrooms and council chambers that contain records of the ancient
civilizations as well as the Divine Plan for the incoming seventh root race. You
are invited to come here during sleep to bathe in the illumination flame and to
receive the Greater Knowledge of the unfolding Divine Plan for Earth.

37. Great Cosmic Angel

Feel for yourself and all Humanity the Love that comes from the beloved Cosmic
Angel as a Living Flame of God’s Love and Purity to your life and world. On
whose crown blazes the word, “Union”, the Great Cosmic Angel will clothe you
with a mantle of indescribable power for your Freedom from the bonds of human
consciousness, instilling your Soul with determination to embody your highest
Divine Human Potential. Ask this angelic sacred fire love to sustain in your life,
family and community… the light of God that never fails.
38. Beloved Jesus Emanuel
As Avatar of the Piscean Age, Jesus of Nazareth was the living embodiment of the Christ
Expression on Earth. He transformed into his Christ Self through a fully activated 3-Fold
Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power, the Trinity of Father/Child/Holy Mother Spirit. His
miraculous incarnation put in motion the divine momentum of this cosmic moment in
which all humans have the capacity to experience their own Christ Self through full self
realization as Divine Love. Beloved Ascended Master Jesus expressed, “I AM the
Resurrection and the Life” through his deeds of selfless service to Humanity and to the
Divine Plan. Jesus serves with Kuthumi in the office of World Teacher and brings the
qualities of love, healing and illumination. He teaches us how to follow his example and
become the living incarnation of the God I AM.

39. Beloved Lord Melchizedek

Lord Melchizedek is our Universal Logos and with authority of the Order of
Melchizedek, which includes all who serve God through Divine Guidance. Every particle
of life-force energy that makes up this entire universe is over lighted by his
consciousness. He brings to all evolving life forms the science of alchemy and a deeper
connection point to the sacred fire energies of the greater universe. Through the universal
sacred fire flames of Melchizedek’s energy, you can align your entire multidimensional
consciousness reality here on Earth. His golden-white grace brings forth new divine
creation into its complete divine manifestation. We may call to Lord Melchizedek for
freedom and to help neutralize any emotional charge that remains within our cellular

40. Beloved Goddess of Light

Beloved Goddess of Light, also referred to as Amerissis, ensouls the quality of Light,
hence her name, Goddess of Light. Amerissis states “You are Light. I AM Light. All
Earth will be Light - for we will bring Light to every darkness, Light to every
miscreation”. She works with the Queen of Light and the Goddess of Purity. The Trinity
of these Goddesses will pour their Light through you when you pray to them and give
their decrees or the simple mantra “Let there be Light!”

41. Mighty Victory and Justina

Beloved Mighty Victory is a Cosmic Being also known as the “tall master from Venus”.
His devotion to the Flame of Victory has given him the authority of this Flame through
vast reaches of the cosmos. Mighty Victory and his complement Justina, deliver us from
non-victory consciousness. Through our calls, they assist to anchor Divine Determination
and Persistence for the full momentum of our Victory now made manifest in every area
of our life. Call upon Mighty Victory and Justina and their legions of Victory Angels for
the Light of God that Never Fails and victorious success in overcoming any obstacle in
your life.
42. Beloved Goddess of Music
The Goddess of Music brings the Divine Qualities of beauty, harmony, happiness, and
spiritual attunement to our lives. When your heart expands through musical harmony, the
love of life is in action through you and carries tremendous action to bless and to heal.
The Goddess of Music also brings Harmony which leads to greater spiritual acceleration.
Harmony is the source of everlasting life and the overriding virtue that we must gain for
our ascension. Call to the Goddess of Music and the music of the Higher Spheres to
envelop you and bring harmony, greater beauty and creative expansion through the
vibrational essence of musical endeavor.

43. The Seven Mighty Elohim

The Elohim are the “builders of form” through the focusing of God Consciousness
through Seven Rays. This means that they are responsible for the physical creation of
things on the Earth through the transformation of energy into matter. The forces of the
elements serve directly under the Elohim. The Elohim create and the elements nurture
and protect these creations in the four elements of fire, air, water and earth. A tiny flame
from each of their lifestreams is anchored in the forehead of each individual embodying
on Earth. This is known as the Sevenfold Flame and comes through the intellect to assist
in holding a balance and fulfilling the Divine Plan in the outer world. When you intone
the sacred sound Elohim, you are contacting their enormous power and causing it to be
'stepped down' for use on the physical level.

44. Mother Mary:

Mother Mary is a beautiful, powerful Ascended Master of great love, wisdom and
compassion. She exquisitely exemplified the Motherhood of God in her role as the
Mother of Jesus the Christ. She was also embodied as High Priestess in the Temple of
Truth in the early days of Atlantis where she tended the Emerald Flame while studying
the healing arts, the sacred science of the immaculate concept and the disciplines required
to magnify God Consciousness. As Divine Complement to Archangel Raphael, Mother
Mary continues to serve the Earth from the emerald ray of healing, truth and science. As
Mother of the World, she protects women and children and intercedes in the ministration
of healing on all levels. Her music keynote is Ave Maria.

45. Great Divine Director:

"Seven Sacred Weeks" is a radiation granted to the Earth from The Great Divine
Director. His is part of the intervening cosmic light rays descending as the Will of God.
Merged with universal cosmic cycles, this blue fire light intelligence assists to propel the
momentous direction of the Divine Plan for Earth's evolution. The Great Divine Director
has served as an integral training forcefield of initiation for many Ascended Masters and
currently works very closely with Saint Germain to herald in our new Golden Age. He
observes every lifestream at a certain point and when they can be of assistance to
humanity, he transmutes their human creation. His etheric retreat is the Cave of Light in
India. He can also assist with legal matters.

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