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SI 520 Graphic Design

Term: Fall 2010

Instructor:  Elena Godin
Daytime Phone:  734.945.1940

Office Hours:  Monday, Friday, 5 PM-6 PM (by appointment - email at least 1 hour in
advance if you plan to attend), 1036 SEB.  You'll find my office here. Check the first
floor directions to find Room 1036.

Class Time:  Wednesdays, 12:00 a-4:00 PM | 1570 CCL - Clarence Cook Little Building

Course Description
Graphic Design course aims to support professional development of SI students via
exploring the art and science of visual communication. The conceptual part of the
course enables students to improve/develop their aesthetic sensibilities and design
skills trough mastering visual language vocabularies, understanding principals of
effective visual communications, solving creative problems, while connecting these to
technological, cultural, and social spheres. In the hands-on part of the course students
gain necessary software skills, learn how to follow or establish Identity guidelines,
prepare work for print or web production, and select the right tools, media, and budget
for their projects. While studying the elements of layout, typography, illustration, color,
and web design, students build their design portfolio.

Course Objectives
• To define and investigate visual design concepts and practices.
• To gain graphic design skills that will enable students to effectively visualize and
present design solutions and concepts in a clear and concise manner.
• To understand the graphic design process and how cultural and social factors play a
vital role in shaping visual design solutions.

• Adobe Acrobat (Professional version preferred)
• Adobe Illustrator
• Adobe InDesign
• Adobe Photoshop
• Note: you can use Adobe CS 2, 3, 4 or 5. CS 5 is preferred.
Sketches & Process Notepad
Sketches are a required part of concept development, discussion and brainstorming
sessions. Please use them for all projects. You will be asked to attach your sketches to
home work submission package

There is no textbook required for this class. You may use Visual Quick Start Guides
(available via ProQuest) or other resources (like Adobe Help center) for your reference
while mastering the software.

Required reading materials (articles, manuals, etc.) will be available online.

Lab and Homework Submission

• Homework is due at the beginning of class.
• Submit printed copy and  upload the optimized version to Scribd.
• Late homework are accepted, hovewer,  late submission will result in lower grade
• Homework containing inappropriate material will receive no credit.
• Make corrections on time and resubmit homework as new package. Re-upload the
files to Scribd. 
• Homework graded on the following criteria: following instructions, technical accuracy,
and craftsmanship, effective use of skills developed in labs, and fulfillment of the
assignment objectives. Refer to the check lists.

• Labs are graded on the following criteria: following instructions, technical accuracy,
and craftsmanship.
• Labs are uploaded to Scribd, their completion is monitored throughout the term and
they count toward your final class grade.Instructor may comment on the labs via
Naming Files
• Use the following pattern: week_assignment_variant (for example:
• Working files (.ai, .indd, .psd) should be uploaded on cTools only (only if indicated on a
check list).

Group Presentation
Meet early, discuss and select the most informative materials, put together PowerPoint
or Keynote presentation for class. You may decide to present as a team or to have one
of the group members to be a presenter. Grade will be based both on the quality of the
content and visual appearance of the presentation. Note:  presentation missed results 0

Projects & Examinations

• Midterm project topic and requirements – TBA
• Final project – TBA
• Assessment & Grades
• Students will be evaluated based upon the successful completion of all projects and
creative group work and participation (3-4 people in a group).

Final grade is based on the following:
• Attendance and participation – 10%
• Homework – 40%
• Labs – 15%
• Midterm Project – 10%
• Final Project – 15%
• Group Presentation – 7%
• Vocabulary quiz - 3%

Attendance is 10% of the final grade. Valid reasons for not attending the  class are:
illness, conference participation, job interview, family emergency. Notify instructor in
advance via email.  Students arriving 15 minutes late for any class session are
considered late (-10% for that day). Sign up via CTools "Attendance" menu. 

98 –100 = A +
94 – 97 = A
90 – 93 = A –
87 – 89 = B +
86 – 84 = B
80 – 83 = B –
77 – 79 = C +
74 –  76 = C
70 –  73 = C –

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