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Course Contents:

Module – I: Introduction

Problem solving approaches, Structure programming concepts, Guidelines for good programmed structure,
Elementary Data Organization, Data Structure Operations, Algorithms Complexity, Time-Space Trade off.

Module – II: Static Data structure

Array Definition and Analysis, Representation of Linear Arrays in Memory, Traversing of Linear Arrays,
Insertion And Deletion, Single Dimensional Arrays, Two Dimensional Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays,
Function Associated with Arrays, Character String in C, Character String Operations, Arrays as parameters,
Implementing One Dimensional Array, Sparse matrix.

Introduction to Stacks and queue: Operations Associated with Stacks, Push & Pop, Create, Add, Delete,
Array representation of stacks, Polish expression, Conversion of infix to postfix, infix to prefix (and vice
versa) Application of stacks recursion polish expression and their compilation conversion of infix
expression to prefix and postfix expression, Prefix to postfix conversion, Tower of Hanoi problem,
Representation of Queues, Operations of queues: Create, Add, Delete, Front, Empty, Priority of Queues,

Module – III: Dynamic Data Structure

Linked list: Introduction to Singly linked lists: Representation of linked lists in memory, Traversing,
Searching, Insertion into, Deletion from linked list, Polynomial representation using linked list and basic
operation. Header nodes, Doubly linked list, circular linked list, Generalized list. Stack and queue
implementation using linked list.

Module – IV Trees and Graphs

Trees: Basic Terminology, Binary Trees and their representation, expression evaluation, Complete
Binary trees, Extended binary trees, Traversing binary trees, Searching, Insertion and Deletion in binary
search trees, General trees, AVL trees, Threaded trees, B trees.
Graphs: Terminology and Representations, Graphs & Multigraphs, Directed Graphs, Sequential
representation of graphs, Adjacency matrices, Transversal Connected Component and Spanning trees.

Module – V Sorting and Searching

Sorting : Insertion Sort, Bubble sort, Selection sort, Quick sort, two-way Merge sort, Heap sort, Partition
exchange sort, Shell sort, Sorting on different keys, External sorting.

Searching: Linear search, Sequence searching, Binary searching, Search trees, Height balanced trees.

Module – VI File Structure

Physical storage media, File Organization, Linked organization of file, Inverted file, Organization records
into blocks, Sequential blocks, Hash function, Indexing & Hashing, Multilevel indexing, Tree Index,
Random file, Primary Indices, Secondary Indices, B tree index files.
Text & References:
Text Books:
1. Data Structures and Algorithm analysis in C++ by Mark Allen Weiss, Published by Addison
Wesley (3rd Indian Reprint 2000).
2. File Structures An object-Oriented Approach with C++ by Michael J. Folk, Bill Zoellick, Breg
Riccardi, Published by Addison Wesley (1st ISE Reprint,1999).
3. Data Structures Using C and C++ second edition by Yeddidyah Langsam, Moshe J.Augenstein,
Aaron M. TenenBaum, Published by Prentice-Hall India

1. Horowitz and Sahani, “Fundamentals of Data structures”, Galgotia publications
2. An introduction to data structures and application by Jean Paul Tremblay & Pal G. Sorenson
(McGraw Hill)
3. Tannenbaum, “Data Structures”, PHI
4. R.L. Kruse, B.P. Leary, C.L. Tondo, “Data structure and program design in C” PHI
5. Algorithms by thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Published by Prentice-
Hall India (1999).
6. Object-Oriented Programming using C++ by Ira Pohl, second edition, Published by Addison
Wesley (1st Indian Rprint,1999).
7. C++ Primer Third Edition by Stanley B. Lippman, Josee Lajoie, Published by Addison Wesley
(2nd ISE,Reprint,1999).
8. Algorithms in C++ third edition by Robert Sedgewick, Published by Addison Wesley (3rd Edition
1st Indian Reprint,1999).
9. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Adam Drozdek, Second Edition, Vikas Publications.

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