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Department of Engineering

Final Year Project Guidelines

Version 1.00
August, 2010

1. Introduction:
The Final Year Project (FYP) is a 6 credit hour mandatory part of the Degree Courses of
Engineering. Aim of the project is to enable the students to practically implement all the
theoretical knowledge learnt during the course. The FYP involves proposing, design,
development and implementation of a real and substantial project related to telecommunication
engineering. It provides an opportunity for the students to crystallize their acquired professional
competence in the form of a demonstrable simulation or hardware product.

2. Group Formation and Area Selection:

a. Students will form a group of 3-4 students by the end of sixth semester. The group should
contain one good, one average and one weak student. The average GPA of the group
should be close to overall average GPA of the class.
b. The group will select area of research/project and supervisor by the end of sixth semester.
c. In general a faculty member will supervise 3 projects at a time.
d. The students will submit names of group members and supervisor name on FYP-1 before
the 2nd Saturday of the Seventh Semester. Internal Supervisor is mandatory even if the
students work with an external supervisor. A Group can have two supervisors if required.
Each group will also submit a one-page overview of the project to the project coordinator.
e. A project Coordinator will be appointed by Head of Department in 6th semester of a batch
to carry out all coordination for the projects.
f. The Head of Department and the Project Coordinator will finalize and approve the groups
and supervisor by the fourth week of the semester.
g. Final project allocation will be forwarded to Dean; Faculty of Engineering & IT in the 5th
week of 7th semester.

3. Project Proposal and FYP-1

a. A formal proposal of minimum 4-5 pages countersigned by the supervisor will be
submitted to the Project Coordinator as per Annex ‘A’ by Friday of 5th week.
b. A group must submit an undertaking signed by all the members of group, as per Annex
“B” along with the project proposal.
c. While proposing a project, the students must consider the cost/financial impact involved
in completion of the project and availability of hardware/software resources.
d. A project committee of three faculty members will be formed by the head of department.
e. Formal Presentations (in MS Power Point) to the project committee will be held during 6th
week of the semester.
f. The group will start work after approval of the project.

4. Progress Report
a. The Project Coordinator will maintain record of each group and will record every
milestone as achieved or when to be achieved as per FYP-1.
b. The group must remain in touch with the supervisor by meeting at least twice a month.
c. Formal progress presentations (in MS Power Point) will be given periodically as per
schedule issued by the department. The group will submit a progress report of 5-10 pages
one week before the presentation duly countersigned by the supervisor. The presentation
will be graded on individual basis.

5. Final Project Report

General Instructions:

1. Use proper grammar and syntax of English language for write-up. Try to be brief, to the
point and use simple English.
2. Do not leave a heading alone on a page for which description starts on the next page.
3. After the main title of chapter, write one or two paragraphs of introduction about the
chapter, concepts to be discussed in this chapter.
4. The report should be spell checked before submitting to the supervisor.
5. Violation of instructions will lead to deduction of marks.
6. Figures and tables should be properly labeled, referred in the text.
7. Final project report in spring bound form, duly approved by the supervisor, will be
submitted to the department at least one week before the final project presentation.
8. Final report after the presentation must be submitted in bound form using the following
color scheme :
a. Maroon for Telecomm Engineering
b. Green for SE
c. Brown for CE
d. Blue for IT
e. Black for MCS
9. Project title, Course number (e.g. BE-TE 8 or BE-SE 2) and year should be written on the
spine of bound copy.
10. Formatting of the report should be done as per Annex ‘C’

6. Grading
a. General criteria for evaluating project will be as follows:
i. Difficulty level , features, challenges. Closeness to the area of telecommunication
ii. Innovation/originality
iii. Extent to which the goals have been achieved
iv. Applications of the project
v. Regular work/progress during semester and timely completion.
b. Individual will be graded instead of entire group getting the same grade as per his/her
individual performance. A student may get an ‘F’ while his other project members get
good grades.
c. Students are encouraged to write conference / journal paper based on their project. An
accepted/published research paper will contribute to extra 5% marks in overall evaluation
of the project.
d. Minimum grade for passing the final year project is ‘C’.
e. Grading will be d:ivided as follows:
 Continued Work during semester: 40 marks (10 by project coordinator and 30 by
supervisor). Grading will be done as per following criteria:
i) Project Proposal
ii) Two Progress Reports
iii) Meeting the timeline etc.

 Final Exam of 60 marks will be conducted by a panel of 3 senior faculty members

appointed by Dean of Engineering & IT. Following criteria will be used:

i) Final Presentation and Viva 22 marks

ii) Project Report 16 marks
iii) Demonstration of Hardware / Software 22 marks

f. Three bound copies of approved final report will be submitted to the department. The
copies will be distributed to department, library and the supervisor.
g. After approval of final presentation, groups have one month to submit the complete
project in working condition including Hardware and/or software along with soft copy of
the approved final report to the department.
h. Result will only be declared after receipt of aforesaid material. After one month 5%
marks will be deducted from the overall marks till next month. After two months group
will have to present and defend the project again.


Annex ‘A’ 
Project Proposal Format (FYP‐1) 
Sr# Classification Description Content Size

1 Title Project Title

What the project is all about and its background

and aims.

Project details; Proposed plan for

Overview / implementation.
2 3-5 pages
Objectives and application areas.

Project specifications/features

Gantt Chart / Time line

Deliverables / What will be the deliverable at the end of

3 One page
Outcome project and in which shape.

Hardware and Software resources required for

4 the project. Availability and approximate cost One page
of the resources

5 References References where applicable

Annex ‘B’

1. We hereby undertake that we are making this group for our final year project by our
own choice. It is entirely our duty to complete this project in time. In case of failure or
underperforming, neither the University nor the Supervisor will be held responsible
for unsatisfactory performance.

Group members:

Name Signature

Annex ‘C’ 

Final Project Report 

1. Use A4 size page with top, bottom, and right margin as one inch. Left margin should be 1.25
2. Use only one side of the page for printing.
3. Use Times New Roman font for the project report.
4. Chapter title should be in 16 – 18 pt size, bold.
5. Header and footer should be in 9 pt size, italic, not bold. Write project title in the header and
“National University of Modern Languages, Department of IT & Engineering” in footer.
6. Headings / sub headings should be from 16 pt sizes to 12 pt sizes respectively in bold
depending upon level of heading.
7. Body text should be in 12 pt size.
8. Body text should be justified on both right and left side.
9. A separator page containing the chapter (or appendix) number and name in 16 – 18 pt size
(bold) should be placed before start of each chapter (or appendix).
10. The sections should be numbered with chapter number e.g. 1.1, 1.2, and so on in the same
font size and style as the section heading. The subsections should be numbered with the number
of their parent sections e.g. 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and so on.
11. Figure and table: For caption use Arial Narrow, size 10.

Special Components

1. Figures: Figures should be numbered and labeled as Figure 1.1 and Table 3.2 etc. Mention
the figure number in the text where you refer it. Figures should be inserted after the text where
these are explained.
2. References: List all the books, journals, research articles, web sites you referred for the project
and place the list under Bibliography or References at end of your report. The list should be
numbered. Insert the number of referenced material that you learnt, copied, or referred with the
text in your report. For example a book on CDMA is placed at number 2 in your reference list
and you are mentioning applications of CDMA from that book in your report. You must insert [2]
at the end of your sentence. All references must be used in the text/report.
3. Roman Numbering: The first few pages from dedication to table of contents should be
separately numbered in roman numbering as (i), (ii), (iii) and so on. The normal numbering (1, 2,
3…) will start from first page of Chapter 1.


The contents should be arranged and numbered according to the pattern/order mentioned

1. Title Page: The title page should have name of the project in 18 – 20 pt size (bold),
monogram of the University in 2 – 2.25” diameter, followed by author names in 14 – 16
pt size (bold).The name of department and university with the year of completion should
be in 16 – 18 pt size (not bold) close to the bottom of page. A copy of title page must also
be placed as first page. Sample is attached as Appendix ‘I”.

2. Abstract: The abstract should consist of 3-4 paragraphs. First brief paragraph should give
an overview of the existing system/topic. 2nd detailed paragraph should deal with project
methodology explaining what has been done and how it has been done. In the last brief
paragraph testing, validation and achievement should be discussed

3. Final Approval Certificate: As per sample, attached as Appendix ‘II”.

4. Declaration: The declaration page should have the proper text of declaration and the
name of student(s) below. Sample is attached as Appendix ‘C”.

5. Dedication (optional): Here student may write dedication of their project.

6. Acknowledgement (optional): Students may acknowledge the persons who supported

them in the project work but should be very brief and precise. Unnecessary long text
generally results in errors. It should not be included in ring-bound copy. Include in final
bound copy only.

7. Table of Contents: The table of contents should not be numbered and the contents must
start from page number 1. Any page(s) before table of contents should be numbered in
Roman. The page numbers should match correctly to the actual contents in the final
version of the report. Heading up to third level may be included in the table of contents.

8. List of Figures: All the figures used in report are mentioned here according to their page

9. List of Tables: All the tables used in report are mentioned here according to their page

10. List of acronyms (optional): All the abbreviations and acronyms used in the report are
listed here.

11. Chapter 1 (Introduction): In this chapter the theoretical background regarding the
selected area/topic should be discussed. Starting form introduction and basic knowledge
to advance concepts like working principles, block diagram, applications etc should be
given. For projects using software tools/packages, the introduction of the used tool,
advantages, selection criteria and applications should also be mentioned.

12. Chapter 2, 3 etc. (Project work): In these chapters, the project should be explained.
Students should discuss that what has been done? How it has been done? Mathematical
calculations, circuits, hardware, software and simulation details should be mentioned as
per the type of the project

13. Chapter 4 (Results and discussion): This should be the second last chapter. Validation
and testing for determining the specifications and achievements of the project should be
discussed here. All the results, graphs/charts, performance comparisons, testing
methodology and setup should be given in this chapter.

14. Chapter 5 (Conclusion and scope of further work): It should be the last chapter of the
thesis. Overview of the project with features and limitations will be discussed.
Enhancements that were beyond the scope of the project but could be done in future will
be suggested.

15. Appendices: Appendices should be appended before references as Appendix – I,

Appendix – II, and so on. There should be separate appendices for the material collected
during system study, extra information (conversions tables, Source codes, proofs,
definitions of terms, or any material that would help in understanding contents of the
report/thesis), and user manual of the system etc.

16. Bibliography and References: The list of books, articles and other sources should be
listed at the end of report. All references must be used/cited in the text. The general
format is as follows:

[1]. Authors name(s), Book / Paper title, Source/publisher name, date and/or place of publication,
page no(s).

For specific details see any IEEE publication in NUML library.

Appendix ‘I’ to Annex C 

Antenna Tracking System using GPS

Khalid Khan
Muhammad Hayat
Saadia Ahmed

Supervised By
Mr. Sohaib Rehman

Submitted for the partial fulfillment of B.E in Telecomm Engineering

degree to the Faculty of Engineering & IT


June, 2010
Appendix ‘II’ to Annex C  

Dated: ___________

Final Approval

It is certified that the project report submitted by Ahmed Khan and Saadia Jamil for the
partial fulfillment of the requirement of “Bachelors Degree in Telecomm Engineering” is


Dean Engineering & IT: Signature: ____________________

Head Engineering: Signature: ____________________

Supervisor: Signature: ____________________

Head Project Committee: Signature: ____________________

Appendix ‘III’ to Annex C 


We hereby declare that our project is entirely our work and genuine / original. We understand
that in case of discovery of any PLAGIARISM at any stage, our group will be assigned an F
(FAIL) grade and it may result in withdrawal of our Bachelors degree.

Group members:

Name Signature





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