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Test #1 review

1. Why do men & women have different life experiences?

2. Benokraitis & Feagan did a study about subtle sexism- what did they find?

3. What is the determinate of deficiency in women? What aspect?

4. What influences sex roles more, Nature/Nurture…. Biology/Environment?

5. How do stereotypes influence our information? Arche-type energies are primal drive and when we make them

into stereotypes we get in trouble. How do stereotypes do this?

6. In which countries do Williams & Best find out have positive views of women? What aspects of them?

7. What’s the most important change necessary for the improvement of women’s conditions in the world?

8. What is the social constructionism? gender issues are very minimal/different b/w men and women.

9. What Judeo-Christian group describes/ascribes that all women are things inferior?

10. What religion scapegoats women for the origin of sin? Christianity

11. What religious leader has the most progressive views on women?

12. What does social cognition research find regarding stereotyping? What did they find out?

13. What Judeo-Christian story seems to set up patriarchy?

14. What did Freud view as gender determination?

15. Freud’s model of what is male’s greatest fear?

16. What is estrogen and progestoren, and their functions? hormones & most prominent in women?

17. Which organ of the body is most the determinant for psychosexual development? Brain

18. Caroll & Wope’s study regarding female baby’s world wide. What did the study find out?

19. What is the chromosome make up of male/female?

20. What is a hermaphrodite?

Short Answer Love’s Bullets

1. What is gender? What is the difference b/w sexual identity and gender identity? How are each determined, their


2. What are the Woffian duct / Malleria ducts? What is significant of each of these and what determines their

desposition (what happens & their results)? clue: Arche-types energy’s/issues

3. What is / explain, define:




4. Max Weber 3 figures of Authority/Sources of Authority

Define & describe each… how each line up with facets of our personality

5. Robert Johnson: She  4 tasks that Aphrodite assigns to psyche? understand the concepts, use model of

mythology. What each tasks mean about psychological development. ex: sorting – what is she trying to sort ou

6. What are the 3 functions of Ego. Define Ego, what it is. Serving in our consciousness, enter of decision making,

abilities, center of will pwr, gender identity related to ego, how?

7. Fears Ego must overcome (at least 6). Effects of too much unconditional or too little unconditional love on child’s

8. Explain/list the human needs in which Ego grows, what grows the Ego? What happens to the aspects that are

rejected by authority figure?

9. What are the two paths that Carroll Pierson sights as due to Patriarchy? The male and female, describe them.

Masculine Pattern (hero pattern)-

Feminine Pattern-

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