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Lunar Festival

Celebrated on
Mines Campus

See Page 4
Volume 91, Issue 16 February 14, 2011

Snowmen on strike: protest Ohmic regime ALL PHOTOS JOSHUA GINN / OREDIGGER

A snow sculpture displays snowmen holding signs which read, “No V = IR”. The sculpture was made by physics major Kevin Barry.

A few people stop to ask about field. He honed his skills making
Joshua Ginn the sculpture and its meaning. sand castles and working with
Staff Writer Barry explains, “They’re snowmen ceramics. “I would go to the beach
on strike . . . against circuits.” He and 8 hours later, I would have an
It is late Friday afternoon, and continues, “It is my protest against entire medieval village.” Now at
many students are hurrying off of circuits lab, but I have to stop Mines, Barry expresses his frustra-
campus to weekend activities, but protesting because lab starts at tion with the lack of opportunities
Kevin Barry, sophomore physics four.” That explains the engraved for creative outlet. He believes it
major, is working furiously on a slogan opposing Ohm’s sacred would benefit the school to offer
snow sculpture on Kafadar Com- law. Anyone who has endured art classes to supplement the cur-
mons. The sculpture consists late afternoon courses on Friday riculum. The snowmen will stand
of three alto-relievo snowmen afternoon can sympathize with as a reminder of the many talents
holding signs in silent protest. Barry’s frustration. within the student body hidden
The signs say, “No V = IR.” Two This public outburst of creativ- under memorized equations until
bas-relief snowmen stand behind ity is not Barry’s first. Last year he that day arrives – or at least until
them offering quiet support. constructed a sculpture on the IM the weather warms.

Sophomore Kevin Barry constructs a snow sculpture of five Snowmen on Strike on Kevin Barry stands in front of the snow sculpture he cre-
Kafadar Commons on Friday, February 11 before hurrying to a late afternoon session of ated on Friday, February 11, on Kafadar Commons.
Circuits Lab.

NEWS - 2-5 FEATURES - 6-9 SPORTS - 7 OPINION - 10-11 SATIRE - 12

~world headlines ~Faculty Spotlight ~Wrestling ~Minds at Mines ~who knows?
~scientific discoveries ~Catan Game Review ~Wrestling Pictures ~Morals to your Story ~flip away, find out
page 2 n e w s february 14, 2011

Joshua Kleitsch, Staff Writer

London, UK - Bats may behave more like humans

than once believed. In a cooperative study between
researchers at the Max Planck Institute, the University
of Zurich, and the University of Greifswald, research-
ers found that female bats tend to form cliques and
stay together for long periods of time. Male bats are
always solitary, but these groups of females often
came together for grooming and feeding, and tended
Boston, MA - More accurate de- to maintain communication for years.
tection and treatment of prostate tu-
mors may be a result of a new devel-
opment in cancer research; a prostate
genome has been successfully se-
quenced. This genome has given sci-
entists and researchers a new insight
into what makes prostate tumors ag-
gressive or non-aggressive, and helps
them see what actually drives the DNA
Wyoming, USA - Something is hap- “spelling errors” that cause cancer. Be-
pening in the caldera under Yellowstone ing able to see these DNA mutations,
National Park in Wyoming. Researchers doctors may be better able to target Lake Vostok, Antarctica - The sub-Antarctic body of
have been monitoring the expansion of the specific drugs to halt the tumor growth, water Lake Vostok has been buried under 12,000 feet of ice
caldera for many years, and have found that possibly avoiding invasive surgeries. for thousands of years, and a Russian team of scientists have
in the last several years some spots in the been drilling 24 hours a day for months to reach the icy waters.
caldera have risen much more than others. The prospect of reaching untouched, ancient water for test-
In 2004, some areas rose at a rate of rough- ing provides ample reason to attempt this massive task. The
ly 2.8 inches per year. The volcano under drilling team reached to within 96 feet of the water-ice bound-
Yellowstone is the largest of its kind on this ary, but had to stop and leave the area because of the rapidly
continent, and while unlikely, an eruption approaching winter cold. The Vostok drilling station holds the
would literally bury half of the United States. infamous record of experiencing the coldest recorded temper-
atures on the planet, -129 degrees Fahrenheit.

Oredigger Staff Local News

Ryan Browne
Headlines from around the world On February 9, Josh Sharp,
assistant professor of Environ-
mental Science and Engineer-
ing at Mines, received a National
Katie Huckfeldt Joshua Kleitsch, Staff Writer
Managing Editor Science Foundation Career
award for his research “Cleaner
Robert Gill Water Through Microbial Stress:
Business Manager The Egyptian Army has endy consumers. phone in June, it is possible that An Integrated Research and Ed-
claimed it will facilitate the cre- Allentown, Pennsylvania, was many are waiting to switch. ucation Plan.”
Steven Wooldridge ation of a democratic government shaken by a natural gas-line Facebook and Google have
Webmaster in Egypt. This comes after former explosion last week, resulting in been in talks with Twitter over
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak the death of at least 3 people. The possibly acquiring the messaging Local business Clear Creek
Barbara Anderson stepped down after weeks of pro- utilities company that owns the site for between $8 billion and $10
Design Editor Books is being auctioned over
tests. While there have been cele- line says that a routine inspection billion. The company estimates it’s back taxes. Bidding is open to
Zach Boerner brations in the streets, many ana- the week prior showed no signs of 2010 revenue to be in the range the public beginning February
Copy Editor lysts are worried about the army’s a leak or any damage. An investi- of $100 million, prompting Inter- 16.
claims. gation has returned an “area of in- net giants such as Google to take
Neelha Mudigonda Illegal aliens serving in the terest” in the pipe, but there is no notice.
Asst. Design Editor military have a very difficult word on what exactly that means. Apple has begun production Colorado School of Mines
time becoming naturalized Eight properties were destroyed in on a new version of its increas- and the Colorado Division of
Abdullah Ahmed U.S. citizens. In a practice that the blast. ingly popular iPad, which is
Asst. Business Manager, Reclamation, Mining & Safety
Sales and Marketing has become very common in the The opening day of Verizon’s touted to have a faster processor will be hosting the first ever col-
last several years, immigrants will release of Apple’s iPhone was and a video camera built in. The legiate mine rescue contest and
Ian Littman enlist under fake identities or with met with thin crowds at Apple’s device will look almost identical challenge, to be held on Febru-
Asst. Business Manager, fraudulent documents, and then flagship store in Manhattan, with to its predecessor. It will be thin- ary 24 and 25.
Web Content gain their citizenship after serving only a dozen or so customers ac- ner and lighter, but have the same
for a few years in the military. The tually waiting at the doors at 7:00 display. It is unclear when Apple
Trevor Crane process is being scrutinized for AM. Longer lines were reported will release the device, and it is
Content Manager Mines men’s basketball de-
ways to make it more consistent. at other stores. However, since expected to be in the same price feated Colorado Christian Uni-
Deborah Good Wireless broadband may be Apple is likely to release a new range as the original device. versity, 85-55, last weekend.
Content Manager coming to an area near you, They have now won seven
as President Barack Obama in- straight games and nine of their

Stephen Hejducek troduced a plan to expand wire- past ten, putting them third in
Content Manager less broadband across the US. NCAA division II rankings.
Obama’s plan intends to provide
Shira Richman wireless high-speed access to
Faculty Advisor

98% of the population of the US Last week, the Mines Ac-
while decreasing the national bud- tivities Council announced this
get deficit by selling off bands of years E-Days theme. On March
the wireless spectrum. 31- April 2, Mines will putting on
Golden Week means mas-

“Sail the seven sEa-days” and
sive consumer spending for featuring the band, Tech N9ne.
Chinese people, as China’s For more information about the
holiday spending grew at an 2011 E-Days, go to minesactivi-
alarming rate this year. The Chi-

nese government has been en-
couraging its people to spend
more money in an attempt to Mines swimming and diving
balance out the export-heavy attended the RMAC champion-

economy. While not quite ships last weekend. Men placed
to America’s level of holiday fourth and women finished fifth.
spending, the Chinese are bear-
ing down on the title of most sp-
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february 14, 2011 n e w s page 3

Uncovering a research gold- Examining viruses

mine in the Bushveld’s past for the common good Lucas Quintero which promote assembly and or-
John Bristow just by chance filled with some They pinned down that the sul- Staff Writer ganization. Sullivan explained, “We
Staff Writer of the world’s richest deposits. fate came from the atmosphere would like to quantify inter-facial
The problem of determining the and that the atmosphere was Nowadays, humankind is able kinetic energy that arises from and
Despite entire lifetimes of re- type of ore body is the complex capable of oxidizing, which to use anything that is hurtful and drives organization.”
search, there are still countless nature of alteration and the vast solved the problem of the en- make it into something that is help- The commercial uses that may
mysteries in the realms of eco- similarities between certain non- vironment and cemented the ful. Dan R. Sullivan is one person come from his experiment are drug
nomic geology. Given that min- related ore types. The early work idea that these were MVT type who is trying to take something delivery mechanisms, light active
eral resources are highly impor- around the subject readily put the deposits. harmful, viruses, and make them harvesting, and site-selective at-
tant to the continued survival of final nail in the coffin for the idea The next problem came in helpful. Last Wednesday, he gave tachment to surfaces. The drug
the world economy, it is beyond that the alteration was magmatic. the form of the source of the wa- a seminar on his project titled, delivery mechanisms and light ac-
necessary to understand the Now it was necessary for Kes- ter needed for the hydrothermal “Modeling the Self- and Directed tive harvesting allow for a time re-
processes behind the various ler and his team to define what alteration. “What was driving Assembly of Viruses on Synthesis.” lease of an certain drug or bacteria.
ore deposits that dot the globe. type of hydrothermal deposit it the water, where was it coming His motive for this was to un- Sullivan is concerned with the
One such intrinsically valuable was. “The first thing that [came] from? These weren’t the worlds derstand the “natural use of many latter, for site-selective attachment
mystery is that of the Bushveld to mind is the Mississippi Valley largest basins,” questioned types of high level organizations to surfaces would allow a string of
complex and its surrounding de- Type (MVT) deposits,” said Kesler Kesler, “there weren’t many and assembling of materials to in- biomolecules to attach together in
posits in South Africa. For years, in reference to the thermal anom- orogenic (mountainous) areas; crease functionality.” From there he forms not yet seen.
geoscientists have feuded over aly that was present. either the Bushveld had to be would like to use inorganic materi- Sullivan had chosen a Cowpea
the natures of these bounti- MVT deposits are a lead- pushing them out or had to be als to organize biomolecules and Mosaic Virus, a plant virus, for his
ful resource sources. “You ask zinc rich deposit that are hosted coming from a nearby orog- their complexes into useful struc- experiment. The reason for choos-
[the deposit] if it is hydrother- within carbonate rocks, such as eny.” While the nearby ancient tures. ing this virus was because it has 60
mal or magmatic,” joked this a marine carbonaceous shale. Kheis orogeny looked promis- Sullivan explained that viruses copies of coat proteins, it has ico-
past week’s distinguished Van For the most part, these deposits ing as a source of water influx, were good to use because they sahedral symmetry, and its struc-
Tuyl lecturer, Dr. Steve Kesler will have a similar chemical sig- due to a discrepancy in the dat- have precisely defined arrays, they ture is known almost to an atomic
from the University of Michigan, nature to the seawater that they ing, it turned out to be wrong, assemble into three-dimensional resolution. “So, we can see what
“it doesn’t answer.” Kesler has were deposited in. The chemical which turned the spotlight onto crystals, their structure was already types of functional groups are avail-
spent many years working pas- readings for the deposits were the Bushveld itself as the main well known and thus could be ma- able on the surface and we can de-
sionately on the puzzle of the correct for what was imagined, source of water. With the source nipulated easily, and they are near- sign reactions,” he explained.
nature of the deposits surround- but, of course, there was a prob- determined, other interesting identical to atomic structures with He would then genetically engi-
ing the Bushveld Complex. lem. “There wasn’t supposed to features began appearing in the narrow size distributions. neer the viruses to carry a Histidine
The Bushveld Complex is be oxygen in the atmosphere [at data. For one, several nearby Thus far, there have been a lot tag and examine the viruses in a
extremely important, not only the time of deposition] and there deposits began to make sense of chemical approaches to the varying Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)
for the materials it offers, but wasn’t supposed to be any sul- in the whole scheme of these organization of biomolecules on solution with a substrate strip to
also for the surrounding min- fate in the world’s ocean,” re- major inter-deposit interactions. surfaces. But there has not been attract the viruses.
ing districts. “The stuff we’ve marked Kesler. For this type of “This is a house of cards, little a push to discover an understand- What Sullivan has found is that
been interested in,” said Kes- deposit, it is necessary to have by little things may fit together ing and quantification of the forces with an increase of PEG solution
ler, “is what’s going on outside oxygen to oxidize the sulfur ma- in reference to other similar driving self-organization. there was an increase of virus to vi-
the Bushveld.” Many of these terial and of course there needs deposits,” said Kesler in reac- The goal of Sullivan’s experi- rus collisions while the interactions
mines, such as those that dot to be a source of sulfur. Luck- tion to the idea that this may ment was to “understand how the between the virus and the stripe
the gold-rich Witwatersrand, ily, this can be partially resolved have occurred at other loca- surface structure of substrate af- remained the same.
are crucial for the global sup- depending on the model that is tions around the globe. None- fects the organization dynamics,” Sullivan plans to further his re-
ply of gold and other elements used. Once the MVT idea caught theless, the data fits the model to understand effects between vi- search by using different viruses
such as zinc. The main question on though, they began popping and hopefully even more hidden rus and inter-viral collisions. and different stripes. From these,
posed by geologists is if they up all over the place, according gems in the Bushveld area can These will sum together and he hopes to further the possibilities
are all related, or if the area is to the results from Kesler’s team. be revealed in the near future. help identify the key processes of commercial use of his findings.

Students spend a night learning from alumni COURTESY CLIFFORD SANDEN

Clifford Sanden A diverse group attended the and Dialogue series include Mi-
CSM Alumni Association event at the Coolbaugh House, chelle Moorman ’05, manager
including undergraduate and of regulatory affairs for Summit
A group of 14 student-mem- graduate students. Students Utilities; Rob Carlson ’96, vice
bers of the CSM Alumni Asso- questioned Terry on why he took president and corporate treasurer,
ciation joined some Alumni As- the entrepreneurial route and the CoorsTek; and Admiral Richard H.
sociation staff members at the discussion migrated to the impor- Truly, CSM trustee and a retired
Coolbaugh House on January 27 tance of being more global citi- space shuttle commander and
for the first of a new series called zens. Students were glad for the NASA administrator who, among
Dinner and Dialogue. The month- opportunity to engage in a mean- other things, oversaw the Chal-
ly, 4-part, series brings students ingful discussion with a success- lenger disaster enquiry.
together with alumni and oth- ful, recent graduate, and have the The Colorado School of Mines
ers connected with the school to opportunity to share their own Alumni Association operates pro-
share a light supper and meaning- stories and goals in this intimate grams and services to keep Mines
ful discussion.  The series kicked setting. alumni connected to each other
off with Seth Terry MS ’95, PhD Seth also spoke of the role the and the school. The M-Ulator
’02 as the special guest. Having Alumni As- program,
founded Oberon FMR after gradu- sociation has The monthly, 4-part, series managed by
ating in 2002, Terry spoke of the played in his Ruth Jones
challenges and rewards of being business life, brings students together and Heidi
an entrepreneur, and the intriguing including its Boersma, is a
technology he’s helped develop. role helping with alumni and others student-mem-
Terry completed his under-
graduate degree at Princeton,
him find busi-
ness partners
connected with the school bership of
earned an MBA at Regis and and investors, to share a light supper and which pro-
then studied environmental sci- and make vides students
ence and engineering at Mines. contacts meaningful discussion. with access to
After working at an engineering overseas. It’s the mentor-
consulting firm immediately af- never too early to start building ing program, invitations to events
ter graduation, Seth and fellow your professional network, says such as the Dinner and Dialogue
Mines alumnus, Andy Logan MS Terry, pointing out that the access series and other benefits, includ-
’98, PhD ’02, decided to create a M-ulators have to Mines alumni is ing discounted banking services
business together. Through their a resource they should tap. through Credit Union of Colorado,
research at Mines, they developed Students found the first event the sponsor of the Dinner and Di-
a means of deriving high-protein in the Dinner and Dialogue Series alogue series. For more informa-
feed from wastewater discharged meaningful and enjoyable. One tion on future Dinner and Dialogue
by brewers, corn millers and po- student’s response to the level events, call the alumni association
tato processors. Wastewater is an of discussion and perspective at 303-273-3424, visit www.mine-
industrial byproduct not currently gained was, “I just love having my, or stop by Coolbaugh
processed for profit on any large mind blown away.” House (corner of 17th and Maple) Mines alumnus, Seth Terry, discusses his decision to take
scale. Future guests in the Dinner during normal business hours. the entrepreneurial route with students.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
page 4 n e w s february 14, 2011

Lunar Festival Etiquette for the real world

offers fun culture
Deborah Good ries. In business casual situations, mail or handwritten form.
Content Manager men can wear khakis or slacks One other topic discussed in
and collared shirts without ties or the seminar was dining etiquette,
When one has to go to the jackets. For women, such items as which was an especially appro-
Deborah Good festive.” khaki slacks, skirts, dresses and priate topic, given the luncheon
bathroom during a business din-
Content Manager Next, Colorado Budokan (the
ner, what should he or she do with button-downs, with no jackets and setting. The key to professional
organization behind CSM Karate) light colors are appropriate. She dining, Bufalini explained, is to be
his or her napkin? They should
It is now the year of the rabbit. presented. They demonstrated also advised remaining in at least polite and follow the host’s lead.
place it on their chair, shared Jen-
Mines celebrated the Lunar New and explained several different business casual attire for business This includes in ordering food or al-
nifer Bufalini, Shell recruiter, among
Year with a festival put on by the techniques. One was “three-point events, unless stated otherwise. cohol, in timing, and in discussion.
many other guidelines at the infor-
Professional Asian Society of Engi- sparring”. In three-point sparring, Bufalini then progressed to In order to participate in discussion
mational lunch provided by Shell
neers and Scientists (PASES). all the attacks are predetermined general business etiquette and effectively, Bufalini suggests look-
and the CSM Career Center. Bu-
The National Martial Arts Acad- and all the counters are also pre- conduct. She stated, “Handshakes ing over at least news headlines
falini’s talk discussed business eti-
emy began the festivities with a determined.” The group then dem- are really your first impression. It’s a before the meal. Another important
quette in dress, general behavior,
traditional lion dance and a general onstrated several choreographed good thing to know how to do ap- aspect of professional dining is
and dining.
martial arts performance. The lion routines against imaginary oppo- propriately.” She then elaborated following general dining etiquette.
Bufalini started with discuss-
dance was an engaging way to nents with increasingly complicat- on proper handshaking technique. Job seeking diners should use
ing professional dress for men and
start off the evening, as it featured ed sparring techniques. Use a firm, but not crushing, grip; utensils correctly, give everyone at
women. She explained, “The goal
exhilarating drum and cymbal mu- The Christina Yeh Dance Studio make eye contact; and hold the the table personal space, and con-
wherever you are is to look profes-
sic along with frenetic dancing by then performed several routines. other persons hand for three to four sider intelligently what they are or-
sional whether in business or busi-
people in lion costumes. The lions One dance was highlighted by the shakes. Bufalini also discussed dering. As an explanation, Bufalini
ness casual attire. Right, Wrong or
consisted of brightly colored cos- clicking of metal chopsticks held posture, stating, “Slouching can said, “I love French onion soup, but
indifferent. That is the way the world
tumes with one person in the head by dancers. Another was punctu- give the impression that you’re I never order it when I’m at any sort
is and there are people who will
and one person in the body. The ated by tambourines and a third slacking or bored. An upright pos- of a function that has to do with
make snap judgments based on
lion operators engaged the audi- contained extremely impressive ture lets people know you’re… work… because it’s really awkward
what you’re wearing. So, whatever
ence by moving their mouths and ribbon dancing. The highlight of paying attention and interested.” to eat. So when you’re ordering,
it is that you are wearing, be aware
performing some acrobatic feats. the presentation was most cer- Eye contact is also important. Job think about how you’re going to
that image is what you are portray-
After the dance concluded, the tainly the Chinese yo-yo portion. seekers should make eye contact be eating and whether you’re com-
ing.” Generally, clothes should be
National Martial Arts Academy per- The elaborate tricks involving a to show confidence and honesty, fortable with that.” Dinners can be
clean and pressed. Shoes should
formed a variety of exciting martial yo-yo like piece on an independent but should not stare. In conver- a minefield, but basic courtesy and
be polished and accessories
art techniques, including sword- string fascinated the audience and sation, job seekers should speak etiquette can alleviate many crises.
should be conservatives. In busi-
fighting. caused cascades of applause. calmly and politely, but not monot- For the many students search-
ness dress situations, both men
After National Martial Arts per- Continuing the multicultural, fun onously. Thank you notes following ing for jobs, a basic knowledge
and women should wear simple,
formed, the Filipino-American mood of the evening, PASES vol- interviews are not necessary, but of professional etiquette can be a
conservative, dark colored suits
Community of Colorado performed unteers put on a fashion show of boost on the way to employment.

Fixing Facebook
with limited, conservative accesso- greatly appreciated in either an e-
several traditional dances, illustrat- traditional Asian dress. Most outfits
ing the culture of the Philippines. were Vietnamese, and many were
These included a dance called a untraditional fabrics, but some
subli, or hat dance. According to stood out. One woman had an
the group’s leader, “It is a very fun outfit covered in metallic bangles,
dance… It is performed during Fi-
estas as a worship dance to the
complete with a hat that covered
much of her in silvery bangles. The
Attempting to protect the user at the MCS colloquium
town’s ikon.” The group next per- outfits were mostly entertaining
Lucas Quintero since they do not post everything of the people that went to his high
formed a dance from the northern and the “models” did not take the
part of the Philippines, symbolizing fashion show too seriously, result-
Staff Writer as ‘content,’ Beach estimates school, undergraduate and doc-
peace and mimicking a dove. For ing in gales of laughter from the that Facebook receives more than toral institutions, and who were in
their third number, the group per- audience. Facebook. Almost every- thirty times their prediction per Denver, he was able to find him-
formed an elaborate routine con- In case anyone had been fall- one uses the social network that month. Beach said, “Who knows self. Beach explained, “You have
taining oil lamps. The fourth dance ing asleep during the evening, the changed the way people connect how many [that] would be, but it to do this weird thing, where you
was a reenactment of a battle be- final performance was certain to with friends. Unfortunately, posts is probably something like a trillion assume all of this data may be
tween Chinese and Filipinos. Fi- wake them up. A taiko drummer on the social net- objects.” public and I have to treat it as if it’s
nally, the group performed one of group called Mirai Daiko offered work may not be Facebook claims that With the infor- private.”
the most popular Filipino dances, a skilled, exciting, loud drum pre- as secure as pre- mation that Face- The data is released is for sta-
depicting a farmer’s battle with sentation. The group played two viously thought. they receive ap- book collects and tistical databases which need
crows. The group’s leader stated of traditional Japanese songs and According to Dr. releases, Beach information to know what to pro-
the performance, “The dances that two more modern compositions. Aaron Beach of proximately 30 billion was able to find duce. For instance, an increase in
we’re doing for you really show the All four songs featured a great deal the University of that he could diabetics might require more re-
personality of the Filipino people. of energy and talent, making the Colorado, Face- pieces of content a be traced to a search in that field. Beach’s forte
We’re island people, after all, so drumming a worthy conclusion to book can release single event. As is on web services, which release
our dances are very fun and very the evening. enough informa- month, but since they he went through data for commercial use, such
tion for strangers and saw that he as advertisements that appeal to
to figure out pri-
do not post everything was tagged by a a person’s likes, and in cases of
vate information. as ‘content,’ Beach friend who was Facebook, the Facebook applica-
taking pictures at tions.
Beach received
his doctorate in estimates that Face- a event, and the Thus far, Beach’s solution to
the field of Com- others who were the problematic personal infor-
puter Science book receives more also there all have mation release in Facebook is to
from the Univer- a similar link to have a anonymized layer between
sity of Colorado than thirty times their which ties all of Facebook and the applications,
and now works on them to a certain which filters what the application
how to anonymize prediction per month. event in the past, may find out about the user. Ac-
data that is put on- which was a wed- cording to Beach, the one want-
line. His lecture, titled “How Face- ding in Panama for this example. ing data cannot assume what the
book is Anonymized,” attempted But Beach emphasized that the user would not mind allowing to
to solve the question of executing playful example could be twisted be shown. Beach has developed
data management with concern to and used against any person a program that uses algorithms to
privacy, because how does one or group. With find what two ob-
Members from the Christina Yeh Dance Studio performed
define personal information? “Is enough informa- Beach intends to use his jects of informa-
at the Lunar Festival. the size of your photo anonymous tion, one could tion can be used
information? Is that personal infor- discover personal application and hopes so no one person
mation?” asked Beach. identification in- may be unique.
Thus far, many cases have been formation which that it will go universal Beach intends
made about what can be released. can lead to iden- to use his appli-
Google is facing charges for re- tity fraud.
as it can help keep per- cation and hopes
Beach talked
leasing a name of a blogger who sonal information pri- that it will go uni-
said remarks that were considered about how there versal as it can
offensive. Now Facebook allows have been many vate while still allowing help keep per-
for third party companies to look at attempts to re- sonal information
personal information and then use lease personal in- companies and statisti- private while still
the information for advertisements. formation without allowing compa-
“[The company’s] goal obviously is saying to whom cal databases access. nies and statisti-
to provide personalized services,” the data belongs. cal databases
stated Beach. But with a system of elimination, it access. For with Beach’s work,
Facebook claims that they is possible to determine a person those who are using personal data
receive approximately 30 billion with a unique combination of traits. for malicious intent will be foiled to
The National Martial Arts performed a traditional Lion pieces of content (videos, pictures, The example that Beach used find that they cannot pinpoint any
Dance and the Lunar Festival. status updates, etc.) a month, but was elimination by education, so unique identity.

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february 14, 2011 n e w s page 5

Developing stronger, Comp. math finds use

in subsurface modeling
smaller metals Joshua Kleitsch
Staff Writer
the DPD model allows the viewing
of the reactions taking place and
Lucas Quintero This can be done in several differ- multaneous ignition. The ignition helps to better understand how the
Staff Writer ent reactions, thus creating differ- is done by placing an electric cur- The need to understand how film forms and grows.
ent products. rent through a coil that the solid particles and molecules of various The DPD model allows for close
Last Wednesday, students “These products have different is placed on. reactants behave on the molecular examination of pore surface reac-
and faculty members meet in Hill properties, different strengths, After the ignition, combustion level has driven Guang Lin, a com- tions, enabling a better view of
Hall for a seminar hosted by a for- different reasons why we want takes place. Data is then col- putational mathematics doctoral how the reactants contribute to
mer student. Jacob Neuchterlein them,” said Neuchterlein. The lected for analysis of the purity of student at Brown University and biofilm growth and corrosion on
graduated from Mines last year emphasized experiment involved the compound. Neuchterlein then research scientist at the Pacific material surfaces. The large scale
and is currently working on his the mixing of Aluminum with a Ti- explained that the hardness and Northwest National Laboratory, to of pore reactions allows for a
doctorate. tanium Oxide and a Carbon Ox- compression strength depend on develop models of these reactions. more generalized look at the reac-
His lecture, titled “Metal Matrix ide. The end result would be an the percent of TiC that is in the Geomechanical modeling is critical tions themselves, but also makes
Composites developed through Aluminum Oxide and Titanium mixture. in petroleum engineering because it more difficult to account for the
Self Propagating High Tempera- Carbide. With an increase of TiC in the so many of the aspects of extract- uncertainties in the model itself. Lin
ture Synthesis,” After placing mixture, the hardness and com- ing and transporting crude oil and explained that there is a need for
explained the The primary com- the products in pression strength increases as gas involve controlling continuous accurate uncertainty estimation,
process and a mix, he chilled well. Neuchterlein explains that reactions between the oil and the because the computational power
need for con- pound discussed was and pressur- this is what is wanted, as a mate- various trace biochemicals present required for these models means
densing the ized the com- rial can increase strength without in pipelines and storage tanks. that a lager-scale model with good
size of particles Titanium Carbide (TiC). pounds. During altering its mass. The primary way to model the uncertainty estimation would be
“without chang- the ‘cool press- The key points for Neuchter- molecular interactions is known preferable.
ing the density of The methodology for ing’ process, lein’s method were the melting as Dissipative Particle Dynamics The dynamic numerical models
the product that the molecules and the die casting. In the melt- (DPD). DPD simulations essentially used are notoriously difficult and
Neuchterlein was to would compress ing, Neuchterlein added from average out the atoms in simple expensive when it comes to un-
The goal of and complex fluids, treating mole- certainty calculations, because of
first have a chemical in both volume 10% to 60% TiC in a Aluminum
cules as an individual particle. The the immense computational power
changing the of separation matrix. In the die casting phase,
particle’s size is reaction to obtain TiC. and volume con- it was emphasized that this pro- model can then “see” the process required. Lin has begun working
to create a metal tained by the cess is essentially pouring and with significantly less computa- on implementing what he calls
that is stronger. With a smaller compound. pressing. The liquid mix would tional power than if each individual eSTOMP, a scalable subsurface
size, the yield strength and the According to Neuchterlein, a be put into a mold that would be atom were analyzed. This model- simulator. The simulator allows for
ultimate strength of the materials smaller particle can be made by pressed to allow for any pockets ing technique also allows for lon- dynamic uncertainty estimation,
increase. Neuchterlein explained, cooler temperatures by decreas- of inconsistencies and it also al- ger time scales, enabling a more as well as optimization for more
“These net-shaped parts are ing the adiabatic temperature lows for a final compression of complete data set. Lin explained detail and shorter time scales, or
what the Military is interested in… because it is a “quenching of the the compound to decrease in that this modeling technique is very less detail and longer time scales
they need high wear resistance reaction.” size. useful in modeling the formation and a more complete data set. Lin
and low weight.” At this point in the experiment, Neuchterlein calmly answered and growth of biofilms in various showed how computational math-
The primary compound dis- the pressed mix is a solid and is the handful of questions and was environments. “There is biofilm in ematics open up a world of pos-
cussed was Titanium Carbide ignited. Neuchterlein explained on his way to converting mem- everyday life, so we need to devel- sibilities in subsurface modeling,
(TiC). The methodology for that Gleeble’s Experiment is first bers of the audience to a different op a model for biofilm growth.” Bio- which has applications in many
Neuchterlein was to first have a used to yield information on the methodology for this process of films form on the inside of pipes, on fields beyond just petroleum engi-
chemical reaction to obtain TiC. ignition temperature due to si- creating TiC. boat hulls, and in other areas, and neering.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
page 6 f e a t u r e s february 14, 2011

Yes, we Catan! Hindershot - It’s Only Blood

John Bristow original rate. Tim Weilert It’s Only Blood is perhaps a aesthetic mixed with a healthy
Staff Writer So how does Catan work? Something Like Sound Blogger representation of larger trends dose of reverb.
It begins by having each player percolating through Denver right Hindershot will officially release
The Settlers of Catan is a magi-
place a couple of settlements on Hindershot, like many groups now. It’s catchy but doesn’t sac- It’s Only Blood on 7” vinyl at the
cal game that is beyond decep- the intersection of three hexagonal from our fine city, exists within a rifice production value or sin- Hi-Dive on February 26th. Achille
tive. While it only takes a few turns
tiles. After this, you place some context of intersecting musicians cerity. Musically speaking the Lauro and Ken Arkind will also
to learn the rules, it can take more
roads adjacent to those settle- and styles. While half of the group instruments sound natural and make appearances at that night’s
than a lifetime to master the as- ments, which follow the intersec- plays for alter-ego band Amaz- the vocals have a mix of 90’s DIY “beach party” themed show.
ing Twin, Hindershot is lead-man COURTESY HINDERSHOT
pects of the game. First off, the tions between two tiles. Each
game is ruthless. Unlike some oth- hexagonal piece has a numerical Stuart Confer’s chance to take
er games which have controlled or value associated with it. When that the limelight. Their songs are
no trading, anything goes in this number is rolled, everybody who perhaps more focused, nostalgic,
game, which can lead to some has a settlement or city bordering and slightly reminiscent of “yacht
powerful treachery that has not that hex gains resources. If a sev- rock” groups from the 70’s and
been seen since the days of Julius en is rolled, the person who rolled 80’s. Overall their sound can be
Caesar and Brutus. the seven gets to move a ‘robber described as modern indie-pop;
The point of Catan (as it is called
piece’ to a hex of their choice. If everything has a touch of reverb
in short) is to acquire enough vic-a settlement borders that space, and the drums don’t stray far
tory points to win, which, in most the robber gets to steal a random from a dance-able four-on-the-
games, is ten. These victory pointsresource from that settlement. The floor beat.
are achieved through multiple game continues in that fashion un- On their newest release, a 7”
methods, ranging from building cit-til someone gets to the ten victory EP called It’s Only Blood, Hinder-
ies and settlements with resource point mark. shot keeps things interesting by
cards to fulfilling tasks such as Beyond what is listed here are not sticking to the same format
building the longest road or havinga few other rules, but those will for every song. On the opener/
the largest army. The more cities come as the game progresses title track “It’s Only Blood” a con-
and settlements you possess, the and are not difficult. Other than stant march builds into a strong
higher probability that you will col-
the occasional feuds and back- chorus. “The Mark” gets funky
lect a resource, which you can in stabs (alright a little bit more fre- with falsetto’ed vocals and syn-
turn use to build more to result inquent than occasional), the game copated guitar while “Not Ready
more victory points. is great and developed. There are To Go” is a laid-back dance num-
Where the cutthroat element more expansions to Catan that ber. “Twisted Tongue” closes out
enters the game is in the posi- can bring out certain elements or the EP by asking, “Would you
tioning of the settlements and the make it an entirely different expe- give me your iron lung? Would
building of roads. Once a settle- rience, but without a doubt, the you please tame your twisted
ment or road is placed, it cannot original is best. Hopefully next time tongue?” Hindershot plays in Hi-Dive Feb. 26 – 21+ / $8

Romberger continues to
be moved. Settlements are used to you are at a gathering and some-
collect resources while roads must body brings out the familiar red
be used to connect future settle- box, those who have never played
ments to the original two. Since before will give it a try. It is highly

leave a lasting impression

roads are significantly cheaper to recommended.

it is advanta-
geous to make
a network of John Bristow Well, I model railroad and read to work in such beautiful scenery.
roads to secure and I go biking. So was it the scenery that got
Staff Writer
the position of What is your favorite memory you into geology and geochem-
a future settle- Dr. Sam Romberger of Geol- of teaching at this school for all istry?
ment. Once ogy and Geological Engineering de- these years? No, not really, it was the rocks.
the resources partment has been a part of Mines Oh, that’s a continuous memory. Do you have any advice for
start flowing in, faculty for over 35 years. Recently, My favorite memory is just being able students and possibly faculty
it is possible to The Oredigger sat down with this to go to class, not every day, more members to aspire to?
upgrade each esteemed member of the school to like three times a week, and being Well for faculty, young faculty
settlement to a see what interesting things he does able to make an impact on the stu- especially, that is to do research.
city, which will when he’s not working. dents’ education. I wouldn’t be here We seem to have a dichotomy here
collect resourc- So to start off, is it true that if it weren’t for that. where we have significant teaching
es at twice the Settlers of Catan can take a lifetime to master. you own the Rockdoc car? What about the geology field loads yet we hire faculty to do re-
You are correct. sessions? search. I have seen many instances
And how did that come about? Well, I was the director for field where faculty come here and get
My daughter gave me that license camp back when the department caught up in the classroom, which
plate 20 years ago. She gave it to me was small. That’s another thing - I is good, but young faculty have that
for my birthday, I think. love going out in the field with stu- opportunity to do research... As for
You must have been teaching dents and when they see that they students, put away the distractions
here a long time if you have been understand something; that is in- and also become more attuned to
the Rockdoc since way back credibly gratifying. Plus, I was in what is happening in the world... a
when. charge of the Molas Lake program lot is going on and it is important to
1974 is when I came here. Origi- for years and where else do you get stay current.
nally, I taught what
Master of Management Practice would be the Earth
class now, and then
I taught graduate
A professional degree for courses in geochem-
the future manager istry.
So from what I
have gathered, you
have quite the spe-
Study with cialty in uranium re-
Earn students from sources?
your degree in all disciplines Yes, my specialty
one year is uranium geochem-
istry and exploration
geology... now that
Understand: there is a slight boom
Project Management in the uranium busi-
Marketable Products ness, I have become
Budget Management involved in the board
Financial Markets of technological direc-
Team Management tors for two junior ura-
nium companies.
What sorts of
hobbies do you • • 970.491.4661 find time to do with
those obligations
and your teaching? Dr. Romberger shows his wall of achievements.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
february 14, 2011 s p o r t s page 7

Mines fights hard but falls to Grand State University ALL PHOTOS STEVEN WOOLDRIDGE / OREDIGGER

Cooper Newby wrestled Kyle Wilson of Grand State University in the 141lb Oredigger Cooper Newby Pins Kyle Wilson to the mat.
weight class.

Jamie Sheets pins the arm of GCU wrestler Ted Bristol in the 157lb match Jamie Sheets is declared the winner with a score of 5-3.
Friday night.

Oredigger Elias Arias fights to remove Madison Gambell from his back Jesse Snider pins Austen Moore in the 149lb match.
during the 125lb match.

Jesse Snider slams Austen Moore to the mat. Jesse Snider won his match by a technical fall, 15-0.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
page 8 f e a t u r e s february 14, 2011

Making Stuff: smarter

concludes intelligently
Stephen Hejducek and slowed down infection. The
Content Manager greatest fact about this is that it does

Gogo inflight WiFi In the final of chapter of the mak-

ing stuff series, the topic in point was
not kill bacteria, it just slows them
down. When bacteria are killed with
sanitizers and substances like that,
an in-air day pass to zero dollars. nonexistent. making stuff smarter. The amazing it leaves only the strongest strains
Ian Littman
The single-flight pass, on the other Last but not least, Gogo per- materials covered ranged from pads alive. This creates a problem for the
Tech Break Columnist
hand, was $12.95, so I “bought” that formed decently. I would not go so far that allowed robots to climb walls, future which has to combat these
I’m writing this article from a instead, while waiting for a helpful as to say that Gogo’s network, cur- non-Newtonian fluids, practical ap- super stains of bacteria.
relatively exotic location (Orlando, Gogo agent to talk me through what rently powered by an air-to-ground plications for the design of shark- Another material to be made
Florida) with a relatively exotic com- was going on in an accompanying EvDO link (a la Verizon, Sprint, and skin, and materials that can repair more intelligent is a special coating
puter (Google’s Cr-48). I am here for chat window. CricKet) and backhauled by AT&T themselves. “Making Stuff: Smarter” that goes on a material that allows
work-related reasons (partial intern- As it turns out, Alaska Airlines, was incredibly fast, but it worked focuses on taking materials and the material to heal itself almost in-
ship), and as a result, had someone Airtran (soon to be absorbed by fine for light web surfing, e-mail, and objects like fuel tanks and shock stantaneously when it is punctured.
pick my flight for me. The flight to Southwest), Delta, and Virgin Amer- Google Docs. I measured download absorbers and by using a new ma- The practical application for this ma-
here, powered by US Airways, has ica are the only airlines that honor speeds of 600-1000 kbps and up- terial, create a completely new and terial is that it can coat the outside of
in-flight WiFi, so I will review that in Gogo day passes. This fact was not loads of around 250 kbps, about the improved version of that object. The a fuel tank and if the fuel tank gets
this article. apparent on Aircell’s website, so the same as I’ve seen with my CricKet coolest thing about “Making Stuff: punctured, even by bullets, the fuel
My experience with inflight WiFi Gogo chat rep gave me a code for a aircard. Latency was variable, but I Smarter” is that not all of these ma- tank will leak little to no gasoline. This
started around 7:30 AM, Denver free flight, presumably to cover the saw pings to terrestrial sites hitting in terials are rare materials. makes driving in places where the
Time, on US Airways flight 1710. second segment (CLT-MCO for air- the low-to-mid 100ms range, some- Sharks were on first as the sci- military is shot at more safe. Another
The flight number is important for port code lovers) of my flight. Fast- thing that the satellite based solu- ence of these beauties of the sea military application for more intelli-
two reasons. First, the flight was forward to 10,000 feet above South tion Southwest is trialing will not be were discussed in-depth. Sharks gently designed materials world is a
completed by an Airbus A321, the Carolina and I find out that, instead able to do. You cannot do VoIP over have an amazing ability to fight algae non-Newtonian fluid that is magnet-
only plane on which US Airways of forcing me to buy a $4.95 short- Gogo (it is not allowed), and gaming growth and glide silently through the ic. This occurs from infusing particles
currently has Gogo inflight WiFi ser- flight WiFi pass, Gogo was perfectly while flying is probably a bad idea water. When trying to understand of iron within the liquid. This fluid can
vice, compared with Delta’s WiFi fine with continuing to give me Inter- as well, however I have seen much, why sharks had these unique abili- be placed within a shock absorber
presence on any flight that does not net access over my previous flight much worse connections to the In- ties, scientists took a closer look at and with a little help from an elec-
use a regional jet. Second, I stayed pass, which I am absolutely okay ternet in my day. their scales and realized that the tromagnet, it becomes a non-New-
on the same plane, with the same with. My guess is that the system In short, whether Gogo inflight shape and patterning of the scales tonian shock absorber that is much
flight number, all the way to my des- bills per flight, and since my flight WiFi is worth it depends on how actually helped a shark swim and more precise at handling rough driv-
tination, despite an hour stopover in number was the same all the way to you’re going to use the service and fight bacteria. This design was then ing conditions.
Charlotte, US Air’s big eastern hub. Orlando, my ‘net access lasted until which airline you are flying on. If you taken to a lab for testing. A man- An amazing breakthrough in ro-
This fact will become important later. then. On the other hand, if I had con- are flying nonstop or are aboard an made version shark scale pattern botic applications came with the
The night before my flight, I nected to a different A321-powered airline that honors the day pass pro- was imprinted into a strip of metal. ability for a robot being designed
nabbed a day pass from Gogo in flight, I would have had to use the gram, the service is a decent value, The metal was placed into a cell to climb walls. Robots with pads
order to cover inflight WiFi for both coupon code that the Gogo rep so provided you are doing something culture dish next to another smooth designed like gecko feet have the
flight segments. The pass was graciously gave me. profitable with the connection; Net- piece of metal. Bacteria were then ability to climb any surface. The ap-
$11.96, including tax, versus $12.95 Two more notes before I cover flix does not count because it will not squirted into the dish and left to in- plications for robots like this seems
plus tax for buying in the air, or so the performance of the actual sys- work, and Facebook does not count cubate for twenty-four hours. Fol- endless. They can be used to clean
Gogo said. In reality, you can access tem. First, Ford is promoting their because you can get that for free lowing this, the cell culture dish was windows on skyscrapers, mounting
Gogo’s website, as well as the web- Explorer SUV by giving away free right now. If you are making a con- removed to inspect how much of security cameras, or even military in-
site of the airline you are flying on, access to Facebook via Gogo for nection on an airline that does not the bacteria had grown. The bac- telligence. With further development
without even having to log in. I did the rest of February, a feature that I do day passes, look at what planes teria was all over the smooth metal of all the amazing materials in the
not try this, but I am pretty sure that tested and found to work perfectly you are flying on, and how long you and it had created multiple colonies, world, the grasp of human under-
I could just purchase the pass that on my flight to Charlotte. Second, are spending on each one. $12 for while the shark scale designed piece standing combined with our ability to
way and save a couple bucks versus Gogo works on a sign-in/sign-out four hours worth of making-a-flight- of metal had only a few bacteria cells imagine bigger and greater achieve-
paying from Gogo’s “captive portal” basis, with up to one device being go-quickly sounds like a decent deal on it. This meant that the shark scale ments, there is no limit to what hu-
page that shows up if you try to go able to log in at a time on a given to me. $13 plus tax for a little over designed metal actually prevented mans can do.

Black Butte Porter

to, say, Google if you are not logged WiFi pass. This method of authenti- two hours of WiFi, not so much. But
into their service. cation allowed me to use the full In- that is your decision, the service itself
This purchase brings me back to ternet on both my MacBook and my is solid.
the plane. When I opened my com- Cr-48 during both flights, swapping Curious about airport WiFi? I

pairs well with pizza

puter (above 10,000 feet) and con- my account between the two as the cannot say that I have been every-
nected to Gogo’s unprotected WiFi flight progressed. I came into the where, but I will post an online-only
signal, I was shocked to find that day plane thinking that the pass would article some time next week about
passes were nowhere to be found be tied to a single device’s MAC ad- my experiences in that arena. Until
on the in-flight purchase screen. This dress, limiting me to the use of one then, comment on this article with
is important because the day pass device for the duration of the flight, your own in-flight technology experi- Bryant Pocock plex flavors, and a dark brown color.
I received was just a promotional and was pleasantly surprised to find ences; I am a bit of an airline geek as Staff Writer It is no surprise then that coffee and
code used to bring my purchase of out that this limitation was, in fact, well, so I like that sort of thing. dark chocolate are just as prominent

Great flavors meet

The name “porter” was first ap- in Black Butte Porter’s flavor as in
plied to dark ales in 18th century the smell. Also present are hints of
London, where the heavy and sub- caramel and a subtle cinnamon-like
stantial beverage was a favorite spice. While the relatively mild 30

guilty pleasures again

among porters, longshoremen, and IBUs of hop bitterness are notice-
other hard-working laborers. Porters able, they are almost completely
are typically slightly lighter in color, overpowered by the biting and roas-
body, and alcohol content than their ty characteristics of the barley. Some
cousin, the stout porter, often simply indistinct fruity flavors from the hops
called stout. shine through, however. Sweetness
Stephen Hejducek deep frying. Prepare a batter con- sistency. They taste like an Oreo
Deschutes Black Butte Porter is also very faint, with a dry finish.
Content Manager sisting the eggs, milk, and flour. The flavored cupcake. The icing just Black Butte Porter would pair
appears to be an nearly opaque
batter should be pretty thin, but not seems to melt down to the back well with other roasted food such
black color, but holding the glass
Cooking Corner continues this so thin that it will not coat the cookies of the throat and create a warming as wood-oven pizza or roasted pep-
up to a light reveals a dim, dark red
week with food that will feel amaz- with a ‘healthy’ thickness. Remove sensation. The deep fried Oreo, this pers. Although it isn’t quite sweet
shining through. Carbonation levels
ing while being eaten, but make the the Oreo cookies from the freezer week’s unhealthiest alternative to a enough to go well with desserts con-
are high, with a thick foamy white
body cringe with disgust. This week’s and place them into the batter. You healthy snack. taining chocolate or coffee, a savory
head forming from small bubbles,
deep fried food of the week is a deep should have enough batter to STEPHEN HEJDUCEK / OREDIGGER
chocolate molé dish might not be
similar in texture and color to espres-
fried Oreo. This treat is a staple at coat an entire bag of Double out of the question.
so crema. Because of the thick body
many state fairs like the Texas State Stuffed Oreo cookies. Place Despite being heavy and strong-
and strong carbonation, foam stays
Fair, and with a little preparation, this the coated cookies into a flavored, Black Butte Porter is still
around until the glass is finished.
food can be quite easy to prepare. deep fryer and wait for them smooth and drinkable, much more
Roasted barley, almost coffee-like,
Ingredients: to float. Once the cookies are so than heavier stouts. Deschutes
dominates the scent. Toffee, fruity
2 Large Eggs floating, remove them from touts the addition of wheat as the
hops, alcohol, and a subtle yet spe-
2 cups of Flour the deep fryer using a pair of cause of this smoothness. The 5.2%
cial ale yeast finish out the aroma.
2 cups of milk tongs and place them onto a alcohol content is also more moder-
Coffee, chocolate, browned
1 package of Oreo cookies paper towel. Be sure to wipe ate than most stouts. For creating a
meat, and dark beers such as por-
Paper towels and a plate off excess oil from the cookies. supremely drinkable, tasty, and well-
ters are all prepared with the aid of
Tongs Wait five minutes for the inner made example of the porter style,
the Maillard reaction. This chemical
Directions: icing to cool and then enjoy! Deschutes earns a solid A- grade for
interaction between sugars and ami-
Place the Oreo cookies into the These deep fried delec- Deep fried Oreo - this week’s un- their Black Butte Porter.
no acids produces a variety of com-
freezer four or more hours before table have an interesting con- healthiest snack is ready to enjoy.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
february 14, 2011 f e a t u r e s page 9

You have options at The stars above Mines

New Peach Garden
John Bristow constellation changes, whether it with the heavy elements that have
Staff Writer be a different mindset or a com- allowed the Earth and other plan-
pletely different location in the ets to form as they have. In ad-
Of the problems that humanity galaxy, the original form of the dition, gamma ray bursts from
Joshua Kleitsch of soup and a side of rice, and
has when dealing with the con- constellation is lost. Some soci- nearby stars have possibly af-
Staff Writer most lunch entrees are priced
cept of space, one of the most eties that border each other have fected the direct course of evo-
under $7.00. Being a relative
hampering is the extreme distanc- entirely different forms associated lution, while the nearest star, our
What is it with Chinese res- newbie to Chinese cuisine, an
es involved. Astronomers are well with the stars. For instance, in one Sun, has made the solar system
taurants and great food at low entree with a recognizable name
aware that even the closest ob- civilization the bright set of seven possible. The universe is truly an
prices? Golden offers many great seemed the safest choice. The
jects in deeper space are beyond stars in the picture may represent amazing place.
food choices, but it is getting Sichuan chicken was delivered in
analogy for the average human a mighty bear while in another May the stars shine brightly in
hard to compete with these pur- a remarkably short time, consid-
being to thoroughly comprehend. those stars are the form of a ladle. your skies.
veyors of Chinese cuisine when ering the main dining room was JOHN BRISTOW / OREDIGGER
And along with the problem of dis- When you take these seven stars
they offer such an amazing meal probably 70% full.
tance, there is a distinct problem again and rotate your view and
for so little green out-of-pocket. The food was all good;
when it comes to comparative fly away from Earth, some of the
New Peach Garden, sitting cooked properly and served to
size. Off the top of you head, com- stars are almost within reach while
right on the main drag at 1111 the table hot and ready to eat.
pare the size of the Earth to the others are just distant memories.
Washington Avenue, Suite 10, The serving was enough to fill the
Sun in your mind; while the planet The significance of the zodiac
in downtown Golden, welcomes stomach of one hungry college
is not necessarily a massless dot from an Earth based perspec-
you into their cozy, warm dining student. The number of options
when compared to our star, our tive is simple; it’s where the Sun
room with quiet professional- on the menu were staggering,
planet is almost negligible when and its menagerie of planets
ism. From the get-go you get everything from Moo Shu and
it comes to the shear size of our pass. Back before humanity knew
the feeling that these folks know BBQ pork to Lo Mein and Moo
solar body. about the true nature of the cos-
food and know how to get it Goo Gai Pan. Vegetarians need
So if the distances to the stars mos, these bodies were treated
to you fast and done perfectly. not fear. New Peach Garden has
are so big and the difference in size as equal and their positions were
While the atmosphere and de- many vegetarian options as well,
is so absurd, why is it that such of importance. We know today
cor were nothing to write home all of which must be as good as
outdated information still persists though that this importance is just
to mom about, they did nothing the meat dishes.
today in the form of the zodiac and one of perspective and holds no
to detract from the overall dining It would seem that New
astrology? From the point of view weight when we move beyond our
experience. Most people com- Peach Garden is not afraid to
of an astronomer, the constella- geocentric misconceptions.
ing into this establishment are offer something good at a great
tions of the zodiac have a minor Whether you find yourself hold-
here for a quick lunch on break price. The attitude of the own-
importance, all constellations do. ing onto the belief that a few stars,
from work, so the utilitarian feel ers of this fine restaurant means
Constellations are essentially a zip which have less of an impact on
is quite appropriate. that they have a solid client base;
code for the sky; if an astronomer you than a fly, bear some mean-
Upon being seated, you will they treat customers well and
finds a new nebula and they want ing on your true personality or
be welcomed with a menu and offer a good meal every time.
to report it, they can mention that you just like looking up your horo-
a kettle of hot green tea. The tea Those looking for a great lunch
it would be in Orion near the alpha scope, remember, the universe is
felt great on a breezy Colorado should walk on over to the New
star, for example. And in addition much grander than that. We truly
day, and was a good way to whet Peach Garden and drop $8.00
to locating stars, constellations have been affected by the stars,
the appetite for heartier fare. All on a great meal that may have Ursa Major (The Big Dip-
represent stories from civilizations but not so much in the metaphysi-
entrees are served with a bowl them hooked on Chinese! per) in the north east skies
long past. cal realm; it was originally nearby

This week in
When the point of view of a stars that fed our infantile system around 8:45

Colorado history
Making Stuff...cleaner
Stephen Hejducek the 1920s, and Manhattan Island powder, when in reality it is ac-

Profit-seeking films
Content Manager had working electric fueling sta- tually small carbon nano-tubes.
tions. The downside was the fact Nano-tubes have many functions
Carbon, an element that that only rich people could afford including bicycle parts, a chemi-
Deborah Good vice to an estimated 200,000,000 makes up all living creatures, is such cars. Modern electric cars, cal bonding epoxy, and structural
Content Manager pieces of mail. The Transcript ar- the single greatest concern for though pricey, are more afford- support. This excludes mention
ticle reminded business readers environmental impact. Since the able than ever before. Interesting- of the possible applications in
Everyone has, at some point of the fact that misaddressed or rise of the automobile, gasoline ly enough, people viewed the au- circuits, batteries, solar cells, and
in time, received mail addressed unaddressed letters or mailings has been releasing carbon diox- tomobile as the savior of horses. ultra capacitors.
to someone else. Often, such re- lacking a return address can have ide and other In New York in The final topic of discussion
ceipts merit a short gripe about a negative impact on mail-order noxious gas- ...electric cars were actu- the early twen- in the episode was converting
the person who mailed the item or sales. Businesses were reminded ses into the tieth century, regular household trash into us-
the postal service in general. This that prompt delivery of letters can a t m o s p h e re . ally first produced in the horses were able power. The art of incinerating
frustration is as old as the postal be very important, and were en- F o r t u n a t e l y, literally worked trash for fuel is nothing new for
service, according to The Colo- couraged to participate in Better the future of 1920s, and Manhattan Is- to death. When society, and it may seem a bit ar-
rado Transcript, which reported on Mailing Week. automobiles a horse died, chaic, but at sufficiently high tem-
an event entitled “Better Mailing The same issue also reported lies within hy- land had working electric it would be left peratures, all bad products of in-
Week” in its February 14, 1924, is- on an industrial opportunity in drogen and in the streets cineration are actually destroyed.
electric bat- fueling stations. and the living This allows for a cleaner form of
sue. The event was to take place Golden – a new factory to manu-
from February 18 to 25 and encour- facture “mantel and floor tile, face teries. Making horses left all of energy than incineration and it
age “cham- brick, etc.” Stuff, a mini-series produced by their manure in the streets, creat- also prevents landfills or dumps
bers of com- The Transcript article re- The proprietor, NOVA, concentrates on making ing a terrible from ac-
merce, boards C.M. Wheeler, stuff stronger, cleaner, smaller, odor. The The art of incinerating trash c u m u l a t -
of trade, large minded business readers of had already and smarter. automobile ing more
business and purchased This mini-series was produced just ejected for fuel is nothing new for trash. An-
industrial en- the fact that misaddressed a building at by the Materials Research Soci- a little gas other great
terprises, and ety and is currently being shown instead of society, and it may seem a fact about
the press of or unaddressed letters or Twelfth East Streets
weekly by the CSM Materials De- that ter- this form
the country” partment. This week’s episode rible smell bit archaic, but at sufficiently of energy
mailings lacking a return and was re- was about how we as humans of horse production
to update modeling it
depend upon items like oil and feces. This
high temperatures, all bad
mailing lists address can have a negative to serve his is that any-
and to have purposes. He coal and how their by-products serves to il- products of incineration are thing that
“every check impact on mail-order sales. planned to can actually be used to make lustrate that cannot be
placed against employ ap- beneficial items or even repro- people will actually destroyed. recycled
the possibility of letters reaching proximately five men to begin with duce energy for houses. Some always find can be used
the postal system without accurate and work up to a larger workforce. notable topics to mention are s o m e t h i n g to power
addresses.” The venture was forecasted to be converting old trash bags into to complain about. houses, office buildings, or any
Although the exercise seemed successful, as currently Colorado carbon nano-tubes or that some Another amazing piece of place that requires power.
a bit mundane, the Transcript and builders had to purchase these of the fastest electric motorcycles technology at work showcased In summary, a symbiotic re-
the postal service took it very se- tiles from factories in such far-flung are owned and produced by a by the show is converting plas- lationship being carbon dioxide
riously. The Transcript alleged is- areas as West Virginia and Los An- family right here in Denver. tic bags into carbon nano-tubes. producers and carbon dioxide
sues with misaddressed mail ex- geles. Additionally, Wheeler had This episode described how Simply put, a plastic bag that has consumers can be created. The
tended back to the first postmaster “extensive tests made with tiles a hydrogen fuel cell works and been cut into strips is placed into easiest way to start is to find ways
general, Benjamin Franklin, and manufactured out of Golden clay” how an electric car works. An in- a machine that separates out all to not produce new amounts of
cost tax payers about $1,740,000 and found the clay to be “the best teresting fact is that electric cars elements except for carbon. The carbon, but to reuse what is al-
per year to provide directory ser- he has ever seen for this use.” were actually first produced in product looks like simple black ready available.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
page 10 o p i n i o n february 14, 2011

’ s
Minds at Mines Tim
Spring break
Jacob Brudvig
two ¢ ents
Staff Writer

Young, free and powerful

This week, Minds at Mines sought out students’ plans for the fast-
approaching Spring Break.

Tim Weilert through non-violent means. Their overcome fear to embrace free-
Staff Writer weapons were websites. While dom has had me thinking: what
Twitter and Facebook might be a does freedom actually mean?
“Well, after talking to some of my friends, we As a follow-up to last week’s time-waster in the US, they have How does it affect my life? How
will probably end up going to France. At this editorial on current events, I’m been the tools of regime change will it affect the future? These are
point, the plan is that when we get to France, dedicating this week’s column in the Middle East. However, the all questions without quick an-
we will spend two days there and then go to the to everyone’s favorite concept: true power of the people did not swers. If people half a world away,
Netherlands for several days. After this we will go freedom. If events in Egypt have lie in their cunning use of social who are my same age, are will-
to Spain for a few days and then head back. taught us anything it is this: true media; rather it was their goal that ing to die for freedom shouldn’t
It really is sounding to be a great summer power lies within the wishes of displaced a dictator. I at least consider how important
vacation.” the people, many of those peo- Freedom is an impressive freedom actually is? Take some
Mohameden Abouby ple are our peers, and they have thing. In the course of history mil- time this week to stop and think.
a much greater appreciation for lions have sacrificed their lives for Ask: What does freedom mean to
freedom than we’ll ever be able to freedom, honoring it above their me?
understand. own well-being. Freedom, you
(Former) Egyptian president see, has weightier implications Editorials Policy
The Oredigger is a designated public forum. Edi-
Hosni Mubarak bowed to the than most Americans can com- tors have the authority to make all content deci-
power of the people on Friday prehend. As someone who is four sions without censorship or advance approval
and may edit submitted pieces for length so long
morning following over two weeks generations out from emigration, as the original meaning of the piece is unchanged.
“I will probably go hang out with a lot of of protest and a similar event in I am entirely comfortable with the Opinions contained within the Opinion Section do
my friends, go shooting, and just relax. I neighboring Tunisia. The protes- concept of freedom- a fact which
not necessarily reflect those of Colorado School of
Mines or The Oredigger. The Oredigger does not
don’t know how I will get to tors did not stage a bloody coup may lead to some apathy about accept submissions without identification and will
relax seeing that I have se- (although the military did kill ~300 its true meaning.
consider all requests for anonymity in publication
on a case-by-case basis. Submissions less than
nior design to work on, but people), they achieved revolution Watching the Egyptian people 300 words will receive preference.
somehow I will make it hap-

Have an opinion?
Anh Nguyen

“[My plans] were to go to Disneyland, but I’m

gonna end up spending some quality time with my
little brother whom I will be baby sitting. I may Write an editorial! We are always
catch some new movies that are coming out
with some friends, but other than that prob-
ably not much.”
looking to hear from our readers
Anna Ryazantseva
and would be happy to publish your
thoughts on pressing matters around
“Probably spend time with family most-
ly. Just relax and not do homework. I do
plan to start training for my 5v5 inter-mural
basketball game. I definitely want to
get in shape and trained for that so
that I can kick some butt! The only
You can also write a letter to the
other thing I will probably do is
some road biking. I really enjoy it.”
Derek Witte
editor to voice your opinion about The
Oredigger. We’re open to suggestions
and want to know your thoughts.
“Oh that’s a tough one. I guess try not to have
too much fun.... I definitely will be going hiking,
hanging out with friend, and a little bit of work.
I will not be doing homework no matter what!
Oh and I guess I will be having family coming in
from New Orleans so I will be taking them
all around Colorado. Of course we will
Send your opinions to oredig@mines.
go skiing, see 16th street mall, and all
that is Colorado.”
Emily Hixon

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
february 14, 2011 o p i n i o n page 11

Morals to your story

Shira Richman
Ethics Columnist


I need money. For a variety of reasons that will be boring for you to know: I need some. Bad. I know that sperm donation is an easy thing to do, not unpleasant from what my friends have told
me. It seems like a good way to earn some extra cash. So, I’ve been thinking about donating eggs. This process is supposed to be somewhat miserable, but much better money than the sperm
earn. I told my mom I was interested in doing it and she said something to the effect of, “Do you think your obligation to your offspring ends at fertilization? Your genetic code is your duty to preserve,
protect, and help to progress in life. That just sounds irresponsible to me.”

I hadn’t thought of it that way at all. I just thought it could bring me money and help some people who can’t have children to have some. What do you think? Would donating eggs be heroic or
ethically questionable?
Wasted Eggs

Responses to Dilemma

Everyone going to school understands the scarcity of funds. We all have to work hard to earn money. As a poor college student, the idea of donating sperm has crossed my mind a few
times. However, I agree with your mom about our obligation to our offspring. I believe that I have a duty to father and support my children. Beyond that, I want to know my children. I want
to play with them and laugh with them. I would miss out on all that if I were to donate sperm.

As for the heroism of giving other people the chance at parenthood, there are other alternatives. There are plenty of children in the United States and around the world that already do not
have parents. Adoption not only reduces the problems of overpopulation, poverty, and starvation, but also brings joy into the lives of everyone involved.

As for your dilemma, there are other options to earn money. Job hunting is not fun, but it pays off. There are always jobs, but you have to be willing to look for them, and be willing to do
whatever you can—even if that means taking a job below your current skill set. There is also something to be said about re-evaluating your spending habits—making smart decisions about
what you need versus what you want. Personally, I try to avoid “get rich quick” schemes, or fast-cash promotions. There’s always a catch. In the case of donating eggs, I think the catch
would be not knowing my children. That makes hard work now worth it to me.
Other Alternatives

From a strictly utilitarian point of view, the most obvious answer would appear to be that you should donate your eggs: you get the happiness of extra cash, and a family gets a child they
may not have been able to otherwise. Everyone’s happy! Your mother is wrong in saying that donating eggs would make you responsible for how they are used: once they are donated, they
are no longer your eggs. However, the ultimate decision here also depends on your personal pain tolerance; is the discomfort of the operation and the discomfort of your mother’s disap-
proval worth the comfort that the money provides? That’s only something you can answer, but utilitarianism makes a good argument for donating your eggs and being compensated for it.
All that said, I believe you should go for it.
Grant Walker

From a Kantian perspective, you should not sell your eggs. According to Kant, you must treat yourself and all of humanity with respect, and that includes not objectifying your body. By
selling your eggs, you are making yourself an object and as a means for profit, which is unethical. Kant believes that you do not own your own body, thus you cannot do whatever you want
with it. Also, even though you may make others happy by possibly helping them have a child, Kant would consider your action to be immoral because not only are you selling your eggs to
satisfy your own desires, but you are also satisfying somebody else’s desires, which is not a proper way to be using your body.
Bodies Are Not Owned By Us

Increase the happiness of the majority! I personally think it’s a great idea to donate your eggs for several reasons. It’d be a good thing to do because it will make more people happy than
upset. Yeah, your mother will be a little upset but she doesn’t have to know, right? If you don’t tell her that you donated your eggs, you wouldn’t necessarily be lying to her. You’ll simply be
withholding information, which will keep her from being upset. But think of the consequences. Think of how happy the couple using your egg to make a baby will be. The couple and you
will both benefit from this situation. A couple will have a new baby and you’ll get your much needed money. Everybody wins. 
Julie Thao

There’s no doubt that egg donation is good money, and if you’re up for the pain that the process involves, like the constant doctor’s visits, drugs, and minor surgery, then go for it. It’s your
body, and if you’re okay with donating eggs, there should be nothing stopping you. As far as what your mother is saying, yes, the baby will have your genetic code. But it will also have two
very loving and grateful parents. People only resort to in vitro fertilization in desperate situations, and the happiness that child would bring them is probably more than either you or I could
imagine. I find nothing wrong with egg donation, and honestly, I thank the people who do it, because I know they are making people’s dreams come true.
Ms. Needle-Phobic

Although you may be tight on cash right now, I do not agree with the decision to donate your eggs. Eggs should not be viewed as just an object, because they have the potential of being
human life, which is sacred. Even though you will not have any legal obligations to the egg or the future baby that may result, you still have a moral obligation since it is from your own DNA.
There are other ways of earning money than taking such a drastic step such as doing odd-end jobs for some extra cash or even donating plasma. Life is delicate and should be treated as
such, so knowing what will be done with the egg and taking responsibility for it is the right thing to do.
DNA Obligations

Even though this seems like a reasonably selfless way to get money, there is a conflict of morality. You might be getting paid for your eggs but the situation in which you are choosing
to donate, makes it seem rather selfish and wrong. You do have an obligation to your eggs and “selling” them conflicts with your responsibility. Each egg is a potential child that will always
contain some part of you, whether you want it or not. That child’s future happiness is in your hands and your decisions now will impact that life forever. If you choose to donate eggs and
give up the rights to your children, then it needs to be a selfless act based on knowing that they are going to someone more deserving and gifted. I recommend you seek a job rather than
selling irreplaceable parts.
No Price on Life

If you are willing to go through the process I feel that it is a good thing. There are lots of couples out there that cannot have children the traditional way. One thing I would suggest is to
check out the company collecting the eggs and make sure that they screen the people looking for eggs because it would be important to me that my genes get passed to a good family.
Ray Puckett

Next Week’s Dilemma

I work for a small engineering firm in the Golden area and I have run into an ethical dilemma. I work as an intern and I am striving for a full time position at the firm when I graduate in May.
I am currently assigned to work with a co-worker on a project that requires significant amounts of experimentation and report writing. The co-worker has been with the firm for several years
and he is in a position to influence the owner about whether or not to hire me in May.

The dilemma is due to the fact that he does almost nothing but surf the internet during work! There is very little supervision from the owner and because I am still getting all of the work
done he does not ask any questions. I feel compelled to talk to the owner about the co-workers work ethic, but I do not want to disrupt my future career possibilities. If I do not talk to the
owner about the issue, however, I may be at risk of losing my job due to the fact that I am consciously allowing a co-worker to get nothing done during company time. What do you think I
should do?
Accomplice or Informant

We would love to know what you think Accomplice or Informant should do and the reasons that make you think so.

Do you have an ethical dilemma in your personal, academic, or professional life? You don’t have to figure it out on your own. Send your ethical dilemmas and responses to Accomplice or
Informant to: by midnight on Friday, February 18th.

Be sure to let me know if you want your name printed or not and if you have a preferred nickname what it is. We look forward to hearing from you.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
page 12 s a t i r e february 14, 2011

Shadows “following us” Sudoku

say scientists
Janeen Neri further diminishes the amount of ra- path,” he said, “usually they’ll all get
Paranoid Scientist diant energy hitting their surface.” stuck to the surface of the protrud-
Other labs are already contest- ing object. They don’t seem to want
Researchers in Boulder made a ing Mechoulam’s claims. A team led to fly around things very much.” The
startling discovery last week. “Shad- by Berkeley’s Albert Hofmann claim pupal stage can last anywhere from
ows,” the oddly shaped patches that shadows are, in fact, the ab- minutes to eons, and, if successful,
of darkness commonly seen near sence of light. Said Hofmann, “We will end in a reproductive frenzy that
people and buildings, possess a isolated light back in ‘89, and it turns forms another hive.
rudimentary form of vision and tend out to be composed of small, flying, Mechoulam seemed unper-
to follow people around. “This is ab- phosphorescent fungi. These fungi turbed by the competing theory.
solutely groundbreaking,” said lead are motile and have a highly devel- “It’s still possible that the Berkeley
scientist Raphael Mechoulam, “We oped eusocial structure, forming team is correct,” Mechoulam said,
finally have proof of something that hives in energy sources such as light “and that we are right too. I suspect
people have suspected for millen- bulbs and stars. Some subspecies that if Hofmann’s light creatures do
nia.” of light breed at regular intervals, exist, they are the natural predators
It is unclear what shadows seek while others are reproducing more of shadows. When a spotlight is di-
to gain by clinging to humans, or less continuously. Regardless of rected toward a shadow, it dims or
though Mechoulam speculated that type, newborn lightlings stream out disappears. Thus, it would not be
they might be extremely photosensi- of the hive in large swarms, seeking surprising that shadows try to hide
tive. “When we were trying to isolate a home in which to pupate.” in places that light swarms are phys-
the shadows,” he said, “we found The lightlings, Hofmann ex- ically incapable of reaching.”
that they had a strong aversion to plained, sample possible nesting On a lighter note, Mechoulam
light, and would cower behind the areas by touch, and appear to have pointed out that shadows make very
nearest available object in order to “an unknown criterion” for deciding easygoing, low-maintenance pets. “I
avoid it. It’s really amazing, actu- where to settle. “They often fly from would definitely recommend shad-
ally, how superb they are at evading place to place for a while before ows to college students,” he said,
light. Measurements indicate that sticking somewhere,” he said. How- “all they need to live in is a sturdy,
not only do they hide at an angle ever, they also have a very regular closed box. Shadow organisms are
precisely opposite to the light source flight pattern, Hofmann explained, not well understood yet, but they
See solution at
-- indicating advanced innate trigo- and this can prevent them from seem to form their own ecosystem
nometric skills -- but they also have reaching certain areas, or ‘shadows.’ when confined and do not need to
some kind of natural shielding that “If something stands directly in their be fed.”

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w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t

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