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Quantum Medicine Update – Townsend Letter for Doctors Nov 2009 Paul Yanick, Jr. Ph.D.

©2009 1

Efferent-Afferent & Microbiotica Imbalances in MCS and

Paul Yanick, Jr. Ph.D. - American Academy of Quantum Medicine
An ecological view of MCS and Fibromyalgia recognizes that the delicate symbiotic
equilibrium of commensal microbiotica is disrupted. The war on microbes and the simplistic
nuke-the-microbe or virus mindset has caused a rising incidence of multiple chemical
sensitivity (MCS), asthma, eczema allergies, and inflammatory disorders like fibromyalgia.1,2
This unremitting assault on microbes has wiped out billions of beneficial commensal cells that synthesize
vitamin K, folic acid, synbiotic nutrient detoxifiers as well as immunological weaponry (lysozymes, bacteriocins,
lactoferrin and transferren), neuronutrients and hormone precursor nutrients.
Our 90 trillion commensal cells outnumber human cells ten to one and play a prominent role in resistance to
pathogenic microbes and are an integral part—not an aberrant part—of the healthy ecology of microbial life.
However, changes in global ecology, food, and climate along with mutant pathogens result in dysbiosis and
efferent-generated inflammation. The dysbiotic gastrointestinal (GI) tract cannot maintain stable ecological
niches because the complex, dynamic and spatially diversified microbiotica and its microbiome of collective
genomes is disrupted.3-5 The microbiome is one hundred-fold larger than that of its host and culture-based
assays, and a variety of molecular methods that include fluorescent in situ hybridization, terminal restriction
fragment length polymorphisms, microarrays, and direct sequencing reveal exciting new data on how human
microbiotica can detoxify the body, fight inflammation, and nourish afferent neurons that regenerate the
The mutually beneficial commensal/human cell symbiosis requires colonization and proper afferent control of
digestion. When this happens, commensal microbiotica become nutrient factories, producing detoxifying
compounds and ample immunological weaponry. However, in today’s toxic world, afferent neurons are
dominated by efferent-generated cytokine inflammation, leaving sick patients unable to digest food into
nutrients that nourish commensals. When afferent neurons are unable to control the motility and mobility of the
gastro-duodenal juncture, we store, rather than excrete toxins, staying locked in the efferent cholinergic anti-
inflammatory pathway.
Commensal cells are master physiological chemists, employing a broad range of strategies to nourish and
manipulate human cells via communication known as quorum sensing.8-10 Quorum sensing is disrupted when we
employ anti-microbial pharmaceuticals or natural anti-infectives. This mindset is hard to understand when
scientists are telling us that out our 90 trillion microbes functioning as persistent commensal colonists and
symbionts to provide a mutually beneficial relationship with the host, only 70 are pathogenic.11-13
Dysbiosis causes persistent efferent inflammation and opportunistic infections that favor pathogenesis.12
Thus, conquering MCS, fibromyalgia and other inflammation-driven disorders, means we have to abandon
notions that put host against microbe and focus on an ecological view that recognizes the interdependence of
hosts with their microbiotica and the importance of each for the other’s survival.
Immunological competence depends on a quorum of commensals or proper colonization to bolster innate and
adaptive immunity and maintain mucosal homeostasis.14 Commensal microbiotica are our close allies and we
must re-colonize and nourish them so this vast, complex, and dynamic consortium of cells can colonize and
approach a microbial density of 1012 organisms per gram. The quorum relationship between human cells and
commensals represents millions of years of peaceful coexistence before the advent of antibiotics. Could an
absence of these powerful commensal detoxifiers and afferent nutrient regenerators be behind the constant
inflammation and pain of fibromyalgia and the defective detoxification functions of MCS victims?
Commensals produce a goldmine of anti-toxin, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agents that are part and
parcel of the body’s immunological weaponary.16-25 It took me three decades of research with probiotic
colonizers to understand how to re-colonize microbiotica with quorum nutrition so commensals could find
permanent residence in the gut. Once they successively thrive and flourish and the gut mucosa are stabilized
with quorum nutrition, they can express their rich genetic diversity to heal and regenerate the body. Plus,
commensal cells are vast reservoirs of essential hard-to-get nutrients and anti-inflammatory compounds that
soothe inflammation with more clout than any kind anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical or nutraceutical.
Efferent neuron dominance always depresses afferent control of digestion and detoxification, making it
impossible for commensals to colonize and survive. Since commensals feed human cells, we become deficient.
In turn, the liver absorbs maldigestive byproducts, which elicit stagnant damp heat that we have found in
hundreds of patients with MCS and fibromyalgia. Thus, the maldigestion dilemma warrants that commensal
nourishment be in a quorum synbiotic format so they can rapidly feed, cleanse, and fortify themselves for
colonization. My original research findings are supported by studies that reveal how quorum synbiotics are
beneficial in cases of severe acute pancreatitis, chronic hepatitis, abdominal surgery, liver transplantation and
abnormal calcification.22-25
Quantum Medicine Update – Townsend Letter for Doctors Nov 2009 Paul Yanick, Jr. Ph.D. ©2009 2

Afferents are busy multitaskers guiding and regulating digestive physiology and many facets of human
physiology as they listen to the quorum language of commensal cells.26-31 Until recently, studies of afferent
neurons examined only a few cells sitting in a petri dish. Now scientists are figuring out how to observe living
cells and learning more about their abilities as well as how to pay more attention to the quorum language of
cells. Wrangling the precise ratios of quorum-fermented probiotics that could actually colonize the gut and
reestablish a peaceful coexistence of friendly cellular quorum communication is the ultimate clinical goal.
Commensal cellucide inhibits afferents and activates efferents to generate huge amounts of cytokine
inflammation, causing the immune system to go haywire and attack the body’s own neurons and tissues.
Clearly, restoring efferent-afferent balance by restoring commensal microbiotica balances the Th-1/TH-2
immune response so we have a speedier and more efficient immune response.19-21
In summary, commensal-probiotic colonization has the potential to reboot a misfiring immune system and
restore the human ecosystem. The pharmaceutical war on microbes and early hope for unprecedented cures
gave way to tragic deaths, auto-immune disease like juvenile diabetes and multiple sclerosis, and disorders like
MCS and fibromyalgia. Our germicidal zeal has caused us to become deregulated, inflamed, malnourished and
toxic and has even confused and riled-up immune cells to zap our body’s own tissues. Obsessing on pathogenic
microbes has blinded us to ways we can enlist commensal cells to bolster health.
To Learn More –
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