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In this gigantic cosmos no planet apart from Earth has been discovered which is
full of beauty, aptly managed, well controlled and full of innumerable special q
ualities. No doubt we can imagine the existence of heaven but it does not posses
s those special qualities and strange happenings as is seen in our globe. Hence
Earth in Sanskrit language is said to be ‘Swargadapi gariyasi’. Amongst the many pla
nets, satellites etc unearthed in our solar system many are much more gigantic t
han planet Earth yet in them we fail to perceive nature’s beauty, numerous creatur
es, trees, herbs etc. Nowhere are such marvelous seasonal changes noted. Further
it is a virtual impossibility to find such a living being as man who is said to
be imbued with innumerable potentials, special qualities and glories. It is alr
ight that these radiant qualities although present dwell in a latent state.
How it is possible, that in comparison to other planets our tiny shaped Earth is
full of beauty and aptness? If we mull over its material causes only one fact s
uper cedes everything and that is the distance between Earth and Sun is so apt a
nd optimal that all this was possible because of proper balance. Ere this distan
ce were to be less Earth would have been rendered a fire ball and were the dista
nce more it would have been converted to a planet without any functional activit
y due to freezing cold. Hence it is the apt distance between Earth and Sun which
creates such special qualities on the former that is impossible to see elsewher
e in the cosmos.
In one voice right from spiritual seers to modern scientists of the world procla
im that ‘Surya Atma Jagathushcha’ which means that the sun is verily the soul of the
world. The sun is said to be the chief of earth and this fact is pictured as a
relationship akin to husband-wife, 2 male-female lovers etc.
When solar rays rain on earth that area exudes zest and enterprise. Functional m
ovements commence in plants, creatures and various material objects. When the su
n sets everyone gets devoured by lethargy, tiredness, sleep and lesser activity.
Wherever solar rays are minimal or absent there rotting, listlessness and indol
ence prevail. Germs and other toxic creatures try to reach such regions. The mor
e solar energy reaches a place there more strength and zest is noted.
The chief elements of this world are said to be sound, light and heat. Their vib
rations, atoms/molecules and other units along with their aides make varied form
s of various materials. We see that objects have various hues. Where do these co
lors manifest from? The answer is clear- these objects get a particular color wh
en they absorb that particular color from the various hues of solar rays. Hence
sun is the creator of colors in objects. The sun thus gives us an introduction t
o its mind boggling artistic nature akin to an artist in his painting studio.
Earth has many minerals and ores. From them man’s and other creatures’ body is desig
ned. These minerals and ores are created from the union of earth and sun. We can
see them created, growing and functioning in their own way in right from food i
tems to other arenas of materials. Modern scientists opine that the fount of exi
stence of all life bestowing principles on earth along with their activities is
none other than the sun. Scientists like Angstrom and Huginins conclude that sol
ar light possesses the capacity to produce ores metals like sodium, calcium, bar
ium, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, cobalt, cadmium etc. Human life force is but
the result of the grace of sun. In its absence man becomes ill and diseased.
The human body has many cells, proteins, secretions, hormones, vitamins etc. Nor
mally these are looked upon as gifts of nature but subtle research over this sho
ws that this separateness is created because one must study that in certain regi
ons what is the stature of solar influence, in what measure and how speedily? Th
ere with which unit which flow mixes and gives what results? Via chemicals we ca
n see objects produced but in reality these chemicals are created from sun rays.
Right from creation of this world to date changes are seen only in creatures, ma
terials, seasons etc of earth’s atmosphere. At their root the cause is the give an
d take bond between the earth and sun and differences seen in its reaction. If w
e study why nature’s history keeps changing the conclusion drawn is that the dista
nce between the sun and earth is the root cause of upheavals and changes.
While cogitating over the world’s future one will focus on the fact as to how much
and in what manner solar energy will be tapped? Man’s chief requirement is energy
. Where will fuel come so as to cook food, bake bricks, make chemicals, melt ore
s, functioning of vehicles in land/air/sea, running various industries, tapping
water from the ground? As an answer the only solution is making use of solar ene
The sun gives us its introduction via its heat and light. The second is its spir
itual form which manifests in our psyche as inspiration, enterprise, zeal, darin
g etc. In spiritual parlance it is called Savita. It is not an inert ball of fir
e but is conscious Prana or vital force. By invoking and attracting it bestows o
n a spiritual aspirant Ojas/Tejas/Varchas (material and divine brilliance). Kunt
a of Mahabharat epic fame by invoking this divine energy gave birth to the sun’s s
on called Karna. In Karna’s mind and body this energy could be visualized as an am
ulet and earrings. In many other episodes there is a description of attaining mi
raculous capabilities via the sun. It is the sun that is worshiped by the solar
lineage called Raghuvanshis.
In the New Era in order to transform world psyche an intense requirement will ex
ist so as to augment radiant talent the world over. In the creation and advancem
ent of great humans the use of Savita’s conscious power will prevail. For that tod
ay high stature souls via their subtle bodies are carrying out special applicati
ons and efforts.
In the form of congregational world human application within the period of Era J
unction a Gayatri Mahapurashcharan has been carried out in Shantikunj (Haridwar,
India: It had commenced in the year 1989 (Sharad Navratri) and e
nded in December 2000. Its auspicious end had been executed in a grand befitting
manner on a gigantic scale. In the science of spiritual practice those people i
mbued with faith come to Shantikunj for a camp of 1 month and 9 days and take pa
rt in this Era Junction Mahapurashcharan.
In contemporary times how should one combat radiations emitted by nuclear weapon
s? Regarding this the famous philosopher Arthur Koisler directs us to take recou
rse to spirituality based solutions. He have his opinion in an interview with Bl
itz newspaper editor Mr. Karanjia (which was published in March 1983 Navneet mag
azine) wherein he said that much more than nuclear energy it was Gayatri energy
that was very potent. Gayatri is but the Mantra of Savitri or Savita. He says th
at when millions of Indians chant Gayatri in a gigantic Purashcharan the energy
that results would execute the task of a missile that pierces the sun and by con
joining to Bharga will destroy atomic radiations.
Just like Rishis of yore in the future contemporary spiritual visionaries will e
xperience that even in the human personality/nature on the basis of this super e
nergy required purification, reformation and transformation can be induced. In S
urya Purana, Akshunyopanishad and Aditya Hridaya mention is made regarding sun’s s
pecial quality along with therapies wherein via this potent energy the body, min
d and emotions can attain high stature benefits. With reference to this data suc
h research studies will be conducted which can never be falsified and when teste
d scientifically will be proved true. In future solar science will gain repute a
nd instead of limiting its utility value merely to materialism it will be used i
n psychological therapy. One can see the grand results of Surya Namaskar, Suryab
hedan Pranayam, Suryopasthan etc. From it one imbibes great faith in the prowess
of the sun.
Those who harbor deep faith in the above proof for them a public congregational
program of meditation have been designed. It is as follows: at dawn between 3 an
d 4 am purify your body and mind; shut your eyes lightly; meditate on the golden
sun rising at dawn. Experience that the golden rays of the sun are entering our
body and its state is like the moon. Just as the moon shines brightly with the
light of sun that it receives and via its coolness lights the dark night on eart
h thus pouring down nectar so too in deep meditation solar light enters the body
of the devotee and like moon it imbibes cool nectar of light. This cool light b
y encompassing the entire cosmos renders the atmosphere too with serene radiance
. Thus all creatures and materials of the world get influenced by it. The atmosp
here is thus augmenting its utility value and taints of the world are being bid
Super Mantra Gayatri is a solar Mantra. Those with deep faith in Gayatri Mantra
can meditate as mentioned above and chant Gayatri mentally. Those who cannot app
reciate its utility value can at least invoke solar light in their body and thus
meditate that the cool nectarine light of moon is spreading in the entire world
For this 15 minutes are required so that everyone can meditate together. If one
type of sacred emotion is manifested at one and the same time by millions of peo
ple across the globe then via the manifestation of congregational energy the asp
ect of solar consciousness can bless world humanity that much more. We pray that
this exactly happens.
AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya founder of the International Gayatri Family was a
great Yogi seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literatu
re mainly on spiritual subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific
e literature pls visit www.akh and DESCRIPTION: Free e-books on Future Scie
ntific Religion, Gayatri Science & Kundalini Yoga correlated to Neurosciences-ES
P, Endocrinology, Anatomy, Psychology & Sociology for 1) material & spiritual pr
osperity & 2) uniting the world peacefully as a family. Ours is a strictly non-c
ommercial website which aims at realizing the age old dream of great leaders and
thinkers of the world: A beautiful borderless world. KEYWORDS: Kundalini Yoga G
ayatri e-books biography Guru world peace mind psyche god nerve subtle conscious
ness soul divine trance endocrine glands ESP Chakras plexus meditation concentra
tion intellect prophecy thought thinking Cheiro Nostradamus Aurobindo bliss brai
n Vedas solar sun energy sacred pure sense organs Prana Avatar Upanishad light c
ell hypothalamus pituitary transformation futurist prediction serpent power life
human ethics integrity character vagus Tantra Mooladhar atom neutron proton

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