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Volume 2, Issue 5 Lent 2009

Wednesdays and Fridays are days of abstinence
when we partake of a simpler meal. Doing without meat,
or reducing the amount consumed, is a traditional practice
We dedicate this issue to the on Wednesdays and Fridays.
memory of Venerable Fr. Frank ALMSGIVING
Pannitti, who sailed into the
From the money saved by eating simpler meals
realms of eternal glory February
10, 2009. A true pastor at heart, and from abstinence from your favorite food, drink, to-
he imitated the Lord in the cure bacco, video rentals etc. Do the following: Give some of
of souls. Here are the pastoral in- the money to fill your Lenten Offering Box to help those
sights from him for the holy sea- in need and give some of the money saved towards your
son of Lent. Our life has meaning
Easter Offering to help the spiritually hungry.
only because of the Resurrection
of our Lord. The stories in this For what is required is that we give, not much or
Koinonia are indeed resurrec- little, but not less than is in our power to give.--the late
tion stories of Christ’s Church Venerable Frank Pannitti
and His people alive for Him,
because He is Risen! - Editor

enten discipline is Fast in Anglican Tradition
not so much a plac- Ash Wednesday, Good Friday (mortify the flesh by
ing of chains upon telling the body, with its appetites to hush) FOCUS
the body, but an unfettering ON THE PASSION OF CHRIST.
of the spirit, so that we might move more freely toward 4th Sunday- Laetare Sunday (Rejoice ye Jerusalem
God. That is why we engage in spiritual discipline during in the introit) also Refreshment Sunday (Feeding of
Lent, and practice our Mission Lenten Rule of Prayer, the multitudes - Gospel)
Fasting, Abstinence, and Almsgiving.
Lent is an opportunity to set aside time for Prayer,
Study, Meditation, and Reflection.
Give serious prayer and commitment to utilizing this Sac-
rament. By carefully examining our consciences, we will
discover where we have offended God in our thought,
In the Koinonia masthead, the circle with the cross in the center
words, and deeds. When we have confessed these sins symbolizes the paten and the diverse elements which form a whole.
and received assurance of forgiveness through absolu- The Mosaic represents the great cloud of witnesses and the church
tion, we will better know in what area of our lives we are tradition. The red in the letters represents the blood of Christ with
subject to spiritual peril and will achieve our Lenten goal the font comprised of individual pieces of letters that are not joined
until the blood unifies them. Koinonia is the official publication
of becoming Christ-like Christians.
of the Anglican Province of the Holy Catholic Church-Anglican
PRAYER Rite (HCCAR) aka Anglican Rite Catholic Church. It is published
Throughout Lent read daily mediations such as; quarterly at St. James Anglican Church, 8107 S. Holmes Road,
Lent and Easter, Wisdom from Henri J.M. Nouwen or Kansas City, MO 64131. Phone: 816.361.7242 Fax: 816.361.2144.
Lent and Easter, Wisdom from Fulton J. Sheen. Both Editors: The Rt. Rev. Leo Michael & Holly Michael,
Graphic Artist: Phil Gilbreath;
available in paperback.
email: koinonia@holycatholicanglican. org visit us on the web at:
Attend Mass each Sunday in Lent and especially
during the special days of Holy Week: Maundy Thurs- The College of Bishops of the Holy Catholic Church, Anglican
day, Good Friday and Easter. Rite: The Most Rev. Thomas J. Kleppinger, Metropolitan & Bish-
Attend Bible Study classes. Make an effort to op Ordinary of the Diocese of The Resurrection; The Rt. Rev. Leo
J. Michael, Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the Holy Trinity
make a special Lenten Devotion by taking part in the
& Great Plains; The Rt. Rev. Henry Joseph King, Bishop Ordi-
Stations of the Cross. nary of the Diocese of the Pacific and Southwest; The Rt. Rev.
FASTING/ABSTINENCE Kenneth Kinner, Missionary Jurisdiction of the American Indian
The two fast days are Ash Wednesday and Good People; The Rt. Rev. Anthony F. Rasch, Bishop Coadjutor of the
Friday, when we do not eat between midnight and 3:00 Diocese of the Pacific and Southwest; The Rt. Rev. James Mc-
Neley, Bishop Emeritus; The Rt. Rev.A. David Seeland, Bishop Emer-
pm of that day. Break the fast with a simple meal, no
itus, The Rt. Rev. Ronald Greeson, Suffragan Emeritus (DHTGP)
Metro’s Message-Lent 2009
the beginning so that when the event comes to pass, and

D ear Brethren, the Evan-

gelist Saint Luke records that
it completes the details of prophecy, you know assur-
edly that this is what you have been searching for. Jesus
was crucified, dead and buried; and rose again the third
“Jesus took unto Him the day according to prophecy. He took the Twelve and an-
Twelve, and said unto them, nounced they were going up to Jerusalem for this final
behold, we go up to Jerusa- time, to accomplish all that was written concerning Him
lem, and all things that are by the prophets.
written by the prophets con- Although the Apostles had been with Jesus for
cerning the son of Man shall three years, they did not understand these things. Many
be accomplished.” of them had known the Scriptures from their youth. They
The Lord tells you the learned at their mother’s knee, they were instructed by
end from the beginning. As the teachers in the synagogue, they made the yearly treks
our dear Lord steadfastly set His face to go up to Je- to Jerusalem to keep the feasts, and Jesus had taught
rusalem for the final time, He graciously prepares the them. Yet for all this, they were void of understanding
Twelve for what was about to befall Him for us men and of spiritual things. What was foremost on their minds is
our salvation. who among them would become the greatest once Jesus
Jesus was not overcome by events. Things that had died.
were playing out for Him were not unknown. From a Many Christians can relate to this for they are
boy He had increased in His knowledge of the Scrip- in the same boat. Folks who have been in Church all of
tures. He assured Himself that they testified of Him: of their lives - not the Christmas and Easter ones, but those
the work He came to do. who are faithful in worshipping God every Sunday in His
You sometimes wish you could know the future, Church - readily confess they do not understand. Thus
especially during times when things seem uncertain. they are reticent to speak to others about Jesus. They fail
You want to know that everything is going to work out. to evangelize and for this reason growth is stunted in our
While this might be comforting during times of faithless parishes. There is a desire to know what will work in
fears and worldly anxieties, imagine if you had knowl- bringing in new people. Far and away it is simply invit-
edge that things are not going to work out as you would ing someone to come along and see.
like? No one wants to know if evil is about to befall Lent affords you the time to walk the Way of the
them. Cross with Jesus as did those among whom He lived and
Jesus knew from the Old Testament Scriptures taught. The Way of the Cross leads home. You learn of
what awaited Him in Jerusalem as He fulfilled in His Jesus by walking with Him. As you watch with Him in
own Person and Work that which the Father had given His sufferings, you are not surprised by suffering that
Him to do for the salvation of mankind. Now before comes to you. The Lord calls you into the fellowship of
they get to Jerusalem, Jesus shares with the Twelve the His sufferings in this present life with the blessed assur-
events that are about to transpire - events long fore- ance that you will be glorified together with Him in the
told by the prophets concerning Him. “For (the Son of life of the world to come. If you want the Crown, you
man) shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, and shall be must bear the Cross. As it was for Jesus, so it must be for
mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on: and you.
they shall scourge him, and put him to death: and the You may not know the future, but you know Him
third day he shall rise again.” who holds the future and you trust Him to be doing for
You confess in the Creed that Jesus was cruci- you better things than you can desire of pray for, even if
fied, suffered and was buried; and rose again the third you do not understand.
day according to the Scriptures. The Scriptures are not May you have a profitable Lent with Jesus that
the New Testament written after the fact as a witness will bring you to the joy of Easter that only His resurrec-
to the events; but the Old Testament which was written tion can afford. The Way of the Cross leads home.
long before the event. The Lord tells you the end from The Lord bless you. + Thomas Kleppinger
refusal to receive God’s gift of a child.
Today, abortion is justified if a woman is too
young or too poor. Mary was both. She was somewhere
T by The Reverend Dr. Timothy Lent (DOR)
he Infancy Narratives in the Gospel of Luke em-
phasize the value God places on conception, fetal life,
between fourteen to eighteen years of age. Mary and
Joseph were so poor that they could not afford to sacri-
and infancy. For example, Mary conceives the Son of fice a lamb. Instead, they offered a sacrifice of the poor,
God by the power of the Holy Spirit (cf. Luke 1:35). as the Torah or Law of Moses prescribed, namely, “a
For nine months, God dwells within her womb. Jesus, pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons” (Luke 2:24;
then, was once a zygote, an embryo and a fetus. He cf. Leviticus 12:8). In his book Psychology as Religion,
went through every stage of pre-natal development. Paul Vitz (1977: 89) observes, Recall that the young
This in itself is evidence the God places infinite val- Mary was pregnant under circumstances that today
ue on the pre-natal or intra-uterine human life. Ev- routinely terminate in abortion. In the important theo-
ery human womb, then, is sacred, not only because logical context of Christmas, the killing of an unborn
of creation as the imago Dei but also the incarnation, child is a symbolic killing of the Christ child.

Getting Involved
meaning that the Son of God assumed human nature
through the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The proof that God highly honors the female Fr. John Slavin, St. Gabriel’s Springdale, AR (DHTGP)
gender is the incarnation. Scripture says, “... God sent ot long ago, I received a call from a woman who
forth His Son, born of a woman....” (Galatians 4:4, was setting
NASB). God chose to enter world through a wom- up a Pro-Life
an. He chooses the woman as the proper channel for women’s cri-
bringing new human life into the world. In a sense, sis center in
every birth is a sacramental, a sacred sign, a reminder town. She
of the Christ-child . informed me
Shortly after Mary conceives the Son of God, that this clinic
she greets Elizabeth. Luke says, “... the baby (brephos) would be set
leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the up thirty yards
Holy Spirit (Luke 1:41, NASB). The “baby” (brephos) away from the
refers to pre-natal or intra-uterine human life, that is, local abortion
John the Baptist inside Elizabeth’s womb. “Baby” mill. The idea
(brephos) also refers to post-natal or extra-uterine, was to inter-
that is, a human being outside the womb. The word cept women
is used of the newly born infant Jesus. Luke says the before they got
shepherds “... found their way to Mary and Joseph, to the clinic
and the baby (brephos) as He lay in the manger” and offer them
(Luke 2:16; cf. Luke 2:12). Hence, the life of John abortion alter-
the Baptist in Elizabeth’s womb, is just as human as natives. If they chose to go ahead with the abortion
the life of the infant Jesus. In modern terminology, then we would offer our prayers and send them on their
the zygote, embryo and fetus, the life in the womb, way, but at least they would be presented with a real
is just as human as any human life outside the womb. choice, a real alternative. They would offer free preg-
St. Luke’s Gospel, then, teaches that a child is just as nancy tests, 3D ultrasounds, and guidance. They would
much a human being before birth as after birth. also storm heaven with prayers for all the babies and
Mary accepted her pregnancy with the words: mothers, as well as the doctors and nurses at the clinic.
“Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; be it done to me This same set-up was envisioned about ten years ago in
according to your word” (Luke 1:38, NASB). Mary Little Rock, Arkansas by a local priest. He funded it by
said, in effect, “Lord, if you want me to have a child, himself and within five years the abortion clinic shut
I will.” She understood that a child is a sacred gift down. Due in large part to his efforts there are only two
from God. So did the psalmist who said, “Behold, abortion clinics left in all of Arkansas. So when this
children are a gift of the Lord; the fruit of the womb is woman contacted me asking if I would bless the clinic
a reward” (Psalm 127:3, NASB). But abortion is the
and possibly serve as a sort of chaplain to the center, of
course I was happy to say I would do more than that. I
A Child Changes Everything
The Very Rev. Frederick Bentley OHI (DOR)
offered to celebrate Eucharist every Tuesday at 1:00 pm Director Anglican Priests for Life
and be available for any other spiritual need they may
require. They devoted a small room in the center that
we converted into a chapel, and many people started
The “Churching of Women” in the Ca-
nadian Prayer Book has a exhortation
to attend! We have anywhere from four to ten people that differs somewhat from the Ameri-
a week at Eucharist. We use the Anglican Missal and can. It begins with “forasmuch as it
celebrate the Requiem Mass for the unborn. Many also pleased Almighty God of his goodness to
quietly pray across the street from the clinic on Satur- bestow upon you the gift of a child, and to preserve you in
day mornings. child-birth, I call upon you to give hearty thanks to God .
St. Gabriel’s parish has really gotten involved . .” This differs from the 1928 American form in that the
by helping to staff the center’s phones Monday through American exhortation centers on thanksgiving for a safe
Friday, as well as donating other needed items. They are delivery. The difference is a Pro-Life teaching point to be
always in need of baby items such as receiving blankets examined.
and cradles. When a woman is told she is pregnant, the First of all most educated people know the trials of
center embraces this new life by offering all the help it childbirth in earlier times and the occurrence of death often
can. The new mother and child are presented with a gift when complications arose. Thanksgiving for the safety of
- a receiving blanket or some other token of congratula- the child and mother was genuinely expressed; the mainte-
tions and then, if needed the center’s volunteers help nance of life was not so much an expected occurrence. The
the mother to get in touch with the proper state agencies 1st & 2nd Prayer Books of Edward V resemble the 1928
to help with financial assistance. American Version. The Canadian (1918) however and oth-
St. Gabriel’s helps out with clothing and food er revisions were derived from English P.B. 1662. At any
from our food bank if needed, and everyone pitches in. rate it seems to the world today that we can call on God to
To date there are over thirty saves due to this minis- thank him for our deliverance but separate the thought it
try! Thirty souls that would not have been born if it is tied to a gift. “Almighty God of his goodness to bestow
had not been for the love and respect for life shown by upon you the gift of a child”, that gift arrives in the modern
these great people and all involved. On St. Patrick’s world it seems at some convenient time of one’s choosing,
Day, St. Gabriel’s held a St. Patrick’s Day fund-raiser In this process of selecting a convenient time, life must end
to help raise money for this great cause. We began with before it begins or very certainly once it begins.
evening prayer upstairs, praying for all involved in this The Pro-life struggle begins and ends with a
ministry, and then head downstairs for some great Irish change of mindset that life only occurs when we want it
stew, corned beef and cabbage and fellowship. We had to. When God’s people place limits through technology
speakers as well as games and prizes. on when life is allowed they attempt to be God. Control-
There are many opportunities for outreach and ling when life begins makes a mockery of all Our Lord’s
ministry within our diocese, and this is just one way order and the sacrament of marriage. Looking at the pres-
in which St. Gabriel’s family is chosen to respond in ent “life controlling mentality, we see it pours over into all
these tough times. Let us all help in our own parishes the sacrament life of the Church. Thus the sacramental life
in our own ways to foster the Gospel of Life! As the of the church occurs under human limitations and when
book of Deuteronomy (30:19) states .. “I call heaven allowed or convenient. Now, man has reached his destiny-
and earth to witness against you this day, that I have he thinks he controls God’s salvation plan.
set before you life and death, blessing and curse, there- A child changes everything and that was God’s plan
fore CHOOSE LIFE!” Let us always choose life! If since the beginning. Watch the following videos and listen
any parishes in the diocese wish to help this great cause carefully, “A baby changes everything” http://www.cmt.
by sending baby items (pacifiers, receiving blankets, com/videos/faith-hill/291605/a-baby-changes-everything.
clothing, etc.) or donations, you can do so by sending jhtml
them to my attention at St. Gabriel’s, and I will pass this President Barack Obama’s mother’s decision not to abort
on to the center. I thank you all for your support and the first black American president. http://www.worldnet-
God Be With You!
The Church of The Holy Comforter
By The Very Rev Canon Kennedy K. Roberts, Retired Rector and Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of the Resurrection. Holy Catholic Church (Anglican Rite).

he Church of the Holy Comforter was founded in 1857 by Poughkeepsie followers of the Anglican Oxford
Movement. The Movement, initiated by the holy priests, Keble, Proude, Pusey, and Newman, (also known as the
Tractarians) achieved a revival of faith and practice in nineteenth century Anglicanism through a renewed atten-
tion to the English Catholic traditions of Biblical doctrine, spiritual discipline and liturgical worship.
Regarded by many as the Continuing, Episcopal Church since it rejects secular humanism and remains
loyal to the faith and practices of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, this Church is in communion with the Holy
Catholic Church (Anglican Rite), Diocese of the Resurrection, under the direction of the Most Rev Thomas J
Kleppinger, Metropolitan and Bishop Ordinary. The Church is controlled by a Board of Trustees under the re-
ligious laws for the independent churches in the State of New York. The Reverend Edmund A.S. Jayaraj S.T.D.
serves as Priest-in-Charge.
This beautiful stone church was completed in 1862. Built to plans of the distinguished American architect
Richard Upjohn, this church combines English perpendicular Gothic with Victorian features to incorporate the
liturgical principles and present the symbols of the faith to which this building is dedicated. The Church is listed
in the National Register of Historical Sites.
St. Andrews Mission Wednesday, March 4 we had the awesome privilege to see
ministry efforts at the dairy come to fruition. We celebrat-
Myakka City, FL ed the Sacrament of Holy Baptism for one of our regular

The Ven. Mark A. Rowe, Jr Wednesday attendees, Mr. Frank Biener, of Ellenton, Flor-
y the grace of God we are becoming known in the lo- ida. Also in attendance was Frank’s mother, Miriam Curv-
cal community. We are slowly advertising our services ings, coming all the way down from Tallahassee, Florida.
and ministry, and have been blessed with loving and gra- Miriam said she has been praying for many years to see
cious people from the Methodist Church where we share
worship space. They continue to support our ministry and
have become dear friends. God continues to bless both
groups as we move forward to witness the love of Christ
to the community. We held a joint Ash Wednesday service
and had approximately 50 people from both church fami-
lies. We also have plans to celebrate several Holy Week
services together and have seen the power of the Holy
Spirit working in and through our churches and our com-
munity as a result of working together.
Our dairy farm ministry has been very meaning-
ful to those involved, and we have made a difference in this day, and she was truly joyful to be present for such
the lives of those who attend. Ash Wednesday, we had a a blessed occasion. We welcome Frank into the Church
service to include imposition of ashes, and we had 26 in of Christ and ask your prayers for his continued growth
attendance. We meet regularly on Wednesday afternoons in grace and in his spiritual journey and relationship with
at lunch hour to provide a short topical Bible study, heal- Our Lord.
ing service or round table discussion. We generally have Please pray for us as we continue to labor in the
20-28 in attendance. The owners of the dairy provide time Lord’s vineyard. It is often a seemingly overwhelming
out of their busy milking schedule as well as the food for task, and starting a mission is definitely a brand new ven-
those in attendance to not only give thanks to God for His ture for myself as a Priest, being used to ministering to
blessings upon them and the dairy, but to share their love congregations that are already in existence. We need your
for Christ in encouragement and appreciation to those holy prayers for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to enable
who work for them. and strengthen us to continue to press on and move for-
ward in our efforts, as well as to continue to grow in grace
and in numbers. Please remember us in your daily offices
as well as your Liturgy, and by God’s grace we will con-
tinue to try to do our part to fulfill the Great Commission,
and try to build up God’s Church- one soul at a time. May
you have a Holy Lenten Season.

New Kid on the Block

Jim Fleming, Sr. Warden – St. Edward, Lockhart Texas (DHGTP)
Saint Edward the Confessor Mission held its first mass
December 2008 in Lockhart, Texas (about 25 miles south-
west of Austin), just 3 months ago. With Reverend Ryan
M. Lozano as the Deacon-in-Charge and Jim Fleming as
the Senior Warden, our long journey to find a vestry, at-
tract new members, and obtain such materials as are need-
ed was set underway. Lockhart is a city of about 12,000
with 23 denominational churches; this presents a problem
in gaining recognition as being unique. Plans to conduct
clothing (stayed tuned for the announcement of the open-
ing of “St. Ed’s Closet” thrift shop) and food drives for the
less fortunate, host religious education seminars and other
at the Home, as the dedicated group of residents have
come to love and look forward to his orthodox service
and lively sermons. Rev. Ryan and the parishioners of
St. Edward’s have formed strong ties with other lo-
cal churches through the local Ministerial Alliance, as
well as with numerous civic organizations and through
public visibility, with Rev. Ryan especially becoming
quickly known around town for his quick smile and his
ever-present clerical collar.
The membership of St. Edward’s is greatly
heartened in hearing and reading of other churches who
started their congregations in homes or small borrowed
or rented facilities and have succeeded and since grown
by leaps and bounds. The struggle to become the 24th
church in Lockhart, and no longer be the new kid on
the block will be long and difficult, but it’s a challenge
we welcome warmly, and with great faith. Lamar Hunt
once remarked in a seminar presentation that the only
job you start at the top at is digging a hole. Remember-
ing this, and the fact that Jesus Christ started with only
twelve, helps us to keep our feet on the path and our eye
on the goal of seeing Saint Edward the Confessor Holy
Catholic Church Anglican Rite become a welcoming
home to all Anglicans in Central Texas.
informational programs are being planned. It is our

St. Peter’s
hope that these events will help to acquaint the popu-
lation with the history and mission of the HCCAR, in
which we have been made to feel so welcome, not least

by the incredible pastoral efforts of His Grace, Bishop
Leo Michael. by Fr. Scott Lay, Rector (DHTGP)
Ms. Mary Carroll, the administrator of the t. Peters Albuquerque is excited to have three
Methodist Golden Age Home and St. Edward’s clerk new families coming to Church, and hope to have
of the vestry, has been most generous also in providing them full time! All glory and thanks be to God for the
the Home’s chapel for interim services until a suitable wonderful gift if these people, they are wonderful.
church building can be found or built. Even upon re- Lent is upon us, and a time for reflection, prayer
location, Rev. Ryan will continue eleven o’clock mass and abstinence. We have Stations of the Cross Wednes-
day evening with Communion study of the Nicene
Creed and a light dinner as well as Station on Friday
at noon. We are looking forward to the social gather-
ing for these services, as they help to bring the parish
I would like to remind everyone that we are in
dire times, and we need to pray for our president and
government officials, that they may make wise deci-
sions and have right actions, for the welfare and peace
of the world.
God bless to all in our Province, may we see it
grow and prosper in the times we are in.
St. Gabriel’s
drywall, and then spackling. Carpet was laid. At last, the
walls were all painted a bright white. An altar rail was
constructed out of one piece of deck railing that I got
Springdale, AR (DHTGP) for ten bucks at Lowe’s. Everyone pitched in. Someone
donated an antique cast-iron bell that had a chicken on
Fr. John Slavin, Rector
B ishop
top, oddly enough. However, with a little cut here and
there by a generous parishioner - off came the chicken
Leo Michael,
and now it tolls three times a day with a beautiful tone.
our former
Another parishioner was kind enough to sew gold cur-
rector, always
tains for the windows. We mounted a silver Icon to a ce-
wanted to have
dar box we found at Hobby Lobby and a Tabernacle was
a chapel on the
born. The altar is gorgeous and was donated by Agnes
grounds of St.
and Henry
Gabriel’s. As
Cross. A
luck would
large San
have it, there
was a small
tool shed on
was also do-
the grounds.
nated to be
Before mov-
hung over
ing to the
the altar.
Cathedral he
The pews
made sure the
are simply
shed got a new
roof to match
from an old
In the
we will be
the exte-
rior white,
painting the windows with glass paint to create a stained
glass appearance, and mounting the steeple cross. We
have been using the chapel daily for morning and eve-
ning prayer, as well as daily Eucharist and Exposition
of the Blessed Sacrament. It’s really been a great invest-
ment. By using the chapel in this fashion, we are able to
reduce the costs of our utilities at the main church, and
provide a change of atmosphere at the same time. We
the roof on St. Gabriel’s--the left over roofing material
will be expanding the grounds in the future to include a
from the main church. When I took over as rector, one
prayer and meditation garden leading to the chapel, as
of my first projects was to see this dream of our Bish-
well as outdoor Stations of the Cross. The entire cost of
op realized. I was fortunate that the needed materials:
this chapel project? Three hundred dollars! Amazing,
the drywall, insulation, carpet, altar, and steeple cross
huh? We have decided to name it St. Francis Chapel.
were already being stored inside. Unfortunately, so
After all, St. Francis was the first one to rebuild his tiny
were about 1,000 spiders, cobwebs, and junk from who
church because it had fallen into ruin. Let us strive to
knows how many years. After cleaning it out, the trans-
do the same! God bless!
formation began. First, insulation went up, followed by
Stained Glass Art at St. James
W by Jim King, St. James Anglican Cathedral, Kansas City, MO
ith Easter, the season of hope, St. James Cathedral has beautiful things happening. Thanks be to God, we
have installed energy efficient windows in order to house the stained glass images. The main themes of the win-
dows are the Incarnation, Baptism, Passion and Death, Resurrection, Ascension and
Second Coming. Of these the Incarnation window is a realization now, thanks to the
generous donors and the masterful artwork of Russell, celebrating the Word became
Flesh theme. The Baptism and the Crucifixion windows will be installed by Easter.
The other two windows of St. Paul and St. Gertrude (donated by Fr. Herman
Hattaway) stands to adorn the theme of the apostles and a patroness of pets. There
are already two windows dedicated to our Lady of Walsingham and St. James. Three
more windows of St. Peter, Resurrection and Ascension are pencil sketches and
need to be metamorphosed into their stained glass imagery like the rest. If you have
someone you love or have lost and would like to dedicate a window in their honor,
please contact Bob Klein, the Senior Warden or Bishop Michael.
St. James is getting ready for the Holy Week celebration, the upcoming Dioc-
esan Synod in June and the Ecumenical Congress in October. God has been gracious
to us and we are making progress. What is beautiful is that the faithful have their
own church to worship in and continue to witness to the faith and evangelization in
the Anglican Tradition. Every church has its moments of struggle. We thank God
that the storm is over and Spring is at hand.
On the right, Fr. Hattaway dedicates the window of St. Gertrude of Neville.
The pictures above are photographed by Robert Baxter, son of Dr. Kirk and Lynn
Baxter, long-time members and supporters of St. James.
Why Confession? by Father Bob
For the next ten minutes or so, the director and I continued
to list every sin we could imagine. Still, her light burned.
We needed complete darkness for the desired effect. We

T Good Therapy
wo reasons are usually given for not going to
confession. The first group questions the power of priests to
had planned to play, “Where you there when they crucified
my Lord?” once we had the darkness which represented
our sinful state. That’s when the paschal candle was to be
forgive sins. The second group believes they don’t have sins lit for the commencement of individual confessions. Af-
to confess. Let us deal with the first group: those who really ter which the penitents would relight their candles from it
believe they have sinned and say. “I go straight to God. I don’t once they had recieved absolution. Since we couldn’t seem
believe in telling my sins to another man.” Isn’t it strange to find a sin the lady would acknowledge, I suggested to
those same people will tell a friend, a psychiatrist or even a the director that one of us should blow her candle out for
national television audience the most dreadful details of their her. The director whispered, “don’t do that or she will have
private lives without the benefit of absolution but they won’t pride.” Why didn’t I think of that? “For those with sins of
tell a priest in confession where they could find healing. A pride.” It was then that she blew out her candle. She had
psychiatrist friend of mine told me that I could, as a priest, no sin? She had the sin of the fallen Angels!
achieve in a few minutes that which often took him years, The Healer
namely, to open people up to be spiritually naked in order to I have given you very ordinary reason for going to
see themselves as they really are. confession but that is not enough to convince the Evangel-
The Penitents come with open hearts admitting and ical Christian who needs to find support for this custom in
confessing faults and sins because they know God has already Sacred Scripture. Why got to a man to seek forgiveness?
seen them and they can’t deceive Him. They can reveal their Why not go straight to God? This is a common problem
most shameful secrets behind a screen, confessing anony- for which our Protestan brethern seek an answer.
mously, which enables them to be truthful more easily when Come with me on a journey back in time to Caper-
declaring their sins. There is a psychological need to verbally naum. Imagine the scene: Jesus has a packed house for His
express ones sins and to receive verbal reassurance of ones healing service with wall to wall people and no room even
forgiveness. The Church uses this psychological need in her around the door. Picture the scene as Jesus stands there
administration of the sacrament. It is good psychotherapy as in your midst teaching with authority. As we watch Je-
well as sacramentally efficacious. Besides the psychiatrists sus’ expressions and intently listen to His every word, we
usually charge a large fee without the power to absolve and are disturbed by the noise above our heads. Four men are
the church does it for free and provides an infallible absolu- removing the tiles from the roof and are lowering a par-
tion: something that money can’t buy! alzyed man down through an opening. The mat on which
For Those Who Have No Sin. he rests is lowered right in front of Jesus. Imagine you are
What about the second group? What is their reason a devout Jew and you have come to listen to this great Man
for not going to confession? They believe in the sacrament and from Galilee.
the priest’s power to forgive sins but they don’t believe they Two Kinds of Healing
have anything to confess. “I don’t want to bother the priest and To the shock of all present He makes an audacious
wasn’t his time since I have no sin.” claim. Looking at the sick man with great tenderness He
I was at a Retreat House and the director with whom I says. “Your sins are forgiven.” What is your reaction? Do
was working planned a candle-light service. The chapel lights you shake your head in disbelief and murmer along with
were extinguised and the penitents were instructed to light the rest of them who say, “ He blasphemes” and “Who but
their candles. They were informed that the light of their can- God alone can forgive sins?” If you doubt whether you
dle, which pierced the darkness, was a symbol of the light they would have done so, ask yourself how would you regard
had received in baptism. An examination of conscience was a a priest who claims to do exactly the same things Christ
going to be given at the end of which they were to blow out did, only to receive ridicule from a modern crowd.
their candles if they believed they had sinned. The retreatents I am constantly challenged by disbelievers who
began to blow out their candle as we spoke of their particular claim they go straight to Jesus for forgiveness and spiritual
sin. This became a public confession. healing, and murmer against those who seek spiritual heal-
“Taking God’s name in vain,” several candles were ing from a priest because a priest is just a man. Yet, like
blown out. “Lying and cheating,” a lot more candles darkened. the Jews of Jesus’ day, they pack the auditoriums to see a
“Missing Mass on obligatory days,” (remember the bounden mere man perform a physical healing. It is God who heals
duty of worshipping the Lord every Sunday in his church) in both cases. He often uses a mere human hand to do so
a few more candles went out. You can picture it as we con- and the voice of a mere man to proclaim it. If God can
tinued to go through the commandments and apply them to and does use mere human instruments to heal bodies, why
their lives. Finally, all the candles were out but one. A woman would it seem so strange and impossible for Him to do the
proudly held her light as it pierced the darkness of the chapel. same with regards to our immortal souls? - to be continued
in the next issue..
Teen Scene
Jonathan Becker, Church of the Holy Family, Casper, Wyoming
Q. Three things you like about your church?
A. People, service, and everything about it
Q. Three things you don’t like?
A. There is nothing I don’t like.
Q. What does Lent mean to you?
A. It means a time when we can actually experience what Christ went
through and what he had to give up when he fasted for 40 days. When
we give up something, we kind of experience what He went through,
but in a smaller way.
Q. What does His Resurrection mean to you?
A. It gives me and my friends a new sense of hope in beginning anew,
or during the year, if things are going bad, it gives us a new sense of
Q. What does “sin” according to you?
A. Sin shows me we are all human and that no one is perfect. And that
we can correct things to make ourselves better and more like God.
Q. What does Christ’s Sacrificing His life mean for you?
A. To me, sacrifice is a way that we can give up something for someone else even though it makes us lose
something. But in your losing something, the other will gain something better for themselves. Christ sacrificed
himself and that sacrifice gave us access to heaven and to His Holy Home. If we sacrifice something that we
love, and someone gains something from that sacrifice, that is devoted love.
Q. Is “forgiveness” meaningful to you?
A. Forgiveness is meaningful to me because even when people have done something wrong against you, you
can do something positive to make up for it. And when you have done something wrong, you want that second
chance to prove yourself. Otherwise you feel crushed and defeated. When someone offers forgiveness, it gives
you a chance to become a better person.
Q. In school you chose a religious theme for your art project. Why?
A. For our first art project we had
to chose a picture with our hands as
the subject. Most chose a guitar or a
favorite animal. I decided to do some-
thing close to my heart. I found my
old crucifix. It was real close to my
heart because I got it at my first year
of camp. I had such a good time there
and learned a lot. I wrapped it around
my hands, took a picture of it and drew
it in graphite.
Q. What other artwork have you done?
A. My grandmother lives in South Da-
kota. She loves to attend our church,
so I drew a graphite sketch of our
church as a Christmas present to her. I
hope to use the sketch as a fund-raiser
to raise money for the upcoming Youth
God is our Compass
You know everything I do; from far away you understand all my thoughts. Psalm 139:2
2009 HCCAR Summer Teen and Adult Camp Story, WY
July 19-24, 2009



G O Apostles

he Church of The Holy Family
welcomes you to attend the “2009
Summer Teen & Adult Camp” at
Camp Story, Wyoming.
With GOD AS OUR COMPASS, come and enjoy a week of fellowship. We will have the opportunity to
enjoy the wonders of nature that God has made for us to enjoy in our daily lives. We are scheduled to view the
history of our country, hiking in the wilderness, swimming, horseback riding, evening campfire, and morning &
evening prayer by Bishop Leo Michael.
Adult Retreat: Sunday through Thursday evenings in an outdoor chapel in the piney woods. It will be conducted
by Bishop Kinner. Theme: The Praises of Israel. The songs of the Old Testament--how they relate to us. We be-
lieve that during the day, adult participants will want to see the area and enjoy it with the youth.
Registration: by June 30th please. Plan to
arrive in Casper on Saturday, July 18th. We
will have a carry-in supper at the church;
housing with people in the parish. Mass
on Sunday at 9:00 am and caravan to the
camp. Exit 44 off I-90. Camp Leader: Sr.
Warden Johnny Becker,
Deacon Jimmie Dean, coordinator--the
Daily Worship.

Cost for Camp: $225.00 payable to

Church of the Holy Family, Bishop Ken-
neth Kinner, 6492 W. Riverside Terrace,
Casper, WY 82604 307.473.2200

As I stood, prayed, sat and reflected on this holy

he Apostle John the Divine is buried in Ephesus, ground, I felt my very being penetrated by the images of
Turkey. To honor his burial place, the Emperor Jus- the treasures the Divine Theologian left us in his five sa-
tinian and his wife Theodora, built this huge church
in the sixth century.
In February while in Anatolia, I had the privilege
of visiting his tomb. From Anatolia City Center I took a
mini-bus which they call ‘shared taxi’ to Effes or Ephesus
for the equivalent of 3 USD. Upon reaching the bus stand,
I walked back for about a mile to the town which was once
called the ‘Town of the Divine Theologian’. There, on a
hill, stands the magnificent church now in ruins (above)
and some parts still under excavation. But the giant Ro-
man columns with sculpted crosses in each one of them
are in tact as also the tomb of the Saint and the baptismal

Fr. Jayaraj by the tomb of St. John

cred books. Even the liturgy we call by his name came

alive. Does not his theology open, move along and close
the Eucharistic Sacrifice? Is not the Prayer of Consecra-
tion in the Book of Common Prayer really Christ’s High
Priestly Prayer that the Apostle John records in his Evan-
Replica of the church of St. John the Divine
gel, Chapter 17? Are not our ceremonials, as Dn. Jerome
Brown once said, patterned after the heavenly worship re-
font with steps descending. The site is maintained by the corded by St John in his Revelation?
Turkish Ministry of Culture and the entrance fee is 5 Liras “This is the disciple which testifieth of these
(5 USD). things: and we know his testimony is true. Alleluia.”
The Biblical Stewardship Series is
one of the most comprehensive
study courses of its kind. Arthur D. Ally
This six-course study will Co-Author
help your people unlock
Timothy Partners, Ltd.
the biblical keys to a pow-
1055 Maitland Center Commons
erful Christian mindset. It
Maitland, FL 32751
is immersed in Scripture,
Biblical principles and practical (877) 843-8094
application concerning money and possessions.
Are you ready to radically challenge your
congregations’ view of stewardship?


Before building a house Overspending has How we handle God’s The money God en- Seventy percent of Being a good steward of
one must first lay the reached nearly epidemic assets in our daily life trusts to us is eternal Americans die without a the “culture” includes
foundation. This ses- proportions in our cul- has tremendous bearing investment capital. will. Those who have concern and care for
sion will provide a basic ture. God’s word indi- on eternal realities. You Every day is an oppor- one may want to re- social, moral and spiri-
understanding of what cates He wants us to be will learn about morally tunity to accumulate evaluate their will in tual values, as well as
God says about money. content with what we responsible investing be- more shares in His terms of Biblical princi- for the natural environ-
With over 2,300 verses have. Taking the time ginning with the basics Kingdom. This session ples. This session intro- ment. In this session
in Scripture mentioning and becoming disci- including pre-investment looks into what you can duces a Christian you will discover a
money, it is evident that plined to get out of debt preparation. Once fi- do with your God-en- Legacy Will as well as proper worldview and
this topic is important will reward your life nancially independent, trusted resources of creative charitable how to implement it into
to God. both here and eternally. you can become free to time, money and pos- estate planning tools. every area of your life.
serve the Lord. sessions.
EXPLORE how the LEARN the many facets KEEP an eternal mind- ACKNOWLEDGE our
cancer of materialism of debt. BECOME effective stew- GAIN an eternal per- set. culture is in a spiritual
has infected our nation. ards. spective. battle.
DISCOVER the conse- FOCUS who really owns
FIND the greatest quences. KNOW how to prepare GIVE beyond the first your assets. IMPLEMENT a Biblical
treasure. before investing. fruits. worldview.
APPLY practical Biblical WRITE a Christian
LIVE a God-honoring advice. UNDERSTAND risk and DEVELOP the attributes Legacy Will and pass on CONFRONT the moral
lifestyle. return. of an eternal good your Christian faith. decline of our culture.
DESIGN a budget plan steward.
TEACH children about USE guidelines when in- UTILIZE some creative REMEMBER our found-
money. STEPS to take to reach vesting. ASK God about your charitable giving tools. ing fathers.
freedom from debt. giving.
SEEK forgiveness and CONSIDER morally re- RETURN your assets to MAKE cultural change
recommitment. sponsible investing. CARE for the poor. the rightful owner. happen.
© Copyright 2008 • Timothy Partners, Ltd. • All rights reserved.

1 2 3 4 5 6
ECUMENICAL CONGRESS -2009 Bring your church, Bring yourself
ENERGIZE YOURSELF: BE A GOOD STEWARD!!! OCTOBER 21-22 St. James Cathedral Church, Kansas City MO.
God is our Compass
You know everything I do; from far away you understand all my thoughts. Psalm 139:2

2009 HCCAR Summer Teen and

Adult Camp Story, WY
July 19-24, 2009

The Ecumenical Congress of the Holy Catholic Church Anglican Purification
Rite and Timothy Plan present:
Biblical Stewarship Seminar
October 21 & 22 St. James Anglican Church, Kansas City. Souls
All are invited to attend. Contact Holly Michael for details and
registration. Survival
Stewardship is an issue that is still foreign to many, but once applied to Cost: $225
every day living, can change your entire outlook on life. Biblical Stew-
ardship is taking the main points of being a steward, and applying them Registration: By June 30th
with a perspective according to God’s word.

We as a nation have become selfish and spend more than we make or

can afford, and we have forgotten the words of Jesus, “…store up for
yourselves treasures in heaven…” [Mat 6:20], and have settled for
financing our own little kingdom.

Publication of the Anglican Province of the

Holy Catholic Church Anglican Rite
St. James Anglican Church
8107 S. Holmes Road Kansas City, MO 64131

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