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Volume 3, Issue 9 Lent 2010

Editorial: As we are into the Lenten season, we are reminded by St. Paul
to glory in the Cross of Christ. The cross is not only a symbol of salvation HAITI RELIEF
but also the crosses that we pick up on our journey and carry as we follow Mrs. Lynn Baxter, our Provincial Treasurer has sent $5000.00
our Lord and Master. He is there, all times, especially when we are at the from around the Province for the ministry of the Anglican Orphan-
cross roads of our life. May this be a bountiful Lenten season through our age under Father Jean Bien-Aime in Haiti. He sends his gratitude
spiritual journey to experience the vast riches that Christ purchased for us and thanks for such a generous gift and support and for our soli-
with His precious blood.
darity with the Haitian people. This demonstrates how the spirit of
This issue deals with different aspects of Church’s life, personal
and communitarian. We are grateful to the Lord that we are united as one
the church is greater than imagination of mankind and the unity of
church family and that we continue the mission entrusted to our care in the the church goes beyond every thing. We praise the Lord for your
great Anglican tradition. We welcome all the Bishops, Clergy and the Faith- generosity toward the brethren .
ful of the Diocese of Africa, Diocese of Caribbean and New Granada and the
Diocese of Europe and in New Zealand. May the Lord continue to bless our
journey as we continue to proclaim the salvation that he has bought for us
with His precious blood. Below is a writing of one of our church father, St.
Cyprian as we celebrate the new unity within our church. In Christ, + Leo


by Saint Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage
Does he who strives against and resists the Church trust
that he is in the Church, when the blessed Apostle Paul teaches and
sets forth the sacrament of unity, saying: “There is one body and
one spirit, one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one bap-
tism, one God”?
And this unity we ought firmly to hold and assert, espe-
cially those of us who are bishops, who preside in the Church. Let
no one deceive the brotherhood by a falsehood; let no one corrupt
the truth of the faith by lying. The episcopate is one, each part of
which is held by each one for the whole. The Church also is one,
which is spread abroad far and wide into a multitude by an increase
of fruitfulness.
As there are many rays of the sun, but one light, and as
from one spring flow many streams, yet the unity is still preserved
in the source. A ray of the sun cannot be separated from its body of
light; and if you cut off the stream from the fountain, that which is
cut off dries up. Thus, also, the Church, shone over with the light of
the Lord, sheds forth her rays over the whole world, yet it is the one
light that is everywhere diffused. She broadly expands her rivers, In the Koinonia masthead, the circle with the cross in the center symbolizes
freely flowing, but her head and source is one. the paten and the diverse elements which form a whole. The Mosaic repre-
Whoever separates himself from the Church becomes a sents the great cloud of witnesses and the church tradition. The red in the
stranger. He can no longer have God for his Father who has not the letters represents the blood of Christ with the font comprised of individual
Church for his mother. He who breaks the peace and the concord of pieces of letters that are not joined until the blood unifies them. Koinonia
Christ does so in opposition to Christ. Does anyone believe that the is the official publication of the Anglican Province of the Holy Catho-
unity which comes from the divine strength and coheres in heavenly lic Church-Anglican Rite (HCCAR) aka Anglican Rite Catholic Church.
sacraments can be divided in the Church, and can be separated by It is published quarterly at St. James Anglican Church, 8107 S. Holmes
the parting asunder of opposite wills? He who does not hold this Road, Kansas City, MO 64131. Phone: 816.361.7242 Fax: 816.361.2144.
unity does not hold God’s law, does not hold life and salvation. Editors: The Rt. Rev. Leo Michael & Holly Michael, Koinonia header:
This sacrament of unity is set forth in the Gospel, where Phil Gilbreath; Cover picture of St. James Stainedglass window: Robert
the coat of the Lord Jesus Christ is not divided or cut, but is pos- Baxter email: or
sessed undivided by those who cast lots. Holy Scripture says of the visit us on the web at:
coat, “it was not sewed, but woven from the top throughout.” That
coat bore with it a unity that came down from the top. He cannot The College of Bishops of the Holy Catholic Church, Anglican Rite: The
possess the garment of Christ who parts and divides the Church of Most Rev. Thomas J. Kleppinger, Metropolitan & Bishop Ordinary of the
Christ. Because Christ’s people cannot be rent, his robe, woven and Diocese of The Resurrection; The Rt. Rev. Leo J. Michael, Bishop Or-
united throughout, is not divided by those who possess it. By the dinary of the Diocese of the Holy Trinity & Great Plains; The Rt. Rev.
sacrament and sign of his garment, he has declared the unity of the Henry Joseph King, Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the Pacific and
Church. Southwest; The Rt. Rev. Kenneth Kinner, Missionary Jurisdiction of the
Who, then, should believe that the unity of God can be American Indian People; The Rt. Rev. Anthony F. Rasch, Bishop Coadju-
divided, or should dare to rend the garment of the Lord, the Church tor of the Diocese of the Pacific and Southwest; The Rt. Rev. James Mc-
of Christ? Does anyone believe that in one place there can be either Neley, Bishop Emeritus; The Rt. Rev. Ronald Greeson, Suffragan Emeritus
many shepherds or many flocks? (DHTGP) The Rt. Samuel Banzana Bishop Ordinary ,Diocese of Africa
Do you think that you can stand and live if you withdraw -Umsi wase Tiyopiya & Episcopal Visitor to Diocese of Europe, The Rt.Rev
from the Church, building for yourselves other homes and different Victor Manuel Cruzblanco Bishop Ordinary,Anglican Diocese of Carib-
dwellings? In the house of God, in the Church of Christ, men dwell bean& New Granada,The Rt. Rev’d Luis Carlos Garcia Medina,Bishop
with one mind, and continue in concord and simplicity. Assistant, The Rt. Rev’d John Jairo Garcia Salazar, Bishop Assistant, The
Rt. Rev’d Jesus Maria Galvez Hoyos, Bishop Assistant

M etro's Message Lent - 2010 A.D.
The Most Rev. Thomas J. Kleppinger
44 South Eighth Street, Quakertown PA 18951-1206
Phone & Fax 215.538.3787

eloved in Christ, power to scourge, the power to crucify, was given him from
The word Lent above. (St. John 19:11) It was Jesus who was in charge of the
comes to us from affairs of men and Pilate exercised only that power which
the old Anglo- the Lord had given to him.
Saxon word meaning ‘to Jesus, who is the Lamb of God who takes away the
lengthen.’ The Season of sins of the world, is described by St. John as “the Lamb slain
Christmas celebrates the from the foundation of the world.” (Revelation 13:8)
coming into the world Before the creation of the world, it was settled within
of the Lord Jesus Christ the Godhead that the Second Person of the Holy and Blessed
who is the Light of the Trinity would come into this world in the substance of our
World. It comes during humanity, sin being the only exception, to offer Himself a
the time of the year when full, perfect and sufficient sacrifice, oblation and satisfac-
there is more darkness tion for the sins of the whole world. Jesus is the Lamb slain
than light in the North- for sins from eternity as God’s appointed sacrifice and righ-
ern hemisphere. Even the teousness. The Lord is omniscient and knew that mankind
secular world joins in the would sin, and in His mercy provided the remedy ere the
celebration by adding ex- world began. No sooner had Adam and Eve fallen into sin,
tra festive lights to proclaim this truth. than the Lord announced the Savior
The Lord who sits in the heavens shall There are those who view the in the seed of the woman who would
laugh: He shall have them in derision crucifixion as a miscarriage make right what they had done, and
who take counsel against Him. (Psalm of justice. The Lord stood restore them to the Lord whom they
2:4) The manger scenes may be banned; before Pilate who supposed had offended.
the lights are not. in his arrogance that in his The Lord is not confronted with cir-
The earth is now turning to- hands was the power to cru- cumstances and then must find solu-
wards Spring, and the length of daylight cify Christ or release Him... tions as it is with you. He knows all
is increasing with each passing day. It things; He knows all possibilities. He
is at this time that we keep Lent for the tells you the end from the beginning.
lengthening of the amount of daylight is the sure sign that His plan was not thwarted when man fell into sin. His plan
Spring is approaching and so is Easter which celebrates ‘the was not thwarted when He sent His Son into the world. The
spring of souls’ in Christ’s resurrection as Hymn #94 re- Church was not an after-thought because He was overtaken
minds us. with events. While there is spiritual wickedness in high plac-
The Lord has revealed Himself in terms you are able es, there is no possibility that evil will prevail. You are given
to understand. Christ the Good Shepherd is not missed by the precious promise that the gates of hell shall not prevail
those who are city dwellers. The agricultural parables not against the Church. The Church is the Body of Christ which
only are understood by all, but they are given with explana- can never be separated from Him. Christ is the Victor and
tion just in case. The purpose of revelation is to make known. you have His victory in you.
That Jesus came as the Paschal Lamb to take away the sin of Jesus describes Himself as the Good Shepherd who
the world is made evident by St. John Baptist who pointed gives His life for the sheep. In that context He says, “No man
his followers to Christ with the familiar words, “Behold the taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power
Lamb of God.” to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This com-
There are those who view the crucifixion as a mis- mandment have I received of my Father.” (St. John 10:19) It
carriage of justice. The Lord stood before Pilate who sup- was not within the power of Pilate to take the Lord’s life. He
posed in his arrogance that in his hands was the power to was but the instrument by which Jesus laid it down of His
crucify Christ or release Him. Jesus informs him that the own accord, and he is held responsible for the part he has
The Apostle Paul says that Jesus was obedient unto
the death of the Cross. He who had so sin, fulfilled perfectly
absolute obedience to God’s immutable Law which you are
not capable of doing. He was Circumcised on the eighth day;
Presented in the Temple on the fortieth day. It was His cus-
tom to go to Jerusalem every year at the Passover. He was
baptized by St. John Baptist to fulfill all righteousness in re-
ceiving authority to offer Himself as both Priest and Victim.
He was tempted in all points as we are and was without sin.
He did all this in order to lay down His life having the sins
of the world laid upon Him. Even as He foretold, on the third
day He would take up His life again and rise victorious over
sin, Satan and death.
Revelation comes to you line upon line, precept
upon precept, here a little, there a little. When you take it
as a whole, you understand “Neither is there salvation in
any other: for there is none other name under heaven given
among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Act 4:12) Jesus
Christ is the only Savior, none can go to heaven but by Him
by Rev Fr. Bentley, Director, Order of Holy Innocents

who is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world for
us men and our salvation. nglican Priests for Life has been active in State
May you have a profitable Lent with Jesus that will Marches for life during January. As we all know the
bring you to the joy of Easter that only His resurrection can month of January commemorates the Supreme Court
decision on Roe vs. Wade that established the legalization
afford. The Way of the Cross leads home. You who are called
of abortion in the United States. The whether held out for
to suffer with the Lord in this present life, are assured that
most of the marches and for the ones I attended personally,
you will be glorified together with Him when He comes. Columbia and Washington, they were very well attended.
Thank you for those that marched in San Francisco and other
Yours in that Blessed Hope, Faithfully in Christ, marches like Georgia.
+ Thomas Kleppinger For the March in Washington D.C. we assembled in
*** Fredericksburg, Va. and went along in a packed bus to the
Mall. Father Ralph Gardiner and I carried the banner among
the large group assembled. We all had the opportunity to net-
Bob Green work with others and for the first year had an advertisement
in the National Rose Dinner Bulletin.
Memorial Scholarship... At Anglican Priests For Life we have had a project a fund set up to assist college students in offset- to raise funds for Haiti which will close on Passion Sunday.
ting extra costs associated with going to college. We In other activities we have started an outreach to Australian
planned to help one applicant per year. This Decem- Pro Life organizations and Priests
ber, we received two applications for assistance and our
funds have run short.
The fund began to help students in the Diocese
of Holy Trinity and Great Plains, but we have extended
it beyond our diocese. The late Bob Green was a long
time member of ST. Peter’s, Albuquerque.
Please help us to help our college students!
Send donations to our treasurer: Lynn Baxter, at 2415
Applegrove St., NE Canton, Ohio 44721. Make checks
payable to the Diocese of Holy Trinity and Great Plains
and mark it for the Bob Green Memorial Scholarship
Vicky Scraper-Fund Administrator.
A sequel to “Is Your Journey Really Necessary?” A Study in a Failure of Continuing
Anglicanism by the late Rt. Rev. Michael M. Wright, provided by Mrs. Pam Wright.

With the publication of the second part of the article of Bishop Mi-
chael M. Wright of England, we stand firmly with our brother in mon mind’ in Christ is confirmed and preserved through the
consultative ‘councilor, character of the Catholic Church. It is
embracing the fullness of the Catholic Faith that we have received.
In Fide, +Thomas Kleppinger, Archbishop & Metropolitan through ‘conciliar’ activity that the Holy Tradition, the mind
of Christ as recognised and expressed in the Church, has been
built up under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in faithful-
T he November editorial ‘Is your journey really ness to the scriptural revelation. his conciliar activity is present
necessary?’ raised the question whether the Roman Church at every level of the Church, local, regional, and in exceptional
was truly Catholic. Inevitably this provoked comment. in circumstances, universal - the Seven Ecumenical Councils
reply to one such comment I wrote the original version of 5. A ‘DIFFERENT MIND’: To repudiate the decisions of
this study, but now feel the subject requires fuller treatment. an Ecumenical Council is therefore to have a ‘different mind’
1. A REPLY: In reply to the claim that the Roman from that of the Catholic Church and implies a departure from
Church is not truly Catholic it has been pointed out that clas- the fellowship of the Catholic Church into heresy. Restora-
sical Anglicanism never went tion to the fellowship of the Church
so far as this. The following is requires the renunciation of error and
an example of this reaction: “... Catholic character of the Church has the acceptance of the ‘common mind;
by distinguishing between fun- of the Church. The undivided Catholic
to do with the Seven Sacraments, the Church developed different methods of
damental and non-fundamental
doctrines, a number of the Car- Creeds, the Three-fold Ministry, the reception depending on the gravity of
oline Divines contended that Seven Councils; and devotion to Our the differences involved.
while Rome had erred doctrin- Lady. All these ‘marks’ of Catholic 6. THE ‘BRANCH THEORY’: The
ally, its errors did not touch the Anglo-Catholic revival within Angli-
faith have their origin in the com- canism made popular the ‘branch the-
ecumenical Creeds or the basic
nature of the Church in such a mon mind’ of the Church... ory’ of the Church’s unity. This theory
way to ‘un-Church ‘it.” regards the Roman, Orthodox, and
2. ANOTHER POS- Anglican Churches as branches of the
SIBILITY: This quotation suggests another possibility - that same Catholic tree. This tree has long been uprooted and split
the Roman and Anglican Churches share an understanding in half by what appears to most Anglicans to be an obscure and
of the basic nature or model of the Church which both call nearly forgotten episode in the history of the Church.
‘Catholic’ - and this regardless of the repudiation of papal 7. A DIVISIVE ACTION: ln the Eleventh Century
supremacy by Anglicans. Is there then a Western model of Rome repudiated unilaterally its recognition of a Council
the Church which is distinct from the model of the Catholic (Constantinople 879-880), which for the preceding century
Church as understood universally by the undivided Church and more it had recognised, along with the other four patri-
of the first Christian millennium? archates, as the authentic Eighth Ecumenical Council. The
3. THE ‘COMMON MIND’ OF THE CHURCH: Council had expressed the ‘common mind’ of the Catholic
For many folk in the West the Catholic character of the Church on the illicitness of additions to the Creed. Rome went
Church has to do with the Seven Sacraments, the Creeds, still further and rehabilitated as the Eighth Council an earlier
the Three-fold Ministry, the Seven Councils; and devotion council which had been condemned by all as false. This was
to Our Lady. All these ‘marks’ of Catholic faith have their the point at which Western Christendom as a whole abandoned
origin in the common mind’ of the Church- its corporate the Catholic model of the Church -ceased, in other words, to
understanding of the scriptural revelation as fulfilled in the be Catholic.
incarnate ministry of Christ. 8. THE DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY: This ac-
4. THE MIND OF CHRIST EXPRESSED: Put tion was taken on the supposition that the Bishop of Rome had
very simply: since Christ is one, His Catholic Church, since a special authority for ‘binding and loosing’ over the whole
it is His Body, must also be one . So, likewise, it possesses a Church - including the power to withdraw recognition of an
‘common mind’, - the mind of Christ who, by the Spirit, is Ecumenical Council. This authority, so the claim went, was
present in every part and member of His Body. This ‘com- inherent in the person of the Roman Pontiff as successor to
the Apostle Peter because Christ had delegated authority over institutional focus of authority. This remains so whether the
His Church specifically and uniquely to Peter and his succes- central authority takes the forms of papal supremacy or some
sors. This claim was completely self-justifying. If the pope other form of ecclesiastical government. With this model a
declared that this was the true interpretation of Scripture and divergence is a challenge to authority, resolution of such con-
Tradition, his was the supreme authority which legitimised flict is reduced either to discussion leading to a negotiated
that interpretation. settlement and compromise of principle (Ecumenism) or con-
9. A WESTERN MODEL: The Western model tinuing separation and exclusiveness based on denying to all
which emerges from this claim is of a Church which is an others ‘the fullness of Catholic existence”.
agency legitimised through the specific commission given to 13. A SNTHESIS OF THE MODELS?. Any at-
Peter and his successors, an institution uniquely authorised to tempt to synthesize the two models will result in the fol-
preach the faith and administer the sacraments. Christ is pres- lowing absurdity. Christ, who the Church,(Catholic model)
ent in such a Church indirectly through those who minister to subordinates himself as the Church(Western model) to an au-
the faithful. Historically speaking, this is the kind of Church thority which He, as Christ, has already delegated to another.
which emerged from the Eleventh Century within Western He subordinates Himself to Himself@. What this means is
Christendom, provoking the later crisis of the Reformation. that the action of the Roman Church in the Eleventh Century
The role of the Roman pope was rejected by the Reformers, is the actual historical point of division brought about by the
but the Western model of the Church as the agent of Christ adoption of a divergent model of the Church.. The Western
persisted among the Churches with their origins in Western Reformation is no more than and inevitable consequence of
Christendom. this fundamental divide.
10. THE CATHOLIC MODEL: With this model, 14. CONTINUING ANGLICANS: In spite of sepa-
which is that of the undivided Catholic Church, Christ is ration from the official Anglican Communion, the Continu-
Himself the Church and the Church ing Anglican Churches persist in
is Christ, for the Church is His Body. maintaining the Western Model
His presence with His Body is direct, With Catholic model, which is that of the of the Church- as is demon-
all pervasive, and, in this world, sac- undivided Catholic Church, Christ is Him- strated by their behaviour. Some
ramental. The Church administers self the Church and the Church is Christ, Churches are content to cooper-
sacraments because it is itself sac- for the Church is His Body. His presence ated with one another by ‘sinking
ramental - it is both distinguishable with His Body is direct, all pervasive, and, their differences”, others persist
and inseparable from Christ. Since in this world, sacramental. The Church in remaining aloof over issues of
the Church is the Body of Christ its administers sacraments because it is itself ‘churchmanship’ and administra-
members have differing roles which tive control.
integrate with and serve the whole. 15. THE AFFIRMATION
The role and function of the bishop OF ST. LOUIS: In this situa-
is not the same as that of the priest, the deacon, or the lay tion the Affirmation of St. Louis
member, but all make a coordinated contribution to the func- poses a radical solution by opening a door upon the authentic
tioning and growth of the Body. Hence it is the responsibility Catholic model of the Church. The Affirmation does this by
of the bishops to take council for the preservation of the ‘com- setting at the head of its Principles of Doctrine the definition
mon mind’ of the Church. Conciliarity is built into the very of the Church as “the manifestation of Christ in and to the
existence of the Church. world’, and ‘ the Body of Christ at work in the world’. After
11. DEALING WITH DIVERGENCE: Sufficient this it sets out the ‘marks’ of the Church as enshrined in the
has now been said to draw a clear distinction between the two Holy Tradition.(It is significant that the late Perry Laukhuff,
models. With the Catholic Model the Church as the Body of one of the two main drafters of the Affirmation, was able to
Christ is central and fundamental to the whole - it is the Gos- quote the Eastern Orthodox quarterly review, Doxa as calling
pel. With the Western Model the Church is subordinate being the Affirmation ‘an amazing document’ and one that is very
the agency authorised to promote the Gospel. This difference close to and Orthodox Confession of Faith.”)
is reflected in the way in which divergence is seen and dealt 16. THE RECEPTION OF THE AFFIRMATION:
with. The Catholic model, because it relies totally upon the It is obvious from the behaviour even of these Continuing
Holy Spirit abiding constantly in its midst, can resolve poten- Churches which claim to endorse the Affirmation that they
tial conflicts by conciliar action. With this model the resolu- mostly fail to understand its potential. They continue to treat
tion of differences may appear untidy and time-consuming, the Church as an institution rather than the sacramental pres-
but a solution can emerge in the end. A modern example is the ence of Christ. The most probable explanation for this failure
restoration of unity between the Moscow Patriarchate and the is that for the Church, in spite of fine words, remains and
Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia. agency of Christ, a secondary feature of the Faith.
12. DIVERGENCE AND THE WEST: The West- 17. THE CHOICE: Nevertheless there has to be a
ern model, because it is an agency, relies of necessity upon an choice made. The Continuing Anglican movement has noth-

ing else to offer than the Affirmation’s restored Catholic
model of the Church, but what it has is more than sufficient. summary of the chief articles of the Christian Faith, to-
If it rejects this heritage the consequences are dire, there gether with the “Apostles’ Creed, and that known as the
lies ahead a perpetuation of petty debilitating strife - the in- Creed of St. Athanasius to be “thoroughly received and
evitable consequence of persisting with the Western model believed” in the sense they have had always in the Catho-
of the Church. One is reminded of the prophecy of Nathan lic Church.
addressed to King David as consequence of his contriving Tradition: The received Tradition of the Church and
the death Uriah,” the sword shall never depart from your its preachings as set forth by “the ancient catholic bishops
house.” and doctors,” and especially as defined by the Seven Ecu-
menical Councils of the undivided Church, to the exclu-
sion of all errors, ancient and modern.
Sacraments: The Sacraments of Baptism, Confir-

From “The Affirmation

mation, the Holy Eucharist, Holy Matrimony, Holy Or-
ders, Penance and Unction of the Sick, as objective and

of St. Louis effective signs of the continued presence and saving ac-
tivity of Christ our Lord among His people and as His
PREFACE covenanted means for conveying His grace. In particular,
In the firm conviction that “we shall be saved we affirm the necessity of Baptism and the Holy Eucha-
through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,” and that rist (where they may be had) -- Baptism as incorporating
“there is no other name under heaven given among men us into Christ (with its completion in Confirmation as the
by which we must be saved,” and acknowledging our duty “seal of the Holy Spirit”), and the Eucharist as the sacri-
to proclaim Christ’s saving Truth to all peoples, nations fice which unites us to the all-sufficient Sacrifice of Christ
and tongues, we declare our intention to hold fast the One, on the Cross and the Sacrament in which He feeds us with
Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith of God. His Body and Blood.
We acknowledge that rule of faith laid down by St. Holy Orders: The Holy Orders of bishops, priests
Vincent of Lerins: “Let us hold that which has been be- and deacons as the perpetuation of Christ’s gift of apos-
lieved everywhere, always and by all, for that is truly and tolic ministry to His Church, asserting the necessity of a
properly Catholic.” bishop of apostolic succession (or priest ordained by such)
as the celebrant of the Eucharist -- these Orders consist-
I PRINCIPLES OF DOCTRINE ing exclusively of men in accordance with Christ’s Will
and institution (as evidenced by the Scriptures), and the
1. The Nature of the Church universal practice of the Catholic Church.
We gather as people called by God to be faithful Deaconesses: The ancient office and ministry of
and obedient to Him. As the Royal Priestly People of God, Deaconesses as a lay vocation for women, affirming the
the Church is called to be, in fact, the manifestation of need for proper encouragement of that office.
Christ in and to the world. True religion is revealed to man Duty of Bishops: Bishops as Apostles, Prophets,
by God. We cannot decide what is truth, but rather (in obe- Evangelists, Shepherds and Teachers, as well as their duty
dience) ought to receive, accept, cherish, defend and teach (together with other clergy and the laity) to guard and
what God has given us. The Church is created by God, and defend the purity and integrity of the Church’s Faith and
is beyond the ultimate control of man. Moral Teaching.
The Church is the Body of Christ at work in the The Use of Other Formulae: In affirming these
world. She is the society of the baptized called out from the principles, we recognize that all Anglican statements of
world: In it, but not of it. As Christ’s faithful Bride, she is faith and liturgical formulae must be interpreted in accor-
different from the world and must not be influenced by it. dance with them.
Incompetence of Church Bodies to Alter Truth:
2. The Essentials of Truth and Order We disclaim any right or competence to suppress, alter or
amend any of the ancient Ecumenical Creeds and defini-
We repudiate all deviation of departure from the tions of Faith, to set aside or depart from Holy Scripture,
Faith, in whole or in part, and bear witness to these essen- or to alter or deviate from the essential pre-requisites of
tial principles of evangelical Truth and apostolic Order: any Sacrament.
Holy Scriptures: The Holy Scriptures of the Old Unity with Other Believers: We declare our firm
and New Testaments and the authentic record of God’s intention to seek and achieve full sacramental communion
revelation of Himself, His saving activity, and moral de- and visible unity with other Christians who “worship the
mands -- a revelation valid for all men and all time. Trinity in Unity, and Unity in Trinity,” and who hold the
Catholic and Apostolic Faith in accordance with the fore-
The Creeds: The Nicene Creed as the authoritative going principles.
Declaration of Unity
communio in sacris

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen.

To all the Faithful in Christ Jesus throughout the World,

Whereas the Holy Catholic Church - Anglican Rite and the Holy Catholic Church - Western Rite have
been in communion, be it known that we have entered into a full organic communion (communio in sacris) ef-
fective this First Day of March in the Year of our Lord Two Thousand and Ten.

As an united body in the Family of Catholic Churches, our goal is to perpetuate the Faith, Order, Worship
and Witness of Western Catholicism as it existed in the Church of England from around 200 A.D., to the time of
the Great Schism, and set forth by the “ancient catholic bishops and doctors,” and especially as defined by the
Seven Ecumenical Councils of the undivided Church.

The Holy Catholic Church - Anglican Rite is Catholic, because it accepts the doctrines of the ancient
Church, which have been “believed everywhere, always, and by all.” The Affirmation of St. Louis is a sufficient
statement of our faith, belief and teaching in fostering the faith once delivered to the saints in the great Anglican
Tradition until His second Coming.

Be it resolved, that the Holy Catholic Church - Anglican Rite (HCCAR) also known as the Anglican Rite
Catholic Church (ARCC), henceforth also be deemed as the Holy Catholic Church - Western Rite (HCCWR) as
applicable in the different parts of the world it is represented.

Be it resolved, that the Holy Catholic Church Anglican Rite (ARCC/HCCWR) is comprised of the fol-
lowing Dioceses: Diocese of Holy Trinity and Great Plains, Diocese of the Pacific and Southwest, Diocese of the
Resurrection (HCC-AR), Missionary Diocese of the American Indian People, Diocese of the Caribbean and New
Granada (South America), Diocese of Europe and Diocese of Umzi Wase Tiyopiya (Africa).

Be it resolved that we will work toward the promulgation of three Provinces namely the Original Province
of America, the Province of the Caribbean and New Granada and the Province of Europe and Africa.

The HCC-AR College of Bishops consists of the Bishops of the Diocese of Holy Trinity and Great Plains,
Bishop of the Diocese of Resurrection, Bishops of the Diocese of Pacific & Southwest, Bishop of the Mission-
ary Diocese of the American Indian People, Bishops of the Anglican Diocese of Caribbean and New Granada
and Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of Umzi Wase Tiyopiya and Episcopal Visitor to the Diocese of Europe
with Archbishop Thomas Kleppinger as the Metropolitan. All Coadjutor Bishops, Assistant Bishops, and Retired
Bishops have Seat, Voice and Vote in the College of Bishops.


Be it resolved that while the role of the College of Bishops of the HCC-AR is to address the spiritual, theo-
logical and pastoral concerns, each Diocese has full autonomy of governance, judicial-pastoral discipline, and
administration, and is expected to operate in accordance with their local and national laws and requirements.

Given under our hand and seal this date. March 1, in the year of our Lord 2010

The Rt. Rev’d Henry King, The Most Rev’d Thomas Kleppinger, The Rt.Rev’d Leo Michael, Diocese The Rt. Rev’d Kenneth Kinner,
Diocese of the Pacific & Diocese of the Resurrection & of the Holy Trinity and Great Plains Missionary Diocese of the
Southwest Metropolitan American Indian People

The Rt. Rev’d James McNeley, The Rt. Rev’d Anthony Rasch, The Rt. Rev’d Samuel Banzana, Dio- The Rt. Rev’d Victor Manuel
Bishop Emeritus, Diocese of the Bishop Coadjutor, Diocese of the cese of Umzi Wase Tiyopiya, Episco- Cruz-Blanco, Anglican Dio-
Holy Trinity and Great Plains Pacific and Southwest pal Visitor, Diocese of Europe cese of the Caribbean and
New Granada

The Rt. Rev’d Jesus Maria Galvez The Rt. Rev’d John Jairo Garcia The Rt. Rev’d Luis Carlos Garcia The Rt. Rev’d Ronald
Hoyos, Bishop Assistant Anglican Diocese Salazar, Bishop Assistant, Anglican Medina,Bishop Assistant, Anglican Greeson, Suffragan Emeritus,
of the Caribbean & NewGranada Diocese of the Caribbean & New Diocese of the Caribbean & New Diocese of the Holy Trinity &
Granada Granada Great Plains
Travelogue by Bishop Leo and Holly Michael
Pilgrimage to Santhome (St. Thomas) Chennai, India

From here, its believed there was a secret passage to St. Thomas
Mount, where St. Thomas was martyred for the faith. Fr. Bagya Re-
gis, the parish priest of St. Thomas Mount Church said,”We Celebrate
two important feasts: July 3rd, the day of martyrdom of St. Thomas
and December 18th. the feast of our Lady of Expectation. The Cross
began to bleed on Dec. 18. This church is dedicated to our Lady of
Expectation. The present church is 450 yrs old. There was an oratory
1548 that they demolished and then built the church. The relics of St.
Thomas, the finger bone and the painting of St. Luke the evangelist
(1960 years old.-right bottom) are contained in the church.” (Below
is where St. Thomas was martyred and the sanctuary containing the
bleeding cross. Below the sanctuary that bears the bleeding cross,

It is called Little Mount in reference to St. Thomas Mount where St.

Thomas the Apostle hid himself in a cave. Above is the cross that
he etched on a rock over which an altar stands.

Above: The Inscription at the entrance to the cave reads: “The

Cave where lay hid persecuted just before being martyred by Ra-
jah Mahadevan King of Mylapuram in A.D.63. Thomas one of the
twelve apostles of Jesus the very one who put his fingers into the
wounds of His Lord and God.”
Right, top: The cave where St. Thomas hid prior to his
martyrdom. The third one the wellspring dating back to the times
of St. Thomas from which he drew water for himself while in hid-
exactly where St. Thomas was martyred. Next page, top: Depiction of
10 the martyrdom and a close-up of the bleeding cross of St. Thomas.
San Thome Cathedral, Mylapore, Chennai where St. Thomas was
buried. The Basilica is built over the tomb. Above, top: sanctuary,
next, the crypt that contains the tomb of St. Thomas. Bottom: Cathe-
dral side-view
CLUB 50 times French toast or pancakes. We take turns cooking
so that everyone adds their own touch. The only mishap
we’ve had was one guy didn’t hang on to his wife’s
Holy Family special recipe for French toast. The wind blew it away.
Somebody in Nebraska is probably enjoying a new way
Casper, Wyo to make French toast.
Our new project, after finishing Maximized
Manhood, has begun and we’re really excited about it.
F or the past several months a group of five men We ordered the same material from the Biblical Stew-
and three teenagers have been meeting once a month to ardship by Art Ally that was held in Kansas City last Oc-
learn how to become the men that God and our families tober. We’ve had one class and our next will be March
want us to be. We discuss two chapters at a time of a 13. The guys were eager in our first class to discuss
book titled “Maximized Manhood”. money management especially when looking at today’s
The book teaches how men can lead their fami- financial picture across the country. We think it will be
lies with love, wisdom and be better listeners by be- especially helpful for our teens and the challenges they
will face. We don’t know for sure when we will com-
plete this course. It depends on how much discussion we
have which is certainly a good thing. We already have a
suggestion for our next subject whenever that happens.
It was suggested we order the book “The Kings High-
way” which is excellent reading. Please pray for Club
50 and that it may make a difference. By the way, just a
reminder, we named our club because we received our
“manhood” books on Pentecost Sunday (50th day from
Lent). Gods Blessings and strength to all. Fr. J. Dean

St. John
the Divine
Hereford AZ
ing aware of family needs. We have learned that strong
leadership with love produces positive results as op-
I t has been a busy winter
here at St. John’s Parish.
posed to an attitude of “I’m running the show and don’t
We welcomed our Bish-
forget it.” We are praying that because of our discus-
op for a visitation and kept him busy the whole time. A
sions and studies we will better ourselves for the benefit
new Sanctuary Lamp was blessed as was our recently
of all those who are a part of our lives. We are especially
added bell tower. And one young man was confirmed.
hopeful that it will make a difference in the future for
The Parish had a Potluck dinner after the Pontifical Mass
our teenagers and the families they will lead. I remem-
and all had the opportunity to discuss concerns. Bishop
ber what Bishop Kinner said once. “We may not change
King is a graduate of Holy Cross Seminary located at
the world, but we don’t have to leave it the same.”
Saint John’s. We discussed developing the Library as
Our meetings are one Saturday a month at 7:00
the Holy-Cross Seeland Memorial Library. The Bishop
a.m. beginning with a real guy breakfast usually with
and the Vicar, Father Cyphers were able to tend to a few
an egg casserole (prepared the night before by one of
loose ends regarding Bishop Seeland’s donations to the
the wives “thanks ladies”) sausage, potatoes, some-

The Parish is still busy, even when the Bishop is all was in the words of Holy Scripture! And so it con-
back home in California. We continue our outreach pro- tinues. A Hymn we always sing at Synod, “And are we
gram to teens (breakfast and a ride to school). Hospital yet Alive” comes to mind. It is a great time to be alive
visitation as far north as in the Church. So many opportunities....Makes me wish
Tucson. Teen and adult I was a kid of fifty again. But I’m not sure if young
work parties around the people would come to us unless they can skip a genera-
Church continue on Sat- tion and go directly to the “old man”. But the Church
urdays. For the feast of will live on and Christ our God will be with us even
Saint Francis we blessed unto the ages of ages, yes, even beyond 2012, because
animals at the public mar- He is a Good God and He loves mankind, even those of
ket in Bisbee. On Shrove us with warts. Our Lenten Schedule includes Stations
Tuesday, Mardi Gras, we of the Cross and Mass on Wednesday with anointing for
continued our tradition of going out to dinner as a Par- healing; Saturday opportunity for Confession, Stations
ish Family and electing a new Mardi Gras Queen to pre- of the Cross ad First Vespers of the Lord’s Day, Sunday
side over festive events for the coming year. This year, morning begins with Byzantine Prayers at Dawn and
with much oompahing and flamming dishes we went continues with the Preparation of the Lamb for the Sac-
to a Greek Restaurant. Twice as many people came to rifice, Prayer Book Matins and the Divine Liturgy. We
three Ash Wednesday services as attended the previous wish all a Profitable Lent and a Glorious Feast of the
Resurrection. And are we yet alive? Yes, because He
lives we too live. - Fr. Nicholas Cyphers

Events AT Incarnation
Church of the Incarnation, Quakertown, PA
The second Thursday of each month Evening
Prayer for the Nation is offered.
It is the ministry of the People’s Warden, Mr
Loren Byelich, who is both the Officiant and Preacher.
His sermons last Fall centered on Our Natural and In-
alienable Rights from God and included the right to
life, the right to liberty, and the right to the pursuit of
happiness. In the new year Loren will be speaking on
Christian Virtues, American Values. January’s presen-
evenings festivities. (A third of them under age twenty). tation was Honesty and Fidelity and he has a preaching
We are looking forward to the next mid-monsoon bu- plan extending to December, 2010.The Lessons and pa-
chalic bachanal and Sunday School picnic. triotic hymns center upon the theme of the day.
We’ve had several baptisms this year, and have Loren is also conducting an Evangelism Class
restored the practice of full trine immersion as did the on Sunday mornings. He is presenting the purpose for
undivided Church. evangelism and laying the foundation with Christian
Have you ever overheard a “would be Rastafarian” ex- theology and the Anglican tradition, as well as ideas to
plaining to a “would be Wiccan” why he could vacuum reach the community. He is teaching Anglicans how to
the Sanctuary while she was limited to vacuuming the present the faith.
Nave? Well, we have. Have you ever blessed a Chop- He has prepared and mailed out a Parish Post
per and a Skate board as well as dogs and cats on St. into the homes of the neighborhood, which tells who we
Francis day? Well, we have. Have you ever worked a are and what we are doing and inviting them to come
popular song into the Liturgy? Well we have, It after
along. He has established a presence on Facebook for as a church. The vision started with various photos,
the neighborhood to participate. of which the Celtic design was a favorite. The photo
A Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper was pre- showed one sculpted in metal, and the conversations
pared by the Bishop and Patrick Koerner and the men quickly turned to the possibility of constructing it of
and ladies of the parish and a time of fellowship before wood. With our limited expertise, the round pieces near
the beginning of Lent was enjoyed by all. the top seemed like a tall order. However, we were able
Archbishop Kleppinger to find someone who assured us that it was, in fact, pos-
sible, and with a very generous donation from a parish
benefactor, this is the result. We praise God for putting
St. Joseph of these people in our lives. Without their generosity of
time and money, this would have been out of our reach.
We are so blessed! - Vickie Scraper
in Wichita, Kansas is so thrilled to have in place a beau-
tiful Celtic cross! It was a vision of the parishioners
Biblical Stewardship Seminar
Holy Trinity, Sheridan, WY
to adorn the otherwise ordinary-looking outside of
The Biblical Stewardship Series is the subject for Holy
our building with a cross that would also identify us
Trinity’s Lenten study sessions, conducted by Fr. Stuart
Crawshaw. The program was devised by Mr. Art Ally,

founder of the Timothy Plan, and edited by Holly Mi-

chael. The Timothy Plan is a group of mutual funds
designed to help investors keep morally clean portfo-
lios. The Stewardship Series is intended to introduce
participants to the basic principles of Biblical steward-
ship. The Wednesday evening program is preceded by
Mass and a Lenten carry-in supper. The majority of the
Ven. Stuart Crawshaw
parish is attending. -


by Bishop Kenneth Kinner

Megan Kinner (daughter of Stephen & Julia Kinner and granddaughter of Bishop Kenneth & Priscilla Kinner) and her fiance,
Alexander Tereshko, a Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy, and a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis,
Maryland invited me to officiate at their wedding in the Academy Chapel. A.J (as he is known) applied at the Chaplains’
Office and being Russian Orthodox was assigned to a Roman Catholic Chaplain. Father William Muhm, Commander USN,
called me and outlined the requirements.
Visiting clergy must verify their authenticity, must certify specific pre-marital counseling sessions, verifying the
couples’ spiritual and moral readiness for Holy Matrimony. A challenge was counseling at such a distance - Wyoming to
Maryland. This was done with essays based upon Holy Scripture to which the couple responded by both email and telephone,
entering into some rather long conversations. I was encouraged by the serious questions asked, the depth of spirituality, and
the faithful consideration of Holy Scripture. Having certified these things to Father Muhm, we were both surprised to learn
that we had a common friend in the Pastor of St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Cathedral, Cheyenne, Wyoming, Father Gary Ruz-
icka. When at St. Patrick’s Church in Casper, Father Gary had sold some extra pews to us for Holy Family Church and now
Father Gary is the Pastor for Father Muhm’s mother who resides in Cheyenne. For all of the above reasons I was accepted to
officiate in the Naval Academy Chapel. Rehearsals and weddings are highly orchestrated rites in the chapel. This wedding
from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer fit well into the time frame allowed.
Father Muhm was present to greet me at the rehearsal, to introduce me to the organist, Monte Maxwell, and the sup-
port staff, Claire MacCallum Father Muhm was present on Saturday at 5 pm. to see that the rite came off without a ‘hitch’;
also inviting me to use his Holy Water to bless the rings. The bridal party included Megan’s sister, Emily as Maid of Honor,
Karlie Kinner from Wyoming and several of AJ’s relatives. The Best Man was AJ’s brother, Lieutenant Daniel Tereshko, an
Iraq War veteran, the groomsmen all Navy and Air Force pilots.
The chapel is breathtaking. The main aisle is nearly the length of a football field. The starry dome over the altar is
200’ tall. The organ has 523 pipes and when the Navy Hymn sounded there wasn’t a dry eye in the chapel. In the crypt is
the ornate tomb of John Paul Jones. In various places the Bibles and Prayer Books of Admiral Farragut and other well known
Naval Officers were seen.
The Bride and Groom passed through an arch of swords on the outdoor steps upon leaving the chapel. In Navy custom
the best man then took his sword and whacked the bride across the seat - all Navy personnel then claiming Megan a Navy
wife. Take courage American people, the men and women of the United Stares Navy are of tremendous ability and integrity;
we are protected from ‘without’. LCDR Tereshko is now in the Gulf of Aden. And wouldn’t you know, Megan is expecting
a baby in late August. How great and good God is !
group. While in New York City, students of Ustad Ali
Akbar Khan had encouraged Swan to study music with
hen a friend shared the Gospel with Bur- their master. Khan was a North Indian classical musi-
ton Swan, he wondered why, he—a 30 year old twenti- cian known for his virtuosity in playing the sarod and
eth century American—hadn’t heard it before. Still, he popularizing the music in the United States, both as a
didn’t buy it. performer and as a teacher. Inspired, Swan then bought
“My friend told me that Jesus loved me, that the a sarod and drove across country with Karen to study
Holy Ghost loved me and that they were real” Swan North Indian classical music with Ustad Ali Akbar
said. “He said Jesus was the Son of God and that it was Khan in California.
possible to be a child of God. And I said, ‘yeah, yeah, Burton Swan was back in California, where his
aren’t we all’.” friend spoke about Jesus.
Swan said his friend got discouraged and left. “This friend had been staying with a family who
“My ears and eyes were blocked,” he said. had recently shared the Gospel with him,” Swan said,
Having studied Buddhism in Bangkok subse- “And he felt that if he told me this Good News and I
quent to military duty in Vietnam, Swan had arrived believed it, it would be true.”
in San Francisco to study with Shunryu Suzuki, who Swan’s friend didn’t give up. He came the following
popularized Zen Buddhism in the United States. At the week and again told Swan that the Holy Ghost loved
Zen Center in San Francisco, Swan had met his future him and that Jesus loved him and that his sins could be
wife, Karen. After studying with Suzuki and attending forgiven and he could have a new life. Again, his friend
the opening sessions at Tassajara, Swan had returned left disappointed, believing his words fell on deaf ears
to the East Coast to work with an MGM recording Then for a third time, the next Saturday, Swan’s
friend visited him and spoke again about Jesus Christ. and had devoted his life to music. He said since the
The two were walking up the street where Swan lived. time he was a little kid, when he first heard the sounds,
His friend repeated that the Holy Ghost loved him and he was moved by the music. He’d put a rubber band or
that Jesus loved him and that there was new life avail- a string in his mouth to make the sounds: do-re-mi-fa-
able full of peace, joy, and happiness. The street ended sol.
and became a dirt path that led up to the top of a moun-
tain that overlooked the San Francisco Bay. The two
had hiked this path before, but this hike would be one
Swan would never forget.
His friend was about 20 yards ahead of him on
the trail when Burton Swan met Jesus Christ.
“I wouldn’t even want to compare myself to
Paul and to his experience,” Swan said. “But the next
thing I knew, I was on the ground crying. Then I knew.
I knew that the Gospel and that all that my friend had
told me was true.” Swan said he felt like asking God
what took Him so long.
From that moment, his life was never the same.
“When my friend found me on the path, cry-
ing, I said ‘it’s true. Jesus IS the son of God. The Holy
Ghost DOES love me.’ We sat at the top of the moun-
tain, full of joy and gratitude and tears and laughter. I
was new. Everything was new. I was new in our Lord
Jesus Christ.”
When they came down from the mountaintop,
Swan immediately purchased a Bible and immersed
himself in the Word of God.
“I thought ‘wow! When did they write this stuff?
This is great!”
The next Sunday, Swan went to church at the “God gave us those notes and I’m so glad there
invitation of his new friends—the Sunday after Christ- will be music in Heaven,” Swan said.
mas—at an Episcopal Church. At the solemn high Mass, Swan said as much as he loved Ali Akbar Khan
Swan stood by a pillar and wept through the entire ser- and the music, he had to follow a new calling.
vice. “My life, which once had been devoted to my
“It took my breath away,” he said. teacher and the music, now was to be devoted to Jesus
Swan received communion. The priest ap- Christ and His church.”
proached him afterward and spoke to him about the Swan moved ahead with his studies, getting a
Sacraments and the church. The next Sunday Swan sat grant to go to Nashota House, an Episcopal Seminary
in the front row. in Wisconsin. But those were days of big change in the
“I saw this guy come in swinging incense and I Episcopal Church, he says.
said, ‘wow, someday I’d love to do that’.” “And there was no way I’d compromise the or-
Fr. Swan’s wife, Karen, was soon also convert- thodox faith.” Swan says, while there, and after deep
ed. Swan’s in-laws were Christians and later admitted counsel with an esteemed Anglo-Catholic Bishop and
to their daughter and son-in-law that they had been with the guiding of the Holy Spirit, he left the Episco-
praying for them for a long time. pal Church.
Swan became a server, sub deacon and began So Swan and his wife Karen prepared to make
his journey toward priesthood in the Episcopal Church. the move to Orthodoxy, planning to go to an Antiochian
But following this path, for him, meant giving up his service. Before that Sunday, Karen’s sister informed
old life. the couple about an Anglican Catholic Church that was
Swan had become a disciple of Ali Akbar Khan close by. “We went and found the Anglican Missal, the
1928 Prayer Book, and the Anglo-Catholic faith,” Swan Resolution of Reconciliation
said. “Nothing had changed.” by Ven. Mark A. Rowe Jr.
In his early days of the diaconate, and only by
There is much emphasis in the world today on
a leading of the Holy Ghost, he attended the Islamic conserving natural resources, ‘going green’, making
Center for a few years, studying Arabic, the Koran andbetter nutrition choices, and making better decisions in
Islam, he said. life that help us be more happy , healthy and ‘ecologi-
“Many people come to the Christian church, of cally responsible.’ We know that fluorescent light bulbs
course, seeking our Lord Jesus Christ, but many come save energy, that rain barrels help conserve water, and
seeking something,” Fr. Swan said. “Maybe something what foods contain saturated or trans fats and should be
greater than themselves. Maybe God. Maybe something. avoided for better health. Surely these are important
Maybe some people come to the Christian church after topics and deserve some attention, and as creatures of
having studied various Eastern religions, various phi-habit, we look to make new beginnings in a new year,
losophies, various metaphysical paths, still seeking for
a new decade, in an effort to improve ourselves. It is
the truth, but in my opinion, as our Lord Jesus Christ is
precisely this spirit or sense of self-inventory that natu-
the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and is the same yester-
rally lends itself to the spiritual life and our role in the
day, today, and forever, anyone who seeks a way other Church, yet all too often we fail to recognize this vital
than Him, seeks in vain.” part of our spiritual well-being and health.
“Sometimes we can see that all those other ways
Spiritual self-inventory is critical for our con-
can lead us to Christ, and that they are all ultimately
tinued growth as Christians. We should take the time
completed in Christ. All things will return to Him. He is
and in our prayer lives ask for the grace of the Holy
the Alpha and the Omega, The King of Kings, The Lord Spirit to identify our excess baggage we carry around in
of Lords and Very God of Very God.” our hearts and souls created by sin, and seek to remove
Fr. Swan says, “I need to BE in Him-- ‘within it by the grace found in the Sacrament of Confession.
thy wounds, hide me’. As Christians we have the opportunity to freely remove
Fr. Swan repeats that he was thirty before hear-
any excess baggage and scars of sin, and replace it with
ing the Gospel. “How could that be?” he asks and then grace. But do we use it? We say and we believe that
answers. “I heard and heard and heard and didn’t hear.grace is a gift, freely given by God for our sanctifica-
I saw and saw and saw and didn’t see. tion, but do we take this to heart? Why do we ignore
such a beautiful gift given at such a cost?
I remember playing as a child with my friends
outside. I don’t exactly remember the game we were
playing, but I remember it was common that if the
game didn’t exactly go as we wanted it, we would call
a ‘do-over.’ This would allow us to restart the game
in progress , or even from the beginning to get another
chance for a better result. The funny thing as I remem-
ber, was that many games contained many requests for
‘do-overs’ from just about all of the players on one oc-
casion or another.
As Christians, Christ has given us unlimited op-
portunities for a ‘do-over.’ He endured His Passion,
“The Holy Ghost REALLY does love us,” Fr. Death Resurrection, and Ascension to allow us the gift
Swan said. “God REALLY did give us the Holy Ghost of everlasting life. The Fathers tell us that Christ would
who leads, guides and comforts us. I am very grateful have endured it all, even if there were only but our sin-
that He touched me and called me and brought me from gle selves in need of redemption out of His love and
darkness into light. He REALLY is the Light of the compassion for us. He gives us the gifts of grace and
world and the Light of man and we behold His glory. the Sacramental Life to aid us in our spiritual journey
God has been very merciful to me.” to Heaven. All too often, we take it (and perhaps Him)
- by Holly Michael for granted.
I remember Bishop Seeland at Holyrood Semi-
nary teaching us in Moral Theology class. He said
something to us that has always stuck with me long af-
ter I graduated. He said ‘ in order to clear away sin, you
must cultivate virtue.” We must want to rid ourselves
Poetry Column
Father James Wade by Doris Lane
The young Jimmy Wade, a determined child,
of the excess baggage and scars of sin and replace it Was strong-willed then, but not really wild.
with grace as we continually work on cultivating virtue.
Mother would cook oatmeal for breakfast each day;
This can only be done by spiritual self-inventory and He wouldn’t eat it, despite what she’d say.
regular partaking of the Sacraments, particularly Con-
fession. She’d make him sit there and then be late to school.
He didn’t like that, but it was her rule.
Brethren, 2010 in our Lenten season, we are
provided another opportunity for a ‘do-over.’ Make The Principal’s whacks with a wooden spoon
Didn’t convince him – he’d still fast till noon.
a resolution for reconciliation and consider this dur-
ing Lent. Please take the time to set aside a period of It’s not known today what he ate after that.
Must not have been much – he’s not very fat!
prayer and fasting to discern where you are in your
spiritual life. Do a spiritual self- inventory of not only Here we all love him, our priest and our friend.
There are many souls to whom he must tend.
what excess baggage and scars you may be carrying,
but also what gifts God has given you to help build His He loves us, too, and he prays every day
Holy Church. Pray that the Holy Spirit would guide That all of our woes will soon pass away.
you and give you the grace to improve your spiritual So thanks, Father Wade, for all that you’ve done,
well being and health. Pray that He would help you And still do today, though you’re near ninety-one.
identify your spiritual gifts and how you can implement God bless you now and in years to come.
them this year to make His Church grow and be a wit- We know that we’re blessed to have you as our own.
ness to the Faith Once Delivered to the Saints. Clear Doris Lane, 90 years of age, is legally blind, has great difficulty hearing, and is unable
to walk for any great length of time, so she is confined to her home and her comfortable
out the spiritual cobwebs and excess baggage and scars chair. Her friends provide transportation for her so that she is able to attend church at
from sin and make an appointment with your Priest for St. Thomas á Becket in Sacramento, California. She still does what she can to help with
the altar guild, and was the church organist for many years, in many congregations.
Confession. Call a ‘do-over’ when you fall or need a Doris is very alert, thoughtful, and quite adept at painting word pictures through her
helping hand, and you will find Our Loving Lord right poetry prowess. She accomplishes her writing this way: She composes and memorizes
entire poems, then later recites them to me from memory. I write down her words, then
there with His hands outstretched to help you up and my husband types them into the finished product. Her memorization skills are remark-
back on your way. Please pray also for me, a sinner. able - Martha Lane
*** ***

A Single Sheet of Paper, Square No Cuts

by Kenji Houston, St. James Anglican Church, Kansas City
Origami is the art of paper folding. Originating in the East, it is enjoyed around the world. Traditional origami, paper
folding uses a single sheet of paper, square no cuts.
The greatest origamist, paper folder, was Yoshi Miniwara. Yoshi was as meek as he was creative. Yoshi created over
a thousand origami creations. His creations were so beautiful and lifelike. That when he died St. Peter brought him before the
very throne of God, Creator of Heaven and Earth.
So there Yoshi stood before God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and the host of Heaven. “I am told you are the greatest
origamist” God said.
“I have dabbled with origami,” Yoshi blushed. For he was as meek as he was creative.
“Can we see some of your creations?” God asked. And there appeared before Yoshi a table with a stack of paper,
square no cuts.
As Yoshi started folding a dozen of his best creations, the host of heaven responded first with the rustle of a polite finger
clapping to a crescendo of acclamation, when he finished. They were amazed at the beauty and realism of his creations.
God said, “You have an amazing gift.” Yoshi blushed for he was as meek as he was creative. “I too have dabbled with
Now Yoshi was fascinated to know what God, Creator of Heaven and Earth could fold from a single sheet of paper,
square, no cuts. So he started to hand God the final sheet of paper, square no cuts. Instead God, Creator of Heaven and Earth,
reached down. Gently yanking Yoshi by the earlobe. Yoshi unfolded to...A Single Sheet of Paper, Square No Cuts.

And much more!!!
For Details contact:
Fr. Scott & Annette Lay
at St. Peter’s, Albuquerque, NM

Publication of the Anglican Province of the

Holy Catholic Church Anglican Rite
St.. James Anglican Church
8107 S. Holmes Road Kansas City, MO 64131

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