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Procedure for Maintenance Pages in ECOM for AGSHOP and bouncing the AGSHOP for P

This is the shorter version of the full descriptive bounce but should make sense
and guide you to a complete restart.
I. Put the maintenance pages for AGSHOP by:
Log into naberl20a/b/c as yourself.
su - oracle (owner of $ORACLE_HOME)
Set INSTANCE_ID to the WEB Home (PRDAS01_WEB). You can also use orasid for
cd /opt/oracle/local/bin
(FOR REFERENCE ONLY) View to ensure all variables are co
o It is backing up existing vhosts files for each store
o It will then take the vhost*MAINT.conf file and copy it to the vhost*.conf
file for each store.
Run on all web nodes.
1)on naberl20a and naberl20b run
(FOR REFERENCE) This will show naberl20c in the restart but nothing needs to be
done for maint. pages on that server as it only server non-ag. This is the new
server introduced this week as a temp server.
Then restart the web services to take this into effect.
cd $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin
./opmnctl @cluster stopproc process-type=HTTP_Server process-type=HTTP_Ser
./opmnctl @cluster startproc process-type=HTTP_Server process-type=HTTP_Se
./opmnctl @cluster status -l
Set INSTANCE_ID to CACHE (PRDAS01_CACHE).(cd /opt/oracle/local/bin and . ora
cd $ORACLE_HOME/webcache/bin
./webcachectl status
Run webcachectl restart
./webcachectl restart
Ensure you complete for all the servers
Once complete with each server verify by logging into each store that you pu
t pages up for.
You should see a maintenance page.
If you do not see maintenance page, call Primary Cell immediately.
II. AGSHOP Restart:
Log into naberl30a/b/c/d as yourself.
Su - oracle
Go to /opt/oracle/local/bin
cd /opt/oracle/local/bin
ls -ltr j2eemgr
on naberl30a run j2eemgr y status and check all 4 servers SHOP(naberl30d is
new and runs SHOP)
j2eemgr y status OC4J_SHOP
On naberl30a run j2eemgr y stop OC4J_SHOP wait until it stops
j2eemgr y stop OC4J_SHOP
On naberl30a run j2eemgr y start OC4J_SHOP and wait until it returns
j2eemgr y start OC4J_SHOP
on naberl30a run j2eemgr y status and check all 4 servers
j2eemgr y status OC4J_SHOP
Tail each of the recent SHOP logs on all 4 servers and once it reaches the 2
9K items and 176K other listed please communicate that cache is complete.
cd /var/orastage/j2eelogs/
111.Down the maintenance pages for AGSHOP by:
Log into naberl21a/b/c as yourself.
Su - oracle
Go to /opt/oracle/local/bin
cd /opt/oracle/local/bin
Run on all web nodes.
Then restart the web services to take this into effect.
cd $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin
./opmnctl @cluster stopproc process-type=HTTP_Server process-type=HTTP_Ser
./opmnctl @cluster startproc process-type=HTTP_Server process-type=HTTP_Se
./opmnctl @cluster status -l
Set INSTANCE_ID to CACHE (PRDAS01_CACHE). (cd /opt/oracle/local/bin and . o
rasid PRDAS01_CACHE)
cd $ORACLE_HOME/webcache/bin
webcachectl status
Run webcachectl restart
./webcachectl restart
Ensure you complete for both servers
Once complete with each server verify by logging into each store that you pu
t pages up for.


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