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Operating a Word
Processing Program


Sherwin C. Maningas
Judith Lunabelle C. Buenaventura

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 1




Word Processing Program

A word processor is a program design to enable the user to create
documents like letters, posters, brochures, or even banners. The document
can be savein user hard drive or on a portable device like flash drive so it
could be retrieve easily when needed. This saved document is thesoft copy.
Word processor allows also the user to print the document so he would have
a hard copyof it. There are lots of word processor program available. In this
module you will use the Microsoft Word 2003.

What you should know?

By using this module you will learn the following:

J ahe Microsoft Word Window Elements

J Creating and saving a New Blank Document
J Opening and closing a document
J Basic Features of Word Processing Program
J ÿsing Bold, ÿnderline, and Italicize 
J Spell Check, Find and Replace features
J Managing Fonts
J Working with Paragraphs
J aab Key, Bulleting, Numbering, ÿndo and Redo 
J Managing aables

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What do you know? (Pre aest)

j. A word processor is
a. An application software
b. A program used for editing documents.
c. A software used for modifying the look of a document
d. All of the above
2. After completing finishing the document you want to make certain that
you have not made spelling or grammar errors. Which button do you
a. View button
b. Spell and Grammar button
c. Save button
d. Print button
3. To insert a word into the middle of a sentence
a. move the cursor to the desired location in the sentence and type the
new word.
b. move the cursor to the desired location in the sentence, press Enter
key, and type the new word.
c. move the cursor to the beginning of the sentence and start typing.
d. retype the whole sentence.
4. The Standard Toolbar
a. provides a list of pull-down menu names.
b. displays information about commands being selected
c. is used to execute commonly performed actions.
d. is used to bring hidden parts of a document into view.
5. You want to call attention to a statement in your document by making
the text bold.Which button do you select?
a. bold button
b. highlight button
c. block text button
6. To end the current paragraph, space, and begin the new paragraph,
a. press Escape key once and the Enter key once.
b. press the Enter key twice.
c. press the Enter key once and the spacebar once.
d. press the Enter key once.
7. You are working with certificate and you want the student's name to be
displayed in color. Which button do you select?
a. Font Color
b. View buttons
c. Open button
8. The arrow keys can be used to
a. delete text
b. move the cursor in the text that has already been entered
c. save the document

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d. move the cursor while deleting text

9. If a file is saved for the first time

a. a copy is automatically printed
b. it must be given a name to identify it.
c. it does not need a name
d. it only needs a name if it is not going to be printed
j0. You are going to draw a perfect circle on your document by holding
down the shift key, clicking and dragging. Which button do you select?
a. Circle button
b. Oval button
c. Square button
d. Heart shape button
jj. A red wavy line under a word indicates that the word
a. Cannot be translated
b. is not in the dictionary file and therefore might be mispelled
c. is not appropriate for that particular sentence.
d. is a noun
j2. Word wrap is
a. when a word is deleted because it is too long to fit on a line
b. when Word hyphenates a word at the end of a line
c. when Word determines if there is room for a word at the end of al ine
or if it must go on the next lien
d. when he typist determines if there is room for a word at the end of a
line or if it must go on the next line
j3. To find and load a file that has been saved
a. select the Close command
b. select the New command
c. select the Save command
d. select the Open command
j4. Selecting the Zoom command
a. opens a copy of the document in a different view.
b. prints a copy of the displayed document
c. changes the magnification of the displayed document
d. saves a copy of the displayed document
j5. If Word is not exited properly
a. an open document can be damaged or lost
b. the computer can be damaged
c. the disk can be erased.
d. the open document cannot be closed.
j6. Menus contain
a. commands that can be selected
b. default options
c. files that can be opened
d. programs that can be opened
j7. To print a document
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a. select the Print command and then select OK
b. select the Ready Printer command then select OK
c. type PRINT and then press Enter
d. close the document, select the Print command, then select OK

j8. To double space your paragraph line, you must highlight the
paragraph and press _____ .
a. Ctrl + 2 b. Ctrl + 2.5 c. Ctrl + D d. Ctrl + S
j9. Screen scroll is used to
a. add text to a document.
b. decrease the length of a page.
c. increase the length of a page.
d. bring hidden parts of a document into view.
20. To select a command from a menu, highlight the desired command
a. press the Alt key.
b. right-cllick.
c. press the Escape key.
d. click once
2j. If a previously saved file is edited
a. the file must be saved again to store the changes.
b. the changes will automatically be saved in the file.
c. the file will only have eto be saved again if it is more than one page
in length.
d. its name must be changed.
22. Which key combination can be used to save your work?
a. Ctrl + A
b. Ctrl + Z
c. Ctrl + U
d. Ctrl + S
23. To create a new document from the New Office Document dialog box
a. click on thte Word button and then select OK.
b. type in the file name and then select OK.
c. click on the Blank Document icon and then select OK.
d. click on the Cancel button and then start typing.
24. The first line of each paragraph in a word processing document
should be indented. Which key would you use to indent?
a. Your answer: b. shift. c. return d. tab
25. To keep your document from the computer's memory and place in a
a. click the Save command
b. click the New command
c. click on the New button
d. click Open button on the formatting Toolbar

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To begin, open Microsoft Word. Below are the elements of MS word window.

ahe Microsoft Word Window Elements

ahe aitle Bar

The Title baris located at the top of the screen. The Title bar displays
the word Microsoft Word and the name of the document on which you are
currently working.

ahe Menu Bar

Located directly below the Title bar, the Menu bar displays the menu
such as File and continues with Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table,
Window, and Help. These menus are used to give instructions to the software.

Toolbars have buttons or shortcuts to menu commands. Toolbars are
generally located just below the Menu bar but these toolbars can be move or
customize if you want.
Below are some commonly used toolbars available in MS word.

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Standard aoolbar
Button Name Function
new blank Creates a new blank document
Saves the active document with its current file name,
location and file format
Print preview Shows how the document will look when you print it.

Removes the selection from the document and places

it on the clipboard
Places the content of the clipboard at the insertion
Reverses the last command, use pull-down menu to
undo several steps
View the Tables and Borders toolbar and allows to
Tables and Borders
draw a table
Insert Microsoft Insert an Excel spreadsheet into the Word document
Excel Worksheet
Drawing Displays or hides the Drawing toolbar

Open Opens or finds a file

Prints the active file for more print options go to the

File menu and select Print
Spelling and Spelling, grammar and writing style checker
Copy Copies the selected item(s) to the clipboard

Copies the format from a selected object or text and

Format painter
applies to other objects or text
Reverses the action of the Undo button, use the pull-
down menu to redo several steps
Insert a table into the document, or make a table of
Insert table
selected text
Columns Changes the number of columns in a document

Zoom Enlarge or reduce the display of the active document

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ahe Formatting aoolbar

Button Name Functions

Style Select the style to apply to paragraphs

Font Size Changes the size of selected text and numbers

Italic Makes selected text and numbers italic

Align Left Aligns to the left with a ragged right margin

Align Right Aligns to the right with a ragged left margin

Numbered List Makes a numbered list or reverts back to normal

Decrease Indent Decreases the indent to the previous tab stop

Adds or removes a border around selected text or
Outside Border
Font Color Formats the selected text with the color you click

Font Changes the font of the selected text

Bold Makes selected text and numbers bold

Underline Underlines selected text and numbers

Center Centers the selected text

Aligns the selected text to both the left and right
Bullets Add, or remove, bullets in a selected paragraph

Increase Indent Indents the selected paragraph to the next tab stop

Border Color Marks text so that it is highlighted and stands out

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ahe Drawing aoolbar

Button Name Functions

Draw A pull down menu with severaldrawing options

Rotate Rotates the selected object to any degree

Draws a line where you click and drag. Hold the Shift key
down to make the line straight
Draws a rectangle where you click and drag. Hold down
Shift to draw a square

Text Box Draws a text box where you click and drag

Fill Color Add, modify, or remove fill color from a selected object

Font Color Formats the selected text with the color you click

Select Objects Changes the pointer to a selection arrow

Auto shape A pull down menu with several libraries of shapes

Inserts a line with an arrowhead where you click and

Draws an oval where you click and drag. Hold down Shift
to draw a circle

Insert Word art Create text effects with Word Art

Line Color Add, modify, or remove line color

Line Style Changes the thickness of lines

Arrow Style Select arrow style; placement and shape of arrowhead

3-D Style Add 3-d effects to rectangles or ovals

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ahe Vertical and Horizontal Ruler

The ruler is located below the main toolbars. The ruler is used to
change the format of your document quickly especially the margins.
View Buttons

MS Word will allow you to change the display of your document in one
of five views: Normal, Web Layout, Print Layout, Reading Layout, or Online
Layout. These buttons are located beside horizontal scroll bars.

aext Area

The large area below the

ruler is called the "text area."
The blinking vertical line in the
upper left corner of the text area
is the cursor. It marks the
insertion point.
Scroll bars and Scroll buttons

These elements are use to navigate your document quickly and easily.
Scroll bars are use by dragging while scroll buttons is by clicking.
Status bar

This element is located at the bottom of horizontal scroll bar or the

drawing toolbar. This indicates the current page, current section, total
number of pages, inches from the top of the page, current line number, and
current column number. The Status bar also provides options that enable
you to track changes or turn on the Record mode, the Extension mode, the
Overtype mode, and the Spelling and Grammar check.

What you should remember?

 A soft copy is an electronic copy of some type of data
 Hard copy means the printed copy of a document
 The basic elements of MS word window are the following
j. Title Bar
2. Menu Bar
3. Toolbars
4. Vertical and Horizontal Ruler
5. View Buttons
6. Text Area
7. Scroll bars and Scroll buttons
8. Status bar

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How much have you learned? (Self Check 1.1)

Directions: Identify the following window elements. Write your answer below.

j. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________
4. ___________________________
5. ___________________________
6. ___________________________
7. ___________________________
8. ___________________________
9. ___________________________
j0. _________________________
jj. _________________________
j2. _________________________

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Activity sheet 1.1 Identifying toolbar buttons.

Identification: Directions: Name the following Formatting Toolbar buttons.














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Matching aype: Directions: Match the Buttons on Column A with the
functions on column B. Write the letter of your choice before each number.
Button Function
Shows how the document will look when you
j A
print it.
Removes the selection from the document and
2 B
places it on the clipboard
Places the content of the clipboard at the
3 C
insertion point
Saves the active document with its current file
4 D
name, location and file format
Reverses the last command, use pull-down
5 E
menu to undo several steps
View the Tables and Borders toolbar and allows
6 F
to draw a table
7 G Creates a new blank document
Enlarge or reduce the display of the active
8 H
9 I Opens or finds a file
Prints the active file for more print options go to
j0 J
the File menu and select Print
Reverses the action of the Undo button, use the
jj K
pull-down menu to redo several steps
j2 L Copies the selected item(s) to the clipboard

j3 M Changes the number of columns in a document

j4 N Displays or hides the Drawing toolbar

Insert an Excel spreadsheet into the Word
j5 O

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Identification: Directions:Identify what drawing toolbar button is being
defined on each statement below.
j Add, modify, or remove fill color from a selected object
2 Formats the selected text with the color you click
3 Changes the pointer to a selection arrow
4 A pull down menu with several libraries of shapes
5 Add, modify, or remove line color
6 Changes the thickness of lines
7 Select arrow style; placement and shape of arrowhead
8 Add 3-d effects to rectangles or ovals
Inserts a line with an arrowhead where you click and
Draws an oval where you click and drag. Hold down
Shift to draw a circle
jj Create text effects with Word Art
j2 A pull down menu with severaldrawing options
j3 Rotates the selected object to any degree
Draws a line where you click and drag. Hold the Shift
key down to make the line straight
Draws a rectangle where you click and drag. Hold
down Shift to draw a square
j6 Draws a text box where you click and drag

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What you can do?

Activity Sheet 1.1:
aitle: Familiarizing with the commands on the menu bar.

j. Open and list all the commands on the following menu located on the
menu bar using only your keyboard. Try also to match the commands
on each menu with the buttons on the toolbar you previously learned.

a. File menu b. Tools Menu

c. Edit Menu d. Table Menu
e. View Menu f. Window Menu
g. Insert Menu h. Help menu
i. Format Menu

2. Take note also the keyboard shortcuts for each commands. Remember
these Keyboard shortcuts will help you on the next activities and job

Score Sheet 1.1

Competency standard: Familiarization with the commands on the

Menu bar
ÿnit of competency: Operate a Word Processing Application
aitle of Module Operating a Word Processing Application


Note: The evidence must show that the Satisfactory


students have «

*Listed all the commands on each menu.

*Listed all the keyboard shortcuts for the
appropriate commands.
*Navigate the commands on the menu bar
using only keyboard combinations

Checked Date:
Outstanding 5 - was able to perform the task before the time without error
Very Satisfactory 4 - was able to perform the task on time without error
Satisfactory 3 - was able to perform the task on time with a minimal error
Fair 2 - was able to perform the task late with errors
Poor j - unable to perform the task

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Creating and saving a New Blank Document

Steps in creating a blank document

To create a new blank document, do one of the following:

j. Click Start menu.

2. Point the mouse pointer on all programs.
3. Choose Microsoft office on the listed programs.
4. Click Microsoft Office Word program
J Click the MS word shortcut icon

To create a new blank document while on the active MS word window, do one
of the following:

ÿsing the Menu Bar

j. Click File menu
2. Click New
3. On the Task pane, click Blank Document
ÿsing the aoolbar
J Click the New button on the standard Toolbar
ÿsing the keyboard combinations
J Press Ctrl + N

To save your document, do any of the following:

ÿsing the Menu Bar

j. Click File menu
2. Click Save
3. On the Save As dialog box, click saves.
ÿsing the aoolbar
J Click the Save button on the standard Toolbar
ÿsing the keyboard combinations
J Press Ctrl + S

The Save as Dialog Box should appear after you execute the save
command, and by default, your document will be save directly on My
Documents folder. It·s up to you if you will to change the location or path
where you will save your file. Notice also that the default filename is

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Docj.doc. Change this by clicking the File name box and typing your desired

Note: Choose Save Ascommand instead of Save if you want to change or save
another copy of the document you are working to different path or location.

The Save as Dialog Box

What you should remember?
j. Press Ctrl + N to create new blank document
2. Press Ctrl + S to save a document

How much have you learned? (Self Check 1.2)

j. List the steps in creating a blank document using the start button. (5
2. List the steps in saving a document using the menu bar. (5 points)

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What can you do?

Activity Sheet 1.2

aitle: Creating and saving anew blank document
Directions: Create a new blank document using the steps below.

j. Double clicking the shortcut icon in your desktop and save the
document as Act j (Surname).doc in your folder

2. Click the start button, on the Start menu, point your mouse pointer on
All Programs and choose Microsoft Office and click MS Office Word
2003. Save the document under file name Act 2 (Your Surname) .doc in
your folder.

3. Use the File Menu to create a new blank document and save under file
name Act 3 (Your Surname) .doc in your folder.

4. Press ctrl + N to create another blank document and save under file
name Act 4 (your Surname) .doc in your folder.

Score Sheet 1.1

Competency standard: Creating and Saving Document
ÿnit of competency: Operate a Word Processing Application
aitle of Module Operating a Word Processing Application


Note: The evidence must show that the students


can «

*Create a blank document using the Shortcut

*Create a blank document using the Start button

*Create a blank document using the File Menu

*Create a blank document using the Keyboard
*Save the document to a specified path or folder
*Save and rename the document

Checked Date:

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Openingand closing a document

Steps in opening an existing file

To open an existing file, do any of the following;

j. After locating the file, double click it with your mouse or point the
mouse point on the file and select Open.
j. On the active MS word window, click file on the menu bar,
2. The Open dialog box appears.
3. Locate and select the file.
4. Select the file and click open.
j. Click the Open button on the standard toolbar.
2. The Open dialog box appears.
3. Locate and select the file.
4. Click open button
j. Press Ctrl + O
2. The Open dialog box appears.
3. Locate and select the file.
4. Click open.

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The Open Dialog Box.

Steps in closing a document

To close the active document, do one of the following:

ÿsing the menu bar.

j. Click File then click exit.

2. If you haven·t saved the document, a confirmation dialog box should
appear, asking if you want to save the changes you made.

3. Click Yes if you want save.

4. Click No if you want to exit without saving the changes you made.
5. Click Cancel if you don·t want to exit.

ÿsing the Close button

j. Click the close button along with your Title bar.

2. The confirmation dialog box appears.
3. Do the next necessary steps.
ÿsing keyboard combinations
J press Alt + F4
J Press Alt + Space bar, then select close using the arrow key.

What you should remember?

 Press Ctrl + O to open an existing file.

 Press Alt + F4 to close a document.
 Press Alt + Space bar, then select close using the arrow key to close a

How much have you learned? (Self Check 1.2)

j. List the steps in opening an existing file using the Menu bar. (5 points)
2. List the steps in closing a document using the Menu bar. (5 points)
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What can you do?

Activity Sheet 1.3
aitle: Opening, closing and saving a copy of existing documents to
another path.
j. Locate and open the following file.
Act j (Your Surname).doc 
Act 2 (Your Surname).doc 
Act 3 (Your Surname).doc
Act 4 (your Surname).doc
2. Create a new folder on the desktop and name it as backup files
3. Save a copy of your four documents to back up files folder
4. Close all documents.
Score Sheet 1.1
Competency standard:
ÿnit of competency: Operate a Word Processing Application
aitle of Module Operating a Word Processing Application




Note: The evidence must show that the students

can «

*open an existing file or document using mouse

*open an existing document using keyboard
*close a document using mouse actions

*close a document using keyboard combination

*save document to another path or folder.

Checked Date:
Outstanding 5 - was able to perform the task before the time without error
Very Satisfactory 4 - was able to perform the task on time without error
Satisfactory 3 - was able to perform the task on time with a minimal error
Fair 2 - was able to perform the task late with errors
Poor j - unable to perform the task

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 21




Basic Skills in Word Processing


ao click an item:
J Point to the item.
J Press your left mouse button once.

ao double-click an item:
J Point to the item.
J Úuickly press your left mouse button twice.

ao right-click:
J Point to the item.
J Press your right mouse button.

J Point to a selection object or icon.
J Hold the left mouse button.
J Move the mouse, and along with the mouse pointer move on the desired
J Release the mouse button.

Highlighting aext

Either of the following methods could be use in highlighting a text:

ÿse the F8 and Arrow Keys

J Place the cursor before or after the text you wish to highlight and click
the left mouse button.
J Press the F8 key, which will serve as an "anchor" showing where text
you wish to highlight begins or ends.
J Press the appropriate arrow key (left arrow to move to the left or right
arrow to move to the right) until the text is highlighted. You can use the
up or down arrow key to highlight one line at a time. Press Esc to
remove the anchor.

ÿsing the Mouse

J Place the cursor before or after the text you wish to highlight.
J Hold down the left mouse button.
J Move the mouse left, right, up, or down until the text is highlighted.

Highlighting Menu Items

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ao select a Menu bar options:
J Click the Menu bar item. A drop-down menu will appear.
J To change the Menu bar option selected, move the mouse pointer
across the Menu bar.
Note: After you highlight an item on the Menu bar, you can also use the left
and right arrow keys to move across the Menu bar.

ao choose a drop-down menu item:

J Click the drop-down menu item.
J Press Alt so File Menu will be selected
J Use the arrow keys to move up or down the drop-down menu.
J Press Enter to select a drop-down menu item.

Placing the Cursor

To place the cursor:

J Move the cursor to the specified location and pressing the left mouse
J Use the arrow keys to move to the specified location.

Shortcut Notations

A keyboard key followed by a + and a letter means to hold down the key
while pressing the letter. For example, Alt + O means you should hold down
the Alt key while pressing "o." Typists who are slowed down by using a mouse
usually prefer using keys.

Choosing Menu Commands by ÿsing the Alt Key

You can select a menu option by:

J Pressing the Alt key while typing the underlined letter on the Menu bar.

Here are list of keyboard combinations that you could use in opening a drop
down menu.

Press Alt + F ² The File menu will open

Press Alt + E ² The Edit menu will open
Press Alt + V ² The View menu will open
Press Alt + I ² The Insert menu will open
Press Alt + O ² The Format menu will open
Press Alt + T ² The Tools menu will open
Press Alt + A ² The Table menu will open

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Press Alt + W ² The Window menu will open
Press Alt + H ² The Help menu will open

If you want to access a certain dialog box, let say the paragraph dialog
box for example,
J Hold down the Alt key and press "o" to select Format from the menu.
J Press "p" to select Paragraph from the drop-down menu.
J Hold down the Alt key and press "i" to select the Indents and Spacing
J Hold down the Alt key and press "b" to select Before from the Spacing
J Press Enter to close the dialog box.

What you should remember?

 A keyboard key followed by a + and a letter means to hold down the key
while pressing the letter.
 Pressing the F8 key will serve as an "anchor" showing where text you
wish to highlight begins or ends.

How much have you learned? (Self Check j.4)

Write the keyboard combinations for the following commands. The first one is
done for you.

Command Keyboard combinations

Opening the File menu Alt +F
j. Opening the Edit menu _________________________
2. Opening the View menu _________________________
3. Opening the Insert menu _________________________
4. Opening the Format menu _________________________
5. Opening the Tools menu _________________________
6. Opening the Table menu _________________________
7. Opening the Window menu _________________________
8. Opening the Help menu _________________________
9. Opening a file _________________________
j0. Saving a document _________________________
jj. Creating a new blank document _________________________
j2. Closing a document _________________________

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What can you do?

Activity Sheet 1.2

aitle: Accessing the dialog box and its elements
j. Access the Format menu using keyboard combinations
2. Access the Borders and Shading Dialog box using the keyboard
3. Access the Page Border Tab
4. Access the option Box in Setting
5. Select 3 pt. Width of line in Style option.
6. Choose red color in Style option.
7. Close the dialog Box.

Score Sheet 1.1

Competency standard:
ÿnit of competency: Operate a Word Processing Application
aitle of Module Operating a Word Processing Application




Note: The evidence must show that the students

can «

*access a drop down menu using keyboard

*navigate a dialog box using keyboard
*use the keyboard combinations shortcuts to
make work easier and faster.
Checked Date:


Outstanding 5 - was able to perform the task before the time without error
Very Satisfactory 4 - was able to perform the task on time without error
Satisfactory 3 - was able to perform the task on time with a minimal error
Fair 2 - was able to perform the task late with errors
Poor j - unable to perform the task

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Basic Features of Word Processing Program

Entering and deleting text

Before working in MS Word program, remember the following:

 Entering text is simply done by typing just like as you were using a
 To capitalize, hold down the Shift key while typing the letter.
 Use the Backspace key to delete text.
 You do not need to press Enter to start a new line Microsoft Word
automatically wraps at the end of the line. Press Enter to start a new

Inserting aext

To insert text, you must be in the Insert mode. If you don·t know if you
whether you are in the Insert mode or not, look at the Status bar, located at
the very bottom of the screen. Look at the right side of the Status bar. If the
letters "OVR" are gray, you are in the Insert mode. If the letters "OVR" are
black, you are in the Overtype mode.

Insert Mode Overtype Mode

ao change to the Insert mode:

J Double-click the letters "OVR." The letters "OVR" are now gray.
J Click Tools, choose Options from the menu. The Options dialog box
J Click the Edit tab to choose the Edit tab.
J The Overtype Mode box should be blank. If the box is blank, click OK.
J If the Overtype Mode box is not blank, click the box to remove the
check mark. Then click OK.
J Press Alt + t + o.
J Select Edit using tab key
J Press Alt-v (toggles between overtype and insert).
J Press Enter.
J Press Insert key located above the arrow keys

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What can you do?

Activity Sheet 1.1

aitle: Entering, deleting and Editing text

Directions: Follow the following procedure:

Part 1

j. Type the following sentence:

µA personal computer is an electronic gadget.µ
2. Now delete the word "gadget." Using either the arrow keys or the
mouse, place the cursor between the period and the "e" in "house."
3. Press the Backspace key until the word "gadget" is deleted.
4. Type device. The sentence should now read:
"A personal computer is an electronicdevice."

Part 2

j. Delete the phrase "A personal" from the sentence you just typed.
2. Highlight the phrase "A personal." Place the cursor before the "A" in the
phrase "A personal" and press the F8 key. Then press the right arrow
key until the phrase "A personal" is highlighted.
3. Press the Delete key. The sentence should now read:
´computer is an electronic device.µ

Part 3

j. Make sure the letters "OVR" are gray before proceeding. You are going
to insert the word "powerful" between the words "electronic and
2. Place the cursor after the dot between the words "electronic" and
3. Type the word powerful.
4. Press the spacebar to add a space.
5. The sentence should now read:
´computer is an electronic powerfuldevice."

Part 4

Change the word "device" to "machine."

j. Place the cursor before the letter "d" in "device."

2. Type the word machine.

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 27




3. The sentence should now read:
"computer is an electronic powerful machine."

Score Sheet 1.1

Competency standard:
ÿnit of competency: Operate a Word Processing Application
aitle of Module Operating a Word Processing Application




Note: The evidence must show that the students

can «

Enter text in working area

Edit the text as required
Use the Overtype mode feature accurately
Delete text as required

Checked Date:


Outstanding 5 - was able to perform the task before the time without error
Very Satisfactory 4 - was able to perform the task on time without error
Satisfactory 3 - was able to perform the task on time with a minimal error
Fair 2 - was able to perform the task late with errors
Poor j - unable to perform the task

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 28




ÿsing Bold, ÿnderline, and Italicize

Bold- ÿsing the Menu bar

J Highlight the word you want to Bold.
J Access The Font Dialog box.
J Click Bold in the Font Style box.

Note: You can see the effect of your selection in the Preview window. To turn
off the bold, click Regular. Click OK to close the dialog box.
Click anywhere in the text area to remove the highlighting

ÿsing the toolbar button Icon

J Highlight the word you want to Bold.

J Click the Bold icon on the toolbar.

Note: To turn off bold, highlight the text and press the Bold icon again.Click
anywhere in the Text area to remove the highlighting.

ÿsing the keyboard combination Keys

J Highlight the word you want to Bold.
J Press Ctrl + B (hold down the Ctrl key while pressing b).

Note: To turn off Bold, press Ctrl-b again. You can also remove formatting by
pressing Ctrl-spacebar. Click anywhere in the Text area to remove the

Italic - ÿsing the Menu bar

J Highlight the word you want to Italicized.
J Access The Font Dialog box.
J Click Italic in the Font Style box.

Note: You can see the effect of your selection in the Preview window. To turn
off the Italic, click Regular. Click OK to close the dialog box. Click anywhere
in the text area to remove the highlighting

Italic - ÿsing the toolbar button Icon

J Highlight the word you want to Italic.

J Click the Bold icon on the toolbar.

Note: To turn off Italic, highlight the text and press the Italic icon again.Click
anywhere in the Text area to remove the highlighting.

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 29




ÿsing the keyboard combination Keys
J Highlight the word you want to Italic.
J Press Ctrl + I (hold down the Ctrl key while pressing I).

Note: To turn off Italic, press # again. You can also remove formatting by
pressing Ctrl-spacebar. Click anywhere in the Text area to remove the

ÿnderline - ÿsing the Menu bar

J Highlight the word you want to Underline.
J Access The Font Dialog box.
J Click Underline in the Font Style box.

Note: You can see the effect of your selection in the Preview window. To turn
off the Underline, click Regular. Click OK to close the dialog box.
Clickanywhere in the text area to remove the highlighting

ÿsing the toolbar button Icon

J Highlight the word you want to underline.

J Click the Underline icon on the toolbar.

Note: To turn off Underline, highlight the text and press the underline icon
again.Click anywhere in the Text area to remove the highlighting.

ÿsing the keyboard combination Keys

J Highlight the word you want to Italic.
J Press Ctrl + U (hold down the Ctrl key while pressing U).

Note: To turn off Underline, press  # $ again. You can also remove
formatting by pressing Ctrl-spacebar. Click anywhere in the Text area to
remove the highlighting.
Cut and Paste

Microsoft Word program allows you to cut (delete) text from one area of
a document and save that text so it can be pasted elsewhere in the document
or to another document or programs. When you cut text, it is stored on the
Clipboard. It stays there until new information is either cut or copied.

Cut - ÿsing the Menu

j. Highlight the selection you want to cut

2. Click Edit then click Cut from the menu.
3. Your text should be cut.

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 30




Paste - ÿsing the Menu

j. Place the cursor where you want to paste the selection you cut
2. Click Edit then click Paste from the menu.
3. Your text should be paste on the area you select.

Cut by ÿsing the Icon

j. Highlight the selection you want to cut

2. Click the Cut icon .

3. Your text should be cut.

Paste by ÿsing the Icon

j. Place the cursor where you want to paste the selection you cut

2. Click the Paste icon .

3. Your text should be paste on the area you select."

Cut by ÿsing Keys

j. Highlight the selection you want to cut

2. Press Ctrl + x.
3. Your text should be cut.

Paste by ÿsing Keys

j. Place the cursor where you want to paste the selection you cut
2. Press Ctrl+v.
3. Your text should be paste on the area you select.

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 31




What do you need to remember?

 Press Ctrl + B to bold text

 Press Ctrl + U to underline text
 Press Ctrl + I to italicized text
 Press Ctrl + C to copy text
 Press Ctrl + X to cut text
 Press Ctrl + V to paste text

How much have you learned? (Self Check j.5)

Directions: Enumerate the steps for the following:

A. Applying Bold feature using the Menu bar (5 points)

B. Applying Italic feature using the Menu bar (5 points)

C. Applying underline feature using the Menu bar (5 points)

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 32




What can you do?

Activity sheet 1.2

aitle: Using Bold, Italic, Underline, Copy and Paste command.

j. Type the following:



2. Highlight the paragraph above

3. Copy the selection using the menu bar.
4. Place the cursor after the last text on the paragraph
5. Press the enter key twice to go below the paragraph.
6. Paste the selection
7. You should now have another copy of the paragraph.
8. Highlight the title of the paragraph.
9. Copy it using the keyboard combination]
j0. Open another document ² Document2
jj. Paste it using the keyboard combination
j2. Highlight the second paragraph.
j3. Cut the second paragraph.
j4. Paste the paragraph on document2 after the title
j5. Highlight the title of the paragraph
j6. Make it bold, underline, and italic using the menu bar
j7. Do this also on document2 but with keyboard combinations only.
j8. Save the documentj as activityj.doc on My Documents folder and
close the program
j9. Save the next document and save it as copyactivityj on your folder
and close the program.

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 33




Score Sheet 1.1
Competency standard:
ÿnit of competency: Operate a Word Processing Application
aitle of Module Operating a Word Processing Application




Note: The evidence must show that the students

can «

Use the bold feature in different way

Use the underline feature in different way
Use the Italic feature in different way
Use the Copy and Paste properly

Checked Date:


Outstanding 5 - was able to perform the task before the time without error
Very Satisfactory 4 - was able to perform the task on time without error
Satisfactory 3 - was able to perform the task on time with a minimal error
Fair 2 - was able to perform the task late with errors
Poor j - unable to perform the task

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 34




Spell Check, Find and Replace features

Spell Check

In Word processing program, a special feature automatically checks your

spelling and grammar as you type. You will notice that misspelled word
display with a red wavy line. Grammar errors display with a green wavy line
under the error.

To spell check your entire document,

J press F7
J click the spelling icon ,
J Click Tools then click Spelling and Grammar from the menu.

Find and Replace

Word processor allows you to find a particular word or piece of text if you
want. You can do this using the Find command feature. Using the Find
command, can search an entire document, or search to a selected area on
your document. After you have found the word or piece of text you are
searching for, you can also replace it with new text by using the Replace

What can you do?

Activity sheet 1.4

Part 1

j. Type the following exactly as shown. Include all errors.



' & *
'  '(

2. Highlight the whole sentence

3. Press F7
4. or click the Spelling icon on the Standard toolbar.
5. The name "Lito" is not in the dictionary, but it is correct. Click Ignore
Once to leave "Lito" in the document with its current spelling.

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 35




6. Remember if a word appears in several places in the document; click
Ignore All so you are not prompted to correct the spelling for each
7. "
&&" is misspelled, so it is highlighted on the screen and noted in
the Not in Dictionary box.
8. Word suggests correct spellings. These suggestions are found in the
Suggestions box.
9. To change the word to the correct spelling, make sure "
&&" is
highlighted in the Suggestions box. Click Change.
j0. Note: If the word is misspelled in several places in the document, click
Change All to correct all misspellings.
jj. "Masambong" is not found in the dictionary. If you frequently use a
word not found in the dictionary, you should add that word to the
dictionary by pressing the Add to Dictionary button. Word will then
recognize the word the next time it encounters it. Click Add to
j2. The following should appear on your screen: "Word finished checking
the selection. Do you want to continue checking the remainder of the
j3. Click No. If you wanted Word to spell-check the entire document, you
would have clicked on Yes.

Part 2
Find - ÿsing the Menu

j. Type the sentence:


2. Highlight all the selection

3. Click Edit then click Find from the menu.
4. Type board in the Find What field.
5. Click Find Next.
6. The "board" in keyboard is highlighted.
7. Click Find Next.
8. Theword "board" is highlighted.
9. Click Find Next.
j0. The "board" in keyboard is highlighted.
jj. Click Find Next. The following message should appear: "Word has
finished searching the selection. Do you want to search the remainder
of the document?"
j2. Click No.
j3. Click Cancel.

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 36




Find - Find by ÿsing Keyboard combinations

j. Type the sentence:


2. Highlight all the selection

3. Press Ctrl-f.
4. Follow steps 4 through j3 in the previous section.

Part 3
Replace - ÿsing the Menu bar

j. Type the sentence:


2. Highlight all the selection

3. Click Edit then click Replace from the menu.
4. Type "board" in the Find What box.
5. Click Find Next. Do not replace the "board" in "keyboard."
6. Click Find Next.
7. In the Replace With box, type ´panelµ.
8. Click Replace. Word replaces board with panel.
9. The "board" in keyboard is highlighted.
j0. Do not Replace.
jj. The following message will appear: "Word has finished searching the
selection. Do you want to search the remainder of the document?"
j2. Click No.
j3. Click Close.
j4. Your text should now read




Replace by ÿsing Keyboard combinations

j. Type the sentence:


2. Highlight all the selection

3. Press Ctrl + h.
4. Follow steps 4 through j4 in the preceding section.

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 37




Score Sheet 1.1
Competency standard:
ÿnit of competency: Operate a Word Processing Application
aitle of Module Operating a Word Processing Application




Note: The evidence must show that the students

can «

*Use the spell check feature as necessary

*Use the find and replace feature
*Understand the importance of find and replace

Checked Date:


Outstanding 5 - was able to perform the task before the time without error
Very Satisfactory 4 - was able to perform the task on time without error
Satisfactory 3 - was able to perform the task on time with a minimal error
Fair 2 - was able to perform the task late with errors
Poor j - unable to perform the task

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 38




Managing Fonts

Changing Font style, size and color in MS Word

Font refers to the combination of typeface or lettering and other

qualities, such as size, pitch, and spacing.Word processor enables you to
change the style, size and color of your font (text) so it would fit on your
documents. The following exercise will help you to change the font style, size
and color.

What can you do?

Activity Sheet 1.5

aitle: Change Font Style, size and color - ÿsing the Menu bar

j. Type the following:

These words are the smallest. These are a little bigger. These are the biggest.
This text is Arial Courier new Times New Roman style
This text is color red

2. Highlight ´These words are the smallest."

3. Click Format then click Font from the menu.
4. Click the Font tab.
5. Type 8 in the Size field, or click 8 in the box below the Size field.
6. Click OK.
7. Highlight "These are a little bigger."
8. Click Format then click Font from the menu.
9. Choose the Font tab.
j0. Type j4 in the Size field, or click j4 in the box below the Size field.
jj. Click OK.
j2. Highlight "These are the biggest."
j3. Click Format then click Font from the menu.
j4. Choose the Font tab.
j5. Type 24 in the Size field, or click 24 in the box below the Size field.
j6. Click OK.
j7. Your text should now look similar to the following:

These words are the smallest. These are a little bigger. These are the
j8. Highlight "Arial." In the second line
j9. Click Format then click Font from the menu.

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 39




20. Click the Font tab.
2j. In the box below the Font field, click "Arial."
22. Click OK.
23. Highlight "Courier."
24. Click Format then click Font from the menu.
25. Click the Font tab.
26. In the box below the Font field, click "Courier New."
27. Click OK.
28. Highlight "Times New Roman."
29. Click Format then click Font from the menu.
30. Click the Font tab.
3j. In the box below the Font field, click "Times New Roman."
32. Click OK.
33. Your text should now look similar to the following:

´This text is Arial› '-&.

' + style"

34. Highlight "red." In the third line

35. Click Format then click Font from the menu.
36. Click the Font tab.
37. In the box below the Font color field, click the drop down arrow key
38. Choose a color and click ok
39. Your text should now look similar to the following:

"This text is color red"

Part 2

aitle: Change Font Style, Size and color by ÿsing the aoolbar


j. Type the following:

These words are the smallest. These are a little bigger. These are the biggest.
This text is Arial Courier new Times New Roman style
This text is color red

j. Highlight ´These words are the smallest."

2. Click the font size drop down list
3. Choose 8
4. Highlight ´These are a little bigger."

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 40




5. Click the font size drop down list
6. Choose j4
7. Highlight ´These are the biggest."
8. Click the font size drop down list
9. Choose 24
j0. Your text should now look similar to the following

These words are the smallest. These are a little bigger. These are the
jj. Highlight "Arial." In the second line
j2. Click the font style drop down list
j3. Choose Arial
j4. Highlight "Courier."
j5. Click the font style drop down list
j6. Choose Courier
j7. Highlight "Times New Roman."
j8. Click the font style drop down list
j9. Choose Times New Roman
20. Your text should now look similar to the following:

´This text is Arial› '-&.

' + style"

2j. Highlight "red." In the third line

22. Clickfont color drop down button
23. Choose a color and click ok
24. Your text should now look similar to the following:

"This text is color red"

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 41




Score Sheet 1.1
Competency standard:
ÿnit of competency: Operate a Word Processing Application
aitle of Module Operating a Word Processing Application




Note: The evidence must show that the students

can «

*Change font style, size and color of selected text

using the menu bar
*Change font style, size and color of selected text
using the toolbar buttons
*Change font style, size and color of selected text
using the keyboard combinations

Checked Date:


Outstanding 5 - was able to perform the task before the time without error
Very Satisfactory 4 - was able to perform the task on time without error
Satisfactory 3 - was able to perform the task on time with a minimal error
Fair 2 - was able to perform the task late with errors
Poor j - unable to perform the task

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 42




What do you need to remember?

 Pressing Ctrl + Shift + F will enable you to access the Font style feature
 Pressing Ctrl + D will access the Font Dialog Box quickly

How much have you learned? (Self Check j.6)

Directions: Enumerate the steps for the following:

A. Change the font style using the menu bar (5 points)

A. Change the font size using the menu bar (5 points)

A. Change the font color using the menu bar (5 points)

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 43




Working with Paragraphs

ÿnderstanding Paragraph in MS Word

In Microsoft Word, you do not need to press the enter key to move to a
new line. MS Word will automatically move your cursoron the next line after
you reach the end of the line. But if you want to start a new paragraph, press
the Enter key. To format your paragraph easily, you may use the paragraph
dialog box or use the Buttons in the formatting toolbar.

Paragraph alignment:

j. Left Align ² Align the paragraph to the left side of the page

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 44




2. Right Align - Align the paragraph to the right side of the page
3. Center - Align the paragraph to the center of the page
4. Justify - Align the paragraph to the evenly on both side of the page

Paragraph indention

j. Hanging ² indent the whole paragraph except for the first line
2. First Line - indent the first line of the paragraph only.

Paragraph Line spacing

j. Single ² apply single spacing between lines on the paragraph

2. j.5 Lines - apply j.5 line spacing on the paragraph
3. Double - apply double spacing between lines on the paragraph
4. At least ² manage the spacing between lines on the paragraph

What can you do?

Activity Sheet 1.6

Paragraph Alignment, Indention and Spacing using menu bar

j. Open a new document and type paragraph below

2. Highlight a paragraph.
3. Click Format thenclick Paragraph from the menu.
4. Click the Indents and Spacing tab.
5. By default paragraph alignment is set to Left Align. Choose Justify.
Ñ    % +'+ +( 


#. .2+
#1 +2+

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 45




6. Click OK
7. Your paragraph should be in justified on your documents. You can see
this on the preview box of the paragraph dialog box.

8. By default, no indention is set, So apply indention, click special

indention and choose First line.
9. Apply also indention on right, choose 0.5µ

Ñ    %++
+ +( 
(*+ (/*

j0. Set also the line spacing. Set it to j.5 by clicking the line spacing

Ñ    %% + +( 



#j1+% +
#1j,% +
(% +

jj. Your paragraph should look like this below:

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 46




Score Sheet 1.1

Competency standard: Working With paragraphs
ÿnit of competency: Operate a Word Processing Application
aitle of Module Operating a Word Processing Application



Note: The evidence must show that the students
can «


*Align paragraph using menu bar, toolbar button
or keyboard combination
*Indent a paragraph using menu bar, toolbar
button or keyboard combination
*apply spacing in paragraph using menu bar,
toolbar button or keyboard combination

Checked Date:


Outstanding 5 - was able to perform the task before the time without error
Very Satisfactory 4 - was able to perform the task on time without error
Satisfactory 3 - was able to perform the task on time with a minimal error
Fair 2 - was able to perform the task late with errors
Poor j - unable to perform the task

What do you need to remember?

 #j1+% +

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 47




 #1j,% +
(% +
 #. .2+
 #1 +2+

How much have you learned?

Directions: Enumerate the steps for the following:

A. Right align the paragraph in a document using the menu bar (5 points)

B. Justify the paragraph on the document using the menu bar (5 points)

C. Center align the paragraph in a document using the menu bar (5 points)

D. Change the line spacing of the paragraph into double spacing using the
menu bar (5 points)

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 48




aab Key, Bulleting, Numbering, ÿndo and Redo

ahe aab Key

aab Stops control the behavior of the tab key on the keyboard. This will
allow you to align the text precisely. The default tab setting in MS Word is .5
inches. When you press the Tab key, the cursor moves j 2 inch across the
page and an arrow appears on the screen. The arrow is a nonprinting
character, when you print your document the arrow does not print.

Tab Style Button

If you want to set the tabs using the horizontal ruler:

j. Click the tab style button on the horizontal ruler to select the tab
alignment that you want. (Left, center, right, decimal)
2. Click on the horizontal ruler to set a tab stop.

Borders and Shading

Placing lines along the sides of the paragraph or document means

applying borders. Borders and shading will help you to put emphasis to
important parts of your document. Word will allow you to add borders to a
page, text, table, object and picture. Also shading will enhance you document
by filling the text background with a color of your choice.

To apply borders do the following:

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 49




j. Click Format menu then click border and shading.
2. The Borders and Shading dialog box appear.
3. Adjust the necessary settings and click ok.


j. Click the Border button on the Formatting toolbar.

2. Change the border style by clicking the border drop down button then
select border from the pop up menu.


j. Click the View menu, then choose toolbar and click Tables and Borders

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 50




To apply shading do the following:

j. Click Format menu then click border and shading.

2. Click the Shading tab
3. Adjust the necessary settings and click ok.

Bullets and Numbering

Microsoft Word will enables you create bulleted or numbered lists of

items. Different bulleting and numbering styles are available in the Bullets
and Numbering dialog box, as shown in the examples.

Examples -- Numbering

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 51




Examples -- Bulleting

J A list of items preceded by a small dot or bullet is called bulleted
J In a numbered list each item is preceded by a sequential
number or letter.

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 52




ao create bulleted lists:

j. access the Bullets and numbering dialog box in the Format menu
2. The Bullets and Numbering dialog box appears.
3. Click the Bulleted tab, and choose a 3 llet

4. Click OK. Word applies the new bullet shape on the screen.

ao Create a Numbered List

1. Click the @ormat Men 

2. Click c llets and N m3ering
3. The Bullets and Numbering dialog box appears.
4. Click the Numbered tab, and choose one of the seven formats.

5. Click OK. Word applies the new numbered format on the screen.

You can also click the Numbering button or Bullets button on

theFormatting toolbar (which apply the most recently selected bullet or
numbering style).

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 53




j. Click the Bullets or Numbered button

2. Type each item in a list, pressing ENaER after each one, including the
last item.
3. Click the Bullets or Numbered button again or press Enter to turn
bullets or Numbered off.

What you should remember?

J You can change a list if it is already numbered or bulleted.

J You can convert bullets to numbers or numbers to bullets in a list.
J To add bullets to a list you have already entered, select the list and
click the ´Bulletsµ button.
J When you press enter, Word will recognize that you are trying to create
a bulleted or numbered list, and automatically format it.
J To stop Word from adding bullets, click the bullets button or press
Enter again.
J You can change the bullet type and size (use the Bullets & Numbering
dialog box ² customize button)
J You can do a lot of things in the Customize Bulleted List dialog box
Make your selections and click OK to apply them.
J To add numbers to a list you have already entered, select the list and
click the numbering button.

How much have you learned?

Directions: Enumerate the steps in doing the following:

A. Accessing the Bullets and Numbering Dialog Box.(5 points)

B. Creating bulleted lists using the toolbar. (5 points)

C. Creating numbered lists using the toolbar. (5 points)

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 54




What can you do?

Activity sheet 1.7
aitle: Create Numbers & Bullets list
j. Start a new document
2. Create your own bulleted list and numbered list of the following topics:
a. Types of input devices
b. Types of output devices
c. Different types of Operating system
d. Different types of Software
Score Sheet 1.1
Competency standard:
ÿnit of competency: Operate a Word Processing Application
aitle of Module Operating a Word Processing Application



Note: The evidence must show that the students
can «


*Create a bulleted lists using the menu bar or
toolbar buttons
*Create a numbered lists using the menu bar or
toolbar buttons
*Customize the bullets and numbered lists as
*Use appropriate bullets and numbered lists in a

Checked Date:
Outstanding 5 - was able to perform the task before the time without error
Very Satisfactory 4 - was able to perform the task on time without error
Satisfactory 3 - was able to perform the task on time with a minimal error
Fair 2 - was able to perform the task late with errors
Poor j - unable to perform the task

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 55




Managing aables

Tables are used to arrange all or part of your document into columns
and rows. Word processor will help you create a table easily. You may even
customize the table in the way you like it for your document.


j. Click the aableMenu in the menu bar.
2. ClickInsert and slide over to select aable.
3. Make the table 5 columns wide and 27 rows long.
4. Click the AutoFormat button.
5. At the aable AutoFormat window, several choices can be made.Click
on a table style from the list. A preview of the selected style will appear.
Each style provides a set of border,
shading, font, color and AutoFit properties
6. Examine the Apply special formats to
properties. Click to check or ´un-checkµ.
Examine the preview screen to see the
7. When the table·s appearance fits what is
desired, click OK. Click OK again in the
Insert aable window. The table will appear
on the screen

Adding Rows and Columns

j. To add a row, click in a cell that will be

located above or below the row to be inserted.
2. Go to the aable menu and select Insert, then slide over to select either
Rows Above or Rows Below.
3. Repeat the process for adding a column, by clicking in a cell to the left
or right the column to be inserted. Go to the aable menu and select
Insert, then slide over to select either Columns to the Left or
Columns to the Right.
4. To add additional rows at the bottom of a table, click in the cell located
in the bottom right-hand corner of the table. Press the tab key to move
into the cells of an additional row. Continue to press the tab key and
move through the existing cells to quickly create additional rows.

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 56




Deleting ÿndesired Rows and Columns

j. To delete a single row or column, click in a cell that is located in the

row or column to be deleted.
2. Click the aable menu and select Delete, then slide over to select either
Rows or Columns.
3. To delete multiple rows or columns, click and drag horizontally or
vertically to select multiple cells from the rows or columns to be
deleted. Go to the aable menu and select Delete, then slide over to
select either Rows or Columns.

Customizing the aable

j. To customize the table, click the cursor somewhere inside the table,
then go to the aable Menu, select aableAutoFormat, and select a
different Format.
2. To change column widths, place the cursor at the right edge of the
column to be resized.
3. When the cursor appears as a right-and-left arrow.
4. Double click, and the column will automatically resize to the width of
the typed text. OR
5. Click, hold, and drag the cursor to the left or right to manually adjust
the width, as it is to appear.

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 57




What can you do?

Activity Sheet 1.7

Part 1: Creating a aableusing menu bar

j. Create a four-column, five-row table

2. Click Table then choose Insert.
3. Click Table from the menu. The Insert Table dialog box opens.
4. Type 4 in the Number of Columns field.
5. Type 5 in the Number of Rows field.
6. Select Auto in the Column Width field. Selecting Auto allows Microsoft
Word to determine the size of your column widths. Alternatively, you
can enter the column width you desire.
7. Click OK. Your table should look like the one shown here, with four
columns and five rows.

Part 2 - Creating a aable by ÿsing the Insert aable Icon


j. Click on the Insert Table icon on the Standard

2. Click the Insert Table icon.
3. Highlight the number of rows and columns you
need. The maximum table size you can create by
this method is a four-row by five-column table.

Part 3 - Entering and modifying aext into a aable

j. Type as you normally would. Press Tab to move to the next cell. Enter
the text shown below into your table.
2. Type ´Surnameµ in the first cell in the first column. Press the Tab key.
3. Type ´Nameµ in the first cell in the second column. Press the Tab key.
4. Continue until you have entered all of the text.
Surname Name M.I. Nickname
Abejar Karen M. Ren
Palarpalar John Benedick C. Bene
Magnetico Roweena M. Weng

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 58




Gamba Joshua M. Josh

5. Center-Alignthe entire table.

6. Highlight the table by
7. Press Ctrl+E to center the table
8. Your table should look like the one shown here. Make any needed
corrections before continuing.

Part 4: Adding and resizing a New Row and column to the aable

j. Movethe cursor to the last column of the last row and press the Tab
2. Type any additional text you need to add.
3. Type the text shown here.
Agunday Janet M. Nhet
4. Add a row just above Agunday:
5. Place the cursor anywhere in the fourth row (the row with
Agundayunder Surname column).
6. Click Table then choose Insert and click Rows Above from the menu.
7. Add the information shown here to the new row.
Santos Maria Carla N. Carla
8. Resize the columns widths. Select the entire table and adjust all the
column widths.
9. Click anywhere in your table.
j0. Click Table then choose Select and click Table from the menu. Your
table is selected.
jj. Click Table then click Table Properties from the menu.
j2. Click the Column tab.
j3. Type j" in the Preferred Width field. This will cause Microsoft Word to
set all the columns to a width of one inch.
j4. Click OK.
j5. Depending on your font, the first column of your table might not be
wide enough and the text might be wrapping.

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 59




j6. Widen the first column. Place the cursor anywhere in the first
j7. Click Table choose Select then click Column from the menu.
j8. Click Table then click Table Properties from the menu.
j9. Click the Column tab.
20. Type j.5 in the Preferred Width field.
2j. Click OK.

Note: You can resize your column widths by placing the cursor on the line
that separates two columns. This causes the width indicator to appear.
After the width indicator appears, left click and drag with the mouse to
adjust the column width.

22. Add new columns to your table. To add a new column between the
M.I. and Nicknameplace the cursor anywhere in the Dolls column.
23. Click Table choose Insert then click Columns to the Left from the
24. Label the new column ´Ageµ and add the text shown in the table below.

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 60




Score Sheet 1.1
Competency standard:
ÿnit of competency: Operate a Word Processing Application
aitle of Module Operating a Word Processing Application



Note: The evidence must show that the students
can «


*Create table
*Format table width and height
*Insert row or column

*Inset text in a table

*Modify text inside the table
*Resize rows and columns
*Delete rows or columns

Checked Date:


Outstanding 5 - was able to perform the task before the time without error
Very Satisfactory 4 - was able to perform the task on time without error
Satisfactory 3 - was able to perform the task on time with a minimal error
Fair 2 - was able to perform the task late with errors
Poor j - unable to perform the task

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 61




What have you learned? (Post - aest)

j. A word processor is
a. An application software
b. A program used for editing documents.
c. A software used for modifying the look of a document
d. All of the above
2. After completing finishing the document you want to make certain that
you have not made spelling or grammar errors. Which button do you
a. View button
b. Spell and Grammar button
c. Save button
d. Print button
3. To insert a word into the middle of a sentence
a. move the cursor to the desired location in the sentence and type the
new word.
b. move the cursor to the desired location in the sentence, press Enter
key, and type the new word.
c. move the cursor to the beginning of the sentence and start typing.
d. retype the whole sentence.
4. The Standard Toolbar
a. provides a list of pull-down menu names.
b. displays information about commands being selected
c. is used to execute commonly performed actions.
d. is used to bring hidden parts of a document into view.
5. You want to call attention to a statement in your document by making
the text bold.Which button do you select?
a. bold button
b. highlight button
c. block text button
6. To end the current paragraph, space, and begin the new paragraph,
a. press Escape key once and the Enter key once.
b. press the Enter key twice.
c. press the Enter key once and the spacebar once.
d. press the Enter key once.
7. You are working with certificate and you want the student's name to be
displayed in color. Which button do you select?
a. Font Color
b. View buttons
c. Open button
8. The arrow keys can be used to
a. delete text
b. move the cursor in the text that has already been entered
c. save the document

Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 62




d. move the cursor while deleting text

9. If a file is saved for the first time

a. a copy is automatically printed
b. it must be given a name to identify it.
c. it does not need a name
d. it only needs a name if it is not going to be printed
j0. You are going to draw a perfect circle on your document by holding
down the shift key, clicking and dragging. Which button do you select?
a. Circle button
b. Oval button
c. Square button
d. Heart shape button
jj. A red wavy line under a word indicates that the word
e. Cannot be translated
f. is not in the dictionary file and therefore might be mispelled
g. is not appropriate for that particular sentence.
h. is a noun
j2. Word wrap is
a. when a word is deleted because it is too long to fit on a line
b. when Word hyphenates a word at the end of a line
c. when Word determines if there is room for a word at the end of al ine
or if it must go on the next lien
d. when he typist determines if there is room for a word at the end of a
line or if it must go on the next line
j3. To find and load a file that has been saved
a. select the Close command
b. select the New command
c. select the Save command
d. select the Open command
j4. Selecting the Zoom command
a. opens a copy of the document in a different view.
b. prints a copy of the displayed document
c. changes the magnification of the displayed document
d. saves a copy of the displayed document
j5. If Word is not exited properly
a. an open document can be damaged or lost
b. the computer can be damaged
c. the disk can be erased.
d. the open document cannot be closed.
j6. Menus contain
a. commands that can be selected
b. default options
c. files that can be opened
d. programs that can be opened
j7. To print a document
Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 63




a. select the Print command and then select OK
b. select the Ready Printer command then select OK
c. type PRINT and then press Enter
d. close the document, select the Print command, then select OK

j8. To double space your paragraph line, you must highlight the
paragraph and press _____ .
a. Ctrl + 2
b. Ctrl + 2.5
c. Ctrl + D
d. Ctrl + S
j9. Screen scroll is used to
a. add text to a document
b. decrease the length of a page.
c. increase the length of a page
d. bring hidden parts of a document into view.
20. To select a command from a menu, highlight the desired command
a. press the Alt key.
b. right-cllick.
c. press the Escape key.
d. click once
2j. If a previously saved file is edited
a. the file must be saved again to store the changes.
b. the changes will automatically be saved in the file.
c. the file will only have eto be saved again if it is more than one page
in length.
d. its name must be changed.
22. Which key combination can be used to save your work?
a. Ctrl + A c. Ctrl + U
b. Ctrl + Z d. Ctrl + S
23. To create a new document from the New Office Document dialog box
a. click on thte Word button and then select OK.
b. type in the file name and then select OK.
c. click on the Blank Document icon and then select OK.
d. click on the Cancel button and then start typing.
24. The first line of each paragraph in a word processing document
should be indented. Which key would you use to indent?
a. Your answer: c. return
b. shift d. tab
25. To keep your document from the computer's memory and place in a
a. click the Save command
b. click the New command
c. click on the New button
d. click Open button on the formatting Toolbar
Module ICT CP TLE First Year- Word Processing Page 64

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