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Arch Microbiol (2009) 191:275–281

DOI 10.1007/s00203-008-0444-9


Encystment of Azotobacter nigricans grown diazotrophically

on kerosene as sole carbon source
Gabriela García-Esquivel · Graciano Calva-Calva · Ronald Ferrera-Cerrato ·
Luis Carlos Fernández-Linares · Refugio Rodríguez Vázquez ·
Fernando José Esparza-García

Received: 23 June 2008 / Revised: 9 September 2008 / Accepted: 27 October 2008 / Published online: 19 November 2008
© Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract Encystment of Azotobacter nigricans was Introduction

induced by its diazotrophic cultivation on kerosene. Its
growth and nitrogenase activity were aVected by kerosene In contrast to other genera of the family Azotobacteraceae,
in comparison to cultures grown on sucrose. Electron which are nitrogen-Wxing bacteria (NFB), the genus Azoto-
microscopy of vegetative cells showed that when nitroge- bacter, as exempliWed by Azotobacter vinelandii and A.
nase activity was higher and the poly--hydroxybutyrate chroococcum, bears resting cells with a resistant covering
granules were not present to a signiWcant extent, peripheral known as cysts (SadoV 1975). This covering is composed
bodies were abundant. After 8 days of culture on kerosene, of organized in layers named intine and exine, both of
the presence of cysts with intracellular bunches of poly-- which contain alginate (Sabra et al. 2001), a co-polymer of
hydroxybutyrate granules was observed. Germination of -D-mannuronic acid and -L-guluronic acid (Fang et al.
cysts bears germinating multicelled yet unbroken capsule 2008). While exine is a rigid multilayered structure com-
cysts with up to three cells inside. This is the Wrst report of posed of a lipoprotein–lipopolysaccharide complex, free
encystment induction of Azotobacter species grown on lipids, and calcium, intine consists of only two layers sepa-
kerosene. rated by a membrane of carbohydrates, free lipids, some
proteins, and more calcium than in the case of exine (Vela
Keywords Cyst · Kerosene removal · Nitrogen Wxation · et al. 1970; Stevenson and Socolofsky 1972; Núñez et al.
Multi-celled cysts · Nitrogenase activity · 1999). In association with the encystment process, mem-
Poly--hydroxybutyrate · PHB · NFB bers of the Azotobacter genus also produce large quantities
of poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB) as a carbon reserve as
Communicated by Mary Allen. well as alginate as a protector of the nitrogenase enzyme
(SadoV 1975; Sabra et al. 2001; Segura et al. 2003). How-
G. García-Esquivel · G. Calva-Calva · R. R. Vázquez · ever, like n-butyl alcohol, -hydroxybutyrate also induces
F. J. Esparza-García (&)
the encystment of A. vinelandii and A. chroococcum when
Biotechnology and Bioengineering Department,
Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto added to exponential cultures grown diazotrophically on
Politécnico Nacional, C. P. 07360 Mexico D. F., Mexico traditional carbon sources (SadoV 1975; Reusch and SadoV
e-mail: 1981). Interestingly, germination of A. vinelandii cysts
G. Calva-Calva bears multicelled bodies with up to three cells within an
e-mail: unbroken capsule cyst (Cagle and Vela 1971), suggesting
that cell division may occur inside the cyst prior to the rup-
R. Ferrera-Cerrato
Edaphology Department, Colegio de Posgraduados, ture of the exine layer. Similar bacterial multicelled bodies
Montecillo, Estado de México, Mexico have hitherto only been reported for Rhodospirillum cente-
num cysts containing between four and ten cells per body
L. C. Fernández-Linares
(Berleman and Bauer 2004). In this work, multicelled
Centro de Investigación en Calidad Ambiental,
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, bodies bearing up to three cells inside of a yet unbroken
Estado de México, Mexico capsule of germinating cysts of an NBF isolated from the

276 Arch Microbiol (2009) 191:275–281

rhizosphere of Phaseolus vulgaris plants cultivated in incubated for 24 h, and ethylene production was evaluated
kerosene-contaminated soil, and partially identiWed as by injecting 500 L of the headspace gas into a gas chro-
A. nigricans, were observed. In contrast to previous reports matograph (Tracor Model 570, Tracor Co., USA) equipped
regarding the encystment of other Azotobacter species, in with a Xame ionization detector and a Poropack N column.
which encystment inducers were used, in this work the The detector, injector, and column temperatures of the gas
encystment process was observed in cultures grown diazo- chromatograph were 250, 200, and 55°C, respectively.
trophically on kerosene as the sole carbon source. Morpho-
logical and physiological changes during the encystment Kerosene assay
process regarding the removal of kerosene, nitrogenase
activity, and the presence of PHB granules were monitored Kerosene was assayed as reported by Pérez et al. (2000,
by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). To our knowl- 2001) by extracting complete cultures with hexane
edge, production of both PHB and cysts of A. nigricans has (3 £ 10 mL) and concentrating the combined extracts to
not hitherto been reported for growth on any carbon source, 10 mL before GC analysis.
and, moreover, the encystment of Azotobacter species
using kerosene as the sole carbon source has not been Encystment induction
reported previously.
A bacterial colony of the isolated strain was transferred to
50 mL of RM supplemented with 1% (w/v) sucrose and
Materials and methods incubated on an orbital shaker at 150 rpm and 28°C. Ali-
quots of 2.5 mL (109 cells/mL) were taken from these cul-
Isolation and characterization of the bacterial strain tures and transferred to 50 mL of fresh RM supplemented
with 1% (w/v) sucrose, and cultivated until the exponential
The bacterial strain used in this work was isolated from the phase of growth was reached (usually 24 h). The whole cul-
free living NFB group associated with the rhizosphere of ture was then centrifuged and the pellet obtained was
P. vulgaris cultivated on kerosene-contaminated soils, as washed once with phosphate buVer (pH 7.4), suspended in
reported previously by Pérez et al. (2000, 2001)with some 50 mL of RM containing n-butyl alcohol (0.2%, v/v), and
modiWcations. Basically, 1 g of rhizospheric soil was incubated for 120 h at 28°C on an orbital shaker at 150 rpm
transferred into 50 mL of Rennie mineral culture medium for the encystment induction.
(RM) containing sucrose and mannitol (Rennie 1981).
Cultures were incubated for 3 days on an orbital shaker at Encystment and germination assessment
150 rpm, and a loopful was plated on solid medium and
incubated at 28°C. A single colony was isolated for partial The number of cysts in the cultures was estimated by count-
identiWcation and biochemical characterization by further ing the number of cells resistant to desiccation, as reported
growth in liquid RM supplemented with several carbon by Campos et al. (1996), but using RM supplemented with
sources. Bacterial growth was assessed by monitoring the sucrose. The cells resistant to desiccation were drawn from
optical density at 500 nm using a spectrophotometer stationary-phase bacterial cultures (192 h) grown on RM
(Spectronic 20, Bausch and Lomb, USA), and the dry weight supplemented with either kerosene (1%, v/v), sucrose (1%,
was determined by Wltration through a 0.22 m pore size w/v), or n-butyl alcohol (0.2%, v/v). To count the number
membrane. Motility was evaluated by the hanging drop of cysts, 2 mL aliquots of these cultures were Wltered
slide technique. through 0.45 m pore size Millipore® cellulose membranes
(4 cm). The membranes containing the cells were washed
Nitrogenase activity with sterile water and transferred to empty sterile plates
(4 cm) for desiccation by incubation for 5 days at 30°C.
Nitrogenase activity was evaluated by the method of acety- The dry cells were released from the membrane by adding
lene reduction, as reported by Postgate (1971), with some 1 mL of mineral RM (without carbon sources) to the plate
modiWcations. Vials of 144 mL with cotton plugs and con- and agitating it on an orbital shaker at 80 rpm and 28°C for
taining 25 mL of RM with kerosene 1% (v/v) as the 24 h. The suspended cells were plated on solid RM with 1%
sole carbon source were incubated as described above for (w/v) sucrose and the number of colonies was counted after
the Xask cultures. After the incubation, the cotton plugs 3 days of incubation at 28°C. This number was considered
were replaced by hermetic stoppers, and 10 mL of gas from as the number of cells resistant to desiccation, which also
the headspace of each vial was replaced by 10 mL of acety- represents the number of cysts in the original culture prior
lene by means of a sterile syringe. The vial cultures were to desiccation. For germination studies, cysts in the mem-

Arch Microbiol (2009) 191:275–281 277

brane were transferred into fresh liquid RM supplemented Results and discussion
with 1% (w/v) sucrose.
Isolation and characterization of the bacterial strain
Electron microscopy
The strain isolated in this work was a Gram-negative rod-
The biomass from 50 mL bacterial cultures was harvested shaped bacterium, and grew diazotrophically on sucrose
by centrifugation at 10,000 rpm and transferred to 1.5 mL (Fig. 1), showing dark-brown colonies and diVerential char-
centrifuge tubes maintained in an ice bath. Each pellet was acteristics that matched those of A. nigricans (Table 1). As
washed with refrigerated phosphate buVer solution (pH part of the biochemical characterization, the isolated strain
7.4), and the medium-free pellet was incubated in an ice was grown with several carbon sources (Table 1). In con-
bath for 2 h in the presence of glutaraldehyde (2%, v/v). trast to A. beijerinckii, it grew in starch, malonate, and man-
The glutaraldehyde was then eliminated by centrifugation, nitol, but was unable to grow in benzoate and inositol
and the biomass was washed with phosphate buVer. The (Garrity et al. 2005).
pellet was resuspended with 0.5–1 mL osmium tetroxide
(2%, w/v) and incubated at 4°C for 1 h with gentle shaking. EVect of kerosene on growth and nitrogenase activity
The osmium tetroxide was then eliminated by centrifuga-
tion and the pellet was washed with phosphate buVer and Both, growth and speciWc nitrogenase activity were aVected
sequentially resuspended in a series of ethanol solutions by kerosene as the sole carbon source, as compared to cul-
(50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100% v/v) at intervals of 15 min. tures grown on sucrose (Fig. 1). The speciWc growth rate of
The pellet was suspended in absolute ethanol for 15 min, cultures on sucrose ( = 0.097 h¡1; Td = 10.3 h) was about
the suspension was centrifuged, and the pellet obtained was ten times higher than that of those on kerosene
resuspended in propylene oxide three times for 10 min ( = 0.016 h¡1; Td = 63.8 h). The speciWc growth rate for
each. The pellet was then suspended in Spurr 60 cp resin cultures on sucrose was considerably lower than those
(Polysciences, Inc.) and incubated at 60°C for 3 days to reported by Mackenzie and Macrae (1972) and by SadoV
polymerize the resin. Ultra-thin sections were cut with a (1975) for A. vinelandii growing under nitrogen-Wxing con-
Reichert-Jung ultramicrotome and contrasted for 30 min ditions on mannitol ( = 0.3 h¡1) or glucose ( = 0.3–
with uranyl acetate. The sections were washed with dis- 0.4 h¡1), respectively. However, it was similar to the value
tilled water, submerged for 5 min in lead citrate solution reported for A. chroococum ( = 0.17 h¡1) growing under
(0.4 mM), washed with distilled water once more, and nitrogen-Wxing and oxygen-limiting conditions with glu-
observed by TEM with a JEM 2000 EX (JEOL Inc.) micro- cose as sole carbon source (Quagliano and Miyazaki 1999).
scope. On the other hand, the nitrogenase activity pattern was sim-
ilar between the two carbon sources until the latter stages of
Statistics the exponential phase of growth: the maximum nitrogenase
activity in the cultures was observed at the end of the expo-
Data represent the mean and standard deviation of three nential phase of growth, showing a rapid increase at the
replicates. Excel software was used for statistical analysis. beginning of the exponential growth, and a drastic decline

Fig. 1 Time course of Azoto-

bacter nigricans growth on 1%
sucrose (open circle) or 1% ker-
osene (Wlled circle) as sole car-
bon sources (a), and their
respective speciWc nitrogenase
activities (b). Cultures were
incubated at 28°C on a rotary
shaker (150 rpm). Residual ker-
osene (Wlled square) was ex-
tracted from the medium culture
and analyzed by GC. Bars repre-
sent the standard deviation of
three cultures

278 Arch Microbiol (2009) 191:275–281

Table 1 DiVerential character-

Characteristic Azotobacter strain
istics of the Azotobacter strain
used in this work in comparison vinelandii beijerinckii nigricans This work
with other Azotobacter species
Colony Yellow-green Dark-brown Dark-brown Dark-brown
Gram ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡
Motility + ¡ ¡ ¡
Cysts + + + +
Oxidase activity + + + +
Growth in
Rhamnose + ¡ ¡ ¡
Caproate + ¡ ¡ ¡
Inositol + + ¡ ¡
Characteristics of Azotobacter
species other than the character- Mannitol + d d +
istics of that used in this work Malonate + ¡ d +
were taken from Garrity et al.
Starch ¡ d d +
Benzoate + + ¡ ¡
D doubt

at the end of the exponential phase. However, in cultures cells in this bacterial strain. As reported for other species of
with sucrose the cellular growth ended when no nitrogenase the genus Azotobacter, the polymorphic cells showed the
activity was detected, whereas in cultures with kerosene the presence of PHB central granules as a prelude to the devel-
biomass continued slowly growing throughout the time opment of cysts (Mulder and Brotonegoro 1974; Espín
(8 days) with a corresponding kerosene intake after the 2003; Copeland et al. 2006). On the other hand, during the
nitrogenase activity was no longer detected. These nitroge- exponential and linear growth of cultures with sucrose, the
nase activity results with cultures grown on kerosene are cell population showed a mixture of the typical vegetative
consistent with previous studies on other free living NFB ovoid (1 m diameter) to large bacillary shape (1 m
grown on carbon sources other than carbohydrates, such as wide £ 4.5 m long), some of which were in obvious divi-
Azomonas grown on kerosene (Pérez et al. 2001) and A. sion, and without PHB granules, but showing some elec-
vinelandii grown on olive mill wastes (Balis et al. 1996; tron-lucent peripheral bodies (Fig. 2a). In contrast, in the
Papadelli et al. 1996). In contrast, Azotobacter sp. grown in late exponential phase of cultures with kerosene, the vege-
a mix-culture with Pseudomonas or Bacillus with light tative cells were gradually transformed to encapsulated
crude oil as the sole carbon source showed a growth-associ- ovoid shapes showing abundant peripheral bodies (Fig. 2b),
ated nitrogenase activity pattern throughout the whole and during the linear phase of growth one or two central
kinetics of growth (Onwurah 1999). The nitrogenase activ- PHB granules were typical in most of the cell population
ity pattern was also diVerent from those displayed by Kleb- (Fig. 2c,d). Similar morphological changes have been
siella pneumoniae and Enterobacter sp. grown on sucrose reported to be induced by the replacement of glucose or
and malate, respectively (Haahtela et al. 1983), which were sucrose with butyl alcohol in A. vinelandii cultures (Wyss
not detected during the lag phase, increased during the et al. 1961; SadoV 1975). Interestingly, the peripheral bod-
exponential growth, reaching the highest activity during ies were particularly abundant during the exponential phase
early stationary phase, and then declined drastically to of growth, when the nitrogenase activity was high (5–6 h)
undetectable values during the stationary phase. Thus, cul- and the presence of PHB granules in the cells was relatively
tures grown on kerosene seem to Wx nitrogen but do not insigniWcant (Fig. 2b). It should be noted that as the size of
accumulate biomass, leading the metabolic Xux to cell the PHB granules and the space between the cell membrane
maintenance and the biosynthesis of carbon storage and the cytoplasm increased (Fig. 2d), the nitrogenase
reserves, as will be discussed later. activity decreased (Fig. 1b); this trend continued until the
PHB granules reached a maximum size (700–800 nm) and
Encystment on kerosene the nitrogenase activity was no longer detected in the cul-
tures (after approximately 24 h). These observations are
In contrast to cultures of the isolated A. nigricans grown on consistent with the hypotheses that the peripheral bodies
sucrose, those grown on kerosene showed gradual changes might be related to the nitrogen Wxation process (Oppen-
in the cellular shapes (Fig. 2), indicating that the hydrocar- heim and Marcus 1970) and that PHB is an energy and carbon
bons of the kerosene induced the formation of polymorphic intracellular storage polymer (Kadouri et al. 2003). However,

Arch Microbiol (2009) 191:275–281 279

Fig. 2 Microphotographs of
cells of A. nigricans after 24 h
(a), 9 h (b), 16 h (c), and 24 h (d)
of culture in RM with sucrose
(a) and kerosene (b–d) as the
sole carbon sources. Rod-shaped
vegetative cells grown in
sucrose (a), almost lacking PHB
and electron-lucent peripheral
bodies (pb), were transformed to
ovoid precystic cells with abun-
dant pb (b) and central PHB
granules during the exponential
(c) and linear (d) phases of
growth, leading to polymor-
phism when cultivated on kero-
sene. Bars represent 500 nm in
(a) and (c); 200 nm in (b) and (d)

Fig. 3 Mature cysts of A. nigri-

cans (a), showing the PHB cen-
tral granules, the intine (in), and
the exine (ex) layers of the cellu-
lar coat. The cells were isolated
at the end of the stationary phase
of growth from cultures grown
in RM with kerosene (a, b;
8 day) or sucrose, but induced
with 0.2% of n-butyl alcohol (c;
5 day). The bars represent 2 m
in (a), and 200 nm in (b) and (c).
Note that each cyst contains only
one central body

the suggestion that a biological function of PHB may be to source (Senior et al. 1972; Espín 2003; Copeland et al.
facilitate respiratory protection of nitrogenase in the spres- 2006) is not supported by these results, since a reverse rela-
ence of oxygen and the absence of an extracellular carbon tionship between the PHB accumulation and nitrogenase

280 Arch Microbiol (2009) 191:275–281

activity was evident and the PHB accumulation was higher

when the nitrogenase activity was undetectable. On the
contrary, the pattern for growth on kerosene is consistent
with that reported by Senior et al. (1972) for A. beijerinckii
cultures grown on excess glucose, which, like kerosene in
this study, was not completely consumed; 25% of the initial
kerosene remained after 8 days of culture. Also similar to
A. beijerinckii cultures, both growth and PHB accumulation
were sustained throughout the time without attaining a true
stationary phase. However, in the present study with
A. nigricans, extending the culture time to 8 days under
nitrogen-Wxing conditions resulted in the appearance of
cysts with intracellular bunches of PHB granules after
about 96 h, ultimately leading to the encystment of the
whole cell population after 192 h (Fig. 3a). However, from
the resistance to desiccation test, only 64.7% of the cell
population eventually became mature cysts. These mature
cysts were microscopically identical to those induced by
n-butyl alcohol in cells collected from cultures grown on
sucrose, which produced 74.4% of mature cysts (Fig. 3b).
This ratio of mature cysts is similar or lower than that
reported for A. vinelandii grown on glucose and induced
with n-butyl alcohol (Lin and SadoV 1968; Reusch and
SadoV 1983). Since it is well known that alcohols such as
n-butanol and isopropanol can induce the encystment pro-
cesses in several bacteria, and that alcohols are metabolic
intermediates in the catabolism of hydrocarbons (Watkin-
son and Morgan 1990), it is not surprising that extracellular
carbon sources other than carbohydrates can induce the
encystment process.
Furthermore, the microscopic features of the mature
cysts (Fig. 3) and their germinating cystic cells (Fig. 4)
showed by A. nigricans in this study were similar to those
reported by several researchers for A. vinelandii (Wyss
et al. 1961; SadoV 1975; Reusch and SadoV 1983; Segura
et al. 2003), and for A. chroococum (Pal et al. 1997). The
mature cysts (Fig. 3) were composed of a central body con-
sisting of the protoplasm, a cell membrane, a thin cell wall, Fig. 4 Germinating cysts with multiple central bodies of young vege-
and central PHB granules, surrounded by a coat with the tative cells prior to the rupture of the coat after cystic cells of A. nigri-
cans post-germination bore vegetative cells after 8 h of culture in RM
typical capsule-like structure reported for cysts of other supplemented with 1% sucrose. Typically, the multicelled germinating
species of the genus Azotobacter (Garrity et al. 2005). As cysts showed up to three central bodies surrounded by unbroken resid-
pointed out above, the coat is made up of intine and exine ual exine (ex) and intine (in) layers. Bars represent 200 nm
layers, and perhaps owing to the hardness and elasticity of
these polymers, they remained in the germinating cyst until and carbon source in facilitating the germination, enlargement,
it bore vegetative cells (Fig. 4), producing germinating and division of cells in multicelled cysts (Cagle and Vela
multicelled cysts with multiple central bodies, all sur- 1971). Similar germinating multicelled cysts originating
rounded by unbroken residual exine and intine layers. It from cysts with only one central body have been reported
should be noted that the cysts contain only one central body for A. vinelandii (Wyss et al. 1961; Cagle and Vela 1971)
before the germination process starts (Fig. 3a). After 8 h of and for R. centenum (Berleman and Bauer 2004). However,
culture in fresh medium, the intine layer in the multicelled in these studies, it was suggested that vegetative cells might
cysts was almost undetectable. This observation supports divide inside the cysts prior to rupture of the exine layer,
the view expressed in the literature that intine may function probably due to a failure of the cyst to delay chromosome
not only as a storage material in cysts, but also as an energy replication (Berleman and Bauer 2004). Actually, why and

Arch Microbiol (2009) 191:275–281 281

how cell division occurs inside the cysts remains uncertain Mulder EG, Brotonegoro S (1974) Free-living heterotrophic nitrogen-
and deserves further investigation. Wxing bacteria. In: Quispel A (ed) The biology of nitrogen Wxa-
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In summary, the mature cysts that developed in cultures Núñez C, Moreno S, Soberón-Chávez G, Espín G (1999) The Azoto-
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species in cultures using kerosene as the sole carbon tobacter vinelandii with nitrogen source for growth. J Bacteriol
source. 101:286–291
Pal S, Manna Anupman, Amal KP (1997) Induction of encystment and
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Garcia Esquivel, acknowledges a doctoral fellowship (124460) from acterization of an Azotobacter vinelandii strain with respect to its
CONACyT. ability to grow and Wx nitrogen in olive mill wastewater. Int Bio-
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