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By Telegraph


Offloe, NIL SI Main Kt.. over K W. Vlull'8
store. suglTduwly.
CATARRH AH ire d Mm Harden Hit Employer'* Oat Prominent Democrttie L&wy«r
Wife on Long- Iiland. Don't Uphold U« f rtvi,
AKCB17KCT. Ottlco over the Postofflce. Of Ten Years'Duration. The Di«- Wentern Anociated Frets Ditpatchea New York, Dec. 20.—During the tern Chicago, Dec. 20— The Daily
f\. fir Plans arid specification)! prepared ohargee Thick, .Bloody, and of porary absence this morning of Fred New York uppcial give* an intermw
for bulldlnjje of every description, furnished
oil fhort notice. Foul Odor. Senses of Smell and orick C. Werner of Long Island City, with Wm. Beach Lawrence, an eminent
Taste Wholly f on*. Entirely his bired man, Max Hess, entered the Democrat and international lawyer,
""ALBERT iFosTOfl, ~~ Cured by f house and approaching Mrs. Werner on the Maine question. Mr. Lavreooe
TTORNEY AT LAW, did not approve of the action of tbe
A he told her he would murder her if she

Grand Opening!
Office !u Col. Woioult's Bli>cli, Corner ol
Democrats in counting out RepubtioMM
\ialn and AlKoma Streols, OB&Koch. Wls
tlio /Ktna Ufa lus. Co. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE, would not give up the keys of the bu
reau. She refused and the servan and their court* u a most
C. PALMER, Mewrs.VTceks & Potter: Gentlemen — I feel coal- knocked her down. He then sprang on serious mistake for the interests of the
polled to acknowledge it sou th« gre»t benett
SAXFOBD'S RADICAL Crttft lta» been to me. For
ten years I have been ullUiScd with this loith»o*«
Still a Bad State of Affairs in her and drawing a large aheath knife national party in that, itfurtiished the
V/ Plane and SpeclncntloiiH lor bridges, roofs disease, and especially In the, winter time bu it plunged it into her throat several times ground upon which to charge fraud
iiid building" of every dohcrlpt.lon. Will also
I furnish drarclujjij and epecIflcKtlout for
been mo»: esvere. Tiic discharge his been (kick
nnd bloody, emitting u foul odor BO bad that my
Afghanistan. After that he took from her pocket the and wrong, and also gives excuse to
presence In u room with otuer* was very otfenalv* keys and ransacked the house. A the Republicans for changing the meth-
to them. One week after commencing the UM of
BAMFOKU'S KA.DIOAL Crux I w«u not troubled with quantity of wearing npparel and $23( od of the electoral count in some of the
OEO, F. BUENELI. it at all. M} u> nM'0 of taaflvaud smell, which KMT* in cash were obtained. The police 01 states.
'A 1TORNKY AT LAW, vfiolltr u one, hjivo nt*ir HinT (^turned, and tuy jfvn* A Runian Paper sap that the Ihiaoity and Brooklyn are looking for
Commencing Saturday, Dec, 20th. A- I'Oht-offVce building, OBhfco«h. '"."le.
eittl lieulth !•> i n u c l i l t n p r o i i - d
Hess. Mrs. Werner is-not expected to "MADISON.
GK \>'i> I'Arir>-5, MICH.. N"ov. p. tyrtJ.
Khurt-Uanti Writer.
Britifh are Entraped. durvive her injuries. Bet-ides the stabs
LATER. on the neck the worn tin is badly cut on Arrest of Inhuman Officer*.
A, O l l l c e o v e r K V-, . Ylull's Siore GiMuVnu'ii: Tho puclrnfre of SASTORD'S rrRE
r.irm-'i >i< n i to-n!jrht ullrl^ht. I don't know \» li it I the face and arms.
_ may 4—di f • ' I j n u n l h ivc iloiji- t ( 1thnd not been for this i euu-ilj
I 3--U - i i i- -1 N-i-n! Uou<'l;eb(u;<l evcryihiiifjchi'. nnd
»V hi)U|,'>. I Jm\»' be'T. ublc to btop tlit 1 oilt i n u l\« ells
Illness of Prince Bismark. FROM NEW ORLEANS.
Madison, Dec 20— District Attorney
Reynolds night before last prepared
"'inijjri', I h a \ o tiuiliLHMi tiblo lo reco\ t?r my HcnsoHof
\ r KtiERN'.V'U. No. S5 t'eiipc htrttt. N pre
L»J.. par-'d to (In all k l p d - of Faj>er Hanging
UM • and snicU until ItrlfiiSAXFOHD'aC'VKK You
mi. refer any on" von choose lo me, nnd I w i l l
and Officer Dyke yesterday morning
and NVliiH'Wasbliig on ^liort notice. Orders ch"( riiilly Inform tht in in detail ni to tho bcuellt New Orleans, Dt>c. 20 — The Grand served papers on Justice Bacon and his
nia\ be lets at Alltr. i Hicks', HI Maui stretl ttit n i.iotJv lias LoLii to me. Yours, Miscellaneous Foreign Notes. Jury has indicted Chevalier Jaruon- two constables at Waunakee, for man-

H LL & CO,, i NO. i5i niinlAltr. MEI-BOrUNE H. FORD,

Go*.xt> IUPIDS, MICH., Nov. 15,1376. villo, formerly' cashier of the Canal slaughter in the case of John Rolf, who
bank, on charge of emde/zling ?1,GOO died in jail from inhuman treatment
ENERAL HOUSE 1'AIXTFRcV PAPKU SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE GREAT BRITAIN. in 1870. JiLinonvillo is said to be in by these officers. There is great ex-
G_ " H A N H E K . OfchkoMi. Wl«. Ortl"r>. left :,(
Allen * Hickh' w i l l be promptly alteudrd
S it onlyr promptly nrri-sts the corroding discharges
l'i i ntiir li,)iiii. li\ h \ m p a t l i » t l r a r t l < ) n , t t r«"turvi-to
THE T I C H B J R N E CASE. Havana. The Grand Jury indicted
Jules Train for grand larceny, and in-
citement here over the matter, and
thetie inhuman wretches will probably
to. Residence Ji Division «tre«t. - '.n 1 hi .ni'i ill! ilu' uruinK nf th" ht'nil ihnt l i m e London, Dec. 20 — .Steps for procur- suffer the full rigor of the law.
li i mi- .ifloctedby !t,a-_il''ihlbn.iu) olllie lolknv- ing a writ of error in the case of Arthur structed the district attorney to file an
Orton of the Tichborne claimant were information against Col. Roberick, seal
DcfectlTo Eypgi(jht.Tnflarae(l ami Mattery taken by Lord Rivers and Guilford On- of Mississippi, charged with malicious STEAMER BURNED.
H. L. LAWSON'S K\>'-, Painful nnd \Vntrry Kj'c*, I-on- of
IJi-uriiiK. Knrachc, X<-unilKhi ut'tlif Ear,
lJi.-.r!iar"i'M from the liar, KiiiKinj; Nolsi-o
slow under the advice of Dr. Heueally, d false imprisonment o f J . E. Hol-
land, former'y of Barnes' Hotel, Miss-
who applied for a similar writ in ]S7-1 ;
INSURANC: in the JLiead, Dl/zlm'SH, X»TVOUS Jlejtd-
acho, Paixio in tin-T*'iuj>lcs, Lo-,-. of t h < -
Senses of Tastoaud Siurll, Elontpitlon of
but it bas been refused. It is stated
that the case will be taken to the House
issippi City. Mobile, Dee. 20—Tho steamboat
Maggie liarker just arrived atthe whatf
"rom Montgomery, caught fire and
Every department will be JLOAIV A.GJ3IVOY,
tho Uvula, laflamDiution of the Tonsilf*,
Vutrl<l Sore Throat, Tickling or Backlni;
Coitfrh, Bronchitis, and Ulei'dm^ of tho
nf Lords for a final decision, and that
Dr. Heneally will exercise his right us
a member of the Irish bar to appear for
Clifton, Oat., Dec 20-Levitt, who as-
turned to the waters edge. About 100
jalei of cotton were destroyed.
Earh p:ickape eontnini* Pr ^aufonlN Improved Orton before that tribunal. The lire broVe out so suddenly that
!"h.illn<; 1 ubi , wllli l u l l led c.irelullv prepare'! <jl- fcaulted Dr. Newburn yesterday in Stan- n a few minuter the steamer was a
found complete and full of The following old and reliable compp.n!e-
»•» cUoii'-for Ube m all tu"'•<- PIK*-. $i. P o r b u l c b y
dil wliolesalu and retail tlruKKrisN nnd flualcrn
thronghout the United btaifBund Ciinaflue. WTEK3
ffl POTTER, General Agucts uud Wholesale Drujj- AFGHANISTAN.
"ord yesterday is held to await the re- mass of flames. About 200 bales of
iulta of the doctor's wounds. Levitt cotton had been unloaded. The re-
or^antned 1S5I g^ta, Boston, Mass. London, Dec. 20 — A dispatch from says he was under the conviction that mainder of 1100 bales was destroyed by
NORTH Gf UMAX INS. CO.. of Hamburg. Bombay saya that it was reported the devil told him to k i l l the first per- ire or damaged by water, Thesteamer
Attractions. CONNECTICUT t iKi 1N8. CO., of JtlKriroru,
organized 1850.
LYCOMING FIRE INS. CO.,ol Pennsylvania;
organized 1840.
COLLINS Thursday ihat Gen. Cfough would prob- son
ably retire upon 1'eizeran, three milea >urn
he met. Before attacking Dr. New- S-illy, alongside, fortunately had steam
he struck \\ith an axe at Mrs. up and saved herself and the steamer
AMEftlCAN INS. CO., of Chicago; organized st of Surkab rirei, but it is DOW be- Aoskelly, but she avoided the blow by Annie which she took in tow. LOBS,
1S59. lieved that he will remain at Jegdal- 'ailing to the ground. ,000. The boat and cotton fully in-
Beautiful and Handsome organized 1851.
<ETNA LIFE 1N8. CO., of Hartford: organ
VOLTAIC PLASTERS lum and shortly clear away the Ghel-
zedis in his front. Gen. Arbuthnot's
brigade is scattered along the road be-
>" Eloctro-Oiilvinli- Battorr, ,,onb!ned with
ized 185". A a hlshly \ledsiatcd fld.sic*t. formlnir the tween G u n d e l m u k and Jagdalluk. Con- New York. Dec. 120.—In the women's
Goods. A-ll losses equitably adjusted and prompt-
ly paid rmaylSda-wtf 1
Krimdest curative api.t In tile world . f mcdlclno,
and utturh' suip'i^^niL'ull othr-r Plii'-tcr;* In rt-tofnro
In iw. TlK'y H^' ornp'ish mnrc la nnp wt-t-k t h t m
tlic old Plii'-tor- 1: a nliuleyeur. Ijiuy du L«t put-
trary to expectation the tribes below RO-aa-you-pleauc match in itudiaon
Jellallabad continue quiet. Gen. Bright Njuiire Garden, Howard at rmori was State
has advanced with hi? -whole force. ending with a score of ?,(',! miles; iient Democrats from various parts of
Chicago, Dec. 20—The Democratic
Central Committee met 50 prom-
S. £. DANIEL. O. H. GILF. Hate, t h f j ccuz. Tlio,"
Doubtless the Mahmounds and Afree- Tobiaa, oOO ; Mudsticox, 3."iS ; Madamu he stule Thursday, to decide on a plan
Eclli-ro Affcc'l"R6 of the Che^t.
DAXTXEX. & GILS. dis would have risen but for the sys- A.nderson, M'2. Cerito ia the last in nr organizing the state campaign. J.
othing more suitable for GJ-ENEISA.1L,
Ki-hme Allcc.ion'. of Hie Lungs.
K' I i c x e Aflecioi's ot tin' Heart.
Kdii-\e Aical.iD" o f t ' i - L h t r .
H f l l i x o AUaaions of t!ie Sjileen.
Hcllcvc Alfpc.Kins of t h ef Ividncys.
tem of forwarding troops from Jellalla- ine of nineteen pedestriennp^, with a rJ. Oberly, of Springfield, introduced a
bad only as reinforcements arrived record of l~7 miles. resolution which caused an acrimoni-
from Pezbawur, which afforded thorn ous debate for four hours, condemning
INSURANCE AGENTS iifl'Lve AffTUons of l:i ! hplnc.
I t i ' l i o t c Adi-ctlnno • f tin Nrnres. no opportunity. Great efforts are mak- SAlLLMi FUR ASLMN' WALL. inqualifiedly any fraud whereby the
a Handsome X-mas Gift. FRAKER BLOCK, OSHKQSH,
lielli-vi? Aflfi-tlon- r t t l n - M'lbCli'K.
Hi 1U vv Aifectii' 1E of tli" .Ti-mU.
I{i'h"M' AUcoUou . of t l i " U net.
Keliex o ^.llcct.on» oi'llu. ti-.'.v».
ing for a speedy concentration at Pe/.
New York, Dec. 'JO—The following
ivill of tho people is subverted by na-
tional or state authorities or individu-
Represent the strongest and WHAT RUSSIAN PA PEES SAY. als. The meeting voted down an
h.' t l i e extent of }'f>iir saffer- London, Dec. 20.—The Russian press oflit-ers of the Panama Railway Com i m e n d m e n t exempting the Maine case
most reliable insurance compa try oii \,-.-^~. K"l» f i* imtnntane- puny will sail Monday for Aspinwall to
Gal! and see for your- nies, Fire, Life and Accident, in
'ii/s.. -i i ic
ict Hipi'L' - ' ^ IjKidreiN of testimonials In
ur jtO'-bo'-^ion. !.•..: in n:n 1 tin inosr lnipor-
aht tn'-om L ru MII plj.iniuL*} dale b.ick 1' BStlntn ten
j "r.r-, :unl 11. .it ( iitnlilinitt*M^
ol quills and ( w^i'iirea
ii pl.ini . niul bhiub-- ur' v ii roii^ unittMl i ^ f t l i J.loc-
is very violentin its criticism on affairs
in Afghanistan.
Pctirxbnrg says : "We moat candidly W. Park, president; Samuel C. Thomp-
Vom the provisions of the resolution,
The Gazelle DC St. meet U. D. Lesseps and hi» party: F. and then defeated the resolution.
the United States. Call and 'ricliv to form a rural lyl'l isti r. In poo tli In u, tiPftl- confess thatKuBsia would not break her on, U. A. Hoyt Knd J. M, Burke, dir-
Inr. lind Ptn ntrtlu'iiini.' p'"pertlchftij farj^upcrlor to heart in the probable event of Gen. ectors. Mr. Appleton antl Col.Totlen OBITUARY.
selves, seem DANIEL & G-ILE, an other I'liibti r« In n 101 n !n Hit1 if- tho sckatUiC
.i is tu the - Robert's column sharing the fate of vill be in the American party.
Cavagnari'a Embassy.
THE ROWl~KG FARCE. i St. Louis, Dec. 20—Wm. McKee, the
HOMASuNN, pp c.irt'f-il to mil for C( T.LTXS' VOLTAIC PLAfv An official dispatch from Gen. Bright, senior proprietor of the Gloltf Df.tnecrat,
died very suddenly of heart disease
No trouble to show Goods. Tlllt li "-1 \ i»u ^ctbornt 1 \vo" lil< sv i r n i t a r i o i ) Sold by
rtll Wholc-.ilt-an't Kct.iilL>riiu>"i-t»(lin»iighou! t h u
T u l t C ' l M. tt"* riMfl <'.'inii<iiH. ,ii id bj A\ EKKd <& 1'OT-
ILU, Prujirietors, Bobio;. Mu<s.
dated Dec. 18th, informed the Viceroy Boston, Dec. 20—The company that about ton o'clock this ruorniug, aged
of India that if Gen. Gough was unable inked itself with the llanloti-Courtliey s i x t y - f o u r .
to force his way to Cabul with his brig- arce, again oilers a pri/.e of $5,0110 for

TAILOR adiers he, Bright, proposed as soon as a live mile race, June 17, 18oO.
arrangements could be made, to hold Ilochester, Dec. 20—Courtney writes
the posts from India to Gundamuk and Jlakio that lie will row llunlun under
advance on Cabul with a division num- he present terms in April, either at ft mn u u r Own K<'i orler.
NOS. 149 AND 151 MAIN ST. Cor. Main and Otter Streets, bering eight thousand men. A telegram iVashington or Saratoga. Ilipon, Dec. 19.—Yesterday morning
OSIIKOSH, WIS from Peizeran dated to day says there was the col dest of the month, the ther-
la no serious fighting; all is well. Hurbjr of Kef use. mometer registering ]8° below zero at
I keep a full line of foreign a:id domestic
Besides n f u l l l i n e <)!
A correspondent writing from Stur- seven o'clock a. m. Snow fell about
geon Bay says : "Plymption, U.S, En- four inches in the afternoon and last
gineer, is in town looking after the night, and is stil! snowing.
Grents' Berlin, Dec. 20—Intelligence from rJhat arbor of Refuge interests. He thinks The I. O.G.T. District Convention of
the piers will be continued further Fond tin Lac County was in session
St. Pefersburgh represents that several nto the lake, and that the government Tuesday and Wednesday this week, in
The !art;c st ck ol officers of artillery engineers haye been
-AT- Ooods. arrested, charged with complicity in will place the superstructure upon that Uood Templars Hall.
the recent Nihilist attempt oa the portion of tbe substructure that is com- A fnir audience greeted the appear-
*a-Ijfuaranlee 11 I'KKt'KCT FIT, mid at CROCKERY, GROCERIES and Czar's life at Moscow. The winter pal- pring. Itsoon
ileted, as as practicable in the ance of Clement Bros', troupe in Opera
is probable that a ternpo- Hall Tuesday night. The audience was
KKASONAULE P K I C K S every thtin.

CARSWELL Give me »n order and satUfy jouraelt.

ace is now illuminated with [electric ary pier light
light all night as a precaution. will be placed in position somewhat disappointed, aa ihe troupe
jpon the opening of navigation, He did not sustain its former reputation.
Iocs not think that there w i 1 be a per- Not long ago a chili of Stanton
ACSTJUA. nanent light house erected until tho Fordice died of malignant diphtheria.
iompletion of the entire work, that is, Last week another died, and this week
(Successor to Boles * H u l l ) Vienna, Dec. 20.—The Prfsst was 10th harbor and canal." their only remaining child died of the
COR. OF MAIN and CHURCH STS. confiscated yesterday by the police for
How shall we make some money is same disease.
reproducing an article of the Paris Yesterday soon after Esq. Harris left
In Rucld i llulden'M llloi k, Figaro insulting to Gambetta he question thought over by many in his office to return to his home, he was
1O£5 Main Street, TO hese times. Take our advice and re- suddenly taken with a fit and fell into
mit a small amount to Ales. Frothing- the snow. He was carried into Akin's
Cor. Main&AigomaSt. is to be sold o»t at auction and private sale,
commencing Mindaj, Dec i!iid, 1ST!), there-
iam <fc Co., bankers, 12 Wall stree', drug store, and after partial recovery
Sew York, who by their judicious in- was taken home.
after every dny al 2 «'clook in tlic afternoon
WUere the and? o'clock In the evening. A good chance Berlin, Dec, 20.—Bismarck ia again 'estments have relieved many from The different religious societies are
severely ailing of rheumatism. Dressing need. Send for their Wrrkly making arrangements to appropriately
You will find everything in the to buy low—Crocksry, Glassware, Rogers
Bros. Plated Ware, HoiIdjiy Presents, and al-
so to supply yourliojse with gioccrlcs for all
winter a t n low price, the crockery block Is
'"innnf-iul I\fport. sent free.
Markets by Telegraph,
celebrate Christmas.
An unusual number of weddings are
take place during the holidays, of
be continued. Amherstl urg, Dec. 20—The steamer
line of Dry Goods and Notions, Clothing
new and thegrocertesareueMi. Go to thesale
and see for iotirFeU'es J.atlies are p.-peciul-
ly I n v i t e d to 'lie sulei. Good order w i l l be
Excelsior leaves to day to attempt the
rescue of the propellers Milwaukee and
Maine in the ice in Lake Eric', near
New York, Dec. 20.
which the public will be informed in
due time.
A baud of scamps, supposed to hail
from the vicinity of Eureka, was kick-
declSdtf. Colchester.
suitable for the holiday presents Made to Order at
.onus Inrcu-so
pec-leu cleoreas
cBftl tenders
lepoilts Increase
Rome, Dec. 20—A royal decree or- 'Irculallon Increase..
52.348000 ing up a row on Oshkosh street, when
.'!,2i<i,5iiO a quiet countryman coming along, they
250,110 pounced upon him. A large bull dog
370&50 that was following a little distance be-
Prices, to Close Banks now hold Sl.S^l.lwl) In exec*.'- of legal hind seemed to take in (the situation,
and at the very lowest prices. Out the Stock. \,| ISS L I L L I A N B. STILLMAN it BKO.
i?JL w i l l rcpen their Academy on Tuesday,
OctoberMth, Hours for class— Tuesday even-
Ins from 7:30 ta U:'tO o'clock. Sociables from
ders a cessation of quarantine for ves- eqnlremcnt.
sels from northern ports of the United
Mn,WATTit««. Deo. 01.
and suddenly came to the rescue of his
master. One of the rowdies made hia
escape, minus a considerable portion
Wheat. H i m 1 31 hard : I..W-4 No. 1; l.2»Ji
HATS, ;i:.">n to 12 o'clocS. Terms— Gentlemen, 12 les-
son. $5 09; IndU* SI. 0(1; gentleman and lady,
SS.lO; admission to sociable, 50c per c juple
THE WEATHF.R. To. •>; 1.16!4 No. 3 ; l . l l « No. I , SI 0) rejt ; of his coat; the other was lesa fortun-
2>?f Dec.; 1.30;<-Ian ; l.;i|'^ Kcb tteoelpt. ate. The infuriated beast set hia jaws


3 W HhlpmenUi 4,1(0.
Cora, nterdy, 4(i^i No. 2.
Outs, firm, «* No. 'I
Washington, Dec. 20.—For Upper Rye, ste«dy, ~S% No. 2.
deep into the seat of his pantfl, when
the victim commenced a liyelyjiR. He
chaseezed to the left and right, danced
Mississippi and Lower Missouri Val- Barley, <iulot, 7".
XTo3. 36 and 38 Main 3tr«et, -AND-
FASHIONABLE TAILOR, leys, diminishing northerly winde, CHICAOO, Uec, "0. up at the sides and down at the middle;
struck a double-shuffle and swung ,»11
cooler, clear, followed by warmer, an. TI nv»v, Ktrong, higher, LSI cash; 1,32^
HEADQUARTERS FOR hands around; be kicked up behind
Furnishing Kelley'sHlock, O.hkoih, Wli.
partly cloudy weather and rising ba- Corn,
1.33% Feb.
easier, 40%' cash ; 40J^ Jan ; 40^ and before, and at every move the con*

Oils, Paints, Glass,

lay. tortiona of his face were awful. The
Goods atwntlon flyen to all work and
sausfactlou guaranteed. STEAM~NAVIG!ATr"lO-V.
O»W. Hrm, SlJi cash; 34^ Jan.; T.^ M«y.
By* firm, 7»'/i.
B»rl«y. tlli.
owner was compelled to choke the dog
rrovl»lon4, strong, higher. from his firmly-set hold, and hold him
To be closed out at
Pork, 11350 caith; 113.35 Jan.; J1S.50 until the scamp could make his escape.
Less than COST
June27dawtf KALO-MEDA Queenatown, Dec. 20—Arrived, Abj- [arch.
sinia.from New York. Iwrch.
New York, Dec. 20—Arrived, steam- WhlHlt«r, lower, 11.12.
For some time to come be will have to
L»rd, flrmer. S7.42X cash ; 7.55 Feb.; J7.95 sit standing up, and do his sleeping on
his nose, and when be comes to Bipon
Hogg, receipts,fl.fXW; active, flrin, 10 to 15 again to have a little fun with the boys
I liandli goods direct from importers and manufacturers, and all of the REAL ESTATE AGENCY. •hip Neckar, from Bremen. Ighor, llglit,4.10®-l f> . tnixed packlntr, 4.10
very best hninds, and am enabled to compete successfully with any house Arrived, steamships Victoria, from )l.30; shlpplnK |1 25191.50.' he will leave to others the business of
in this market. I offer for sale all kinds of 1 notice thnt he has opened a real London, and Deruyter, from Antwerp. Cattle, receipts, 1.4UO, quiet, rather easier, threshing the owners of savage bull-
ilpplng,3,7t»@8.(i2}<; lutcher, S.IO; itockers
ofllce tit No. I2l(up stairs) Mnln Street, Osh-
Mobile. Dec. 20 -Last eve about 8 ulet. dogs. ^^
OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, ko-,11, Wls., whero ho will attond to the Hale
W^e have added COAL to our business, nnd of real e«tnto. renting honies.coUect.1riK renm o'clock the steamship Mobile arrived
AXLE GREASE, OAKUM, TAR, PITCH, ROSIN, arc now prepared to furnish nnd olher claims, loaning money, etc,, on the at the wharf, welcomed by the boom- RAIN— CITT MARKETS, Patent*.
COTTON WASTE, OIL TANKS, JACKET CANS, BRONZE, most i.iiiKiiAi.TKRMS. AlhO ha« a pood room
ARTISTS' COLORS, BRUSHES, GOLD LEAF, ALL KINDS OF COAL! to rent near the High School and 'Commer-
cial College. C. K. HAMLLN.
Oshkosb. S«pl. ffl. IR7».—dttwXm
ing of cannon, blowing of whistles and
cheering of the multitudes assembled.
Whent, i
Corn, old, -Ific,
A weekly list of U. 8. Patents Iwued to th»
Inventor* of Wlsconiln, for th« w«efc ending
Thin ia the pioneer aloixmship of a dir- " new shelled, I2c. Dec. l«th, 1879; and each patent In the Hit
CHAMOIS SKINS, SAND PAPER, &c, AT THE I-mVRST MARKET PRICK. " •' ear, 3")c. will b*«r that date; reported exprdtly by
GEORGE F. STROUD. jGDWARD MORRIS, ect line between Mobile and Liverpool. Ont«, .Tic.
She made the trip from Qucenstown to BKKADSTUPK^-poi cwt. telegraph for the NORTH
We also have a large Block ot Klonr, common. I3.IU.
I** Fraher Had Hlock, up stnlrs, Oxhkosh. Mobile in 20 days and 19 hours in a sc- " patent, 4.00. A. H. Evans * Co., American and Forel««
Hard ]MLnplo "Wood! WH. l a m now prepared to twite «ll onler»
lor t h e m a k i n g of Clothing, antl inar»ntef vrrr- Rile. Mobile, it is claimed, can " winter, 175. Patent Solicitor*, Wa*nln«ton D. C.: L.
•" Ktraluht, 3 50. A J. Banmle, Mllwauke«,tnachin« forelean**

Take a Look in at Allen & Hicks'. OiiikODh, J u l y 26,187».-dawlf.

MtlUfitcllon In every InstAnco. I alio do nil
COOK, BROWN 4 CO. kinds of repalrlnn nml cleaning,
dec 19(10 mo.
furnish profitable employment for 16
more ships of the same kind.
" graham, 3.00.
•• rye, 2.50.
buckwheat, SI,*)
inglnteitlnei; J. L. Oweni, Cambria, har-
vester-rake, reisuo.


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