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204 How to Use Tarot Spreads


1. What are my past negative habit patterns?
2. How are they affecting my life?
3. What methods can I use to become aware of
these pattems?
4. lve other people involved with my past patter-ns?
5. Will I be able to overcome these patterns?
6. What decisions must I make now?
7. Should I seek professional help?
8. Do I have the confidence to confront these old
9. What changes can I expect when I rid myself of
these old habit patterns?
10. Final outcome?
Seeking Self-Knowledge 205

Old Habit Patterns for Ellie

lst position King of Wands
2nd position The Tower
3rd position 6 of Pentacles (Reversed)
4th position 9 of Pentacles
5th position 4 of Wands (Reversed)
6th position The Moon
7th position 4 of Pentacles
8th position Hierophant (Reversed)
9th position Queen of Cups
10th position Wheel of Fonune (Reversed)

Question 7 : What are my Wt negative habdt ptterns?
Answer: King of Wands. Ellie has a good friend in
business transactions and has some fears about trust-
ing her own judgment. This King likes to start things
but doesnt always stay to finish up, which Ellie enjoys
doing. It should make her feel accomplished when she
finishes any business deal in a positive nunner.

Questton 2: Hw are thq affectingmy life?

Answer: The Tower: This card indicates Ellie must
throw out her old habits and leam to depend on her-
self. This friend may decide to leave and Ellie must be
prepared to have faith in her own judgment. She may
have sudden insights into future events-if she is
aware of this possibility she will not feel abandoned.

Question 3: Wlrrit methoik can I use to become

aware of these ptterns?
206 How to Use Tarot Spreads

Answer: 6 of Pentacles (Reterseil). This card indi-

cates that Ellie does not make decisions regarding
her finances. This is not wise of her and she must
change her attitude about money immediately. Ellie
must take control of her life and not lean on others.
Meditation and seeking truth can make it easier for
her to institute changes now.

Question 4: Are other people inyolyeilwithmy past

Answer: 9 of Pentacles. Ellie is in business and it is
natural to assume that she has been involved with
others. She enjoys being an independent woman of
means and people are attracted to her because she is
a winner. Although she has money, she seems to lack
ideas that would increase her business, so she con-
stantly seeks help from those who have creative skills.

Quest'wn5: Will lbe able to wercome these patterns?

Answer: 4 of Wanik (Rnerseil). Ellie feels uncertain
at this time. She fears her business may decline, that
she will have a loss of finances, and that she will have
no one to rely on. This is negative thinking, which
can attract exactly those experiences she fears. Ellie
can overcome these patterns by thinking positively,
sending love to all, and having faith in herself.

Question 6: Wlwt ilecisions must I mahe nrrw?

Answer: The Moon Ellie musr face the rrurh in all of
her experiences and learn to control her negative
thinking, fears, and doubts. Ellie would be wise to
use her intuition to deal with her business. This card
reflects attainment.
SeekingSelf-Knowledge 2O7

Question 7 : Shoulil I seek professional help?

Answer: 4 of Pentacles. Ellie needs a balanced atti-
tude regarding money. If she feels she needs help,
she should spend the money on herself. Ellie must
look at truth and if it takes professional help, so be it!
Question 8: Do I have the confiilence to confront
these olilpatterns?
Answer: Hierophant (Reverseil). At this time Ellie
may not think she has the confidence, but this can
change. She needs new information to help her grow
and become a confident woman with faith in herself.
Ellie has untapped inner resources and perhaps now
is the time for her to become aware of her potential.

Question 9: What changes can I expect when I rid

myself of these olilhabit patterns?
Answer: Queen of Cups. This Queen is powerful,
intuitive, and intense. She desires control in her envi-
ronment. Ellie can expect to be powerful, intense,
and able to use her intuitive faculties. She can be in
control of her life and make her own decisions. Then
she can get in touch with her creative abilities.
Question 10: Finnl outcome?
Answer: Wheel of Fortune (Rcverseil). Ellie should
not gamble or take risks at this time. No new ven-
tures or serious relationships should be started now.
Ellie needs to take care of her health and diet.
Comment: Ellie would be wise to seek professional
help to become self-sufficient and in control of her
life. She needs friends so she can enjoy herself away
from work.

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