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3 Simple Secrets...

to ULTIMATE Hypnotic
Confidence. – Deluxe Version

By Nathan Thomas

(C) Nathan Thomas Page 1

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here, and have fun getting started.
- Nathan Thomas.

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Hello and welcome to The Confident Hypnotist.

On this training program you will be learning how to overcome your own
hesitations, anxieties and barriers to success, and embrace the total
confidence you need to become a successful street hypnotist.

I will make a few promises to you right now, and I would like to ask you to
reciprocate, and promise me a few things in return. I am sharing you my
thoughts, ideas and experience. This book contains what fuels me, the way I do
hypnosis, what it is to me. I promise to give you everything I can that will help
you to find the real confidence within you. I also promise not to overburden
you with detail, clutter or methodology. I am going to give you the outline,
enough for you to follow, whilst leaving you plenty of space to fill in the blanks
yourself. After all, it’s your mind. Only you really know how it works.

The ‘secrets’ themselves are very short, but the other paragraphs in this report
also contain many secrets of their own. What I promise to give you here is
everything I needed to hear when I first started, but which hadn’t been written
before. Here you have the distilled and summarised version of what I consider
the most important part of any communication, especially what we call

I want you to promise me you will relax your conscious mind. Consider these
ideas. Some of which will just click, and immediately seem right. Some you’ll
already know, but find excitement in the rediscovery and the finding of more
clarity. Others may seem new. I merely want you to ask yourself ‘if I did fully
believe these ideas to be true, just how would I feel?’ I also want you to agree
to put your mental energy into these thoughts. This is your journey, your
transformation. It’s down to you to put the effort in, and your job to benefit
from the results.

Back when I first started learning hypnosis, it was all technique, technique,
I would fuss over the precise word order of my inductions, and the exact split
second timing of every action and suggestion. Nowadays I am still flooded with

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email questions by people asking “what is the best induction to use” or “how
do you word this suggestion...” What is important for you to realize,
understand, believe and acknowledge right now is that all this stuff is

Hypnosis is an UNCONSCIOUS process. It is YOUR unconscious mind,

interacting with their unconscious mind. The most important thing therefore is
not the minute elements of your behaviour which you consciously control, it is
what you think, feel and project on an unconscious level.

Anthony Jacquin has a wonderful line “an induction is merely a vehicle for
delivering your INTENT to hypnotize.” I would apply this to your ever word,
suggestion and technique. Your confidence is how strongly you believe in your
intent or your ability. Your intent is your goal or desire. Without hypnotic
intent, an induction is useless, a suggestion meaningless, and your words
utterly devoid of strength. For your every hypnotic interaction, you need to
formulate, focus on, and put all your mental energy towards this intention. Say
it in your mind with certainty. “They WILL go into a DEEP responsive trance,
and have a LIFE CHANGING experience.” Ask yourself how you will know when
you have fulfilled this, how will you feel, and how will they feel. Let your
unconscious deal with the method, just focus on the goal.

I’m sure in the course of your life, you have watched people delivering
speeches or presentations (maybe at work functions or speech day at high
school). When you watch these people, it’s really easy to tell who is confident,
and who isn’t. The words they say have nothing to do with it, but based on the
way they stand, the way they move, the way their voice sounds, and their tone
and pace, you can just tell how confident they really are.

I remember one event back in one of my early years of high school, before I
became any good at hypnosis. I was to give a speech to the assembly, (over
1000 students), and I was terrified. We were running for student
representative to the board of trustees, and I’d spent ages carefully crafting my
speech. It was a good speech, but I was nervous, and I delivered it poorly. The
winner’s speech was dreadful by comparison, but he delivered it in a laid back
and confident way, and, I’m ashamed to admit, got over 10 times the number
of votes I did!

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When I went home that night, I vowed NEVER to script out a speech word for
word again.

During my final year of high school, by which time I’d already taught my first
live hypnosis seminar, I was a lot more confident. When it came to class speech
day, people got up and nervously recited works they had spent weeks crafting.
I stood up, no notes, no props, and spoke for nearly 10 minutes. I aced the
assessment, full marks. The teacher told me ‘you’re too jolly good and shoud
darn well be teaching.’ I couldn’t help but laugh at that! Confidence shaped
everything, from what I said to how I said it. That’s not to say I didn’t think
ahead and plan in my mind, but the real kicker was the newfound confidence I

When I first started out in hypnosis, I was terrified of instant and rapid
I’d watch hypnotists do them on YouTube and elsewhere, and I’d just think
‘wow, I wish I could do that!’ Whenever I tried to learn about instant
inductions, and figure out how to do them, I’d notice the instructor would
always say the same thing – ‘The most important factor in an instant induction
is your confidence. Be confident or it won’t work.’ The trouble is, they’d never
tell us how!

That struck me as like telling a starving man on a street corner ‘oh, you just
need food!’ Well my friend, I hope you enjoy this ‘mental meal’ you are about
to enjoy.

The honest truth is the only way to true real confidence is practice and
experience, but the methods I will share with you here will teach you how to
shortcut this process and develop the inner feelings and attitudes you need for

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Note: Don’t be surprised if you find that what you learn here will
not limit itself to hypnosis! You may find that the confidence you
discover within yourself has wonderful effects on things you
haven’t even considered yet!

Before we begin, you need to think of a clear goal.

You see ‘confidence’ is just a word. What we are really after here is teaching
you how to access and maintain the ideal state of mind for success in hypnosis
and instant inductions. (And of course, once you master these techniques
you’ll find them easy to apply to other areas of your life also).

So, I don’t know how much hypnosis experience you have so far, but I just
want you to imagine your perfect hypnotic induction, everything goes exactly
as you want it to, and you feel great. Stop for a second, and really think about
this perfect induction, immerse yourself in the experience until you are living
this perfect success.

That’s right. Now stop again, and think about exactly the way you were feeling
before, during and after that event. I am not sure what you ideal state was, for
some people it’s the knowledge that you will be successful, for others it’s a
comfort in your abilities and a feeling of strength and self assurance, for
others it’s excitement and eager anticipation, knowing what’s going to come
will be great.

Whatever that feeling, I want you to save it in your mind right now, because
very soon this feeling will be installed inside your subconscious as your default
or base pattern.

Now, with that growing in the most important part of your mind, let’s leap in
to your three simple secrets.

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The Confidence Strategies
Like you I know the feeling of getting asked to hypnotize someone, or having
the opportunity to do some hypnosis, but being chased away by the awful,
chest clenching feeling of anxiety. What if it doesn’t work? What if I fail in front
of all these people...? These questions have at one time plagued all of us.

The good news is we all experience this, the even better news is you can get
over it easily, and the truly awesome news is this feeling can even be a good
thing! These three secrets themselves make up three different approaches for
replacing anxiety and doubt with confidence and power. Try them all out, and
think about ways to apply them to your own life.

Now before hand, a bit of a warning.

All I’m doing is showing you the techniques, pointing you down the path so to
speak. As the cliché goes, it’s up to you to walk it. These techniques are tried,
tested and powerful and have done wonders for me, but for some they will
take practice. It has often been said that true confidence is having doubts or
being nervous, and yet still doing it.

Hypnosis is not a black and white process, there are always nuances and there
are always risks of ‘failure.’ In this book I want you to accept the fact that
sometimes things don’t go as planned. I have included the utilization audio as
a bonus because when this happens, provided you maintain your confidence
and think on your feet, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to turn even the most
bizarre responses to your advantage.

I want you to delete the idea of ‘failure’ from your mind right now, and replace
it with the idea of an opportunity for learning. If an instant induction doesn’t
seem to work, it’s an opportunity for you to practice utilization, an opportunity
to ask the subject what they experienced, and learn something interesting
about the mind, and an opportunity for you to refine your technique and grow
as a hypnotist.

These methods or secrets represent the beginning, the map or the directions
which take you to that ideal state of yours. These are not the only way to get
there, and they don’t make the journey instant, but they will help you to

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realize that you control your feelings, not the other way around.

Commit yourself to the exercises here, and, more than that, commit yourself
to doing this stuff out in the real world. Experience and practice trump all
techniques, but hopefully with these methods to guide you you’ll find
experience and practice so much less frightening, and more rewarding.

So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Secret 1: Accept Your Feelings

I do debating, and if I may say so myself, I’m pretty decent at it. Even though I
know in my head that I will do well, every time my name is called I feel the
same jolt of anxiety and fear. Sometimes this feeling of nervousness is almost
paralysing, sapping your strength. Despite this feeling I know I have to stand up
there and give my speech, so I do so, and the strange thing is the moment I
open my mouth and say the first word, the moment I begin to speak, I realize
that now is my turn to speak, that I am good at this, and that I will do my best.
These realizations immediately drive away that anxiety, and I am left standing
there feeling confident.

If I waited, sitting there, for the confidence to come before I started speaking,
then I would never have given a speech in my life. When you do hypnosis
realize that it’s normal and natural to feel nervous of anxious to start with, it
happens to the best of us. Accept these feelings as part of you, and do it

To help you further understand this, let’s get self helpy. There is a
presupposition in NLP ‘every behaviour has a positive intent,’ when we apply
this to feelings it’s easy for us to see that our minds make us feel nervous or
anxious for a reason. Just ask yourself what that reason may be. To keep you
safe? To save you from embarrassment?
Whatever that reason is, accept it. Feel grateful for it. It’s there to help you, so
accept it.
As you accept it and its positive intention, take courage from it, as it shows you

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that your unconscious mind is on your side, and allow this belief to motivate
you to succeed in the hypnosis that you attempt.

So, to help you lessen the intensity of, or even eliminate, those annoying
feelings, let’s do a little exercise roughly based on the NLP pattern of the 6 step

Think about that feeling of nervousness or anxiety which you may have felt
when you got the opportunity to do some hypnosis, and ask yourself what is
the positive intention behind those feelings, why, exactly, is it that you felt that

Once you have an answer, just ask your mind how else you can accomplish that
positive intention, whatever it may be, without the need for those old feelings.

Back to debating, if the nervousness I felt before had the positive intention of
stopping me from embarrassing myself and feeling bad as a result, how else
could I accomplish that intention? Well, firstly I could just do it, and perform
well. Secondly, I could realize that even if I did mess up, I would have learned a
valuable lesson which would serve me well in the future. Thus, while a small
amount of nervousness may be useful (and yes, it really can be) the anxiety
would no longer be bad enough to prevent me from performing at my full

So, secret one is to accept your feelings as part of you, realize that they have a
positive intention and that they are natural to experience, and do it anyway.

Secret Two: Confidence Is Not Certainty!

Certainty means to know the outcome before you begin, confidence means to
have belief in your own intentions and abilities. If you were certain about
everything, life would be so dull! The fascination of hypnosis itself is for many
of us based around a fascination with the human mind. The mind is so flexible,
ever changeable, unpredictable. Every response by every subject to every

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suggestion will, in some ways, be different. We want to be confident that we
have the ability to achieve the intention of the session, whilst realizing that we
can never truly be certain about the precise way in which this will be done.

For many people when you look at it this way and change your frame of mind,
this uncertainty itself can seem empowering. Treat every hypnotic interaction
like an adventure, and enjoy exploring the various possible outcomes and
responses that you can observe.

Of course for others, and in other situations, one of the easiest ways to feel
confident and to project this confidence is itself certainty.
Feeling confused yet?
Good, confusion is a wonderful gateway to new learnings and beliefs.

Think of it this way; although we know we can never truly be certain as to the
exact outcome of any event, we can be certain as to the nature of that
outcome. If you decide that in a particular situation you need certainty, just
use this interpretation of a trick that I learned from my good friend Jeffry
Stephens, and his mentor, Jonathan Chase. Go inside, as NLPers like to say, and
say to yourself confidently and powerfully, in the most authoritative and
confident voice you can muster, ‘of course this works!’ Say that so that you
believe it, ‘of course this works!’ You’ll notice that the mere fact that you are
saying that inside your head causes you to accept and believe the fact that
what you do will be successful, as, after all, of course it will!

So, secret 2 is to realize that whilst we can never truly be certain about the
specifics of any hypnotic interaction, this uncertainty itself can be empowering.
We can be certain that we will be successful, whilst embracing the excitement
and adventure of never knowing exactly how this goal will be achieved.

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Secret 3: Transform Your Feelings

Note: This method involves the use of sub-modalities. That is basically

the fancy NLP term for the internal representations of a feeling, ie the
pictures and associations in your mind that go along with a particular
state. For example, if I asked you to think about happiness, to feel
happy, and to assign to that feeling a colour ,what colour would you
give it? That colour is a visual sub-modality of the feeling happiness.
(Ok, fine, color then!)

Do you remember that rock song ‘Love Is Only a Feeling?’

Well, I am not sure about love, but anxiety, fear, nervousness, hesitation and
whatever else was stopping you from experiencing the confidence and success
you want, are only feelings. And feelings are malleable. They can be changed,
and they can be controlled.

Let’s say that your main problem (as mine once was) is that when you got the
opportunity to hypnotize someone you immediately felt a jolt of unpleasant
anxiety which used to stop you from doing any hypnosis at all. All you would
have to do would be to figure out your strategy (the process you undertook
that caused you to feel that way) and change it so that it gave you confidence
and empowerment.

How is this done?

It’s actually very simple, I’ll outline the steps below, using this example. All you
need to do is read these steps, practice them, and apply them to your own
strategy and feelings. Simple.

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How to transform a feeling:

Before we start, decide on an intention, what is it you want to feel, and what
is it that you want to accomplish. In this example, the intention is confidence –
to feel confident when doing hypnosis.

1. Once you have figured out where you want to be (your intention) it’s
time to forget out what was stopping you from feeling that way in the
past, and figure out your strategy, the precise steps you’d go through in
order to create that problem. Using this example the order of steps
would be
a. Someone asks you to hypnotize them
b. You imagine yourself doing it and it failing
c. You feel a jolt of unpleasant anxiety as you imagine failure
2. Notice the exact qualities of the problem state. In this case the problem
state is anxiety, it feels like a coldness across the chest and shoulders, a
tight and deep feeling, and if I were to imagine it as a colour it would be

Ask yourself what are the exact visual and kinaesthetic qualities of that
state. Give it a colour, a shape, a texture, a temperature, a location, a
size, a depth, and calculate all these in your minds. This will help you
take control of and define these feelings.
3. Ask yourself what would have to happen to these sub-modalities in
order for the problem state to become the desired state. In this case the
desired state is calm confidence, so the feeling would have to become
warmer and softer, yet deeper, and take on a reddish glow, and cold
feeling around the shoulders would turn into an electric blue tingle as
the confidence combines with excitement.

Just ask yourself ‘if the problem feeling were to transform into the good
feeling, what exactly will change?’ and relate this to all the sub-
modalities you have calculated. It may help you to run through step 2
above with the desired state of mind, so you have a clear goal in your
mind and know exactly how you want to feel.

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4. Run through the strategy you calculated in 1 again, except this time, fix
it. In this example it becomes:
a. someone asks you to hypnotize them,
b. you imagine it going perfectly, a total success,
c. you feel this rush of warm calm confidence tempered with this
feeling of electric excitement wash over you.

So, all you are doing is taking the bad state and altering the sub modalities
until it begins to feel good.

Problem State (anxiety) Sub-modality Shift Desired State (Confidence)

(+ warmth, softness,

Often, this will be surprisingly easy.

So, in simplified form, all you to change anxiety to excitement is change the
colour and the location. Just that change in your imagination makes all the

Practice thinking of your feelings in this way, This alone will give you a huge
amount more control over your inner world. Also use this chart below to give
you some ideas about which aspects of the feeling to investigate.

Sub-modality Cheat Sheet:

(C) Nathan Thomas Page 13

Visual -

Auditory Your Base Feeling. Actions

Volume (ie, happiness, Moving or still
Pitch confidence) 3D or 2D
Tone Malleable
Speed Movable


Once you get good at accessing and altering the sub modalities of feelings then
you gain a huge amount of power over your own mind, and learn how to feel
however you want to in any situation.

Practice this a few times in quiet, taking a couple of minutes to run through the
exercise thoroughly, and then whenever you again get the opportunity to
practice your skills, make sure you run the perfect strategy which you have
been practicing.

So secret three is just to use these simple NLP tricks to take control of your
own feelings and control your own mind.

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The ‘Secrets’:

1. Accept what you feel.

2. Confidence is not certainty (unless you want it to be).

3. Transform your feelings.

So there you have it, three very simple tricks which, when you practice and try
out, will allow you to embrace total and complete confidence when doing

This won’t always come instantly.

Confidence, like any other reward, has to be earned. These secrets or tips will
make the process of earning and gaining confidence much easier and more
successful, but when it comes down to it the best and most effective way of
gaining true and lasting confidence is simply practice.

Before we really finish, a little word on techniques and scripts.

Reading hypnotic scripts which others have written is all very well when you
want to study examples of language patterns, phraseology and structure. But
remember, all they are is EXAMPLES, of one way in which one person went
about doing something.

As hypnosis is an unconscious process, you should go into it with a clear mind,

Having to rely on a previously written script is like trying to engage yourself in a
scripted conversation. Any impediments to pure unconscious creativity and
spontaneity should be avoided at all cost. True confidence comes when you
learn how to truly trust your unconscious mind, trust yourself, and just go for it
and fully engage in the real hypnotic process.

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Techniques are similar. I still ‘use’ the outline of techniques, quite often. But I
never rely on them, and I never JUST do them. Techniques are like directions.
They are useful guides, but if you REALLY want to get the most out of any
experience, they should be taken with a bucket full of salt and several raised
eyebrows. As I said before, anything that could impede pure creativity should
be avoided.

When you get out there, and start really DOING this stuff (and come to realize
that ever conversation can be a hypnotic journey) you will be astonished at
some of the things you come out with, Beautiful phraseology backed by the
power of the Spanish armada will become as natural to you as saying hello.

Commit yourself to becoming a hypnotist, in whatever sense of the word is

most meaningful to you, and you are in for an incredible journey of self
discovery. Remember, all I’ve given you are the directions. A sketched out road
map. It is up to you to walk to pass, find the shortcuts, get lost, and have fun
finding your way back again.

Now, finish the rest of this training program, get out there, and go hypnotize
Nathan Thomas.

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