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New Well-Testing Pressure Functions

With Applications
Mustafa Onur, S–W~Alvaro M.M. Peres, and Albert’ C, Reynolds Jr.. SPE. U. of Tulsa

&’6 /$75/$/
Summay New pressure and pressure-derivative functions for analyzing weU-test data are presented. The new pressure function
represents the integral of pressure with rwpt to time divided by time. ‘fhus, this new pressure function represents a moving or cmnula-
tive average of the pressure over time. It is shown that the logarithmic derivative of this pressure function is equal to a moving or
cumulative average of the standard logarithmic pressure derivative. It also is shown tbti Ods new derivative function is usefid for analyzing
welf-test pressure data in cases where the pointwise pressurederivative data are difKculf to interpret because of noise.


fn recent years, the pressure derivative has become a bigbly,popu. Dimensionless pressure, dimensionless he based on wellbore
IN method for interpretation of welf-test pressure data. The main radius, and dimensionless time based on fracture haff-lenagh am
disadwritage of the pressure derivative is that one must constmcl detined by
derivative data by numerical dfiirentiadon of measured pressure
data. The resulting pressure derivative data cften are noisy and PwD=[M(Pi–Pti)J/141 .zqBP, . . . . . . ...-............(I)
difficult to interpret. While various “smoothing” tecfmiqoes have
fD=(2.637X 10–4W+C/Pr#, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...(2)
been used to reduce noise, some concern exists that the smoothing
pmcwiures may alter the basic character of the data. In this work, andtXfD =(2.637 x10-%t)/.+c#f; . ..(3)
we present new pressure functions based on the cumulative aver-
age of pressure and its derivatives. This averaged pressurederivative respectively.

function is adtintageous in practice because it fmsquently is much Let P;D denote the logarithmic derivative of the’ dimensionless

smoother than the standasd pressurederivative dzta, pressurq i.e.,

The cumulative average of dimensionless pressure is given by

the integral of dimensionless pressure over time divided by dimen- %D
~;D =
time and is referred
Similarly, the
to throughout
cumulative aierige
as the integral-pressure
of the Iogazitlmdc
dlntD 141 .2qBp (4)
derivative if dmensionloss pressure is referred to throughout as Lst Z(pwD) and Z(p;D) be the integrals of the dimensionless
the integraI-pressurederivative function, and the analogous aver- pressure and the logarithmic derivative of the dimensionless pres-
age of the second derivative is referred to as the integral-pressure sure yitb respect to dimensiordess time, respectively,
second-derivative function.
The pressure-integral function med here differs in deftition and
concept from the integral used in Ref. 1 to .mafyze slug-test data. I(z+vrJ=~’Dpw~(r) dr .. : . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(5)
Specifically, in Ref. 1, we integrated the slug-test pressure change o

to obtain the pressure drop one woold obtain for the equivalent wel-
bore storage and skin probIem. fn this paper and its supplement,2
andI(p;D)=l’DpJD(r)dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(6)
we use the integral functions to obtain the same type of analyses
proce@res (type curve and sernilog) that commonly are applied
to standard well-testing pmblemss-il when one can generate For the classic wellbore-storage and skin probIem, the &men.
smooth pressure-derivative data. sionless welfbore-storage constant is defined by
The objectives of this work are (1) to present new type curves
based on the integra-pressure function and its derivatives, (2) to CD=5.615C/2m$cZr#t, . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ...(7)
illustrate the utility of these new pressure functions for idend.tjing
For ftite-conductivity fractured wefls, the dimensionless frac-
pro@}emilog straight lines, and (3) to ifbmtmte application of the
ture conductivity is defined by
new presswe t?inctions by applying them to two typical field ex-
amples. Ref. 2 presents two additional field kxamples. CfD=kfb/Kxf, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(8)
Siiar work was done independently and concurrently by B1zsin-
game et al., 12 who presented a variety of type curves based on where k and b are the permeabiMy in the fracture and the width
the integral-pressure and integraf-pressure-derivative functions.. of the d actore, respectively.
Duong and McLaucblin 13 also used the basic rdationship between
the integral-pressure fmction and the integral-pressure-derivative Basic Theoretical Equations

function to develop a regression-analysis prccduze to estimate reser- Dividibg both sides of Eqs. 5 and 6 by dimensionless time, tD,
voir parameters, However, they did not pursue the use of pressure- gives
integral and pressure-integm-derivative functions in type-curve
~I(pwD)=~~.’DpwD(r)dr . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9)

Assumptions and Definitions ‘D ‘Do

Throughout this work, wc mmider the single-phase flow of a

slightly:compre.wible fluid of constant viscosity to a well that” is and $f(p;.)=;~’”p;.(,)d, . . . . . . (lo)
produced at a constant rate. Alf type cm’ves presented in this work
are based on these drawdown s@.ions, However, these We cuwes
can be used to asdy.ze buildup data. provided that prcducing time respectively. Note that Eqs. 9 and 10 represent the correct mathe-
effects are negligible ‘or can be eliminated with Agarwal’s 14 ma.ticaf deftition of tbe average value of pwD and p;D, respec-
“eqnivrdent time, tively, over the time interval [O,tD]. Throughout this work, we
refer to I(pwD)/tD and I(pJ~ )/tD as the integral-pressiue function
COPyright 1993 SO,;,W .1. Petroleum En@,,ers and the integral-pressure-derivative function, respectively.

SPE Formation Evd”ati.x, Jm. 1993 135

From Eqs. 9 and 10, one can establish the following imporpnt Similarly, from Eqs. 15 and 16, we obtain
relations (see Ref. 2):

;(AP”) =AjJ’(t) ‘Ap(f) +;) ‘Ap(@d~=+/ >p’)

LI(PWD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(11) [1
‘D ‘D . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . (23)

& ,,, > J> Noti that@. 22 and 23 indicati that the I(Ap’)lt aqd Z(Apr’)/t
, ‘and-
d MD [1 +l(.pw~)
fD -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(12) fanctiom Cm be generated
the pressurederivative
measured pressure
data, Apt and Apt’.
&@ WitiOUt
Eqs. 22
and 23 also indicate that I(Ap’)it sboufd have about tie same degree
Eq.’12 indicates that I(p;D)/tD is equal to the logarithmic deriva-
tive of the integral-pressure function. Moreover, Eqs. 11 and 12 of smoothness as Ap and that KAp’’)/r shoufd have approxirqately
the “same degree of ~oothness as Ap’, which makes use of the
provide forrnukk for computing I(pjD)/fD without expficit !mowl-
function I(Ap’ ‘)/2 reasonable for well-test analysis.
edge ofp &D.
Moreover, because I(Ap’ ‘)/t is the logarithmic derivative of
Throughout, p[~ =Iogalithmic derivative of p;,D ; tit is,
Z(Ap’)/r, which is the logarith@c derivative of I(Ap)/r, it is possi-

ble, if necessary to” smooth I(Ap’)/t and I(AP”W data by ~C~Y
~;D.—=— ‘2pwD , . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(13) aPPIY~g dgOrilhM that were developed to smooth the pressure
d In ID d(fn tD)2 derivative for examples, see Refs. 15 and 16.
There is a caveat related to the preceding smoothness ZgumeUts,
~d I(P;D ) =titigr@ of p;D from zero to tD. The cumulative
however. This can be seen ez?.ify by considering Eq. 22. If Z(Ap)/t
average value of P:D is given by
is close to Ap, then subtracting the two, as in the middle expres-

1 1 m sion of Eq. 22, @resents a subtraction .of two almost-equal num-

‘~(p;~)=— p;!(r)dr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (14) bers, which is a welf-kmovm cause of numerical error. This can
‘D ‘Do . Iead to l(Ap’)/t vs. t datitbat am somewhat noisier than the meas-
ured pressure data from which they recomputed. From W theo-
It can be shown that
retical result and computational comparisons, we recommend hat

one compute I(Ap)/t (with Eq. 17) and then mmpute the 10g~th-
lI(pjD)=pLD - ‘I(P&D) ‘PhD ‘PWD + ;KPWD) njc derivative of this data directly with ?ourdet et al. ‘S 15 metiod.

‘D ‘D This procedure gives l(Ap’)/t dwctly according to the equality of

the tirst and third expressions of Eq. 22. Similarly, I(APY can
. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..[15)
be differentiated again to form f(Apl’)/t (Eq. 23).
From ECP. 17 through 19 and the definitions of dimensionless
1 d
and that —i(p;D)= — ~z(p;D) . ............ (16) variables given earfier, l?+. 9, 10, and 14 can be written as

‘D dlntD [1tD
kh I(AP)
+pwD) =—— . . . . . . ..(24)
The I(p;D)/tD function, referre$l to throughout as the integ+
‘D 141.2qBp t ““”’’””’””’”’”
pressure second-depvative function, can be com.tnmted by differen-
tiating 2( p;D)/tD with respect to logarithmic times or by taking
kh I(Ap’)
the second logarithmic derivative of the integral-pressure fqnction, ‘I(P;D)=— — . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . ...(25)
z(pwD)/tD. ‘D ,. 141 .2q@ t

Typs-Curve Matching. The dimensionti equivalents of I(P.D), 1 kh I(AP”)

and ‘I(p;!)=— —
I(p;D), and I(P;D) are denoted by I(AP), Z(AP’), and KAP”),
‘D 14 L2qfly r ‘ ““’”””””’”’”””””””’””
respwtively, and are given by the folfowing equationx
respectively. In E@. 24 through 26, Z(Ap), KAP’), and I(AP”) are
given by Eqs. 17 through 19, nispectively, and have units of psi-hr.
~(Ap) =~ ‘Ap(r)d7, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(17)
For a given wektest problem, Eqs. 24 through 26 provide a ba-
sis for tjpe-curve matddig of a field data plot of l(Ap) /t, KAp’)/t,
and IIAP’ ‘)/t vs. t with theoretically generated log-log plots of
I(Ap’)=$’Ap’(T)d,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..(18) I(pWD)/tD, I(p;D )/tD, and I(p(&j)ftD vs. dimensionless ttie (OC
o a dimensiotiess-dme gwup).
OnW and Reynolds 17 recentfy presented an alternative way of
generating pressure-derivative type curves for analyzing well-test
and I(Ap’’)=~iAp’’(r) d~, . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ..(19)
&ta (afso see Refs. lg through 20). Ref. 17 presented type curves
o based on a ratio of the pressure divided by its log@bmic derivative
where Ap’ =logarithmic derivative of the pressure change,
PU.D/2PhD=~P/2AP’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..’ . . . .. (27)

Ap,=+gi’ (20)
It is possible to generate the analogs of type curves presented in
Ref. ]7 with the integral-pressure fincdrms. There are several pos-
dint dt ‘ ““”’ ”’’’’’””’””’’””””””””””””’
sI%iMies (see Ref. 2), but we consider only Wo—i. e., GTe c~es
and Ap” =logatithndc time derivative of Ap’, based on

,, KpWD)/21(p;D)=Z(AP)/21(AP’) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (28)

Ap’’=~=t% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ,. (21)
and l(p;D)/I(P~D)=Z(AP’’) /~(AP’). .(29)
V@ical scales of the type curves based on the groups defied
The last equalkies of Eqs. 20 and 21 folfow directly fmm the chain by the Iefi sides of Eqs. 28 and 29 wilf be identical to the vertical
rule. scales of the corresponding field data plots based on the right sid+
From Eqs. 11 and 12, we obtain of Eqs. 2g and 29, respectively. Therefore, ~eoreticaly genemt-
ed type curyes that use the groups given by tbe Ieft sides of E(s..
28 and 29 wiff have the same advantages as type curves based on
jI(Apf)=Ap(t)–j~ ‘Ap~)d~=+ ~(Ap) . . . . . . (22)
[1 the group pWD/(2p;D) (Ref. 17).

136 SPE Formation Evaluation, Jun. 1993


d -*;”D’’’i%23


‘ DIMms!oi:esTIME
‘0’ ’04”

fig. I —comparison of the integral-p~ssure derivative with

the pressure derivative.

Identification of Semilog straight L&s. As Refs. 17 and 18 show, Dividing Eq. 3 I by E.+ 32 gives
thenormahed pressure function, pWD/(2p;D) @q. 27), can be
used to identify tie proper semilog straight line (Or lines) when _ ‘(pwD) _ Z(AP)
=L(pwD) = 1. 151@0g(tD)
analyzing pressure &ta with standard sendlog methods. We show
21(P~D) 21(AP’) tD
below that the normalized integmd.pressure fiction, I(pWD)/

[2Z(p~D)], also can be used to identi~ semilog straight lines. For

example, during radial flow, it is well-known that the dimension- +0.351]– : +s, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(33)
less pressure drop is given by ()

which indicates that the normalized integral-pressure function,

I(pWD)/[21(p~D)], and the dimensionless integral-pressure func-
()j [WD)+O.809071+S . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(30)
1( P.n)/t.,
33 also
-. will
be identical
a semilog
of time
of I(Ap)/[fi(Ap’)]

Integrating both sides of Eq. 30 from zero to tD and dividing the vs. t always WM exhibit a semilog straight line witi a slope of I. 151

resulting equation by tD gives during radial flow. Note., however, IJIat a semifogplot of this group
vs. f will be more conservative in predicting the beginning of a prop-
.sr semilog straight line than a semilog pIot of Ap/(2Ap’) vs. t be-
rf. n. ..)//- = ~ [ln(tD) +0.80907] cause l(Ap)/[21(Ap’)] is based on the cumulative average values
..”” >.. O

() of Ap and Ap). Nevetiekss, if such a plot identi5es a semilog

straight line and its time intervals, then standard semilog analysis
of pressure data can be used with confidence. This result applies
-(:)+$=M)-(:). .– —,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(31. d“figPse”domtidflowfortic~dweUs911mdforrestictd-
/21 “ ‘“- \zl ent~-wells.zl-~ The normalized integral-pressure function dso
can be used to identify semilog straight lines for composite
The derivation ofEq.31 is approximate in that it assumes tiat Eq, resemoim24 and for natumfly fi’actmed ~esemoirs25-~ whe;e the
30 is valid at all times; h,however, Ref. 2, by use of the line-source pressure response may exhibit more than one semilog straight line, I
solution, showed that Eq. 31 applies for all practical purposes when Eq. 32 inkcates &at we also can use the dimens~onal i%gml-
rD 230. pressurederivative function to identify semilog straight lines, i.e.,
Using Eqs. 11, 12, and31, one can easily estabfish that the fol- ifZ(Ap’)/t is constant during a time interval, then a se&ilog straight
lowing equation applies: line exits during that dme intewal. we this may be a preferable
piocedwe for identifying semilog lines, the ratio Z(Ap)/21(Ap’) k
2Z(pJD)/tD=l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (32) usefuffor idendfying many commonly obserwd flow cegimes.


> 10,


,.-, 1 10
,., ,.3

ig. 3—Wellbore-storage and skin type CUI’W,V integral pres. Fig. ‘l-New wellbore-storage and skin type curve; integral
ure and normalized integral function. second derivative.

SPE Formation 13vduation, June 1993 137

I 1 1118111 ! 1 , ! 111011 , 1 1 1111$, , , 1
1 t llllq 1 , 131111 1


, ,,,, [ ! ,tlrll , ,,, !1 , ,,, !1 ! ,,81 ( , ,JJ

1 ,.2 ,03 ,04
I 10

Fig. 5—New wellbore-storage and skin type cuwq normalized integral second derivative.

Type Curves Ffg. 1 compares the integra-pressum-derivative function,

Wellbore Storage and Skin. New wellbore-storage and skin type I(p~D){tD, with Bourdet et al. ‘s3 standad pr.essmtierivative

curves based on “the integrti fqctions are presented here. AU re- type-curve solution, p;., which is shown by solid curws for vx-
ious values of CDe2$. The graphs of both the I(p~D)ltD and p~D
sults presented in tfds section were generatwl with Agarwal
et al.’ S7 LapIace-spWe analytical solution. solutions display the unit-slope line at early dine s.”At L@ times,
both solutions asywptoticaUy approach the constant value of one-
The motivation for wellbore-storage and skin type curves based
half. The I(p~D)/rD solutions approach one-half at a later time than
on pressure integrals fo130ws. During weflbore-storage-dominated
does the pointwise pressure-derivative solution, PAD, for a given
flow-i. e., whenpWD =tD/CD–it is easy”to show that the foUow-
value of CDe~. ~s results because “the integral-pressure-
ing equation applies:
derivative function represents a cuimdative average value of the
p~D function in the tinIe interval [O,tD]. Nevertheless, the imegral-
~pw:)=:.f(pb)=~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-(34) pressure-derivative solution follows a trend similar to that of the
dimensionless pressure-derivative solution.
Fig. 2 shows a type curve based on log-log pIots of boti
During the time when the appro@nation of Eq. 31 is valid, the
I(pWD)/tD and Z(p&D)/tD vs. tD/CD as functi.iy of CDe~. The
fOUOwing two equations apply
dashed curves through solid cimles on the I(pWD)/tD and
I(p~D )/tD solutions represent the approximate beginning of the
&pwD)= : & ~
ID [ (CD) +0.s0907
–: +;MCDCW semilog
Iog straight
of Eq.
at the
30 based
on the criterion
time so hat PLD
that the semi-
is within

5% of one-half. The use of the type curve of Fig. 2, which also

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(35)
was presented in Ref. ~2, is simikm to the use of Bourdet et al.’s 3
and2f(~~o)/fD=l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (36) weUbore-storige and skin type curve, which is based on the dimen-

1 1 I I I I 1

+ = I(~WD) 5
‘x fD

g ,,o-2~06
a 10


Ffg. 6—New finite-conductivity-fracture type curve$ integral pressure and its derivative.

138 SPE Formation Evaluation, June ‘1993

sionless pressure, pWD, and the pressure derivative, PLD, solu- 141.2gBK{lI(PJD)/tD l}M
tions, Eq. 24 would be used to compute khlp from the integraf- kh= . . . . . . . . . . . .(41)

pressure matchpoint values obtained with the type curve of Fig. 2. {lf(AP’’)/tl}M

One also can construct a type curve based on a log-log plot of One can determine the welfbore.-stoi-age coefficient, C (or CD), and
both Z(pW~)/t~ and I(pW~)/[2f(p~)] W. tD/CD. Fig. ~ SbOWS tbiS the skin factor, s, from
type curve. The prcachue for using this type curve is siroifar to
that for using the wellbore-storage and skin VP cutie of Ref. 17. 2.95 X 10 “khtM
c= (42)
The solid circles on tie normalized integral-pressure solution denote
the approximate start of the seudlog straight line of E+ 30 based
on the criterion that tbe semilog straight line begins when the pres-
In tie

we show
is within 5% of

that one can construct


type curves based

().’: .ln[(CDe’A)M/CD], . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,... (43)

on the integral of the second derivative of the dimensionless pres-

sure. Before pr&enting the type curves based on I{p~D)ltD and
I(p:D)lI(p~D), we record the asymptotic forms for these func- Fiuite_Condu@h’ity Fractured WeIfs. h this section, new type
tions at wly and late times, Using pWD =p~D =tD/CD and Eqs. curves based on the varbus integral-pre$sure fonctions w presented
34 and 16, one can establish the following early-time approxi- fora wefl intercepted by a finiteanductivily verdcaf ti’acture. ~
mations: curves for uniform-flux and intiite-conductivity fractured
,, wells% 10,28 am given in Ref. 2.) Alf results assume constant-rate

lI(p;D)=~=g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(37) prcducdon, no wellbore-storage and skin effects, no frachm+stomge

2 i!c~ effects, and a single-layer homogeneous reseivoir of uniform tfdck-
ness with the height of the vertical fracture equal to formation thi&-
and I(p~D)/I(p~D)=l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (38) ness. All resuks presental here were generated with a semianalydcal
model similar to the one described in Refs. 11 md 29. fn the dis-
At late times (i.e., when Eqs. 35 and 36 hold), the following equa-
cussion of type curves for fractured’ wells, p~D represents the
tions apply:
logzitbmic derivative ofpWD with respect to dimensionless time,
(UtD)I(p;D)=p;D=o . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(39) t@, ~d z(P~D) ad ‘(p~D) ~Present tie fite@s ~OM zerO m
tfl of the dimensionless pressure and its Iogtithic derivative,
and I(p~D)/I(p~D)=O. ,., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(4o)
AJIPJD solutions in Fig. 1 increase to amaximmnandtben As is weWcno!!m, for the infiite-acting period, tbme distinct
decrease. Thus, p;’ is positive before the time at which this max- flow regimes of practical interest maybe exhibited by the weU-
imum occurs and negative at later tinies. At the time at wfdcb this bore pressure response bifineiw, <o pseudolinew,31 tid pseudo-
maxhmm Occurs, p:D iszerO. Siroikuly31(p~D) ltDisp0sitiveat radial flow. It cm be shown that, during the’ bilinear flow regime,
eadydmes, decreases to zero, anduItimately becomes negative. the following equations apply

Thus, ifweivish topresent type cufiesbased onalog-log plot

I(pwD) 47T 4
of functions involving Z(p~D)/tD, wemusteitber integmtetbeab-
cfD — — (c;DttiD) ~=;cfDPwD: (~)
solute value ofp~D or take the absolnt. valne of I(p:D)/tD,. fn lxfD ‘. 5r(514*
this work, tbelatter option is used, lI(p&.D)/tD[.

Fig. 4 presents anew type curve based onalog-log plot of z(p;D) m

cfD (c~txfD) % = ;cmp;D , . . ..(45)

lI(p:D)ltD I vs. tD/CD for tluee wdues of CDe~. The points where
&fD = 5r(5/4)& f
Z(p~D )/tD become zero correspond to times at which a spike ap-
‘pears h the solutions of Fig. 4. A worhg type curve would, of I(pw~)
course, need to incorporate soldions for more values of CDe~. and —=*=2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(46)
For large values of CDe2S, it might be difficult to obtain a tique fl(PiD) 2P;D

match of field data by use “of fie type curve in Fig. 4. This nonu-
During pseudolinear flow, one can show that the following equa-
niqueness problem can be reduced by adding the I(p~D )/tD [or
tions approximately hold:
I(pWD)/tD] solution to the type cuwe of Fig. 4. To use the resulting
type cume, one would need to match lI(AP’ ‘)/t I and I(AP1)Iz vs.
t data simultaneously with the appropriate II(PJD )/tD I and cfD “>%+:=; cfDpwD+; , .(47)
( *)
1( p&D)ltD solutions. Another option for reducing the nonunique- ‘#D

ness problem is to make fist a typwamve match by use of the semi-

log type curve based on a plot of l(p~D)/I(p~D) vs. rD/CD (Fig.
cfD ==;J-=;(cfDpb), . . .. . . . . . . .(48)
5). As predicted by Eqs. 38 and 39, the I(p~D)/Z(pJD) solution ‘#D
is flat and equal to unity at early times, whereas at late times, it
asymptotically approaches zero, ~(pw~) = ~+ {T
. .. ..... .. . (49)
The procedure for using the type curves of Figs. 4 and 5 is simi-
2r(p;D) 2-
lar to that for using the type curves of Fig. 3 [i.e., fust, type cume
match the I(Ap’ ‘)/I(Ap’) vs. t data with one of the normalimd in-
~d&=l+ Jr
tegral type cuties of Fig. 5 by moving the data plot in the borimn- (50)

tal direction only], This match tixes the correspondence between 2p;D 3S’ ““’”’”’’””””’”’””’””””

the time scales of Fig. 5 and the time scales of the field data plot
Similarly, during pseudoradial flow, one can establish the fol-
G i.e., it determines the time matchpeint values, (ZDICD)M and tM,
lowing approximate equation
and also provides an estimate of the value of (CDe2S)M from the
specific type curve matched. One then matches the field data plot z(pwD)

of lI(Ap’’)/t I vs. r with the lZ(pJD)/tD I vs. tD/CD curve come- Jr(p.D)= —=1.151p0g(t#~) +o.351]
LfD 21(pJ~)
sponding to the vahe of (CDe~)M obtained from the previous
match. This match determines the integral-pressure-second-
derivative matchpoint values, {lf(p~D)/tDl }M and {lf(Ap’’)/tl}W +ln — +Sf–:. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (51)
From tie last match, we can determine. kh witfx ()

SPE Formation Eval”atiOn, June 1993 139


Fig. 7–Comparison of normalized integral and normalized Fig. 8—New finite-conductivity.fnmtura type curvai PormaI-
derivative; f hdte-ccmductivlty fracture. Ized integral function.

h EU. 51. s,=skin factor from the existence of a fracture and is the standard pseudolineamflow equation @q. 7 of Ref. 31) first ap-
relat~ to /e effective wellbore radius, rwe, and the fracmre half- plies. Similar argumenk apply tD the beginning time of Eq. 51 com-
length, LJfi by pared with the beginning time of Eq. 54.

rw=rWe-V=Lx7/n, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(52) Eqs. 44 through 49 indicate O@ during bilinear and pse.dolinea

flow, intesm.1 solutions for.all values of C,D cam be combined into
where n is a parameter whose value depends on CfD, (fOr exwa-
a single ~rve by plotting tkese solutions ~;graphs of CfDI(pWD)/
ple, see Ref. 11). It also can be shown that during pseudoradiaf
LfD Vs. CjDLjD, cfDI(PhD)kfD vs. C&tiD, ~d z( PwD)I
flow, the folfowing relationship exists between the normalized in-
[2KPLD)] vs. C}Df#D. This observation provides the basis for
tegraJ group and the normalized pressure derivative group
presenting new integral type curves based.on the mode of graph-

z(pw~) 1 ing suggested by CincD-Ley and Samaniego-V.30 BYg. 6 presents

—= — +–=pwD, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (53) anew ftite-conductivity type curve based on log-log plots of Cm
2P;D 2f(p;~) 2 XI(pWD)ltfl and. CfDI(p~D)/f#D vs. &jD X C~ for v=iOus
values of CjD. The use of the type curves of Fig. 6 is similar to
where pWD is
the use of the Wong et al. 6 tinite-conducdvity we curve, which
is based on a log-log plot of CjDpWD and CflphD vs. tfl C~D.
pwD=l.151f10g(z#D) +0.351]+~ — +S’. (54) Ffg. 7 compares the normalized integaf group, Z(P.D)I
rw [ZZ(p~D)], with tie normalized pressure-derivative group, pwD/

Note that tie derivation of F@. 47 through 51 are approximate (2p~D). Fig. 7 shows semilog plots of I(pWD)/[2Z(pJD)] solutions

in that they neglect the intluence of earlier flow regimes. For ex- (solid curves through open circular data points) and the pWD/
(2p~D) WMOIM (solid CUIVW with no data points on them) vs. C&
ample, the first equtilty of Eq. 47 follows most easily by integmt-
ing the standard pseudolinear flow equation (F.+ 7 of Ref. 31) from &fD fOr W d~ereat V~US Of fie fm~ @nductiviV, cfD = 1s

zero to @. However, before pseudolinem flow, bilinear flow ex- 25, and 500. The results of Fig. 7 indicate that the shape of the
ists and pseudolimar flow does not begin until bfD - llC~ fOr curve represendng the nonmdized integralderivative group is simi-
CfD 215. Thus, the derivation of Eq, 47 obtained by integrating Iax to the shape of tie normalized pressure-derivative group.
Eq. 7 of Ref. 31 from zero to t~D neglects the difference between Moreover, dtig bilinear flow, both solutions are identicd as pre
the integrals of the bilinew-flow and pseudolinear-flow equations dieted by Eq. 46, which applies for C~Dt#Ds 10’3 for CjLI = 1,
On the intel’vd flOm Ze10 tO f,fD = l/CjD. ‘fbiS difference k nOt and for C2 txfDs 0.1 for CfD =25, 500. During pseudoliiez
great and has a decreasing effect on the value of l(pwD)/fHD as flow, WIUC
“’? occurs only for the CfD =25 and 500 cases, the nor-
&jD inmeases. However, difference
tie tends to delay the time at malized integral-derivative solution is slightly above the normal-
which Eq. 47 becomes applicable compared with the time at which tied pressurederivative solution (see F@. 49 and 50). This flow


01 (AW [21[AP’1]

m A~/12A~J

S[1O ; .o&%?
..$ #=@

g -~ ~eo~

. ~ 88*&9a=f@””

,.-s ,.-. @ , ,..
-: ~.,, ,..2
10 1 10


Fig. 9—Comparison of normalized integral and normalized ’19. 10—Type-cuwe match of normalized integral-second.
derivative dst% Field Example 1. Ierivafive datm Field Example 1.

140 SPE Formation Ewb!ation, June 1993

:. ,. &%w+)M.hs’
[l(F’;o)@M= 0.019.
[l(Ail/ l&= I Psi
,.-, @ ,..
10-$ 10-1 I 0 10

EOulva LENT ~E. bq. hw$

regime beg~s at t~~C~D = 1 for the CD =25 and CfD =500 solu- Integrator of Pressure Data
tions and lasts longer for the CfD = 500 case. In particular, during
h tieId applications, tk- ‘,>--=-? ‘-.-~-”,:--’s --+---a ;--”-
this flow period, both solutions approach mdty and become indEdn-
sure data is required to construct fhe integral-pressure functions
guishable for the CfD = 5CQ case in the ttie period 102s t,fLI
proposed in this work. We present two numerical procedures for
.C& ~ 104. This result is expected from ~s. 49 and 50. We also
integrating given weU-te?”pressure vs. time data.
note that the normalized imegralderiv?tive solution is below the
The dimensional integral-pressure function is given by
normdimd pressure-derivative solution during the meudoradial flow
re~ie, bu~both solutions eventually exhiiit th”e 1.151 semilog
stmightline@qs. 51 and 53). ;(AP)=+~’Ap(7)dr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. (55)
F&. 8 mesents new finite-conductivim fracture me curves based
on s~miiog plots of the norrnked ~tegralde~~ative solution,
With a pardtion of the interval [O,t] given by
z(p@)/[ti(p~D)], VS. the diMemiOIdeSS @e grOUp, txfDc~*. The

solid circl@ on Fig. 8 denote the ear~est time at which the pres- Q=to<tl<r2< . ..<rn<tn+1=t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(5d)
GLE data exhibit the sendlog straight line (3e@@gofpseudoradial
we can write
flOw)ba@ Onthecrit@Ont hatp JD iswb.hin5% Of O.5.
The proc@re for using the $aniIog type curves of Fig. 8 is simi-
lar to that for using the setiog type CWVe of F@ 7 of Ref. 18, Z(Ap)(%+,)=\’”+ ’Ap(~)dr= ~. ~“+lAp(r)dn (57)
which is based on a Se@log plot of PWD/(2pLD) W. t#Dc&

Fm~y, we note that one also can develop type curves based on App,yhg tie .ti~~oidd de givw ‘
the groups mggested by Yeh and AgwaL20 For example, one
could divide the time group in Fig. 8 by I(p~D)/t#D. The advan-
tage of such a type curve is that one can directIy determine >e fmc- KAP)(tn+ ~) = ,~o ; [AP(t:) +~P(t;+ I)](%+ I ‘%), (58)
tire half.length from the time matchpoint values.

235 1 1 n-

SLOPE = 13.05 p$i/cycle


:220 -

: 205 –

E 190 –

x 175 -
= 175.75 psi
W (Pws)at= 1

I ,1 1 [ L
10 102 104 105

‘i9. 13-Horner plot of shut-in pressur~ naturally fractured resemol~ Field ExampIe 2.

gPE Formation EvaI”ation, June 1993 141

where Ap(to) =0 and to= O. Dividing Eq. 58 by t gives Z(Ap)/f. of Fig. 4, as shown in Fig. 11. fn performing the type-curve match
To compute I(Ap’)/t as a function of time, t, we simply apply of Fig. 11, the timematch values obtained in Fig. 10 were hen-
Bourdet et al. ‘sls numerical differentiation equation to the Z(Ap)/t ored and data again was matched with the (CDe2S)M=1010 soh-
vs. t data, tion. From the integrd-secondderivztive mztchpoint values, one
The composite. trapezoidal rule of I?q. 58 assumes flat Ap is well- can determine kh and have k from Eq. 41, CD (or C) from Eq.
? a straight line on each submterval [ti ,ti+ ,]. This 42, ands from ~. 43. The following values were obtained k= 11.6

M tme f the distance between time data points is sufficiently small, md, CD=863 (C=9.12X10–3 RB/psi), and $=8.1.
and then Eq. 58 will give reliable results. fn applyimg our integral By consiqwting the appropriate integral functions, one also could
functions to data in the literature, we otlen had to work witi sparse analyze the data using either the type curves of Figs. 2 or 3. We
dztz. fn such cases, we sometimes found that we needed an im- have used the type crews of Figs. 4 and 5 simply to emphasize
proved integration equation at eaIly times. One equation we have tiat the new integral fumtiom make it possible to generate dati

used successfully is a numerical integration procedure based on the involving the second derivative, which is smooth enough to use in
integration of a quadratic polynomial titted through each of three. fieId ap@ations.
successive (Ap,t) data points. b this technique, we tirst tit a quid-
ratic polynomial, QI, through data points @-1, Api, ~d AP;+I Naturaffy Fractured Reservoir Example. The field buildup ex-
and then fit a second quadratic pelynomizl, Q2, through data points ample considered here is Test B of Ref. 32. The data were obtained
Api, Api+ ~, and Api+2. Once these quadratics are obtiined, we from an offshore well in a double-porosity reservoir that consists
use the following integration equation of silt layers (matrix) and limestone layers (fissure).. The prcduc-
,, ing time before the buildup test was 12,216 hours, and the dura-
tion of the buildup test was 2,039 hours. The other reservoirlweil
I(Ap)(ti+l) =I(AP)(t~) +~~ ‘i+l [Ql(r)+QZ(r)1d7. (59)
data we as foflowx production rate before shut-in, q=233 STFYD;
z, oil FVF, B.= 1.05 REVSTB, matrix total compressibdity,
This technique is known as the overlapping parabolas integration CW ‘5.7x 10 –d psi-l; ma@ po,rosity, @m =0.262; total resel-
ruIe. (Blasingzme et al. 12 suggested an alternative equation based vou Ouckness, h= 128 fL 011 VMCOWY, P. =90 W, wellbore radius,
on a trapezoidal rule derived for power-law functions. Their equa- I.W=IJ.591 @, md the bottomhole flowing pressure at the instant

tion is very reliable for fmcture&well data during the bilinear, linear, of shut-in, P@, = 133.87 psi.
and pseudolinear flow “periods.) we ZUZIyZe this tield btidup data by use of @Vdent time, t,g.

Fig. 12 shows a semilog plot of botb the normalized integral group,

Field Examples I(Ap)/[21(Ap’)1, vs. t,q (shown by circtim data points) md the
normalized derivative group, Ap/(2Ap’), vs. t,q (shown by squ-
‘fMs section considers ~e analyses of two field examples with the
data points), The integral data were generated with the trapezoidal
integral functions presented in this work. The fust example con-
rule, and the derivative data were generated by use of the numeri-
sidered pertains to,a buildup test where the pressure data are inRu-
cal differentiation scheme in Ref. 15. It is wident Omt the Ap/(2Ap’)
enced by wellbore storage and skin effects; the second ‘example
data are extremely noisy, and thus it is verj AifticuIt to identify
pertains to a naturalfy fractured reservoir. Ref. 2 presents field ex-
the proper semilog straight lines with this group, whereas the nor-
amples for a vertically fractured well and an interference test.
mzfiied integral group, Z(AP)/[21(AP’)1 vs. f,q data me less nOisy
and identify two semifog straight lines, both with a slope approxi-
WeUbore-Storage and Skin Example. The’field example consid-
mately equal to 1.15. Note that I(Ap)/[2Z(Ap’)] shows a maximum
ered he~ is Test 1 of Ref; 3. For this example, the producing time
(which corresponds to an inflection point on the plot of pressure
was rp = 15.33 hours, and the duration of the buildup test was 30
vs. time) at z,*= 150 hours. ‘ffds maximum is a characteristic be
hours. The relevant reservoir{well parameters areas follow% pro-
havior of naturally fractured reservoirs.4J@,26 The early (first)
duction rate before shut-in, q= 174 STB~ FVF, B=l.06 RB/STB;
semifog strzight line existz approximately in the time range 8S
total compressibility of the system, cc =4.2x 10-6 psi-1; reser-
re s 50, and the late (second) semilog straight line in 800s teqs “
voir tiic!mess, h= 107 ft; wellbore radius, rw = 0.29 R, fluid vis-
1 ?360. Recall that Z(Ap)/[21(Ap’)] data tend to be conservative in
cosity, p =2.5 cp; $=0.25; and pressure at the instant of shut-in,
predicting the time range where the semilog straight line (or limes)
PM, =3,086.33 psi.
exist on a semilog plot of pressure vs. time because this group ii
We analyze these field buildup data with Agznval’s equivalent
based on the cumulative average values of pressure and pressure
time V defined by
derivative. Ncvetieless, according to our themy presented eadi-
t.q = (@t)/(tp +At), . (60) er on the identilcation of semilog straight lines, the field data cor-
re~pOndmg tO 8 St,gs 50 ~d 800Steqs 1,360 can be aMIYzed
where rp and At ue the producing time and the shut-in time, re-
with standard semilo,g methods. %$25-27
spectively, in hours. Here, Ap(=pw$ –pti$) is the buildup-
Ffg. 13 shows a conventional semilog plot of the shut-in pres-
pressure change and Ap’ is the logarithmic derivative of Ap with
sure, p.,, vs. Homer time ratio, RH=(t +&)/At. Two parallel
respect to equivalent time (i.e., Ap’ =dAp/d In f.q). Z(Ap) is the
semilog straight lines were obtained in d“ e @e ranges identified
integm.1 of Ap with respwt to equivalent time and I(Ap’) is the in-
by the plot of Fig. 12. Both straight lines have a slope approfi-
tegral of Ap’ with respect to Ceq. I(AP) was computed with the
mztely equti to 13.05 psilcycle. Using the standard computational
trapezoidal rule and I(Ap’)/r,4 was computed by use Of the S%-
procedures given in Refs. 25 through 27, we obtained the follow-
ond equality of Eq. 22 with t replaced by teq. We computed
ing estimates: kf h=2.743 x 105 md-ft (kf=2 ,143 red); S=- 1.32;
lKAP’’)/t.ql data by taking the logtitlmdc derivative of I(Ap’)/
P*=229.O p~ti ad the storalivily ratio, OJ=O.516. ‘he jnterpomsity
t,q with respect to equivalent time. For comparison purposes,
flow coefficient, A, can be computed from the inflection point by
Ap’ =dApld III teq also was computed by use of the Bourdet
use of the equation given by Eq. 5 of Ref. 33. We chose tie
et af. 15 procedure. No smoothing procedure was applied to any
inflection-point time to be the middle of tie transition zone between
of the data.
the early and late semilog straight En&, RN= 120 (Z4q=102 hOur@
Fig. 9 compares the normalized integral-prezsurederivative dzta,
in Fig. 13. Using this value of teq in Eq, 5 of Ref. 33, we com-
Z(Ap)/[21(Ap’)], with the Ap/(2Ap’) data. The results of Fig. 9
puted X=3.3 x 10’7. For OR same field example with type-cum
indicate Omt the normalized integral-pressure-derivative data fol-
analysis, Ref. 32 obtained kf h=2.64x 105 md-ft, s= – 1.52,
low tie basic trend of the normalized pressure-derivative data but
u= O.425, and A=3.82x 10-7. Note that OUI @ima03S are in good
are much smother than the normalized pres.surederivative data.
agreement with those of Ref. 32.
Fig. 10 shows the type-curve match of I(Ap’’)/I(Ap’) data with
the semilog type curve of Fig. 5. This type.cwve match was ob-
tained by moving the plot of I(Ap’ ‘)/Z(Ap’) data horizontally only.
Note, the matchpoint value of CDe~ is(CDe~)M=1010. The time fn’spired by the work of Bourdet and co-workers, 3,4 the pressnre
matchpoint vzlues me recorded in Fig. 10. Next, a log-log plot of derivative has become a prizn~ tool for model identi5dion and
[I(Ap’’)/teql vs. L.q was made and mztctied with theme CUfW.S data interpretation. Unfortunately, experience has shown hat the

142 SPE Formation Evaluation, Inn. 1993

pressure-derivative data otien =e noisy and oscillate about the n = parameter
derivative data of the analytical reservoir/weLl model used in &ta p = pressure, m/Lt2, psi
interpretation. This ~ically noisy response is iuustrated by field P* = :x,~pO1atd pressure, mlLt2, psi
examples analyzed in Refs. 3,4, and 34. menever tie derivative pi = rmhd pressye, m/Lt2, psi
timction generated numerically oscillates around the correct deriva-
p.wD = diIue:tio~ms welfbors PPSSU deIined by Eq. 1
tive functions, the integm-pressure derivative wilf be much
PiD = 10g~~c derivative Of pwD
Ph = logarithmic derivative of PLD
To cast the preceding arguments in a simple mathematical frame-
PM = flOtig welfbore pressure, miLt2, psi
work we assume
Pv+% = we~~ PrHsure at the imtam of shw.~, ~Lt2,
Ap~(t)=Ap;(t)+ e(t), . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (61) psl

where the subscript m refers to the derivative computed from meas- PW$ = shut-in pressure, miLt2, psi

ured pressure data, Apj(t) represents the correct derivative func- AP = chmge in we31bore pressure, m/Lt2, psi
tion, and e(t) is the error (the difference between tbehvo derivative Ap’ = logarithmic derivative of Ap, m/Lt2, psi
functions). fn teirns of the integral functions, it foflows from Eq. AP” = logarithmic derivative of Ap’, m/Lt2, psi
61 that q = flOW rote, L3/t, STB/D
Q = quadratic polynomial
rw = wellbore radius, L, ft

LI~ ~w = effective wellbore radius, L, ft

E6 J ‘6
RH = Horner time ratio ($ +At)/At
The term in tie right side of Eq. 62 fi.e; ,[J ‘e(~) dr]/f } represenk s = fi factor dw to damage or stimulation
the average error on [O,t] and thus must be f ess than the maximum
sf = s~ factor due to the existence of ~ ~ctire
value ofe(r) for Os r<t. Moreover, ife(r) oscillates between nega-
r = time, $, hours
tive and positive vafues, one obtains cancellations when comput-
tD = dimensionless time defined by Eq. 2
ing the integral of Eq. 62, and [j~e(~) d~]/t will tend to be
teq = equivalent time defined by Eq. 60, t, hoius
significantly less than e(t) for most, but not all, discrete values oft.
tp = producing time, t, hours
For all welf-testing problems considered here and in Ref. 2, the
integral-pressurederivative fimction foflows the same trend as the. t,,D = dimensionless time detimd by ~. 3

pressy.e derivative. Most important from the model identification At = shut-in time, t,. hours

viewpoint, the iutegral-pressure-derivative fimtion, l?.q. 22, ex- r = gzmma ftmction

hibits the same flow regimes”as the pressure derivative itse~ how- h = interporosity flow coefficient
ever, in the integral case, all flow regimes except the fist tend to p = viscosity of producing fltid, miLt, CP

be delayed because of the averaging process. If one is concerned r ‘= v~bl~ of kte~tion

about tie existence of one particular flow regime, one coold con- 55 = reservoir porosity, fraction
struct the integral derivative function over tie time integral of in- w = storativity ratio
terest instead of starting the integration at time zero. That is, one
could consider [J~l Ap’(~) d~]/(t–tl) for an appropfite value (or Subscripts
values) of tl. c = correct
D = dimensionless
e = effective
In this work, we presented new type cufves based on integfak eq = equivalent
pressure functions for wellbore-storage and skin problems and for f= IMchlre
firdte.conductivity vmicaly fractured we33 problems. It was shown i = ~ti~
that these type cun’es are useful for analyzing field data for cases ~ . ~~m~
where the stsnckud are very noisy. These M=mti
type curves can be. used to analyze both buildup and drawdown tield M = ma.tchpoint value
data, but the analysis of buildup data should be based on equiva- O= Oil
lent time. Moreover, it was shown tiat the normdiiad intsgral- p = producing
pressure-derivative group, or the integral-pressure-derivative tic-’ t = total

tion, can be used to identify @e proper semi30g straight line (or w = weUbore
lines). ”

Nomenclature ,.
‘ = fist derivative
b = fracture width, L, ft “ = second derivative
cc = tOM compressibility, Lk21m, psi- I Acknowledgments

cm = ~ti cOMpmssl%ifitY, Lt2/m, psi-1 Financial support for the work presented in this paper was provid-
C = weUbore-storage constant, RB/psi ed by Acamco Services Co., Arco Oil & Gas Co., Mobil Explora-
CD = dimensionless weUbore-storage constant tion & Producing Services fnc., Pertandna, and PbiUips Petroleum
CfD = dimensionless fracture conductivity Co. through the U. of ‘fuka Petroleum Reservoir Exploitation
e(z) = emor Projects. Financial supporl for the graduate studies of Mustafa Onur
h = total reservoir tbickne:s, L, ft was provided by these same companies; the Mtitry of Natiopal
Education, Ankara, Turkey; and the T-1. of Tufsa. Petrobrds provided
I(pwD) = integral of pwD
futzncial support for the graduate studies of Afvaro Peres.
I(p;~) = integral of pJ,~
Z(p~D) = integral of p;D
I(Ap) = integral of Ap from zero to t, psi-hr
1. Peres”A.M.M,, Onur, M., ad Reynolds, A. C.: “A New General
[(Az’) = integraf of Apr from zero to t, psi-br
Press-tiysis Procedure for Slug Tests,’> papsr SPE 18801 present-
I(Ap”) = integral of Ap” from zero to r, psi-br
ed at the 1989 SPE C=dif..rria Regicmf Meains, Bakersfield, April 5-7,
k = reservoir permeabili~, md 2. Onur, M., Peres, A.M.M., and Reymlcb., A. C.: “supplement to SPE
kf = fracture permeability, md 19514, New WeU-Te5ing Pressure Furudom Wit& Applicatkti,,. paper
Lzf = fracture half-length, L, R, SPE 26214, available from SPE Book Order Dept., Richardson, TX.

SPE Formation &7duation, June 1993 143

Present@ at tie 1989 SPE Frcducdon operations symptium, O!da.
homa CIly, Mmch 12-14.
14. Agti, R. G.: ‘<A New Method To Accmmt for Prcducing Time Ef-
fects When Drawdown Ty@ Curves Am Used To Analyze Pressure
Buildup and Gtkr Test Data,” paper SPE 92S9 presenfed af the 1980
SPE Annuat Technical Conference and Exhibition. Dallas Sem 21-74.
15. Bourde+ D., Ayoub, J. A., and Pirmd, Y. M.. : .’Use’ of “Flessure-
Derivaeve m Well-Test Jntefpretation,” SPEFE (June 1989) 293-3Lf.Z
mm,. AIME 237.
16. Cl@, D.G. and van GoIHtacht, T. D.: “Ftessm’e-Daivative Approach
to Transient Test Analysis: A High-Penne%?biMy North Sea Reservoir
EMMple,” JPT (Nov. 1985) 2023-39.
17. Gnu, hf. and Reynofds, A. C.: “A New Approach for CokKX@
TYIX Curves for WetI-Test Analysis,” SPEPE(MaIch 1988) 197-206.
Onur. Peres Reynolds 1S. Gnur, M., Yeh, N., and Reynolds, A. C.: “New Appticadms of the
pressure Derivativein WeU-Test Anahmia.” . SPEPE (Sect. . 1989) 429-
Mustafa Onur 1: an associate professor of petroleum engi- 3? Trm.. AIME. “%7.
neering at Istanbul Technical U. In Istanbul, Tufkey. He holds 19. Dumg, A. N.: “A ‘New Set of ‘Type Curves for Well-Test fnferprefa-
a BS degree In petroleum englneeffng from the Middle East tion with tie FESmmiFmmre-Derivative Ratio,” 3FEFE (hue 1989)
Technical U. In Ankar8, Turkey, and MS degrees In petrole- 264-7% Tram., AJME, 287.
um engineering fmm the U. of Tulsa. Hls rasmwch interests 20. Yeh, N-8. and Agamwd, R. G.: “Development and Application of New
Include well testing and reservoir simulation. Alvaro M.M. TYF ties for Presswe-Trmsient AmdYsis,” paper SPE 17567
Peres, a senior staff engineer at Petfdbtis S.A. in Rio de mesen fed at fhe 198g SPE Ml. Meeting on Petmkum Ewineerh!g,
Janeiro, works In well-test analysis. He holds a SS degfae kiarjin, Nov. 1-4.
In civil engineering from U. de Brasilia, Brazil, and MEng and 21. Kazemi, H. ad Seth, M. S.: “Eff.%t of Anisotmpy ?md Stmddcation
PhD degrees In petroleum engineering from the U. of Tulsa. on pressure Transient Analysis of Wel18 Wbb Restricted Flow Etmy,”
Peres w88 the la90-91 Continuing Education Chairman for JPT (iVfay 1969) 6394$ Trans., A3ME, 246.
the Brazil section. Albert C. Reynolds Jr. hss been a faculty 22. Bifbarm, H.H. Jr. and Ramey, H.J. Jr.: The Combmed Effects of
member at the U. of Tulsa since 1970. At the unlverslfy, he 8fomge, Skin, and Pamkf Penetration on We!.I-Test .kdysis,” paper
has as associate graduate dean, associate diracfor of SPE 6753 presenfed at tie 1977 SPE Annuat Tedmicaf Cmkrence and
research, and chalfman of the .Depk of Petroleum Engineer- Exbiiition, Denver, Oct. 9-12.
ing. He now Is professor of petroleum engineering and 23. Yeh, N. pd Reynolds, A. C.: “Amlysis of Pressure Dafa From a

mathematics and dheztor of the U. of Tul$a Petroleum R6sar- Restricted-EntrY Well in a Multilayered Reservoir,” 3FEFE (March

voir Exploitation Projects, an Indu8tryAfnivafsity cooperative 19s9) S1-S9:

project dedicatad to rasaarch In well testing, rasawolr charac- 24. Hurst. W.: ‘Trderference Eetween 0~ Fields.” Trans., AJME (1960)
terization, and reservoir simulation. Reynolds sawed 1933-85 219, i75-P2.

and 198a-82 as a Technical Editor. He Is a member of the 25. WameII, J.E. and Rcot, P.J.: ‘The Behavior of Naturally Fractured

19al-94 Pre88ura Transient Testing technical committee and Resemoim,” SPEJ (Sept. 1963) 245-5% Tmns., AfME, 223.

also served on the Well Testing Committee in 19S1 and 1982. 26. Bourdet, D. and Grir@ten, A.C.: ‘Detwmimtionof Fissured Volume
In 1891 and 1992, he was a member of the AIME Ro881tw W. and Blcck Sii in R’actud R=ervOim by Z@-Cucve .bdySiS,” paPW
Raymond Memoriai Award Committee, serving as chairman SPE 9293 presented af fhe 1980 SPB .4mmaJ Technical Conference and

in 1992. Reynolds received the 1883 SPE Distinguished Exhibition, Daltas, Sept. 21-24.
Achievement Award far Petroleum Englneerlng Faculfy. He 27. sem% K., Reynolds, A. C., and R@a.ti, R.: ccNew Fress-
holds a .BA degree from the U. of New Hampshire, an MS Tramien-Am.l@s Medmds for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs,,, JPT

degrae from Case Inst. of Technology, and a PhD degree from (Dec. ... 1983) . 2271-33: Trans. AlME. 275.
28. From, M.L. .qd k: W.J.: ‘:Dete&tion of Formation Pmperdes
Case Wastarn Resefve U., ali in mathematlos.
Fmm Long-Term Gas WelJ Frcdmdon Aff@d by Non-Darcy F@w,”
paper SPE 16934 p-ted at the 1987 SPE +ual Tecbniwd Cm.
3. Bourdet, D. et al.: “A New Set of ‘Type Curves S!mplii%s Well Test fermce and Exhib,tom, Dallas, Sept. 27-30.
Analysis,” Worfd Oil (May 1983) 95-106. 29. Cinm-1.ey, H. m!d Meng, H.-Z.: “Pressure-Tmmient AmdYsis of Wetls
4. Bourdet, D. cc cd.: ‘Interpreting W.!J Tests in Fractured Resemoirs,” With Finite-Conducfiviiy Vertical Fractures in Double-Porosity Res-er-
Wbrfd Oil (Oct. 1983) 77-87. VOL-S,,, pqer SPE 18172 presented at fhe 1988 SPE Annual Technical

5, Bourdet, D. ct cd.: ‘<New Type Curves Aid Analysis of Fissured Zone Cotierenct and Exhibition, Houston, Oct. 2-5.

Well Tests,,, World Oil (A@ 1984) 111-24. ,3o. cincc-ky, H. and Samaniego-V., F.: “Tmn?.ient Pressure Analysis

6, Wong, D.W,, Harri@on, A. G., and Cmco-Ley, H.:’ ‘Application of for Fractured Wells,” JPT (Sept. 1981) 1749-66.

tbe Pressure-Derivative Function in tie Pressum-Tramieti Tesdng of 31. CinCO-LeY: H., S?.maniegc-V., F., and Rcdrigmz, F.: “Application
of Pseudohm+r+low McdeJ to the Pkssure-Trandent Analysis of Frac-
Fractured WeUs,,, SFEFE (Oct. 1986) 470-8& Trans., AIME, 234.
tured Wells,” SPEFE (Sept. 1989) 43g44.
7. Agarwd, R. G., M-Ifussainy, R., and Ramey, H.J. Jr.: “AU Immsti-
32. Gringarten, A.C. et ~.: “Evaluadn8 Fissured Fom=tion Ge~V
gation or Weltbore*torage and Win Effects in Umteady Liquid Flow
From Well-Test Datz A Field Example, ” paper SPE 10182 presented
I. Analytical Treatment,” SPEJ (Sept. 1970) 278-90; Trans., AJME,
at the 1981 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San An-
tonio. Oct. 4-7.
8. Gringarten, AC. er .1.: “A Comparison Between Different Skin and
33. Ufdrich, D.O. and Ersba@i, 1.: “A Mefhcd for Estimating the Inter-
wellbore-storage We Curves for JZarly-Time Tmn.sienI .’@lYsi%”
F-OIOSWJOW pmw~ Na~y F- R=.wO~;’ WEJ (od.
paper SPE 8205 presented at the 1979 SPE .4nnua3 Technical cmfer. 1!279) 324-32; Tmns. , m, 267.
ewe and Exhibition, Las Vegas, Sept. 23-26.
34. Onur, M.: “New WelJ Tesdng Appiicafiom of fbe fkwsure Deriva-
9. Grin@en, A. C., p.amey, H.J. Jr., and Raghavan, R.: “Unsteady- tive,,> PhD disserf@n, U, of T16sa, TuJsa, OK (19g9).
State pressure Distributions Created by a Welt Witi a Single fnfinite-
C!ondocdvity Vertical Fracture,” SPEJ (Aug. 1974) 347-60; Tram.,
S1 MedrIc. Conversion Factors
AJME, 257.
IO. Gringaten, A.C.: “R*rvoir Limit TeSing for Wells,” papa bbl X 1.589873, E–01 = m3
SPE 74S’2 presented at tie 19783PE AIUIuaI Technical Conference and Cp x 1.0* E–03 = Pas
Exhibition, Housfon, Oct. 173, ft x 3.04S* E–01 = M
11. Cinco-ky, H., Sammiego-V,, F., and Domingues, N.: ‘ ‘Tmmient- psi x 6.894757 E+OO = kpa
Pressnre Behavior for a WelJ With a Finite-conductivity V$”wl FM psi-l X 1.450377 E–01 = !@a-l
ture,” SPE.7 (Aug. 1978) 253-64,
12. Bla.$ingame, T.A., Johnston, J. L., andk.% W. J.: “wCum. An?J-” f.scw 1, exact. SPE813
ysis Using the Pressure- fmegml hkihcd,” paper SPE 18799 presSnt- or!g$na SPE mamwdpt m.slwd for rwlw Mach 27, w3a;R6ws6d rnanusm’pt rweived

ed at tic 193P SPE California Rezional Metim. Bakerstiehf. Ad 5-7. ,@ 3, 1932, PaPer SPE (19514] accepted fm Publication Aug. 31, 19$2.

13. Dumg, A.N. and Mcfaucblin,”L.A.: “A G&mlized ‘Apprkch for SPE 26214, ,,Supplement to SPE 19514, Nw Wel!-TesUng Pressure Functions Wllh .4P

~YZ@tie F.dy-Time Pressure-Tra.mient Data,” paper SPE la880 pllca~ons; .v811ELIE main SPE Ocek Order Dept.

144 SPE Formation Eval”atioLI, June 1993

New ~&M Curves.
Figure 1 shows log-log plots of the dimensionless pressure function pj) and the dnen-
sionless integral-pressure function l(pD)/tD versue the dimensionless time group tD /r~.

In Fig. 1, the”solid curve represents the clsesical line source solution (Theis solution),
pD, whereas the solid curve tlwough circular data points represents the integral-pressure
function ~(pD)/tD. Note that the integrakpreseure function is below the dimensionless
pressure solution at all times, but at late times the difference between the two solutions
approaches 1/2, see Eqs. 3S and 37. Note that the pressure-integral solution has the same
basic curvature as the pressure solution.
Similarly, Fig. 2 shows log-log plots of the dmensionlees pressure-derivative function
p~ (Am by a did curve) and the d~ensionless integral-preseure-derivative function
~(#D)/t~ (ahOwnby a solid curve through circuhw data points) vemus tD/~. Fig. 2 ihs-
trates that dimensionless integral-pressure-derivative solution is below the dimensionless
pressure-derivative solution for dimensionless times tD/r# <30, but, for diiensionkss
times tD/~ >30, the dimensionless integrai-premxm-derivative solution is indistinguish-
able from the pressure-derivative solution. Note Eqs. W and 38 indicate that these two
solutions must coalesce ●t late t:mes. Note that the integral-preesure-derivative function
presents the same bade character of the #D solution.
Figure 3 shows a new type cwe based on a log-log plot of the integral-pressure
functiu.1, ~(pD)/tD, and the integral-pressure-derivative function, ~(#D)/tD, versus tD/r~.
The solid circles shown on the integral-preesure and the integral-derivative solution are used
to denote the earliest time such that the two sides of Eq. 36 differ by 1%, Fig. 3 can be
used to analyze interference test data with the following procedure:
(i) Make a log-log plot of I(Ap)/t and I(Ap’)/t versus t on tracing paper using the basic
scales of Fig. 3;
(ii) Perform a simultaneous match of I(Ap)/t and I(A#)/t with the type-curve solutions
of Fig. 3; th~ match will determine the integrabpressure match-po”mt&hms, [~(pD)/tD]~
and [I(Ap) /t]~, and time match-point values, (tD /r& )M and tM; (l%roughout thh work,
the subscript i14 refers to a match point value.)


(iii) Determine the transmissibility kb/g using the integral-pressure wtch-point values
obtained instep 2 in Eq. 22, and determine the poroeity-compredbility-khicknees product
#qh using the time match-point values in Eq. 2. (A computational procedure to generate

integral-presstie and integral-preaeure-derivative data from given field premure data is

presented later.)
Recently, an alternative way of generating pressure-derivative type curves for analyz-
ing well test was presented by Onur and Reynoldsls, also see Refs. 14-18, Refs. 13-18
presented type curm baaed on a ratio of the pressure divided by its logarithrdc derivative;
pD Ap
~ = E&7’
The main advantages of the pressure/preesure-derivative group deilned by Eq. 39 are aa
follows: (i) Eq. S9 indicates that the verticni ecale of a type curve based on a ~!ot of
the group Gefied by the left side of Eq. 39 veroue dirneneionleu time (or a time group)
is automatically aliied with the vertical scale of the corresponding S Id data plot of
Ap/(2A#) versus t, and thus, the type-curve match of field Jata ie’accomplished only
moving the field data plot in only the horizontal direction. Thw sirnplifia the type-
curve matching process, reduces the nonuniqness problem mmetimee encountered in type
curve matching, and also helpful in determining which reservoir/well model (type curve) h
represented by the field data; and (ii) When the dlmensionlese pressure function is given by
the log approximation of Eq. 35, a sernilog plot of Ap/(2A#) versus t will always display
a semilog straight line with slope equal to 1.151; Ms characteristic is useful for identi&ing
the proper semilog straight line for analyzing pressure data by standard semilog methods.
As mentioned earlier, our objective in this work is to replace the pressure-derivative
function p~ with a function which has th~ ‘e basic character of p~ and does not exhibit
the noise in measured pressure data. It is possible to generate type curve based on the
ideas of Refs, 13-18 using the integral-pressure functions, There are at lead three possi-
bilities, i.e., we can present type cumes based on a ratio of the integral-pressure divided
by its logarithmic derivative, l(pD)/[21(p~)], type curves based on a ratio of the dimen-
sionless pressure divided by the integral-pressure-derivative, that is, pD/[2~(#D)/tD], and

type cuwee b-d on a ratio of thr int~al-preeaure function divided by the dimension-
less pressure, that ie, [~(~~)/tB]/(2~D). It can be easily shown that the vertical scales of
type curvee baaed on these groupe are automatically aligned with the vertical scalea of the
corresponding field data plotu. SpecMcaily, it is eeey to show that

3!!EL=43!L (40)
21(#D) 21(Ap”j ‘

tD~D tAp
—— (41)
2@I’I’) = 21(Ap9 ‘
~ = mP)
2tDpD 2tAp ‘
which ‘hnpliesthat the vertical scaiea of type cures based on the groups detied by the left
sides of Eqs. 40,41 and 42 will be identical to the verticai ecalee of the correepondlng field
data plote baaed on the right sid- of Eqa. 40, 41 and 42, respectively. Therefore, type
curvee bad on the grape given by the left sidm of Eqa. 40-42 have the same advantaga
u a type cum baaed on the group pn /(2#P). We note that the groups given by Eqa. 40
and 41 are related by the following equation:

w?L=LQ?L+i (43)
2qp!!) 21 (pf~) 2’

which follows dwectly from Eq. 12, Therefore, a type curve based on tDp~/[2~(p~)] is
equivalent to a type curve baaed on ~(p~)/[2~(#D)] from a theoretical viewpoint.
Using Eqs. 32-34 and 43, one can ~tabliah the following short-time results:


4?d. =J!!2=?!#, (46)

21(#D) 2#D ?’J)

tDpD 1 2tD
—=~+=g, (46)
4!!!L=KL=+ (47)
2tDpD 2#D TD *


Using Eqs. 35-38, we can ‘show that the following equations apply at late times:
‘=pD’ #ln ~ , (48)
2#D ()c7 r;
‘=$z(pD)=; h ~ ‘;, (49)
21(P’D) ()

—— =~ln ~ , (50)
21(p’jJ = ‘D evr&
I(pD) = 1
2t~pD ~“

Note that Eqs. 49 and 50 assume that tn is sufficiently large so that Eq. 38 can be
approximated by ~(#D)/tn = 1/2.
Figure 4 dwpiays a log-log’plot of pD/(2p”) (shown by a solid curve), ~(pD)/[2~(p~)]
(shuwn by a solid curve through circular data pohts), pD/[2~(#D)/tD] (shown by a solid
curve through square data points), and l(pD)/(2tDpD) (shmrn by a did curve through
triangular data points) vemus tLl/& It is important to note that for tJ)/r~ ~ 0.01,
the pD/(2#D), I(pD)/[21(#D)] and l(pD)/(2tDpD] solutions are identical and &play the
unit-kpe he given by %D/r~ as predicted analytiedy by Eqs. 44, 45 and 47. This
result suggests that log-log plots of Ap/(2A#), l(Ap)/[21(A#)] and l(Ap)/(2tAp) ver-
sus t will d~lay a unit slope liie fkom which the diffusivity, k/(#Qp), can be obtained.
However, this unit slope line will typically correspond to values of t where the pressure
change is extremely smalL Note that, at small values of t~/r~, the $npD/[2~(p~)] so-
lution is equal to 0.5 as indicated by Eq. 46. When time is sufficiently long so that the
dimensionless pressure function is well approximated by the log approximation (~ Eq.
35), the pD/(2p~) and ~~/[2~(#D)/t~] solutions of Fig. 4 are identical as prdcted by
Eqs. 48 and 50, whereas the ~(pD)/[2~(#~)] solution is below the p~/(2p””) solution and
is given by Eq. 49, The I(pD)/(2tDpD) asymptotically approaches the constant value of
0.5 as predicted by E%. 61,
The use of the type curves of Fig. 4 to analyze field data is sinilar to the use of
the type curves presented by Refs. 13 and 14, and thus, is not discussed here. In later
sections$ we demonstrate the utility of these type curves by analyzing field data obtained
at an observation well during an interference test.


Identification of the Semilog Straight Line.
For tD/r~ a 30, the dihnensionless integral-pressure ~d the integral-pressur-deri~-
tive functions given by Eqs. 37 and 38 are well approximated by the following equations,
1 4tD 1
&~@D) = ~ k —
e~r~ ‘-=pD–0.5,
2 (52)
where pD is given by Eq. 35, and


From Eqs. 35, 52 and 53, it follows that

tDpD tAp
21(pjJ = 21(Ap9 = ‘D =

1.151 logt + log

[ (75)-30231) (54)


l(pD) = Z(Ap)
21(#n) m= i%”)=

1.151 logt + log

[ (?s-3+0 (55)

Equations 54 and 55 indicate that when pD is given by Eq. 35, semilog plots of
tAp/[21(A#)] ~d l(Ap)/[21(Ap’)] versus t will both d~play a sernilog straight line of.
slope 1.151. If these semilog plots display this semilog straight line, then pressure data
can be analyzed with confidence using the standard semilog analysis procedures based on
a semilog plot of pressure versus time,
Figure 5 illustrates our theoretical tidings that a sixnilog plot of tDpD/[2Z(#D)] and
l(p~)/[21(p~)] versus tD/r& displays a semilog straight line of 1,151. It is clear that both
solutions dhplay a serdog straight limewith a slope of 1.151 for $D/r~ ~ 30.

As far as the use of integral-pressure functions infield data analyBis is concerned,
the numerical integration of measured pressure data is required to construct the “integral-
preesure functions proposed in this work. Here, we present two numerical procedures for
integrating given well-test pressure versus time data.
The dmenaional integral-pressure function is given by


Letting a partition of “interval[0, t] be,

O=to<tl< tz<. ..<tn<tn+l =t, (57)

then we can write l(Ap) (t) as


Applying the trapezddal rule gives

I (AP) (tm+l) = ~ q [AP(G) + AP (ti+l)] (ti+l -&) , (59)

where Ap(to) = O and to = O. Dividing Eq. 59 by t giveo I(Ap)/t.

To compute the integral-pressure derivative function, l(A#)/t aa a fhnction of time
t, we use the dimensional equivalent of Eq. 12 ; that is,

Onge l~Ap) /t versus t data is constructed by the use of Eqs. 59 and 56, we can numerically
generate l(Ap’) /t versus t data from Eq. 60. Thue, we can generate the l(A#)/t data
without actually constructing the pressure derhative data, A#. Thii is the main advantage
of using integral functions,
Another useful numerical integration procedure is baaed on the integration of a quad-
ratic fitted through each three successive (Ap, t) data pointe. In thw tecti~que, we first

fit a quadratic, Q1, through data poin~ AM. 1, A% and AX+i and then fit a second
quadratic, Q2, through data points Am, Ax+l and Ap~+Z. Once these quadratics are
obtained, we use the following integration formula
l(Ap)(t~+i) = ~(Ap)(tJ + ~ t, [Ql(?) + Q2(7)) dr. (61)

Thu technique is known as the overlapping parabolas integration rule.

Here, field interference well test data is analyzed by using the new integral-functions
proposed in this work, The field example considered here has been presented by Wither-
spoon & gLlg. The field example is taken fkom a sandstone aquifer. A pumping test was
performed using an average rate of 2742.86 STB/D at an active well whalefour neighboring
wells remained shut-in for an interference testing. Here, we only analyse the data obtained
at one observation well. The radial d~ance between the observation well and the active
well (pumping well) is 327 ft. The preesure data presented in Ref. 19 was converted to
The 4properties of the aquifer tested areas follows: the average thickness of the reaer-
voir is h = 160 ft, the average porosity from core ana!ysis is # = 0.145, the viscosity of the
producing fluid is p = 1.16 cp, and the average permeability for several wells that were
cored in the aquifer is 137 md.
Table 1 Iiits the pressure and integral-pressure functions as functions of time obtained
at the interference well. The integral functions l(Ap)/t and l(A#)/t were generated using
the overlapping parabolas integration technique. Table 2 shows the pressure and pressure-
derivative data for this example. The pressure-derivative data presented in Table 2 was
obtained by fitting a quadratic through each three successive data points and differentiating
this quadratic at the central point. Thw procedure is the same as the procedure suggested
in Ref. 8. It should be noted we have not applied any smoothing technique to the pressure
or pressure derivative data.
Figure 6 shows a log-log plot of the observation well pressure versus time. Fig. 7
shows a simultaneous match of the field integral pressure functions l(Ap)/t and 1( Sp’)/t


with the type curves of Fig. 3. It is important to note that a well-defined match of the
field data with the type curves of Fig. 3 is obtained. The t-me and integral-pressure
match-point values, respectively, are (tD/r~)~ = LO, t~ = 6.8, and [~(pD)/tD]M = 0.1,
[I(Ap)Jt]M = 3.8. By using the pressure-match pvint values and the parameter values
given earlier in Eq. 22, we computed the transmissibility kh/~ = 10192 md-ft/cp (k = 74
md). Similarly, by using the tire-match point values in Eq, 2 in the standard way, we
computed the poroshy-compressibility-thickness product as &h = 1.4578 x 10-4 psi- ‘-ft

(#c* = 9.111X 10-7 psi-l).

Figure 8 shows the simultaneous %natchs of field pressure and its logarithmic derim-
tive obtained that one would have to obtain with type curves based on the dimensionkse
pressure and its logarithmic derivative in order to obtain the results obtained from type-
curve match of Fig. 7, i.e., the ‘hatch” of FM. 8 was obtained by honoring the results
obtained in F~. 7. For our purposes, the most important observation illustrated by
the results of Fii. 7 and 8 is that the derivative data, A#, is much noisiir than the
integral-pressure derivative fimction and thus, a better interpretation of the field data is
possible by inspecting the behavior of the integral-pressure-derivative function. Moreaver,
the integral—presmre—
derivative data suggests that the data beyorid 400 hours is not repre
sentative of the solution represented by the type curves of Fig. 3, whereas it is impossible
to make this obsemtion from the behavior of the pressure and the pressure-derivative
For illustration purposes, we include type-curve matches of the field normalhed in-
tegral-pressure functions l(Ap)/[2A#)], tAp/[21(Ap’)] and l(Ap) /[2tAp], respectively,
with the ~(pD)/[21(#D)]3 tDPD /[2~(#D)] and l(pD)/(2tDp~) solutions of Fig, 4. Th~
type-curve match is shown in Fig. 9. To obtain the type-curve match shown in Fig. 9,
we simultaneously matched the field data plots of the normalized-integral functions by
moving them only in the horizontal direction. This match yielded the same time-match
point values recorded in Fig, 7.
Figure 10 shows a semilog plot of l(Ap’)/[21(A#)] and tAp/[21(A#)] versus t. It
is clear that both functions show a well-detied semilog straight line with a slope equal
to 1.1s1 for data in the time range 50 s t < 350. The data beyond t > 350 bends

upward horn this straight line.’ Thii deviation from the semilog straight line could be
caused by the presence of a constut pressure boundary. However, the information given
by Ref. 19 is not sufficient to confidently predict the cause of thw upward bend in the data.
For comparison purposes, Fig. 11 presents a semilog plot the pressure/prezsmderivative
function Apj(2A#) versus t. As mentioned earlier, if we have data analyzable by standard
semilog plots, a semilog plot of Ap/ (2A#) versus time should tilblt a semilog straight
iine with slope equal to 1.151. It is important to note that because of the tendency of the
derivative data to amplify the noise, we cannot identify the proper semilog straight line
of slope 1.151 in Fig. 11 even though Fig. 1.0 indicates that we have analyzable pressure
data which can be analyzed by standard zemilog plots.
Based on the results of Fig. 10, the pressure data corresponding to 50 ~ t ~ 35o can
be analyzed using the standard semilog analysis procedure. Figure 12 shows a semilog .
plot of Ap versus t data. The straight line shown in Fig. 12 was fit through data points
corresponding to 50 s t g 350 and has a slope of 44 psi/cycle. By extrapolat”~ this
straight lime to a sem pressure drop, we obtained to = 2.4 houm. Using these values
in the s$andard way, we obtained kh/~ = 1.0138 x 104 md-ft/cp (k = 73.5 md) and
~qh = 1.3474 x 10-4 psi-l-ft (#~ = 8.421 x 10-7 psi-l). These results are in good
agreement with the results obtained from type-curve match of Fig. 7.
For the same example, Ref. 19 obtained k = 74.5 md and ~~ = 8.8595 x 10-7 psi-i
from type-curve matchiig of only pressure data and k = 74.5 md and #Q = 8.3085x 10-7
psi- 1 from sernilog analysis of pressure data. Note that these values are in close agreement
with the values obtained from our new analysis procedure.

Just prior to submitting this paper, we learned that Duong and McLauchlin20 had
used a relation similar to Eq. 12 to derive an analysis method for analyzing early-time
pressure data. Their method, which is based on Duhamel’s principle, assumes that all data
considered represents only one flow regime, e.g., linear flow, biliiear flow, spherical flow, or
radkd flow. Under this assumption, they obtain from the convolution ‘integral (Duhamel’s
formula) a linear relation involving three coefficients which are directly related to reservoir

properties and recommend determining these coefficients by multiple regression analysis.
Their linear relation explicitly invohws the pressure derivative. Our approach is radcally
diiTerent, for example, we recommend generating type curves which c- be used at all
times and are not dependent on any specific flow regime and we do not need to compute
the values of the pressure derivative; see Eq. 00.

In th~ work, we introduced average pressure and pressure derivative functioti which
can be used to generate type curves for all clswical problems of ‘interest “mwell test”mg. It
was shown that these new well-testing functions are useful for analyzing interference data
by type-curve match~ or by semilog methods. It was also shown that these pressure
functions has the same basic characters of the pressure function and the pressure-derivative
function. Most importantly, the new integral-pressarAerhmtive fbnction haa the same
character as the standard pressure derivative function, but yields much smoother data
(less noise) than is obtained by differentiating measured pressure data.

B= FVF, RB/STB [res ins/stock-tank ms]
Cg = system compressibility, psi- i [kPa- 1]

h = total renervoir tilckness, ft [m]

P = pressure, psi [kPa]

Pi = initial pressure, psi [kPa]

PD = dimensionless pressure drop at the observation well, defined by Eq. 1
Pb = logarithmic derivative of pD defined by Eq, 7
I(pD) = integral of pD from zero to tn, Eq. 5
I(p~) = integral of #D from zero to tD, Eq. 10

pwD = dimensionless pressure drop at a flowing well, defined by Eq. 4

ttwD = logarithmic derivative of pWn
z(pwD) = in~~gral of pWn from zero to tD


= hktegrd of #WDfrom zero ~ tD

Pull = flowing bottomhole pressure, psi [kPa]

Ap = pressure change, psi [kPa]
Apt = logarithmic derivative of Ap, psi [kPa]
I(Ap) = integral of Ap from zero to t, psi-hour [kPa-hour]
I(Ap’) = integral of Apt from zero to t, psi-hour [kPa-hour]

9 = production rate from the active well, RB/D [res m9/d]

rD = dimensionless radial distance between the active well and observat m well,

defined by Eq. 3
rW = wellbore radius, ft [m]
s = skin factor at the active well
t = time, hours
tD = dimensionless time bssed on wellbore radius
4 = reservoir porosity, fraction
# = viscosity, cp [P-on]
7 = Euler’uconstant, 0.57722

The preparation of th~ paper was supported by grants from Aramco ServicesCo.,
Arco Oil and Gas Co., Mobil Exploration and Producing Services, Inc. and Pertamina.

Financial support for the graduate studies of M. Onur was pr~~ided by these same compa-
nies, the Ministry of National Education, Ankara, Turkey, and the U. of !lMsa. Financial
support for the graduate studies of A, Peres was provided by Petrobras.


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Derivation of Integral-Pressure Function for a Line Source Well

Here, we derive the integral-pressure and the integral-pressurederivative functions for
a line source well. The limesource solution is given hy

/b(rDstD) =
-~Ei[-&l=iE’[H (A -1)

where I?l is defined by

EL (Z)= -Ei (-Z), (A -2)

and lli denotes the exponential-integral function given by Eq. 25. ~

Integrating Eq. A-1 from zero to t~ and using the change of variables, s = rfi/(4r),

Integrating Eq. A-3 by parts gives

(A -5)

forn=12 , ,...,00, Eq. A-4 can be written as

-%E’(2)1* ‘A-’)
Via integration by parts, it can be shown that

&z (u) = SXp (-u) - uE~ (U) o (A -7)

Using Eq. A-7 in Eq. A-6 and rearranging the resulting equation, it follows that

=; (~)[(%+1)E4%H4-W ‘A-8)

~ a~slb

From the definition of J?l(z) (see

. Eq. A-2), it follows that Eq. A-8 is equivalent to

I(pD) =
-;(*) [(*+’) ’’(-*) +* W(-*)]. 0-,)

From Eqs, 10 and 7, it follows that

qp~) = ‘~ - p~ (rD, r) dr = r% (rD,r) dr, (A - 10)

J /o

Integrating Eq. A-10 by parts and using the fact that pD (0) = O, we obtain

Using Eqs. A-1 and A-9 in Eq. A-11 and rearranging the resulting equation gives

(A - 12)

T8bh 1
Fidd Iatukoaeo TOWDots
W Prwwo oadhto~ Prowur,Dot~

Tim Al& I(yc l(A#ft tAP{l*Q] I\*g;g)] f’A\p)

t1447Ml 6.0622BU2 5,7601B02 S,4942B02 S.62S2B01 5,2a29E.02 4,7a71E02
4moo&ol L2S72E.01 L42$W02 L067W01 5.M6SB01 8,24S4E-02 ?.5224B02
4.82SSB01 2.264SB01 4A22S2W 1.8119E”01 6.2227S01 1.2227B01 9,
5,2667B01 6,2022B01 O,mmos 4.27s5&ol 6.0725E=01 1.0795MI , mwsE-02
6JOWM1 6JS24B01 L55a7E=ol 5.0257SW 8.8427E.01 1.M27B01 1.1740B01
7!mmol 1,0225E+O023572B01 8.547W01 &s760&ol La75aEm L07S2M1
801087M1 1.s476BtooS,467SE.01 1.200SB01 e444$9Bol 1.4429M1 1,1202M1
9.WM1 1.8ssaE+oo 4.7S40W1 L4121E+O0 6.67712X1 L677m.ol L2S5SB01
9,8asmol 2,W28WO0 6.llSBO1 L7204Btoo 6.77SW01 1.77S4M1 1.9119B01
LISOOE+OO S.1520E+O0 902122B01 2.2s47Btoo 7.W9E=01 2.0S12B01 I,4S9SSW
1.$167*OO 400107W’O0,L2400E+O0 2.75SOBtO0 7.2SSOB01 2,2S98B01 1.
L4M8E+O0 4,5mE+oo 1.4045SWI 2.9251Btoo 7.67S4B01 2.67045&Ot 1.744m.ol,
1.7aa$Etoo 5.2672E=W 2.OUIE+W s.18s2Btm &27Ml%ol a,mwol 1.078SM1
L9s2mtoo 6.2sS4E+O0 2.5470E+O0 S.721OWW 0.4219BOI %4219B01 &oa15E.ol
2.2200BFW 7*26s7Etoo $.0427W 4,alwBtm L6107BO1 8,O1O7BO1 ZmaBol
2.5mEwo &24s5c+m a.52s2mtoo 4m7m+oo m4s2Ml M482C01 2.loe2ml
$-MOO Lo520EtOl 4.5ossm+oo &02@lBt@ o,74nml 8.747WUM 2J422m2
$.somm+w L24smol &Slm14m aS7wmw msssml &ssSsuol Sa7m02
4.wnJw 1.4mm+0i a4wmtoo T.7mEt@ S.170SM1 4.170m01 %S7m
mooom l.wm+’o; Wemwy A04elm+w 2A21mE41 4.OMOM1 s#M&02
WomMkOO awsmtw kssslw l.amw 5,0s20s41 wsostbn
sa4sm+ol L17W84’01 L071sm+ol 1.0444E+m B.asma s&osEo2
:= 1S18MI a.4s4im+ol l.mmwl 1.11*M 20221-1 &mlEot
l.wmmtol 2.s4ssn4.01l*SSSIM1 l-ml I*mwwo M7s#ol &7s24Eol
1.-01 8.257sEtol l.=im+oi ~**t*~~ ;.222sxwm ?anma &ss4sMl
, l.mmol Mss-1 2assom+oll.wsm+ol lao22c+w 8.oss2Eol arnEol
2.1OOOE+O1 Llmml a.etomtm LS474E+OA 1.s4Mm+oo 0.4SSSWM &lsmEol
a.mowl 4Assmtol 8.s52s8+01 LSmml l$ww+oo Lssmm+oo SS75E01
4xooon+ol 8.44e2m+ol S.?lsowol 1.75WW1 L5WE+O0 Lo2m+w &2s20Bol
S.7000M1 0.0S2*91 4.m7m+ol LSS17B+01 l!wsw+w 1.1OSSE+OO ?.440SE.01
e.smowol 0.4S44EW 4.C12W+01 l.elawtm Lssom+m Ltsom+m aswmw
S.looowol e.74hm+ol 4.s2slm+ol 1.9S4S*01 1.7SW+O0 l*2slaE+w 2.S725E01
woooE+ol msm+ol S.0SS2*01 I.sol?wol Lsa74E+m 13S74WO0 tsswbol
L0200E+02 7.24S2W01 s.210sEtol Lfflm+ol Lss17E+w 1.W17C+O0 M714B01
L1700Eto2 7,44S1W01 S.smwol 1.os7aE+ol 1.024TE.W l,4267E+m a,7024Boi
1.2WW02 7Aos4Etol s.7147Bkol LMS7E+01 XQ122C+O0 l.slssctw 2.75so&ol
L41OOE+O2 7.754$*O1 S.M22W01 L$720E+01 2.0711C+W 1,5711- S,792SM1
1.5~E+02 7.7485*O1 6,0SSSW01 1*7454W01 2.M7@&O0 l,707awm $.SS75M1
I,UOOW02 ao1505Etol e.15esEtol 1.2SOSE+01Z.0471B+O0 1.s471E+m a.wsmol
1.8200W02 8,4015Etol 8.4442E+01 i.9574E+ol 2.14@l~ 1,4461*W a,wmol
2,2500W02 8,a915Etol 6.7soeEtol 1,O11OE+O1 2A741E+O0 1*7741E+W Moo7&ol
2,6100Eto2 w421Etol 7,0700E+01 1*OS21E+01 2A747~+O0 L7747E+W MO1OBO1
2MOOM02 9,1
S22E+01 7.242@WOl L9105E+O1 2.2WE+O0 1,005SBW mswkol
3MOOW02 9.4s05E+oi 7.541wtol L92S2E+01 aA444&oo 1,s4442!+00 2377SB01
4.1700E+02 o.74somol 7.WSOE+O1 L7saoE+ol 2.7s42a+m 2a2848E+W 4.0257B01
4.5mEto2 9,817m+ol O.1O71E+O1 L71OSB+O1 *M24D+O0 2,w4m+m 4.12SSB01
4MOOE+02 1.0020W02 8.2417B+01 1*9WOE+01 a,nsm+oo a,a7wBttm AIWM1
5.lsoolw2 Loosa*02 k$mwol L7529E+01 2*0712B+O0 2,S712E+m 4,MVSB01
5NOOE+02 Loie4E+02 o.4b74B+ol 1.75S6W01 M20m+oo 2*8400B+W 4.1851B01
sMooEto3 LOW2E+02 9.557eB+oi L74402HOI 2$5*4E+W 2t4SS4B+~ 4!w5mol
&2100E+02 L0374W02 Kw7Etol 1.712SE+01 $,osaoE+oo 2$62SOE+W 4.17442201
6.4SOOBF02 L0456E+02 8.72S9EtOl L72S2E+OI $,ONIE+OO 2,52S1E+W 4417m@l
tLMooEto2 l,051eEto2 D.7mEtol 1.7271Etol m445B+oo 2.
S44SE+W 4.17SSB01
T8bh a
FMd Intotiwmec ‘kc D** d Rof.
1%Pwum md Pwmro hhtiw DMS

Tbw 4 Ap’ Ap/(2Ap’)

houN ~-.
ad Ml
4mooBol lt2s72E.ol 4.lsddE.ol l,512a2kol
4mmw 9.264S&Ol 1,2476E+O0 9,0250E42
6A6d7Bol 5.2022M1 1.4011WO0 1,0s662201
&somBol 6.2244E.01 2.a8wwo l,w2&oi
7,mm.ol l,m2sw’oJ 3,9222*OO 1. WOOBOI
6012d7Bol 1.S476E+O0 8,1JS6SE+O0 2.0176B01
9mooBol l.wm+oo 4.2975E+O0 2.19412kOl
9.88$SB01 2,MnE+oo 5.121 aE+oo 2,2771E-01
1.120022+00S.lMOE+OO 648679*00 2,04MM1
13167E+O0 4.olc7Etoo s,s76sEtoo 2,00a2&01
1.4Ma2wo 4,69MBtoo 4,619aEtoo 4#7B7&ol
1.7mEtoo 5,2472E0●00 5,e7wEtoo 4,4089&ol
I,wawlm 6,M28EFoo 7.8759*OO 4,02M2201
2.MOOWOO 7,2257E+O0 @,2021E+m 2.2470B01
2.SOO02W0 @,2422GF@ 1,0421E+OI 3.82$42X1
$.0000E+OO l.mmtol I,mldlm.ol 4A446B01
8.wo2%@ 1.WQIW1 L.aM4Fltol 4.7C20BO*
4.owoc+oo 1.4224E+01 8,191OM=O1
s.owoB#oo 1.744,Etol 1.4221n+oi aloo2mol
mmm+al Momwl 1.4224Mtol a7242m
T.mooB+’oo M4mtol 1,s61884.01 7,2278B01
O.omE+a a.ddm+ol 1.2202B+01 7.2242MI
l.owwtot Md3m4.01 Lnom+ol T.*122501
Maw’tol M272E+01 1.08elw’ol e.mlmol
1.7mEwl $.7229E+01 l.wm+ol 9.7427B01
Zlowa+oi 4.1274E+oi Mwm+ol M822E+O0
S.2000BW 4.M202kol Zne$m+ol 1.0224Btoo
4.2moEtol &42a2m+ol a.aum+ol lmwl+oo
s.7mB+ol m224B+ol a.mwl l.mewtw 0.4224B+01 2.024C*OI 1.S741E+O0
8.lWOE+O1 6,7490E+01 1.24152W01 1,8120E+W
O.mwtol a,920amtol 1.92s2Btol l,a121E+at
t,0200E+02 7,24S2EtOl 2.0744E+01 l,7422Btoo
1,1700E+OI 7,44slm.ol 1.7174E+01 2.1722E+~
l,mowln 7A024W.01 1,242?*O1 2.4222&+O0
lo4ioo21+027.724aBtol l,0740ctol 2A074bW
10S200W02 7,722w’tol MMm+ol NO1OE+OO
l.dwomtoa 0J205W01 4,0149*01 1,0120E+O0
1,0200E+02 8,4016%01 1.721?B+01 2.4S22E+O0
2,2200E+oa OSe$lmtol 2,1170B+01 2,0528Etoo
Wllomtoa 9,0W1*01 lJ75mtol xa742&Mo
2mooDto2 9.lsa2E+ol 1,4142%01 2,22alm410
S,S$O02%02 9.4806E+01 1.72S@~Ol 2.7S02E+O0
4v1700Et02 Q,7460Etol 9,s91924+00S,07WWO0
4,SMOW02 9,017aBtol l,2220Etol 2.45S9&@0
4m8200E+02 l,oouoEto2 1,5927*O1 2.1471E+O0
S,1200E+02 lm4aHo2 1,2071~01 2.9720E+W
S3700E+02 1+OM6E+08 i,7$2wtoi 2,9342BW0
B,mooEto2 l,0202Eto2 1, WL6E+01 8,7@mtoo
8,21OOWO2 1.0S74E+02 1,7628WOL 2,90M2W0
&4200E+02 1.04SSE+02 l!eoo4ctol 2,7421WO0



. Q


— f)~(fD.tD)


Fig. 2- Comparison of Preoeure-Derivative and IntegraLP rewure-Derivative lhmctions.



(:d) 1 ~ CINV (ad)+

8SNO110Nfld 1VW31NI
= 19s14







o 0’
\\ 00
~ 00


0 I


(( O,d)IZ)/(*d)I MO (( ?d) IWadal

~ 10
&P o
(9 #
g 10 .
u -
u / .
3 8
%1 o
I&l 8
D o
1 1Id 1 IQ IIMI 1 111lid I 111111111 111~
10-’ ‘
10-2 10-’ 1 10 102 103 !!
TIME , t, hOUfS

Fig. 6- Log-Log Plot of Prumlre Ch8nge Ver6w T-; F~eld Examp]dlef. 19.





n I

1111 I 1 11111111
1 1111111
I 1 11111111 I
i ~- o
s. g- 0 b

pd ‘(,dv) I + ONV (d17)1+

“’SNOl12Nfld” 1VW31NI
1- 0 Ap

TIME, t, hours

Fig.8-~Cuwe Match dPrmm and P~ Derivativ~ Field Example.

o 0 a

-1 s


Z-8 0

o 0

( (Idv) IZ)/(dv) 1 UO ((,@) Iz)f(dv+)
4.605 I 1 f 111111 1 I I Ilili[ 1 I I Ililll I 1 I 1 II


00 0
00 00 0

0j*-1 ,*3
1 10 102

Fii. 11- Semilog Plot d Ap/(2A#) versus Tree; Field Example.
120 II
111111 I I 1111114 I I I 111

90 -

60 -

30 -
. .

0. 1

TIME, t, hours

Fii. 12- Semilog P1Otaf Pr9aure C&nge, Ap, vemae T-; Fwld Exampk. w

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