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DOI: 10.1002/adma.200600715

Synthesis of WC Nanotubes**
By Swati Vilas Pol, Vilas Ganpat Pol, and Aharon Gedanken*

Over the last 15 years, nanotubes have become the symbol W2C. W2C is thermodynamically unstable at low tempera-
of the new and fast-developing research area of nanotechnol- tures, while WC is stable, as confirmed by its electrochemical
ogy. The particular physical and chemical properties of quasi stability in acidic solutions.[12]
one- and two-dimensional solids promise new inventions, Herein, we report, for the first time, on a solvent- and tem-
innovative products, and fresh contributions to human knowl- plate-free, competent, and straightforward approach for the
edge. In addition to the size effects, the geometry of low-di- synthesis of inorganic WC nanotubes. The low-temperature
mensional materials is an important conceptual novelty in ma- (900 °C) thermal decomposition of W(CO)6 in the presence of
terials research.[1] The first reports on carbon nanotubes in Mg powder is carried out under its autogenic pressure in a
1991 by Iijima[2] and on inorganic (WS2) nanotubes by Tenne closed Swagelok cell to fabricate nanotubes of WC. The diam-
et al.[3] in 1992 have been followed by intense experimental eter of the WC nanotubes ranges from 30 to 70 nm, and the
and theoretical research on hollow cylindrical structures. A length varies from 1 to 10 lm. The thermal decomposition of
list of inorganic nanotubes, fabricated by different synthetic bare W(CO)6 yields a mixture of WO2, WC, W2C, and C, ex-
routes, has been compiled by Rao et al.[4] This present com- hibiting the growth tendency of any one of the products. The
munication is confined to inorganic tungsten carbide nano- replacement of Mg powder by Na yielded Na2WO4, which
tubes, which have not yet been reported in the literature, to was converted to H2WO4 after treatment in dilute HCl, keep-
the best of our knowledge. ing its flakelike morphology. The suggested mechanism is sup-
Tungsten carbide in particular might find potential applica- ported by experimental data resulting from a series of control
tions owing to its unusual properties, such as high melting reactions. This is, to our knowledge, the first report on the
point, superior hardness, low friction coefficient, high oxida- preparation of nanotubes of WC.
tion resistance, and superior electrical conductivity.[5] Arie The phase purity of the obtained samples was characterized
et al. prepared a nanometer-sized WC needle on a tungsten on a Bruker AXS D* Advance X-ray powder diffractometer
tip using catalytic deposition.[6] WC was shown to have a plati- with Cu Ka radiation (k = 1.5418 Å). As shown in Figure 1a,
num-like behavior for the chemisorption of hydrogen and the diffraction patterns of the W–CO/Mg sample (the as-pre-
oxygen, and its applicability as an alternative electrocatalyst pared sample) can be indexed to face-centered cubic (fcc,
of Pt was demonstrated. The early studies showed that this space group Fm-3m) MgO (marked with M), and matches
combination of an early transition metal with carbon yielded well with the PDF No. 45-946 (PDF: powder diffraction file).
materials with attractive catalytic activity, stability, selectivity, In addition, the small diffraction peaks are assigned to WC,
and resistance to poisoning.[7] There are several routes to pre- and W2C (marked with *). The acid-treated W–CO/Mg sam-
pare tungsten carbide, including the direct carburization of ple confirms the removal of MgO impurities (Fig. 1b), and the
tungsten powder, solid-state metathesis, reduction carburiza- product can be indexed to that of the hexagonal phase (space
tion, mechanical milling, and polymeric precursor routes using group P6m2) with lattice constants a = 2.90, c = 2.83 Å of WC
metal alkoxides.[8,9] WC production generally proceeds as a (peak intensities and positions are shown and confirmed from
two-step process. First, the oxide is reduced to high-purity PDF No. 51-939). The additional, small diffraction peaks are
tungsten in a hydrogen atmosphere. The tungsten metal is obtained for hexagonal a-W2C (space group P3m1) (marked
then mixed with the required amount of carbon and reacts at with *), and the graphitic carbon peak appeared at 26.6°.
a temperature of 1400–1600 °C to produce tungsten car- The diffraction patterns of the W–CO/Na sample (Table 1)
bide.[10,11] The most important tungsten carbides are WC and could be completely indexed to that of fcc (space group

Table 1. Reactant(s), reaction conditions, obtained morphology, and the

achieved products.

– Sample Reactant(s) Temperature/ Morphology Products

name atmosphere/time TEM
[*] Prof. A. Gedanken, S. V. Pol, Dr. V. G. Pol
Department of Chemistry and Kanbar Laboratory for Nanomaterials W– W(CO)6+Mg 900 °C/N2/3h tubes+particles WC+MgO
at the Bar-Ilan University Center for Advanced Materials and CO/Mg +W2C+C
Nanotechnology, Bar-Ilan University W– W(CO)6+Na 900 °C/N2/3h flakes Na2WO4+WC
Ramat-Gan 52900 (Israel) CO/Na +W2C+C
W–CO W(CO)6 900 °C/N2/3h wires+particles WO2
[**] V. G. Pol and S. V. Pol are thankful to Bar-Ilan University, Israel, for +WC+W2C+C
financial assistance.

Adv. Mater. 2006, 18, 2023–2027 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2023

Figure 2a shows a scanning electron microscopy (SEM,

JEOL-JSM 840) image of acid-treated WC nanotubes that
were prepared by the thermal decomposition of W(CO)6 in
the presence of Mg powder. They have diameters of 30 to
70 nm and lengths of several micrometers. The formed tubes
are straight, coiled, or zigzag in shape. The single coil-like WC
nanotube shown at high resolution in the inset image has a di-
ameter of ca. 50 nm and a length of 1 lm. The thermal disso-
ciation of only W(CO)6, without Mg or Na, in a closed Swage-
lok cell at 900 °C resulted in the formation of 200 nm particles
and others with a short, wirelike morphology with 100 nm di-
ameters (Fig. 2c). Only a few of the wires are grown to more
than a micrometer. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of
Figure 1. The powder XRD patterns of a) the W–CO/Mg sample and the W–CO sample illustrates the presence of WO2, W2C, and
b) acid-treated (30 % dilute HCl) W–CO/Mg sample [M = MgO, C = car-
WC. The bulk energy-dispersive X-ray analysis carried out on
bon, line pattern = WC, and * = W2C].
the WC nanotubes depicted in Figure 2a shows a 1:1.12 molar
ratio for W/C (Fig. 2d). A small percentage of oxygen is also
Fd-3m) Na2WO4 (peak intensities and positions are matched detected and the Au signal originates from the sample being
with PDF No. 12-772). The Na ions are replaced during dilute gold-coated for better conductivity while imaging.
HCl treatment, resulting in the formation of a monoclinic The crystalline nature of the WC nanotubes is confirmed
phase (space group P2/m) of hydrotungstite, H2WO4·H2O using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measure-
(PDF No. 16-166). The catalytic growth in the presence of Na ments. The TEM (Fig. 3a) image of the as-prepared
resulted in the formation of filaments of Na2WO4 (see below, W–CO/Mg sample contains tubes and nanoparticles. Selec-
Fig. 2b). The diameter of the filaments ranges between 100 tive-area energy-dispersive X-ray (SAEDX) analysis con-
and 200 nm, with a length of several micrometers. The Na firmed that the dark black particle (marked by an arrow) con-
ions are found to be replaced during the dilute HCl treatment tains Mg and O with a 1:1 atomic ratio. Furthermore, it
illustrates the perfect arrangement of the atomic layers with
an interlayer spacing of 0.215 nm between the (200) lattice
planes, which is very close to the literature value (0.21 nm)
a for the fcc lattice of the MgO. The nanotubes have a diameter
ranging from 30 to 70 nm and a length varying from 1 to
5 lm. The MgO particles are dissolved during the acid treat-
ment and pure WC tubes remain (Fig. 3b). The inset image
shows a typical WC nanotube coil with a diameter of 70 nm
and a length of more than a micrometer. Figure 3c demon-
strates the high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) (JEOL-3010 op-
erated at 200 kV) image of the edge of the marked circular
c area, which provides further evidence for the identification of
d the product as WC. It illustrates the perfect arrangement of
the atomic layers and the lack of defects. The measured dis-
tance between these (001) lattice planes is 0.273 nm, which is
very close to the literature value (0.28 nm) for the hexagonal
lattice of WC. The selected-area electron diffraction (SAED)
pattern of the WC nanotube (inset image) and the diffraction
rings can be indexed to the reflections of the tungsten carbide
planes, (001) and (100). The HRTEM of a single nanotube is
Figure 2. SEM images of a) acid-treated W–CO/Mg sample, b) the depicted in Figure 3d. The inner diameter of a typical tube is
W–CO/Na sample, and c) the W–CO sample. d) Bulk EDX spectrum of 20 nm with a wall thickness of 25 nm. The WC tube is defect
the W–CO/Mg sample. free and highly crystalline. The SAEDX analysis of this tube
showed a tungsten to carbon ratio of 1:1 and a small amount
of oxygen (Fig. 3e). The oxygen contamination in WC nano-
to form hydrotungstite acid, without a change in the morphol- tubes (washed W–CO/Mg sample) is also measured using an
ogy of the filaments. The diffraction patterns of the W–CO oxygen analyzer (Eager 200) and found to be 0.7 at %.
sample could be indexed to a mixture of hexagonal WC, When we checked the TEM grid carefully, a few bamboo-
monoclinic WO2 (PDF No. 32-1393), and hexagonal a-W2C shaped tubes (periodic formation of compartment layers)
(PDF No. 35-776). were observed, although rarely (Fig. 3f) in the acid-treated

2024 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Mater. 2006, 18, 2023–2027
inside the Swagelok reactor. No change in either
a the morphology or in the structure of the W–CO/
Mg sample before or after washing with 30 % HCl
was obtained. This confirms that the Swagelok
body has no catalytic role. In addition, the bulk
EDX or SAEDX analysis did not detect any trace
amount of impurities from the Swagelok body in
the WC nanotubes when the reaction was carried
out in the Swagelok reactor.
A surface-area analyzer [Micromeritics (Gemi-
ni 2375)] was used to measure the surface area of
0.5 µm 0.2 µm
the as-prepared sample, W–CO/Mg, and the acid-
treated sample, W–CO/Mg. Brunauer–Emmett–
Teller surface areas of 10.9 m2 g–1 and 9.2 m2 g–1
were measured for both samples.
To confirm the precise contents of the WC nano-
tubes, we used a wave dispersive X-ray (WDX) an-
alyzer, which was much more sensitive to lower
elemental concentrations than the EDX technique,
which is usually attached to a scanning electron mi-
croscope. In Figure 4, the left-hand picture is the
SEM image of the WC nanotubes, the middle im-
age verifies the presence of tungsten, while the
right image provides the carbon content.
The thermal decomposition of bare W(CO)6 in a
closed Swagelok cell at 900 °C under a nitrogen at-
mosphere yields WO2 + WC + W2C + C. In an at-
tempt to remove the O from WO2, we performed
e several experiments at different temperatures in
the 800 to 950 °C range. It is evident from XRD
analysis that WO2 is the predominant product at
800 °C, 900 °C, and even at 950 °C. In addition, the
morphology of the product remains a mixture of
particles and short wires. With a longer reaction
time (8 h) at 900 °C the length of the wires could
increase up to 1 lm, maintaining analogous reac-
tion products such as WO2, WC, W2C, and C. The
reason for the addition of Mg is to use its reactivity
with oxygen, thereby avoiding the formation of
WO2. Indeed, the reaction products are
Figure 3. TEM images of a) the W–CO/Mg sample, b) the acid-treated W–CO/Mg WC + MgO + W2C + C. Based on previous findings
sample, c) the acid-treated W–CO/Mg sample at high resolution and its ED pattern,
d) a single WC tube shown at high resolution. e) SAEDX spectrum of the tubes pre-
and the control reactions described in Table 2, we
sented in (d), and f) bamboo-shaped carbon nanotubes. Upper inset: SAEDX on the suggest the following mechanism for the formation
carbon nanotubes; lower inset: HRTEM image of a graphitic tube. of WC.

–CO/Mg sample. These coiled tubes possess a 35 nm diameter W(CO)6 → W + 6 CO (1)

and a length of several micrometers. The interlayer spacing
(0.33 nm) determined from the HRTEM and SAEDX mea- W + 2CO > WO2 + 2C (2)
surements confirms that these tubes are formed from graphit-
WO2 + 2 Mg → W + 2 MgO (3)
ic carbon. This means that in addition to WC nanotubes,
ca. 7 % carbon nanotubes (seen in XRD, Fig. 1b) are formed 2 CO → C + CO2 (Boudard reaction) (4)
owing to the influence of the surface geometry[13] of the cata-
lytic MgO particles. To eliminate the possibility that the reac- W + C → WC + W2C (5)
tion is catalyzed by Fe, Co, Ni, or Cr (Swagelok body compo- The final products, WC and W2C, are obtained in reaction 5,
nents), a control experiment was carried out in which a quartz and carbon is obtained in reactions 2 and 4. Whether MgO
tube was filled with the reactants. The quartz tube was placed catalyzes reaction 5 is not clear.

Adv. Mater. 2006, 18, 2023–2027 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2025

Figure 4. X-ray mapping of tungsten and car-

bon for the SEM image of the acid-treated
W–CO/Mg sample (WC nanotubes).

To explore the role of MgO in leading towards the final of the WC nanotubes, we carried out thermogravimetric anal-
product, additional control reactions were carried out (Ta- ysis (TGA) of an acid-treated W–CO/Mg sample in an air at-
ble 2). The thermal decomposition of tungstic acid (H2WO4) mosphere. We observed very little (ca. 1.5 wt %) weight loss
at 900 °C under inert atmosphere forms WO3 (sample 1). We in the sample above 500 °C with the same material yield
intentionally added bare Mg powder to tungstic acid to react (WC + W2C + C, confirmed by XRD). This gives direct evi-
at 900 °C, thinking that tungsten would be obtained in addi- dence for the thermal stability of the formed products.
tion to MgO. The results convinced us that tungsten (sam- Recently, Shanmugam[5] et al. proposed that the precursors
ple 2) can indeed form at 900 °C under autogenic pressure. (12-phosphotungstic acid and hexadecyltrimethylammonium
The reaction between bare tungsten, carbon, and MgO at bromide) are converted to WO2 and free carbon at low tem-
900 °C under autogenic pressure leads to the formation of peratures (800 °C) in a reaction under autogenic pressure at
WC + W2C + C + W (sample 3). This proves that bare tungsten elevated temperature (RAPET); the free carbon reduces the
and carbon in the presence of MgO would form tungsten car- WO2 to metallic tungsten at 900 °C. The tungsten produced in
bide. Here, some of the tungsten and carbon remained un- the reaction can further react with carbon, giving rise to tung-
reacted because of the micrometer dimensions that might sten carbide nanorods at 1000 °C. (Mg powder might have fa-
need a higher temperature to react and achieve tungsten car- vored our present reaction at a lower temperature.) Nanome-
bide as the sole product, while in our reaction the nanometer- ter-sized tungsten carbide needles (1 lm × 50 nm) were
sized particles are essential for a complete reaction at 900 °C. synthesized on a tungsten tip by the chemical vapor deposi-
The thermal solid-state reaction between WO3 + Mg + C at tion of benzene with a nickel catalyst at 750 °C.[14] The present
900 °C yielded WC + W2C + MgO + W (sample 5). The ther- reaction is more complex because CO might undergo dispro-
mal decomposition of W(CO)6 in the presence of MgO also portion (Boudard reaction) to produce CO2 and carbon (reac-
led to the formation of WC + MgO + C + W (sample 4). The tion 4). It is likely that Mg can promote the CO dissociation
above reactions 1 to 3 facilitate our claim regarding the for- reaction in a similar manner, as in the case of the alkali-pro-
mation of either W or WC at 900 °C under autogenic pressure. moted Fischer–Tropsch catalysis.[15] Carbon nanotubes[16] and
The MgO sample (W–CO/Mg) was washed with dilute HCl, nested fullerenes are also prepared from supercritical CO2 by
and the product was a mixture of around 90 % WC, 3 % W2C, a chemical reaction of carbon dioxide with Mg in a closed cell
and 7 % carbon (wt %, approximated from XRD measure- for 3 h at 1000 °C, yielding MgO and carbon. Rana and Ge-
ments, area under the peaks). Another approximation was danken presented a detailed description of the formation of
made using HRTEM measurements and SAED spectra. Out MgO and the catalytic growth of carbon nanoflasks during the
of twelve nanotubes one was found to be of carbon, while the thermal decomposition of Co(CO)3NO in the presence of Mg
rest were WC. A slight excess of carbon was also observed in at 900 °C.[17] They proposed that the Co particles lying on the
CHNS analysis. It is difficult to obtain 100 % WC as the sole MgO surface grow graphitic carbon at 900 °C during the 3 h
product, even after changing the reaction time and tempera- reaction. In the present case, the formed tungsten particles lie
ture. To get rid of additional carbon nanotubes in order to on the MgO nuclei surface and react with the carbon formed
achieve 100 % WC nanotubes and also to confirm the stability from the dispropotionation reaction to further grow WC tubes
at 900 °C. The formation of WC nanotubes by the
thermal decomposition of W(CO)6 in the presence
Table 2. Reactant(s), reaction conditions, and the achieved products of the control ex-
of Mg powder is a potential route for the produc-
tion of novel WC nanotubes. The effect of tungsten
Sample Reactant(s) Temperture/atmosphere/time Products on the synthesis of multiwalled carbon nanotubes
name using cobalt as a catalyst is also reported by Ishika-
1 H2WO4 900°C/N2/3h WO3 wa et al.[18]
2 H2WO4+Mg 900°C/N2/3h W+MgO There are two possibilities for the rolling mecha-
3 W(10 lm)+C+MgO 900°C/N2/3h WC+W2C+W+MgO nism for the formation of WC nanotubes. The first
4 W(CO)6+MgO 900°C/N2/3h WC+MgO+C+W is the directed growth of hexagonal WC unit cells
5 WO3+Mg+C 900°C/N2/3h WC+W2C+W+MgO
in a very specific direction in the presence of MgO.

2026 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Mater. 2006, 18, 2023–2027
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Received: April 4, 2006 danken, M.-G. Sung, A. Shigeo Carbon 2004, 42, 2738.
Final version: May 12, 2006
Published online: July 4, 2006


Adv. Mater. 2006, 18, 2023–2027 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2027

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