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tively, and those in the middle two quartiles

were considered normative. To assess long-

term correlates of the timing of sexual debut,
the analysts used logistic regression to com-
pare outcomes among respondents who had
first had sex at an early or a late age for their
subgroup with those who had done so at the
normative age. Data were weighted so that
results can be generalized to all U.S. adults.
Men and women were about equally rep-
resented among the 8,466 respondents;
74% of participants were white, and 55%
had no more than a high school education.
On average, male respondents were 43 years
old, and females were 46. Some 65% and
Long-Term Benefits 59%, respectively, were involved in sexual
Of Delaying First Sex relationships, and most of these were mar-
Appear to Be Limited ried. The overall and normative mean age at
first intercourse was 18; the mean was 14 for
Delayed initiation of intercourse is associated participants who had begun sexual activity
with reductions in the likelihood of some early and 22 for those who had begun late.
risky behaviors, but not necessarily with For men, early intercourse was positively
the kinds of physical and emotional health associated with reports of almost every
benefits that proponents of abstinence-only behavioral risk examined and of erectile,
education suggest it is, according to analysts sexual arousal and orgasm problems; it was
who examined data from a 1996 survey of negatively associated with participants’ as-
U.S. adults.1 Respondents who had first had sessments of their general health and was
sex later than the norm for individuals of not related to their views of their sexual
their gender and background had a reduced relationships. Among women, those who
likelihood of reporting risky partners and of had started having sex early had an increased
denying that they were at risk for STDs; likelihood of reporting most risk-related be-
associations between delayed sexual onset haviors, but not of other adverse outcomes.
and reductions in other risky behaviors were By contrast, both men and women who
found for men or women but not both. had started having sex late had reduced odds
However, respondents who had begun hav- of reporting any risky partners in the previous
ing sex later than the norm were no more year or in the previous five years (odds ratios,
satisfied with their sexual relationships than 0.6–0.7), and were less likely than their peers
were those who had started at a normative with a normative start to deny their vulnera-
age and did not rate their general health any bility to STDs (coefficient, –0.17 for each
better; males reporting a late start had gender). Additionally, men who had first
elevated odds of saying that they had erec- had sex late reported fewer partners in the
tile, sexual arousal or orgasm problems. past five years than those who had done so at
The National Sexual Health Survey was a normative age (–0.16); women with a late
conducted among English- and Spanish- start had reduced odds of saying that they
speaking individuals aged 18 or older who had frequently had sex while under the
lived in the 48 contiguous states. In tele- influence of alcohol or drugs (odds ratio,
phone interviews, participants answered 0.6) and that they had had an STD (0.5).
questions about their background character- Participants’ satisfaction with their sexual
istics; sexual behavior and functioning; cur- relationship was not associated with timing of
rent relationships; and general physical first intercourse, but men who had started
health. Analysts categorized timing of first having sex late considered their relationships
sex by examining distributions of age at first more solid than did their counterparts who
intercourse within subgroups defined by had started at a normative age (coefficient,
gender and racial or ethnic and educational 0.07). Delayed intercourse was associated
background; ages in the top and bottom with reduced odds of problems with sexual
quartiles of each distribution were consid- arousal among women (odds ratio, 0.8), but
ered late and early for that subgroup, respec- with elevated odds of arousal, erectile and

Volume 40, Number 2, June 2008 121


orgasm problems among men (1.5–1.7). Re- cations for sex education in the United States.
spondents’ overall assessments of their health In particular, the finding of problems with
were unrelated to late initiation of intercourse. sexual functioning associated with late sexual
Comparisons between respondents who initiation ‘‘lends credence to research show-
began intercourse before marriage and those ing that abstinence-only education may actu-
who did not have sex until they were mar- ally increase health risks and that strategies
ried yielded similar results to those for designed to promote relevant sexual health
normative versus late initiation. One notable information, motivation, and skills are likely
exception is that women whose first inter- to be more effective than abstinence-only
course occurred within marriage had an messages in helping young people avoid
increased likelihood of reporting arousal short- as well as long-term health consequen-
problems (odds ratio, 1.4). ces.’’ Greater understanding of the relation-
The analysts note that their study was ship between timing of first intercourse and
limited by the use of an existing data set that long-term outcomes, they write, ‘‘is urgently
did not include potentially important out- needed to inform adolescent health policies
come variables, and by other characteristics and programs.’’–D. Hollander
of the data and the sample. They also
point out that because the study was cross- REFERENCE
sectional, they cannot draw causal inferences 1. Sandfort TGM et al., Long-term health correlates
of timing of sexual debut: results from a national
from their findings. Nonetheless, they con- US study, American Journal of Public Health, 2008,
clude that the results have important impli- 98(1):155–161.

122 Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health

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