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Grade 11 3rd Period Module 3 Units 7 , 8 & 9 2 nd Term

No Word Definitions Meaning

1. broadcast A radio or television programme or transmission ‫إذاعة‬- ‫ أو التليفزيون‬4‫يذيع بالراديو‬
2. collectively Cooperatively ‫ تعاوني‬-‫بشكل جماعي‬
3. digital Relating to or using signals or information ‫رقمي‬
represented by discrete values (digital)of a physical
quantity , such as voltage or magnetic polarization,
to represent arithmetic numbers
4. dispatch To send off to a destination or for a purpose ‫ يبعث‬- ‫ينجز بسرعة – يرسل‬
5. entertainment The action of providing amusement or enjoyment ‫ ترفيه‬- ‫التسلية‬
6. evolve To develop gradually , esp .from a simple to a more ‫ يطور‬- ‫يتطور‬
complex form
7. Film industry Motion picture business ‫صناعة الفيلم‬
8. invention Economic activity concerned with the processing of ‫ اإلبداعية‬- ‫إختراع‬
9. set A radio or television receiver ‫ جهاز‬-
10. station A company involved in broadcasting of a specified ‫محطة إرسال أوإستقبال‬
11. transistor A portable radio using circuits containing transistors ‫ أداة الكترونية‬-‫الترانزستور‬
rather than vacuum tubes
12. Video recorder A device that , when linked to a television set , can 4‫مسجلة فيديو‬
be used for recording on and playing videotapes
13. Adversely harmfully ‫ بضرر‬- ‫بأذى‬
14. dedication The quality of being dedicated or committed to a – ‫التكريس – وقف – تخصيص‬
task or purpose ‫ إخالص لمثل أعلي أو قضية‬: ‫تفان‬
15. Deterrent A thing that discourages or is intended to discourage ‫عائق – مانع – الرادع‬
someone from doing something
16. glorify To describe or represent as admirable ,esp. ‫ مجد‬- ‫يمجد – يبجل – يعظم‬
unjustifiably or undeservedly
17. innumerable Too many to be counted ‫ اليعد وال يحصي‬-
18. remote Far away ; distant ‫بعيد – ناء‬
19. bring about To cause something to happen ‫ يسبب‬- ‫يحدث‬

20. demonstrate To clearly show the existence or truth of ‫ يبرهن‬- ‫ بوضوح – يثبت‬-‫يظهر‬

21. disappointing Failing to fulfill someone's hopes or expectations ‫خيبة أمل – مخيب لألمل‬
22. half Either of two equal periods of time into which a ‫النصف‬
sports game or a performance is divided
23. potential Natural qualities or abilities that may be developed ‫ كامن – اإلمكانية‬-
and lead to future success or usefulness
24. prominent Important ; famous ‫بارز – شهير‬
25. resident A person who lives somewhere permanently or on a ‫ ساكن‬- ‫مقيم‬
long-term basis
26. reveal To make ( previously unknown or secret information ‫ يظهر‬- ‫يفشي سرا‬
) known to others
27. telecommunication Communication over a distance by cable , telegraph , ‫ االتصال عن بعد‬: ‫المواصلة البعيدة‬
telephone or broadcasting 4)‫( بالتلغراف أو التليفون‬
28. teleprinter A device for transmitting and receiving telegraph ‫المبرقة الكاتبة – آلة إلرسال‬
messages ‫ رسائل التليغراف‬4‫واستقبال‬
29. tension The state of being stretched tight ‫ توتر‬- ‫شد‬
30. transatlantic Of , relating to , or situated on the other side of the ‫عابر األطلسي – واقع وراء األطلسي‬
Atlantic ‫– ممتد عبر األطلسي‬
31. victory An act of defeating an enemy in a battle , game or ‫ انتصار‬- ‫نصر‬
32. zealous Having or showing passionate ‫ حماس‬- ‫متحمس‬
33. Consume To use up ( a resource ) ‫يستهلك‬

34. Electronic device Having or operating with the aid of many small ‫جهاز الكتروني‬
components , esp. microchips and transistors , that
control and direct an electric current
35. electronics The branch of physics and technology concerned ‫ يبحث‬4‫ فرع من الفيزياء‬: 4‫اإللكترونيات‬
with the design of circuits using transistors and ‫في ابتعاث اإللكترونيات‬
microchips, and with the behaviour and movement
of electrons in a semiconductor , conductor , vacuum
or gas
36. portable able to be carried or moved easily; a portable ‫ قابل للحمل أو النقل‬-
computer program can be used on different computer
37. rank To give a place within a grading system based on ‫ يصنف – يحتل‬- ‫يصف – يرتب‬
quality ‫منزلة‬
38. Age-appropriate Suitable for a certain age ‫مالئم للعمر‬
39. Channel-surf To change frequently from one television channel to ‫يغير من قناة تليفزيونية آلخري‬
another , using a remote control device ‫باستخدام وحدة التحكم عن بعد‬
40. comedy A play , film or programme that makes one laugh ‫الكوميديا‬
41. inactivity Idleness , immobility ‫ النشاط‬-‫ الفعالية‬-‫الخمول – سكون‬
42. mentally In one's mind ‫ ذهنيا‬- ‫عقليا‬
43. Miss out on To not get the chance to do or have something that ‫ تفوته الفرصة‬- ‫يفوت الفرصة‬
one would enjoy or that would be good for one , esp.
a chance that other people succeed in getting
44. promote To further the progress of ( something,esp.a cause , ‫ يرقي – يرفع – يعزز‬-
venture ,or aim);to support or actively encourage
45. provoke To stimulate or give rise to( a reaction or emotion , ‫ يستفز‬- ‫ يحرض‬- ‫ يحث‬- ‫– يثير‬
typically a strong or unwelcome one) in someone ‫يغضب – يغيز‬
46. Tune out To stop playing attention to something , esp. because ‫ يعدل الجهاز‬: ‫يفض المؤالفة‬
one is tired or bored ‫المستقبل بحيث يتخلص من غير‬
‫المرغوب فيه – يوقف االستماع أو‬
‫االهتمام بشيء‬
47. Accuracy The quality or state of being correct or precise ‫ ضبط‬- ‫دقة – صحة‬
48. Core programming The central or most important programme ‫البرمجة الرئيسية – البرنامج‬
49. fractional Relating to the separation of components of a ‫ كسري – ضئيل‬- ‫جزئي‬
50. On average Normally ; usually ‫ في المعدل‬-
51. Primarily For the most part ; mainly ‫قبل كل شيء – أوال‬

52. Prime time The regularly occurring time at which a television or ‫الوقت األساسي لمشاهدة البرامج‬
radio audience is expected to be greatest , generally ‫التليفزيونية‬
regarded in the television industry as the hours
between 8 and 11 p.m.
53. Staggering astonishing ‫ صاعق‬- ‫مذهل – مربك‬
54. Teaching aid Materials and equipment used in teaching ‫وسيلة تعليمية‬
55. visualise To imagine ‫ يتصور – يتخيل‬-
56. Get behind with To not make as much progress as others ‫يتخلف‬
57. Get down to To start doing something seriously ‫ علي – يبدأ في عمل‬4‫يركز التفكير‬
58. Get on To have a good relationship with someone – ‫ يتقدم‬- ‫ينسجم أو يتفق مع شخص‬
59. Get over To recover ‫ يجتاز‬- ‫يتعافي من – يتغلب علي‬
60. Get through To manage to contact someone ‫يصل إلي المكان الذي يقصده – ينجز‬
‫– يتم – يتمكن من االتصال‬
61. occasionally Sometimes ; from time to time ‫ أحيانا‬-
62. Record To set down in writing or some other permanent ‫ يسجل‬- ‫يدون‬
form for later reference , esp. officially

63. Tune in To listen to or watch a particular programme on ‫ يعدل الجهاز‬: ‫ يؤالف‬: ‫يوفق‬
radio or television ‫المستقبل بحيث يسمع ما يريد سماعه‬
64. Convict To prove or officially announce that someone is ‫يدين – يجرم متهما‬
guilty of a crime
65. equestrian Of or relating to horse riding ‫فروسي– متعلق بركوب الخيل‬
66. Evidence The available body of facts or information indicating ‫ عالمة‬- ‫ أمارة‬- ‫دليل‬
whether a belief or proposition is true
67. Newcomer A person or thing that has recently arrived in a place 4‫ القادم الجديد‬-
or joined a group
68. News team Two or more people working together on broadcast ‫فريق أخبار‬
or published report of news
69. prosecution The institution and conducting of legal proceedings ‫ اإلدعاء‬- ‫ إقامة دعوي‬-‫مقاضاة‬
against someone in respect of a criminal charge
70. thriller A novel , play or movie with an exciting plot , ‫ رواية أو تمثيلية مثيرة‬-
typically involving crime
71. Capability Power or ability ‫ مقدرة‬- ‫قدرة‬

72. consumer The person purchasing goods and services for ‫المستهلك‬
personal use
73. ENG Electronic News Gathering ‫اجتماع األخبار االلكتروني – جمع‬
‫األخبار االلكترونية‬
74. high-end Denoting the most expensive of a range of products ‫راقي – غالي‬
75. hydraulic Denoting , relating to or operated by a liquid moving ‫ أو‬4‫ متعلق بالمياه‬- ‫هيدروليكي‬
in a confined space under pressure ‫السوائل المتحركة‬
76. Motion picture A story or event recorded by a camera as a set of ‫ شريط أو فيلم سينمائي‬-
moving images and shown in a theatre or on
77. nowadays At present time ; in contrast with the past ‫في الوقت الحاضر – هذه األيام‬
78. pedestal The base or support on which a statue or column is ‫ أساس‬- ‫قاعدة التمثال‬
79. period drama A play belonging to or characteristic of a past ‫مسرحية تاريخية‬
historical time
80. stabilising Causing to become stable ‫ االستقرار‬-
81. Anticipation The act of predicting and expecting something ‫ حدس‬- ‫توقع‬
82. Cast The actors in a play or film ‫فريق الممثلين – شخصيات الرواية أو‬
83. Everyone's a critic Everyone has a right to express an opinion ( often ‫حق النقد أو التعبير عن الرأي‬
used in a ironic manner )
84. Soundtrack A recording of the musical accompaniment to a ‫الموسيقي التصويرية‬
85. Up to scratch Up to standard - ‫وفق المرام أو المستوي المطلوب‬
‫في حالة جيدة‬
86. amicably friendly ‫ سلميا‬- ‫ حبيا‬- 4‫بالتفاهم‬
87. audience All the people who listen to a speech or a concert ‫المستمعين – جماعة المشاهدين‬
88. Beckon away To leave a place because you are drawn to another ‫ مكان آلخر‬4‫يشير بعيدا – يغادر‬
89. Bring up To raise children ‫يربي‬
90. category A class or division of people or things regarded as ‫طبقة – فئة – صنف‬
having particular shared characteristics
91. characterise To describe the qualities of something or someone in 4‫يميز – يصف أو يصور خصائص‬
a particular way
92. cityscape The visual appearance of a city or urban area; a city ‫مشهد المدينة – منظر المدينة‬
landscape ‫الطبيعي – تضاريس المدينة‬
93. Commentator A person who comments on events , esp.on ‫المعلق علي األنباء في اإلذاعة أو‬
television or radio 4‫التليفزيون‬
94. court The people ,esp. the judge and the jury , who ‫ المحكمة‬-
examine evidence and decide whether someone is
guilty or not
95. feature A distinctive attribute or aspect of something ‫ مقوم‬- ‫ميزة بارزة‬

96. Producer A person responsible for the financial and ‫المنتج‬
managerial aspects of making of a movie or
broadcast or for staging a play , opera
97. screen To show ( a movie or video ) or broadcast ( a ‫يعرض علي الشاشة‬
television programme )
98. spotlight A lamp projecting a narrow , intense beam of light ‫ضوء كاشف – ضوء المسرح‬
directly onto a place or person , esp. a performer on
99. sprawling Spreading out in different directions ‫ انتشار‬- ‫تمدد‬
100. basically Fundamentally , essentially ‫أساسيا – جوهريا‬
101. catch To capture or seize – ‫يمسك – يقبض علي – يصطاد‬
‫ يسحر‬: ‫ يفتن‬: ‫يأسر‬
102. congested So crowded with traffic ‫ مكتظ‬- ‫ مزدحم‬-
103. fundamentally Forming a necessary base or core ; of central ‫ رئيسيا‬- ‫أساسا – جوهريا‬
104. inexpensive Cheap ; low-priced ‫رخيص – معقول الثمن‬
105. Voice-over A piece of narration in a movie or broadcast , not ‫صوت الراوي بدون صورة‬
accompanied by an image of the speaker
106. wholeheartedly Sincerely ‫ بصدق‬- ‫بإخالص – من القلب‬

Grade 11 Module Three Unit 7
1- What does " broadcasting " mean ?
It stands for communicating by radio or television .

2- There are many useful modern inventions in the field of broadcasting . Mention two
a) Digital TV .
b) Cable television systems .
c) Satellite .

3- What was " Kuwait's official media's policy " based on ?

a) It was based on mutual cooperation .
b)And respect for the affairs of other countries .

4- What did Kuwait's official media's policy achieve ?

It achieved intellectual , social , political and economic development .

5- Compare between radio broadcasting in the past and nowadays .

In the past :
a- Messages could only be dispatched to short distances along telegraph wires .
b- Messages sent to other countries could take months .
a- Radio signals could be transmitted to anywhere in the world in less than a second .
b- Music and entertainment programmes are also broadcast .

6- Compare between television broadcasting in the past and nowadays .

In the past :
a- The first television sets were very expensive .
b- They had small screens with black and white pictures . .
Nowadays :
a- TV sets are sold at reasonable prices .
b- The television screens become larger with advanced technology ( LCD , Plasma ) .

7- Compare between radio and TV broadcasting in general and in Kuwait .
In General In Kuwait
Radio - Radio first used to send messages - The first radio transmission was in 1951 .
around 1900s . - By 1998 , there were 6 AM , 1 shortwave
- In 1950s , the transistors made and 11 FM radio stations.
radios much smaller . - Radio Kuwait now offers daily informative
programming in four foreign languages .
TV - The first TV system was developed - TV transmission began in 1957 .
in 1926 . - Kuwait Television ( KTV ) presented the
In 1951 , the first colour broadcasts first coloured broadcasts in 1974 .
were made . - By 1997 , 13 television stations existed in
- in 1990s and 2000s , digital TV , Kuwait .
satellites and cable TV system were
introduced to people .

8- What are the advantages and disadvantages of media ?

Advantages :
a- Media provides people with information on the latest events reaching people .
b- It's one of the most reliable sources for forming public opinion .

Disadvantages :
a- Media can encourage negative or destructive thinking patterns in the society .
b- It has the power to form and alter opinions .

9- Give an example that affirms the freedom of the press in Kuwait .

In 2007 , Kuwait was ranked second in the Middle East in the Freedom of press Index .

10-What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching sport on TV instead of
watching it live ?
Advantages :
a- You will be more relaxed , surrounded by your family and friends .
b- You will enjoy listening to the commentator who gives interesting and encouraging
comments regarding the match .
Disadvantages :
a- You will not be able to share the sport fans .
b- You will miss setting in the stadium and watching the players live .

11- How do you think that the Internet has affected how we consume radio and TV ?
The Internet has affected how people consume radio and TV because people are depending
now on the Internet to watch the latest news , get the updated information , listen to music ,
watch movies , entertain themselves , etc.

12-" Radio is the theatre of the mind " Do you agree ?

Yes , because radio has many advantages like :
a- Radio provides people with information on the latest events reaching people .
b-It's one of the most reliable sources for forming public opinion .

13- Digital camera can be used for many purposes other than simply taking photos .
Give examples .( Mention some of the advantages of a digital camera )

a- It captures high-resolution pictures .

b- It allows to record video clips .

14- What are the main part of a digital camera ?

a- rechargeable battery .
b- the zoom lens .
c- Power button .
d- LCD screen .

15- What are the different scene modes a digital camera can provide ?
a- Night b- Portrait c- Children d-Landscape
e- Macro e-Text f-Sunset and Dawn

16- On what occasions would you use a digital camera ?

a- Wedding Parties .
b- Birthday parties .
c- While travelling .
d- Graduation parties .

Unit 8)

1- What do you do when a TV commercial comes on ?

a- Surfing channels .
b- Talk with others in the room or on the phone .

2- What positive impact does watching television have on the life of teens ?
a- It can encourage good behaviour .
b- It allows them to think about their own life choices .
3-What negative impact does watching television have on the life of teens ?
a-It can give unhealthy , false or negative messages .
b- It may cause them to miss out on real world experiences .

4-We can avoid the negative effects of TV by following some simple rules . Mention
a- Make family rules about TV and stick to them .
b-Set limits on TV viewing time .

5-TV can be educational . Do you agree or disagree ? Justify your answer .

Yes , I agree because :
a- TV can be a very useful teaching aid .
b- It can provide people with useful information .
6- Why is television described as a " teaching aid " ?
a- It can provide students with useful information .
b- It helps students to practise listening to different spoken languages .

7 - Mention some of your favourite TV programs and state why you like each of them .
a) Educational programs . They help me with my study .
b) Films (Drama) . I enjoy watching them .

Unit 9

1- What are the different uses of a camera ?

a- To record live sport events . c- For security
b- For surgical operations d- For education .
2- What's the difference between the portable professional cameras and the consumer
a- The portable professional cameras are much larger and designed to be carried on the
b- The consumer cameras are smaller and carried by hands .

3- What are the two types of professional video cameras ?

a- Camcorders ( high-end portable recording cameras )
b- Studio cameras

4- Compare between the Camcorders and the Studio cameras .

a- Camcorders :
- They are used for ENG ( electronic news gathering ) .
-They have a shoulder-stabilising device on the shoulder .
b- Studio cameras
- They have no recorder on their own .
- They are cable-bound .
5- What are the events that camera operators record ?

a- TV series b- Studio programmes
d- Sporting events d- Private ceremonies

6- What does " Everyone is a critic " mean ?

It means that everyone has a right to express his or her opinion , and it becomes very easy to
write your own review by using the Internet .

7- What qualities do you think make a good film critic ?

a- while watching your chosen film , keep a notepad and a pen handy so you can note down
your ideas , any memorable moments or quotes .
b- You should not be biased when you are reviewing even if your favourite actor was the
lead character .

8- Who are the film production team ?

a- Editors b- Costume designers c- Composers

9- There are many elements to a good film . Mention them .

a- Soundtracks b- make-up c- Special effects

10- Compare between a popular film and a critically-acclaimed film .

a- A popular film is casting of popular actors .
b- A critically-acclaimed film is casting of actors who are well-suited to the roles

11- What points should be considered when writing a film review ?

a- Story of the film .
b- Directing .

12- What do you know about Kuwait Times ?

a- It was founded on 1961 by Yousif Saleh Alyan .
b- It was the first English-language newspaper in the Gulf .

13- Why is Yousif Saleh Alyan considered one of the patriotic sons of Kuwait's
a- He founded Kuwait Times .
b- He is one of the founding members of KJA .( Kuwait Journalists Association )

Language Practice
I- Vocabulary

A- From a, b ,c and d choose the right answer :

1-A: I want to surf the net today to find a subject for the oral fluency.
B: That will............................ your time. It’s better to read a book or a magazine.
a- evolve b- consume c- dispatch d- reveal
2. A: Do you know how many TV and radio ……………….. there are in the world ?
B: There are over 21,500 television channels and over 44,000 radio signals.
a) stations b) evidences c) falsehoods d) spotlights
3 A: Most students feel a lot of pressure and ………………. before exams.
B: It is the school duty to create a relaxed atmosphere.
a) tension b) comedy c) cast d) monkfish

4- A : Goods are normally …………………..within 24 hours in that company .

B: We prefer dealing with it .
a) revealed b) dispatched c) brought about d) glorified
5- A : All members of the cabinet are ………………… responsible for decisions taken.
B: But they always think they are the best .
a) adversely b) collectively c) amicably d) basically
6- A : If you want to be a poet, you must ……………. your own style of writing.
B: Thank you for your advice .
a) promote b) tune out c) evolve d) provoke
7- A : Messi is currently ………………………as the best player in the world .
B : I can't agree more . He is a very talented player .
a) consumed b) dispatched c) brought about d) ranked
8- A : All the …………….. fans of the National team have been at the stadium since 2 am.
B: We wish our team could win this difficult match .
a) zealous b) portable c) disappointing d) transatlantic

9- A : It's really …………………when you expect so much and get so little .
B : I know that . Why don't you ask for a promotion ?
a) disappointing b) prominent c) zealous d) inexpensive
10- A) Can you give me a brief report about the newly appointed employee .

B) He’s active and clever, but he hasn’t yet realized his full ………………………

a) nowadays b) primarily c) occasionally d) potential

B) Fill in the spaces with the most suitable word from the list : -
( victory - adversely - portable - film industry - glorify - digital - dedication
transistors - demonstrate – deterrent )
1. A: The manager thanked his team for their …………….. ……………..and loyalty.
B: It is a nice thing to motivate others.

2-A: Why don’t you buy a tape- recorder with a ........................sound system .
B: I’m not comfortable with modern technology. I prefer the traditional ones.

3. A: You always …………………..your house as it is a great palace.

B: I'm not joking it is really big .
4- A : Experts were sure that TV and video would damage the ……………………….
B : On the contrary , these two inventions have enriched it .
5- A : How much should I pay for this ?
B : It's 15 KD for a ………………………….. , 50 KD for a digital one .

6- A : A trainer came in to …………………. … the new computer system worked.

B : It's better to join courses .
7- A : The fines are large enough to be an effective …………………… against speeding.
B : I totally agree with you .
8- A : What a / an ……………………..! Our forces have succeeded in defeating the enemy's
troops .
B: You are right , I am proud of them .
9- A : There's a ………………………… CD player in the kitchen.
B: Let's listen to music .
10- A : A lot of companies have been …………………….. affected by the recession.
B : It is a big problem .

C) From a, b,c and d choose the correct meaning that fits the underlined word in these
1 A: Don't doubt the accuracy of the numbers in the report.
B : I'm sorry, but they seem to be illogical.

a) an opportunity to pause and relax b) a flower , a tree or a bush

c) a drink , other than water d) the quality of being correct

2- A: I enjoy travelling to remote places.

B: Travelling benefits us a lot.
a. Occurring once every year. b. The state of being correct or accurate.
c. The act of running away or leaving d. Far away
3. A: A soldier must not reveal secrets to the enemy.
B: That is why they punish him if he does so.

a) to leave a place b) to use up

c) to cause something to happen d) to make secret known to others.

4-A: English is currently enjoying a prominent position all over the world.
B: It is very important to learn it.
a. important or famous b. low-priced
c. for the most part , mainly d. at the present time
5- A : Kuwait Television offered the colour broadcasts in 1974 .
B : At present it operates several television channels .
a. a class of people b. a radio or television programme
c. the actors in a play d. the people who listen to a speech .
6- A :I enjoy touring in Kuwait City .
B : So what do you do for entertainment in this city ?
a. relating to horse riding b. the action of providing enjoyment
c. the state of being correct d. the people who listen to a speech

7- A : Industrialized countries consume natural resources in huge quantities.

B : They cause some environmental problems and global warming .

a. to give rise to b. to start doing something

c. to leave a place d. to use up

8- A : She has received innumerable get-well cards and flowers.

B: Fantastic!
a. low-priced b. the state of being correct
c. too many to be counted d. important and famous

9- A : The recent economic depression has brought about many problems .

B : It has led to many economic , social and financial problems .

a. to cause something to happen b. to leave a place

c. to listen watch a programme d. to make secret known to others

II – Communicative structure

A- From a , b , c and d choose the correct answer :

1-a) That is the house ............ Hassan lives .
b) Oh! It is a very beautiful house
a) who b) when c) where d) whose
2-a) I talked to Fawaz ............. father is the manager of KOC.
b) He is our neighbour.
a) whom b) who c) whose d) which
3- a)This is the woman ............... gave me the money .
b) She is very kind.
a) whom b) who c) whose d) which
4-a) I met the girl ............. you told me to help .
b) Sh is a poor girl.
a) whom b) who c) whose d) which
5-a) Do you remember the day ................. we first met ?
b) Of course I do.
a) when b) where c) which d) who

6-A : The student...............has been training well won the grand prize.
B: You can ask the guard …….. is on duty over there.
a- when b- whose c- who d- where
7. A: The man ………… invented the first Television system was John Long.
B: His invention has turned the world into a small village.
a) when b) whose c) who d) which

8. A: When the thief stole my wallet, he thought he could get …….. with it .
B: You're so lucky, the police arrested him in a very short time.
a) down to b) through c) over d) away

9. A: Does ……………. have a pen for one moment?

B: Of course sir, here you are.

a) anybody b) somebody c) everybody d) nobody

10. A: Arabic is the formal spoken language ………. the Gulf.

B: It is Language of the Holly Quran .
a) on b) at c) throughout d) to

11-A: An inventor ……………..inventions benefit people shouldn’t be forgotten.

B: We should be grateful for scientists and inventors.
a) who b) which c) whose d) where
12-A: If you have work you have to get…………. early.
B: I always do that.
a) up b) on c) over d) to
13-A: I don’t know why ……………answers ! I’m sure they are in the house.
B: Perhaps they are sleeping.
a) nowhere b) anybody c) somebody d) nobody
14-A: The manager likes to supervise every thing……………….. .
B: He is a successful person.
a) herself b) himself c) myself d) yourself
15.A : Anyone ……………has information about the thief should inform the police.
B: It’s our duty to help them.
a. whose b. who c. where d. when

16.A: Yesterday, I called over my friends …………… building is across the streets to
watch a football match.
B: I am sure you had a great time.
a. whose b. who c. where d. when

17.A: How …………… do you go to the gym, Jassem?

B: I go almost everyday. I rarely miss it.
a. much b. many c. often d. far

18.A : Who do you think the ……….. football player is in the 21st century?
B: I think, Lionel Messi.
a. good b. better c. worse d. best
19- A :My brother , ...................son is an electrical engineer , can help me .
B: Ok . Give him a call .
a. who b. Whom c. Whose d. That

20- A : The digital camera , ....................... I bought a week ago , is a great worth of money .
B: It keeps your memories fresh and alive .
a. who b. Whom c. Whose d. Which

21- A : 1903 is the year ........................the first transatlantic radio transmission took place .
a) when b) which c) whose d) where
:22- A An assumption is ……………that we think is true but we’re not sure of.

false if
on data
a. someone b. somewhere c. something d.. anything
. A: Has ………………… seen the remote control of the Television -23
. B: I haven't seen it since yesterday

a. anybody b. somebody c. anything d.. anywhere

24- A : Did you go ……………………..else ?

B: No , I've been here all the time .
a. somewhere b. something c. anywhere d.. anything

25- A : Has anybody else been in this room today ?

B: No , ………………… else has been in today .
a. Somebody b. nobody c. nowhere d.. nothing
26- a) Where’s Maha ?
b) She’s………………holiday at the moment.
a) over b) on c) at d) from
27- A :……………….September , 24 1961 , Yousuf Saleh Alyan founded Kuwait Times.
B: It was his greatest achievement .
a) On b)In c) At d) From

28- A : Yousuf Saleh Alyan was born ……………..1932 in Kuwait .

B: And he died ………………….. December 5th , 2007 …………the age of 75 .

a) on b) in c) at d) from

29 – A: Students don't go to school ………….Fridays or Saturdays .

B: They are a holiday here .

a) on b) in c) at d) during

Phrasal Verbs ( get )

Get behind with To not make as much progress as others ‫يتخلف عن‬
Get down to To start doing something seriously ‫يركز التفكير علي – يبدأ‬
‫في عمل شيء‬
Get on To have a good relationship with ‫ينسجم أو يتفق مع شخص‬
someone ‫ يتقدم – ينجح‬-
Get over To recover - ‫يتعافي من – يتغلب علي‬
Get through To manage to contact someone ‫يصل إلي المكان الذي‬
– ‫يقصده – ينجز – يتم‬
‫يتمكن من االتصال‬

. A : It takes old people a long time to get …………………cold and flu -30
. B : That 's true
a) behind b) through c) over d) on

31- A : If you don't do your homework regularly , you'll get ……….with your study .
B : I always do my homework regularly .

a) behind b) through c) over d) down

32- A : I don't need much sleep ,so it's easy for me to get ………………. early.
B: You always say the same words .
a) on b) over c) up d) through
33- A: We enjoyed a relaxing holiday , but now it's time to get ………… work again .
B : I think you are right .

a) behind b) through c) over d) down

34 – A : My friends say they've tried to phone me but they couldn't get ……………….
B: I think there's something wrong with your phone .
a) behind b) through c) over d) down

35- A : All the students in my class …………………..very well .

B : Good news !
a) behind b) through c) over d) down

36- A : The third period exam will start next week . You should get ……to revise .
B : Thanks for your advice .

a) behind b) through c) over d) down

B) Correct the verbs in brackets. Write your answers on the dotted lines

1. A: My friend had a serious car accident yesterday.

B: He could have saved himself if he ( drive ) more carefully . ….. …………………
2. A: Our team ( prepare ) for the final match these days. ……… …………………
B: I wish they could win it.

3. A: My father ( read ) the newspaper every morning . …….. …………………

B: It is the daily habit of my father, too.

4. A: If you have a Blackberry mobile, you (easily / connect) to the net .

B: I know, but it's a bit expensive.
5- A: Huda told me that she.....................(buy) her wedding gown from the U.S.A
B: That’s fantastic!.

6-A: Oh my God! Letterman Show has just finished.

B: If you had told me , I .....................................( record) it for you.
7-A: I’m fond of ( listen ) to western music. ………………............................
B: As for me I don’t enjoy it.
8-A: My father ( read ) a newspaper in his room now. ……………. …………………
B: Ask him to come, it is dinner time.

9.A: What happened to your car? ……………... ……………..

B: It (turn) over while I driving along the beach.

10.A: Hello. Can I speak to Ahmed, please? . ……………………………

B: I am sorry he (take) a shower right now.

11- a) The weather usually (get) cold in winter. . .……….......................

b) Yes , but it's very hot in summer .
12- a) Khalid often (spend) his summer holiday in Egypt. ...............…………….
b) That's because they have a flat there .
13- a) Water (boil) at 100ºC . ………………………
b) It's a fact .
14- a) Look! Some boys (plant) trees in the garden. ….….........................… ….
b) It's very nice of them .
15- a) The mechanic (repair) my car at the moment. ….…....................................
b) I hope he will finish it quickly .
16- a) Let's go for a walk . The weather is fine . ….…...................................
b) I can’t go out as I (do) my homework now.
17- a) Let's take your car to the garage . .............................................
b) Thanks , we already (repair) it .
18- a) Fatma (not visit) her sister since she went to Dubai. ……. ...............................
b) It's really a long time .
19- a) My friends just (return) from Rome. ...........................................
b) Let's go to welcome them back .
20- a) Salim (not do) any exercise for a long time. ………………………………
b) That's why he is so fat .
21- a) My father (work) in that factory for twenty five years. ............................……..
b) Has he become the manager ?

22- a) I (clean) the house since the morning. .............................…….
b) Why don't you take some rest ?

23- a) Nawal (decorate) her room all day long . ………………………..

b) She is an active girl .
24- a) It (rain) the whole night . ………………………..
b) That’s why the streets are wet .

25- a) We (move) to this house last year. ...........................………

b) It's a beautiful one .
26- a) I haven't seen Hisham for a lno time .
b) He ( die ) in an accident a week ago. … ……………………….
27- a) In the past , man (be) primitive . ...........................…
b) Yes , he lived in caves .

28- a) The ancient Egyptians (build) the pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs .
b) They were great builders . …………………….
29- a) Do you know who broke the window ?
b) Some boys (play) football when I came back home. ......................................
30- a) Hassan had an accident while he (cross) the road. …..............................
b) He never looks where he is going .
31- a) I (lose) my wallet while I was playing football . ………………………
b) Why don't you go back and look for it ?
32- a) While we (drive) on the ring road , we had a flat tyre. ...................................
b) What did you do then ?
33- a) Why were you late for school ?
b) When I got to the bus stop , the bus (left) , so I had to walk . ……………………….
34- a) I watched TV after I (finish) my homework.. ……. ..........................
b) It's good to manage your time .
35- a) By the time Mohammed was 12 , he (learn) three languages. ....................................
b) He is a brilliant boy .
36- a) Before Saad went to London , he (get) a visa. ……. ..........................
b) Sure . You can't travel there without it .

37- a) Where is your mother ?

b) She (be) back in a few minutes . ……. ..........................

38- a) We (graduate) from university in 2013 . ........................………

b) I dream of this day .
39- a) In the future , man (travel) in spaceships. ........................……..
b) He may also live on the moon .

40- a) We (move) to a new house next July. ........................………
b) Congratulations .
41- a) The space shuttle (take off ) shortly . ………………………
b) Hopefully , it will face no trouble this time .

Do as shown in brackets :

1- I bought a new house . It is in Salmiya . (Join using: which)


2- This is the new car . I bought it last week . (Join using: which)

3- The girl is in my class . She broke the window . (Join using: who)

4- This man saw the thieves . They robbed the bank . (Join using: who)

5- Mr. Khalid is our headmaster . His son is a doctor . (Join using: whose)

6- I know Waleed . His brother is our headmaster . (Join using: whose)

7- In 1896 Marconi took his ideas to England . He gained the interest and support of important
physicist in England . ( Join using : where )

8- I attend English courses in the British Council to improve my language. (Make a



9- My brother should build many rooms in his new house (Make passive)

10. " Go to bed early and don't overlook your medicine." .

( Reported speech )
- The doctor advised me to ……………………………………………………………..

11. The company has e-mailed a nice leaflet to its customers.

( Make passive )

12. Let's go to the school library, ................................. ? ( Tag question )

13. Both Hamad and Ali got full marks in the final exam. ( Negative )
- ………………………………………………………………………………………..

14- ‘ Please help me do my homework’ . ( Complete )

My younger sister asked me………………………………………………………….
15- My father has bought a new villa for us . ( change into passive)
16- ‘Can you change the channel, please?’. ( Reported speech )

17. You have already bought a new mobile. ( Ask a Question )


18- Ahmed Zweil is a great scientist . His discovery won him the Nobel Prize . (Join : whose)


19- The teacher was very pleased with me . He teaches us English . ( Join : who )


20- The mansion seems very old . My cousin lives there . ( Join : where )


21- Companies are selling thousands of computers every day on the Internet . ( Passive )


22- Computers have made our lives a lot easier . ( Change focus )


23 – People are downloading more and more programs from the Internet . ( Passive )


24- ‘Open the door for me , please .’ (Report the sentence )

She asked me …………………………………………………………………………..
25- ‘Take this medicine regularly.’ (Report the sentence )
The doctor advised Ahmed …………………………………………………………….
26- ‘Never drive a car without wearing a seatbelt.’ (Report the sentence )
The policeman asked me ………………………………………………………………..
27- ‘Obey your mother and don’t cause trouble.’ (Report the sentence )
My father told us ………………………………………………………………………..
28- " Turn the television off and do your homework ". ( Reported speech )
Jaber's father told him………………………………………………………………………

29- " If I were you , I'd record the programme and watch it later . "
Jumana advised me …………………………………………………………… ( Complete )

30- " Please watch the film with me . "

Shaika's mother asked her ………………………………………………………( Complete )

31- " Don't touch the DVD player . " ( Reported speech )
Ali's father warned him ………………………………………………………………………...

32- " Can you look for the remote control ? "
He wanted me …………………………………………………………… ( Reported speech )
34- " Rewind the video for me ."
He told me …………………………………………………………………..( Complete )

Passive Voice
Present Simple
Change into passive :
1. Many people visit the Kuwait Towers every year.
2. Doctors give medicine to cure sick people.
3. Oil slicks ruin the beaches.
The beaches ……………………………………………………………………….…
4- The maid cleans my room every other day .
Past Simple
Change into passive :
1. The earthquake destroyed the town.
2. Barry scored the winning goal.
The winning goal ……………………………………………………………………...
3. The Chinese invented writing paper 5000 years ago .
4- Rashid painted these chairs yesterday .

Present Perfect
Change into passive :
1. Ali has seen a strange object in A1-Ahmadi.
A strange object ………………………………………………………………………
2. The government has built many schools in recent years .
3. She has broken the dishes by accident .
4.We have studied English for 12 years.

Present Continuous
Change into passive :
1. The secretary is typing the letters now.
2. The students are writing the lesson at the moment .
3. The doctor is examining the patients at present .
4- Ahmed is arranging the books on the shelves .

III. Language Functions ( 60 Marks)

A) Match the utterances in "A" with their suitable responses in "B". (4 X 6 = 24)

29. Using mobile phones at schools is now strictly forbidden.

30. About 15% of children in Kuwait suffer from obesity.
31. I warned you not to drive the car when it is dusty.
32. I'd be grateful if you could finish the task on time.


( )- It is the parents' responsibility to watch their kids eating behaviours .

( )- It is only my fault . I should have listened to your advice.
( )- I totally agree with that . It is a good decision.
( )- I suggest spending more time in the scientific Lab.
( )- With pleasure . It wouldn't take a long time.

B) Write what you would say in the following situations: ( 4 X 5 = 20 Marks)

33. The Math project is too difficult to be achieved within that limited time.

34. Car drivers should have a First Aid Kit in case of emergencies.

35. A new park will be opened to serve the whole community in your area.

36. I used to go camping with my father when I was a child.


C) Complete the missing parts of the following dialogues: ( 4 X 4 = 16 Marks)

37. Friend : You seem to be upset . What's wrong?
You : ……………………………………………………………………………..

38. Sister : I've made up my mind to join the AUK. What about you?
You : …………………………………………………………………………….

39. Friend : What's your opinion about extending the school day to 3 o'clock?
You : ………………………………………………………………………………..

40. Mother : Your little brother is still out and it is almost midnight.
You : ………………………………………………………………………………..

III- Language Functions (24 Marks)

A) Match the utterances and reactions: (4 x 3 = 8)
17- I think playing video games is a ( ) - No one can predict the result.
waste of time.
18- Meat or chicken? ( ) - Awfully sorry!

19- What do you intend to study at ( ) - I have not decided yet.

the University.
20- What do you expect for ( ) - I partially agree with you.
tomorrow's match?
( ) - None of them. I am a vegetarian.

B) Write what you would say in the following situations: (3 x 2 = 6)

21- You need to borrow your friend video camera for your graduation party.

22- You want to go camping with your friends but your father refuses.

23- You have a lot of free time this weekend.


C) Complete the missing parts of the following exchanges: (3 x 2 = 6)

24- A: Can you help me do my homework?

B: ………………………………………………………

25- A: Do you know why the teacher punished Fahd.?

B: ………………………………………………………

26- A: I invite you to my brother's wedding party next week.

B: ………………………………………………………
) : A) Match these utterances with their reactions

?Where can you spend your free time)17 ?Will you invite me to the party) (
. My birthday is on 4th January)18 .Let's go there in the week end) (
Hajj is an interesting religious occasion)19 .Let's visit my grandfather) (
.Dubai is a wonderful shopping center)20 . It's one of the pillars of Islam) (
. I prefer staying on café ) (

: B) What would you say in the following situations

. You want to invite your friend to your wedding party -21


. Your friend suggests visiting Failaka island ,but you don't agree -22

. You want to ask your father about cloning and its advantages -23


: C) Complete the following dialogue

. A: My father is going to return from Hajj next Friday
?.……………………………………………………………….………… :B
. A: Yes , of course . we will celebrate his return
?.…………………………………………………………………..……… :B
. A: We are going to prepare a large lunch for our friends and relatives, I hope you can be with us
. B: I will try to come
. A: please try to arrive by 6 pm
..………………………………………………………………… :B

III. Language Functions ( 24 Marks )

A) Match the following utterances with their reactions: ( 4 x 3 = 12 M)

( A )
17. What do you think of your books of English ?
18. Could you show me how to use this machine , please ?
19. I'm afraid I'm going to be late for the meeting .
20. Some people think that teaching is an easy job .

( B )
( ) I think he has got the same feeling .
( ) No problem , just come as soon as possible .
( ) I think, they are very useful and interesting , but a bit difficult .
( ) They are completely wrong
( ) Certainly , switch it on here . then , press the button .

B) Write what you would say in these situations: ( 3 x 2 = 6 M)

21. Someone asks you whether you like to watch a football match or not.

22. Your friend smokes too much.


23. Watching TV for long hours is bad for health.


C) Complete the missing parts of the following dialogues: ( 3 x 2 = 6 )

24. A: What are you up to this weekend, Faisal?

B: ……………………………………………………………………………………

25. A: Can you tell me what is good about watching sport on TV?
B: ……………………………………………………………………………………

26. A: Why didn’t you come to the party?

B: ……………………………………………………………………………………


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