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April 20, 1952 OF QUARTZ


drazine should be about 19. From 90-100% hy- are assumed to ionize according to equation (3).
drazine a much more rapid rise in H- is anticipated Of the indicators employed, only VI and VI1
corresponding to the rapid increase in p H from 0- showed a measurable time lag before complete de-
5% hydrazine. velopment of color (about 4 minutes with VI and 30
There have been several estimates of pK values seconds with VII). This agrees with previous ob-
for weak acids. The most extensive were based on servations that the rate of removal of the proton
acid-base equilibria in ether.12 The p K values from carbon, in contrast to oxygen and nitrogen, is
measured in hydrazine reach, but do not overlap, frequently measurably slow. 141 l5 Visually both VI
those measured in ether. and VI1 change from colorless in dilute hydrazine
By spectral measurements in dilute aqueous al- to deep blue in 66% hydrazine. In contrast p -
kali,13 the pK of p-nitrobenzyl cyanide was meas- nitrotoluene fails to show any detectable color in
ured to be 13.4. This is in agreement with the 66% hydrazine.
value in Table I1 (13.43). It is of interest to com- Bis- and tris-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-methane gave
pare the values of pK derived from spectral meas- momentary blue colors a t certain hydrazine con-
urements in ethanol solution with those measured centrations, but the colors changed in a matter of
in aqueous hydrazine : 4-nitrodiphenylamine, pK seconds to an orange. The orange colored com-
20.6 (ref. 8) compared with 15.43 (Table 11); tri- pound failed to act as an indicator in the region
nitrotriphenylmethane, $K 17.44 (ref. 13 and 14) studied.
with 14.7 (Table 11). The pK of 1-nitrocarbazole was too high to meas-
Although 4,4’-dinitrodiphenylmethane(VI) and ure, but it was determined to be greater than 16.
4,4’,4”-trinitrotriphenylmethane (VII) were not Thus a large difference in acidity exists between 1-
used as indicators, approximate pK values were de- and 3-nitrocarbazole.
termined. With VI it was not certain that the in- Several diphenylamines and carbazoles contain-
dicator was completely ionized in 66% hydrazine, ing 2,4-dinitro substitutents were unsatisfactory
the highest concentration employed. With VI1 because the colors were unstable. N-(4’-Nitro-
the color was fleeting so that only approximate phenylazo)-4-nitroaniline was arbitrarily discarded
measurements could be made. Both VI and VI1 because the data gave a different rate of change of
gave about the same rate of change of H- with H- than did the other indicators.
hydrazine concentration as indicators I-V, and (15) R. G. Pearson, ibid., 70, 204 (1948); R. G. Pearson and J. M.
(12) 3. B. Conant and G. W. Wheland, T H IJOURNAL,
~ 64, 1212 Mills, ibid., 79, 1692 (1950).
(1932); W.K.McEwen, ibid., S8, 1124 (1936).
(13) R. S. Stearns and G. W. Wheland, ibid., 69, 2025 (1947). PENNSYLVANIA
(14) G. N. Lewis and G. T. Seaborg, ibid., 61, 1894 (1939). 15. 1951



Heats of Formation of Quartz and Cristobalite


A combination of combustion and solution calorimetry was used to obtain the heats of formation of low-quartz and low-
cristobalite from the elements. The results are AHBW = -210,260 & 270 and AHZOS.IS = -209,330 f 250 cal./mole.

In connection with work on some thermodynamic quartz (99.9% SiOz), by prolonged heating a t 1480 t o 1500’.
The X-ray diffraction pattern showed only lines of low-cris-
properties of silicon carbide, we had cause to deter- tobalite, there being no evidence of any untransformed
mine the heats of formation of low-quartz and low- quartz.
cristobalite. The values obtained differ from those Measurements.-The heat of combustion of silicon was
in the literature and also are more precise. A determined in apparatus described’ previously. The en-
ergy equivalent of the calorimeter was obtained as 32,384.8
combination of combustion and solution calorim- cal./ohm with an average deviation of *0.02% by com-
etry was employed in determining the heat of bustion of National Bureau of Standards benzoic acid,
formation of low-cristobalite. Heat of solution Standard Sample 39 g. As it was necessary to carry out
measurements served to obtain the heat of trans- the calorimetric combustions of silicon under conditions
formation of low-cristobalite to low-quartz. somewhat different than those for the calibration experi-
ments, the energy equivalent was corrected accordingly for
Materials.-The crystalline silicon for the combustion each combustion. These corrections averaged 0.06%.
calorimetry was 99.81% pure, according to the manufac- The combustions of silicon were made in silica-glass cru-
turer. The major metallic impurities were determined by cibles that were heavily lined with pure rutile and strongly
spectrographic analysis’ to be (in %): Mg, 0.007; Al, 0.03; ignited. (Quartz and cristobalite linings were tried, but
Cu, 0.0025; Ca, 0.02; Cr, 0.005; Ni, 0.002; Ti, 0.0005; their use was precluded by the glassy character of the com-
and Fe, 0.007. The silicon was ground to -325 mesh with bustion products.) The oxygen pressure for combustion
a boron carbide mortar and pestle, and stored in a desiccator was 40 atm., and no water was added to the bomb. Samples
containing Dehydrite. were ignited by a filter paper fuse without the aid of any
The sample of low-cristobalite, used in the heat of solution kindle:. The average size of silicon sample was 0.368 g.
measurements. was DreDared in this Laboratory2 from pure mass zn uucuo. Combustions of the silicon were on the aver-
age about 99.9% complete, as determined by strong ignition
(1) We are indebted to G. M. Gordon, Division of Mineral Tech- to constant weight in air of the combustion products. Cor-
nology, University of California, for this analysis. rections were applied to the individual heat of combustion
(2) We are indebted t o R. E. Lorenson for the preparation and test-
ing of this material. (3) G. L. Humphrey. THISJOURNAL, 73, 1587 (1951).
2042 AND E.G. KING
G. I,. HUMPI-IREY Vol. 74
values for incomplete combustion, arid for electrical ignition rectetl for the deviation of the solic1 combustion
energy, fuse material, and nitric acid formation in t h c honlh. IlrodUCt frolIl low-cristoba~ite.
The corrections for incomplete combustion ranged from CJ 00
to 0.14%. The other corrertiorl items totaled froln (1 7 to Three measurements of the heat of solution of the
1.0%. fine silica from the bomb walls, in '0.170 hydro-
The silica formed by combustion fell into two categorie\ flunric acid a t 7 3 . i " , gave -35,410, -R.i,/44O and
The major portion (cn. 87%) rcin.riricd i n the conihu*tioii -.;{Z,;~!)(J C d ~ . n,nle for tile process
crucible alone with thc tutilc lincr. X-ILiv diffrdction of
this material-showed it to be low-cristobalik. S o allow-
ance was made in the calorimetric measurements for possible
Si02(2.50) + CiHF(sol., 73.7") = H2SiFe(sol., 73.7') f
mutual solid solubility of titania and silica. 2H,O( sol ., 73.7")
The remaining 13% of the silica appeared as a white, very
The mean, -35,410 f 30 cal./mole, when com-
firiely divided deposit on the walls of the bomb. This mate-
rial gave no X-ray diffraction pattern, and strong ignition
pared with the corresponding value for low-cristo-
in air produced no change in weight. Correction for thebalite given below, shows that the fine silica has
difference in energy content between this silica and low-
1,190 f 50 cal./mole higher heat content.
cristobalite was made by means of heat of solution measure-
ments. Six determinations of the heat of solution of low-
cristobalite in 20.1% hydrofluoric acid a t 73.7'
The solution calorimetry was conducted in apparatus de-
scribed4t6 previously. The heats of solution of the finely
gave -34,260, -34,200, -34,170, -34,220, -34,-
divided silica from the walls of the bomb and of -325 mesh
1orv-cris:obalite were determined in 20.1 % 240 and -34,240 cal./mole for the process desig-
' hydrofluoric acid
a t 73.7 . nated above. The mean is - 34,220 f.30 cal./mole.
Measurements of quartz had been made6 pre-
Previous measurements of low-quartz,j under
viously, under like conditions. The samples were contained
in gelatin capsules for dropping into the calorimeter. Cor-
identical conditions, gave -33,290 =t80 cal./mole.
rections for the capsules were made by separate measure-
nients of the heat of solution of gelatin. Therefore, the heat of transformation of low-
cristobalite to low-quartz is AHz~s.16= -930 f 90
Results cal.!/mole.
All values are in terms of the defined calorie Returning to the combustion results, the correc-
(1 calorie = 4.1840 absolute joules). All weighings tion for deviation in heat content of the fine silica
were reduced to vacuum, and the molecular weights deposited on the bomb walls is calculated as 0.13
are in accord with the 1949 International Atomic X 1,190 or 155 cal. This makes ALH298.16 = -209,-
Weights. The precision uncertainties have been 330 i 250 cal./mole for the heat of formation
calculated as recommended by Rossini and Dem- of low-cristobalite from the elements. The corre-
ing.6 sponding heat of formation of low-quartz is
Five determinations of the heat of combustion = -209,330 - 930 = -210,260 f 270 cal./mole.
of crystalline silicon gave 7420.23, 7418.75, i120.1G, Several values for the heat of formation of
7422.75 and 7421.5; caL'g. The mean value is quartz have been published by Roth and co-
7420.G9 cal./g., with an average deviation from the workers.: Their results range from - 204,000 to
mean of f 0.027,. Corrections for impurities - 20S,300 cal. iniole, decreasing chronologically.
amount to 0.141%, altering the value to 7431.15 The value given for cri~tobalite~'is -206,600.
cal.//g., or 208,520 cal./mole, as the heat of coin- I t is only recently that crystalline silicon of high
bustion of silicon at 303 under bomb conditions. purity has been available, which may account for
The corrections to unit fugacity of oxygen, to a the deviation of these results from those of the
constant pressure process, and to 2.5' lead to the present work.
value 209,180 cal.!.'molc, which still must be cor- BERKELEY 4, C A L I F O R S I A RECEIVED
XOVEMBER 15, 1951
(4) D. R. Torgeson and Th. G. Sahama, &bicd.,70, 2156 (1918). - .- ..

(5) E. G. King, i b i d . , 73, 656 (1951). ( 7 , (a) W. A. Roth and D. Muller, Z. p h y s i k . Chem., 144A, 255
29, l l t j
(6) I?. D. Rossini and W.R . Deming, .I. TT'ash. .Icod. SC-L., (1'329); (b) IV. A . Roth and G . Becker, i b i d . , 159, 1 (1932); (c) 'A'. A
( I 039). K o t h arid H. Troitzsch, 2.anovg. Chem., 260, 337 (1949).

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