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Loyola Institute of Techology And Management ?



? a)Write a query for Creating and inserting rows into a table examples using SELECT command??

b)Creation of simple PL/SQL program which includes declaration section, executable section and exception ±
Handling section (Ex. Student marks can be selected from the table and printed forthose who secured first class and an
exception can be raised if no records were found)?

????? 2. a)Display the empno,ename fromemp where comm is not null

b)Display the employee number & name who do not earn any comm.?

c)Display the names of employees who working as clerks ,salesman or analyst and drawing a salary more than

d)Write a simple PL/SQL block that implements case Statement??

??????a)Display the names of employees who are not working as Salesman or Analyst or Clerk??

b)Display the names of employees who working are in dept. number 10 or 20 or 40 or employees working as clerks
,Salesman or Analyst??

c)Display the employee name,deptname,salary and comm. for those Sal in between 2000 and 5000 while location is

d)Write a simple PL/SQL to print the reverse of a given number using WHILE LOOP??

?????4.a)Display the employee no. and total salary to all the employees??

b)Display the names of all employees who working are in department. number 10??

c) Display the names of all employees who working as clerks drawing a salary more than 3000??

d)Write a simple PL/SQL program to print the fibonacci series using FOR loop??

?????5.a)Display the employee number & name for employee working as clerk and earning highest salary among clerks??

b)Display the names of salesman who earns a salary more thn the lowest salary of the salesman??

c)Display the names of all employees who are working in accounting department??

d)Write a simple PL/SQL program to print the factorial of a given number by using a simple loop??


6.a)Display the job groups having total salary greater than the salary for the manager??

b))Display the names of employee from department number 40 with salary greater than that of any employee
working in other department??

c)Display those who are not managers??

d)Write a simple PL/SQL program to check whether the given number is palindrome or not and insert into a table
reverse if the given number is palindrome??

7.a)Display the total number of employees working in a company ??

b)Display the total salary being paid to all employees??

c)Display the average salary being paid to an individual employee??

d)Write a simple PL/SQL program by embeding BUILT_IN, user define exceptions??

8.a)Display the maximum salary among the employees??

b)Display the minimum salary among the employees??

c)Display the maximum salary being paid to clerk??

d)Write a simple PL/SQL program to develop a simple cusor program by including cursor attributes??

9.a)Display the average salary drawn by manager??

b)Display the total salary drawn by analyst working in department 40??

c)Display the minimum salarybeing paid to any sales man??

d)Write a simple PL/SQL program to calculate the total wages paid to employee in department 20 and determine how
many of the employees have salaries higher than $2000 & how many have commission larger than their salries by
parameterized cursor with for loop??

10.a)Display department numbers and total salary fpr each department??

b)Display department number and maimum salary for each department??

c)Display various jobs and total salary for each job??

d)Write a simple PL/SQL program to print the factorial of a given number by using a simple loop??


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