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2, JUNE 2010 349

SVD-Based Universal Spatial Domain Image Steganalysis from the pixel information [4], while the latter ones attack on the DCT
coefficients [6].
Gokhan Gul and Fatih Kurugollu In this paper, we propose a novel steganalyzer which derives the
features from the spatial domain and performs detection without re-
gard to which domain the secret message is embedded. The proposed
Abstract—This paper is concerned with the universal (blind) image method models linear dependencies of image rows/columns using sin-
steganalysis problem and introduces a novel method to detect especially gular value decomposition (SVD) and employs content independency
spatial domain steganographic methods. The proposed steganalyzer via Wiener filtering [7]. The contributions of this paper over our pre-
models linear dependencies of image rows/columns in local neighborhoods
using singular value decomposition transform and employs content inde-
vious work [8] are summarized as follows:
pendency provided by a Wiener filtering process. Experimental results 1) New features are derived from content independency process.
show that the novel method has superior performance when compared 2) Rate independent comparative experiments are provided.
with its counterparts in terms of spatial domain steganography. Exper- 3) Steganalysis issue for the perturbation quantization (PQ) method
iments also demonstrate the reasonable ability of the method to detect is presented by taking singular value-based steganalysis (SVBS),
discrete cosine transform-based steganography as well as the perturbation
quantization method. which is the most successful steganalyzer for PQ, as a benchmark
algorithm [2].
Index Terms—Classification, singular value decomposition (SVD), ste-
In the experiments, we consider three publicly available spatial do-
main (LSB, LSB6, and Steghide) and five DCT domain (F5, Outguess,
ganalysis, Wiener filtering.

JP Hide&Seek, MB1, and MB2) steganography algorithms as well as

I. INTRODUCTION the perturbed quantization (PQ) method. The LSB algorithm, which is
one of the most simple and widely used methods in steganography, sub-
Steganography is the clandestine communication over public chan- stitutes the least significant bits of the pseudorandomly chosen cover
nels. The ultimate goal of steganography is to conceal the presence image pixels with the binary message bits. LSB6, on the other hand,
of communication by embedding secret messages into innocuous dig- increments or decrements the value of the chosen pixels according to
ital media in a way that is statistically undetectable. In this context, a random variable with uniform distribution on f01; +1g if the LSBs
steganography is considered secure if there is no attack that can deter- of these pixels are not the same with the corresponding message bits
mine the existence of the secret message with a success rate better than [9]. Another variety of this paradigm is Steghide algorithm which ex-
a random guess [1]. On the contrary, steganalysis is the art of discov- changes the pixel values rather than changing their LSBs to preserve
ering the very presence of hidden data in cover objects. Steganalysis the first-order statistics [10]. In F5 algorithm, the absolute values of
can be broadly classified into two groups: algorithm specific (targeted) nonzero ac DCT coefficients are changed using a matrix embedding
methods [2] and universal (blind) methods [3], [4]. Algorithm specific strategy to minimize the embedding distortion [11]. The Outguess al-
steganalysis assumes that the steganographic method is known by the gorithm tries to preserve the DCT histogram with a two-pass strategy.
attacker. The attacker takes advantage of this prior knowledge to design In the first pass, the message bits are embedded into the randomly se-
methods to reveal the existence of the hidden data. The shortcoming lected LSBs of DCT coefficients excluding those whose values are 0, 1,
of this type of steganalysis is that their satisfactory performance is re- or 01. In the second pass, an adjustment process on DCT coefficients
stricted to a specific steganography. Universal steganalysis methods is carried out so that the DCT coefficient histograms of cover and stego
aim to overcome this problem. Instead of using any a priori informa- images are the same [12]. JP Hide&Seek embeds a content which is
tion, they take into account all available steganography methods to de- encrypted using the Blowfish algorithm as a pseudorandom number
vise a single steganalysis framework. It is supposed that a blind ste- generator into DCT coefficients [13]. MB1 and MB2 are model-based
ganalysis method can detect any steganography if sufficient numbers methods which try to model and to preserve the statistical properties of
of cover and stego images have been taken into account during the de- DCT coefficients during the embedding process [14]. Finally, the PQ
sign process [5]. algorithm, which is the state-of-the-art steganographic method, embeds
All universal steganalysis methods assume that data-hiding destroys the message bits in the JPEG compression stage by perturbing the quan-
the underlined statistics of natural images. Therefore, a common char- tization steps [15].
acterization should be possible if the features incorporated to the classi- We compare the proposed method with four other state-of-the-art
fication process are sensitive to the embedding noise and insensitive to universal (blind) steganalysis methods; Farid’s method (Farid), Binary
the image content. Universal steganalysis schemes can be divided into Similarity Measures (BSM), Wavelet Absolute Moments (WAM), and
two categories: spatial domain and discrete cosine transform (DCT) Xuan et al. Farid uses the first four moments of the wavelet coeffi-
domain. The methods belonging to the former one extract the features cients over N subbands and three orientations as well as of the norms
of the optimal linear predictor residuals [3]. BSM takes into account
Manuscript received July 20, 2009; revised October 21, 2009; accepted De- two LSB planes and calculates several binary similarity features re-
cember 19, 2009. Date of publication February 17, 2010; date of current version lated to the correlation between these bit planes as well as the binary
May 14, 2010. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript texture characteristic within the bit planes [4]. WAM uses higher order
and approving it for publication was Dr. Mark (Hong-Yuan) Liao.
The authors are with the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and
absolute moments of the noise residual to calculate the features because
Computer Science, Queen’s University, Belfast, U.K. (e-mail: gokhangul@hot- the noise residual increases the features’ sensitivity to embedding [9].; Finally, Xuan et al. uses an image co-occurrence matrix to derive the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online features which are clustered using class-wise nonprincipal components
at analysis (CNPCA) [16].
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIFS.2010.2041826

1556-6013/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE


The rest of the paper is organized as follows. SVD and the proposed Step 2: For each particular W , calculate the singular value vector
features are explained in Section II. The image sets used in the experi- Sv of each subblock j
ments, the embedding processes related to the steganographic methods,
and the experimental results are presented in Section III. Finally, the
conclusions are drawn in Section IV. SVD(Subblockj ) 0! Svj = [1j ; 2j ; . . . ; Wj ]: (3)

Step 3: Calculate the natural logarithm of the inverse power of each

singular value and add the singular values up with respect
to the related subblock j
A. Singular Value Decomposition
SVD is an essential matrix factorization method which is widely
used in signal processing. It decomposes a matrix A 2 m2n into
SvBj = log ij01 ; j = 1; 2; . . . ; TW ij 6= 0 (4)
the product of two orthonormal matrices U 2 m2m , V 2 n2n and
a diagonal matrix S 2 m2n as follows: where TW is the total number of subblocks sizes of W 2W .

A = USV T :
Step 4: Sum the final results obtained in Step 3 and normalize them
(1) with the number of total subblocks
The diagonal elements of matrix S are non-negative and are sorted in
decreasing order 1  2  1 1 1 min(m;n) , where m and n are the
FW = T1 SvBj ; W = 3; . . . ; 27: (5)
W j=1
dimensions of A. These sorted elements produce a vector named as
“singular value vector:” Using this algorithm, we obtain 25 dimensional (25D) features for each
Sv = Diag(S): (2) One of the crucial obstacles for an efficient steganalysis is the image
content. To alleviate this obstacle, we drew an analogy between the de-
tection problem for steganalysis and the classical dc signal detection in
B. Feature Extraction additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel [17, p. 67, Example
The proposed method attacks steganographic content using the fea- 3.2]. According to the latter one, an increase in the noise variance re-
tures derived from singular values. Let us assume a full rank matrix. sults in a decrease in the detection performance. For image steganal-
If any two rows or columns of this matrix are modified so that they ysis, assuming that the embedding noise is the dc value which is aimed
become linearly dependent, it can be observed that the lowest singular to be detected and AWGN as the image content, an increase in the dy-
value vanishes. If this process is repeated using the next row or column, namic range corresponds to an increase in the variance of AWGN. Ac-
the second lowest singular value becomes zero. This observation comes cordingly, any attempt to decrease the dynamic range can improve the
up with two main ideas which are the pillars of the proposed method. detection performance. In respect of this analogy, we need to expect
First, the reaction to the changes on the matrix content starts from the the pixel values of bitmap images to be in the interval of [0 f ], where
lowest singular value. Second, the lower valued singular values’ close- f < 255 before the data embedding. This is obviously not possible.
ness to zero indicates a group of vector’s closeness to the linear de- However, it is possible to estimate the cover image with a certain pre-
pendency. This observation can be used to model the soft relationship cision. The difference image between the image under consideration
between the image rows and columns which will be disturbed by the and the estimated image can be viewed as an estimation of the em-
embedding process. bedding noise. This estimation provides diverse information from the
Due to the aforementioned unequal effect of embedding noise on the original data. Therefore, we resort to extract other 25 features from the
singular values, it is necessary to adopt a function which can intensify difference image yielding 50 features in total. To estimate the original
the lower valued singular values for a powerful steganalysis and can at- image, we use Wiener filtering with a 3 2 3 window. In Section III-B,
tenuate the higher valued ones to normalize the different energy levels we justify the use of this filtering and we show that the merged 50 fea-
of different images. For this purpose, a function comprising the loga- tures (WFLogSv) are superior to both 25D LogSv features [8] and 25D
rithm of the inverse power of singular values log(x01 ) is devised to Wiener filtering process features (WF). These 50 features are used in
derive features for the steganalysis. Since spatial domain represents a the classification process to make a decision on the image under test,
strong dependency between the pixels in the local neighborhoods the whether it is cover or stego.
features are extracted from the subblocks representing the locality in
the spatial domain rather than the whole image. It is obvious that when III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
the block size increases the number of examined blocks decreases. This
results in decreasing the dependencies which are considered. To alle- A. Image Set
viate this problem, the subblocks are overlapped proportionally to the
Greenspun’s image database consisting of 1800 natural color im-
block size in order to be able to take into account the correlations within
ages with the quality factor equals to 100 is used in the experiments
and among subblocks. Consequently, the feature extraction algorithm
[18]. These images are converted to grayscale and black borders around
them are then cropped resulting in images of size 480 2 480 pixels. We
is described as follows.
Step 1: Divide image I , into subblocks of size W 2 W , where W =
3; 4; . . . ; 27 according to the following overlapping rules: never compressed the images since it is harder to detect spatial-domain
steganography in raw images than the preprocessed ones [9]. All im-
If W < 8; no overlapping ages in the data set are embedded with relative payloads of 0.4, 0.2,
If 8  W  13; 50% over lapping 0.1, and 0.05 bit per pixel (bpp) for spatial domain steganographic al-
If W > 13; 75% overlapping: gorithms or 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, and 0.05 bit per nonzero DCT coefficient (bpc)
for DCT domain ones in order to obtain the stego image set. Note that
The methodology used in this overlapping strategy is ex- due to the limited capacity of the Outguess algorithm [8], the maximum
plained with experiments in Section III-B. embedding rate is considered instead of 0.4 bpc.


For the PQ method, 1000 images from the last experiment of [2] are
combined with the Greenspun’s image set. There are 2603 images in
this combined set since PQ was not able to embed 0.4 bpc to 197 images
in the Greenspun’s set. Only a 0.4-bpc rate is considered for PQ due to
its very poor detectibility for lower embedding rates [15]. JPEG quality
( ) factor is determined by the steganographic algorithms as 75 and C. Spatial Domain Steganalysis
80 for Outguess and F5 methods, respectively. For these two methods, Besides the proposed approach, we have implemented the CNPCA
the same JPEG quality factor used to compress the stego images is classifier as well as the high-dimensional features of Xuan et al. [16]
exploited to get the cover images. For PQ, because of the nature of the and BSM [4]. The source code of Farid’s steganalysis method [3] is
method, recompressed images are used as cover images via doubling obtained from the Internet [19] while that of WAM is provided by its
the first quantization matrix ( 1 = 85) [2]. authors [9]. For a fair comparison, each steganalyzer is associated with
a classifier which provides the best performance on average. Three clas-
B. The Overlapping Rule and the Content Independency Process sifiers are considered: Support Vector Machine (SVM), Fisher Linear
The design of the proportionally increasing overlapping rule relies Discriminator (FLD), and CNPCA. FLD for WAM and Farid, CNPCA
on the trade-off between the accuracy of the steganalyzer and the time for Xuan and SVM for BSM, SVBS and WFLogSv have been chosen
necessary to extract the features. The greater the number of overlap- empirically according to the best detection performance for the related
pings, the higher the amount of collected statistics is. However, after staganalysis method, except for Xuan. Due to high feature dimension-
exceeding a number of overlappings, in terms of detection performance ality CNPCA is adopted inevitably for the Xuan method. CNPCA and
we do not gain much. Therefore, our strategy was to achieve an ac- R C
SVM have some free parameters, and ( , ), respectively. Optimum
ceptable detection performance within a considerable time slot. Ran- parameters for the steganalyzers are determined before the steganal-
domly chosen 800 images from the Greenspun image set and the corre- ysis depending on solely the steganographic method by the use of a
sponding 0.05 rate embedded LSB images are used in the experiments. grid search algorithm having a step size of one for CNPCA and two
The detection rates are calculated as the average of the maximum ac- with five fold cross validation for SVM. Pair of parameters ( C; ) are
curacy over 100 random trainings and tests using an SVM classifier found as (217 2017 ), (215 21 ), and (215 203 ) for WFLogSv, BSM,
; ; ;
with optimum parameters (see Section III-C for details). We compared and SVBS, respectively, for all steganographic methods. The param-
the detection performance of the proposed overlapping algorithm to no R
eter found for Xuan is = 523.
overlapping, 50% and 75% overlappings. The detection performance Using the optimum parameters, the classifiers are trained by the ran-
of 25D LogSv features for various training and testing sets and for the domly chosen 1200 cover and the corresponding 1200 stego images
considered overlapping rules are listed in Table I. It is clear that using (300 images from each embedding rate) in the training phase. The rest
this strategy we only reduce the computational time; the performance of images are used in the testing phase. These images intersect neither
loss compared to 75% overlapping is negligable. within nor among the training and testing sets (as it is true in all exper-
The design parameter of a Wiener filter is the window size. Due to the iments). Note that in [8] the classifiers are trained only with the images
stochastic nature of the distribution of the natural images, it is not pos- of a particular embedding rate according to Kerckhoffs’ principle (em-
sible to provide a good window size by means of detection performance bedding rate is assumed to be known by the steganalyzer) whereas here
with theoretical analyses. Besides, ideally, an infinite number of window we consider all embedding rates for the construction of the training set.
sizes limits the number of practical experiments. We tested the window Because in the steganalysis community this principle has been found
sizes 2 2 2, 3 2 3, 4 2 4, and 5 2 5 with the same experimental setup. unrealistic by asserting that in a realistic scenario the embedding rate
Out of 800 images, 500 images are used for training and the rest of the may not be known [20]. Moreover, except for PQ, the experiments
images for testing. With 25D features from the Wiener filtering process, are iterated 100 times for all steganograpic methods in order to pro-
we obtained detection performances; 86.7%, 87.1%, 86.6%, and 88.0% vide reliable results. For PQ, we iterated the training and the testing
for 2 2 2, 3 2 3, 4 2 4, and 5 2 5 window sizes, respectively. In case we phases for 10 times. The detection performances of the state-of-the-art
consider 50D features (25D LogSv and 25D Wiener filtering features), steganalyzers are determined by averaging the maximum accuracy of
we obtained 91.3%, 91.8%, 88.6%, and 89.3% detection performances :
the classifiers, which is given as 1 0 0 5 2 (false alarm percentage +
for 2 2 2, 3 2 3, 4 2 4, and 5 2 5 window sizes, respectively. Since the miss percentage), over all iterations. From Tables III–V, we give the
final detection performance is of our interest, we decided for a Wiener fil- detection performances of steganalyzers performing on spatial domain
tering with a 3 2 3 window. In the next experiment, we investigated the steganography. It can be easily observed that the proposed method out-
performance improvement with additional 3 2 3 Wiener filtering fea- performs the prior arts for all spatial domain steganographic methods
tures for all considered steganography algorithms. The detection per- with a significant margin. Notice that for very low embedding rates this
formance of the proposed 50D WFLogSv features, 25D LogSv features divergence is more significant.
[8], and 25D Wiener filtering features are given in Table II. It can easily
be seen that WFLogSv leads to at least about 1% and at most about 7% D. DCT Domain Steganalysis
performance gain for all steganography algorithms. This clearly indi- In order to detect DCT domain steganography, there exist quite pow-
cates one of the main contributions of this paper. erful DCT-based steganalysis algorithms, for example [6] and [16].







However, until recently, the performance of spatial domain steganal- DETECTION PERFORMANCES FOR MB1
ysis algorithms to detect DCT domain steganography has not yet been
investigated. This kind of steganalytic attack can especially be useful
if the secret information is embedded in the DCT domain and the stego
image is advertised as a bitmap image by adopting some error correc-
tion codes and decompressing the image to the spatial domain. Actu-
ally a similar scenario has been introduced recently [21] in the YASS
method. YASS embeds information in the spatial domain but the stego
image is advertised in the DCT domain (as a JPEG image) by em-
ploying some error correcting codes. Our scenario considered in the
DCT tests is the reverse version of the one provided in YASS.
Therefore, at one hand, DCT domain steganalysis algorithms should DETECTION PERFORMANCES FOR MB2
have a good reason to attack bitmap images since it is always assumed
that if the image is represented in a particular domain, the embedding
should have been performed on this domain as well [6], [16]. On the
other hand, DCT domain steganalysis algorithms can experience se-
vere performance degradation due to the masking of decompression
on the embedding noise. Another reason for attacking DCT domain
steganography using spatial domain steganalysis is that, although de-
tection can intuitively be estimated to be poor due to the decompres-
sion, spatial domain features are likely to provide diverse information
from the DCT-based ones which is useful for some fusion schemes.
From Tables VI–X, the detection performances of the state-of-the-art of the steganalysis methods over all DCT stegonagraphic methods, the
spatial domain steganalysis methods on F5, JP Hide&Seek, Outguess, proposed method (WFLogSV) is the second best after WAM.
MB1, and MB2 steganography methods are tabulated. The proposed
method shows reasonable performance in the DCT domain. It is the
E. Steganalysis of PQ
second best for JP Hide&Seek, MB1, and MB2 and the third best for
F5 and Outguess on average. It is also the second best for F5 and Out- For the sake of completeness, we have investigated the potential of
guess for the lowest embedding rate (0.05). If we rank the performances the steganalyzers on PQ steganography. As a benchmark, we adopt the

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[13] Software [Online]. Available:
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[18] Image set [Online]. Available:
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IV. CONCLUSION 6 1 steganalysis employing a realistic operating scenario,” in IEEE
In this paper a novel spatial domain steganalysis method was pro- Military Communications Conf. (MILCOM 2007), Orlando, FL,
2007, pp. 1–7.
posed. Its performance on detecting spatial domain and DCT domain [21] K. Solanki, A. Sarkar, and B. S. Manjunath, “YASS: Yet another
steganographic methods as well as PQ algorithm were investigated. The steganographic scheme that resists blind steganalysis,” in 9th Int.
results were compared with well-known spatial domain universal ste- Workshop on Information Hiding, Saint Malo, France, Jun. 2007.
ganalyzers including WAM, Farid, BSM, and Xuan. The experiments
reveal that the proposed algorithm is superior to the prior arts for all
spatial domain steganographic algorithms. It shows reasonable perfor-
mance for DCT domain methods (ranked as the second best stegana-
lyzer according to overall rankings). The poor performance of the spa-
tial domain steganalyzers on the DCT domain can be related to the ef-
fect of decompression on the embedding noise. However, the features
extracted from the spatial domain can be used to increase the accuracy
of DCT-based steganalyzers. We also conclude that PQ can be detected
relatively accurately for the 0.4 embedding rate. The best performance
is obtained by Xuan’s method and the proposed algorithm is ranked as
the second best one.

[1] R. Chandramouli, M. Kharrazi, and N. Memon, “Image steganography
and steganalysis: Concepts and practice,” in Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop
on Digital Watermarking (LNCS 2939), Seoul, Korea, Oct./Nov. 2004,
pp. 35–49.
[2] G. Gul, A. E. Dirik, and I. Avcibas, “Steganalytic features for JPEG
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