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Project H.O.W.

Post Evaluation Questions


Please check the box that most closely matches your feelings.

1. I understand more now about the ploys perpetrators use to gain access to their victims.

Strongly agree I
Strongly Disagree
Already Knew This

2. I understand more now about the perpetrator's key strategies in the early stages of an

Strongly agree III

Agree III
Strongly Disagree
Already Knew This

3. I understand more now about what contributes to the victim role.

Strongly agree III

Agree III
Strongly Disagree
Already Knew This

4. I have learned verbal strategies to deal with perpetrators.

Strongly Agree I
Strongly Disagree
Already Knew This

5. I have learned non-verbal ways to reinforce my words.

Strongly Agree I
Strongly Disagree
Already Knew This
6. I feel I am less likely to participate in victim-blaming

Strongly Agree IIII

Agree I
No Change I
Strongly Disagree

7. I feel I am more able to be assertive

Strongly Agree IIII

Agree II
No Change
Strongly Disagree

8. I feel I am more likely to trust my intuition

Strongly Agree IIIII

Agree I
No Change
Strongly Disagree

9. I feel I am less likely to let a friend get isolated

Strongly Agree IIIII

Agree I
No Change
Strongly Disagree

10. I feel I am more capable of preventing or avoiding an assault or harassment

Strongly Agree IIII

Agree II
No Change
Strongly Disagree

11. I feel I am more capable of assisting someone else in avoiding or preventing an


Strongly Agree IIII

Agree II
No Change
Strongly Disagree

Evaluation for HOW Group

Group was…

Helpful- IIIIII
Interesting- IIIIII

Handouts were…
Enough - III
Too much
Informative- IIIIII

Knew subject- IIIII
Didn't know subject
Listened- IIIII
Ignored group

I learned…
I liked…
I didn't know…

I would recommend this group because…IIIII

I would NOT recommend this group because…

How Evaluations; Shelter From the Storm May 2006

What was more useful?

No comment I
Group discussion II
Media II
Ways to protect myself I
Getting boys involved I

One thing I have gained is…

Girls participating I
Victim not at fault I
Self-respect IIII
What was least useful?
No comment- III
Everything was useful- II
Brittney Spears stuff- I

One thing I would change is…

Be able to attend more- I
Having more classes- IIII
Have more people involved- I

I would/would not recommend this group to others because

No comment
Informative and gives people support- III

I would like to know more about…

How I can help- II
Safety precautions- II
Survivor's views- II

I would like you to know that…

No comment
This helpful IIIII

Evaluation for HOW Group

Group was…..
Helpful-- I Useless-- Interesting--I

Handouts were….
Enough--IIII too much-- informative-- confusing

Knew subject-- IIIIIIII

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