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2006-2007 RPE Program Progress Report

"Expect Respect"
Shelter From the Storm
Facilitator: Chris Martin
Project Outputs:

September 1st, 2006:

• Developed flyer for 12-week “Expect Respect” high school young women's group

September 1st-20th, 2006:

• Faxed Flyers to Imbler, Union, Elgin, and Cove High Schools
• Initiated phone contact with 5 counselors from Imbler, Union, Elgin, Cove, North
Powder, and La Grande High School Counselors and Representative regarding
Expect Respect
• Collaborated with Project H.O.W. (Healthy Outlooks for Women-past RPE
Students) mentors to distribute flyers to the community
• Posted “Expect Respect” flyers at La Grande High School
• Posted Flyers in Shelter From the Storm Office

September 23rd, 2006:

• Researched price quotes for placing advertisement in the Observer about Expect
Respect- to generate additional students

October 12th, 2006:

• Presented to 40 individuals including Eastern Oregon University faculty
members, students, and resident hall assistants regarding the dynamics of sexual
assault and rape prevention education programs offered through Shelter From
the Storm

October 26th, 2006:

• Presented to 20 community individuals during volunteer training the dynamics of
sexual assault and rape prevention education programs offered through Shelter
From the Storm

• Held (2) Two 1.5hr sessions of the “Expect Respect” group with of four high
school women attending
• Weekly phone contact with RPE students to remind them of upcoming meetings
• Integration of Expect Respect Program information in community S.A.R.T.
(Sexual Assault Response Team)panel presentations
Challenges and Barriers:

There have been some challenges in accessing out of town high schools due to travel
time and expenses. It has also been difficult to promote programs in the local high
school and middle school; both of these schools have started their own rape prevention
education programs, facilitated by counselors, which are incorporated into classes and
are offered as course credit.
Some of the ways in which I have responded is to create a back-up plan: place the ad
in our local newspaper about "Expect Respect", contact community partners in regards
to giving presentations about what "Expect Respect" has to offer, and increase flyer
advertising promotion in the community. If I am unable to generate more students after
my six sessions, I will work with Brenda Lawson (Executive Director) to focus on the
possibility of traveling to one of the other outlying high schools.

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