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ASSIGNMENT 6 update on March 5, 2007

Stator Stator μ =∞

μ =∞

Stator μ =∞

Fig. 1 Model representing electric machine structure.

Use the same assumptions of the electric machine model as in the lecture notes.

Question 1
When a current i passes through the rotor winding, it produces a surface current density
distribution K = u z k (ϕ )i at the rotor-airgap interface. Apply Ampere’s Law and Gauss’
Law to find the radial B-field in the airgap, when

k(ϕ)=+C for 0 < ϕ <π

and k(ϕ)=-C for π < ϕ <2π

C represents the constant number of conductors per radian. The positive and negative
sign represents the direction of flow of the current i through the rotor winding.
Sketch the distribution of k(ϕ) for 0 < ϕ <2π.
Sketch the distribution of the radial B(ϕ) field for 0 < ϕ <2π.
[Hint: Use the technique in the class notes.


The rotor winding of dc machines, which will be in ECSE 462, has the same conductor
distribution. It produces a triangular B-field, which you also should get.
Question 2
The conductor distribution in Question 1 is a square wave, since

k(ϕ)=+C for 0 < ϕ <π

and k(ϕ)=-C for π < ϕ <2π

Apply Fourier analysis to obtain K = u z i ∑ Ak cos kϕ + Bk sin kϕ .
k =1
Therefore, from the result obtained in the lecture notes, the radial B field is
iR ∞ ⎧ A sin kϕ Bk cos kϕ ⎫
B = u r μ 0 ∑ ⎨− k + ⎬.
g k =1 ⎩ k k ⎭

provided you have computed the Fourier coefficients Ak and Bk for k=1,2,..

[Check: Ak’s are all zero. Even Bk’s are all zero. ]

Write a program (MATHLAB or alternate) to compute

iR N ⎧ A sin kϕ Bk cos kϕ ⎫
K = u z i ∑ Ak cos kϕ + Bk sin kϕ and B = u r μ0 ∑ ⎨− k + ⎬ using
k =1 g k =1 ⎩ k k ⎭
summations of k=1,3..N.

Plot the distribution of K(ϕ) for 0 < ϕ <2π.

Plot the distribution of the radial B(ϕ) field for 0 < ϕ <2π.

In order to know at what value of N you can terminate the summation, make plots for
N=9, 19, 199.

[This question is intended to make you revise your Fourier Series also.]

Question 3
For a new winding, the B-field in the airgap has this Fourier Series representation:
iR N ⎧ B cos kϕ ⎫
B = u r μ0 ∑ ⎨ k ⎬ . For practical reason, the infinite series is terminated at N.
g k =1 ⎩ k ⎭

What is magnetic energy of the current i?

[ You need to compute Wm = ∫w

m dv = ∫ wm Rdϕdrdz in the volume of the airgap.

where Magnetic energy : wm = B ⋅ H per unit volume.
i 2 R 2 N ⎧ Bk cos kϕ ⎫ N Bn cos nϕ
The magnetic energy density w m = μ0 ∑ ⎨ k ⎬⎭∑n { n }
2 g 2 k =1 ⎩
consists of the product of the 2 summations and yields NxN terms, each term having the
function coskϕ.cosnϕ.
In evaluating
N N 2π
Wm = ∫ wm dv = ∫ wm Rdϕdrdz = {μ0i R L / 2 g}∑ ∑∫ {Bk Bn / kn} cos kϕ cos nϕ dϕ
2 3
volume k =1 n


coskϕcosnϕdϕ = πδ kn
δ kn = 1, when
k =n
δ kn = 0

the NxN terms reduce to N terms. The above is the orthogonal property of harmonic
functions. After you have completed the derivation, you have revised Parseval’s Theorem.

Question 4
Show that the inductance of the winding in Question 3 is

πμ0 R 3 L N
gk 2 ∑

Question 5
The B-field in the airgap is:
iR N ⎧ B cos kϕ ⎫
B = u r μ0 ∑ ⎨ k ⎬
g k =1 ⎩ k ⎭
The current is i = I cos(ωt ) where ω=2πf, the frequency f being 60 Hz. Resolve the B-
field into forward and backward travelling waveforms for each harmonic number k. What
are the speeds of rotation in rpm (rotations per minute) for each k ?

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