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movement analysis  biomechanics


• Motion

Laboratory - velocity and acceleration 2

Laboratory - projectile motion 4

Laboratory - rotary motion 6

Laboratory - rebounding 8

Data analysis - motion 11

Data analysis - co-efficient of restitution 12

Practical activity - motion 13

Practical activity - projectile motion 15

Practical activity - spin 17

Video analysis - motion 19

Structured questions 20

Test 21

Test answers 25

Overhead masters 26

EDUGUIDE - PO BOX 2340 NORTH RINGWOOD VIC 3134 / 0416116952

The Masters are intended as an aid to teachers and are not a definitive course outline or summary. They represent the authors’ interpretation and
approach and are not endorsed by any governing body. They provide the individual teacher with the opportunity to mould them to suit their
circumstances and thereby satisfy themselves that they have adequately met the requirements of their courses.

Any similarities to existing worksheets are coincidental.

laboratory activity

velocity & acceleration

Introduction :

Velocity is the rate at which a body moves from one position to another and can be illustrated by the following formula :

VELOCITY = displacement

Acceleration is the rate at which the velocity of a body changes and can be illustrated by the following formula :

ACCELERATION = change in velocity = final V - initial V

time time

In many sports the ability of the athlete to move with a high velocity and/or accelerate quickly will influence
performance significantly.

Aim : To measure the velocity and acceleration of a sprinter.

Equipment : Tape measure 11 cones

10 stop watches whistle or starter's gun

Procedure :

Time a sprinter over 100 metres.

At every 10 metre interval a timer should record the time taken from the starter's signal for the sprinter to reach that

Record the ten times taken in the table supplied and calculate velocities and accelerations.


* *
40m 50m
* *

Results :

Distance Time Velocity Acceleration

10 m

20 m

30 m

40 m

50 m

60 m

70 m

80 m

90 m

100 m

Discussion :

1. Graph the results for velocity and acceleration.

2. At which point did the runner have the least velocity and why ?

3. At which point did the runner have the greatest velocity and why ?

4. At which point did the runner have the least acceleration ( or greatest deceleration ) and why ?

5. At which point did the runner have the greatest acceleration and why ?

6. Why are there variations in the runners velocity over the 100 metres ? Discuss.

7. Why are there variations in the runners acceleration over the 100 metres ? Discuss.

Conclusion :

1. What impact would the variations in velocity and acceleration haver on the runner's performance in a 100 metre
race at your athletics carnival ?

2. Explain the importance of velocity and acceleration for an athlete in a sport of your choice.

laboratory activity

projectile motion

Introduction :

The principles of projectile motion are important in activities in which an object or person becomes airborne.

Apart from air resistance, gravity, and spin, the quality of performance will be affected by the performer's ability to
influence velocity, angle, and height of release.

Aim :

To illustrate the effects of velocity, angle, and height of release on the horizontal distance of a projectile.

Equipment : Archery bows and arrows marking pens chairs

tape measures chalkboard protractors

Procedure :

Measure the horizontal distance the arrow travels under the following conditions :

1. Velocity of Release :

Place a mark on the arrow at three different points so as to vary the distance the bow string is drawn back and therefore
the velocity of release.
Measure the distance travelled when the bow is drawn back to each of the three marks.

* Ensure that the angle of release is always 45 degrees and the height of release is constant also.

1 2 3

2. Angle of release :

Use the protractor to vary the angle of release from 30 to 45 to 60 degrees and measure the distance under the three

* Ensure that the same mark on the arrow ( eg: mark 2 ) is used and that the height of release is constant also.

3. Height of release :

Vary the height of release by: (A) kneeling with the bow as close to the ground as possible.
(B) standing with the bow at chest height.
(C) standing on a chair with the bow at shoulder height.

* Ensure that the same mark on the arrow ( eg: mark 2 ) is used and that the angle is constant ( eg: 45 degrees ).

Results :

Velocity of Release :
Mark 1 Mark 2 Mark 3

Angle of Release :
30 Degrees 45 Degrees 60 Degrees

Height of Release :
Kneeling Standing Standing on Chair

Discussion :

1. Graph the results for each of the variables ( velocity, angle, height of release ).

2. What effect did the velocity of release have on the horizontal distance the arrow travelled and why ?

3. What effect did the angle of release have on the horizontal distance the arrow travelled and why ?

4. What effect did the height of release have on the horizontal distance the arrow travelled and why ?

5. Which factor had the greatest influence on the results and why ?

Conclusion :

1. What do your results indicate for a performer trying to throw a projectile for maximum horizontal distance and
why ?

2. Discuss why the following shot putter might have an advantage over you at your school athletics sports :
(a) Stronger.
(b) Taller.

laboratory activity

rotary motion

Introduction :

Rotary motion is evident in many sporting situations.

Some involve a projectile rotating or spinning whilst others involve the body rotating in contact with a supporting surface
or when airborne.

Important factors influencing rotation are :

* Torque - the rotary force or turning effect.

* Momentum of Inertia - resistance to rotate ( I = m X r 2 ).
* Angular Velocity - the speed of rotation.
* Angular Momentum - moment of inertia X angular velocity.
* Transfer of Momentum - momentum in one body part may be transferred within the body or to another object.
* Newton's 3rd. Law of Action and Reaction - for every torque there is an equal and opposite torque.

Aim : To investigate the factors that influence the rotation of the human body.

Equipment : Trampette or springboard Box horse

Gym mats / crash mats Swivel chair

Procedure :

TASK 1 :

Perform a V-sit on the gym floor and have your partner spin you around.
Whilst rotating, experiment as to the effects of extending and tucking your legs.

TASK 2 :

Sit in a swivel chair and have your partner spin you around.
Whilst rotating, experiment as to the effects of extending and folding your arms.

TASK 3 :

Perform a forward roll in a tucked position and in a piked position and experiment as to which rotation felt faster
and which position enabled you to stand more easily upon completion of the roll.

TASK 4 :

Perform handsprings, dive rolls, and somersaults from the trampette and experiment as to the effects of various
body positions on rotation.
Ie: layout, piked, tucked.

TASK 5 :

Spring off the trampette high into the air and with the body in a straight and upright position with the arms
extended above your head. What happens when :
(a) the arms are swung forward and down ?
(b) the legs are swung forward and up ?

Discussion :

1. During task 1, what was the effect on rotation of extending and tucking your legs and why ?

2. During task 2, what was the effect on rotation of extending and folding your arms and why ?

3. During tasks 3 and 4, what was the effect on rotation of the layout, pike, and tucked positions and why ?

4. During task 5, what was the effect on rotation of : (a) swinging the arms forward and down ?
(b) swinging the legs forward and up ?

5. Discuss the results of task 5 with reference to Newton's 3rd. Law of Motion.

Conclusion :

1. Discuss the interplay between Moment of Inertia, Angular Velocity, and Angular Momentum when the
body rotates.

2. Discuss the implications of your results for a gymnast trying to perform a triple somersault.
Pay particular attention to how the three rotations can be achieved and how a steady landing is possible.

3. How would the results of this lab influence your coaching of an ice skater trying to perform a double pirouette
before landing ?

4. Discuss the implications of Newton's 3rd. Law for a gymnast trying to maintain balance on the beam.

laboratory activity


Introduction :

When a ball impacts on a surface its bounce and/or angle of rebound will be affected by a number of factors :

* The co-efficient of restitution of the ball and the rebounding surface.

* Spin ( this will influence the angle and velocity after impact ).

* Friction ( the heat generated by the type of contact between ball and surface will affect the ball's bounce ).

Aim :

To investigate the effect of co-efficient of restitution, spin, and friction on a ball's rebound.

Equipment :

- Balls of varying co-efficient of restitution ( super balls / tennis balls / squash balls ).
- Metre rulers.
- Squash / tennis racquets.
- Table tennis equipment.

Procedure :

TASK 1 : Co-efficient of restitution -

(a) Drop the various balls from a height of one metre onto a hard surface and measure their
height of rebound.

(b) Warm up the squash ball by hitting it against a wall for several minutes. Now drop it from a
height of one metre and measure its height of rebound.

(c) Drop the tennis ball from a height of one metre onto a softer surface ( eg: grass ) and measure its
height of rebound.

TASK 2 : Table Tennis -

Hit with a partner and experiment with the following conditions.

(a) no spin
(b) topspin
(c) backspin
(d) sidespin.

Note the following : (i) angle of rebound.

(ii) velocity of rebound.

Results :

TASK 1 : Co-efficient of restitution

Ball Super ball Tennis ball Squash ball Squash ball Tennis ball
( cold ) ( warm ) ( grass )
Height of

TASK 2 : Table Tennis

Rebound angle for :


Rebound angle for :


Discussion :

1. Calculate the co-efficient of restitution for each of the balls and conditions in TASK 1.

2. Which ball had the highest co-efficient of restitution and why ?

3. What effect did the temperature of the squash ball have on its rebound and why ?

4. What effect did the type of surface have on the tennis ball's rebound and why ?

5. Copy the diagrams of the effects of the various forms of spin on the table tennis ball's rebound.

6. With reference to spin, friction, angle, and velocity discuss the influence of the following spins on the rebounding
of a table tennis ball :
(a) Topspin
(b) Backspin
(c) Sidespin

Conclusion :

1. Why do squash players, prior to starting their matches, always play some initial practice rallies to warm up
the ball ?

2. Explain how a table tennis player can use spin to his/her advantage during games.

3. Why would table tennis players always use balls with the same rebounding qualities during practice and
competition ?

data analysis


1. The following diagram represents the performance of a 400 metre runner :

17 sec 20 sec 20 sec 15 sec

____________ * ____________ * ____________ * ____________
100 m 200 m 300 m FINISH

(a) What is the average velocity during the first 100 metres of the race ?

(b) Assuming a constant speed is maintained from the 100 m. mark to the 300 m. mark, what is the average
acceleration for the first 200 metres ?

(c) What is the average speed for the race ?

(d) Assuming an oval athletics track, what is the average velocity for the race ?

2. The same athlete wants to run a marathon ( 42.2 km. ) in under three hours.

What is the average speed the athlete must run at in :

(a) Km / hour ?
(b) Metres / sec ?

3. A gymnast is attempting a giant swing from the handstand position on top of the bar.
Unfortunately he only manages to travel 300 degrees in an anti-clockwise direction in 0.75 of a second.
What is the gymnast's average angular velocity ?

4. The same gymnast tries again and is successful in performing two giant swings.
On the second rotation the following measurements were taken :

Angular velocity at the top of the bar = 300 degrees / sec.

Angular velocity at the bottom of the bar = 450 degrees / sec.
Time taken to swing from top to bottom of the bar = 0.5 sec.

What is the average angular acceleration ?

5. A golf clubhead weighing 0.3 kg. swings at 30 metres / sec and strikes a stationary golf ball weighing 0.05 kg.
After the contact, the golf clubhead swings at 18 metres / sec.

Assuming momentum is conserved :

(a) What is the momentum of the clubhead before contact ?

(b) What is the momentum of the clubhead after contact ?

(c) What is the momentum of the ball before contact ?

(d) What is the momentum of the ball after contact ?

data analysis

coefficient of restitution

Co-efficient of restitution of balls dropped from a height of 183 cm ( 6 feet ) onto a hardwood surface :

Ball Height Bounced Co-efficient of

( cm ) Restitution
Superball 144.15 0.89
Basketball 106.05 0.76
Soccer 105.41 0.76
Volleyball 100.97 0.74
Tennis - well worn 91.97 0.71
Tennis - new 81.28 0.67
Lacrosse 69.85 0.62
Field hockey 46.36 0.50
Softball 18.42 0.32
Cricket 17.78 0.31

1. Why does a superball achieve the best results ?

2. Explain why Basketballs, Soccerballs, and Volleyballs perform well during this test.

3. Explain why Lacrosse, Hockey, Softball, and Cricket balls are at the bottom end of the table for height bounced
and co-efficient of restitution.

4. Can you explain the difference between a worn tennis ball and a new tennis ball ?

Co-efficient of Restitution for a volleyball dropped from a height of 183 cm ( 6 feet ) onto various surfaces :

Surface Height Bounced Co-efficient of

( cm ) Restitution
Wood 103.28 0.75
Steel plating 101.60 0.74
Concrete 100.33 0.74
Gym tumbling mat ( 2.5 cm ) 82.96 0.67
Gravel 66.88 0.60
Grass 34.29 0.43
Gym crash mat ( 20 cm ) 33.02 0.42

5. Why did the volleyball bounce well off the wood, steel, and concrete ?

6. Why did the volleyball not bounce as well off the gravel and grass ?

7. Why does the thickness of the gym mat affect the ball's co-efficient of restitution ?

Data adapted from information from

The Biomechanics of Sports Techniques 2nd. Ed.
James G. Hay,
Prentice Hall, 1978.

practical activity


An understanding of how the human body moves is paramount to success in most sports.

This is particularly important in the sport of gymnastics where the gymnast's body must be controlled with precision if
he/she is to be successful.

Participate in the sport of gymnastics to enhance your understanding of the relationship between the human body
and motion.

Introduction :

1. Define Newton's Laws of Motion.

1st. Law. : ____________________________________________________________________________



2nd. Law : ____________________________________________________________________________


3rd. Law : ____________________________________________________________________________


Discussion :

1. Give an example of a gymnastics movement that demonstrated Linear Motion.


2. Give an example of a gymnastics movement that demonstrated Angular Motion.


3. Give an example of a gymnastics movement that demonstrated Linear and Angular Motion.


4. What effect did the tightness of your tuck have on rotation and why ?






5. How did you prepare yourself for landing after a somersault and why ?






6. For vaulting activities, list and discuss the factors that affected your trajectory.









7. Explain how you used the principle of transfer of momentum during airborne activities.







8. Give an example of each of Newton's Laws in action in the sport of gymnastics.

1st. Law. : ____________________________________________________________________________


2nd. Law : ____________________________________________________________________________


3rd. Law : ____________________________________________________________________________


practical activity

projectile motion

In the sport of athletics the understanding of projectile motion enables athletes to manipulate the flight of their bodies
and objects such as javelins and shots in order to maximise performance.

Participate in a variety of athletics events where projectile motion is evident ( discus, shot put, javelin, long jump,
high jump ) in order to support your classroom theory on the topic of projectile motion.

Introduction :

1. List three important factors that affect how far a projectile will travel horizontally.

(i) _________________________________________________________________________________

(ii) _________________________________________________________________________________

(iii) ________________________________________________________________________________

2. Explain gravity's affect on projectile motion.





3. How does air resistance affect a projectile's path through the air ? Explain.





Discussion :

1. Which of the factors that affect projectile motion did you find the most critical to your success and why ?







2. How did you vary the angle of release for the different events and why ?





3. Discuss your emphasis on height of release for the throwing activities.




4. With reference to velocity, angle, and height of release, explain how to optimise performance in each of these
events. Ie: How would you get the best result at your school athletics sports ?

Discus : ______________________________________________________________________________




Shot Put : ____________________________________________________________________________




Javelin : _____________________________________________________________________________




Long Jump : __________________________________________________________________________




High Jump : __________________________________________________________________________



practical activity


The understanding of spin and its effects on the flight and bounce of a ball is critical to successful performance in many

Being able to impart spin to a ball will enable a performer to manipulate a balls' flight and bounce in order to make
things more difficult for an opponent whilst understanding the effects of spin is critical to the opponent who is trying to
predict how the ball will react.

Participate in the sport of table tennis in order to investigate spin and its impact on performance.

Introduction :

1. How is Topspin imparted to a ball ?



2. How is Backspin imparted to a ball ?



3. How is Sidespin imparted to a ball ?



4. Briefly explain the Magnus Effect.







Discussion :

1. Explain how you used spin to your advantage.






2. What was the effect of Topspin on :

(a) Flight path : ________________________________________________________________________

(b) Rebound : _________________________________________________________________________

(c) Draw the trajectory and rebound of the ball hit with topspin below :

3. What was the effect of Backspin on :

(a) Flight path : ________________________________________________________________________

(b) Rebound : __________________________________________________________________________

(c) Draw the trajectory and rebound of the ball hit with backspin below :

4. What was the effect of Sidespin on :

(a) Flight path : ________________________________________________________________________

(b) Rebound : __________________________________________________________________________

(c) Draw the trajectory and rebound of the ball hit with sidespin below :

video analysis


Observe a video-tape of elite gymnasts or class members in action.

Watch the performance of the gymnasts on a range of apparatus and comment on / discuss the following :

- List examples of linear motion being demonstrated.

- List examples of angular motion being demonstrated.

- List examples of general motion being demonstrated.

- Give an example of each of Newton's three Laws in action in the sport of gymnastics.

- Explain how the following gymnastics body positions affected rotation and why ?
* Layout.
* Pike.

* Tuck.

- Explain an example of transfer and conservation of momentum from the video analysis.

- Discuss how the following affected the trajectories of the gymnasts when airborne :
* Velocity of release.
* Angle of release.
* Height of release.
* Gravity.
* Air resistance.

structured questions


1. Define the following :

- Inertia.
- Velocity.
- Acceleration.
- Momentum.
- Linear motion.
- Angular motion.
- General motion.
- Moment of Inertia.
- Angular velocity.
- Angular momentum.

2. State Newton's 3 Laws and give an example of each in action in a sport of your choice.

3. List the factors that affect the horizontal distance a projectile will travel.

4. In a vacuum a projectile will follow a parabolic path.

Under general conditions this is not the case - draw the two paths to highlight the difference and discuss the
reasons why ?

5. Explain the Magnus Effect.

6. How do the following spins affect the flight of a ball :

- topspin
- backspin
- sidespin.

7. How do the following spins affect the rebound of a ball :

- topspin
- backspin
- sidespin.

8. Explain how the these body positions affect the rotation of an airborne gymnast and why ?
- tuck
- pike
- layout.

9. What effect will the length of a bat and the weight of a bat have on your ability to swing it and why ?

10. Once airborne, can your angular momentum be altered ?

If so, how ? and if not, why not ?

11. Explain the principle of transfer of angular momentum in airborne activities.



SectionA-Multiple choice questions:

1. Linear motion occurs in a :

A/ circular path.
B/ curved path.
C/ straight line.
D/ all of the above.
E/ none of the above.

2. Rotation only is caused by :

A/ an eccentric force.
B/ a concentric force.
C/ a force couple.
D/ a translatory force.

3. Which of the following activities involves both linear and angular motion ?
A/ The movement of the cyclists hands as she rides forward.
B/ A forward roll.
C/ A giant swing on the horizontal bar.
D/ The glide phase in breastroke.

4. The horizontal distance a projectile travels depends on :

A/ velocity at release.
B/ angle of release.
C/ height of release.
D/ all of the above.
E/ none of the above.

5. When throwing a discus for distance, providing that all else remains constant, a taller person will:
A/ throw at the same angle.
B/ throw at an increased angle.
C/ throw at a decreased angle.
D/ throw at 45 degrees.

6. A cyclist travels 160 metres from a stationary start in ten seconds. His average velocity is :
A/ 0.625 m/sec.
B/ 1.6 m/sec.
C/ 1.6 m/sec/sec.
D/ 16 m/sec.

7. A runner is jogging at 4 m/sec. but slows down to a walking pace of 2 m/sec. over a period of
5 seconds. The acceleration of the runner is :
A/ 0.4 m/sec/sec.
B/ -0.4 m/sec/sec.
C/ -5 m/sec/sec.
D/ 10 m/sec/sec.

8. Moment of Inertia is the body's :

A/ weight.
B/ mass.
C/ reluctance to change its linear motion.
D/ reluctance to change its angular motion.

9. Angular momentum is dependant upon :

A/ angular velocity. D/ all of the above.
B/ mass. E/ none of the above.
C/ radius.

10. Once airborne, which of the following can be altered ?

A/ angular momentum. D/ A and B
B/ angular velocity. E/ A and C / 10
C/ moment of inertia. F/ B and C

SectionB-Short answer questions:

1. Define linear motion and give two examples of it.





_______________________________________________________________________________ /2

2. Define angular motion and give two examples of it.




_______________________________________________________________________________ /2

3. The optimal angle of projection when trying to maximize horizontal distance is generally 45 degrees.
For the following activities state whether the optimal angle is MORE or LESS than 45 degrees and why ?

(a) Shot Put : __________________________________________________________________________


(b) Long Jump : ________________________________________________________________________


(c) High Jump : ________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ /6

4. How will the horizontal distance of a throw be affected if the angle is too high and why ?




_______________________________________________________________________________ /3

5. How will the horizontal distance of a throw be affected if the angle is too low and why ?




_______________________________________________________________________________ /3

6. Explain the "MAGNUS EFFECT" as it relates to a spining ball.






_______________________________________________________________________________ /3

7. State the effect of the following spins on the flight of a ball.

(a) Topspin : __________________________________________________________________________

(b) Backspin : _________________________________________________________________________

(c) Sidespin : _____________________________________________________________________ /3

8. State the effect of the following spins on the bounce of a ball.

(a) Topspin : __________________________________________________________________________

(b) Backspin : _________________________________________________________________________

(c) Sidespin : _____________________________________________________________________ /3

9. (a) What is the magnitude of the Moment of Inertia of this cricket bat ? MASS = 3 kg. LENGTH = 1.0 metres.

_______________________________________________________________________________ /1

(b) What is the magnitude of the Angular Momentum of this gymnast spinning in an extended or layout body
position ? MASS = 70 kg. HEIGHT = 1.50 metres. SPEED OF ROTATION = 180 degrees per second.

_______________________________________________________________________________ /1

10. If the radius of a tennis racquet is doubled, what is the effect on moment of inertia ?

_______________________________________________________________________________ /1

11. In biomechanical terms, explain why a gymnast must tuck tightly when performing a triple somersault.







_______________________________________________________________________________ /3

12. For the landing, why does the gymnast performing a triple somersault straighten the body ?






_______________________________________________________________________________ /2

13. Explain why a child using an adult's tennis racquet may shorten their grip.








_______________________________________________________________________________ /3

14. Using a sporting example, explain the principle of Transfer of Momentum in airborne activities.










_______________________________________________________________________________ /4


test answers


Multiple Choice Questions:

1. C 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. C

6. D 7. B 8. D 9. D 10. F

Short Answer Questions:

1. Linear motion - travel in a straight line where all parts of the body travel the same distance in the same direction
in the same time.
Eg: downhill skier holding a fixed position.
person sitting on a toboggan.

2. Angular motion - rotating around an axis. Eg: giant swing on horizontal bar.
arm action of bowling a cricket ball.

3. Shot put - less than 45 degrees due to increased height of release.

Long jump - less than 45 due to speed of run up and emphasis on horizontal distance.
High jump - greater than 45 degrees due to emphasis being on vertical distance.

4. Too high - therefore too much vertical emphasis and the ball will go up high into the air but not far

5. Too low - ball will dip quickly into the ground under the influence of gravity and flight time will be reduced.

6. The Magnus Effect : When a ball travelling through the air is also spinning, one half of the ball spins in
opposition to the oncoming air whilst the other half of the ball spins in the same direction as
the oncoming air. This creates a pressure difference with the ball always moving from an
area of HIGH pressure to one of LOW pressure. Ie: the ball curves or swings.

7. Topspin - ball dips down quickly.

Backspin - hangs in the air.
Sidespin - curves to the side in the direction of the spin.

8. Topspin - bounces low and fast.

Backspin - bounces high and slow.
Sidespin - kicks to the side in the direction of the spin.
2 2
9. (a) M x R = 3 x 1 = 3 2
(b) Moment of Inertia x Angular velocity = ( 70 x 1.5 ) x 180 = 28350

10. Quadrupled.

11. The tuck reduces the moment of inertia ( and as angular momentum is conserved in airborne activities ) thereby
increasing the angular velocity and allowing the gymnast to spin quickly and complete the three rotations.

12. Straightening the body increases the moment of inertia thereby slowing the speed of rotation and allowing the
gymnast to land without over rotating and falling over.

13. The length of the lever ( radius ) is reduced, therefore moment of inertia is reduced, therefore this allows the
racquet to be rotated more easily / quickly.

14. Pike in diving - once airborne the angular momentum is constant, therefore during the pike the momentum of the
legs is transferred to the upper body. For the entry the upper body stops rotating when the momentum is
transferred back to the legs.

definitions :

Mass : is subject to the amount of matter of an object.

Weight : is subject to the gravitational pull on an object due

to it having mass.

Inertia : a body's reluctance to change its state of motion and

is directly proportional to its mass.

Velocity : distance divided by time. v = d


Acceleration : change in velocity divided by time.

a = final v - initial v

Momentum : mass multiplied by velocity. M = mXv

Linear motion : all parts of an object travel the same distance,
in the same direction, in the same time.

eg: hands on the handlebars of a bike

downhill skier in a fixed position

Angular motion : an object rotating around an axis.

eg: somersault
spinning ball

General motion : a combination of linear and angular motion.

eg: running

N e w t o n' s l a w s o f m o t i o n :

First Law of Inertia :

An object will remain in its current state of motion

( whether that be stationary or moving ) unless acted upon by a
eg : the golf ball will sit on the tee until struck
by the club

Second Law of Acceleration :

Force = Mass X Acceleration

The greater the mass of an object, then the greater is the force
required to change its state of motion.


The acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the size of

the force applied and in the direction of the force applied.

Third Law of Action - Reaction :

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The total momentum of any system where forces of action and

reaction occur should be conserved.

eg : the momentum of a tennis racquet and ball before impact is

the same as after impact.

projectile motion:

Factors affecting projectile motion :

Velocity of release - In general terms, the greater the force

applied, and therefore velocity at release,
the further a projectile will travel.

Angle of release - When the height of release and landing are

the same then the optimal angle of
projection for maximal horizontal distance is
45 degrees.

As height of release increases then the

angle of release can be decreased.

Height of release - The higher the point of release, the greater

the flight time and ( all else being equal ) the
further a projectile will travel horizontally.

Gravity - Gravity pulls a projectile towards earth

creating a parabolic flight path.

Air Resistance - Air is a frictional force acting against the

Also, a "drag" force is created which retards


Force Couple - Two equal forces acting in parallel but

opposite directions causes rotation only
around an axis.

Eccentric Force - A force NOT through an object's centre of

gravity ( ie: off centre ) causes both linear
and angular motion.

Torque - A measure of the turning effect and is

dependant on the force(s) applied and the
distance from the axis it is applied.

Torque = Force X Moment arm

Moment of Inertia - Reluctance to rotate and is dependant upon

the mass and radius of an object.
I = Mass x Radius

Angular Velocity - The speed of rotation ( degrees per second )

Angular Momentum - Moment of Inertia x Angular Velocity.

Conservation of Angular Momentum -

Once airborne, angular momentum cannot be altered as there

is nothing to push or pull against.

Therefore, any decrease in Moment of Inertia must be met by

a corresponding increase in Angular Velocity and vice-versa.

Ie: A diver by changing from a "layout" to "pike" position will

decrease radius ( and therefore moment of inertia ) and
increase Angular velocity.

The Magnus Effect :

When a ball travelling through the air is also spinning, one half of
the ball spins in opposition to the oncoming air whilst the other
half of the ball spins in the same direction as the oncoming air.

This creates a pressure difference with objects always moving

from an area of HIGH pressure to one of LOW pressure.



Effect of spin on Flight :
Topspin : A high pressure on the top and a low pressure on
the bottom of the ball causes it to "dip" in the air.

Backspin : A high pressure on the bottom and a low pressure
on the top of the ball causes it to "hang" in the air.

Sidespin : A high pressure on one side and a low pressure on
the other side of the ball causes it to "curve" in the
direction of the spin.


Effect of spin on Rebound :
Topspin : Ball is spinning in the direction of travel so friction is
reduced and the ball bounces low and fast.

Backspin : Ball is spinning in opposite direction to travel so

friction is increased and the ball bounces high and slow.

Sidespin : Friction created by the ball's spin causes the ball to

bounce in the direction of the spin.


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