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GFF volume 123 (2001), pp. 51–54.


Depositional environment of the Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) strata at

Maltesholm, Scania, southern Sweden

Sandström, O., 2001: Depositional environment of the Campanian (Up- horst (Fig. 1). Lundgren (1895), Henning (1910), Grönwall
per Cretaceous) strata at Maltesholm, Scania, southern Sweden. GFF, (1915), and Lundegren (1934) have described the quarry. Fossils
Vol. 123 (Pt. 1, March), pp. 51–54. Stockholm. ISSN 1103-5897. are of Campanian age (Belemnellocamax mammilatus belemnite
zone) with rudists, calcareous algae, belemnites and, more
Abstract: Campanian sedimentary rocks of the Maltesholm quarry con-
scarcely, brachiopods and bivalves (Christensen 1975; Grönwall
sist of mostly coarse-grained, poorly consolidated, ruditic grainstones,
1915; Sandström 1994). Finds of vertebrate fossils are poor;
almost free of micrite and lime mud, with interbedded clay horizons.
shark teeth (Siverson 1992), scattered mosasaur remains (Lind-
The main constituents of the grainstones are coralline algae and quartz.
gren 1998), and a turtle carapace (Persson 1959). Foraminiferids
Abundance of coralline algae and lack of micrite indicate a shallow,
(Christodoulou 1993) indicate shallow, high energies and also a
nearshore, high-energy environment. Two different main facies may be
further shallowing towards the top of the sequence.
recognised, viz. fair weather facies with rudists in abundance, and storm
facies with pebble and shell fragment conglomerates, scour and fill
structures, and hummocky cross-bedded deposits. The conglomerate Conglomerates in the Kristianstad basin
pebbles are well rounded and consist mostly of Precambrian rocks, li- In the Campanian sequence of the Kristianstad basin, three dif-
monite nodules, and quartz. Palaeocurrent data of belemnite rostra indi- ferent types of conglomerates are known from the literature, viz.
cate a storm driven current direction perpendicular to an inferred pebble, intraclast, and shell-fragment conglomerates (Hadding
palaeoshoreline. Compared with other localities in the Kristianstad ba- 1927; Lundegren 1934; Surlyk 1980; Erlström 1986; Erlström &
sin, the same type of environments are found in the Ullstorp and Igna- Gabrielson 1986, 1992). These are often associated with hard-
berga quarries located in the northern part of the basin. grounds. The filling between the clasts is mostly of the same
Keywords: Kristianstad basin, Maltesholm, Campanian, limestones, material as the surrounding limestones (poorly consolidated
storm sediments, hummocky cross-stratification, conglomerates, shal- calcirudites).
low marine environment. A pebble conglomerate consists of pebbles, both crystalline
O. Sandström, Department of Geology, Lund University, Sölvegatan 13, and sedimentary in origin, often well rounded with a diameter
SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden, Manuscript re-
ceived 28 April 1999. Revised manuscript accepted 28 January 2001.

This note describes the Campanian (Upper Creatceous) lime-

stones exposed in an abandoned quarry in the southern part of the
Kristianstad basin, situated in the eastern part of Scania in south-
ernmost Sweden. Here, an unusual situation occurs where Hum-
mocky Cross Stratification (HCS) -like structures are preserved
in a coarse-grained nearshore carbonate environment. This unu-
sual HCS is here associated with conglomerates and indicates a
storm derived setting in the shoreface environment.

The sediments of the Kristianstad basin (Fig.1) were deposited in
a nearshore environment (Moberg 1888; Lundegren 1934; Erl-
ström 1994; Erlström & Gabrielson 1986, 1992) in a shallow sea
with some kind of archipelago (Surlyk & Christensen 1974;
Christensen 1975). According to Lidmar-Bergström (1982), the
present northern margin of the Kristianstad basin is probably a
result of Tertiary erosion of the sediments. The Campanian sea in
the Kristianstad area may well have been connected with the
Cretaceous basin of the Båstad area (cf. Erlström 1994). This
suggestion is supported by findings, north of the basins, of flints
which are interpreted as of local derivation or transported very
short distances (Lidmar-Bergström 1982). Fig. 1. Maps showing the location of the Kristianstad basin in Scania
The Maltesholm limestone quarry is situated in the southern and (enlarged) some localities in the basin where conglomerates are
part of the basin, at the northern margin of the Linderödsåsen found.
52 Sandström: Depositional environment of Campanian strata at Maltesholm GFF 123 (2001)

the Ignaberga site, the conglomerate is associated with a hard-

ground and is referred to as the upper hardground (Surlyk 1980).
Centimetre-sized fossil fragments and belemnites dominate shell
fragment conglomerates. Terrigenous content is very low and the
matrix is composed of a coarse grainstone.

Material and methods

A section was measured and lithologically described, covering
the maximally exposed strata. Samples were taken preferably in
the lower, the middle, and in the upper part of each lithological
unit. To obtain the relative occurrence of pebbles in the con-
glomerates, these were projected with a grid in which each
square had a side of 20 cm. In each square the pebbles were
counted and classified according to lithology. In this way a per-
centage of the total amount of pebbles could be derived for each
type of pebble in the conglomerate. The roundness of each peb-
ble was also measured according to a six graded scale were 1 is
rough and 6 is almost spherical to spherical (cf. Powers 1953).
Palaeocurrent directions were derived from directional measure-
ments of the length axis of belemnite rostra. When a current af-
fects a rostrum, it directs its length axis parallel to the current di-
rection. If the rostrum is affected by a wave the length axis will
be directed perpendicular to the wave direction. χ2-tests were
performed to test whether the directional data differed from an
expected random distribution (H0; cf Sokal & Rohlf 1995).

The exposed limestones are loosely packed, very porous, and
rather free of micrite. Two pebble conglomerate beds are present
in all quarry walls. As zero level (Fig. 2), the upper surface of the
upper pebble conglomerate was chosen. The exposed sequence
at Maltesholm quarry consists of six different facies; calcirudites
and calcarenites, calcirudite with pebbles, coarse-shelled calci-
rudite, pebble conglomerates, and shell fragment conglomerate.

Calcirudites and calcarenites

This facies consists of skeletal packstones and grainstones with
abundant silt-sized quartz grains (Fig. 3A, B). Skeletal material
includes echinoderms, foraminifers, bryozoans, bivalves, bra-
chiopods, and coralline algae, which is the most abundant skel-
etal allochem. Large-scaled, metre-sized trough cross bedding is
recognised in the uppermost and lowermost parts of the exposed
sequence (Fig. 4B). Porosity varies between 20 and 30%. CaCO3
content is between c. 50 and 70%.

Fig. 2. Lithologic section of the Maltesholm quarry. Rose diagrams re- Calcirudite with pebbles
fer to the shell fragment conglomerate and the upper pebble conglomer-
ate. The pie chart shows the percentage contents of different clasts that This facies consists of grainstones and rudstones, mostly com-
occur in the upper pebble conglomerate. posed of skeletal material, limonite grains, and quartz grains
(Fig. 3C). Porosity is c. 30%. CaCO3 content varies between 55
and 75%. Skeletal components include echinoderm fragments,
bryozoans, bivalves, brachiopods, and coralline algae, of which
the latter totally dominates. The only structures that can be rec-
between 0.5 and 20 cm. Fossil fragments may also be present in ognised are undulations interpreted here as HCS (Fig. 4A).
the conglomerate (mainly belemnites). The intraclast conglom- These, however, are very poorly developed, thus making the in-
erate is dominated by intraclasts originating from the layers di- terpretation of these very difficult.
rectly below the conglomerate (Erlström & Gabrielson 1986,
1992). Clast sizes vary between 5 and 10 cm and are often coated
with glauconite and phosphorite. Erlström & Gabrielson (1992) Coarse-shelled calcirudite
described intraclast conglomerates in the Ignaberga quarry. At The coarse shelled calcirudite occurs only below the shell frag-
GFF 123 (2001) Sandström: Depositional environment of Campanian strata at Maltesholm 53

Fig. 3. Photomicrographs of different microfacies occurring in the Maltesholm quarry. Packstone (A) and grainstone (B) of the “calcirudite and
calcarenite” facies, and grainstone (C) of the “calcirudite with pebbles” facies.

ment conglomerate. It consists of skeletal

rudstone with little non-bioclastic mate-
rial. The skeletal volume is high and
denser than the previous calcirudites.

Pebble conglomerates
The pebble conglomerates (Fig. 4C) con-
sist of mainly crystalline pebbles (gneis-
ses and granites), sedimentary pebbles of
mainly limonite and chamosite and quartz
(Fig. 2). In general, the roundness of the
pebbles is very high, and the pebbles vary
in size between 4 and 25 mm. The matrix
of the conglomerate is a calcirudite of the
same type as the surrounding sediments.
The base of the conglomerates is charac-
terised by scours cutting into the underly-
ing sediments. This type of conglomerate
is associated with HCS that are formed di-
rectly above the conglomerate. Porosity
seems to be lower than in the other facies.
One measured sample had a porosity of Fig. 4. A. Vaguely displayed undulate bedding in the “calcirudite with pebbles” facies. B.
17%. Calcarenite from the topmost part of the Maltesholm section. C. The upper pebble conglomerate.
D. The shell fragment conglomerate.

Shell fragment conglomerate

The shell fragment conglomerate (Fig.
4D) is lens-shaped, c. 1.5 m wide and 0.4
m in its thickest part, thinning out later- χ2-tests of directional data from belem- associated HCS represent storm events.
ally. It consists of large, centimetre-sized nites (Fig. 2) give significant deviations HCS in such coarse-grained sediments
fossil allochems and intraclasts. Only few from an expected random distribution (at as in Maltesholm is unusual since most
pebbles of limonite, quartz, and igneous the 5% level) for the shell fragment con- HCS structures occur in fine-grained sili-
rocks were found. HCS was also found in glomerate. However, for the pebble con- ciclastic environments, and are often rec-
association to this conglomerate. The glomerate there was no significant devia- ognised as storm effects between the Fair
CaCO3 content is about 50%. tion and thus, we have a clear indication Weather Wave Base (FWWB) and the
Brachiopods and bivalves are present of an inferred NE or SW current direction Storm Weather Wave Base (SWWB; Dott
throughout the sections. Rudists are com- in the shell fragment conglomerate. & Burgeois 1982; Brenchley 1989). At
mon in the lower parts of the section up Maltesholm normal sedimentation of
to the lowermost pebble conglomerate. coarse-grained carbonates indicates a
Above the conglomerates, rudists are Depositional environment shallow, nearshore, high-energy environ-
scarce. Belemnites occur somewhat dif- The exposed section at Maltesholm can be ment, probably well within the FWWB.
ferently. They are more common above subdivided into two different parts, repre- Also the closeness to the Linderödsåsen
and within the pebble conglomerates and senting different depositional environ- horst shows that the depositional environ-
occur more scarcely below these (cf. Fig. ments. The calcirudites represent normal ment is nearshore.
2). deposition while the conglomerates and A ‘normal’ environment for the devel-
54 Sandström: Depositional environment of Campanian strata at Maltesholm GFF 123 (2001)

opment of HCS is described from the Jurassic Fernie-Kootenay bles, coarse-shelled calcirudite, pebble conglomerates, and shell
transition in western Canada (Hamblin & Walker 1979). There, fragment conglomerate. The main constituents of the grainstones
the occurrences of HCS are parts of a regressive system and rep- are coralline algae and quartz. Abundance of coralline algae and
resent the transition from deeper tempestite-bearing mudstones lack of micrite indicate a shallow, nearshore, high-energy envi-
and siltstones to planar-bedded sandstones representing beach ronment. Two different main facies may be recognised, viz. fair
environment. The setting is thus foreshore to shoreface. In weather facies with rudists in abundance, and storm facies with
coarse-grained environments, storm deposits are most likely pre- pebble and shell fragment conglomerates, scour and fill struc-
served as conglomerates and coquinas. Also, wave-formed rip- tures, and hummocky cross-bedded deposits. The conglomerate
ples are attributed to a synonym for HCS in such environments pebbles are well rounded and consist mostly of Precambrian
(cf. Leckie 1988). Thus, the formation of HCS in ruditic lime- rocks, limonite nodules, and quartz. Palaeocurrent data of
stones is very unusual. belemnite rostra indicate a storm driven current direction per-
Sanders (2000) described four different modern gravelly pendicular to an inferred palaeoshoreline.
beaches (Kos Island, Greece) that have been strongly influenced Acknowledgements. – I thank Professor Kent Larsson and Jan Gabrielson who carefully read
by storm processes. An inferred transgression of these beaches earlier versions of the manuscript and made useful comments. Special thanks go to Anna-
Carin Andersson and Lars Gustafson for help in the field.
gives a succession for the shoreface area, similar to the succes-
sion seen in Maltesholm, thus strengthening the idea of a very
shallow setting where the depositional patterns are controlled References
mainly by storms. If the beaches described by Sanders (2000) are Bondevik, S., Svendsen, J.I. & Mangerud, J., 1997: Tsunami sedimentary facies deposited
by the Storegga tsunami in shallow marine basins and coastal lakes, western Norway.
modern analogues to the Maltesholm deposits, the shell fragment Sedimentology 44, 1115–1131.
conglomerate may have been formed as a runnel parallel to the Brenchley, P.J., 1989: Storm sedimentation. Geology Today (July-August), 133–137.
Christensen, W.K., 1975: Upper Cretaceous belemnites from the Kristianstad area in Scania.
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shoreline at Maltesholm (NW–SE). Unfortunately, the extent of Dott, R.H. & Bourgeois, J., 1982: Hummocky stratification: Significance of its variable bed-
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the outcrop does not reveal the direction of the extension of the Emery, D. & Myers, K.J. (eds.), 1996: Sequence stratigraphy. Blackwell. 297 pp.
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southern Sweden. IAS 7th Regional Meeting on Sedimentology, Abstracts, p. 61.
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common features in the upper shoreface and lower beachface en- University). Lund Publications in Geology 122, 1–37.
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vironment. Thus, the part of the Maltesholm succession where Kristianstad Basin, Scania. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 107,
these are represented do belong to this part of the beach environ- 241–254.
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stantial subsidence rate is required. However, during highstand Hamblin, A.P. & Walker, R.G., 1979: Storm dominated shallow marine deposits: The
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and lowstand situations, material tend to accumulate laterally Earth Science 16, 1673–1690.
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lowstand shedding; cf. Emery & Myers 1996; Schlager et al. Leckie, D., 1988: Wave-formed, coarse-grained ripples and their relationship to hummocky
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1994). During such circumstances, no subsidence is required and Leithold, E.L. & Burgeois, J., 1984: Characteristics of coarse-grained sequences deposited in
the resultant succession would still be ‘regressive’ in character. nearshore, wave-dominated environments - examples from the Miocene of south-west
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In prograding shore environments, storm derived conglomerates Lidmar-Bergström, K., 1982: Pre-Quaternary geomorphological evolution in Southern Fen-
are displayed in vertically stacked positions, often interbedded noscandia. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning C 785, 1–202.
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symmetrical. The structures at Maltesholm are definitely asym- Powers, M.C., 1953: A new roundness scale for sedimentary particles. Journal of Sedimen-
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metrical, thus excluding the possibility of defining them as Rossetti, F., Goes, A.M., Truckenbrodt, W. & Anaisse, Jr., J., 2000: Tsunami-induced large-
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Conclusions Surlyk, F., 1980: Upper Cretaceous and Danian outcrops in Scania and east Denmark. The
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The exposed sequence at Maltesholm quarry consists of six dif- Surlyk, F. & Christensen, W.K., 1974: Epifaunal zonation on an Upper Cretaceous rocky
ferent facies; calcirudites and calcarenites, calcirudite with peb- coast. Geology 2, 529–534.

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